Aamodt - Tutorial Quiz

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Industrial Organizational Psychology - Aamodt (Tutorial Quiz)

CHAPTER 1 d. error in the calculation b. merit

1. The use of ________ best distinguishes I/O CHAPTER 2 c. comparable worth
psychology from related fields taught in business 1. The ________ is the process of determining d. internal equity
colleges. the work activities and requirements, and the 10. The job evaluation process determines the
a. psychological principles ________ is the written result. amount of money that a job is worth; this amount
b. statistics a. job analysis / job description is called ________ compensation.
c. intuition b. job evaluation / job description a. financial
d. consultants c. job analysis / job evaluation b. monetary
2. Psychologists in the area of ________ d. job description / job analysis c. indirect
concentrate on workplace design, man-machine 2. Which of the following sections in a job d. direct
interaction, and physical fatigue. description can affect a person's perceptions of CHAPTER 3
a. training and development the status and worth of a job? 1. With, ________ , employees and the
b. organizational psychology a. Brief summary organization meet with a neutral third party who
c. personnel psychology b. Job title tries to help the two sides reach a mutually
d. human factors c. Work context agreed-upon solution.
3. I/O psychology made its first major impact in: d. Work activities a. mediation
a. World War II 3. According to the author, the section of a job b. transformation
b. the Antebellum Period description which contains the knowledge, skills, c. arbitration
c. the Hawthorne Studies abilities, and other characteristics necessary to d. negotiation
d. World War I be successful on the job is labeled ________ ; 2. ________ is a judicial interpretation of a law
4. Which of the following is NOT a factor that will the section containing a list of tasks and activities and is important because it establishes a
affect I/O psychology in the next decade? in which the worker is involved is labeled precedent for future cases.
a. Increases in technology ________ . a. Case law
b. Global economy a. work context / work activities b. A sanction
c. Global warming b. job competencies / work activities c. A statute
d. All 3 will affect I/O psychology c. performance standards / work d. A briefing
5. A(n) ________ is an educated prediction activities 3. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects against
about the answer to our research question. d. job competencies/ work context discrimination for five classes. Which of the
a. belief 4. Gertrude is writing job descriptions and can't following is NOT one of these five protected
b. assumption decide whether she should include "getting classes?
c. hypothesis coffee for the boss" as a task. Her decision is a. Race
d. guess related to the issue of: b. Religion
6. Asking "will the results of laboratory research a. formal vs. informal requirements c. Pregnancy
generalize to organizations in the "real world" is b. the DOT Code d. All are covered by the 1964 Civil
related to: c. the Peter Principle Rights Act
a. construct validity d. level of specificity 4. The ________ is thought to be the most
b. face validity 5. During the job analysis interview, the important piece of employment legislation since
c. external validity questions asked should be: the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
d. internal validity a. true-false a. Equal Pay Act
7. Manipulating the ________ best distinguishes b. highly structured b. Vietnam-Era Veterans
experimental research methods from other c. open ended Readjustment Act
research methods. d. multiple choice c. Americans with Disabilities Act
a. statistical results 6. Which of the following is a proper task d. Sexual Preference Fairness Act
b. dependent variable statement? 5. Nagy Industries is considering reserving the
c. intervening variable a. Have good math skills best parking spots for employees who are 7
d. independent variable b. Be a good writer months pregnant. Is this legal?
