Soal Post Test Soal Post Test
Soal Post Test Soal Post Test
Soal Post Test Soal Post Test
". #hich one of the folloing statements regarding patients ith thoracic spine
in!uries is $%&'(
a. )og-rolling may be destabili*ing to fractures from $-1" to )-1.
b. Ade+uate immobili*ation can be accomplished ith the scoop stretcher.
c. pinal cord in!ury belo $-1 usually spares boel and bladder function.
d. Hyperexion fractures in the upper thoracic spine are inherently
e. $hese patients rarely present ith spinal shoc in association ith cord
/. Absence of breath sounds and dullness to percussion o0er the left hemithorax
are fmdings best explained by
a. Left hemothorax.
g. cardiac contusion
h. left simple pneumothorax
i. left diaphragmatic rupture
!. right tension pneumothorax.
cool and diaphoretic, and he is confused. His pulse is thready and his femoral
pulse is only ealy palpable. $he defmiti0e treatment in managing this
patient is to
a. administer -negati0e blood
b. applyextemal arming de0ices.
c. Control internal hemorrhage operatively
1.A /"-year-old man is brought to the hospital unconscious ith se0ere facial
in!uries and noisy respirations after an automobile collision. 9n the emergency
department, he has no apparent in!ury to the anterior aspect of his nec. He
suddenly becomes apneic, and attempted 0entilation ith a face mas is
unsuccessful. 'xamination of his mouth re0eals a large hematoma of the
pharynx ith loss of normal anatomic landmars. 9nitial management of his
airay should consist of
a. inserting an oropharyngealair00ay.
b. inserting a nasopharyngeal airay.
c. performing a surgical cricothyroidotomy.
1/.A teen-aged bicycle rider is hit by a truc tra0eling at a high rate of speed. 9n
the emergency department, she is acti0ely bleeding from open fractures of
her legs, and has abrasions on her chest and abdominal all. Her blood
pressure is <=5 mm Hg, heart rate is 1 beats per minute, respiratory rate
is < breaths per minute, and :C score is . $he @rst step in managing this
patient is to
a. obtain a lateral cer0ical spine x-ray.
b. insert a central 0enous pressure line.
1.An <-year-old boy falls .5 meters 15 feetD from a tree and is brought to the
emergency department by his family. His 0ital signs are normal, but he
complains of left upper +uadrant pain. An abdominal C$ scan re0eals a
moderately se0ere laceration of the spleen. $he recei0ing institution does not
ha0e "-hour-a-day operating room capabilities. $he most appropriate
cerebral edema.
c. 9nitial therapy for the child ith traumatic brain in!ury includes the
administration of methylprednisolone intra0enously.
d. Children ha0e more focal mass lesions as a result of traumatic brain in!ury
hen compared to adults .
e. Foung children are less tolerant of expanding intracranial mass lesions
than adults.
1<.A "-year-old man, in!ured in a motor 0ehicle crash, suBers a closed head
in!ury, multiple palpable left rib fractures, and bilateral femur fractures. He is
intubated orotracheally ithout diIculty. 9nitially, his 0entilations are easily
assisted ith a bagJ0al0e de0ice. 9t becomes more diIcult to 0entilate the
patient o0er the next 5 minutes, and his hemoglobin oxygen saturation le0el
decreases from 2< to<2 . $he most appropriate next step is to
a. obtain a chest x-ray.
b. decrease the tidal 0olume.
c. auscultate the patient6s chest.
12.A "-year-old oman passenger in an automobile stries the ind screen ith
her face during a head-on collision. 9n the emergency department, she is
taling and has mared facial edema and crepitus. $he highest priority should
be gi0en to
a. lateral, c-spine x-ray.
b. upper airway protection.
"".A /-year-old man is struc by a car tra0eling at 5 ph /5 mphD. He has
ob0ious fractures of the left tibia near the nee, pain in the pel0ic area, and
se0ere dyspnea. His heart rate is 1< beats per minute, and his respiratory
rate is < breaths per minute ith no breath sounds heard in the left chest. A
tension pneumothorax is relie0ed by immediate needle decompression and
tube thoracostomy. ubse+uently, his heart rate decreases to 1 beats per
minute, his respiratory rate decreases to / breaths per minute, and his
blood pressure is <=5 inm Hg. #armed %inger6s lactate is administered
intra0enously. $he next priority should be toM
a. perform a urethrogram and cystogram .
b. perform external xation of the pelvis.
".A /-year-old man sustains a se0erely comminuted, open distal right femur
fracture in a motorcycle crash. $he ound is acti0ely bleeding. Normal
sensation is present o0er the lateral aspect of the foot but decreased o0er the
medial foot and great toe. Normal motion of the foot is obser0ed.
orsalispedis and posterior tibial pulses are easily palpable on the left, but
heard only by oppler on the right. 9mmediate eBorts to impro0e circulation
to the in!ured extremity should in0ol0e
a. immediate angiography.
b. tamponade of the ound ith a pressure dressing.
c. ound exploration and remo0al of bony fragments.
per minute, and the pulse oximeter displays a hemoglobin oxygen saturation
of 2 . $he next step in assessing and managing this patient should be to
a. determine the arterial blood gases.
b. obtain a lateral cer0ical spine x-ray.
c. assess placement of the endotracheal tube.
d. perform needle decompression of the left chest.
e. insert a thoraco stomy tube in the le ft hemithorax.
/".A ""-year-old man is brought to the hospital after crashing his motorcycle
into a telephone pole. He is unconscious and in profound shoc. He has no
open ounds or ob0ious fractures. $he cause of his shoc is L7$ )9O')F
caused by
a. a subdural hematoma.
b. an epidural hematoma.
c. a transected lumbar spinal cord.
d. a transected cer0ical spinal cord.
e. hemorrhage into the chest or abdomen.
//.A "-year-old man is trapped from the aist don beneath his o0ertumed
tractor for se0eral hours before medical assistance arri0es. He is aae and
alert until !ust before arri0ing in the emergency department. He is no
unconscious and responds only to painful stimuli by moaning. His pupils are /
mm in diameter and symmetrically reacti0e to light. Prehospital personnel
indicate that they ha0e not seen the patient mo0e either of his loer
extremities. 7n examination in the emergency department, no mo0ement of
his loer extremities is detected, e0en in response to painful stimuli. $he
most liely cause for this fmding is
a. an epidural hematoma.
b. a pel0ic fracture.
c. central cord syndrome.
d. intracerebral hemorrhage.
e. bilateral compartment syndrome.
/.All of the folloing signs on the chest x-ray of a blunt in!ury 0ictim may
suggest aortic rupture 'EC'P$M
a. mediastinal emphysema.
b. presence of a pleural cap.
c. obliteration of the aortic nob.
d. de0iation of the trachea to the right.
/5.A young oman sustains a se0ere head in!ury as the result of a motor
0ehicular crash. 9n the emergency department, her :C score is . Her blood
pressure is 1=2 mm Hg and her heart rate is < beats per minute. he is
intubated and is being mechanically 0entilated. Her pupils are / mm in si*e
and e+ually reacti0e to light. $here is no other apparent in!ury. $he most
important principle to follo in the early management of her head in!ury is to
a. administer an osmotic diuretic.
b. prevent secondary brain injury.
c. aggressi0ely treat systemic hypertension.
d. reduce metabolic re+uirements of the brain.
e. distinguish beteen intracranial hematoma and cerebral edema.
c. diaphragmatic breathing.
d. presence of deep tendon re4exes.
e. ability to 4ex forearms but inability to extend them.