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Life-Changing Insights from

Super Soul Conversations





1. AWA K E N I N G . . .10

2. INTENTION. . .10


4. S P I R I T UA L G P S . . .10

5. EGO. . .10

6. F O RG I V E N E S S . . .10

7. B RO K E N O P E N . . .10

8. G R AC E & G R AT I T U D E . . .10


10. L OV E & C O N N E C T I O N . . .10

Epilogue. . . 1 0

Contributor List. . . 1 0

Credits and Acknowledgments. . . 1 0


I believe part of my acorns, a birds nest, these photos, unique spirit that is you. Your The great American
to me, represent both the majestic life, just like mine, is unfolding mythologist, author, and
calling on earth is to abundance of our shared world according to your own truth. philosopher Joseph Campbell
help people connect to and the unseen details we might No one has been through once said, “The privilege of a
miss in our lives. Like spirituality what you have been through, lifetime is being who you are.”
ideas that expand their itself, the simplest things, when not in the way that you’ve I believe your true purpose
vision of who they really appreciated with reverence, take experienced it. And yet, all here on earth is to align
are and all they can be. on an entirely new meaning. pain is the same. Our sadness yourself with the great spiritual
Suddenly that single blade of and sorrows, joys and triumphs force, your divine compass,
That’s why I created Super Soul grass has gone from ordinary to bind us in the common thread already at work in your life.
Sunday. After filming over two poignant to explicit and finally of humanity. The sooner we I hope that The Wisdom of
hundred hours of heart-expand- miraculous in its beauty. realize the connection, the Sundays will illuminate your
ing interviews, I began to envision As you read The Wisdom of more elevated life becomes. path to becoming all that you
a truly transcendent book—with Sundays, my prayer is that you will What you will learn from were meant to be.
words you can hold in your hand, uncover the little spaces in your these spiritual teachers is that Embrace and enjoy the
be inspired by, and carry with own life, find comfort in them, with every decision, you are journey!
you forever. gain insight to their meaning, claiming the essence of the
The photos also hold deep and see the way forward to an phenomenon that is your life. —Oprah
meaning for me. Many of the extraordinary new existence.
images you’ll see were taken at my Within these pages, I’ve
home in Santa Barbara, where I collected some of the most
feel the presence of God, and the powerful spiritual lessons,
connection to All that is greater sparks of brilliance, and aha
than myself, most deeply. Morning moments from Super Soul Sunday
walks with my dogs represent a that continue to resonate with
form of prayer for me, taking time me today.
to delight in the glory of nature What I know for sure is the
that surrounds me. Baby tear grass most valuable gift you can give
laced between a stone path, fallen yourself is the time to nurture the

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“Spirituality for CHAPTER ONE

me is recognizing
that I am connected AWA K E N I N G
to the energy of
all creation, that
I am a part of it
and it is always
a part of me.”

You know, Sartre said, “Exits are there. There’s an entrance that you
everywhere.” But I feel like entranc- can slide through. But I really do
es are everywhere. And I think that feel like the one nonnegotiable thing
the world would be an even more that you need is to be able to find
cruel place than it already is, if the a tiny little corner of your life, of
only people who are allowed to go your day of stillness, where you can
on spiritual journeys were people begin to ask yourself those burning
who could afford a plane ticket to essential questions of your life. Who
India, you know? Because we all am I? Where did I come from?
know that people find access to God Where am I going? What am I here
through those thin places in the for? And for that you need to find a
universe and the thin places in their sacred moment of silence to begin
lives where you come very close to to look for that journey. And that’s
the divine, in all sorts of situations. available to everybody.
You know, in prison, in their house,
in the middle of the night, in the
middle of a bad marriage, in the
middle of a traffic jam. It’s always

TO N Y R O B B I N S “Your vision is for you. And there
will be many times when other
OPRAH : What is the number-one rule
you would offer someone to becoming their
give? What am I here to learn?
What am I here to grow? What am
people can’t see your vision.
most authentic self ? Because this is really
what we’re all looking for. How do I just
I here to enjoy?” And then to spon-
taneously try things. Because I think
That’s all right because if God
be more of me? the most important decision is say- gave you the vision, God will
ing, “I’m gonna enjoy this moment
TONY ROBBINS : I think it’s
allowing yourself to be spontaneous right now. It’s the only thing I have give you the provision. God is
that’s real. And life’s too short to
instead of responding to how you
think you’re supposed to be. We’ve suffer. And if ust eep doing that not going to bring your provision
all developed an identity, a sense
of who we think we are and who
with each moment, things unfold in
a way that’s, as you know, beyond through your sister’s vision. It’s
we re not. ou define ourself not magnifi ent. And it s eas to tea h,
harder to apply, but it’s a discipline.
going to come to you, for you,
only by who you think you are but
who ou re not. And those defini- And if you do it, and you start mea-
suring it moment to moment, you
through you as soon as you
tions were usually made ten, twenty,
thirty, forty years ago. And we rarely will get addicted. It will be a positive eliminate the defi ien ies.
upgrade them unless we have an addiction because the liberation is
abrupt experience that makes us beyond what you can describe with
words. You have to experience it.
—Iyanla Vanzant
reevaluate our lives. And I think
to consciously decide, “Who am I
today? What do I stand for? What
am I here for? What am I here to


