Introduction To Criminal Justice 9th Edition Ebook PDF
Introduction To Criminal Justice 9th Edition Ebook PDF
Introduction To Criminal Justice 9th Edition Ebook PDF
Brief Contents
Case Index
Subject Index
3 Explaining Crime
Introduction to Criminological Theory
Classical and Neoclassical Approaches to Explaining Crime
Classical Theory
Neoclassical Theory
Positivist Approaches to Explaining Crime
Biological Theories
Psychological Theories
Sociological Theories
Critical Approaches to Explaining Crime
Labeling Theory
Conflict Theory
Radical Theory
Other Critical Theories
Key Terms
Review Questions
In the Field
On the Web
Critical Thinking Exercises
10 Institutional Corrections
Historical Overview of Institutional Corrections
European Background
Developments in the United States
The Incarceration Boom
Recent Trends
Prison Inmate Characteristics
Incarceration Facilities
Organization and Administration by Government
Classification and Other Special Facilities
Men’s Prisons
Women’s Prisons and Cocorrectional Facilities
Jails and Lockups
Institutional Security, Services, and Programs
Security and Inmate Discipline
Services and Programs
Key Terms
Review Questions
In the Field
On the Web
Critical Thinking Exercises
Plate 17.
Or, the Doctrine of
Applied to the ART of
Mold-Making, Sinking the Matrices,
Casting and Dressing of
a The Carriage.
b The Body.
c The Male-Gage.
d e The Mouth-Piece.
f i The Register.
g The Female-Gage.
h The Hag.
a a a a The Bottom-Plate.
b b b The Wood the Bottom-Plate lies on.
c c e The Mouth.
d d The Throat.
e d d The Pallat.
f The Nick.
g g The Stool.
h h g The Spring or Bow.
I have here given you only the Names of the parts of the Mold,
because at present I purpose no other Use of it, than what relates to
the sinking the Punches into the Matrices: And when I come to the
casting of Letters, You will find the Use and Necessity of all these
¶. 2. Of the Bottom-Plate.
¶. 3. Of the Carriage.
¶. 4. Of the Body.
Upon the Carriage is fitted the Body, as at b. This Body is also made
of Iron, and is half the length of the Carriage, and the exact breadth
of the Carriage; but its thickness is alterable, and particularly made
for every intended Body.
About the middle of this Body is made a square Hole, about a Great-
Primmer, or Double-Pica square; and directly under it is made
through the Carriage such another Hole exactly of the same size.
¶. 5. Of the Male-Gage.
Through these two Holes, viz. That in the Body, and that in the
Carriage, is fitted a square Iron Shank with a Male-Screw on one
End, and on the other End an Head turning square from the square
Shanck to the farther end of the Body, as is described at c; but is
more particularly described apart at B in the same Plate, where B
may be called the Male-Gage: For I know no distinct Name that
Founders have for it, and do therefore coyn this:
c c e The Mouth.
d The Palate.
c c e d The Jaws.
d d The Throat.
¶. 7. Of the Register.
C a a b c d e The Register.
a a The Sholders.
b c The Neck.
d The Cheek returning square from the Plate of the
Register, and is about an English thick.
e The Screw Hole.
¶. 8. Of the Nick.
In the upper half of the Mold, at about a Pica distance from the
Throat, is fitted into the under-side of the Body the Nick: It is made of
a piece of Wyer filed flat a little more than half away. This Nick is
bigger or less, as the Body the Mold is made for is bigger or less; but
its length is about two m’s. It is with round Sculptors let exactly into
the under-side of the Body.
In the under half of the Mold, is made at the same distance from the
Throat, on the upper-side of the Body, a round Groove, just fit to
receive the Nick in the upper half.
These are Iron Wyers about a Long-Primmer thick: Their Shape you
may see in the Figure: They are so fastned into the Wood of the
Mold, that they may not hinder the Ladle hitting the Mouth. Their
Office is to pick and draw with their Points the Break and Letter out
of the Mold when they may chance to stick.