Mprs 01
Mprs 01
Mprs 01
1. The role
A Speaking Examiner (SE) has a key role in assessing a candidate’s English language ability. The mark
for speaking skills ordinarily constitutes at least 20% of the overall score of a candidate. Accurate,
standardised assessments contribute to the validity of the results.
In regions where the Cambridge English Speaking tests are relatively new, applicant centres are
required to provide PSLs/RTLs with CVs of potential examiners as part of the centre approval
All SEs must meet the minimum professional requirements (MPRs) of the role.
Professional background
NB. An applicant can be exempt either from the formal teaching qualification or from the first
degree/equivalent requirement (but not both) if they have considerable relevant teaching
experience (i.e. ideally 3000 hours or more). References to support this experience may be
requested. Where exemptions are requested, the TL should discuss this with the PSL/RTL before a
prospective SE is inducted, trained or nominated. Cambridge English’s decision is final in all such
For centres that run exams for candidates under the age of 16 (including Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers
and A2 Flyers, and any for Schools exams), applicants must have recent experience of dealing with
children, ideally in a professional capacity, and must show that they can work with children in line
with local legislation. They must also be willing to sign a declaration that they are suitably
responsible to conduct exams with children. It is the responsibility of the centre to ensure that no
unsuitable person is appointed as a Speaking Examiner for Cambridge English Young Learners, Key
for Schools, Preliminary for Schools or First for Schools.
In some circumstances, e.g. where there is limited examiner resource, it may be necessary to recruit
SEs whose level of English language competence needs additional validation. In such cases,
Cambridge English provides TLs with tools for checking the potential SE’s language level. Language
competencies are not defined in terms of being a ‘native speaker’ of English. All prospective SEs,
whether English is their first or additional language, must meet the same professional requirements.
• be responsible, conscientious, meet deadlines, and have good attention to detail for filling in
mark sheets correctly
• accept and follow guidance and feedback
• have access to a PC/laptop and broadband for online certification
• be available to attend annual Certification of Procedure meetings
• be available to examine during a substantial proportion of the examining period
• dress appropriately and are sensitive to local cultural norms and able to interact
appropriately so that candidates can provide an adequate sample of English, representative
of their speaking ability
4. Confidentiality
SEs must at all times maintain confidentiality and security in all aspects of Cambridge English
examining work, including test materials, candidate assessments, training and other procedures, etc.
and uphold the good reputation of Cambridge English in all examining and public environments.
SEs must not, without the written permission of the Chief Executive of Cambridge English, allow
their name to be used in association with Cambridge English, for example for the public
endorsement or promotion of any materials, products or services. Citing this status in formal job
applications and in a curriculum vitae is permitted. Including any reference to it in social media sites,
such as LinkedIn, is not permitted, except within any CVs uploaded to those sites.