AZUL Report Team 7

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Team members: Yuqing Xiao(1089109) , Hongsang Yoo(1105791)

We have chosen three methods (Deep Q-learning, Minimax, and Monte Carlo Tree Search) to
build agents and used one version of our Minimax as the final agent. During implementation,
we have tried different ways to improve our results and tested our agents against each other.
The baseline we used to test our agents is the naïve player from the teaching team’s code. We
have read some previous related work and we modified part of their algorithms to implement
our reward function. In sections 2 to 4, we introduce our methods and how they were developed.
In section 5, critical assessment of our final agent is illustrated. Finally, two team members’
self-reflection are provided in section 6.

Why we chose this method: Q-learning is a simple but powerful algorithm. However, it will
require a considerable size of q-tables if state space and action space are too large. In our case,
we have a large number of state and action spaces. Therefore, we tried deep Q-learning because
it is more capable of handling large scale problems in that we can use a neural network to
approximate the Q-value function. The basic framework used in the code was based on OpenAI
Gym. The formula for updating parameters for Q-learning is shown below to introduce network
structure in the next section:


1.1.1. NETWORK
The input of the network is state feature and the output is the all possible actions. We used two
networks because there could be divergence when calculating the predicted and the target value
using the same network. One is a network for prediction and the other is a frozen network.
Basically, the two networks use the same function, but parameters from the prediction network
are updated to the frozen network, which makes training more stable, via freezing parameters.
Therefore, we used a prediction network to predict Q-values for the current state and frozen
network to infer Q-values for the next state in every replay.
We stored the parameters (replay data) of prediction network for every action, state, reward,
and next_state and trained according to batch size. Then when making decisions, we retrieve
the stored replay data (series of action, state, reward, and next_state) when each round is over.
Further, when the entire game is over, we retrieve the stored replay data throughout the game
again. By doing so, we train the network for the length of every round as well as the length of
the entire game.
The feature to represent the player state consists of three parts: player state (47), enemy state
(47) and the round information (1). For the game state, we combine Pattern Line, Floor Line,
and Grid Status to represent the game state in the network. For example, if currently, we
have R: 1, B: 2, W: 3, K: 4, Y: 5, the game state is represented as follows:

• Pattern line(15) : ['W', 'Y', 'Y', 'B', 'B', 'B', 'K', 'K', 'K', 0, 'K', 'K', 'K', 'K', 'K']
• Grid(25): ['B', 'Y', 'R', 0, 0, 'W', 'B', 0, 'R', 'K', 'K', 'W', 0, 'Y', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Y', 0, 'R', 0, 0, 0]
• Floor(7): [-1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0 ]
• State_feature(47) = Pattern_line(15) + Floor(7) + Grid(25)
During the implementation, we found that the information of factories is not that useful, so it
was not used in the representation of the game state. The player state feature is combined with
the enemy state and round information.
The basic policy for reward was player_score - enemy_score. More specifically, we used the
difference of change of scores between players in the round to train for the very round and the
difference of the total scores including bonuses to train the replay for the entire game. Therefore,
the more points player wins by, the more rewards it gets and it will get minus reward if lost.
This evaluation was more effective compared to giving a fixed reward.
It beats Naive player with a winning rate of 60%. Not too bad but not too strong. Possibly there
are too many action spaces to train. Firstly, we tried to represent state-action pair features in a
way of getting only available actions for every state. However, the problem was that these
available actions for each state change every time and it was hard to update values to the right
one in the network.

Why we chose this method: Minimax is a decision rule used in game theory for minimizing
the loss for the worst case and maximizing the gains. Although the game used for this project,
AZUL, can be played with more than two players, there are only two players in the competition.
For two-player games, the minimax algorithm is a good tactic because it’s a zero-sum game,
where two players are working towards opposite goals. In this game, no matter how many
scores we get, if the enemy gets more score than mine, we lose. Therefore, we thought minimax
is one of the most effective algorithms for this game.
As seen in the figure below, layers have different minimizing or maximizing objectives so as
to decide the action that can maximize the gains for the current player.


