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All content following this page was uploaded by Raymond Allan Williamson on 17 March 2015.
T he histological processing of teeth is difficult due to the fact that they are made up of both
mineralized hard tissues and soft tissues. Traditional preparation techniques and the type of
decalcification agents used in processing, commonly lead to mild to severe deterioration in the tissue
structure and therefore limitations in staining and examination of all tissues in one histological view.
Traditional techniques for preparation of teeth for histological analysis include Ground Section,
Decalcification and Cryomicrotomy.
The ground section of non-decalcified tooth and viewing by polarized light has been traditionally
used in the analysis of the crystal structure of teeth. However, sections are very thick and preclude
the use of transillumination to analyse tooth crystal structure [1-3].
How to cite this article:
Williamson, A. R. (2015). Histological preparation of teeth and tooth growth. Archives of Oral and Dental Research, 2:2. Retrieved from
Archives of Oral and Dental Research
Decalcify the tooth and then section and stain as per soft tis- given, as an Intraperitoneal dose (IP), one dose a day, over 3
sue. While this technique is useful in analysing the soft tissue days, every 4 weeks, beginning on Day 1, with all animals being
component of teeth, such as the pulp and periodontal ligament, sacrificed at Day 231 (33 weeks), using an overdose of Sodium
it loses the bulk of the crystal structure of teeth, making analysis Pentothal.
of hard tissue difficult [4,5]. The two lower central incisor teeth from each animal were
Cryomicrotomy is used where the non-decalcified tooth and removed and placed in formalin and prepared using the fol-
mandible is immersed rapidly in liquid nitrogen and sectioned lowing procedure:
with a cryostat using a heavy-duty freezing microtome. Both 1. The teeth were dried overnight in an oven at 40oC.
cellular and extracellular structures are well preserved and the 2. Each tooth was set in a plastic block using Epo-Tech 301
sections of tooth and bone appeared to be suitable for optical resin and allowed to set overnight at 40oC. The Epo-Tech 301
and scanning electron microscopy and for immunohistochemi- is a two component epoxy adhesive with a very low viscosity
cal analysis. However, there is an overall strong non-specific and is spectrally transparent. It is primarily designed for optical
binding of immunohistochemical reagents to enamel [6,7] filters but has many instrument and geological uses as it adheres
therefore making the use of stains and histological examination to many different types of substrates such as glass, quartz, met-
definition difficult. als, most plastics and plastic fibre optics. A similar technique
The purpose of this study is to report a petrographic prepara- of using methylmethacrylate to embed bone samples has been
tion technique for histological preparation of teeth which allows reported by Erben [18].
detailed analysis of teeth with all calcified and non-decalcified 3. Each tooth was then ground down to half its longitudinal
tissues present in one section. In addition, tooth growth is thickness using 600 grit Carborundum.
quantified using tetracycline as marker of hard tissue growth. 4. Each remaining half tooth was then glued to a glass slide
The laboratory technique for petrographic preparation of sam- using Epo-Tech 301 resin.
ples for histological analysis has been widely used for many 5. Each half tooth, glued to the glass slide, was then further
years in Geology, Engineering and Archaeology University reduced in thickness using a diamond bladed rock saw.
departments around the world. At the University of Western 6. The tooth slices were then ground down to approximately
Australia this sample preparation process is used for nearly all 40 µm thickness using 600 grit Carborundum.
of the geological samples, such as crystals, fossils and meteor- 7. The tooth slices were then polished on 3 grades of polish-
ites which come to the Geology Department and is also used ing cloths (KPM, MSF, +MRE) (KPM, MSF and MRE are the
for analysis of pottery from the Archaeology Department and manufacturing companies designations for the polishing cloth
ceramics and concrete from the Engineering Department. This types), using 3 grades of diamond paste (6.1+0.25 µm diamond
sample petrographic preparation process was first described paste). (The KPM cloth is a sprayed on hard flock cloth used with
by Beauchamp and Williford [8] in 1974. The advantages of 6 µm diamond paste for 10 minutes, the MSF is a fine woven silk
polished ultra-thin sections in the study of very fine-grained cloth used with 1 µm diamond paste for 20 minutes, and the
materials, such as occur in some meteorites, have been further MRE is a soft velvet type of cloth used with 0.25 µm diamond
illustrated by Fredriksson et al., [9] using the same preparation paste for 5 minutes to finish. All stages also use Kemet brand
process. Barber [10] has also described the same preparation Type W water based lubricant, which contains glycol).
process for extra-thin sections and their use in transmission 8. The polishing removes approximately 10 µm leaving the
electron microscopy. The protocol for petrographic preparation tooth slices 30 µm thick and glued to the glass slides.
