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ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY 13 (1) 2017, 11-17; doi:10.


New microsatellite multiplex PCR sets for genetic studies

of the sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus

Klaus Kohlmann1, Petra Kersten1, Jörn Geßner1, Dalia Onără 2, Elena Taflan2, Radu Suciu2
of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin, Germany
2Danube Delta National Institute, Babadag Str. 165, 820112 Tulcea, Romania

Corresponding author: Klaus Kohlmann, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin,
Germany; Phone 049-30-64181634; E-mail kohlmann@igb-berlin.de

Key words: Acipenser ruthenus, microsatellite, multiplex PCR, species conservation, sustainable fisheries

Received in May 2017. Published in December 2017.

ABSTRACT 15 with an average of 7.20. The farmed sterlet sturgeon

possessed 1 to 7 alleles per locus, with a mean of 3.13; the wild
Wild populations of the sterlet sturgeon, Acipenser ruthenus, are individuals were more variable, with 3 to 15 alleles per locus and
declining throughout their native ranges. In-depth knowledge of a mean of 7.07. Observed heterozygosities ranged from 0 to
their genetic diversity and structure is urgently needed to enable 0.850 in the farmed individuals, and from 0.064 to 0.957 in the
the identification of management units for conservation wild individuals. Indications of inbreeding were only found in the
purposes. Moreover, genetic markers are required to establish wild sterlet sturgeon (FIS=0.062). The genetic differentiation of
appropriate breeding schemes for supportive stocking programs the two sterlet groups was significant (FST=0.1186). The high
and to monitor genetic changes in farmed stocks. Therefore, six sensitivity and discriminatory power of the 15 loci was indicated
species-specific, polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated by the very low overall probability of identity for siblings
and arranged into five multiplex PCR sets together with nine loci (PIsib=5.099x10-5) and the high accuracy of self-classification (66
from other sturgeon species. The diversity of these 15 out of the 67 individuals (98.51%) were correctly identified). Thus,
microsatellites was examined in 67 sterlet individuals (20 farmed these newly developed multiplex PCR sets are a valuable genetic
in Germany and 47 wild-caught in the Romanian part of the River tool for identifying management units for species conservation,
Danube). The total number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.

INTRODUCTION (2010). They include (among others) species management plans

that include genetic objectives, genetic resource management to
The sterlet sturgeon (Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus) is a avoid deleterious genetic effects, and identification of released
relatively small potamodromous species that rarely reaches hatchery fish used for supportive stocking.
1.2m in total length. It is native to tributaries of the northern Supportive stocking measures or even re-establishment of
Black Sea and Caspian Sea, and to Siberian rivers. While the sterlet populations are currently being attempted in the
sterlet is one of the few Eurasian sturgeon species that still has Danube, the Don, and the Kuban Rivers. In a variety of other
self-sustaining populations in most of its historic range, the river drainages, sterlet sturgeon is subject to recovery
population sizes have been drastically reduced, mostly due to management, including the prohibition of directed fisheries
hydroconstruction and overfishing (Gesner et al. 2010). and the establishment of ex situ stocks. The precautionary
Key components of a responsible approach to stock principle applies to management measures that use stocking as
enhancement programs have been identified and discussed by a recovery tool; this includes the identification and use of the
Blankenship and Leber (1995) and updated by Lorenzen et al. indigenous populations in stocking measures. This approach



