Introduction To Judaism
Introduction To Judaism
Introduction To Judaism
1) Viewing “Judaism: My Life, My Religion”
2) Introduction to Judaism: Jewish Identity
3) The Shema and Discussion
Video: Judaism. My Life, My Religion
Before and during the short
introductory film, create a chart
similar to the following:
To be Jewish means:
The History of Judaism:
See the detailed note “Timeline of
Jewish History”
Abraham and Sarah (copy in notes)
● Considered the first Patriarch of Judaism.
● (Lived in a polytheistic age where people often worshipped many idols and
believed in many Gods. There are many stories of Abraham in the (Midrash)
smashing his father’s idols, showing Abraham was the first person to believe
in a single God.
● God spoke to Abraham and asks Abraham to leave his home and travel to the
land promised to his descendents. By his faith in God, he became a nomad.
● Sarah, worried she was too old to bear children, offered Abraham a
maidservant named Hagar. Hagar gave birth to Ishmael (Muslims believe to
be descendants of Ishmael).
● Eventually, by God’s will, Sarah conceived and gave birth to Isaac. God
tested Abraham’s faith by asking him to sacrifice Isaac (Jews believe to be
descendants of Isaac).
Tomb of the Patriarchs.
Hebron, Palestine.