of samples is included as no modifications were made for the
tooth samples in the current study. Microscopy analysis
This petrographic technique for preparation of teeth was also
1. Magnification of teeth–Images of the teeth were taken with
successfully used to measure the growth of the lower incisor inan x2.5 objective. To that is added x10 Magnification (built in
a Wistar rat model using tetracycline as a hard tissue marker. the microscope). Then x0.7 adaptor was used with the Nikon
The use of low dose tetracycline as a histological hard tissue Camera. Therefore the magnification of all the teeth images
marker has been well established since the 1960’s and allows are-2.5x10x0.7=17.5 (Magnification).
clear evidence of continued hard tissue growth in experimental 2. The mounted tooth sections were viewed at 17.5 magnifica-
animals [11-17]. tion using fluorescence microscopy with a narrow band, blue-
light filter block (450-490 nanometres [nm]). The fluorescent
Materials and methods labelled slides were examined and photographed, using a Nikon
For the purpose of this research project, six male Wistar rats Ti-E inverted motorised microscope with Nikon A1Si spectral
(250-300gm) were held in a 12 hour light-dark cycle environ- detector confocal system and transferred to electronic format
ment at 22oC+2oC. A veterinarian-approved tetracycline was for analysis, running NIS- C Elements software.
administered to all rats as a marker of tooth growth. Alamycin 3. The digital images were examined and the following
(oxytetracycline 200mg/ml, Diluted 1 in 10 to give 0.25ml/rat, measurements made:
20mg/kg body wt.)–0.2ml per rat (5mg/rat/day for 3 days), was i) The distance between tetracycline growth bands, to de-
The histological tooth sections obtained with this petrographic
preparation technique allowed detailed analysis of teeth with
all calcified and non-decalcified tissues present in one section.
In addition, tooth growth was clearly shown and was able to be
measured accurately with tetracycline used as marker of hard
tissue growth. Only longitudinal sections were used as a prime
requisite of this experiment was to review longitudinal tooth
growth, not the width of the teeth. The photos were taken at a
17.5X magnification. Figure 1 shows an example of the tetra-
cycline staining of a typical tooth. The photo clearly shows all Figure 2. The width of the tetracycline band demonstrates
the growth rate over the 3 days that the tetracycline was
the internal crystal structures of the tooth and the fluorescent administered to the rats. (Magx100).
band of tetracycline, indicated by the arrow.
The ground sectioning of a non-decalcified tooth and then be- in rats was demonstrated using fluorescence microscopy. The
ing viewed by polarized light has been traditionally used in the use of low dose tetracycline as a histological hard tissue marker
analysis of the crystal structure of teeth. However, sections are has been well established and allows clear evidence of continued
very thick and preclude the use of transillumination to analyse hard tissue growth in experimental animals [11-17].
tooth crystal structure [1-3]. In dried ground sections of dentine The tetracycline is taken up by growing teeth and can be
the odontoblastic processes disintegrate and the empty tubules seen histologically as bands of growth, like growth rings in a
are filled with air appearing black in transmitted light and white tree section. Tetracycline is available, as a Veterinary Approved
in reflected light [19]. Again, in dry sections, the structural ele- Drug (Alamycin), in vials of 200mg/ml for Intravenous/Intra-
ments may be lost and spaces result giving the black coloured muscular/Intraperitoneal use in Australia and was used in this
structures in transmitted light, and these are like, Tome’s granular study. Oral tetracycline is very poorly absorbed (only 2% being
layer, interglobular dentine and dead tracts [20]. Tome’s layer absorbed) and dose depends on the amount of water an animal
can on only be discerned in thick ground sections as a result of is drinking and therefore was not used in this study.
a superimposition phenomenon and the ability to focus within The dosage of 20mg/kg of tetracycline for animal use has
the depth of the sections of root dentine and middle layers of been reported by Frost [15] and was most effectively given as
coronal dentin [21-23]. an IP dose as correct dosage could be assured and there was
With traditional decalcification techniques, the enamel, be- minimal effect on the animal’s intestinal flora.
ing over 90% mineral in composition, is lost after preparation. Tetracyclines were introduced in 1948 as broad-spectrum
Dentine consists of 35% organic matter and water and 65% antibiotics that may be used in the treatment of common infec-
inorganic material, so again much of the basic tooth tissue is tions in children and adults [25]. The use of low dose tetracycline
lost with either decalcification. Decalcification techniques use a as a histological bone marker has been well established since
variety of acid chemicals to demineralise the tooth structure and the 1960s with papers by Bevelander et al., [12], Ibsen and Urist
this often takes more than a week to undertake. Depending on [13], Faccini [14], Frost [15], and more recently by Ranggard
the type of acid used, mild to severe deterioration of the tooth [11], Engstrom [16], Sun et al., [17]. It was discovered that
structure will occur limiting examination and staining of the tetracycline is incorporated into hard tissues calcifying at the
dental tissues [24]. The paper by Keklikoglu and Akinci [24] from time of their administration and subsequently could be studied
2013 reviewed three different techniques of histological tooth in undecalcified sections by fluorescence microscopy [12,14].
