Ingles 2 Bach Modulo 3
Ingles 2 Bach Modulo 3
Ingles 2 Bach Modulo 3
Pedagogical Module 3
Curricular Threads : Communication and Cultural Awareness,
Oral Communication, Reading, Writing, Language Through the Arts
Used to 5
6 Cultural celebrations
Indefinite pronouns 4 Social Studies
· 7 Ecuadorian artist
Endara Crow
Passive voice with
simple present and 3 Art
past ·
and /ch/ sounds
and ·
9 The Life of Pi
Traditions, customs,
the Literature
and festivities 1
The Galapagos
The Galapagos Islands will inspire you to of volcanoes, biking lava trails, snorkeling
think differently about our world, just as others through lava tunnels, kayaking to view wildlife
have when visiting this fascinating place. Witness and scuba diving – all are possible in this
a unique abundance of wildlife in a setting paradise.
unlike any other on the planet. Truly
There are a lot of things to do on the
understand Charles Darwin’s inspiration when
islands; from kayaking to scuba diving to
he wrote his theory of evolution that changed
hiking. The combination of wildlife, nature,
the world.
and history, accompanied by delightful food,
Take the opportunity to visit the Charles will make for an unforgettable trip and an
Darwin Research Station. Be part of an adventure that will remain in your heart
educational and inspirational journey, enjoy forever.
the local flavors, discover small towns and
Taken and adapted from: Quito & Ecuador – Destination Guide. (2019, June 27).
hidden paths. Activities like hiking to the top Retrieved from
Do you like to be a tourist? Why or why not?
Non-Commercial Licence Do you like when tourists visit your hometown? Why or why not?
Have you ever been to the Galapagos Islands?
Why do you think the Galapagos Islands have so many tourists? Is it good or bad? Explain.
Lesson A
the Pululahua volcano
The Virgin of Quito
Wikipedia/Lu Latsch
Think of the most beautiful place in your hometown. In three lines, describe it so
that others will want to visit.
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José Valencia
Oral Communication
What is the most beautiful building you have visited?
Sagrada Familia Flamenco
Emma is calling Matthew from outside the hotel
because her room
Spain Sangría
What is the Sagrada Familia?
Read the word aloud with your teacher, listen carefully, and
place them in the correct column.
fly - cry - happy - fancy - lady - smelly - sticky baggy - why -
my - pretty - messy - lucky - windy daisy - skinny - spyGrammar
- rely - Notes
worry - rainy
Pronunciation: /y/
The consonant sound of “y” is /y/ as in the word
“Y” says “i” “Y” says “e” At the beginning of the word, the “y” makes the
consonant /y/ sound. The “y” also has two vowel
In a one syllable word, the “y” at the end of the
word makes the long “i” /ai/ sound as in cry, fry.
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Social Studies
Discuss the following questions in small groups. Choose the best answer to the questions according to the
Which is your favorite Ecuadorian celebration? Why? reading.
What do you like the most about it? When does the Day of the Dead take place?
Is there a celebration you don’t like? Why? It takes place on November 3.
It takes place on November 2.
It takes place on November 1.
How is colada morada made?
It is made from black flour and citric fruits.
It is made from black oatmeal and fruits.
A Traditional Festival in It is made from black corn flour and fruits.
Ecuador: Day of the Dead What is the Day of Dead?
It is a memorial to loved ones who have gone to another
It is a memorial to loved ones who have gone to heaven.
It is a celebration for loved ones who have gone to “the
What is a guagua?
It is bread shaped and decorated in the form of a small dog.
It is bread shaped and decorated in the form of a small child.
It is a cupcake shaped and decorated in the form of a small
What do Ecuadorians do in cemeteries on the Day of Dead?
Colada morada and guaguas are shared at home. People go
to clean and decorate the graves of their loved ones.
Colada morada is shared in cemeteries. People go to clean
and decorate the graves of their loved ones.
