Tutorial Chapter 1 Boiler
Tutorial Chapter 1 Boiler
Tutorial Chapter 1 Boiler
The following data refers to a boiler plant consisting of an economizer, a boiler and
a super heater.
Mass of water evaporated per hour = 5940 kg, mass of coal burnt per hour = 675 kg, L.C.V. of
coal= 31600kJ/kg, pressure of steam at boiler stop valve = 14 bar, temperature of feed water
entering the economizer = 320C, temperature of fees water leaving the economizer=
1150C, dryness fraction of steam leaving the boiler and entering super heater= 0.96,
temperature of steam leaving the super heater = 2600C, specific heat of superheated steam
= 2.33.
Determine: i) Percentage of heat in coal utilized in economizer, boiler, super heater,
ii) Overall efficiency of boiler plant.
iii) The equivalent evaporation and at 100°C per m² of total heating surface per hour.
5. The Capacity of a boiler is 2 m³. Initially it contains 1.5 m³ of water and 0.5 m³ of stream
in equilibrium condition at 1 bar. Heat is supplied to the boiler from outside keeping inlet
and outlet valves closed. The relief valve on the boiler operates only when the absolute
pressure in the boiler becomes 50 bar. Calculate the heat supplied to the boiler before the relief valve
given below.
9. Find efficiency, if
Heat input data
Quantity of coal consumed: 1.8 ΤΡΗ
GCV of coal: 3200 k.cal/kg
Heat output data,
Quantity of steam generation: 8 TPH
Steam production / temperature: 10 kg/cm²(g)
Pressure: 665 k.cal/kg
Feed water temperature: 85°C
Enthalpy of feed water: 85 k.cal/kg
And also find evaporation ratio.
10. The Following data were obtained during the boiler trial. Mass of steam is 700kg/h,
temperature of feed water is 600C, steam pressure is 10 bar, oil consumption is 55kg/h,
C.V. of oil is 44,000 kJ/kg, Dryness fraction of steam is 0.98, temperature of flue gases
leaving the boiler is 3500C, boiler room temperature is 250C, specific heat of flue gases is
1.02 kJ/kg-k, partial pressure of steam is 0.08 bar, heating surface area is 21.4
m2.Percentage composition of oil by mass is C=85%, H2 = 14%, Ash = 1%.
Analysis of dry flue gases by volume CO2 = 12.5%, O2 = 4.5%, N2 = 83%.
Find i) Equivalent evaporation per kg of fuel from and at 1000C. ii) Equivalent evaporation per
sq.m of heating area. iii) Thermal efficiency of boiler. iv) Heat balance sheet on the basis of 1
kg of fuel and on the percentage basis.
11. In a boiler trial of one hour duration, the following observations were made.
Steam generated is 5250kg, fuel burnt is 695kg, calorific value of fuel is 30200kj/kg,
steam condition is 0.94, boiler pressure is 11 bars, temperature of hot well is 47 0C,
temperature of steam leaving super heater is 2400C. Calculate i) Equivalent evaporation
per kg of coal without and with super heater. ii) Boiler efficiency with and without
superheater.Assume atmospheric pressure as 100 kpa.
12. The following readings were obtained during a boiler trial of 6 hours duration.
Mean steam pressure = 12 bar; mass of steam generated = 40000kg; mean dryness fraction
= 0.85; mean feed water temperature = 300C, coal used = 4000 kg. Calorific value of coal is
Calculate: i) Factor of equivalent evaporation; ii) Equivalent evaporation from and at 1000C;
iii) Efficiency of the boiler.
13. A boiler generates 7.5 kg of steam per kg of coal burnt at a pressure of 11 bars; from feed
water having a temperature of 700C. The efficiency of boiler is 75% and factor of
evaporation is 1.15, specific heat of steam at constant pressure is 2.3.
Calculate; i) Degree of superheat and temperature of steam generated;
ii) Calorific value of coal in kJ/kg; iii) Equivalent evaporation in kg of steam per kg of coal.