In addition to basic minimax algorithms, since there are many actions to prune, we used alpha-
beta pruning to reduce the search space to make the algorithm more effective. In addition, since
not all actions are equally worthwhile to explore, we further pruned actions by filtering actions
based on the move contributing to the number of tiles needed to fill the pattern line + floor tiles
(the lower, the better).
At first, we gave fixed points when the player wins or loses (i.e. 10 or -10), but after
discussion, we adjusted the fixed points to (player_score – enemy_score), and Minimax
outperformed the naïve player. This difference between player and enemy score was much
more effective in maximizing and minimizing player/enemy gains. We also added the
number of remaining tiles in the pattern line and the grid to gear the agent towards filling the
line at one go and putting more tiles in the grid.
Some evaluation metrics that were implemented but were not reflected in the final agent
include center strategy and stopping the enemy’s goal strategy. The former is to prevent
scattered formation in the grid by giving more penalty when completed tiles are not adjacent.
The latter is giving points to a move that stops what the enemy wants.
For each line, look at which color enemy will want to take and sum the number of tiles they
need. Subtract this number from tiles in the factory (if it is negative then we will get -1 which
means it is very good for us, the enemy has no way of completing the line for the
round). This will return a vector [1 3 4 9 -1] [B Y R K W], where 3 is number of tiles enemy
needs from Y etc. Now our action is also same vector [2 -1 -1 -1 -1]. This means we take 2
blue tiles. If we take the dot product between these two vectors, then if we are taking the
resources our enemy needs or if we are not taking the tiles our enemy can’t possibly
complete, it will result in a high number.
Combined with this stopping opponent goals with the evaluation metric above can be expressed
as following formula:
𝑉𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 = 𝑎 ∗ [(𝐻𝑒𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙) − (𝐻𝑒𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑠 𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙)]
+ 𝑏 ∗ (𝐻𝑒𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑝𝑝𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑔𝑜𝑎𝑙)
However, contrary to our expectation, adding this metric showed worse performance. One
possible explanation is adding this heuristic may impact the primary heuristics [player_score
– enemy_score]. And there is an assumption that every enemy’s action should be reasonable,
which is not always the case. This remains further to be studied.
Although we used alpha-beta pruning, due to the large number of available actions for each
state, initially we couldn’t go into more than the depth of 2. However, by pruning further
actions that are not worthwhile, we could apply depth 4 to 5. Minimax agents showed a quite
effective and powerful movement and achieve a winning rate of about 90 percent against the
naive player. Therefore, it was adopted as our final agent. More details of strengths and
weaknesses are covered in the 5. Final agent section.


Why we chose this method: The Monte Carlo method is to use randomly sampled values to
estimate the true value based on Central Limit Theorem. The larger number of samples we use,
the closer the average value will be to the true value. Hence, MCTS has its advantage for game
algorithms such as the famous one AlphaZero. MCTS is simple to implement with heuristic
algorithm that can operate effectively without any knowledge in the particular domain such as
rules and end conditions. It can find the move we need and learn from them by playing random
rollouts. Besides, MCTS can be saved in an intermediate state which can be used in the future.
MCTS supports asymmetric expansion of the search tree based on the circumstances in which
it is operating.
In this game, we used model-free Monte Carlo Tree Searching first to play games randomly
and get the reward value after a single round. The algorithm is as follows:
When we meet a new game state: New MCT node, rollout many times and select the best
For one rollout, do the following:
• Selection: select a node unexpanded fully
• Expansion: expand this node by adding all children of it
• Simulation: run rollouts with another agent to give a reward for this node
• Backpropagation: use the reward of the current node to update its ancestors
UCT method is a very popular method that can be used in MCTS. It balances the exploration-
exploitation trade-off. UCT is a combination of MCT and Upper Confidence Bound (UCB)
which is applied to trees as the strategy in the selection process to traverse the tree. For
two-player adversarial games, UCT converges to a minimax algorithm. The parameters are
characterized by the formula that is typically used for this purpose, which is given below.
𝜋(𝑠) = 𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑄(𝑠, 𝑎) + 2𝐶𝑝.
𝑁(𝑠, 𝑎)
The Q-value of a leaf is its reward, the formula of Q-value of other nodes in our method is as
𝑄= 5 𝑁(𝑠) ∗ Q(s)
∑!∈!#$ 𝑁(𝑠)
At first, we used the random player to do the simulation. From the result against the naïve
player, we can tell with the smaller rollout, we won’t time out and the result was good. After
that, we used the naive player and minimax player to do the simulation. During these tests, the
result became worse because it became easier to timeout. Then we updated the reward function
by calculating the expected bonus after a single round instead of the entire game. The result
was better. Besides, we noticed that the UCT formula is also very important. The original one
that we used is the formula in the lecture, as the equation is the 4.2. By testing against our
another player and naive player, we found a more usable equation as follows:
𝑃(𝑠, 𝑠′)
𝜋(𝑠) = 𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑄(𝑠, 𝑎) +
1 + 𝑁(𝑠)