8. Which of the following survey methods has the c. Edits supervisor's memos a. No, pregnancy cannot be treated
lowest response rate? d. Treat customers nicely better than other short term disabilities
a. The three have equal response rates 7. Which of the following job analysis methods b. Yes, pregnancy can be treated
b. Email provides information about working conditions? better than other short term disabilities
c. Mail a. JCI c. Yes, the Pregnancy Discrimination
d. Interview b. FJA Act requires companies to provide
9. In general, the majority of the research c. AET accommodations
comparing college student samples with actual d. PAQ d. No, giving preference would violate
employee samples conclude that college 8. An employee who inquires about his/her level the Pregnancy Discrimination Act
students behave ________ real world samples. of pay compared to other employees within the 6. If an employment practice results in adverse
a. similar to same organization is addressing the issue of impact, the employer needs to demonstrate that
b. The research results are inconsistent ________ . the employment practice is ________ or exempt
c. different than a. internal equity from adverse impact.
d. No research is available b. external equity a. job related
10. If a researcher calculated a correlation c. comparable worth b. a historical practice
coefficient of r = 1.27 between two variables, you d. merit c. really not as bad as the statistics
would conclude that there is a(n): 9. If an organization's compensation plan is assert
a. very low correlation competitive with other similar organizations', d. reliable
b. high correlation they are said to have:
c. moderately low positive correlation a. external equity
7. Which of the following would be considered a. Use of intuition a. a work sample
sexual harassment? ________ asking a(n) b. Job-related questions b. a cognitive ability test
________ coworker for a date. c. A standardized scoring key for each c. an assessment center
a. Repeatedly / disinterested question d. job knowledge testing
b. Once / interested d. All applicants are asked the same 5. Which of the following assessment center
c. Once / disinterested questions techniques allows the applicant to demonstrate
d. Repeatedly / interested 6. Applicants attempting to be interviewed such attributes as creativity, decision-making,
8. Which of the affirmative action strategies immediately after a poor applicant are and ability to work with others?
would involve an employer changing the demonstrating their understanding of the: a. Out-basket technique
company policy or the way an organization is a. contrast effect b. Business games
decorated? b. halo effect c. Simulations
a. Identification of discriminatory c. lack of job relatedness d. In-basket technique
practices d. primacy effect 6. The 16PF is a personality inventory whose 16
b. Preferential hiring and promotion of 7. What is the first step in constructing a dimensions were determined by a factor
minorities structured interview? analysis. The 16PF is an example of a(n)
c. Recruitment of minority applicants a. Creating a scoring key ________ test.
d. Recruiting through employee referrals b. Writing questions a. theory-based
9. When rendering decisions involving the 4th c. Removing primacy effects b. empirically-keyed based
Amendment, as it applies to drug testing, courts d. Conducting a job analysis c. statistically-based
have based their decisions on all of the following 8. Interviews that contain only past-focused d. parapsychology-based
factors except: interview questions are also known as: 7. Which of the following psychological tests or
a. reasonable suspicion of drug use a. patterned behavior description selection methods is LEAST likely to predict the
b. adverse impact interviews criterion with which it has been paired?
c. the opportunity to retest a specimen b. situational interviews a. Interest inventories / employee
d. safety and trust of the public c. structured interviews performance
10. The case law most pertinent to privacy d. unstructured interviews b. Cognitive ability / performance ratings
issues and psychological testing is: 9. How many paragraphs does the typical cover c. Biodata / tenure
a. Soroka v. Dayton Hudson letter contain? d. Personality inventories / sales
b. Niebuhr v. Oswald a. Three 8. ________ are difficult to fake and were
c. Griggs v. Duke Power b. Five developed to measure a person's tendency to be
d. All three cases are equally pertinent c. One aggressive.
CHAPTER 4 d. Four a. Conditional reasoning tests
1. Based on the available research, which of the 10. Which of the following is NOT an important b. Interest inventories
following recruitment strategies may enhance principle used in writing a resume? c. Realistic job previews
employee morale and motivation? a. Primacy d. Polygraphs
a. Use of electronic media b. Relevance 9. The human resource manager at Robson
b. External recruitment c. Unusualness Machinery is looking for a method to hire
c. Job analysis d. Relativity employees that will predict future performance
d. Internal recruitment CHAPTER 5 and have little adverse impact. Which of the
2. An organization that does not want its name in 1. A factor contributing to the low validity following would you most recommend?
