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Knowledge Paper V
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Table of Contents
Preface How to Relieve Oneself from Hunger Without Having
General Instructions to Eat
How to Conjure a Jinn that Appears in the Form How to Locate Treasures with the Help of 'Atyail and
of a Snake Da 'Qayil
How to Conjure a Female Jinn Called Syamsul How to Teleport, Fly and Acquire a Magickal Stone
Qirmid from a Khodam
The Arjuna Telor Love Spell How to Magickally Transform Paper into Money
Ajian Bandung Bandawasa How to Cause Jinns to Move-Out
A Method to Protect Oneself Against Malicious How to Increase Your Stamina During Long-Distance
Jinns and Men Trekking
A Magickal Method for Fertilizing the Ground How to Cause Someone Insomnia
Magickal Nutrients for Plants An Occult Call to One's House-Maid to Return and
How to Identify the Thief of Stolen Goods Resume Her Duties
How to Stop Children from Constantly Crying The Prayer of Nabi Isa (Jesus Christ)--Used to
How to Stop a Married Woman from Having an Resurrect the Dead
Affair How to Acquire Luck, Wealth, and Prosperity
How to Stop a Married Man from Having an How to Empower Food or Money That They
Affair Magickally Return
A Magickal Contraceptive Method How to Stop Persecution and Tyranny
A Talisman to Help a Woman to Conceive Prayer Invocation for Divine Justice and Intervention
How to Acquire Healing Powers The Occult Method of Getting Rid of Stalking Tigers
Healing with a Talisman A Prayer to Go Undetected by Wild Animals
Magickal Talisman to Heal a Victim of Malicious Protection from Snakes
Witchcraft A Subtle Way of Getting Rid of Unwanted Guests
How to Empower Rice to Attract Prosperity


The present work is a compilation of occult knowledge acquired from diverse sources of
the Ilmu Al- Hikmah, or the Islamic occult tradition here in Indonesia. A majority of these
teachings represent the legacy left to us by the spiritual Islamic adepts of the Middle East.
Elements of Indonesian Shamanism and Kejawen may also be found in the occult
knowledge presented in this ebook and others of these series. The latter tradition is one of
the other major occult streams to be found in the island of Java.

Most of the occult teachings of the exercises, rituals, rites, spells, etc., to be found in
these series of ebooks have been gathered from the numerous metaphysical Islamic
lodges here in Indonesia. Not all of these are spiritually oriented, some are decidedly
"black" in nature. We trust that the readers of these ebooks are spiritually mature and will

not use or apply these teachings for any negative purposes. We present them basically for
educational purposes and as literary curios. We hold no responsibility for their misuse or

This paper is especially directed to the seasoned-practitioner of magick, as the various

keys to making them work will not be explained herein. The keys may be discovered
through personal search, study, contemplation and experimentation. It is said that by
simply possessing the keys any system of magick may be successfully applied. The
compiler believes that the practitioner of these teachings would have a good percentage
of success in their application with the appropriate knowledge at hand.

The occult practitioner with years of experience to his credit will find this and other
compilations of this serie s to be extremely valuable. The fact that the prayers and mantras
are in Arabic should not deter the magician from practicing them. Sincerity and
seriousness in the work would open up doors of literal and spiritual understanding. One
does not have to be a Muslim to work Islamic magick--it is initially sufficient to live the
spiritual precepts and truths as to be found in all religions. We can devote ourselves to the
Deity using any language as media--fundamentalism and fanaticism should not be part of
any occult student's attempt to reach out to the Divine Omneity. Understanding Arabic
and the meaning of the prayers, though, would be beneficial. The reader ought to keep in
mind that the pure concentrated intent of the magician is a powerful factor in making
these rites work.


General Instructions

Perform all occult exercises and disciplines in a clean, quiet room or in a retreat
especially consecrated for occult/metaphysical work. There should be enough ventilation
in the room. All work should be done on the floor or ground, on a suitable carpet chosen
for the purpose.

