Seasonal Feeding Habits of Coypu (Myocastor Coypus) in South Korea

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Published by Associazione Teriologica Italiana Volume 27 (2): 123–128, 2016

Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy

Available online at: doi:10.4404/hystrix–11895

Research Article

Seasonal feeding habits of coypu (Myocastor coypus) in South Korea

Sungwon Hong1 , Phil Cowan2 , Yuno Do1 , Jeong-Soo Gim1 , Gea-Jae Joo1,∗
Department of Biological Sciences, Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Republic of Korea
Landcare Research, Lincoln 7640, New Zealand

Keywords: Abstract
Myocastor coypus
invasive species Since their introduction in 1985, coypus (Myocastor coypus) have spread widely throughout South
diet analysis Korea and are now considered an invasive species, with negative impacts on both agriculture and
stable isotope native biodiversity. Management of the species began in 2005, and related research has focused on
trapping period factors influencing population control. Cold weather may cause significant population declines but
the basis of that susceptibility has yet to be identified. Therefore, based on the analysis of 28 coypus
Article history: trapped on Eulsuk Island in the Nakdong River over a 12-month period, we sought to: (1) investigate
Received: 22 May 2016 coypu diet and body condition using the relationships between the δ 13 C and δ 15 N stable isotope
Accepted: 18 August 2016 values of coypu liver and hind-leg muscle tissues, mean temperature, and body condition index
(log weight/log body length); (2) clarify the relative use of aquatic and terrestrial food plants, and
(3) determine seasonal variations in coypu diet. Carbon and Nitrogen isotope values both differed
Acknowledgements seasonally and, in winter, between adults and juveniles. Carbon, but not Nitrogen, isotope values
We appreciated the help of veterinarians with the processing of coypus
in Nakdong River Estuary Eco-center. In addition, we thank Seung- were influenced by temperature in the weeks before sampling. The δ 15 N values of liver tissues
Ki Kim for carrying out the isotope analyses, and Maurice Lineman were influenced by sex and life stage at low temperatures; otherwise, with regard to diet, isotope
for editing the manuscript. This work was supported by a National ratios suggested that coypu primarily fed on aquatic vegetation. Coypus appear to make more use of
Research Foundation of Korea, grant from the Korean Government (NRF-
2015-Fostering Core Leaders of the Future Basic Science Program/Global the heavier nitrogen isotope in hind-leg muscle during winter, presumably associated with muscle
Ph.D. Fellowship Program). tissue metabolism contributing to weight loss. During winter, these higher metabolic requirements
together with the decreased availability of aquatic vegetation suggest that baiting near waterways
in winter could be an effective method to control invasive coypu populations.

Introduction can be used to evaluate the relative use of aquatic and terrestrial plants
Coypus (Myocastor coypus) are native to tropical regions of South (Kielland, 2001). In this methodology, higher isotope ratios indicate
America but have been introduced to a variety of other climactic a higher assimilation on animal tissues and, hence, greater food intake
zones and ecosystems across North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, (Fry, 2006). In addition, different tissues of animals have different iso-
primarily for exploitation of their fur and meat (Carter and Leonard, tope turnover rates, with liver tissues having the fastest rate (DeNiro
2002). The escape and subsequent establishment and spread of farmed and Epstein, 1981). We hypothesized that seasonal changes in temper-
coypus into the wild has resulted in significant impacts, particularly the ature would be correlated with the δ 15 N values of liver and hind-leg
disturbance of native ecosystems, damage to crops, and flooding that muscle tissues, since coypu feeding activity is reduced by cold temper-
results from their burrowing activities (Carter et al., 1999; Lowe et al., atures (Gosling, 1981a), and we expected that a coypu body condition
2000; Baroch and Hafner, 2002; Panzacchi et al., 2007; Angelici et al., index (log weight/log body length) would be correlated with the δ 15 N
2012). However, owing to the tropical origins of coypu, their mortality values of hind-leg muscle tissue. The turnover rate of liver tissue is rel-
is often high during winter months in the colder parts of their invaded atively higher than that of hind-leg muscle (DeNiro and Epstein, 1981).
range (Gosling, 1981a,b; Battisti et al., 2015). Therefore, we investig- Specifically, we sought to: (1) investigate coypu diet and body condi-
ated coypu diet, feeding, and body condition, particularly focusing on tion using the relationships between the δ 13 C and δ 15 N stable isotope
seasonal changes and how those might be exploited to improve coypu values of coypu liver and hind-leg muscle tissues, mean temperature,
management. and body condition index (log weight/log body length); (2) clarify the
In South Korea, coypus have spread widely throughout the Nakdong relative use of aquatic and terrestrial food plants, and (3) determine
River basin since the late 1990’s; however, we previously found that seasonal variations in coypu diet.
coypu cannot survive in areas subject to prolonged periods of temper-
atures below −4 ◦C (Hong et al., 2014; Battisti et al., 2015). Although
coypu feeding habits have been well studied in their native habitat and Materials and methods
in other countries where they have been introduced, little is known Study area
about the feeding habits of coypus in South Korea, especially regarding
The area (35°60 25.3000 N, 128°570 10.9400 S) used for trapping coypus
their relative use of aquatic and terrestrial plants (Abbas, 1991; Borgnia
was located around a small pond (6.94 ha) with three key trap locations
et al., 2000; Guichón et al., 2003; Prigioni et al., 2005; Corriale et al.,
(Fig. 1). The area was located on Eulsuk Island in the Nakdong River
2006; Panzacchi et al., 2007). In the present study, we used δ 13 C and
estuary, and is part of a nationally-designated refuge for migratory birds
δ 15 N values to investigate coypus feeding habits, since stable isotopes
(Lee et al., 2010). The island covers ≈336 ha and has several wetlands
and ponds that have been colonized by coypus. There was a sewage

Corresponding author treatment facility on the island from 1975 to 1993, and the island was
Email address: (Gea-Jae Joo) used as a landfill from 1993 to 1997. In 2005, the island was designated
Hystrix, the Italian Journal of Mammalogy ISSN 1825-5272 18th October 2016
©c b e2016 Associazione Teriologica Italiana
Hystrix, It. J. Mamm. (2016) 27(2): 123–128

as a migratory bird park (Williams et al. 2006; http://wetland.busan.go. log-transformed the δ 15 N values of the liver tissues and all values were
kr). normalized to remove bias (Zar, 1999).

Food plant analysis

We defined plants that did not occur in the pond as terrestrial plants
and the others as aquatic plants. The sampling area was restricted to
within 100 m of the water’s edge, since coypu feeding is limited to
that area (Abbas, 1991). Because isotopic values of soils are likely
to have influenced the plant isotopic values, plants from around the
pond were chosen randomly, with a distance of at least 30 m between
specimens from the same species (Corriale et al., 2006), and the plants
were identified using the taxonomic keys in Lee (2006). In order to
assess any preference of coypu for particular plant parts, the plants were
separated into above- and below-ground parts. Vegetation sampling
was limited during winter months since the aboveground plant parts
were dead. Plant parts were dried at 60 ◦C for 2 d and ground separately,
except for floating plants which were dried and ground in their entirety
since coypu eat them whole (Gosling, 1981a; Abbas, 1991; Wilsey et
Figure 1 – Study area on Eulsuk Island (≈336 ha) in the southern Nakdong River estuary of al., 1991; Marini et al., 2013). The vegetation components were then
South Korea. Coypu trapping was conducted in the area surrounding the pond (6.94 ha).
The filled circles are the key sites for trapping. soaked in 1 mol/L HCl for 24 h to remove organic carbon, after which
they were re-dried at 60 ◦C for 2 d (Choi et al., 2014).

Statistical analysis
Tissue collection An index of body condition was calculated using log weight per log
Coypus were captured from January 2013 to January 2014 using un- body length (Anderson and Neumann, 1983), and for data analysis,
baited live animal traps (28×30×90 cm, self-made) to avoid influen- winter was defined as the period from December to February, spring
cing isotope ratios by bait. The traps were set continuously and checked from March to May, summer as from June to August, and autumn as
twice a week, and trapped animals were euthanized. Since the coypu from September to November (Abbas, 1991; Hong et al., 2014; Battisti
is classified as an invasive species in South Korea, no approval was et al., 2015).
required to trap the animals. For each trapped coypu, recorded data
If the elapsed time between coypu captures exceeded 3 months, we
included sex (female, male), body length (cm), and weight (kg), with
assumed that the coypu population had been depleted and that a new
animals weighing <1.25 kg considered juveniles (Brown, 1975). In
group had colonized. Therefore, we compared the body condition in-
addition, tissue samples (liver and hind-leg muscle) were taken from
dices and isotope ratios of the coypu groups (all or adults only), as well
each coypu killed and samples were stored at −20 ◦C until analysed
as the body condition indices and isotope ratios of adult and juvenile
(4–6 weeks). For analysis, the tissues were dried at 60 ◦C to constant
coypus, using the independent t-test for normally distributed data or the
weight and then soaked in a solution of methanol, chloroform, and wa-
Mann-Whitney test for variables that did not exhibit normal type error
ter (2:1:0.8, volume) for 24 h to remove lipids. After three washes with
distributions. In addition, we also compared the sex ratio between the
distilled water, the tissue samples were re-dried at 60 ◦C for 2 d and
groups, using chi-square tests (contingency table analysis), and the rela-
ground to a fine powder, using a porcelain mortar and pestle (Choi et
tionship between sex and body condition, using independent t-tests. In
al., 2014).
order to assess the influence of season, sex, and life stage on the isotopic
ratios and the occurrence of interactive effects, we conducted two-way
Stable isotope analysis multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA; Johnson and Wichern,
To obtain δ 13 C and δ 15 N values, 0.4–0.6 mg dried tissue samples 1988) as implemented in SPSS 18 (IBM Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
were individually placed in tin capsules (4×6 mm) and analysed by Subsequently, the isotope ratios of the aquatic and terrestrial plants
continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry (CF-IRMS; Micro- and coypus were separately analysed, using SigmaPlot 10.0 (Systat
mass IsoPrime, Centre for Research Facilities, Pusan National Univer- Software, San Jose, CA, USA). We used t-tests for normally distributed
sity). The isotope ratios were then determined from the following rela- variables and the Mann-Whitney test for variables that did not exhibit
tionship: normal type error distributions. Seasonally divided isotope ratios of
plants and coypus were plotted against the C/N ratio in multiple scatter
δ X(‰) = [(Rsample /Rstandard ) − 1] × 1000 ‰ plots and were compared using t-tests.
where X is δ 15 N or δ 13 C and R is the corresponding δ 15 N/δ 16 N
or δ 13 C/δ 12 C value. Pee Dee Belemnite (from the Peedee Formation, Results
South Carolina, USA) and N2 gas were used as standards for δ 13 C and
δ 15 N analysis, respectively. The ratios are reported as means ± stand- Sample data
ard error (SE) (Fry, 2006). During the 12-month trapping period, we captured a total of 28 coypus,
with one group (n=13) trapped during winter to spring and a second
Estimating the effects of low temperatures on the δ 15 N group (n=15) trapped during autumn to winter (Fig. 2). Juveniles (n=4)
values of coypu tissues were only trapped in the winter of 2013 (Tab. 2). The sex ratio of the
To investigate the relationship between temperature and body condi- two groups was similar (χ 2 =3.49, df=1, p>0.05), and, excluding juven-
tion, we used mean temperatures over time periods that corresponded iles, the mean body condition index of the two groups was also similar
to the isotope turnover rates for each tissue (liver tissue, 3 weeks be- (t=-1.132, df=22; Fig. 2, p>0.05).
fore capture; hind-leg muscle tissue, 3 months before capture; Major We found 6 aquatic, 10 terrestrial, and 4 unknown plant species in the
et al., 2007). In order to assess the relative importance of low tem- study area (Tab. 3). As the mean temperature increased, the occurrence
peratures, we analysed the relationship between the δ 15 N values of the of floating and submerged vegetation also increased.
liver and hind-leg muscle tissues, body condition index, and mean tem- Excluding juveniles from the analysis, the δ 13 C values of the two
perature, using multiple regression analysis (as implemented in SPSS groups differed significantly, for both liver and hind-leg muscle tis-
18, IBM Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) for coypu groups and life stages. We sue (liver: t=-2.83, df=16, p<0.05; hind-leg muscle: t=-4.183, df=21,