Pretend you have the opportunity to visit the Galapagos Islands. Your best friend lives in Machala. Write him/her a postcard
where you tell him/her what you did, what you ate, and what you plan to do next. Finally, tell your friend what you like the most
of your visit to Galapagos. Use the space provided to write a postcard.
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Language Through the Arts
Interesting Facts
Gonzalo Endara Crow (1936-1996)
Endara Crow was a fan of was born in Bucay, Ecuador. He became
fantastic realism, which interested in sculpture and folk art from
corresponded an early age. His work incorporated
in Latin American visual art to Ecuadorian geography and the bright
magical realism colors used by indigenous artisans.
in literature. They were two major sources of
influence that influenced his work
for his entire career.
His most famous works are shown
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Oral Communication
Interesting Facts
These lyrics belong to one of the most famous
Read the lyrics of the song “All You Need Is Love”
by the British band The Beatles. Underline all the songs from the British band The Beatles.
sentences in passive voice you can find. This song was written by John Lennon and Paul
McCartney in 1967.
Source: Lennon, J., McCartney, Mogol. (n.d.). All You Need Is Love.
Retrieved from
All you need is love The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
All you need is love
All you need is love, love Love
Oral Communication
Have you ever missed a bus?
When travelling as
a tourist…
Do you travel by bus?
Do you travel by car? In pairs, copy the following questions on small pieces of
paper. Fold them and put them inside a box. Sit facing your
partner and take turns choosing and answering the questions.
Do you travel by boat? How often do you go on vacation? Where have you been?
What museums have you visited? Which did you enjoy most?
What are possible disadvantages of tourism for a country?
For tourists, what is the most convenient way to get around in
You are going to listen to Martina talking with a bus station your country?
manager. Answer the following questions. Circle the best What kind of jobs are there in the tourism industry?
option. Have you flown? Was it short or long trip? Did you suffer
Martina missed her bus because: from jet lag?
She was lost in the bus station. Which places are the most popular destinations in Ecuador?
She took another bus by mistake. Which cities or countries have you visited? What is your
It was not said in the conversation. favorite?
Martina is going to: Does your country benefit from tourism? In what way?
Nanegalito. Name some landmarks from your city. Describe them.
The bus station manager told Martina that she cannot use the
same ticket because:
This ticket is valid on buses before 5:00. Night tickets are
more expensive.
This ticket is valid on buses before 5:00. Night tickets are
This ticket is valid on buses before 9:00. Morning tickets are
more expensive.
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Language Through the Arts
Social Studies
Lesson C
Festivals in Cuenca
Cuenca’s Christmas Eve Pase del Niño parade, or the Procession of
the Child, is a colorful mixture of the religious and the profane. It is a
festival of thanksgiving that combines Catholic and indigenous
The procession usually lasts more than eight hours, and it
includes floats and cars decorated with flowers, fruits and
vegetables. Bands, dancers, street performers, and various Biblical
characters participate, and the infant Jesus is carried through towns
and villages. The parade takes place on Christmas Eve but the Pase
del Niño celebration begins the first Sunday after Advent and
continues until Carnival in March. Besides this celebration,
b.Is Procession of the Child a tradition in your hometown?
The Pase del Niño, or the
Procession of the Child, was
introduced to Latin America by
the Spaniards almost 500 years
ago; it is a Christmas
celebration in which statue of
the infant Jesus is carried
through towns. Joseph and
with the child in their arms,
walk through the streets, and
people accompany them with
prayers and songs.
In Ecuador, the tradition
remains the strongest
in the Andean region.
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Communities plan it for the
entire year.
Oral Communication
Do you enjoy extreme sports?
We can use it at the beginning of a
Nothing was done.
They did nothing.
We use anything in positive
sentences, questions, and with
Skimming and scanning are two very different
strategies for speed reading. They each have
a different purpose, and they are not meant to be used
all of the time.
Skimming is used to quickly identify the main ideas of
a text and is done at a speed three to four times faster
than normal reading.
