Project Management Quiz
Project Management Quiz
Project Management Quiz
4. The formula for computing the cost/time slope for (crash cost - nor-
each activity that can be crashed is __________. mal cost) / (crash
a) (crash cost + normal cost) / (crash time + normal time - normal time)
b) (crash cost - normal cost) / (crash time - normal
c) (normal cost + crash cost) / (normal time + crash
d) (normal cost - crash cost) / (normal time - crash
14. Which of the following effects will be observed in Each activity will
a network if a date-constrained project is scheduled make use of all the
from the ending date constraint using the "as late as slack available to
possible" heuristic? it.
a) Each activity will make use of all the slack available
to it.
b) The network will not have any critical activities.
c) It would never be possible to override the "as late
as possible" heuristic with a "must start no later than"
date constraint.
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d) Many of the activities will be scheduled prior to the
start date of the project.
15. The methods to find an optimal solution to the con- mathematical pro-
strained resource scheduling problem fall into two gramming and
categories. They are __________. enumeration
a) mathematical programming and linear program-
b) mathematical programming and enumeration
c) statistical analysis and simulation
d) quantified heuristics and gaming
16. The principal reason why a project manager is sur- resource availabili-
prised by resource constraints on a project is the ty
failure to include __________ in risk identification ac-
a) resource availability
b) resource cost
c) resource mobility
d) resource skill
18. One of the problems that Goldratt observed was that the student syn-
if an activity has slack time, the task might become drome
delayed until the slack is removed. This is referred to
as __________.
a) Goldratt's Law
b) Murphy's Law
c) the delay game
d) the student syndrome
19. When crashing a project, our first task is to develop a table or graph
__________. of the cost of a
a) a table or graph of the cost of a project as a function project as a func-
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of the project's possible completion dates tion of the project's
b) a schedule that shows the risks associated with possible comple-
each activity in the project tion dates
c) a list that shows the activities and the events of a
project without referring to the costs
d) a table showing the noncritical activities and the
cost associated with each of those activities
20. Using the __________ heuristic method, the project shortest task first
team should be able to complete the maximum num-
ber of tasks during a given period of time.
a) as soon as possible
b) as late as possible
c) shortest task first
d) minimum slack first
21. Studies have shown that the __________ schedul- minimum slack
ing heuristic method usually results in the minimum first
amount of project schedule slippage, best utilization
of facilities, and minimum total system occupancy
a) as soon as possible
b) as late as possible
c) shortest task first
d) minimum slack first
24. One cannot save __________, rather one can only time
spend more or less of it.
a) time
b) money
c) scope
d) risk
25. The use of __________ activity time estimates may three probabilistic
reduce the chance that crashing the project will be
a) one probabilistic
b) two probabilistic
c) three probabilistic
d) four probabilistic
26. When we change technology, we may also be chang- all of the above
ing the level of __________ in carrying out the activity.
a) risk
b) money
c) time
d) all of the above
27. The two principles to follow when crashing a project critical path and
focuses on the __________. selects the least
a) critical path and selects the least expensive alter- expensive alterna-
native tive
b) critical path and selects the most expensive alter-
c) shortest path and selects the least expensive alter-
d) critical path and selects the most expensive alter-
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A project task is said to be __________ if it requires system con-
a fixed amount of time and known quantities of re- strained
a) scope constrained
b) time constrained
c) resource constrained
d) system constrained
31. __________ refers to the amount of time past a pro- Schedule slippage
ject's due or delivery date. a) Schedule slippage
b) Scope slippage
c) Quality slippage
d) Time constraint
32. Three important parameters used to assess the ef- resource utiliza-
fectiveness of a scheduling system include schedule tion
slippage, in-process inventory, and __________.
a) resource utilization
b) time utilization
c) management delay
d) schedule utilization
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With respect to project scheduling, __________ is the in-process inven-
amount of work waiting to be processed because tory
there is a shortage of some resource.
a) in-process inventory
b) schedule slippage
c) resource utilization
d) management delay
34. Given that task A will use three carpenters and have 18
duration of six days, task A requires __________ labor
days of work.
a) 9
b) 12
c) 18
d) 24
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37. Given W = D * U for an effort-driven task. Assume an 80
8-hour workday. Initially, task R was assigned to Bob.
Bob was expected to accomplish 32 hours of work in
five days. If Bob were 100 percent available to work on
task R during the entire five days, his efficiency rate
is __________%.
a) 80
b) 70
c) 60
d) 75
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