has been undermined in the Danube, as shown by the presence Based on our experience with isolation of microsatellite
of Volga genotypes in the population, which originate from loci in tench, Tinca tinca (Kohlmann and Kersten 2006), and
transplants and from escapees from aquaculture facilities in the pike-perch, Sander lucioperca (Kohlmann and Kersten 2008),
Danube catchment area (Reinartz et al. 2011). all sequences with validated primer pairs were ranked
Since morphological differentiation is not a reliable method according to motif type (penta- > tetra- > tri- > di-nucleotide
for distinguishing sterlet populations, genetic determination of repeats), number of repeats (the higher the better), and PCR
the populations or sub-populations in question should be used product size (>100bp), taking into consideration only
(Dudu et al. 2011; Ludwig et al. 2009). Therefore, the aim of sequences with perfect repeats. From this list, the 70 top-
the present work was to develop multiplex PCR sets for reliable ranked primer pairs were selected for identification of suitable
and time- and cost-efficient amplification of microsatellite loci microsatellites (with consistent amplification, disomic pattern,
in sterlet sturgeon, which could be used to identify management ease of scoring, sufficient variability).
units via studies on population structure and differentiation, to In addition to the microsatellite loci directly isolated from
establish breeding schemes for supportive stocking programs sterlet sturgeon as described above, nine microsatellites
that maintain genetic diversity and integrity, and to monitor originating from other sturgeon species were included in the
genetic changes in farmed populations (in particular, loss of development of multiplex PCR sets. Locus Spl-163 was isolated
genetic variability due to drift and inbreeding). from shovelnose sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus)
To the best of our knowledge, the six loci directly isolated subgenomic libraries enriched for microsatellites (McQuown et
from sterlet sturgeon genomic libraries are the first al. 2000), and subsequently shown to cross-amplify polymorphic
microsatellites described from this species; a search in NCBI loci in sterlet sturgeon by Fopp-Bayat and Furgała-Selezniow
GenBank (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/ accesion (2010). Loci AfuG 41 and AfuG 51 were isolated from lake
date April, 21st 2017) revealed 305 entries for the pure sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) microsatellite-enriched genomic
species Acipenser ruthenus and nine entries for hybrids with DNA (Welsh et al. 2003); locus An20 was isolated from a partial
A. ruthenus as one of the parental species. None of these genomic library of the Adriatic sturgeon (A. naccarii) enriched
records contained microsatellite DNA sequences. for GATA repeats (Zane et al. 2002); loci AoxD161 and
AoxD165 were isolated from Atlantic sturgeon (A. oxyrinchus)
microsatellite-enriched genomic libraries (Henderson-Arzapalo
MATERIALS AND METHODS and King 2002); and all five of these loci were subsequently
shown to cross-amplify polymorphic loci in sterlet sturgeon by
Twenty juvenile sterlet sturgeons of the same age were collected Barmintseva and Mugue (2013). Loci LS-19 (= Afu 19), LS-39
at the “Rhönforelle” fish farm, in Gersfeld, Germany. They (= Afu-39) and LS-68 (= Afu-68) were isolated from a lake
were progeny of approximately 20 male and 20 female parents sturgeon (A. fulvescens) genomic library (May et al. 1997), and
propagated artificially (personal communication, P. Groß, subsequently shown to cross-amplify polymorphic loci in sterlet
“Rhönforelle”, Gersfeld). Fin clips were taken to isolate total sturgeon by Ludwig et al. (2001), Fopp-Bayat and Furgała-
genomic DNA using the DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit Selezniow (2010), and Dudu et al. (2013).
(QIAGEN) according to the manufacturer s protocols. A pool The initial procedure for selecting suitable loci was based on
of 10 DNA isolates was sent to GenoScreen, Lille, France separate genotyping of single loci. However, since the final aim
(www.genoscreen.fr), where 1µg of the pooled DNA was used was to use time- and cost-saving multiplex PCR sets for future
for the development of microsatellite libraries by 454 GS-FLX routine genotyping, protocols for microsatellite amplification
Titanium pyrosequencing of enriched DNA libraries as were developed using PCR multiplex Kits (QIAGEN) and
described in Malausa et al. (2011). Briefly, total DNA was a peqSTAR 96X Universal Gradient thermocycler (Peqlab).
mechanically fragmented and enriched for AG, AC, AAC, After suitable loci had been identified, the software MultiPLX,
AAG, AGG, ACG, ACAT and ATCT repeat motifs. The version 2.1 (Kaplinski et al. 2005) was used to analyze PCR
enriched fragments were subsequently amplified. The PCR primer compatibility and automatically find the optimal
products were purified and quantified, and the GsFLX libraries multiplexing (grouping) solution. Three different dye labels
were constructed following thee manufacturer s protocols and (Cyanine 5, DY-751, Atto 680) were assigned to forward
sequenced on a GsFLX PTP. The bioinformatics program QDD primers. Genotyping of microsatellite loci was performed on a
(Meglécz et al. 2010) was used to analyze sequences. QDD CEQ 8000 8-capillary sequencer (Beckman Coulter) using the
performs all bioinformatics steps for treating raw sequences: Fragment Analysis module of the GenomeLab™ GeXP Genetic
removing adapters/vectors, detecting microsatellites, Analysis System, version 10.2 (Beckman Coulter).
detecting redundancy/possible mobile element association, Microsatellite variability was initially examined in the 20
selecting sequences with target microsatellites, and farmed individuals, but later, also examined in 47 wild sterlet
designing primers by using BLAST (Altschul et al. 1990), sturgeons originating from the Romanian part of the River
Clustal W (Larkin et al. 2007), and Primer3 (Rozen and Danube. Young-of-the-year sterlet were captured in the Danube
Skaletsky 2000). Out of 3942 sequences containing at km 123 using bottom drifting trammel nets with 18-20 mm
a microsatellite motif, 161 bioinformatically validated mesh size during May-June in seven different years. Adult sterlet
primer pairs were designed. samples were taken from live adults captured for controlled
Kohlmann et al. Sterlet sturgeon microsatellites 13

