Tripleplay Swguide PC
Tripleplay Swguide PC
Tripleplay Swguide PC
Go to: and register your product using your
name, email address, product serial number and unique registration code (lo-
cated on your software download card).
Once registered, you will be taken to the software download page. If you are
interrupted during the software download process, you can return to this page
any time by signing in at our login page:
It is easiest to keep the download page open during the installation process, so
you can refer to the provided activation codes as they are requested.
In a Hurry? Basic MIDI Controller Mode
Fishman’s TriplePlay controller and USB receiver will likely be usable without any addi-
tional software, when connected to systems and applications that support MIDI input.
This may even include hardware and software not meeting TriplePlay’s written require-
ments. Basic MIDI Controller Mode is useful for quick access to MIDI functions, with
little or no software installation required, and will allow access to proprietary plug-ins
and instruments not usable within Fishman’s software.
To determine capability, simply connect your USB receiver to your device and pair
it with your controller. Your TriplePlay should appear in most software as a MIDI
device with a single MIDI channel for all guitar string output. Note that some hard-
ware functions, such as global string sensitivity, are saved to your TriplePlay controller
during use of our TriplePlay software. These settings will travel with your device even
when used in Basic Mode.
Download Your Software
Important: disk mounting or burning
Some of the software you will install will come in disk image .iso form. This file
type can be burned to DVD, if you want to have a physical copy to store, or can be
mounted to your computer in a simulated optical disk drive. You can do this auto-
matically, in Windows 8, by double clicking on the file. Windows 7 users will require
software to perform this function. Windows 7 users CAN NOT simply double click
on iso files to open them. Users without a preferred iso file mounting option are
encouraged to download: WinCDEmu
You can mount iso images by opening this software, clicking on “Mount another
image”, and selecting the file in question. Mounted files can be opened and the
setup programs activated during installation. If you require this file, please down-
load it now, in and easy to find location.
Important: windows audio options
Users who do not have a dedicated audio interface, may find they get better audio
performance from their new software using an improved ASIO driver for audio,
instead of their built-in Windows audio drivers. Those users are encouraged to
download and install ASIO4ALL If you require this software, please download and install it now.
Download Your Software
The TriplePlay software has available built-in factory sound patches which rely on
our partner sounds to operate. To enable these patches, install one or more of the
following products prior to installing the TriplePlay software:
Native Instruments Komplete Elements
IK Multimedia SampleTank 2.5 XT
Users who already have their own preferred VST and AU plug-ins, or who just want
to save time, can choose to install only the TriplePlay software below. Additional
packages can be installed any time, and your TriplePlay installation updated to
include factory patches and sounds.
Download all required and any optional software packages by clicking the DOWN-
LOAD FOR WINDOWS link on the TriplePlay software download page. Note
that this process may take more than one hour, depending on the speed of your
broadband connection. If you have difficulty downloading multiple files, due to
slow internet speeds, try downloading one package at a time.
Install Fishman TriplePlay
Software and templates to integrate virtual instru-
ments, virtual guitar rigs, digital audio worksta-
tions and notation with your Fishman TriplePlay
After choosing your desired factory patches, click Next. Then, follow the prompts
in the installer, without changing any of the settings from their defaults.
Launch TriplePlay from the Desktop icon. Select Options from the menu bar just
beneath the titlebar of the Performance window. From the Options menu select
Preferences and make any changes necessary to configure your audio output to
match your physical setup (Click Test to check that audio is enabled), then select
the audio input (analog audio from your guitar). Select the Active Input and Output
channels (if there are more than one). Change the Sample Rate to match your sys-
tem settings, if necessary and set the Audio Buffer Size to the smallest number that
doesn’t cause distortion on the audio output. You should leave Buffer Size at the
default at first, then once you get familiar with TriplePlay, try adjusting the number
lower to reduce the latency of the system.
Install IK Multimedia SampleTank 2.5 XT
Hundreds of SampleTank 2.5 XT virtual instruments
and AmpliTube Custom Shop guitar rigs. IK installation
enables dozens of built-in factory patches within the
TriplePlay application.
Locate and open the file 1-Install Authorization Manager and dismiss the UAC
unknown publisher dialog by clicking “Yes”. Continue to click the Next button
through the Setup Wizard, accepting the license and install all files to their default
install location. Click the Install button, Click the Finish button.
