TR069 Feature List - Google Sheets
TR069 Feature List - Google Sheets
TR069 Feature List - Google Sheets
Only user are able to access this portal those have proper access
Phase - I All Levels Login Login Section Users are able to login as per access level defined
Forgot Password Forgot Password Section User's are able to Reset their Password. Only valid users will be able to reset their password
Navigation/Menu Filters filters based on time, and other factors based on page type filters based on time, and other factors based on page type
Navigation menu on left Left side main menu navigation Left side main menu navigation
Settings Application Settings User can change / update settings. Dashboard & view settings
Support KB / Support Section KB / Support details KB / Support details as per the access level
Open New Ticket User can create New Ticket. To open new ticket on hardware
List All Tickets User can view all the tickets To list the access level based tickets
List Active Tickets User can view only Active Tickets To list only active tickets
Log Out Logout User get Logout from the Application. Logout from the dashboard
Admin rights user Dashboard CPE CPE's stats based on filter selection CPE's stats based on filter selection
Phase - II End Clients End Client stats based on filter selection End Client stats based on filter selection
Usage Usage stats based on filter selection Usage stats based on filter selection
Counting stats/filter based Display counters based on filter selection Display counters based on filter selection
CPE CPE performance CPE End clients signal strength performance details CPE End clients signal strength details
CPE Info CPE Stats CPEs active and inactive and info
CPE Detailed info OLT, Card, PoN, Config, Ping, Speed, etc
End Clients Device type stats Device types, models and info Device types, models and info
Device active band stats 2.4G or 5G band stats and info end deviced 2.4G or 5G band connected and the info
End device signal details End device signal strength and pro active notifications on app End device signal strength and pro active notifications on app
Usage Usage stats Day wise & time wise Vs Total Usage Vs No of Devices online Day wise & time wise Vs Total Usage Vs No of Devices online
Storage of files Firmware management Firmware manager hirarchy based on make, model and version Firmware manager hirarchy based on make, model and version
Config management Default config file hirarchy based on make, model and version Default config file hirarchy based on make, model and version
Hirarchy ISP, Franchise, Branch, Groups, Area, Localities and their ISP, Franchise, Branch, Groups, Area, Localities and their
Access level hirarchy
Management respective access levels and the settings respective access levels and the settings
User can change their wifi info and passwords for respective bands
Phase - III End User rights user WLAN Wifi password change User can change their wifi passwords for respective bands or both
or both
User can alter settings like WPS PIN, push button enable/disable, User can alter settings like WPS PIN, push button enable/disable,
WLAN Settings Wifi channel optimisation, etc Wifi channel optimisation, etc
Notifications Password change Notifications about Wifi password Notifications about Wifi password
Pro active notifications on end clients signal level changes, new Pro active notifications on end clients signal level changes, new
End Client Notification
client connections client connections
Notifications sent by admin based on hirarchy and ticket based Notifications sent by admin based on hirarchy and ticket based
Admin notifications
updates updates
Internet stats WAN info Availability, Ping and speed Availability, Ping and speed
LAN/WLAN Info connected devices, device blocking and unblocking connected devices, device blocking and unblocking