preparation and compared the histological staining differences When ultraviolet (UV) light (450-490 nanometres [nm]) is
in the preparations from decalcified and undecalcified tooth applied to tetracycline-stained hard tissues, it exhibits a yellow
roots by three different embedding materials and techniques. Fuchsin Fluorescence. Hence tetracycline compounds are utilized
They concluded that the best histological detail was obtained in hard tissue research as a vital fluorescent dye for measuring
from the decalcified, paraffin-embedded sections. Here again the rate of hard tissue formation [11-16]. The tetracycline tends
all calcified material would be lost from the specimen with to remain incorporated into the newly formed hard tissue areas
resulting reduced histological information. for some time after systemic administration [26]. The dosage
The Cryomicrotomy technique, using a heavy-duty freezing of 20mg/kg of tetracycline for animal use, reported by Frost
microtome, is useful for examination of both hard and soft [5], was successfully used in this study to demonstrate growth
tissue structures. Both cellular and extracellular structure are in the rat incisor.
well preserved and the sections of tooth and bone appeared to The biologically active tissue in continuous tooth growth
be suitable for optical and scanning electron microscopy and in rodents is dentine with enamel being acellular. Therefore,
for immunohistochemical analysis, However, it has the disad- most studies on rat tooth growth relate to dentine. A review
vantage of there being an overall strong non-specific binding of the literature reveals that the mean eruption rate of the rat
of immunohistochemical reagents to enamel [6]. mandibular incisor has been measured by many authors [27-31],
The use of the petrographic preparation technique by investing using a number of techniques with a range of results (0.015 mm/
a non-decalcified tooth in an Epo-Tech 301 resin and grind- day [27] to 1.0 mm/day [28]. The mean unimpeded eruption
ing it down to 30 µm thick slices and then using fluorescence rate of the rat mandibular incisor, measured by Law et al., [28],
microscopy was found to be a most useful method for tooth using an image analysis technique, is reported as 1.0±0.1 mm/
analysis of both hard and soft tissues and should be commended day. Harari et al., [31] reported a mean growth of 0.542±49 mm/
to researchers. The petrographic preparation techniques are day in young rats compared to 0.443±25 mm/day in mature rats.
also particularly useful for histologic sections and microra- Chiba and Yamaguchi [32] reported the average eruption rates
diography of tissues containing manmade implants (metallic, of the rat incisor to be between 0.406 and 0.516 mm/day. Fatani
ceramic, polymer, and composite) which cannot be sectioned and Raja [27], using radioautographs, measured the thickness
with a microtome. In this study this technique provided very of dentine laid down per day as 0.015 mm. It is clear that the
clear histological sections for analysis of all dental tissues in one growth rate of teeth is effected by many factors, including age
section and allows for a variety of tissue stains. of animal [28,31], the physical properties of the diet [33], and
In addition the use of tetracycline to measure tooth growth medications [11]. In this study the mean growth of teeth was
0.010 mm/day during the period of tetracycline administration -Australian and New Zealand Association of Oral and Maxillofacial
and 0.016 mm/day when no tetracycline was being administered. Surgeons.
This compares with the studies by Fatani and Raja [8] who -Rankine Memorial Foundation.
reported a rate of 0.015 mm/day, using radioautographs. The -Australian Dental Research Foundation.
growth rate of the teeth in this study was also seen to be less
in the presence of tetracycline which compares with Ranggard
[11] who reported that even a single low dose of tetracycline (2 References
mg oxytetracycline per 100 g) caused a disturbance in normal 1. Dean, M. C., Beynon, A. D., Reid, D. J. and Whittaker, D. K. (2005).
amelogenesis in the rat incisor. The question then is “How does A longitudinal study of tooth growth in a single individual based
this affect the interpretation of the results when tetracycline is on long- and short-period incremental markings in dentine and
enamel. Int J Osteoarchaeology, 3, 249-264.
used as a histological marker for other studies?” As there is a
2. Alexandersen, V., Noren, J. G., Hoyer, I., Dietz, W. and Johansson,
significant difference between tooth growth of 0.010 mm/day G. (1998). Aspects of teeth from archaelogic sites in Sweden and
during the period of tetracycline administration and 0.016 mm/ Denmark. Acta Odontol Scand, 56, 14-9.
day when no tetracycline is being administered, this consequence 3. Brannstrom, M. and Lind, P. O. (1965). Pulpal response to early
needs to be taken into consideration when interpreting the re- dental caries. J Dent Res, 44, 1045-50.
sults of other studies when tetracycline is used as a histological 4. Smith, C. E. and Nanci, A. (1989). A method for sampling the stag-
marker of tooth growth. es of amelogenesis on mandibular rat incisors using the molars as a
reference for dissection. Anat Rec, 225, 257-66.