Scanning is a technique you often use when searching
for key words or ideas. In most cases, you know what
Mexican Day of the Dead you’re looking for, so you concentrate on finding a
particular answer. Scanning involves moving your
eyes quickly down the page looking for specific words
and phrases. Remember that it is usually not necessary
Look at the film review Coco. Answer these two questions.
You have ten seconds! to read and understand every word in a text to find the
What’s the name of the film? answers to questions.
What’s the main character´s name?
Which reading skill or skills did you use? Did you read every
word in the text?
Did you read quickly or slowly?
Grammar Notes
Stand up and interview 3 classmates. Ask them the following questions. Take notes “Used to” is used to talk about
on their answers. habits or repeated actions in the
Have you ever heard of the tourist campaign “All You Need is Ecuador”? past which are not done in the
YESNOIf yes, what do you know about it? present anymore. It is also used
Have you ever heard of the World Travel Awards?
to talk about states in the past
YESNOIf yes, what do you know about them?
which are no longer true. For
I used to have short hair. (but now I
have long hair)
He used to smoke.
(but now he doesn’t smoke)
They used to live in Colombia. (but
now they live in Chile)
With the negative and the
Wikimedia/David Torres Costales
Listen to a radio host talking to the audience about how Ecuador has become a
major tourist destination. Take notes on the top three destinations mentioned. Which
do you prefer?
Wikimedia/Francesco Bailo
Destination #3: Details:
student wants to learn more about tourist habits in the past and tourist habits today,
so he/she interviews the senior tourist.
Senior Tourists
Remember to talk about habits, repeated actions or states in the past that do not
happen today, use the expression “used to”. Example:
Student A: Sir, did CanadiansStudent B: No, Ecuador was use to visit
Ecuador when younot a known destination for were young?Canadians in the
Think of 5 questions for the high school student to ask, then think of 5 answers.
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Ecuatorian youtuber
Lesson D
Mardi Gras
In the USA, Mardi Gras is an official holiday in the state of
Pixabay / Skeeze
Louisiana. To most people, the day is just a good reason to have a big
Mardi Gras. party, especially in New Orleans, where people dress up in bright and
crazy costumes. The parades have colorful floats and marching
bands. There are also dances called masquerade balls, where people
Tip wear costumes and masks to hide their identity. During the parade
people on the floats throw items into the crowd; these are usually
strings of colorful beads or toy coins.
This Venn Diagram has three
circles. Each circle meets with the
two other circles. When they meet,
you have to write what they have
in common. In the central part,
write what the three celebrations
have in common. In the parts
circles don’t match, write down
what is exclusive for each one.
Get in pairs. Discuss the following questions.
Are there similar celebrations in Ecuador to Notting Hill Carnival in
London and Mardi Gras in New Orleans? If your answer is yes, describe the
How are these celebrations different from or similar to Notting Hill Carnival
and Mardi Gras?
Use your answers to these questions to complete the Venn Diagram below.
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Mardi Gras
Oral Communication
What do you think is the best way to learn idioms in a language?
g your leg!”
Wikimedia / M. Latacunga
Student B is an Ecuadorian student.
Create a conversation where student B shares with student A a
traditional celebration from his/her hometown. Incorporate at
least two idioms from this section in a dialogue of 10 lines per
La Mama Negra
Comics as Storyboards
Form groups of 3-4 students and create a story Brainstorm some ideas about postcards.
of 80-100 words using the storyboard technique.
Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point
Here there are five steps that can help you learn
how to use storyboards to create your own comic book, Moral Excellent Acceptable Incomplete
stories, or videos.
Interesting and
Step 1. Establish a timeline. Decide when and where Story entertaining Fun Boring
your story takes place, and in which order the
events of the story happen. Irrelevant
Sequence Relevant and Not well
ideas and
Step 2. Identify the key scenes in your story. of images organized organized
A storyboard is meant to give its viewer the
idea of how the story will translate to a Consider the other group’s comments and make some
comic book or video. Brainstorm changes. When the final draft is ready, your
a list of the key moments that you want to teacher will help you to display your work on the walls
illustrate on your storyboard. of the class so the whole class will enjoy your art!
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