propagation on the Borcea branch by local professional loci (probability of identity=PI) was estimated with
fishermen. Prior to microsatellite genotyping, the species GENECAP version 1.4 (Wilberg and Dreher 2004) applying
identity (i.e. that they were sterlet) and purity (i.e. that they were the more conservative measure of PI for siblings, PIsib (Waits
not sterlet hybrids) of all 67 individuals was confirmed using the et al. 2001). Genetic differentiation between farmed and wild
nuclear DNA markers described by Havelka et al. (2017). sterlet sturgeons was tested by calculating the FST-value using
All microsatellite genotypes were examined with Micro- FSTAT, version (Goudet 2002). FSTAT was also used
Checker software, version 2.2.3 (van Oosterhout et al. 2004) for to estimate the inbreeding coefficient FIS for both groups of
scoring errors due to null alleles, stutter bands, and/or large sterlet. Finally, the sensitivity of the 15 microsatellite loci was
allele dropout. Then, general characteristics of microsatellite examined by self-classification of the 67 sterlet sturgeons
loci variability (number of alleles, number of private alleles, using Bayesian criteria and the “Leave One Out” procedure
observed and expected heterozygosity) were calculated, and of GeneClass software, version 1.0.02 (Cornuet et al. 1999).
tests for significance of deviations from Hardy-Weinberg
equilibrium and linkage disequilibrium were performed using
GENEPOP 4.0 (Rousset 2008). The discriminatory power of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Table 1. Characteristics of 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci tested in a total of 67 Acipenser ruthenus individuals.

PCR multiplex Locus name / Forward Primer con- Primer Repeat Total Allele
set (annealing GenBank primer dye centration sequence type number size
temperature) accession no. label (µM) (5’- 3’) of alleles range (bp)

1 Spl-163a Cyanine 5 0.033 F: TGCTTGTAAACTGCCCCACT GATA 10 172-220


Aru26 DY-751 0.180 F: AAAGCAACAACTCCACCAGG CT 3 159-163


AfuG 41b Atto 680 0.210 F: TGACGCACAGTAGTATTATTTATG (GATA)TA(GATA) 14 193-261


2 An20 c Cyanine 5 0.038 F: AATAACAATCATTACATGAGGCT (ATCT)(TG) 11 152-178


Aru12 DY-751 0.170 F: AAATAGCATGTTCCCCAGCA TAG 3 172-178


LS-39d Atto 680 0.190 F: TTCTGAAGTTCACACATTG GTT 4 117-132


3 AfuG 51b Cyanine 5 0.041 F: ATAATAATGAGCGTGCTTTCTGTT (AAAC)(AC)(AAAC) 5 223-247




LS-19d Atto 680 0.160 F: CATCTTAGCCGTCTGTGGTAC TTG 3 138-144


4 LS-68d Cyanine 5 0.044 F: TTATTGCATGGTGTAGCTAAAC GATA 15 174-238


Aru13 DY-751 0.190 F: TCCACTTTATTCCGTTGTGG GTT 13 87-135


AoxD161e Atto 680 0.180 F: GTTTGAAATGATTGAGAAAATGC CTAT 6 106-130


5 Aru19 Cyanine 5 0.038 F: GCGTGGTGTAAGTGAACCCT GA 4 159-193




Aru18 Atto 680 0.180 F: CCTGGAACACGTCCAGTTTT TC 4 135-145

References for microsatellite locus names, GenBank accession numbers, primer sequences and repeat type information: a McQuown
et al. (2000), b Welsh et al. (2003), c Zane et al. (2002), d May et al. (1997), e Henderson-Arzapalo and King (2002).

