Codesys Getting Started
Codesys Getting Started
Codesys Getting Started
Getting Started Date: 2018-11-27
Getting Started
CODESYS Revision 1.2
Getting Started Date: 2018-11-27
Revision history ..................................................................................................................................2
1. Brief Introduction ..........................................................................................................................3
1.1. CrossControl support site ......................................................................................................... 3
2. Install CODESYS IDE ......................................................................................................................4
2.1. Select and download IDE ........................................................................................................ 4
2.2. Unpack and install IDE .............................................................................................................. 5
3. Basic setup ....................................................................................................................................7
3.1. Download project archives ..................................................................................................... 7
3.2. Install/extract the project archives in CODESYS IDE ........................................................... 7
4. Setup your first CODESYS project .............................................................................................10
Revision history
Rev Date Author Comments
1.0 2018-03-08 Per Görling First Version
Changed Codesys to upper case.
1.1 2018-04-12 Per Görling
Added info in ch 3.1
1.2 2018-11-27 Per Görling Updated link to CODESYS document
Word/Abrevation Explanation
CrossTecc A set of applications and components...
crc Cyclic redundancy check
SAP Software Application Platform
Qt Development framework
RT, RTE RunTime Environment
API Application Programming Interface
IDE Integrated Development Environment
GUI Graphical User Interface
CODESYS Revision 1.2
Getting Started Date: 2018-11-27
1. Brief Introduction
CODESYS is a state-of-the-art soft PLC application module in LinX Software Suite. CODESYS
provides a fieldbus network infrastructure out-of-the-box, e.g. for CANopen and J1939. It features
a powerful environment for developing control logics where you can choose between 6 different
PLC programming languages (IEC 61131-3). And it comes with a module for fast realization of
GUIs. Combined, these features give you a powerful framework for fast realization of a complete
control and HMI system.
CODESYS is a device-independent PLC-programming system. Matching the IEC 61131-3 standard
it supports all standard programming languages but also allows including C-routines and supports
object orientated programming. In combination with the CODESYS Control Win V3 runtime
system it allows multi-device and multi-application programming. The component-based structure
makes possible a customer-specific configuration and extension of the user interface.
Before using the information in this document, regard the following on installation and how to get
further information.
CODESYS Revision 1.2
Getting Started Date: 2018-11-27
CODESYS Revision 1.2
Getting Started Date: 2018-11-27
Select the development environment that suits your needs and download.
1. There is a video showing how to perform the installation (select the video “Installation”
after using the link in ch. 1.1).
CODESYS Revision 1.2
Getting Started Date: 2018-11-27
2. You can also choose to download a CODESYS IDE from the CODESYS homepage
(, if you need a specific version of the IDE.
For more information on installation and startup, see the following document in our CODESYS
section on our support site:
“CODESYS Installation and Start.pdf”
CODESYS Revision 1.2
Getting Started Date: 2018-11-27
3. Basic setup
This chapter describes the additional installation and configuration steps needed to be able to
develop CODESYS applications and download them to the CrossControl products.
This initial setup shall only be performed once or when you change to another IDE.
Download the following project archives and extract them in your CODESYS IDE:
CC Device description files (for all CC display units – VC, VA, XA, XS, VS, XM)
CODESYS Revision 1.2
Getting Started Date: 2018-11-27
2. Browse to the folder containing the downloaded project archives to start extracting the
3. Browse to the folder containing the downloaded project archives and extract one at the
time. Start with the “CrossControl_Development_Environment” archive. Select the folder
you want to use as the development folder for your project(s) and check all the items shown
in the contents list.
Press “Extract”.
4. When the task is finished, the tool will show a list of components that could be updated to a
newer version. The recommendation is to choose action “Do not update” for all
the tabs (Library, Device, Compiler Visu etc)!
CODESYS Revision 1.2
Getting Started Date: 2018-11-27
There is a video showing how-to perform the basic setup (select the video “Initial setup” after first
using the link in ch 1.1).
CODESYS Revision 1.2
Getting Started Date: 2018-11-27
The following ‘device’ alternatives are available in the project structure that we have
created. You can now see the available CrossControl devices.
CODESYS Revision 1.2
Getting Started Date: 2018-11-27
If you are going to develop a CODESYS application for ARM – choose CCpilot XA V3
If you are going to develop a CODESYS application for x86 – choose CCpilot XM
Programming language.
The following alternatives are available:
4. The basic skeleton has now been created for a standard CODESYS project.
Before starting up the development work, it is recommended that you check a few things.
Follow the steps below:
a) Double click on “Device” in the tree view to the left. Select “Information”.
Check that the version displayed (Version: corresponds to the CODESYS Runtime
version installed on the target device. If not, you may have to update the device in the IDE!
CODESYS Revision 1.2
Getting Started Date: 2018-11-27
b) To update your device, right-click on “Device” in the tree view to the left and select
“Update Device...”
The following window appears. Check the box “Display all versions”.
c) Select the version you want to update to and press “Update Device”.
d) Check the Device Information and make sure that the device version has been updated.
If the versions differ, it won’t be possible to connect later to the target device, when
downloading the application!
There is a video showing how-to perform the creation of the first project (select the video
“Project Creation and Configuration” after first using the link in ch 1.1).