Wertheim, 03.04.2023
2 packing 32,00
Document contains tax-free exports in accordance with § 4 no. 1a of the German sales tax law.
Delivery terms: FCA Wertheim
Time of dispatch: abt. 2 weeks
Payment terms: upon invoice receipt net within 30 days
BW Bank, Heilbronn IBAN: DE76 6005 0101 7424 5011 02 BIC: SOLADESTXXX
Commerzbank AG, Würzburg IBAN: DE90 7908 0052 0345 9500 00 BIC: DRESDEFF790
Deutsche Bank AG, Würzburg IBAN: DE81 7907 0016 0012 4750 00 BIC: DEUTDEMM790
UniCredit Bank AG, Würzburg IBAN: DE81 7902 0076 0001 4689 36 BIC: HYVEDEMMXXX
Volksbank Main-Tauber eG, Wertheim IBAN: DE57 6739 0000 0000 0935 05 BIC: GENODE61WTH
Quotation no. AG44962
Dear Sirs, we hope our quotation meets your requirements and we should be very pleased to
receive your kind order. In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again.
Please note:
When contacting us, please always state our reference number. The more information you provide us, the more
precisely and faster we can answer to your request. If you don't disagree with our order confirmation in written
form (e-mail/fax) within 8 days, it is considered approved.
In case of discrepancies between your purchase conditions and our sales conditions, only our sales conditions
are considered valid. Other agreements are only accepted if we confirmed them in writing. In this case, all
paragraphs which weren't changed, stay valid.
Please be informed that we cannot insure to be able to provide a certificate of origin, preferential proof of
origin or a suppliers declaration for all quoted items.
We only accept payments transferred with bank fee sharing (SHA). We therefore decline any bank charges
imposed by your bank and deducted from the order respectively invoice amount, unless it is confirmed by Zippe.
In order to avoid later inconveniences, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or queries.
The mentioned times of delivery and service refer to an unimpeded supply chain. In case of uninfluenceable
events (including but not limited to war, natural disasters, pandemics, official restriction measures, government
embargoes or appropriation and other unavoidable events), there may be delays, which are out of our control.
Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure under these circumstances (e. g. penalties).
Additional costs can result from such events, like transportation and/or travel costs e. g. for alternative transport
routes, postponed or canceled flights/ships, quarantine, etc. Despite all efforts to keep the impact and costs low,
we reserve the right to charge these costs extra.
In the event that purchase prices increase after the conclusion of the contract by more than 5% (including transport
costs like container costs, freight costs and fuel expenses) the parties undertake to enter into supplementary
contractual negotiations in order to agree on an appropriate adjustment of prices.
If the parties cannot agree on an appropriate price adjustment, either party shall be entitled to withdraw from the
contract. Irrespective of this, all services executed, and equipment delivered, manufactured, or purchased by Zippe
up to the point of withdrawal, shall be paid for and received by the buyer.
Best Regards,
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