public, or fears that people won't apply if they between references and performance is a. Cognitive ability tests
knew the name of the company, would probably: "leniency." Which of the following factors does b. Personality inventories
a. advertise on the radio NOT contribute to leniency of references? c. Graphology
b. use a blind box ad a. Length of the letter of reference d. Integrity tests
c. use point of purchase recruiting b. Confidentiality of the reference CHAPTER 6
d. recruit at colleges and universities c. Applicants choose their own 1. There are three major ways to determine
3. "General Manager: Seeking position as references whether a test is reliable. With the ________
General Manager in Hotel /Motel Restaurant d. Fear of legal ramifications method, several people each take the same test
operation. Six years of experience in all aspects 2. Which of the following is NOT true regarding twice.
of hospitality industry (includes personnel, food the use of grade point average for employee a. alternate forms reliability
and beverage, sales, training). Excellent selection? b. test-retest reliability
references available upon request. Reply to Box a. GPA predicts job performance c. dual reliability
3349, East Barre, Vermont." This advertisement b. GPA predicts best in the first years d. repeat reliability
BEST exemplifies a(n): after graduation 2. When computing internal reliability, ________
a. internal recruitment ad c. GPA has low adverse impact is used for dichotomous items and ________ is
b. external recruitment ad d. All three are true used for interval and ratio items.
c. situation-wanted ad 3. Cognitive ability tests are excellent predictors a. coefficient alpha / K-R 20
d. newspaper ad of employee performance, but because they b. coefficient alpha / Spearman-Brown
4. Research has indicated that employees almost always result in ________ , they should c. K-R 20 / coefficient alpha
referred by successful employees had ________ be used with caution. d. Spearman-Brown / coefficient alpha
than did employees who had been referred by a. invasion of privacy issues 3. ________ is the degree to which inferences
unsuccessful employees. b. adverse impact from scores on tests or assessments are justified
a. shorter tenure c. misdiagnosis by the evidence.
b. higher motivation d. high costs a. Structural stability
c. longer tenure 4. A selection method that requires data-entry b. Validity
d. lower motivation clerk applicants to actually enter information into c. Reliability
5. Which of the following is NOT part of a highly a computer using a particular software package d. Hypothesis
structured interview? is MOST accurately referred to as:
4. A typing test was administered to 50 data- 2. ________ ratings have been successful in CHAPTER 8
entry clerks at a particular organization. There predicting future success of promoted 1. Conducting a ________ analysis is the first
was a strong correlation between their scores on employees but/and are ________ in step in developing an employee training system.
the typing test and their performance as data- organizations. a. organizational
entry clerks. This type of correlational analysis a. self-appraisal / often used b. needs
refers most specifically to establishing: b. Peer / seldom used c. task
a. construct validity c. Self-appraisal / seldom used d. demographic
b. concurrent validity d. Customer and subordinate / seldom 2. You examine the job descriptions for every
c. content validity used position in your company and determine that
d. criterion validity 3. According to most research, subordinate every employee must know how to use Excel to
5. If a small police department uses a cognitive feedback results in: be successful. What level of analysis is this?
ability test because a meta-analysis indicated a. increased supervisor performance a. Operations analysis
cognitive ability is the best predictor of b. bad feelings among employees b. Organizational analysis
performance in the police academy, it is: c. subordinates being fired c. Task analysis
a. using the Taylor-Russell method d. higher supervisor turnover d. Person analysis
b. breaking the law 4. Whereas trait-focused instruments 3. Which of the following is the best training
c. using validity generalization concentrate on who an employee ________, objective? "By the end of this training, the
d. going to see a reduction in quality task-focused instruments focus on what an employee:"
6. If a police applicant is asked questions about employee ________ . a. will be able to correctly answer
her favorite hobbies and religious beliefs, she a. feels / believes 90% of customer questions
may feel the test is not valid. In this case, her b. does / is b. will be a better salesperson
impression demonstrates the importance of c. is / does c. will be more knowledgeable
________ validity. d. believes / feels d. will have learned about our product
a. concurrent 5. Which of the following employee comparison line
b. face methods involves comparing each possible pair 4. ________ exercises allow the trainee to work
c. construct of employees and choosing which one of each with equipment and in an environment like that
d. criterion pair is the better employee? found in the actual job.