Practice deep breathing for 7-7-7 counts--inhale 7 counts, hold for 7 counts, and then
exhale for another 7 counts. While holding the breath imagine energy accumulating in the
psychic center below the navel. The exact location is about three-finger breadth beneath
the navel. Generally, the occult exercises and rites should be preceded by this breathing
practice. One of the keys to occult development and a successful performance of a rite is
the amount of psychic energy we accumulate and channel. Breathing exercises are just
one of the many systems of psychic energy accumulation.

Before performing any occult rite, a spiritual cleansing or holy wash is necessary to rid
oneself of psychic toxins and dross matter. There are many occult rites designed for this
purpose, but the simplest technique is just to visualize a flood of brilliant white light
pouring over you while you shower. Imagine all of the psychic dirt from your physical

and etheric body as being washed down the drain. Recite a simple personal prayer while
showering. In the Name of the Almighty, and your true Self, request the angelic
intelligences to transform yourself to an immaculate state.

Fasting is generally required during, and several days prior to the conducting of the
exercises or rites. Fast from dawn to dusk, consuming no meat and eating nothing with
any taste--for instance, just plain rice or bread. This fasting method is called "mutih" by
Javanese occultists. You may break your fast at dusk and may eat several meals outside
of the designated fasting period. This fasting is quite strenuous but essential to
conditioning the physical-etheric body towards interaction with higher forces and as a fit
receptacle for the generated or invoked forces to dwell.

Believe and have faith in the efficacy of the occult work and exercises, for the right
mental and spiritual attitude open psychic portals to the infinite realms. Have faith in
your Creator most of all. Conduct prayers often and have a strong focus upon the
exercises and rites. Do not be distracted by frivolous matters. The spiritual life aids in
attunements with cosmic forces. Physical and etheric purity only gives one access to the
astral/etheric realms. Mental and emotional purity transforms us into a vessel of light fit
to receive the Holy Spirit. Obey the precepts of the Spirit and the Cosmic laws as these
will pave the way for the quantum leap to the next level of evolution.

Meditate often so as to acquire the skill needed to slip into an altered state of
consciousness. In the name of your true Self, request the angelic forces through decrees,
prayers and invocations, to open-up the spiritual centers in your etheric body.


How to Conjure a Jinn that Appears in the Form of a Snake

This jinn initially appears in the form of a snake but quickly changes into a dark-skinned
individual. To conjure this jinn, fast for seven days in a quiet retreat. Commence this
conjuration on the first day (Thursday) of the Islamic "Hijriyyah" month. Recite the
mantra below 1000x after the obligatory prayers. During the recitation on the seventh
day, there would appear a snake. Continue with the chanting until the snake transforms
into a dark-skinned person. If the snake refuses to transform, burn some benzoin incense.
You may ask this jinn to do certain things.

The Mantra :

"Aitanuutin barhayaa ashiinin nahasyin aqbil yaa barqaanul afriitu wayaa

maimunul arzaaqu." 1000x


How to Conjure a Female Jinn Called Syamsul Qirmid

To conjure up a female jinn by the name of "Syamsul Qirmid" do the following :

Fast for 12 days from dawn to dusk consuming vegetarian meals only. During the fasting
period, recite after the 5 obligatory prayers the mantra below for 70x :

"Aqsamtu bilqasamis suryaaniyyi' alaa malihatil qaddi wal manzhari

dzaatil hasani wal jamaali allatii asbalat sya'ru dallaalihaa sitra dzaatihaa
waidzan tasamat kharaja min fihaa'amudun kannuuri aqbilnii limahabbati
wakhidmatii ayyatuhal faadhilatuth thaairatu aina shawaa hibuk
akamaimunata wayaa quutata waraubalata wa faathimatas sahaabiyata
waraqyata bintil ahmar wayaa lausyata binti sam radyaa lin aqbiluu yaa
banaati muluukil jinni syam'aathin wadanhiiwin wayar'uutsin anyanuunin
mazjalin tarqabin if'aluu maa tu'maruun." 70x

