E5 Electromagnetic Induction s2 A2324
E5 Electromagnetic Induction s2 A2324
E5 Electromagnetic Induction s2 A2324
Prelab Exercise
Consider a magnet moving relative to a solenoid. Determine the direction of the induced
magnetic field for the difference cases indicated in the table below.
• determine the direction of the induced current and induced magnetic field in a
magnet-solenoid set-up, both experimentally and theoretically.
• qualitatively relate the magnitude of the change in magnetic flux to the induced
The magnetic flux ΦM through a surface is a measure of how much magnetic field passes
through this area. For a magnetic field that is constant over some area, it is defined as
⃗ on the surface and the area vector A:
the dot product of the magnetic field B ⃗
⃗ · A.
ΦM = B ⃗ (1.1)
The area vector A ⃗ has a magnitude equal to the area of the surface and is directed along
the surface normal i.e., perpendicular to it. The magnetic flux can be changed by doing
at least one of the following:
• changing the relative orientation of the field and the surface normal.
A change in magnetic flux through a metal loop will induce an emf along the loop. The
induced emf E and induced current iind are related by E = iind R, where R is the resistance
of the metal loop. The induced current will produce a magnetic field that will oppose
the change in flux. For example, consider the set-up shown in Figure 1.1. A magnet is
initially stationary above a loop. There is no induced current since there is no change
in the flux passing through the loop. However, if we move the magnet downwards, the
flux will change. Remember that the magnitude of the field produced by a bar magnet is
larger near the poles, so moving the magnet towards the loop will increase the downward
Electromagnetic Induction 3
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024 Physics 72.1
Figure 1.1: Left: A magnet is initially stationary above a loop. Portions of the magnetic
field lines are also given to help you visualize the flux. Right: When the magnet is moved
towards the loop, the downward flux will increase. To generate an upward field that will
counter this change, a current going counterclockwise (as viewed from the top) will be
induced in the loop.
flux through the loop. The induced current will oppose this increase in flux, so it will
produce an induced magnetic field directed upward.
To obtain the direction of the induced current, we use the right-hand rule. Orient
your thumb along the direction of the induced magnetic field, then curl your four fingers
towards your palm, as shown in Figure 1.2. The direction of the curl will indicate the
direction of the induced current. So for induced magnetic field pointing upward, the
induced current will be directed counterclockwise when viewed from the top.
The magnet can also be moved in different ways. For example, the north pole could
move away from the loop, or the south pole could move towards the loop. The directions
of the induced current in these cases may be different, but the analysis remains the same.
4 Introduction
Physics 72.1 2nd Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024
Experimental Set-up
• Bar magnet
• Galvanometer
• Compass
• Primary solenoid (smaller diameter)
• Secondary solenoid (larger diameter)
• Variable power supply
• Connectors
• Iron rod
• Aluminum rod
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• Do not connect the galvanometer to the power supply. The galvanometer is made
for measuring small currents only.
• Connecting a solenoid to a power supply using the prescribed voltages here will
cause a fairly high amount of current to flow through the solenoid. Turn off the
power supply when you are not taking measurements.
1. Connect the negative terminal of the power supply with one terminal of the gal-
2. Attach a wire to the positive terminal of the power supply, but do not connect
anything to the other end of this wire.
3. Turn on the power supply. Set the voltage at anywhere from 1.5-3.5V. Consult
your instructor on how to operate the variable power supply.
4. To completely assemble the circuit as shown in Figure 1.4, you need an object with
a large resistance to go between the positive terminal of the power supply and the
unconnected terminal of the galvanometer. This is to ensure that the current going
through the galvanometer is small enough. The human body can function as the
large resistor in this set-up. Complete the circuit by holding the unconnected wire
ends, one in each hand.
6 Procedure
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5. The current from the power supply flows from the positive terminal of the power
supply, goes around the circuit, and goes back to the negative terminal of the power
supply. If the reading in the galvanometer is positive, then the current must have
entered the positive terminal of the galvanometer; otherwise, it entered the negative
terminal of the galvanometer.
6. Using the above rule, identify which galvanometer terminal is positive or negative.
B. Induction Experiment I
1. Connect the positive terminal of the galvanometer to the left end of the solenoid,
and the negative terminal to the right end.
2. Using your compass, verify that the poles of the magnets are properly labeled as
shown in Figure 1.5. The compass needle should point towards the magnetic south.
(Note: Compass needles point toward the south pole of the Earth’s magnetic field,
which approximates the Earth’s geographic north.)