7. If test takers do not believe that items on a test a. Paired comparison a. Simulation
measure what they are supposed to measure b. Forced distribution b. Critical incident
then the test probably lacks: c. Behavioral anchored rating scale c. Case study
a. face validity d. Rank order d. Programmed instruction
b. concurrent validity 6. The most common type of rating scale is the 5. Behavior modeling has been one of the most
c. criterion validity ________ scale. successful training methods. Whereas role play
d. reliability a. behavioral anchored rating has trainees perform behavior they might
8. The Taylor-Russell tables provide an estimate b. graphic rating normally perform, behavior modeling has
of the ________ if an organization uses a test. c. behavioral observation trainees role play ________ behavior they might
a. amount of money saved d. forced choice rating perform on the job.
b. legal risk 7. Amy works at a bank that is trying to get a. average
c. liability customers to apply for vehicle loans. As hard as b. ideal
d. percentage of successful Amy tries, she is unsuccessful because the c. below average
employees bank's loan rates are not very competitive. When d. role play is not part of behavior
9. A test predicts performance for one group of evaluating Amy's performance, her supervisor modeling
applicants (e.g., men), but does not predict must consider the loan rates as a: 6. Which of the following is NOT an advantage
performance for another group of applicants a. source of contamination of job rotation?
(e.g., women). This exemplifies: b. performance dimension a. Expands employees' levels of
a. known-group validity c. modifier responsibility
b. differential validity d. halo factor b. Allows for greater staffing flexibility
c. single-group validity 8. Documenting employee performance: c. Allows for lateral transfer
d. utility a. reduces legal liability d. Can increase job satisfaction
10. A test predicts performance for two different b. decreases rating accuracy 7. Which training technique assigns a new
groups of applicants (e.g., men and women); c. increases employee anxiety employee with an experienced employee who is
however, the test predicts the performance d. increases recency errors told to "show the kid the ropes?"
significantly better for men than it does for 9. The ________ affects the quality of ratings a. Apprenticeship training
women. This exemplifies: provided by raters. b. Coaching
a. differential validity a. amount of stress in the rater's c. Person analysis
b. known-group validity environment d. Job rotation
c. utility b. the feelings the rater has toward the 8. Overlearning:
d. single-group validity ratee a. increases retention of material
CHAPTER 7 c. the race of the rater and the ratee b. increases boredom
1. The statement "It's not fair to pay a poor d. All of these are factors c. increases stress in training
employee the same amount of money as an 10. A performance appraisal instrument would d. decreases trainee performance
excellent employee" exemplifies the need for be most useful in terminating an employee due 9. Supervisors who set goals, provide feedback,
accurate performance appraisals in: to: and encourage employees to use their training
a. employee training and feedback a. a layoff are trying to motivate employees to:
b. determining salary increases b. employment-at-will a. come to training
c. making promotion decisions c. a violation of company rules b. pay attention during training
d. training needs assessment d. an inability to perform c. transfer what is learned in training
to the job
d. perform better in training expectancy theory, this plan will not motivate b. not really related (r = .03)
10. Taflinger Industries sent 15 employees to a employees. c. moderately correlated (r = .21)
training program on customer relations. Three a. valence d. almost perfectly correlated (r = .95)
weeks later, the company noticed a 23% b. expectancy 9. To help employees cope with stress and
increase in sales. Using the evaluation criterion c. instrumentality personal problems, ________ employers
of ________ , it appears that the training worked. d. equity provide employee assistance programs (EAPs).