OPRAH : I love how you say we should some loves are higher. We know that OPRAH : What does it mean to BRENÉ : For sure.
rank our loves in highs and lows. Tell me our love of family is higher than dare greatly? OPRAH : And I think that vulnerability
what that does. our love of money. Or our love of DR. BRENÉ BROWN : To me, it is sort of the cornerstone of confidence.
DAVID BROOKS : That’s a concept truth should be higher than our means the courage to be vulnerable. Because you have to allow yourself to take
from this great theologian Augus- love of money. And if we’re lying to It means to show up and be seen. the risk to be open, to live as a wholehearted
tine. And he asked the question, get money, we’re putting our loves To ask for what you need. To talk person. When you can do that, you recog-
what is sin? When we use the word out of order. And so sometimes just about how you’re feeling. To have nize that you’re really just like everybody
sin, now we only use the word in the by our nature, we get them out of the hard conversations. else, and that gives you the confidence to be
context of fattening desserts. But order. So, for example, if a friend yourself, which is all you really need in life,
We asked people in the research,
in traditional morality, it’s the sense tells you a secret, and you blab it at is to be more of yourself.
“What is vulnerability to you?”
that we have something broken. a dinner party, you’re putting your
OPRAH : Most people think vulnerability BRENÉ : That’s it. And you can’t get
And I don’t like the word sin when love of popularity above your love
is weakness. to courage without walking through
it’s meant to suggest we’re dark and of friendship. And we know that’s
vulnerability, period.
depraved inside. But Augustine wrong. That’s the wrong order. And BRENÉ : Right.
had a beautiful formula. He said, so it’s useful just to sit down and
OPRAH : And you know what? After
“We sin when we have our loves say, “What do I love? What are the
reading Daring Greatly, what I real-
out of order.” And what he meant things I really love? And in what
ized, first of all, is I live in the space of
by that— order do I love them? Am I spend-
vulnerability. And that is what has made
ing time? Am I spending time on
OPRAH : Oh, this is good. We sin when me so successful is my vulnerability with
my highest love? Or am I spending
we have our loves out of order. Yes. the audience.
time on a lower love?”
DAVID : So we all love a lot of
things. We love family. We love
mone . e lo e a little affe tion.
Status. Truth. And we all know that



I marched into the kitchen, where So I didn’t know anything about
my husband was getting our two writing. I kept a journal from time
toddlers to eat their cereal. And to time. That was something that I
announced. Made my big annun- had done as a child. When I was a
ciation. I’m going to be a writer. little girl, I used to write little stories
And I was getting in touch with that and newspapers and all kinds of
creative desire inside of me. I was things. But until I was thirty, I really
going to write. Because that had had not pursued it. I had walked
been an innate desire in me as a away from it.
child. You know, you find this little But when we make that kind
light in yourself, and then of course of statement, it’s an annunciation
you lose it and you have to refind it. to ourselves, to the powers that
I mean, that’s part of finding our be, to the divine. This is my
place of belonging. intention. So I think it helps to say
My husband said, “Ooh, that’s our intention out loud. And then
great,” you know, and continued to the moment I said it, of course, I
get the children to eat their cereal. thought, What do I know about
And that was it. this? It is a great absurdity. But
everybody needs a great absurdity.
At least one of them, right?

“Everybody has a calling.

Your real job in life is to

figure out why you are FULFILLMENT
here and get about the
business of doing it.”
“I wish you clarity, EPILOGUE

love, and, most of all,

In order to experi- Academy for Girls in South
freedom in your lifelong ence life, you’ve got
Africa. I am committed to
supporting them through college,

spiritual adventure” to start asking life’s

big questions.
and often that simply means being
there to listen. This is the time
when they start asking, “What
—Oprah With every insight you’ve should I major in?” or “What do
experienced from The Wisdom of I want to do with my life?” I tell
Sundays, you can see that each them a career is not a life—the
person on earth is charting their essential question is “Who do you
own spiritual course. Your soul want to be?” And so now I ask
is as uni ue as our fingerprint. you, how can you allow who you
And the journey to connect to the want to be to emerge in all aspects
deepest part of yourself can only of your life?
be explored by you. I’ve gleaned Most conversations on Super
great understanding from all of Soul Sunday end with a series of
these conversations and have “big” questions for each guest.
come to know that as long as you Take the time to ask yourself the
are asking the right questions of same things, and I promise the
yourself, the answers will readily life vision waiting to be claimed
reveal themselves. Who do you by you will not only unfold, it
want to be? How can you allow will expand.
who you want to be to thrive in all I wish you clarity, love, and most
aspects of your life? of all, freedom in your lifelong
I often think of this principle spiritual adventure.
when I’m talking with the girls
who have graduated from the —Oprah
Oprah Winfrey Leadership

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