Conclusion 5. Stanley, H. R., Broom, C. A., Spiegel, E. H. and Schultz, M. S.
Within the limitations of this study, the use of the petrographic (1980). Detecting dentinal sclerosis in decalcified sections with the
Pollak trichrome connective tissue stain. J Oral Pathol, 9, 359-71.
preparation technique by investing a non-decalcified tooth in
an Epo-Tech 301 resin and grinding it down to 30 µm thick 6. Carter, D. H., Sloan, P. and Aaron, J. E. (1994). The cryomicrotomy
of rat dental tissues: a technique for histological and immunohisto-
slices and then using fluorescence microscopy provided excel- chemical analysis. Histochem J, 26, 103-9.
lent results for tooth analysis as can be seen in Figures 1-3. This
7. Nakamura, Y., Tanaka, T., Wakimoto, Y., Noda, K. and Kuwahara,
technique preserves all dental tissues for histological analysis in Y. (1994). Preparation of unfixed and undecalcified frozen sections
one viewing field without the chemical alterations of traditional of adult rat periodontal ligament during experimental tooth move-
techniques. The petrographic preparation techniques are also ment. Biotech Histochem, 69, 186-91.
particularly useful for histologic sections and microradiography 8. Beauchamp, R. H, and Williford, J, F. (1974). In McCall J A and
of tissues containing manmade implants (metallic, ceramic, Mueller WM (eds.), Metallographic specimen preparation: optical
polymer, and composite) which cannot be sectioned with a and electron microscopy, Plenum Press, New York and London.
microtome. This technique should be commended to research- 9. Fredriksson K., Noonan A F, and Nelen, J. (1978). Meteoritics. 13,
462- 4.
ers with further studies needed to assess its full application in
the area of dental research. 10. Barber, D. J. (1981). Demountable polished extra-thin sections
and their use in transmission electron microscopy. Mineralogical
This study further commends the use of tetracycline as a Magazine, 44, 357-9.
clinical marker of growth in hard tissue research. However, this 11. Ranggard, L. (1989). Tetracycline as a marker in hard tissue re-
study also showed that the presence of tetracycline caused a re- search: effects on enamel formation in rat maxillary incisors. Scand
duction in tooth growth which was consistent with the findings J Dent Res, 97, 381-6.
of Ranggard [11] and Fatani & Raja [27]. This finding needs 12. Bevelander, Rolle and Cohlan. (1961). The Effect of the Adminis-
to be taken into consideration when interpreting the results of tration of Tetracycline on the Development of Teeth. J Dent Res,
other studies when tetracycline is used as a histological marker 40, 1020-1024.
of tooth growth. 13. Ibsen, K. H. and Urist, M. R. (1964). The biochemistry and the
physiology of the tetracyclines: with special reference to mineral-
ized tissues. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 32, 143-69.
Competing interests
14. Faccini, J. M. (1969). Fluoride and bone. Calcif Tissue Res, 3, 1-16.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
15. Frost, H. M. (1969). Tetracycline-based histological analysis of
Acknowledgement bone remodeling. Calcif Tissue Res, 3, 211-37.
All experimental surgical procedures were carried out under 16. Engstrom, H., Jansson, J. O. and Engstrom, C. (1983). Effect of lo-
licence from the Animal Ethics Committees of Royal Perth cal irradiation on longitudinal bone growth in the rat. A tetracy-
Hospital and The University of Western Australia. I would like cline labelling investigation. Acta Radiol Oncol, 22, 129-33.
to thank Frank Nemeth, Senior Technician,for the preparation
of the fossil and meteor samples photomicrographs and My two 17. Sun, T. C., Mori, S., Roper, J., Brown, C., Hooser, T. and Burr, D. B.
supervisors Professor John McGeachie and Associate Professor (1992). Do different fluorochrome labels give equivalent histomor-
Marc Tennant for their encouragement, guidance and support phometric information? Bone, 13, 443-6.
throughout this project. I would like to thank the following 18. Erben, R. G. (1997). Embedding of bone samples in methylmethac-
organizations for their financial support of this project. rylate: an improved method suitable for bone histomorphometry,