a. employee reactions 10. Employees who work with highly motivated a. some (36%)
b. business impact employees are likely to be ________ than b. most (75%)
c. application of training employees who work with unmotivated c. very few (5%)
d. employee learning coworkers. d. almost all (92%)
CHAPTER 9 a. less satisfied 10. You would like to hire employees who will not
1. Janice sends all of her new employees to a b. more resentful miss work. Your best bet would be to hire
self-esteem workshop. She must believe in c. less challenged applicants who score high on the personality
________ . d. more motivated dimension of:
a. consistency theory CHAPTER 10 a. agreeableness
b. social learning theory 1. Job satisfaction is most related to: b. neuroticism
c. expectancy theory a. organizational commitment c. conscientiousness
d. equity theory b. tenure d. extroversion
2. According to research by Eden (1998), c. absenteeism CHAPTER 11
training supervisors to use the Pygmalion d. performance 1. A top executive never receives negative
Leadership Style: 2. Which of the following is not a component of a information from her staff. This is known as
a. does not increase subordinate self- core self-evaluation? ________ and is a disadvantage of ________
esteem a. Self-efficacy communication.
b. increases employee self-esteem b. Self-monitoring a. proximity / serial
c. has had mixed results c. Self-esteem b. MUM effect / horizontal
d. will save an organization money d. Locus of control c. proximity effect / downward
3. ________ needs are the third level of 3. Clay is very intelligent and Joshua is not very d. MUM effect / serial
Maslow's hierarchy of needs. bright. On the basis of the meta-analysis by 2. Which of these is NOT a method of downward
a. Biological Griffeth, Hom, and Gaertner (2000), we would communication?
b. Ego expect Clay to be ________ with his job and a. Bulletin board
c. Social Joshua to be ________ satisfied with his job. b. Memo
d. Safety a. dissatisfied / satisfied c. Complaint box
4. Brian assigns tasks that are challenging, yet b. satisfied / dissatisfied d. Policy manual
achievable and specifically tells employees what c. satisfied / satisfied 3. Which of the following is NOT good email
he expects from them. It sounds like Brian d. intelligence is not related to job etiquette?
believes in: satisfaction a. Include a greeting
a. goal setting theory 4. According to ________ "new" employees who b. Don't write in all caps
b. the Pygmalion effect work with highly satisfied "old" employees are c. Include a one-word subject line
c. intrinsic motivation theory more likely to be highly satisfied themselves. d. All 3 are good email etiquette
d. providing feedback a. consistency theory 4. ________ communication is the exchange of
5. Operant conditioning focuses on: b. individual differences theory a message across a communication channel
a. modeling of behavior c. social information processing from one person to another.
b. reinforcement of behavior theory a. Intrapersonal
c. employee needs d. McClelland's needs theory b. Horizontal
d. self-esteem 5. According to a meta-analysis by Colquitt and c. Downward
6. Which of the following incentive plans is not a his colleagues, ________ justice is most related d. Interpersonal
group incentive plan? to job performance. 5. Nonverbal communication refers to:
a. Profit sharing a. procedural a. body language
b. Gainsharing b. distributive b. the way in which a person uses space
c. Merit pay c. interactional c. how a person uses time
d. Stock options d. All three are equally related to d. All of these
7. Benefits provide ________ and variable pay performance 6. The tone, tempo, and volume in which one
provides ________ . 6. Which theory hypothesizes that enriched jobs speaks is a nonverbal cue known as:
a. security / incentive are the most satisfying? a. paralanguage
b. incentive / incentive a. Job characteristics model b. proximity
c. security / security b. Equity c. body language
d. incentive / security c. ERG d. artifacts
8. Which of the following is the most complicated d. Two-factor 7. ________ is a conscious decision not to
incentive plan? 7. Which of the following is NOT a measurement process certain information whereas ________
a. Profit sharing for job satisfaction? is an attempt to deal with every message
b. Pay for performance a. ERG received.