Out of the 70 sterletsturgeon PCR primer pairs chosen for locus, with a mean number of 7.07 (Table 2). Consequently,
testing, six amplified microsatellite loci matched our private alleles were almost exclusively found in the wild sterlet
selection criteria, in particular, consistent amplification, sturgeons (Table 2). Linkage disequilibrium tests for each
disomic pattern, and sufficient variability. These six loci were locus pair across both groups of sterlet revealed that three of
combined with the nine loci originating from other sturgeon the 105 possible loci pair combinations gave significant P-
species into five multiplex PCR sets (Table 1). The optimized values: Spl-163 and LS-68 (P=0.003), LS-68 and Aru13
PCR reaction mixes consisted of 5.0µL of master mix and (P=0.018), and LS-19 and Aru19 (P=0.045). The observed
1.5µL Q-solution (QIAGEN), 1.0µL DNA isolate, primers at heterozygosities ranged from zero at loci Aru18, Aru26, and
the concentrations given in Table 1, and PCR-grade water up Aru50, to 0.850 at loci Aru12 and Spl-163 in the farmed
to a final volume of 10.0µL. The PCR program, based on individuals, and from 0.064 at locus Aru50 to 0.957 at locus
QIAGEN recommendations, included initial denaturation at Aru12 in the wild individuals (Table 2). Significant (P<0.05) to
95°C for 15min, followed by 30 cycles of denaturation at 94°C highly significant (P<0.01) deviations from Hardy-Weinberg
for 30s, annealing at 57°C (multiplex sets 1, 2 and 3) or 60°C equilibrium (PHW) were found at three loci in the farmed
(multiplex sets 4 and 5) for 90s, and extension at 72°C for 60s. sturgeons and six loci in the wild sterlet sturgeons (Table 2).
Final extension at 60°C lasted for 30min. However, indications of inbreeding (FIS) were only found in
Tests with Micro-Checker software did not reveal any the wild sterlet sturgeon, with an FIS-value of 0.062 (the
evidence of scoring errors due to stutter bands or large allele corresponding value for the farmed sterlet was negative: -
dropout. Moreover, no indications of null alleles were found at 0.071). With regard to the farmed sterlet, the main reason for
any of the 15 loci of the 20 farmed individuals. In contrast, the deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium might be the
homozygote excess was observed at four loci (Spl-163, LS-68, relatively small sample size. In the 47 wild sterlet sturgeons, the
Aru19, and Aru50) in the 47 wild sterlet sturgeons, suggesting possible presence of null alleles at four microsatellite loci, and
that null alleles might be present at these loci. The total the uneven representation of sampling years in the data set
number of alleles per locus ranged from 3 to 15 (Table 1), with (the number of individuals per year ranged from 1 to 16) could
an average of 7.20. The farmed sterlet sturgeon possessed 1 to have contributed to deviations from equilibrium. This will be
7 alleles per locus, with a mean number of 3.13; the wild investigated in more detail in future studies with larger
individuals were more variable, and had 3 to 15 alleles per numbers of wild individuals.

Table 2. Variability of 15 polymorphic microsatellite loci in two test panels of 20 farmed and 47 wild‑caught
Acipenser ruthenus (NA=number of alleles; NAp=number of private alleles; HO=observed heterozygosity;
HE=expected heterozygosity; PHW=results of the Hardy‑Weinberg probability test: *P<0.05, **P<0.01,
n.s.=non-significant, n.a.=not applicable).

Locus Parameter Farmed Wild Probability of identity

A. ruthenus A. ruthenus for siblings (PIsib)

Spl-163 NA 7 8 0.3323
NAp 2 3
HO 0.850 0.638
HE 0.835 0.826
PHW n.s. *
Aru26 NA 1 3 0.9291
NAp 0 2
HO 0 0.106
HE 0 0.103
PHW n.a. n.s.

AfuG 41 NA 5 14 0.3458
NAp 0 9
HO 0.800 0.872
HE 0.737 0.868
PHW n.s. n.s.

An20 NA 3 11 0.3407
NAp 0 8
HO 0.250 0.830
HE 0.232 0.875
PHW n.s. *
Kohlmann et al. Sterlet sturgeon microsatellites 15

Aru12 NA 2 3 0.5924
NAp 0 1
HO 0.700 0.957
HE 0.467 0.515
PHW * **
LS-39 NA 2 4 0.5694
NAp 0 2
HO 0.300 0.511
HE 0.385 0.556
PHW n.s. n.s.
AfuG 551 NA 2 5 0.7575
NAp 0 3
HO 0.450 0.149
HE 0.450 0.143
PHW n.s. n.s.
AoxD165 NA 4 10 0.3702
NAp 0 6
HO 0.550 0.745
HE 0.635 0.813
PHW n.s. n.s.
LS-19 NA 2 3 0.7150
NAp 0 1
HO 0.200 0.383
HE 0.185 0.375
PHW n.s. n.s.
LS-68 NA 7 15 0.3170
NAp 0 8
HO 0.650 0.617
HE 0.760 0.899
PHW * **
Aru13 NA 3 13 0.3586
NAp 0 10
HO 0.850 0.830
HE 0.581 0.858
PHW ** n.s.

AoxD161 NA 4 6 0.4600
NAp 0 2
HO 0.800 0.574
HE 0.658 0.618
PHW n.s. n.s.
Aru19 NA 3 4 0.5735
NAp 0 1
HO 0.550 0.319
HE 0.578 0.445
PHW n.s. *
Aru50 NA 1 3 0.8331
NAp 0 2
HO 0 0.064
HE 0 0.246
PHW n.a. **
Aru18 NA 1 4 0.8298
NAp 0 3
HO 0 0.277
HE 0 0.251
PHW n.a. n.s.

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