Group 4 - Lesson - Plan - Pronunciation
Group 4 - Lesson - Plan - Pronunciation
Group 4 - Lesson - Plan - Pronunciation
Duration: 30 minutes
Level: Elementary
I) Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to gain all of these objectives:
1. General knowledge
- Students (Ss) will know how to pronounce the sounds /6/ and / 4 / correctly.
- Students can create complete sentences with words containing that sound.
2. Skill
- Students produce the language items that involve these target sounds in real life.
1. Methods
Teacher (T) Students (Ss)
Stages Content
Warm-up and lead-in Warm-up - Pay attention T reads the words with the /b/
to T's sound then students stand up.
(7 minutes) - Review the previous instructions.
lesson by playing the T reads the word with the /p/
game "Up and Down" - Play the sound then students sit down
- Tells Ss the game's T reads 6 vocabulary words:
1. Big
+ T gives actions for 2. Bee
each sound. 3. Bean
4. Peach
+Students remember the 5. Pen
action corresponding to 6. Pear
each sound.
-Corrects pronunciation
for students.
- Asks Sts to take notes
into their notebooks.
a) Push /pʊʃ/
b) Lovely /ˈlʌ
c) Mushroom /ˈmʌʃ.ruːm/
d) Cup /kʌp/
a) Onion /ˈʌn.jən/
b) Box /bɒks/
c) Horrible /ˈhɒr.ə.bəl/
d) Want /wɒnt/
a) Omelette /ˈɒm.lət/
b) One /wʌn/
c) What /wɒt/
d) Clock /klɒk/
Production -Play the game " - Listen to T. Words used in the game:
(5 minutes) 1. Coffee /ˈkɒf.i/
- Tells to Ss the game's
rules: - Pay attention 2. Onion /ˈʌn.jən/
to the game’s
+T divides the class into rules 3. Omelette /ˈɒm.lət/
two teams. Each team
invites 5 people to 4. Cup /kʌp/
participate in the game.
- Play the 5. Mushroom (n) /ˈmʌʃ.ruːm/
+Asks the first student to game.
stand with their back to
the other students and
receive a word.
5. Consolidation - Asks Ss to read all the - Read all Coffee, lovely, omelette, want,
words they have just words cup, much, one, what, horrible,
(1 minute) learned again. mushroom, onion
1. Homework ( 1 minute)
- Do exercises 1, 2 at home.