Always burn some incense during the recitations. At the end of the 12th day a snake
would appear and it would coil around your neck. Do not be afraid, simply recite the
mantra repeatedly until the snake disappears. The snake's disappearence will be replaced
by a group of princesses of the jinns. Their clothings are made out of silk with red
flowery motif. Upon their persons are gemstones worn as accessories. They would
present to you precious stones and gold and ask you to take them. Refuse their offer.
They would subsequently disappear and a beautiful fair maiden, a princess, shall appear
followed by her retinue. She bears precious gifts. She will greet you--return her greeting.
Her voice is enticing. Do not be attracted to her female wiles, her seductive movements.
As she approaches you she will ask you to marry her--if you accept you will not be able
to marry a human woman ever again; therefore, refuse.

Wait until she ask you, "What do you want?" Then explain to her your need and she will
help you.


The Arjuna Telor Love Spell

This spell causes a specific woman to fall in love with the Caster and desire to live with
him--another black- magick spell-- not to be fooled around with.

Method :

Fast for 3 days from dawn to dusk commencing on the day and date of your birth (or
according to the Javanese "Weton"). During the 3-day rite, recite the mantra below 100x

at midnight, preferably after a special prayer of request to Allah. When you are
conducting this rite for mastery purposes, there is no need to mention any names. After
the 3-day rite when you wish to use the power recorded in your subconsciousness, you
may mention a specific person in the spell.

Mantra :

Arjuna telor arane ajiku, si arjuna telor sira sun kongkon lebonana guwa
garbane si jabang bayine . . . [state name of target]. Puluten di kongsi lali
Bapa biyunge, Prek mati ajiku si arjuna telor, prek mati wekasan urip
ndulu maring sariraku, teka welas teka asih, asih saking kersane gusti
Alloh. Ismuku si Arjuna telor, Isun marep mangetan angirup cahyaning
srengenge, Isun marep mangidul angirup cahyaning barat, arjuna telor sira
sun kongkon irup aken cahyane si jabang bayine . . . [state name of target
again]. Dodoke ing cahayaku, cahayaku dodoke si jabang bayine . . .
[repeat the name of the target for the third time]. Prek mati wekasan asih
saking Alloh." 100x

Whenever you wish to activate the power, recite the mantra 100x at midnight mentioning
the name of the target in the spell.


Ajian Bandung Bandawasa

This spell provides protection whenever one visits a haunted or cursed site. It also
develops in the User invulnerability against sharp weapons or the strikes of objects. It
increases physical strength and stamina.

Method :

Fast for 6 days from dawn to dusk commencing on the day and date of your birth (or
according to the Javanese "Weton"). Do not consume anything with taste--just water and
plain rice without any side dishes to it. Or you may eat plain bread or oatmeal without
any condiments added.On the following seventh day, continue with the fast but this time
do not eat or drink until the following morning (the eighth day) at six. On this seventh
day you must not sleep for 24 hours and must remain indoors--in your room if possible.
No lights should be burning during the night hours. During the 7-day rite, recite at
midnight the mantra below for 100x, preferably after a special prayer of request to Allah.

Mantra :

Niat isun matek ajiku si bandung bandawasa. Kang mengkoni retuning
wesi, kulitku tembaga, dagingku waja, ototku kawat, balungku wesi,
bayuku rasa, dengkulku paron. Heh ya isun si Bandung Bandawasa,
retuning keraton kabeh, sarupaning gegaman tan ana tumama ing awakku,
kuat, teguh, rosa dening Alloh. La ilaha ila Alloh Muhammadar
Rosululloh." 100x

Whenever you wish to activate the power, recite the mantra once while holding the


A Method to Protect Oneself Against Malicious Jinns and Men

Whosoever wishes to protect oneself from negative jinns or the sons of men, ought to
inscribe the following Quranic verse 39x on a virgin piece of parchment. Fold the
talisman and put it in a pouch--wear the pouch as a pendant.

If the talisman were to be placed among one's goods in a store it would be protected
against theft. If the talisman were carried by a woman, no one would be able to have
intercourse with her except her lawful husband.


