7D Prefix
7D Prefix
7D Prefix
Learning Objectives:
A root or base word is a basic word that can stand on its own
without an affix
What is a prefix?
undo, untie,
unlock, unwell,
unable, unsure
An affix is a word that can be added to a root
Based on the previous word or base word to add a new meaning.
activity students will be
asked to tell what is
meant by the term prefix.
A chart will be mounted
on the board with the
meanings of the terms
prefix, affix and root
word. Students will be
told that a prefix is a type
of affix.
Students will read aloud
each definition.
Teacher will explain that
a prefix is group of letters
that come before a root
word and creates a new
word with a new
Teacher will emphasize
that the root word is a
word on its own while the
prefix is a group of letters
and not a word that can
stand on its own.
Further explanation to
students will state the
meanings of the prefixes;
un, in, re, mis, dis and
Group practice:
Students will play a game of
prefix dominoes where the will
create new words. They will be
required to write each new word
and their meanings.
Independent Practice:
Prefix Sort
Home Work:
Evaluation 2: