Linux Lab
Linux Lab
Linux Lab
1. Learn basic terminal commands and how to work with a text editor
2. Become familiar with the Linux environment
3. Learn to run a Python program from the command-line
4. Learn about file permissions
5. Learn about redirection and pipes
Linux is an operating system much like OS X or Windows. It has windows, programs, web browsers, and
so on. Files are stored in directories (folders) that, in turn, are stored in other directories. Although you can
access Linux’s features using your mouse, as you perform more and more complex tasks, you will find that
using the mouse is ineffective. Linux allows us to interact with the computer entirely through text using a
program called the terminal. (Macs provide a similar terminal application, and there are ways to use text-
based commands on Windows too. But, Linux provides the lowest barrier to entry.) In this lab you will
learn how to use the terminal to perform some basic operations in Linux. You will need these skills for the
rest of your time at UChicago.
We show many examples of sample output below. The output you see when you run the commands may
vary a bit. For example, most of you are not named “Gustav Martin Larsson”.
On your personal computer, you probably navigate your hard drive by double clicking on icons. While
convenient for simple tasks, this approach is limited. For example, imagine that you want to delete all of
the music files over 5 MB that you haven’t listened to in over a year. This task is very hard to do with the
standard double-click interface but is relatively simple using the terminal.
On the virtual desk, click the Application button (at the top left) and type “terminal” in the input box. Click
the “terminal” icon to open the terminal window. (See Logging into the CS Department Virtual Desktop
Server for screen shots.)
A terminal window will open and you will see text of the form:
where username has been replaced by your CNetID and computer is the name of the virtual machine you
happen to be using. This string is called the prompt. When you start typing, the characters you type will
appear to the right of the $.
The program that runs within a terminal window and processes the commands the you type is called
a shell. We use bash, which is the default shell on most Linux distributions, but there are other popular
shells, such as ksh, tcsh, etc.
The procedure for completing this lab is as follows. For each section, read through the explanatory text and
the examples. Then, try these ideas by doing the exercises listed at the bottom of the section.
The virtual desktop connects to a network file system. Effectively there is one very large shared hard drive.
Your files are available from any of the vDesk servers and all of our directories live in the same space.
The figure above illustrates how Linux organizes the file system. Your own computer might have a slightly
different organization (e.g., you might replace / with C:), but the idea is the same.
For the above and from this point forward, consider that the text “username” is replaced with your own
actual username, which is just your CNetID.
Show Files
The terminal will start in your home directory, /home/username/, which is a special directory assigned to
your user account. Any desktop that you get to via the CS vDesk server will automatically connect to your
home directory and all files that you created or changed in previous vDesk sessions will be available to
Two very useful commands are pwd and ls:
pwd Prints your current working directory - tells you where you are in your directory tree.
username@computer:~$ pwd
username@computer:~$ ls
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Change Directory
cd <path-name> change to the directory path-name
cd Desktop
Here is an example of changing to the desktop directory in the terminal. We use pwd and ls to verify
where we are and where we can go:
username@computer:~$ pwd
username@computer:~$ ls
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username@computer:~$ cd Desktop
username@computer:~/Desktop$ pwd
username@computer:~/Desktop$ ls
Notice that after we cd into the Desktop the command pwd now prints out:
rather than:
In the beginning, there are no files in the Desktop directory, which is why the output of ls in this directory
is empty.
We can move up one step in the directory tree (e.g.,
from /home/username/Desktop to /home/username or from /home/username to /home) by
typing cd .. Here “up” is represented by “..” In this context, this command will move us up one level
back to our home directory:
username@computer:~/Desktop$ pwd
username@computer:~/Desktop$ cd ..
username@computer:~$ pwd
Notice that the current working directory is also shown in the prompt string.
username@computer:~$ pwd
username@computer:~$ cd /home/username/Desktop
username@computer:~/Desktop$ pwd
username@computer:~/Desktop$ cd /home/username
username@computer:~$ pwd
These commands achieve the same thing as the ones above: we cd into Desktop, a folder within our home
directory, and then back to our home directory. Paths that start with a / are known as absolute
paths because they always lead to the same place, regardless of your current working directory.
Running cd without an argument will take you back to your home directory without regard to your current
location in the file system. For example:
username@computer:~/Desktop$ cd
username@computer:~$ pwd
To improve the readability of our examples, we will use $ as the prompt rather than the full
text username@computer:~$ in the rest of this lab and, more generally, in the course going forward. Keep
in mind, though, that the prompt shows your current working directory.
cp -r ~amr/linux_lab_remote .
Copy-Paste: In Windows (Mac) you usually copy-paste with Ctrl-C (Command-C) and Ctrl-V (Command-
V). On our Linux systems, you can to use Ctrl-Shift-C and Ctrl-Shift-V, but you may find that this
method does not reliably work on all Linux systems.
This directory contains a subdirectory, lab1, that has some files for us to play with. You will learn how to
manipulate these files in the next section. Note that you will also see subdirectories named pa0 and pa1.
You can ignore these for now.
Use pwd, ls, and cd to navigate to the lab1 subdirectory.
cp <source> <destination>
where <source> is replaced by the name of the file you want to copy and <destination> is replaced by
the desired name for the copy. An example of copying the file test.txt to copy.txt is below:
$ cp test.txt copy.txt
<destination> can also be replaced with a path to a directory. In this case, the copy will be stored in the
specified directory and will have the same name as the source.
Move (mv) has exactly the same syntax, but does not keep the original file. Remove (rm) will delete the file
from your directory.
If you want to copy or remove an entire directory along with its the files, the normal cp and rm commands
will not work. Use cp -r instead of cp or rm -r instead of rm to copy or remove directories (the r stands
for “recursive”):
Make sure you want to remove everything in the named directory, including subdirectories, before you
use rm -r.
You can make a new directory with mkdir directoryname, where directoryname is the desired name
for the new directory.
Try the following tasks to practice and check your understanding of these terminal commands.
1. Execute the above copy command and use ls to ensure that both files exist.
2. Move the file copy.txt to the name copy2.txt. Use ls to verify that this command worked.
3. Make a new directory named backups using the mkdir command.
4. Copy the file copy2.txt to the backups directory.
5. Verify that step (4) was successful by listing the files in the backups directory.
6. Now that we have a copy of test.txt in the backups directory we no longer need copy2.txt.
Remove the file copy2.txt in this directory.
It can be tedious (and, when you are tired, challenging) to spell directory or file names exactly, so the
terminal provides an auto-complete mechanism to guide you through your folder explorations. To access
this functionality simply start typing whatever name you are interested in the context of a command and
then hit tab. If there is only one way to finish that term hitting tab will fill in the rest of the term, for
instance, if we typed ls b and then hit tab it would automatically finish the word ls backups and then
await our hitting enter. If there is MORE than one way to finish a term, like if we had another folder
called backups-old, then hitting tab twice with cause the terminal to display all of the options available.
Training yourself to use auto-completion (aka tab completion) will save you time and reduce the inevitable
frustration that arises from mistyping filenames when you are tired or distracted.
Using an Editor
List the files in the lab1 directory. You should see the following:
How do we view and edit the contents of these files? There are many high-quality text editors for Linux.
We will use Visual Studio Code, which is good for writing code.
You can open a specific file, say test.txt, using the code command from the Linux command-line by
code test.txt
When you run this command, you will get a new window that looks like this:
Specifically, you’ll see the following text:
If the file is blank, quit code and ensure that the file test.txt exists in your local directory (use ls to list
the files in your local directory). If it does not, use cd to navigate to the lab1 subdirectory inside
the lab1_linux_remote directory.
Note: somewhat counterintuitively, the menu bar for Visual Studio Code is at the top of the Browser
window. You need to run your mouse over the name to see the menu options.
For now, we will use Visual Studio Code (code) in a very basic way. You can navigate to a particular
place in a file using the arrow keys (or your mouse) and then type typical characters and delete them as you
would in a regular text editor. You can save your changes using the save option in the file menu or use the
keyboard shortcut Crtl-s. To quit, you can use the file menu quit option or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-
As an aside, you can also launch code from the application launcher: simply click the Application button
(at the top left of your screen), type “code” in the input box, and then click on the Visual Studio Code icon.
You can then use the file menu to navigate the correct file. As with the terminal application, you might
want to pin the icon for launching Visual Studio Code to your launch bar (right click your mouse and
choose the “Lock to Launcher” menu item.)
Make sure that you are comfortable with this level of usage:
1. Add your name after Author: in this file
2. Save the file
3. Close and reopen the file in code and ensuring that your name is still there
4. Finally, close code.
This program is a very simple. It just prints “Hello, World!” to the screen.
There are several variants of Python, including Python 2.7 and Python 3. We will be using Python 3 and
the corresponding python3 interpreter. The CS machines have Python 2.7 installed as the default Python.
As a result, the command python runs a version of Python 2.7. There are some differences between the
two languages and Python 3 programs may not run properly using a Python 2.7 interpreter.
print("Hello, World!")
Change this line so that it instead says “Hello ” and then your name. For example if your name were
Gustav Larsson, the line would read:
print("Hello, Gustav!")
$ ls *.txt
The wildcard can represent a string of any length consisting of any characters - including the empty string.
It is important to be careful using wildcard, especially for commands like rm which cannot be undone. A
command like:
1. Navigate to your linux_lab_remote directory. What do you see when you run ls pa*? What
about ls pa*/*?
2. What do you expect to see when you run the command ls ../pa* from within
your linux_lab_remote/lab1 directory?
$ pwd
$ ls
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$ pwd ; ls
Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Templates Videos
First, pwd is executed and run to completion, and then ls is executed and run to completion. The two
examples above are thus equivalent, but the ability to run multiple commands together is a small
convenience that could save you some time if there is a group of commands that you want to execute
The shell doesn’t care about white space, so it will run any of the following as well:
$ pwd;ls
$ pwd ;ls
$ pwd; ls
$ pwd ; ls
The examples in this section will use commands that we’ve not yet discussed. Refer to the man pages for
information about unfamiliar commands.
As we already know, commands like pwd, ls, and cat will print output to screen by default. Sometimes,
however, we may prefer to write the output of these commands to a file. In Linux, we can redirect the
output of a program to a file of our choosing. This operation is done with the > operator.
Try the following example and compare your output with ours:
$ cd
$ touch test-0.txt
$ ls > test-1.txt
$ cat test-1.txt
$ echo "Hello World!" > test-2.txt
$ cat test-2.txt
Hello World!
$ cat test-2.txt > test-1.txt; cat test-1.txt
Hello World!
$ rm test-*
(Change back to your lab1 directory before you try this command.)
In general, all Linux processes can perform input/output operations through, at least, the keyboard and the
screen. More specifically, there are three ‘input/output streams’: standard input (or stdin), standard output
(or stdout), and standard error (or stderr). The code in simply reads information
from stdin and writes it back out to stdout. The redirection operators change the bindings of these
streams from the keyboard and/or screen to files. We’ll discuss stderr later in the term.
In addition to the ability to direct output to and receive input from files, Linux provides a very powerful
capability called piping. Piping allows one program to receive as input the output of another program, like
$ program1 | program2
In this example, the output of program1 is used as the input of program2. Or to put it more technically,
the stdout of program1 is connected to the stdin of program2.
As another more concrete example, consider the man command with the -k option that we’ve previously
discussed. Let’s assume that you hadn’t yet been introduced to the mkdir command. How would you look
for the command to create a directory? First attempts:
As we can see, neither of these options is particularly helpful. However, with piping, we can
combine man -k with a powerful command line utility called grep (see man pages) to find what we need:
1. Use piping to chain together the printenv and tail commands to display the last 10 lines of
output from printenv.
2. Replicate the above functionality without using the | operator. (hint: Use a temporary file.)
Man Pages
A man page (short for manual page) documents or describes topics applicable to Linux programming.
These topics include Linux programs, certain programming functions, standards, and conventions, and
abstract concepts.
To get the man page for a Linux command, you can type:
So in order to get the man page for ls, you would type:
man ls
This command displays a man page that gives information on the ls command, including a description,
flags, instructions on use, and other information.
Each man page has a description. The -k flag for man allows you to search these descriptions using a
keyword. For example:
man -k printf
This searches all the descriptions for the keyword printf and prints the names of the man pages with
File Permissions
Sometimes we want to restrict who can access certain resources on the file system.
Most file systems assign ‘File Permissions’ (or just permissions) to specific users and groups of users.
Unix is no different. File permissions dictate who can read (view), write (create/edit), and execute (run)
files on a file system.
All directories and files are owned by a user. Each user can be a member of one or more groups. To see
your groups, enter the command groups into the command line.
File permissions in Unix systems are managed in three distinct scopes. Each scope has a distinct set of
User - The owner of a file or directory makes up the user scope.
Group - Each file and directory has a group assigned to it. The members of this group make up
the group scope.
Others - Every user who does not fall into the previous two scopes make up the others scope.
If a user falls into more than one of these scopes, their effective permissions are determined based on the
first scope the user falls within in the order of user, group, and others.
Each scope has three specific permissions for each file or directory:
read - The read permission allows a user to view a file’s contents. When set for a directory, this
permission allows a user to view the names of files in the directory, but no further information about the
files in the directory. r is shorthand for read permissions.
write - The write permission allows a user to modify the contents of a file. When set for a directory, this
permission allows a user to create, delete, or rename files. w is shorthand for write permissions.
execute - The execute permission allows a user to execute a file (or program) using the operating system.
When set for a directory, this permission allows a user to access file contents and other information about
files within the directory (given that the user has the proper permissions to access the file). The execute
permission does not allow the user to list the files inside the directory unless the read permission is also
set. x is shorthand for execute permissions.
To list information about a file, including its permissions, type:
ls -l <filepath>
$ ls -l /usr/bin/python3.5
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4460272 Aug 20 /usr/bin/python3.5
First thing we can notice is that the owner of the file is a user named root. (FYI, root is a name for an
account that has access to all commands and files on a Linux system. Other accounts may also have “root”
privileges.) The file’s group is also root.
The permissions are -rwxr-xr-x. The initial dash (-) indicates that /usr/bin/python3.5 is a file, not a
directory. Directories have a d instead of a dash. Then the permissions are listed in user, group, and others
order. In this example, the owner, root, can read (r), write (w), and execute (x) the file. Users in
the root group and all other users can read and execute the files.
By default, any files or directories that you create will have your username as both the user and the group.
(If you run groups, you’ll notice that there is a group with the same name as your username. You are the
only member of this group.) On our Linux machines, by default, new files are give read and write
permissions to user and group and no permissions to other. New directories will be set to have read, write
and execute permissions for user and group.
1. Verify this claim by running ls -l backups/copy2.txt and ls -ld backups in
your lab1 directory.
The -d flag tells ls to list the directory, instead of its contents. Notice that that the first letter in the
permissions string for backups is a d, while it is a - for backups/copy2.txt.
Once you have verified the claim, go ahead and remove the backups directory using the command: rm -
r backups.
To change a file’s group (if you are the owner or root), use the command:
It is unlikely that you will need to use these two commands for this course.
1. Run echo "Hello!" > testfile to construct testfile. Look at the permissions using ls -l.
2. Change the permissions on testfile to allow and read access for others. Run ls -l testfile to
check the new permissions.
3. Remove group write access from testfile. Check the corrected permissions.
4. Remove testfile using rm.
Final Notes
Sometimes, a program will run indefinitely or misbehave. When this happens, you can type Ctrl-C to send
an interrupt signal to the running program, which usually causes it to terminate. On occasion, you may
need to type Ctrl-C a few times. Typing Ctrl-D sends an end of input signal, which tells the program that
no more information is coming.