A Magickal Method for Fertilizing the Ground

The power of this talisman magickally fertilizes the ground where it is buried. Its
radiations are pleasing to nature spirits which gives them the extra energies to tend to the
needs of the vegetation in the area.

Method :

Inscribe upon a virgin piece of parchment the basmalah verse below 101x, then bury it in
a garden, field, etc.


Magickal Nutrients for Plants

For healthy growth of plants, to improve their strength, their beauty, the sweetness of
their fruits, inscribe the Divine Name below 1000x. Then place it in a bucket filled with
water collected from 7 springs. After a few minutes when the power of the talisman has
permeated the fluid, you may water your plants. By God's grace, the plants/trees would
grow beautifully and healthily.


How to Identify the Thief of Stolen Goods

If someone had stolen something from you and you wish to identify the thief and have the
stolen item returned, all you have to do is to inscribe the characters below on a virgin
piece of parchment, and the n stick the talisman behind your ear as you fall asleep. By the
grace of God, you shall see in a dream the identity of the thief. This method is truly
effective and has repeatedly proven its worth.


How to Stop Children from Constantly Crying

If a child is constantly crying for some unknown reason, you can help by inscribing the
verse and the magick square below on a virgin piece of parchment. Fold the talisman and

seal it in a pouch and have the child wear it around its neck. By God's grace, the child's
crying shall cease.


How to Stop a Married Woman from Having an Affair

If you have a wife that is having an affair with another man you may have her cease her
adulterous activity by reciting the Divine Name below for 662x. This is to be done every
night until you know for certain that she has ended the illicit relationship.

Divine Name :

"Ya Mutakabbiru." 662x


How to Stop a Married Man from Having an Affair

If you are a married woman and fear that your husband might be having an illicit
relationship with another woman, all you have to do is to inscribe upon one of the
clothings (handkerchief, shirt, etc) of your husband the verse below :

Next put the clothing in a vessel with water. After the inscription has faded, use the water
to cook something for your husband to consume. By the grace of God, your husband will
soon forget about other women.

If you are unable to use your husband's clothing, you may also use a virgin piece of
parchment; but you have to add (inscribe) the Asma' Qamar verse 70x together with the
above verse (You can make this talisman on behalf of someone else). Write also upon the
piece of parchment your husband's name, the name of his mother, and your name (the
wife's name). The talisman is to be buried near an unknown grave. There is a danger to
this, though. If you (the wife) were to be deceased at an early age, your (her) husband
would not be able to marry again (because of impotency). The man would only be able to
have a sexual relationship with his lawful wife.

The Asma' Qamar verse :


A Magickal Contraceptive Method

If you wish your wife not to conceive as yet, simply inscribe the verse below on a virgin
piece of parchment, fold it, put it in a pouch and have your wife wear it as a pendant.
Then while the talisman is being worn, place your hand in the area of your wife's womb
and recite the inscribed verse 100x. By God's grace your wife will not conceive so long
as she wears the talisman.

The verse to be inscribed and recited :

"Mattakhadzallaahu min waladin wamaa kaana ma'ahuu min ilaahin idzan
ladzahaba." 100x


A Talisman to Help a Woman to Conceive

If a woman is suffering from infertility and wishes to conceive and have a baby, simply
inscribe the talisman below on a virgin piece of parchment. After this is done, fold the
parchment and put it into a small pouch. Have the suffering woman wear this talisman as
a pendant. By the grace of God, she would be able to conceive and have a safe labor.

If the talismanic pendant is worn by a hen tha t does not lay, she will soon start laying.


How to Acquire Healing Powers

If you would like to acquire healing powers and help those that are ill, then make it a
habit to recite the Divine Name below 100x after every obligatory prayer. Whenever you
place your hand on those that are sick, especially on the part of the body with an
abnormal condition and recite the Divine Name over and over, by the Grace of God, that
person shall recover from his ailment. Those suffering from non-congenital blindness
might also recover.

The Divine Name

"Ya-Bhariu." 100x


Healing with a Talisman

The talisman below heals where allopathic medicine fails.