Feeding habits of coypu in South Korea

Relationship between the δ 15 N values of coypu tissues

and other factors
The δ 15 N values of hind-leg muscle were more highly correlated with
body condition (β =0.42, p<0.05) than with mean temperature of the 3
months before capture (β =0.24, p>0.05; r2 =0.47, p<0.01). For adults
(n=24), the δ 15 N values of hind-leg muscle were more highly correl-
ated with body condition index (β =0.35, p>0.05) than mean temper-
ature (β =0.19, p>0.05; r2 =0.33, p<0.05). Whereas for the juveniles
(n=4), the δ 15 N values of hind-leg muscle were more highly correl-
ated with mean temperature (β =0.98, p<0.05) than body condition in-
dex (β =0.16, p>0.05; r2 =1.00, p<0.05).

Isotope ratios of food plants

The isotope ratios of terrestrial and aquatic plants differed signific-
antly for both above- and below-ground tissues (δ 13 C: z=-3.30, p<0.01;
δ 15 N: z=-6.09, p<0.01). No differences were observed in the iso-
topes of above- and below-ground parts for either aquatic plants (δ 13 C:
Figure 2 – Body condition indices of coypus (n=28) captured on Eulsuk Island, South z=-1.25, p>0.05; δ 15 N: t=-0.21, df=33, p>0.05) or terrestrial plants
Korea during a 12-month period (11 Jan 2013 to 3 Jan 2014). Filled circles represent male (δ 13 C: t=-0.31, df=37, p>0.05; δ 15 N: t = 0.31, df=37, p>0.05). How-
coypus, and empty circles represent female coypus.
ever, the isotope ratios of aquatic plants clustered closer to those of
coypus than to those of terrestrial plants (Fig. 4).

p<0.01; Fig. 3), with lower values observed in the winter/spring group
than in the autumn/winter group.
With juveniles excluded, the δ 15 N values of the two groups also
differed significantly for both liver and hind-leg muscle tissue, with
lower values of hind-leg muscle tissues observed in the winter/spring
group than in the autumn/winter group, and higher values of hind-
leg muscle tissues observed in the winter/spring group than in the
autumn/winter group (liver tissues: p<0.05, t=-2.96, df=12, hind-leg
muscle: p<0.01, t=-3.23, df=17). In addition, the δ 15 N values of the
hind-leg muscle tissue of juveniles in the winter/spring group differed
significantly from those of the adults. (t=3.34, df=11, p<0.01).
The δ 15 N levels in liver tissue were not dependent on the mean tem-
perature of the 3 weeks prior to capture (p>0.05), although the levels
of δ 13 C were influenced significantly by temperature (p<0.05). Sim-
ilarly, the δ 15 N level of hind-leg muscle was not associated with the
mean temperature of the 3 months before capture (p>0.05) whereas the
δ 13 C level was (p<0.05). The model of sex based on life stage was
significant (p<0.05 for δ 15 N of liver tissues, MANOVA).

Figure 4 – Isotope ratio plots (means with 95% error bars) of plants and coypus collected
from Eulsuk Island, South Korea during a 12-month period (11 Jan 2013 to 3 Jan 2014). For
the plant data, empty symbols represent aquatic plants, filled symbols represent terrestrial
plants, triangles represent aboveground plant parts, and circles represent belowground
plant parts. For the coypu data, empty quadrangle represents hind-leg muscles, and filled
quadrangle represents liver tissues.

