Confirmation - Check-In
Confirmation - Check-In
Confirmation - Check-In
Boarding Zone
Please take this boarding pass to the airport for your flight
Proceed t o a Lion Air Check-in / dedicat ed bag drop count er no lat er t han 60 minut es t o depart ure
You are deemed to have agreed and complied with the security requirements
Important Notice
1. Ensure t hat you have all t he valid t ravel document s wit h you
2. Baggage allowance ent it lement is as per st at ed in your e-t icket
3. Accept ance of t he boarding pass is subject ot t he Airport Aut horit y ruling
4. For operat ional safet y and securit y reasons we may change your seat even aft er you have
boarded t he aircraft
5. You are advised t o report t o boarding gat e at least 30 minut es prior t o depart ure t ime or else
you will be offloaded from t he flight and liable for Gat e no-show fee
Boarding Zone
Boarding Zone
Please take this boarding pass to the airport for your flight
Proceed t o a Lion Air Check-in / dedicat ed bag drop count er no lat er t han 60 minut es t o depart ure
You are deemed to have agreed and complied with the security requirements
Important Notice
1. Ensure t hat you have all t he valid t ravel document s wit h you
2. Baggage allowance ent it lement is as per st at ed in your e-t icket
3. Accept ance of t he boarding pass is subject ot t he Airport Aut horit y ruling
4. For operat ional safet y and securit y reasons we may change your seat even aft er you have
boarded t he aircraft
5. You are advised t o report t o boarding gat e at least 30 minut es prior t o depart ure t ime or else
you will be offloaded from t he flight and liable for Gat e no-show fee
Boarding Zone
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
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