Open 2 – Install SampleTank 2.5 XT and dismiss with “Yes” the UAC
unknown publisher dialog. Continue to click the Next button through the Install
Shield wizard for SampleTank 2 (ver 2.5.4), accept the license
agreement, Next > Select VST plugin (unchecking the DX and RTAS
SampleTank plugins, accept default install location, Next > Accept default VST
Plug-In location, Next > Install > Finish.
Open 3 – Install SampleTank Sounds, and dismiss with “Yes” the UAC
unknown publisher dialog. Next into the installshield wizard for SampleTank 2.5 XT
Sounds for Windows Setup > accept the license agreement, Next > Note to press
Relist button in SampleTank when launched. Install> Finish. If “Program might not
have installed correctly” is spawned by the installer, select “Reinstall using recom-
mended settings” option > dismiss with “Yes” the UAC unknown publisher dialog.
Next into the installshield wizard for SampleTank 2.5 XT Sounds for Windows Setup
> accept the license agreement, Next > Note to press Relist button in SampleTank
when launched. Install> Finish.
IK installation (cont’d)
Open the IK Multimedia Authorization Manager application from the IK
Multimedia folder under programs on your start menu. Select the NEW USER
From the Please insert your data screen, enter the information requested, then
click NEXT.
You will be asked to check the email account you just provided for an IK
Multimedia - Account Creation Confirmation email containing a link to activate
your IK Multimedia User Area Account. Locate the email and click on the
provided link.
Your browser will launch and take you to the IK Multimedia New User Registra-
tion page. Leave this page open and go to your TriplePlay Users Download page.
Carefully copy the SampleTank 2.5 XT Activation Code [serial number format
XXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXX], then minimize the browser window and return to the
Activation Manager.
You can click the NEXT button now, and then Quit the Authorization Manager.
Optional IK Multimedia installs are available. Consult the manufacturer for more
From the Start menu locate SampleTank 2.5 XT and right-click on the icon, select-
ing Properties from the popup menu. When the Properties dialog opens select
the Compatibility tab and under Privilege Level, select the checkbox for “Run this
program as administrator”, click Apply and close the Properties window.
IK installation (cont’d)
Open SampleTank 2.5 XT
Type in the SampleTank 2.5 XT serial number registered earlier and when asked
to authorize choose “request a new authorization code”. Next, “Connect using
this computer.” Next, “I have an IK Multimedia User Account”, enter user name
and password registered earlier. Next, Select Register On-Line. Verify the infor-
mation on the web site and click Submit. You will be provided a new authoriza-
tion code. Copy this code into the prompt in the SampleTank installer.
There should be another SampleTank pop-up asking you to select your root
sample path. Just to make sure it is correct select Browse. Choose C:\Program
Files\IK Multimedia\Instruments\SampleTank 2.5 XT Sounds (on Win x64 systems
it is Program Files (x86)). If you look in the SampleTank UI you should see “Sam-
pleTank 2.5 XT Sounds” in the browser column. If you don’t see this, click “relist”
on the right side of the SampleTank screen.
Install Native Instruments Komplete Elements Mk2
In the ServiceCenter, create a new account, filling out all the information. When
asked, provide the serial number from section 2 of your TriplePlay User Down-
load page and paste it into the Serial number field of the Activation page. When
accepted there will be an Updates button in the lower right corner of the Service
Center window. Click the Updates button to move to the Updates tab. Select the
available updates and download them. When finished Quit the ServiceCenter
and apply all the updates to the respective Komplete Elements applications by
opening the downloaded update files. TriplePlay MUST have these updates
installed to function properly.
When you are finished open the Kontakt Player standalone from the Desktop
icon. Don’t worry about the audio configuration. You will be asked if you want
to import files. Click OK. Also open Reaktor Player Standalone and Guitar Rig
Additional packages
Create notation and compose using Notion
Music’s PROGRESSION software. It can be
used with TriplePlay’s built-in factory templates.
Record and sequence your TriplePlay perfor-
mances using PreSonus’ StudioOne Digital
Audio Workstation (DAW). This software can
host the TriplePlay VST plug-in to integrate VI’s
and VGRs.
Both Notion Music Progression 2 and Presonus Studio One 2 Artist are ISO files
and will need to be mounted or burned prior to installation. Use the installa-
tion information provided with these products to complete your installation. No
special steps, other than those suggested by each manufacturer, are necessary
to use this software with your Fishman TriplePlay system. Refer to their provided
guides for more details.
Fishman and FISHMAN TRANSDUCERS are trademarks or tradenames of Fishman Transducers Inc.