The δ 15 N values of aquatic plants differed significantly from those of

terrestrial plants, except during the first winter sampling period, when
analysis was limited by low sample sizes (winter: p>0.05, z=-1.464;
spring: p<0.01, t=5.33, df=12.68; autumn: p<0.01, t=5.07, df=9,
winter: p<0.01, t=3.00, df=19). In addition, the δ 15 N values of roots
and stems from aquatic plants differed significantly (δ 15 N: t=-2.85,
df=7, p<0.05). In general, the isotope ratios of the coypu were more
similar to those of the aquatic plants than the terrestrial plants. During
the first winter, coypu diets included little, if any, aquatic plants. Dur-
ing spring, the δ 15 N values of aquatic plants were closer to those of the
coypu tissues. By autumn, the floating plants had emerged. The nitro-
Figure 3 – Isotope ratio plots (means with 95% error bars) of liver and hind-leg muscle gen isotope ratios of the underground parts of aquatic plants and coypu
tissue from two groups of coypus captured on Eulsuk Island, South Korea during a 12- tissues were related. The aboveground portions of the aquatic plants
month period (11 Jan 2013 to 3 Jan 2014). Filled symbols represent liver tissue, empty
symbols represent hind-leg muscle tissue, circles represent the group captured during the yielded comparatively higher nitrogen isotope ratios than the coypu tis-
winter and spring of 2013, and triangles represent group captured during the autumn and sues. During early winter, the overall δ 15 N values of any aquatic plants
winter of 2013/2014.
and coypus decreased, and the values of livers and hind-leg muscles
also decreased. Similarly, the values of aquatic plants were closely re-
lated to the values of coypus (Fig. 4).

Hystrix, It. J. Mamm. (2016) 27(2): 123–128

Table 1 – Summary of adult coypu captured from Eulsuk Island, South Korea during a 12-month period (11 Jan 2013 to 3 Jan 2014). (The number of isotopic ratios determined is shown in
parentheses if those differ from the number of captured individuals due to sample contamination).

Season Winter 2013 Spring 2013 Autumn 2013 Winter 2014

Sex Female Male Male Female Male Female Male
Number 3 3 3 5 1 6 3
log Weight/log Body length 0.30±0.02 0.31±0.04 0.32±0.05 0.37±0.02 0.35 0.32±0.02 0.34±0.04
δ 13 C of liver -27.75±0.41 -27.43±0.21 (2) -25.95±0.53 - - -25.10±0.73 (5) -22.54±1.09 (2)
δ 15 N of liver 10.22±1.89 9.55±0.36 (2) 10.35±0.89 - - 10.53±0.79 (5) 10.48±0.51 (2)
δ 13 C of hind-leg -27.04±0.83 -27.10±0.89 -23.67±0.83 -23.53±36 (3) - -23.32±0.58 (4) -22.62±1.68
δ 15 N of hind-leg 10.85±0.24 11.12±0.12 10.51±0.71 13.20±0.38 (3) - 10.32±0.67 (4) 10.98±0.47

