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Afm Online I
Meaning of Dividend
Dividend refers to the part of profits of the company which
is distributed by the company among its shareholders.
It’s the reward of the shareholders for investments made by
them in the shares of the company.
in cash, it may issue notes or bonds for amounts due to the shareholders.
The objective of scrip dividend is to postpone the immediate payment of
cash. A Scrip dividend bears interest and is accepted as a collateral
Property Dividend: Property dividends are paid in the form of some
assets other than cash. They are distributed under exceptional
circumstances and are not popular in India.
Stock dividend:
Stock dividend means an issue of bonus shares to the existing
shareholders. If a company does not have liquid resources it is better to
declare stock dividends. Stock dividends amounts to capitalization of
earnings and distribution of profits among the existing shareholders
without affecting the cash position of the firm.
Types of Dividend Policy
Regular dividend policy
Stable dividend policy
Irregular dividend policy
No dividend policy
Regular dividend policy:
Payment of dividend at the usual rate is termed as regular dividend.
The investors such as retired persons, widows and other economically
weaker persons prefer to get regular dividends.
It establishes a profitable record of the company.
It creates confidence amongst the shareholders.
It aids in long term financing and renders financing easier.
12. Inflation
The fall in the future rate of dividend results in the fall of the
market price of shares considerably, this may cause unhappiness
among the shareholders.
The reserves of the company after the bonus issue decline and
Leaves lesser security to investors.
Meaning of working capital:
It refers to the funds invested in current assets, i.e. investment in
sundry debtors, cash and other current assets.
Depository system:
A Depository is an organization which holds the securities of a
shareholder in electronic form at the request of the shareholder.
The name of the depository appears in the records the issuer as the
registered owner of securities.
SEBI grants necessary approval for the same only on the satisfaction of
the condition that adequate systems and safeguards are available in such
companies in order to ensure against manipulation of records and
(b) Rematerialisation.