Beer 15.4.24
Beer 15.4.24
Beer 15.4.24
Definition of Beer
An alcoholic beverage produced by the fermentation of sugar-rich extracts derived from cereal grains or
other starchy materials, with an alcohol strength of 3.5-10% abv & flavored with hops.
History of Beer
Brewing - Stumbled as accident
Nomadic tribes of Middle East stop roaming
By 6000 well established in Babylon
Normans - brewing skills to England
2. Barley (Malted ):
• Variety of Hordeum Sativum
• Low in protien content- cloudiness
• Rich in starch & diastase
• Convert starch into Sugar
• Other grains (Conjucts) wheat maize rice that are 10 % or less
3. Hops
• Botanical name(Humulus Lupulus)
• It comes from the Mulberry Family
• Hops is the Flower or cone part of female Hop. It contains bitter dust Lupulin which
has tannins
• Aids in Bitter flavour, Aroma, Preservative, Finning & Stabilising
Eg. : English Fuggles, Golding, Czech Saaz, American Casade, Hersbruck
4. Yeast
• Particular Strain - Individual brewer
• Saccharromyces Cerevisiae: Top fermenting Ale yeast
• Ales, 15 - 19C. Ferments at HigherTemperature
• Produces Full bodied Beer
• Bottom Fermenting or Saccharomyces Carlsbergensis or Lager yeast (closed vessel )
• 2- 5°C Ferments at much lower temperature
• Produces Light Beer
5. Finings agents :
• Clarify beer, ttract sediments at bottom making it clear & bright
Eg. Isingglass, bladder of Sturgeon, seaweed
6. Adjuncts
• flaked maize, roasted barley, wheat, honey, spices, etc.
7. Sugar
• Cut bitterness of some brown ales
• Color in form of caramel
Brewing Process
1. Malting It is a process in which the insoluble starch into soluble sugar. It consists of
three steps:
3. Mashing
Grist transfered to Mashtun- Mash with hot water 65 C degrade soluble starch & forming
sweet brown liquid- Wort.
4. Addition of Hops
Wort taken to S.S. kettle hops & sugar added & boiled for 90 mins
Sweet hopped wort is taken to Hopback
Large tank where hops settle form a filter bed to clarify wort as it goes through
5. Sparging or Lautering ( sparyed with hot water to extract any remaining sugar)
Underback – Residue left is sold as cattle fed
Wort is pumped through Paraflow(heat exchanger) cooled to 15C
Now Ready for Fermentation
6. Addition of Yeast The Wort is pitched with Yeast. The Yeast absorbs nutrients, feeds on
sugar & produces alcohol & CO2.
1st 3 days 80 % 0f sugar is utilised Yeast forms rocky then cauliflower like float which rises to
1m on surface. Surplus yeast is skimmed off , few kept for next ferment & rest sold as cattle
food. Final yeast-head is formed which protects the beer from airborne infection
7 to 8 days for complete fermentation.
The beer is racked in to storage tanks & stored from 3-21 days. It may e pasteurised or non-
pasteurised. After 2-3 days it is put into cask without pasteurisation with some working yeast
cells which condition the beer in cask (Cask Conditioning).
Some speciality beer are bottled with an added dosage of yeast known as “Bottle Conditioning”
Majority of Bottle beer are pasteurised
During maturation the yeast settles the harsh flavour are mellowed & beer gets its natural
texture & carbonation.
The beers are brightened/ clarified with addition of fining agents, carbonated (KRAUSENING) &
Types of Beer
Top Fermented beers (Ale):
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae grows near the surface of the Fermenting brew. It floats on the
top of the surface
Bitter, Stout, porter, brown ale, light ale, cream ale, pale-ale, mild ale
Burton :
A strong dark draught beer especially popular in winter when it is mulled or spiced and offered
as winter drink.
Weissbier :
Weizenbier in Germany this cloudy white beer is made from wheat instead of barley. Belgium
also makes a good style known as Hoegaarden
IPA (India Pale Ale)
Heavily hopped strong pale ale originally brewed in the UK for shipping to British Colonies. The
modern style is a light-coloured, hoppy ale.
Made from scorched, very dark malt and generously flavored with hops.
Has a smooth malty flavor and creamy consistency.
Sold on draught or in bottles and was traditionally not chilled (although today it often is).
Guinness is one example.
Brewed from charred malt highly flavoured and aromatic, its name comes from its popularity
with market porters working in Dublin and London. It is highly aromatic
The name comes from German lagern (to store). Fermentation takes place at the bottom of the
vessel and the beer is stored at low temperatures for up to six months and sometimes longer.
Sold on draught, in a bottle or can.
Clear, pale lagers (originally from Pilsen, hence the name). Modern styles are characterized by a
zesty hop taste and bubbly body.
Steam Beer:
Originated in California & is trademark of Anchor brewery San Francisco. It is hybrid between
beer & lager. The used a bottom fermenting lager yeast at top fermenting temperature. It
result in bright sparkling beer at 5% abv.
DOPPLEBOCK : - (Double bock)
Separate classification. Minimum alcoholic strength of 7.5%volume/volume. The strongest type
with 13.2% by volume is Eslbock ESL means ice.
During preparation the beer is frozen as the water freezes before the alcohol removal of the ice
concentarates the alcohol and hence the strength of the Beer. All the Dopplebock generally end
their name with ator.
Example: Salvator, Kulminator and maximator & etc…
Trappist beer
Beer brewed in Trappist monasteries, usually under the supervision of monks. Six Belgian
breweries produce this beer, which is strong, complex and unpasteurised.
Draught beer( draft beer)
draft beer ,barrel beer or tap beer
Not pasteurised -kills the authentic taste of beer
Directly served from container.they should be kept refrigerated until used to maintain its
Draught beer are tapped when ready for the service
Beer Faults
Cloudy beer
Too low a temperature in the cellar or, more often, may result from the beer pipes not having
been cleaned properly.
Flat beer
Flat beer may result when a wrong spile has been used – a hard spile builds up pressure,
a soft spile releases pressure. When the cellar temperature is too low, beer often becomes dull
and lifeless. Dirty glasses andthose that have been refilled for a customer who has been eating
food, will also cause beer to go flat.
Sour beer
This may be due to lack of business resulting in the beer being left on ullage for too
long. Sourness may also be caused by adding stale beer to a new cask or by beer coming in
contact with old deposits of yeast that have become lodged in the pipeline from the cellar.
Foreign bodies
Foreign bodies or extraneous matter may be the result of production or operational slip-
Storage of beer
Store beer in a dark area and when required would be chilled in a refrigerator. In a bottle cooler
in a horizontal position. Ideal temp is 10 to 12° c
Brands of Beer
AUSTRALIA - Victoria Bitter, Foster
BELGIUM - Chimay
CHINA - Snow Beer
CZECH REPUBLIC - Pilsner Urquell
DENMARK - Carlsberg
INDIA - Kingfisher, Kalyani Black label, Hayward, Khajuraho, Canon 1000, Eagle.
ITALY - Peroni
JAPAN - Asahi, Sapporo, Kirin, and Suntory
SINGAPORE - Tiger Beer
GERMANY- Kulminator(strongest),becks
Mexico : Corona
Ireland: Guinness