Although we could not test the final agent in the practice tournament, comparing to our
minimax player in the initial stage it has the following strengths. 1) Depth increased from 1 to
4 by pruning further implausible actions. 2) More rich evaluation metrics were used other than
initial evaluation metrics. Just a few examples of these are the number of tiles in the grid and
the number of remaining tiles in the pattern line. By adding these, it worked in a way that fills
the line at one go and tries to put as many tiles in the grid as possible. Some weakness may
include that the number of actions to be explored were sacrificed to increase depth. In addition,
it is not very likely, but it may time-out with bad luck due to the increased depth. Apart from
weakness or strength, there were more brilliant ideas we implemented (explained in the
evaluation section of 3. Minimax) but could not be included in the final version because it
performed worse in contrast to our expectation and did not have enough time to test our
changed model in the last phase.
I could learn about how to work on group project. Since I have not had experience in doing
group projects before, participating in a group work was a big challenge for me. In this special
situation when we can’t directly meet, I learned how to collaborate via team meeting online
and by utilising tools such as trello and slack. And using google doc, we wrote down our ideas
and give feedback to each other. Even though not all of this resulted in the actual
implementation, discussing ideas itself was something that I could not obtain from lectures and


I played Go for a long time when young, and even when I was shocked to see the results of
game between Alphago-Lee Sedol, I did not expect myself learning this stuff. I just can’t
believe I learned core algorithms that’s used in the Alphago and understand a bit. First, I
learned about blind search and various techniques in reinforcement learning. I did not like
planning, especially PDDL, but it was my happiest day of this semester when I received the
feedback that one of my approaches was impressive in the last assignment. From lectures and
materials, I learned a good deal of reinforcement techniques. However, it was never mine until
I went through numerous failures in implementation. During the project, I spent most of my
time in code implementation. Although I learned a lot from this process, I had a very good
lesson that theoretical part and skills to implement this should be balanced.


While all team members contributed significantly, I could say I spent time a lot. Although this
project is mainly about implementing major algorithms, I had to know how the game works.
While I failed for countless times, I analysed this project’s code and could understood and
modify all the important functions in many classes. Time contribution did not always lead to
good results but that was something I could do best. In addition, we used google doc to
exchange ideas. I tried to give some ideas and give feedbacks to others’ opinions and update
some important changes in what I have been currently working on.


I want to be a research engineer. While learning throughout the semester and doing projects, I
realised a good balance between theory and actual skills for implementation is necessary. While
I need to be equipped with more formal knowledges, I should not neglect the effort of trying
to put this into implementation. I tried my best to follow the lecture contents but did not spare
time for further reading papers and publications. I should review what was covered throughout
semester and read relevant interesting papers related to each lecture topic. In addition, I want
to improve communication skills and project administrations skills required in group project.


During working on this assignment, I have learned the importance of communication, the value
of responsibility, and the sense of consciousness. During the previous two assignments of these
subjects, I met one of my teammates in the discussion board on the LMS. I noticed that they are
asking the same question that I was confused about. And after I know we need to build a team to
finish this assignment, I send a message to them over the canvas and we become teammates. I
learned how great it is to meet some people share your excitement about new Artificial
Intelligence knowledge and confusion about some technical concerns. During we worked
together, we used Discord, Slack, Zoom, and Trello to organize our workflow and support our
information sharing.


I learned more deeply about Monte Carlo Tree Search MCTS, Minimax Tree Searching, and
heuristic function during this assignment. By implementing those algorithms, I have deeper
thoughts about how those algorithm is working and why it benefits for the game. For example,
during coding for the MCTs, I noticed the difference MCTs with and without Markov Decision
Process. I am more clear about how every rollout updates the existing reward value of those
nodes in the tree and why different formula will change the result. I understand the relationship
between exploration and exploitation profoundly. By implementing the minimax, I noticed how
different depths we looked at will influence the performance and how different strategies of
pruning will change the data structure which will affect the result in the following.


The best aspect of me in this team will be my responsive attitude for the whole time. I am willing
to spend time organizing our system and taking more challenging parts during the whole time.
From the first part of the building team and planning the whole procession of this assignment, to
the end part of reviewing each other’s report writing and updating our results, I have always been
there loyally to our team and build the basis for team to build more reasonable result. When
something goes wrong, or someone in the team has to withdraw this subjects, I deal with the
situation pretty well by thinking about how to recover our loss and solve the problem instead of
dividing the responsibilities.


The most area I need to improve will my programming ability. During learning lectures, I can
understand the professor’s point and take those quizzes quickly. But when I want to implement
that algorithm in a particular problem, sometimes it is hard to give a perfect solution. I think what
I need to do is implementing small algorithms during regular lectures to improve my
programming ability. In this way, better programming ability can also help me implement my
algorithm more quickly which will give me more time to improve it.

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