Labour Law Assignment 5
Labour Law Assignment 5
Labour Law Assignment 5
Pege No.
2] Temporo
n Cage +emoTa disa bilih esu+i na roma
6clcace aceilet *he emply 15Apon) ble
fls pvoridi injued employee
Tampogo i C blenme sefoos o tníues hat
fTeveut the Cmployee Pron peofomino hels job
a lmited peiod.
4 Deah Due to an
1 n nloyee s f e s
Am bu wt o (Seati on 4)
Compen sation
Fan emplbyee gets injuned on lfee beCauss
of he job. They o hej Pomily ase entit ed
t Compon gatton based
-The Pomil gers an eTbes So
of the employee's monthly Sala me ca
fatos seate to he
S hiah ers
The c0omens Compen Saion Aet. q23 coat mode
4o c ons CoYnpem sation o he D00kens oho hd e
ert ounterred injuies due to
Their employneut.Thie aor ensue hat ng
the lo boes are naintaned even afsThe
enoun ton lcabìlity cleah ele to an
Oceicleut duivg Thel CUO herse fsehe
emploers age oblt'q ased to ofo Compensothon
-thel cODDters oho erountesed iniey tha ha
lel to demise employweut