De Crim July Aug 2024 Answer Key
De Crim July Aug 2024 Answer Key
De Crim July Aug 2024 Answer Key
Instructions: Read carefully. Choose the best answer for each question. Shade the correct letter in the separate
shading sheet provided. Do not forget to write your name and the subject of your test questionnaire in your shading
64. Which statement exemplifies that without the 70. It is the “assumed effect” of another variable.
very source of strength and courage of individual, It is the change that occurs in the study
man may develop fear and inferiority? population when one or more factors are changed
or when an intervention is introduced.
a. It is through companionship a. Antecedent Variable
where warmth is felt by a child. b. Dependent Variable
b. Security is the state of being c. Independent Variable
secure, specifically freedom d. Intervening Variable
from danger, risk, care and
c. This is one thing needed in a 71. Refers to a period of disorganization, period of
family for a child. upset during which people attempt to arrive at a
d. Children's solution of problems. It is a crucial or decisive point or
accomplishments and situation; a turning point; an unstable condition, as in
resourcefulness deserve political, social, or economic. It is a state provoked
appreciation and reward when a person faces obstacles or hazards to an
important life goal.
A. Crises
B. Crises Management
65. Police officers who have taken into custody a
child in conflict with the law, under the juvenile C. Crises Negotiation
justice act is mandated to turn over said child to D. Crisis
the custody of the Department of Social Welfare
and Development or any accredited Non-
72. Statement no. 1: Restorative justice views crime as
Government Organization immediately but not
an accountability by both individuals and the society
later than _____ hours after apprehension.
and punishment is not an effective means of changing
a. 8 behavior because it disrupts community harmony and
b. 24 good relationships. Statement no. 2: Retributive justice
c. 12 views crime as an individual act and individual
d. 36 responsibility and the offender should be punished in
order to deter crime and change behavior.
66. Which of this statement is untrue? A. Statement no. 1 is correct while Statement no. 2 is
a. Religion in advance societies tends to the B. Statement no. 1 is incorrect while Statement no. 2
collective or group experience. is correct
b. Participation in organized religious C. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both correct
activity is higher among women, D. Statements no. 1 and 2 are both incorrect
especially widows.
c. Some religions are attractive to the 73. Statement no. 1: Information obtained through
deprived because they promise rewards in mediation shall be privileged and confidential.
the other world. Statement no. 2: A party, a mediator, or a non-party
d. Religion has served as a functional
participant may NOT refuse to disclose and may
alternative to political extremism.
prevent any other person from disclosing a mediation
D. Dependent variables 81. What is this theory which holds that crime is
a function of the conflict between the goals
people have and the means they can use to
76. In studies that take a long time to finish, say, one legally obtain them? It argues that it is the
year or more, like cohort studies, where the subjects inability to obtain these goals, usually materials
(the same people) are followed up overtime, some goals that trigger the commission of crimes
cases may drop out, thus resulting in a loss of cases because members of the lower class are unable
A. Selection to achieve these goals which come easy for
members of the upper class.
B. Instrumentation a.Social disorganization theory
B.Cultural deviance theory
C. Mortality C. Social learning theory
D. Maturation D. Strain theory
77. A type of survey technique that utilizes the reaction 82. Santino is found to be persistently
of people towards certain reasons for committing misbehaving at home, school and in community
crimes. Example: Survey conducted through television at Quiapo. He is ever displaying coercive and
or radio. threatening behavior in dealing with other people.
Such display of behavior is known as?
A. Public Opinion Survey A. Minimal Brain Dysfunction
B. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
C. Conduct Disorder
B. School Survey
D. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
C. Market Survey Disorder
D. Social Survey
83. A defendant in a criminal case must have the
mental capacity to understand the charges
78. Grounds for Removal or Suspension of Board against him/her. Who is a competent defendant?
Chairperson/Member, EXCEPT. A. One who has been diagnosed with
a. Manipulation or rigging of the results in the licensure psychosis.
examination for criminologist B One who has poor performance on
b. Gross neglect, incompetence or dishonesty in the psychological tests specifically designed
discharge of one's duty
to assess legally relevant functional
c. Manipulation or rigging of the results in the licensure
abilities of the defendants.
examination for criminologists, disclosure of secret and
C. One who has been diagnosed with
confidential information on the examination questions
prior to the conduct thereof, or tampering of grades psychosis
d. Commission of any crime involving moral D. One who has good performance
turpitude on psychological tests specifically
designed to assess legally relevant
79. It provides that only nationals of foreign countries functional abilities of the
in which the requirements for the licensure defendants.
examination and/or registration and practice of
criminology are substantially the same as those
required and contemplated by the Philippine laws and 84. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is
regulations, and which laws and regulations allow characterized by intense disturbing thoughts, and
Philippine citizens to practice criminology within the feelings. related to a terrifying event that a person
territory of such foreign countries shall be allowed to has experienced, and lasts for a long time after
take the Philippine Criminologists licensure such event has occurred. PTSD may be
examination experienced after the following events.