Method :

Inscribe the talisman below on a virgin piece of parchment. Then place it in a glass of
water and have the patient drink it after the inscriptions are no longer legible.


Magickal Talisman to Heal a Victim of Malicious Witchcraft

The talisman below heals those affected by psychic attack, black magick, or malicious

Method :

Inscribe the talisman--the inscriptions and the magick square--on a virgin piece of
parchment; fold it neatly and place it in a pouch. Have victims of occult attack carry the
talisman on their persons.


How to Relieve Oneself from Hunger Without Having to Eat

If you are forced in any way to ease the pangs of hunger without having any access to
food, simply recite the Divine Name below day and night, over and over for countless
times. Wear clean clothings, and try to refrain from sleep if you can while engaged in this
period of chanting. If done correctly, it is possible to go several weeks without food.

Divine Name :



How to Locate Treasures with the Help of 'Atyail and Da 'Qayil

If you would like to know the whereabouts of treasures buried or hidden centuries ago, all
you have to do is simply recite the Divine Name below 7000x every day at midnight in a
clean, quiet place. Before commencing with the recitation undergo a holy wash and wear
clean clothings and perfume. The chanting ought to be done with full concentration, faith,
and conviction. Every Monday at midnight burn some arabic incense. This daily chanting
and weekly burning of incense should proceed for three months, minimum. Sometime
after that, at night, there will appear before you a vision of a river with crystal-clear
waters surrounded by trees. This is a sign that the two khodams of the Divine Names are
present. They are called 'Atyail and Da'qayil. After a few moments, the vision will
disappear and the two angels will appear to greet you--greet them in return. They will ask
you, "What is it that you require?" Answer clearly that you would like to know the
whereabouts of buried treasure. They will give their reply.

Henceforth whenever you would like to know something, just cover your head with your
clothings and not long after the mystic veil shall be removed and you will know that
which ought to be known and the course of action to take. By this method you will
become knowledgeable in occult matters.

The Divine Name :

"Ya Khabiiru." 7000x


How to Teleport, Fly, and Acquire a Magickal Stone from a Khodam

If you would like to cover vast distances (teleport) in just a matter of moments, fly, or
walk on water, then follow the instructions below.

Method :

Fast from dawn to dusk every Mondays and Thursdays for several months. Only
nourishing, pure foods should be eaten. Aside from this, chant the Divine Name below
day and night for countless times while burning arabic incense. You ought to wear
perfume and clean, beautiful clothings while chanting. After several months of chanting,
a khodamic spirit of the higher jinn class shall appear with his retinue. This spirit has a
snake surmounted on his head. It is this snake that will greet you. Do not be afraid

because not long after, the snake will disappear along with the other spirits. They will be
replaced by angelic beings led by the angel Dardayil who wears a green apparel and
sitting upon a red camel. He will greet you--greet him in return. He will also inquire as to
your need. Answer emphatically: "I would like you to serve me in matters of
teleportation, and to give me the ability to fly and walk on water, and to manifest food
and drinks and whatsoever I desire." He will grant your wish and give you a stone that
would conjure him whenever the stone is placed near fire.

Divine Name :

"Ya Hayyu."


How to Magickally Transform Paper into Money

If you would like to magickally transform paper into money then prepare several pieces
of paper--the size of the bill that you wish to turn the paper into. Then inscribe upon each
piece of paper the al-Kautsar verse. Then hold the paper bills in your right hand while
reciting the al-Kautsar verse 1000x. After every 100x recite the following verse below :

The al-Kautsar verse :

"Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Innaa a'thainaakal kautsar. Fa shalli lirabbika

wanhar. Inna syaani-aka huwal abtar." 1000x

The al-Kautsar inscription :

The verse to recite after eve ry 100 recitations of the previous :

"Aahin aahin syarhiilin wabarhuddin wanaudajin wa'asqiiran if'aluu
ayyuhal khuddaamu maa amartukum bihii min tabdiilil kaaghadi dzahaban
bihaqqi syarhiilin zajarin."