Discussion that between isotope assimilation by hind-leg muscle tissue and mean
temperature. Coypus would be expected to exhibit higher rates of meta-
Food plant analysis
bolism at lower temperatures than at higher temperatures (Dixon et al.,
Most investigations of isotope ratios in animals have been restricted to 1979; Fry, 2006). The δ 15 N values of the hind-leg muscle tissues
carnivorous or omnivorous mammals, owing to the lack of δ 13 C signa- were correlated with the relatively long-term mean temperature (i.e.,
tures for soil or plants (Kielland, 2001; Urton and Hobson, 2005; Ben- 3-month average), since the turnover rate of the hind-leg muscle tissue
David and Flaherty, 2012). Recently, however, the application of a mix- was relatively slow, owing to the lower metabolic rate of muscle tissue
ing model has enabled the analysis of herbivore food sources (Severud at lower temperatures. However, the isotope ratios in hind-leg muscle
et al., 2013). Isotope ratios of soils normally cannot be used to identify tissues exhibited a stronger relationship to the body condition index
vegetation, since plants use the same soil as a nutrient source. How- than to mean temperature, and the body condition indices of trapped
ever, when the same plant species are growing in different soils, it may coypus decreased after winter (Tab. 1). Therefore, coypus appear to
be possible to use isotope ratios to determine feeding sites (Kielland, make more use of the heavier nitrogen isotope in hind-leg muscle dur-
2001). Our study area was transformed from a landfill into a protected ing winter, presumably associated with muscle tissue metabolism con-
area in 2005, which involved creating new waterways and wetlands us- tributing to weight loss. In addition, this pattern was even more evident
ing soils from other regions (Lee et al., 2011). Therefore, the aquatic in juveniles, perhaps a reflection of their lower fat reserves and higher
and terrestrial soils of the island possessed different isotope ratios. In surface area to volume ratios than adults. This may explain the higher
addition, the water level of the pond is managed so that terrestrial areas rate of mortality in juveniles than in adults (Aliev, 1973; Doncaster and
are not flooded (Williams et al., 2013). Thus, local soil composition Micol, 1990).
may have contributed to the different δ 15 N values of aquatic and ter-
restrial plants. Seasonal variation in isotope ratios enables has been used to identify
changes in the relative importance of vegetation types in animal diets
Relationship between the δ 15 N values of coypu tissues (Owen-Smith, 1994; Kielland, 2001). During the winter, the δ 15 N val-
and other factors ues of aquatic plants decreased at the study site, but the C/N ratios
of the coypu tissues did not follow the changes in vegetation isotope
The strongest relationship among mean temperatures, body condition ratios, likely because the coypus fed on the live submerged parts of
index, and the δ 15 N values of liver and hind-leg muscle tissues, was some aquatic plants, thus, maintaining similar δ 15 N values. In addi-
tion, as mentioned previously, the isotopic values could be maintained
by the metabolism such as use of the heavier nitrogen isotope in hind-
Table 2 – Characteristics of juvenile coypu captured from Eulsuk Island, South Korea leg muscle. Therefore, the δ 15 N liver values could be higher than hind-
during winter only. leg muscle values. During spring, floating plants were not included
in the analysis since they had not emerged yet, so the aquatic plants
Season Winter 2013 are fully featured in the diet, and coypus appeared to eat both above-
Sex Female Male and below-ground plant parts (Tab. 2). As floating plants emerged,
Number 2 2 the δ 15 N hind-leg values increased, and reflected with those of coypu
log Weight/log Body length 0.02±0.02 0.05±0.04 tissues. At our study site, there were few floating plants, so we were
δ 13 C of liver -27.67±2.66 -25.98±1.01 unable to determine food preferences within aquatic plants, although
δ 15 N of liver 15.12±0.98 10.10±1.22 coypus are known to prefer floating plants (Lemna spp.) and plants
δ 13 C of hind-leg -26.49±0.23 -27.34±0.80 in the Pontederiaceae (Wilsey et al., 1991; Guichón et al., 2003). Al-
δ 15 N of hind-leg 8.85±0.31 9.77±0.81 though we could not determine preferences for specific plants, it was

Figure 5 – Seasonal δ 13 C and δ 15 N values (means with 95% error bars) of plants and coypus collected from Eulsuk Island, South Korea during a 12-month period (11 Jan 2013 to 3 Jan 2014).
For the plant data, empty symbols represent aquatic plants, filled symbols represent terrestrial plants, triangles represent aboveground plant parts, and circles represent belowground
plant parts. For the coypu data, empty quadrangle represents hind-leg muscles, and filled quadrangle represents liver tissues. a) winter 2013; b) spring 2013; c) autumn 2013; and d) winter

Table 3 – Plants collected from Eulsuk Island, South Korea and their carbon and Nitrogen isotope levels in different seasons (n = sample size).