c. Merit pay b. JIG a. Error / omission
d. Stock options c. MSQ b. Redundancy / omission
9. The sales manager for Clinton Inhalants has d. JDI c. Omission / redundancy
promised a $5,000 bonus to any sales 8. According to a meta-analysis by Griffeth and d. Omission / error
representative who increases sales by 500%. his colleagues (2000), absenteeism and 8. Which of the following is NOT a method for
According to the ________ component of turnover are: handling communication overload?
a. highly correlated (r = .76) a. Use of a gatekeeper
b. Use of multiple channels a. coaching c. Appoint someone as a devil's
c. Omission b. directing advocate
d. Assimilation c. supporting d. Elicit outside information
9. If you made an oral presentation to your class d. delegating 7. ________ teams consist of representatives
on styles of listening, who would most likely 9. A manager in an office is well liked and from various departments within an organization.
remember the number of listening styles? respected. The manager is likely to have a. Customer-service
a. Stylistic listeners ________ power. b. Homogeneous
b. Technical listeners a. referent c. Parallel
c. Inclusive listeners b. legitimate d. Self-directed work
d. Leisure listeners c. reward 8. The barriers to interpersonal communication
10. The readability index that uses the number d. expert that can cause conflict are:
of uncommon words is: 10. According to Project GLOBE, cultures can a. gender/status/cultural
a. Fry Readability Graph differ on ________ , the extent to which b. status/psychological/cultural
b. FOG Index individuals express pride in their organizations c. physical/cultural/psychological
c. Dale-Chall Index and families. d. jurisdictional/resource/physical
d. Flesch Index a. humane orientation 9. A person who ignores conflict and hopes it will
CHAPTER 12 b. in-group collectivism go away is using a(n) ________ style.
1. Meta-analyses indicate that several traits c. power distance a. accommodating
differentiate excellent leaders from poor leaders. d. social collectivism b. forcing
Intelligence is one of the traits and ________ is CHAPTER 13 c. collaborative
another. 1. POWs who were isolated from other prisoners d. avoiding
a. cooperation had a lower need to live than POWs housed with 10. In ________ , a neutral outside party listens
b. calmness older soldiers. This negative emotional reaction to the arguments of both sides in a conflict and
c. extraversion demonstrates the need for: then makes a decision that each side must
d. masculinity a. power accept.
2. The Job Choice Exercise measures needs for: b. affiliation a. Nonbinding mediation
a. leadership c. control b. Binding mediation
b. power, affiliation, and achievement d. common interests c. Binding arbitration
c. socialization and acceptance 2. The East Barbarians softball team in the Great d. Nonbinding arbitration
d. power, affiliation, and acceptance White North Softball League has continually CHAPTER 14
3. Leaders who are high in task orientation and improved its record over the nine years it has 1. When organizations undergo change, the final
low in person orientation will have: been in the league. Most recently, the East stage employees go through is called:
a. a high grievance rate Barbarians, with the same team members as in a. discarding
b. a low grievance rate the previous eight years, won the league b. defense
c. low turnover championship for the first time. In this scenario, c. denial
d. low performance winning the championship probably BEST d. internalization
4. ________ leaders are insecure and seldom exemplifies the effects of: 2. To create a good atmosphere for change, it is
rock the boat or cause trouble. a. the stability of group membership important for an organization to create:
a. Paranoid/passive-aggressive b. the group's homogeneity a. dissatisfaction with the current
b. Narcissistic c. group status system
c. High likability floater d. group communication structure b. a sense of the "good old days"
d. Obsessive-compulsive 3. Julie provides information to Temea who c. a way to hide the change from
5. According to your text, ________ is probably provides information to Juan who provides doubters
the only training program in the country information to Julie. This is an example of which d. none of the three is a good idea
concentrating on changing the situation rather type of communication network? 3. A manager is about to make a decision
than the leader. a. Centralized regarding work schedules. He has been with the
a. Lead or Follow! b. Circle company for 20 years and has all of the
b. contingency training c. Chain information needed to make the decision.
c. Leader Match d. Open Though work schedules are a touchy issue, the
d. Lead Now! 4. Four bank tellers are working side-by-side. manager is well thought of by his employees.