When the recitation is completed, open your hands and by the grace of God, the paper
bills would have been transformed into real money.


How to Cause Jinns to Move-Out

To evict a jinn from a certain area construct the talisman below and place it where the
jinn is hanging around. By the grace of God, the jinn will move from there and will not
return so long as the talisman is in place.

The talisman :


How to Increase Your Stamina During Long-Distance Trekking

If you wish to improve your stamina during trekking, hiking or long walks, and not get
tired easily, then simply inscribe the talisman below--the magick square and the verses--
on a virgin piece of parchment. Having completed the inscription, fold the talisman, put it
into a small pouch and wear it as a pendant; or you may tie the talisman below your right
knee. By the grace of God, you will not feel tired even after having walked several miles.


How to Cause Someone Insomnia

If you would like someone to have trouble sleeping then inscribe the verse below on a
virgin piece of parchment and place it beneath the person's pillow. If it pleases God, that
person will have trouble sleeping.

The verse to be inscribed :


An Occult Call to One's House-Maid to Return and Resume Her Duties

If your maid has left her household duties without giving any notice and you wish for her
to return, then recite the prayer verse below over and over. If God wills it, your maid will
return promptly.

The Prayer :

"Yaa jaami'al 'ajaaibi yaa raadda kulli ghaaibin yaa jaami'asy syattaati yaa
man maqaaliidul umuuri biyadihijma' alayya dhaai'ii au fulaanabna
fulaanata laa jaami'a illaa anta fainnaka 'alaa kulli syai- in qadiir."


The Prayer of Nabi Isa (Jesus Christ)--Used to Resurrect the Dead

Whosoever is in great need and requires God's assistance, may recite the Prayer of Nabi
Isa or Jesus Christ--according to tradition, this is the prayer the Master used to raise the
dead. If it pleases God, when this prayer is recited one's request would be granted.

Method :

After the morning prayer, before speaking to anyone and while still in a prayerful
position, recite the following Divine Names 100x :

"Yaa Qadiimu Yaa Daayimu Yaa Ahadu Yaa Waahidu Yaa Shamadu."

After chanting the above continue with the following 100x :

"Yaa Qadiimu Yaa Daayimu Yaa Ahadu Yaa Shamadu.

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Walaa haula walaa quwwata illaa billaahil
'aliyyil 'azhiim. Yaa Qadiimu Yaa Daaimu Yaa Fardu Yaa Witru Yaa
Ahadu Yaa Shamadu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Qayyuumu Yaa Kariimu Yaa
Rahiimu yaa sanada man laa sanada lahuu yaa man ilaihil mustanadu yaa

man lam yalid walam yuulad walam yakun lahuu kufuwan ahadun. Yaa
dzaljalaali wal ikraam." 100x

After the recitation, make your desire known to God in your own words. Recite your
request over and over. By the grace of God, your need shall be fulfilled.


How to Acquire Luck, Wealth, and Prosperity

If you would like to attract luck and have God bless you with wealth and prosperity, then
recite the following prayer 7x every morning and evening :

"Yaa Kariimu Yaa Rahiimu Allaahumma Yaa Dzarrahmatil Waasi'ati Yaa

Muththalli'u 'alassaraairi wadhdhamaairi walhawaajisi walkhawaathiri laa
ya'zubu 'anka syai-un as aluka faidhatan min faidhaani fadhlika
waqabdhatan min nuuri shilatika waunsan wafarjan min bahri karamika
anta biyadikal amru kulluhuu wamaqaaliidu kulli syai- in fahab lanaa maa
tuqar-ribuhuu a'yunanaa watughniinaa 'an suaali ghairika fainnaka
waasi'ul karami katsiirul juudi hasanusy-syaimi fabibaabika waaqifuuna
walijuudikal waasi'il ma'ruufi muntazhiruuna Yaa Kariimu Yaa Rahiimu."


How to Empower Food or Money That They Magickally Return

If you would like to empower food, money or whatever to magickally return by

themselves, then follow the method below.