3. Place the iron rod inside the solenoid, and connect the solenoid to the galvanometer
as shown in Figure 1.6. Determine the winding direction (clockwise or counterclock-
wise) of the solenoid as viewed from the left end to the right end. Write down your
answer in Table W1.
4. Place the magnet outside the right end of the solenoid, with the north pole nearer
the solenoid. Move the magnet towards the solenoid until half the magnet is inside
the tube as shown in Figure 1.7. In what direction did the needle first deflect?
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5. Based on your observation, was a current induced in the solenoid? Knowing the
winding direction of the solenoid and the galvanometer reading, determine the direc-
tion of the induced current as viewed from the left end of the solenoid. From
the direction of the induced current, infer the direction of the induced magnetic
field. Write down your results in Table W1.
6. Keep the magnet partly inside the solenoid so that only half the magnet is visible.
This time, pull it out of the solenoid so that the north pole moves away from the
solenoid. Write down your observations in Table W1.
7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 but with the orientation of the magnet reversed i.e., south pole
nearer the solenoid.
8. In the space given in Table W1, determine the theoretical direction of the induced
⃗ induced induced, similar to what we did
current by analyzing the direction of the B
in the Theory section of this module. Do your results agree with the theoretical
C. Induction Experiment II
In this section, you will be using two solenoids: the primary solenoid is the smaller one,
while the secondary solenoid is the larger one.
1. Connect the solenoid to the galvanometer (Figure 1.6), similar to what you did in
Part B.
2. Place the primary solenoid inside the secondary solenoid. Connect the ends of the
primary solenoid to the power supply. Set the voltage knob of the power supply to
its MINIMUM value.
3. Turn the power supply on, and observe if there is a momentary deflection of the
galvanometer needle.
4. If there is no deflection, turn off the power supply then turn its knob clockwise by
a small increment to increase the voltage. Check if there is a deflection as you turn
on the power supply again.
8 Procedure
Physics 72.1 2nd Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024
5. If there is still no deflection, repeat the previous step until a galvanometer deflection
is observed. Do NOT go beyond 3.5V. If no deflection is still observed at 3.5V,
check your circuit for defective connections.
6. Once you observe a deflection similar to Figure 1.8, switch the power supply from
on to off, and from off to on. Observe the galvanometer deflection in both cases,
and write down your results in Table W2.
Figure 1.8: Set-up for Induction Experiment II. The primary (smaller) solenoid is con-
nected to the power supply, and then placed inside the secondary (larger) solenoid.
7. Keeping the power supply at the same voltage, repeat step 6 with a metal rod inside
the primary solenoid. Perform this procedure for (a) an aluminum rod and (b) an
iron rod.
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2nd Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024 Physics 72.1
2. Place the primary solenoid beside the secondary solenoid as shown such that the
edges of the coils are aligned as shown Figure 1.9(a). Place an iron rod inside the
primary solenoid. Mark the point on the primary solenoid that coincides with the
edge of the tube of the secondary solenoid. This will be the reference point of the
overlap length.
3. Place the primary solenoid inside the secondary solenoid with an overlap of 0 cm
between the coils.
4. Connect the ends of the primary solenoid to the power supply. Set the voltage of
the power supply to its minimum possible value.
5. Repeat steps 3 to 6 in Part C then write down your observations in Table W3.
6. Repeat the same procedure as you increase the overlap (Figure 1.10) between the
primary and secondary solenoid at 1 cm increments. Write down your observations
in Table W3.
Figure 1.10: Changing the overlap between the primary and secondary coils.
7. Plot the average galvanometer deflection versus overlap length in Figure W1.
• Young, H. et al., University Physics, 12th ed., Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. USA
• Tipler, P., Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th ed., W.H. Freeman & Co. USA
10 Procedure
Physics 72.1 2nd Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024
A. Data
(Use additional sheets if necessary, and attach these to this worksheet.)
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12 Worksheet
Physics 72.1 2nd Semester, A.Y. 2023-2024
Electromagnetic Induction 13
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1. You were required to move the magnet in Induction Experiment I and to turn the
power supply on and off in Induction Experiment II. Why were these steps necessary
to observe electromagnetic induction?
2. The galvanometer needle deflection observed upon turning the power supply on
(or off) in Induction Experiment II was only momentary. Explain why the needle
deflection does not last long after the power supply is turned on (or off).
3. Why is the on-off deflection opposite the off-on deflection? Use either Faraday’s
law or Lenz’s law to support your answer.
4. How does changing the core material affect the magnitude of the induced current?
Explain the similarities/differences in the values obtained for air, aluminum and
iron in Table W2.
14 Worksheet