n Winter n Spring n Autumn Winter

δ 13 C δ 15 N δ 13 C δ 15 N δ 13 C δ 15 N δ 13 C δ 15 N
Aquatic plants Emergent Poaceae
Paspalum distichum 2 -13.13±0.29 5.00±0.15 2 -15.16±0.33 6.44±0.39 - - - 2 -15.16±0.79 6.33±2.71
Phragmites communis 2 -28.71±0.62 6.46±0.24 2 -27.71±1.02 5.54±0.86 5 -27.48±0.63 10.79±1.04 3 -26.51±0.18 4.10±0.28
Phragmites communis 2 -28.71±0.62 6.46±0.24 2 -27.71±1.02 5.54±0.86 5 -27.48±0.63 10.79±1.04 3 -26.51±0.18 4.10±0.28
Pseudoraphis ukishiba - - - 2 -29.24±1.29 6.60±0.43 - - - 1 -29.14 5.8
Scirpus tabernaemontani 1 -28.32 0.13 5 -29.35±0.80 9.18±4.27 1 -28.42 8.82 2 -29.59±1.80 6.63±1.28
Floating Salviniaceae
Salvinia natans - - - - - - 1 -29.91 14.2 - - -
Submerged Haloragaceae
Myriophyllum spicatum - - - - - - 2 -21.73±3.59 13.61±0.70 2 -18.02±0.34 8.76±0.27
Terrestrial plants Poaceae
Setaria viridis - - - 3 -12.56±0.07 1.57±0.59 - - - 1 -12.42 3.55
Chenopodium album - - - - - - 1 -28.87 4.86 - - -
Artemisia princeps 1 -30.56 1.37 2 -29.93±0.83 3.71±1.27 - - - 4 -29.47±0.61 3.82±0.85
Conyza bonariensis - - - 2 -28.79±1.39 1.89±0.14 - - - 1 -28.5 0.43
Bidens frondosa 2 -29.01 0.83±0.10 3 -28.90±0.16 1.85±0.80 1 -29.76 2.77 - - -
Taraxacum platycarpum - - - - - - - - - 2 -28.19±0.64 3.98±0.38
Oenothera biennis - - - 2 -29.39±0.81 1.30±0.68 - - - - - -
Spinacia oleracea - - - 2 -31.00±0.47 4.49±0.98 - - - 3 -30.87±0.53 3.95±1.40
Humulus japonicus 1 -29.05 2.17 1 -28.97 4.61 - - - - - -
Salvia plebeia - - - 3 -26.60±2.64 2.08±0.75 - - - - - -
Unknown species 4 -30.06±0.96 -0.76±3.0
Feeding habits of coypu in South Korea

Hystrix, It. J. Mamm. (2016) 27(2): 123–128

clear that the diet of coypus was largely derived from the aquatic sys- Dixon K.R., Willner G.R., Chapman J.A., Lane W.C., Pursley D., 1979. Effects of trapping
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The low temperatures of winter influence thermoregulation, so that Doncaster C.P., Micol T., 1990. Response by coypus to catastrophic events of cold and
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more energy is required for maintenance and activity (Moinard et al., Ehrlich S., 1966. Ecological aspects of reproduction in nutria (Myocastor coypus Mol.).
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during winter months (Gosling, 1979). Therefore, coypus appear to Fry B., 2006. Stable isotope ecology. Springer. New York.
Gosling L.M., 1979. The twenty-four hour activity cycle of captive coypus (Myocastor coy-
survive winter by sacrificing body mass and use various strategies to pus). J. Zool. 187(3): 341–367.
maintain their body temperature, including the avoidance of heat loss, Gosling L.M., 1980. The duration of lactation in feral coypus (Myocastor coypus). J. Zool.
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Gosling L.M., Guyon G., Wright K., 1980. Diurnal activity of feral coypus (Myocastor
(Gosling, 1979), burrowing in dens, and huddling in groups (Gosling coypus) during the cold winter of 1978-9. J. Zool. 192(2): 143–146.
et al., 1980; Moinard et al., 1992). Furthermore, although not observed Gosling L.M., 1981a. Climatic determinants of spring littering by feral coypus, Myocastor
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Associate Editor: G. Amori


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