Method :

Recite the Divine Name below 1000x every day in a quiet, clean room. During the
recitation you have to wear perfume and white, immaculate clothings; and also burn some
arabic incense. Every Friday you have to burn incense even after the period of recitation.
After a year of this daily rite a khodamic spirit representing the Divine Name al-
Mughniyyu will contact you. After this advent, by God's grace, every time you recite the
Divine Name al-Mughniyyu over food, money or whatever, the item will be magickally
transported (or duplicated) back to you after having eaten, spent or given away. This
particular Divine Name has lots of virtues regarding the manifestation of food, money,
treasures, etc.

The Divine Name to be recited :

"Ya Mughniyyu." 100x


How to Stop Persecution and Tyranny

If you are being persecuted or tyrannized by someone and wish that person to cease
hostilities or even to get rid of that person from your life, then engage yourself in the
ritual below.

Method :

Fast on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from dawn to dusk--neither eating nor drinking.
During the night of the fasting period sit in a clean, quiet place. Make sure that you are
alone and would not be disturbed. While in that solitary state recite the prayer verses
below :

"Yaa qaahiru yaa dzal bathsyisy syadiidil ladzii laa yuthaaqun tiqaamuhuu
yaa qaahiru." 1649x

After every 100x chanting the above verse, recite the following once :

"Allaahummqhar man araada qahrii wa a'idznii min syarrihii wardud

kaidahuu fii nahrihii. Allaahumma innaka tamlikuhuu fa ahlikhu
wakadzaalika akhdzurabbika idzaa akhadzalquraa wahiya zhaalimatun
inna akhdzahuu aliimun syadiidun. Allaahumma dammirhu
dammarallaahu 'alaihim walil kaafiriina amtsaalahaa. Salaamun 'alaa
nuuhin fil'aalamiin."

By the grace of God if the ritual-prayer is done conscientiously with faith, the person
persecuting you will experience unfortunate events that would cause him/her to cease all
hostile activities towards you.


Prayer Invocation for Divine Justice and Intervention

If someone has harmed you in some way and you wish Divine Justice and Righteousness
to act on your behalf, then do the following rite :

After the evening prayers (Maghrib) do 2 rakaats of prayer. While bowing for the last
time recite,

"Yaa syadiidal mihaali yaa 'aziizu dzalla bi'izzatika jamii'u khalqika

washallallaahu 'alaa sayyidinaa muhammadan wa'alaa aalihii washahbihii
wasallama wakfinii syarra fulaanin."

Insert your personal request for justice here in your own words, mentioning the person
who has wronged you.

Then continue with the recitation :

"Yaa hannaanu yaa mannaanu asyhadu anna kulla ma'buudin min duuni
'arsyika ilaa qaraari ardhika maakhala wajhikal kariimi baathilun laa ilaaha
illaa anta yaa ghayyaatsal makruubiin." 24x

By the grace of God, the Divine Intervention that you have requested to act on your
behalf shall be fulfilled.

Note : Non- muslims may skip the preliminary method of prayer and replace it with a
personal prayer of devotion to the Almighty. Then continue with : "Yaa syadiidal mihaali
yaa 'aziizu dzalla . . . and the following prayers.


The Occult Method of Getting Rid of Stalking Tigers

If by any chance you encounter a tiger stalking about in your compound, and its presence
is causing quiet a consternation among the people around you, then you may "request" it
to leave by following the method below :

Inscribe the Divine Name "Syamkhaahiirin" below 15x on a virgin piece of parchment.
Then burn the parchment as close to the tiger as you can get without harming yourself.
By the grace of God, the tiger will leave the premises.


A Prayer to Go Undetected by Wild Animals

The prayer below gives one the ability to go "undetected" by wild animals or at least keep
their jaws tight just as the prophets of old were able to survive in lions' dens.

Method :

Fast for 3 days from dawn to dusk, eating and drinking nothing during non- fasting hours
but plain rice and water. No side dishes or condiments should be added. The prayer
below taken from Al- An'am 103, ought to be recited after the morning and evening
prayers 3x, even after the 3-days of fasting. The prayer may be recited mentally. When
you wish to activate the power, recite the prayer 3x, at the same time, bend your right
thumb while extending the rest of your fingers.