6. A manager who is most effective in a climate This arrangement will result in: How should he make the decision?
of disorganization has a leadership ________ a. coaction effects a. Ask for employee input and then
style. b. social inhibition decide
a. affiliation c. audience effects b. Make the decision himself
b. coercive d. social facilitation c. Have his employees make the
c. position 5. Mary notices that none of the other members decision
d. tactical of her group are working hard so she decides to d. Give the employees options and let
7. According to the Path-Goal Theory of lower her effort. Her behavior support the them vote
Leadership, a manager who organizes and ________ theory of social loafing. 4. What is the highest level of employee input
controls the activities of employees has a(n) a. sucker-effect and control; also called empowerment?
________ style of leadership. b. individual dominance a. Advisory
a. participative c. free-rider b. Ownership of own product
b. instrumental d. distraction c. Following
c. supportive 6. Which of the following should a leader NOT do d. Absolute
d. achievement-oriented to reduce groupthink? 5. Which of the following is true about
8. A new manager is assigned staff who are a. Apply pressure on members to employees' desire for empowerment?
unsure about a task but are willing to do it. She conform a. All employees want empowerment
should use a ________ approach. b. Promote open discussion b. Most employees want empowerment
c. Some want empowerment and c. rampant diffusion
some don't d. forecasting
d. Very few employees want to be 6. Clarence has been under a great deal of
empowered stress at work. His wife told him that they should
6. Research indicates that flexible working watch some sitcoms on TV. Her advice is sound
schedules are associated with each of the because laughter can:
following criteria except: a. help distance you from a stressor
a. higher levels of fatigue b. put a new perspective on a situation
b. less absenteeism c. reduce blood pressure
c. higher job satisfaction d. laughter does all of these
d. slight increases in productivity 7. Which of the following can help reduce stress?
7. According to research, employees who work a. Working a rotating shift
12-hour shifts are ________ than those working b. Moonlighting
8 hour shifts. c. Increased role ambiguity
a. more likely to leave the organization d. Self-empowerment
b. more fatigued 8. Liam makes "to do" lists and carefully plans
c. less productive his schedule. He is trying to reduce stress
d. absent more often through:
8. Which of the following methods of avoiding a. progressive muscle relaxation
downsizing is based on the premise that most b. meditation
economic recessions last less than a year? c. abdominal breathing
a. Use of payless holidays d. time management
b. Restricted overtime 9. Approximately what percentage of workplace
c. Job sharing deaths are homicides?
d. Reduced employee pay a. 80%
9. Which of the following services is NOT needed b. 60%
by layoff victims? c. 2%
a. Emotional counseling d. 12%
b. Financial counseling
c. Career assessment
d. All three are needed
1. Type B personalities:
a. are likely to react negatively to stress
b. are opposite personalities
c. are less likely to react negatively to
d. never feel stressed
2. Xui Li was yelled at by her boss because she
has not been doing all of her duties. She is
anxious and depressed because she never
knows what tasks are hers and what tasks are
supposed to be performed by others. Xui Li's
stress level can probably be explained by:
a. a lack of person-organization fit
b. role overload
c. role conflict
d. role ambiguity
3. Role ________ develops when employees
feel they lack the skill or workplace resources to
complete a task.
a. overload
b. synchronization
c. ambiguity
d. conflict
4. The human body cools down two different
ways. These are through:
a. radiation and effective temperature
b. radiation and evaporation
c. evaporation and circadian rhythm
d. none of these
5. Larry is a junior at Raynes College and has
trouble sleeping. He keeps worrying about not
getting a job when he graduates and never
finding the right person to marry. Larry's stress
might be the result of:
a. perspective taking
b. residual stress

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