GP Practice
GP Practice
GP Practice
Causes Consequences
The government laws protect Animal agriculture takes up a
the livestock industry and lot of habitable/agricultural
threaten anyone who sues land and yet the supply of
nutrients is less.
Countries with large resources Causes the majority of water
could exploit them and air pollution
Rising incomes due to global Species Extinction
economic growth have
increased disposable income to
be able to spend on animal
Tradition/Habits Ocean dead zones
The belief that meat and dairy Climate change
are nutritionally essential
Habitat destruction
IPCC believes that if the effect of climate change (of which animal
farming is a big part) is not mitigated, then there could be an
increase in temperatures by 30*C, which would directly affect
ecosystems worldwide. This could deplete natural resources and
have catastrophic consequences on social issues, like migration
and war. However, its viewpoint is that there is a high chance of
decreasing the drastic effects of climate change if we adopt much
healthier, plant-based diets and reduce consumption of
animal-sourced products, as GHG emissions will be reduced. They
also urge and suggest that countries switch to a “low-carbon based
5. Course of action -
Due to the severe amount of urgency and attention, only
government policies and interventions could provide a good and
quick solution to this issue. Analyzing and following the IPCC’s
objectives to decrease consumption of animal products can make it
easier for governments to impose possible solutions that could
decrease the loss of ecosystems and increase GHG emissions as
they already have somewhere to get inspiration and research about
this topic has already been carried out.
Reflection -
Reading this research paper has been an eye-opening experience for me
as it helped me gain insights on topics that I previously had less
knowledge about, like how some governments “protect” the livestock
industry with the law in their favor and how while animal farming takes
up 77% of agricultural land, but provides on 18% of the total calorific
value and 37% of protein.
Before reading this paper, I believed that my consumption of animal
products had little to no impact on the environment, ecosystem, and the
government. However, now I have gained a deeper understanding of the
consequences and the reasons behind the consumption of animal
products. My first thought was that they were consumed and sold
profitably just for personal enjoyment, but it is so much more than that.
Companies with the goal of profit maximization would want to expand
markets and could go for imports and exports in different countries.
While this may increase the output of a country, it would require more
resources and would diminish existing primary resources. This possibly
results in jobs being lost as the importance of the primary sector
I was not aware of the amount of GHG emitted in the production prices.
The statistic found in “Poore and Nemaek” explains that even if animal
cultivating were to decrease by 50%, the total emissions would decrease
by 20% seemed shocking to me. What surprised me was the fact that this
could cause the extinction of some animals and ocean dead zones. The
fact that people in some countries may buy meats and dairy products just
to show off their prosperity and wealth and not mainly for
religious/traditional reasons was something that I found out new in the
research paper.