Unit 1.1 Social Structure and Function
Unit 1.1 Social Structure and Function
Unit 1.1 Social Structure and Function
There are others who say that social structure refers to the’ system of
relations within the society as whole, the system are social groups
(collectives) or categories (collections) of individuals.
Raymond Firth says that social structure is “concerned with the
ordered relations of parts to a whole; with the arrangement in which
the elements of social life are linked together.
In this system roles are always more stable than the role occupants
themselves. The role occupants divide themselves into subgroups and
some such subgroups live much longer than the individual members
e.g. family will live much longer than any individual member.
When a person joins an office he is very active and has vigor but less
responsibilities. As the time passes due to family liabilities, advancing
age, sickness etc. efficiency and vigor is reduced and thus these factors
hinder his contribution to social fulfillment.
The functions can also be divided into manifest and latent functions.
In the words of H.M. Johnson,” Manifest function is those that are
intended and recognized: Latent functions are unrecognized and
(3) Organisations:
In the larger societies of modern time, human beings deliberately
establish certain organizations for the pursuit of their specific ends or
purposes. These organizations, very often called associations, are
group manifestations of life and common interests. To quote Maclver
and Page, “The associations constitute the most conspicuous part of
the social structure and they gain in coherence, definite number and
efficacy as the conditions of the society grow more complex”.
(4) Collectivities:
There are specialized collectivities such as families, firms, schools,
political parties etc. (Differentiated institutional patterns almost
directly imply the existence of collective and role units whose activities
have different kinds of functional significance).
(5) Roles:
Finally, within all such collectivities one can distinguish types of roles.
“Concretely these are the relevant performances of their individual
occupants. Functionally, they are contributions to collective goal
(6) Norms:
According to H.M. Johnson, sub-groups and roles are governed by
social norms. Social norms are of two types: (i) obligatory or relational
and (ii) permissive or regulative.
Some norms specify positive obligations. But they are not commonly
applied to all the roles and sub-groups. For example, the positive
obligations of a family are not the same as those of business firm.