a. Foreign Invader EXCEPT___
b. Foreign Reciprocity A. military combat
c. Foreign Alliance B. momentous events
d. Foreign Treaty C. sexual assaults
D. natural disasters
80. The following are the characteristics of the Classical
School of Criminology; 85. Motorists sometimes forget to lock their
1. The basis of criminal liability is human free-will and vehicles or may unintentionally leave their cellular
the purpose of penalty is phones behind. In doing so, they become victims
retribution of a crime. Which refers to a situation where a
2. Man is essentially a moral creature with an absolute victim unintentionally makes it easier for an
free-will to choose between offender to commit crime?
right and wrong A. Victim provocation
3. Criminals are distinguishable from non-criminals B. Victim administration
because of their physical C Victim precipitation
Amici Review Center 8|Page
D. Victim facilitation similar inmate populations. Likewise, he wants to
utilized ethnography in his research design. How
is ethnography suitable to the purpose of the
86. Namsan could not conform to the social study?
norms, rules, and regulations. He is so
manipulative, deceitful, and reckless, and does a. It studies certain group to
gain clear understanding of its
not care for the feelings of other people. Which
internal operations or lifestyle
disorder is Namsan suffering from?
b. It studies how people find their
A. Antisocial Personality experiences meaningful.
b. Depressive c. It involves a lengthy study of a
C. Schizophrenia person, group or situation.
D. Delusional d. It prevents the discrimination of
ethnic groups.
87. According to Lombroso, these are physical
characteristics that distinguish born criminals 92. Pat. Samonte being a registered criminologist
from the general population and are throwbacks and a QD expert, was hired by Olga to determine
to animals or primitive people. the authenticity of the holographic will of Don
a. physical deviations
Julio. In determining his remuneration, which
b. distinguishable traits
canon of professional ethics of registered
c. atavistic stigmata criminologist should be applied?
d. ape-like appearance
A. Canon 7. Limitation of Authority
B. Canon 8. Practice of Profession
88. Ryan Beng, due to war conflict in their C. Canon 10. Decorum
country, travelled to the Philippines. It is hard for D. Canon 9. Malpractice of the
her to adopt to the culture of the Filipinos thus, it Profession
causes communication gap and misunderstanding
between her and the Filipinos As a result, Ryang
Beng can be an easy victim of a crime. Which
93. The PNP Directorate for Operations has issued
refers to the status of Ryan Beng?
an alert bulletin that there is a strong possibility
A. Immigrant
that a man-made critical Incident may occur
B. Female within a short period of time. Which is its
C. Senile equivalent critical Incident alert level?
D. Minorities A. Level 1 (Low)
B. Level 4 (Extreme)
C. Level 2 (Moderate)
89. Which of the following explains the biological D. Level 3 (High)
and psychological theories of crime?
A. The labeling of an individual and
relating the label to criminality. 94. Prevention capability, is essential for physical
B. The way society is organized which security. For man-made incidents, which of the
results to is being conducive to following courses of action Is NOT an appropriate
criminality. measure?
C. The physical characteristics and A. Warning and alert systems to
mental qualities of man are minimize the effects of terrorism attacks.
conducive to criminality. B. Alertness to signs and manifestations
D. The influence of society to crime of suspicious looking individuals.
commission C. Peace negotiations among
warring parties.
D. Active and passive security measures.
90. Socrates held that virtue is a form of
knowledge and that the cultivation of virtue is the
most important human obligation. Which ethical 95. This way of life is based on mutual help. When
tenets was developed by Socrates? there ls abundance all are fed, when food it scarce
A. No man is deliberately corrupt and all all are hungry. Furthermore, a person is
evil activities come from ignorance subordinate to nature and becomes materialistic
B. Spiritual and sensual enjoyment are and selfish. Which is being referred to in this
associated with greatest freedom from situation?
displeasure and pain A. Socialism
C. Joy and cheerfulness as the highest B. Altruism
good C. Communism
D. Justice, temperance and D. Anomie
fortitude very well constitute the
harmony of human activities
96. Roda does not want to interact with the poor
people in his neighborhood and prefer to be
91. Menoy is a registered criminologist. He was associated with people possessing the same
fascinated to studied the different types of economics status as with him. In this situation a
inmates in prison on how they do interact with sub-culture is born that may produce
each other. Her wants to understand why some disorganization in the youth as opposed to
inmates easily adapt to incarceration than the conventional and traditional values. This is a
others. His objective is to propose a general classic example of which theory?
theory of inmate behavior that extends to all
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A. Social Conflict
B. Social Process
C. Social Control
D. Social Structure
A. Normative protection
B. Supply of remedies
C. Demand for remedies
D. Customary protection