Miss Ko Na Siya Reviewer
Miss Ko Na Siya Reviewer
Miss Ko Na Siya Reviewer
-Ludwig Van Beethoven Bridged the music from classical to romantic era by
expessing his passion and emotions through his music
-Most of the musical compositions of the era portray literature, history, emotions,
and nature.
-Piano music of the Romantic Period is in free form such as fantasy, rhapsody,
ballade, and nocturne.
-His musical skills started with playing the mandolin at age of five. He transferred
his training in violin at the age of 7 with different violin professors in italy.
Piano Music:
-piano music of the romantic period was filled with innovations.
-Today, some piano compositions from the romantic period have been adapted
into songs.
1. Frederic Chopin
Frederic Chopin was known as the "Poet of the Piano," He was born on March
1,1810 in Zelazowa, Poland.
-He studied piano at Warsaw Conservatory under Wilhelm Wurfel and most of his
music was influence by folk music.
-In the later part of Chopin he was diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis.
-Chopin died on October 17, 1849, in Paris.
- Polonaise - a slow polish dabce in triple time that consist march or procession
- prelude - a short piece of music that can be used as preface, and introduction to
another work or may stand on its own.
- The best word that describe the works of Franz liszt is "virtousity." He was known
as the virtuoso pianist, a composer and the busiest musician during the Romantic
- He was also known with his generosity in sharing time and money to the
orphans, victim of a disaster, and the many students he taught music for free.
-He was known for his symphonic poems where he translated great literary works
into musical compositions.
Orchestral Composition
- Symphonic Poems("Hamlet", "Les Perludes")