The Prayer :

Laa tudrikuhul abshaaru wa huwa yudrikul abshaara, wa huwal- lathiiful



Protection from Snakes

The mantras below protects one from poisonous snakes and creatures. They will not want
to come near you. However, if you are ever bitten, you would survive their stings or
bites--by the grace of God.

Method I :

Recite the verse below mentally 3x while holding the breath. Do this in a place where
you fear are lots of snakes and poisonous creatures.

"Bismikallahu birahmatika ya arhamar rahimiin."

Method II :

The prayer verse below causes poisonous creatures to become docile and harmless.

The prayer below extracted from the At-Taubah verse ought to be recited everyday for 7x
after 1 of the 5 obligatory prayers.

"Laqad jaa-akum rasuulum min anfusikum 'aziizun 'alaihi maa 'anit-tum

hariishun 'alaikum bil mu'miniina rauufur-rahim. Fai- in tawal- lau faqul

hasbiyai- laahu laa ilaaha illaahuwa 'alaihi tawakkaltu wa huwa rab-bul

Method III :

This method employs the above prayer with a Javanese mantra added. Aside from
causing poisonous creatures to become docile and harmless--it also does the same to
human vipers. The mantra and prayer ought to be recited everyday after the morning and
evening prayers. This prayers may be accompanied by three days of fasting from dawn to
dusk, beginning on a Tuesday for a more perfection absorption of the power.

"Laqad jaa-akum rasuulum min anfusikum 'aziizun 'alaihi maa 'anit-tum

hariishun 'alaikum bil mu'miniina rauufur-rahim. Fai- in tawal- lau faqul
hasbiyai- laahu laa ilaaha illaahuwa 'alaihi tawakkaltu wa huwa rab-bul
arsyil'azhiim." 7x

"Niat ingsun amek banyu wales teken

Wesin-e bahginda Ali
Wa aliifun la yamud syai- un bi- idznillah
Kaf, ha, ya, ain, sin, kof." 7x


A Subtle Way of Getting Rid of Unwanted Guests

To get rid of unwanted guests, recite the following prayer :

"Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Fayadzaruhaa qoo'an shofshofaa, laa taroo

fiihaa 'iwajawwa laa amtaa, yaumaidziy yattabi'uunad daa'iya laa 'iwaja
lahu." (Thaahaa : 106--108)


How to Empower Rice to Attract Prosperity

Below is a method for increasing prosperity.

Method :

Have 25 grains of rice at hand. Recite over each grain the verse below 1x:

"Muhammadur rosuulullaahi wal ladziina aamanuu ma'ahuu asyiddaa-u
'alal kuffaari ruhumaa-u bainahum, taroohum ruk-ka'an sujjaday
yabtaghuuna fadh- lam minallaahi wa ridhwaanaa. Siimaahum fii
wujuuhihim min atsaris sujuud, dzaalika matsaluhum fit taurooti wa
matsaluhum fil injiili, kazar'in akhroja syathahu faazarohu fastaghlazho
fastawaa 'alaa suugihi yu'jibuz zurro'a liyaghiizho bihimul kuffaar,
wa'adallaahul ladziina aamanuu wa 'amilush shoolihaati minhum
maghfirotaw wa ajron 'azhiima." 1x (Al-Fath : 29)

Then blow upon the grain of rice visualizing energy in the form of a brilliant white light
flowing with the breath and impregnating the rice. When all of the 25 grains have been
consecrated, put them in a pouch and keep it in a safe place. You may put it in the
container where you keep your rice so that it never diminishes--you will always have
funds to survive.


Pronunciation Guide to the Mantras/Prayers/Chants

A = Ah as in father
C = Ch as in choose
E = a as in pay
G = Gh as in grape
I = ee as in tree
U = oo as in tool

Letters not mentioned are pronounced as in the English language.

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