Art Edtpa Lesson Plan
Art Edtpa Lesson Plan
Art Edtpa Lesson Plan
How does this lesson connect with and build on previous lessons and how will it connect
to subsequent lesson(s)? (What came before and what will come next?)
The lesson before this would have the students create their own self-portraits. This will allow
the students to see the difference between realistic and abstract art.
After this lesson, I will have the students create another abstract art piece using clay.
Language Function (Highlight one or both): Students will be able to verbally communicate
with their peers how they created their artwork.
Syntax OR Discourse
Student support tool (notes outline, graphic organizer, pneumonic, etc…):
➢ Google Slideshow
➢ Other Artist's Artwork for Inspiration
Indicator/Criteria for
Students explain how they
used ideas from other artists
to create their artwork
Means of Feedback to
Verbal Feedback to the
Indicator/Criteria for
Students explain how their
artwork is different from
others' artwork.
Means of Feedback to
Verbal Feedback to the
Means of Feedback to
Verbal Feedback to the
(Next Slide)
T: This is an art piece that Picasso created named
Portrait of a Woman with a Hat.
What about this piece makes it either realistic or
(Next Slide)
T: Is this piece more or less abstract than the
other piece?
20 min T: Now you all are going to create your own IEP:
Create abstract art piece. Unable to hold a pencil: A
While you are creating your art piece I will leave para can draw the image for
these three images up as inspiration. them and they can color it.
Before we start creating our artwork I want to Have head, neck, and body
remind you that these images are an inspiration already made.
for you to create your very own abstract art.
(Start Demonstrating)
- Hand Out white paper
- Have students grab a pencil
(Check for understanding, warp-up, reminders, connections to tomorrow’s lesson)
At the end of the lesson, the students will share their artwork.
They will state why they created their abstract artwork the way they did and how they used
others' artwork to inspire their work.
- How did you use ideas from other artists to create your artwork?
- How is your art different from the artwork that was shown to you?
(2023). Easy How to Draw an Abstract Face Tutorial and Coloring Page. Art Projects for Kids.
(Complete after teaching)