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We consider our staff to be our most valuable We believe that children learn and achieve best
asset and they make a real difference to the through play. We therefore follow a play-based
service we provide. We employ over 40 staff who curriculum that supports children from birth to five
have been carefully selected to ensure your child years of age. Your child will be learning skills,
receives the highest quality care and education. acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their
Our staff have a wealth of childcare experience understanding through seven approved areas of
and share a love of working with children. We work learning and development:
with a child ratio of one member of staff to three
children. All our staff are qualified in childcare and 1. communication and language
education to a minimum of level three and our 2. physical development
managers hold level five qualifications. 3. personal, social and emotional
We understand that continuity of care is important 4. literacy
for children. We value our staff and are committed 5. mathematics
to promoting staff loyalty. As a result, our staff 6. understanding the world
turnover is very low and many staff have been with 7. expressive arts and design
us since the nursery opened in 2006. We invest in
staff training and are currently sponsoring Our skilled staff use these learning areas to plan
members of the team to pursue higher education challenging and enjoyable activities to meet the
goals. Paediatric first aid, safeguarding and basic individual development needs and interests of your
food hygiene qualifications are mandatory for all child. This curriculum provides a complete
staff and are regularly updated. development plan. It ensures our children are well
prepared for school having benefited from a range
CATERING of well-directed learning opportunities that involve
both practical and educational activities.
Eating healthily is extremely important in the
development of young children. We are lucky to KEY PERSON
have two dedicated nursery cooks who ensure the
children eat delicious, healthy and nutritious meals We are very proud of our embedded key person
every day. All meals are cooked on site using approach. Each child is assigned a key person to
produce from local suppliers. We operate a strict support their needs and development whilst
no nut policy and minimise the use of foods attending Tawara Tots Childcare. The key person
containing sugar, fat and additives. We comply is a named member of our qualified staff who has
with all food safety and hygiene regulations. responsibility for working with you and ensuring
care is tailored to meet the individual needs of your
We do our very best to protect children who suffer child. The key person will spend time observing
from food allergies. At registration we obtain your child with a view to understanding their
information about any special dietary interests and how to develop their learning. We
requirements, including food allergies and have found that the presence of a key person
intolerances. Our kitchen staff monitor and helps the child to feel emotionally secure when
manage a wide range of dietary needs. They keep away from home and provides a reassuring point
daily records of children attending the nursery and of contact for parents. It also ensures every child in
their specific dietary requirements. All our staff are the nursery is given the appropriate level of
trained to recognise and deal with sudden or attention and care.
severe allergic reactions.
The key person will be your main point of contact
Prospectus produce by Saeed Mohammed Hamidu GH023 0135
with the nursery and will also be responsible for Wherever possible we arrange for your key person
exchanging information with you. They will be to visit you at home prior to your child starting
observing and monitoring your child’s development nursery. This provides the opportunity to meet your
whilst in the nursery. You will get verbal updates child in their home environment where they will feel
most days and regular written summaries about more relaxed. It also gives you an opportunity to
how well your child is progressing. They will also discuss your child’s likes and dislikes and any
keep an online learning journal of your child’s preferred routines. Home visits start the process of
learning and development through their early sharing information and helps to develop trust and
education. It will contain observations, annotated a strong relationship between families and
photographs, snapshots of significant practitioners.
achievements, quotes from your child and their
artwork. Parents can view and comment on these The home visit is followed by three induction
observations and contribute their own stories. sessions at the nursery. These usually last for two
hours. You are invited to stay with your child at the
INDUCTION PROCESS first session as this will help them to get to know
their new surroundings whilst still having you
At Tawara Tots Childcare we understand that the nearby. After the first session you are welcome to
transition from home to the world of the nursery wait in reception or come into the office to watch
can be a stressful and emotionally overwhelming your child on our CCTV system. Together we will
time for children and parents. It is a significant build your child’s confidence so you are able to
change that needs to be handled with care and leave them for longer periods. Young children are
sensitivity. For that reason, we follow a structured very adaptable and most settle down very quickly
and considered induction process to ensure you as they begin to make friends and enjoy their new
and your child experience a happy, smooth and surroundings.
positive transition into the routines of the nursery.
Choosing a nursery can be one of the hardest decisions a parent has to make. Demand for good quality
childcare places far exceeds supply as the number of working parents continues to rise. Our nursery has
achieved excellent inspection ratings as well as awards from the local education authority for high quality
practice. We are open all year round from 6.30 am until 7.30 pm Monday to Friday, and from 6.30 am until
2.00 pm on Saturdays. We provide a full range of meals, snacks and drinks for your child during their time
with us. Healthy snacks and milk are also provided mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Fresh water is always
available. Fees include the set meals listed:
We are happy to discuss your requirements and for potential clients to visit our nursery. Our staff will help
you and your child become familiar with the nursery environment and ensure you are happy and confident
with the high-quality care we offer. Our aim is to provide the best outcomes for children and families that we
can. Please visit our website for contact information.