Myconnect User Manual
Myconnect User Manual
Myconnect User Manual
© Copyright 2008 Flygt AB. All rights reserved. No part of this manual may be
reproduced or copied without the written permission of Flygt AB.
Flygt AB
Box 2058
S-291 02 Kristianstad
Tel +46 44 20 59 00
This document may change without any further notice.
Global standard Introduction - 3
1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 10
1.1 Menus ................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Browse the Menus................................................................................. 10
1.3 Change a Parameter............................................................................... 11
1.4 Alarm panel .......................................................................................... 12
2 Start the RTU................................................................................................ 14
2.1 Personal safety ...................................................................................... 14
2.2 Configuring the RTU ............................................................................ 14
2.3 Setting the time and date and commissioning the RTU control. ............. 16
3 System functions ........................................................................................... 18
3.1 General ................................................................................................. 18
3.1.1 Selecting access level..................................................................... 18
3.1.2 Selecting language ......................................................................... 18
3.1.3 Selecting used functions................................................................. 18
3.1.4 Program information...................................................................... 20 System information................................................................. 20 Project number........................................................................ 20
3.1.5 Program mode function.................................................................. 20 Run mode ............................................................................... 20 Restarting the RTU ................................................................. 20 Remote service ....................................................................... 21 Save/load set-points ................................................................ 21 Save default set-points ............................................................ 22
3.1.6 Password ....................................................................................... 22
3.2 Physical setup ....................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 Viewing inputs............................................................................... 23
3.2.2 Inverting inputs.............................................................................. 23
3.2.3 Selecting input functions................................................................ 23
3.2.4 Selecting output functions.............................................................. 24
3.2.5 Pump Failure Alarms ..................................................................... 26
3.2.6 Common Alarm Output ................................................................. 26
3.3 Communication setup............................................................................ 26
3.3.1 Communication status led .............................................................. 26
5 Analogue sensors........................................................................................... 56
5.1 Level sensor .......................................................................................... 56
5.1.1 Level transmitter adjustment .......................................................... 56
5.1.2 Level alarms .................................................................................. 57
5.1.3 High and low level alarm outputs................................................... 57
5.1.4 Level calibration ............................................................................ 57
5.1.5 Sensor Freeze ................................................................................ 58
5.2 Current sensors...................................................................................... 59
5.2.1 Pump motor currents...................................................................... 59
5.2.2 Nominal current............................................................................. 59
5.2.3 Current inputs on 2 pump stations .................................................. 59
5.2.4 Current input options on 4 pump stations without Siox S48 ........... 59
5.2.5 Input options on 4 pump stations with Siox S48............................. 60
5.2.6 Current alarms ............................................................................... 60
5.3 General analogue................................................................................... 60
5.3.1 Input options.................................................................................. 60
5.3.2 Volume calculation........................................................................ 61
5.3.3 Alarms........................................................................................... 61
5.3.4 Level control output....................................................................... 61
6 Operational data ........................................................................................... 62
6.1 Selecting report mode............................................................................ 62
6.2 Restarting counters................................................................................ 62
6.3 Pumps and Generator Starts / Runtimes................................................. 62
7 Pump control................................................................................................. 64
7.1 Start and stop levels............................................................................... 64
7.1.1 Random start level ......................................................................... 64
7.2 Basic pump control ............................................................................... 65
7.2.1 Backup control............................................................................... 65
7.2.2 Pump No Response Delay.............................................................. 66
7.2.3 Start/stop delays............................................................................. 66
7.2.4 Intermediate delays ........................................................................ 66
7.2.5 Maximum start/hour alarm............................................................. 67
7.2.6 Blocking pumps with low current .................................................. 67
This manual is general for the global standard family. Note! Some paragraphs are
specific for special programs. These paragraphs have a program note after the
headline or within the text. The pictures are only examples.
This is an Flygt RTU (remote terminal unit) for the control and supervision of
wastewater pumping stations equipped with one or more pumps. It incorporates
the following:
• Powerful 32 bit processor
• Data memory
• Program memory
• Alarm panel
• LCD Display
The RTU can be equipped with modems and a separate battery backup supply as
options. The RTU standard software contains:
• Parameter-controlled functions for pump control
• Alarm functions
• Operating statistics
• Performance monitoring
• Communication capabilities to the Central system and/or Paging system.
The menus are grouped according to function. The first menu in each group also
serves as a group header. There are three levels of menus:
1. User menu for reading the operating data. These menus are always visible.
2. Parameter menus for entering or changing common operating parameters.
3. Service menus for settings carried out by the service personnel upon startup.
Open parameter: Follow these steps to open any type of parameter for changing.
Step Action
1 Browse to the relevant menu according to the instruction above.
Press the OK button.
Result: A flashing cursor is shown in the display, telling that the
change of parameter is allowed
Result: This table shows possible messages in the display after you have saved a
value, and if you need to perform further action.
Message Description Action
Value stored The value has been saved. --
Low value (xx) The value is below the permissible Enter a higher value.
High Value (yy) The value is above the permissible Enter a lower value.
Reference: For more information about permissible range of value, see Appendix
C- List of Menus.
"# $
This section describes the standard function of the alarm panel. In some special
programs the use of the alarm panel may be different.
Table: This table gives an overview of general led on the alarm panel, indicating
the most common alarms.
Reference: For specific information about the led see 16.1 Alarm panel .
When an alarm is activated, the led flashes until the alarm have been
Signal from led Alarm status Description
A steady beam Active The alarm condition remains,
acknowledgement has been performed.
Continues to Passive The alarm condition is gone, but
flash acknowledgement has not been performed.
Alarm Handling: Follow the instructions in this table when an alarm is activated
on the alarm panel.
What do you want Press this button: Result/Comment
to do?
Shift between remote When remote is on, alarms will be
local alarm transmitted to the central system, or a
cell phone through SMS.
Acknowledge a new The alarm is acknowledged, but is
alarm not removed from the alarm log.
Note! Acknowledgement with the button affects only the indication on the alarm
panel, not the alarm in the alarm log or in the alarm buffer.
Follow these steps to prepare for the start.
Step Action
1 Connect the RTU as described in the general installation instructions
supplied with the unit. Reference: For description of signals, see 20
"Appendix F - Connection".
2 Complete the connection procedure by switching on the unit.
Result: A led on the front panel indicates the operational status of the unit.
Table: This table shows which light the led may have and what it means.
Light Meaning
Steady red The RTU is in service mode only.
Flashing red light The pump control is not running.
Steady green light Set points have been entered and the RTU is running.
Operational status LED on front panel.
! & '
! N.B.
Ensure that personnel cannot come in contact with live cabling or terminal blocks
in the course of connection or service work. Maximum caution must be exercised
when working on the digital outputs.
The RTU requires certain parameters and set points to operate. It is supplied with
a number of default settings, but some of the menus must be complemented or
altered, beginning with the settings of a number of menus in the first menu group.
Most of these can be entered from the central system. Reference: See 17
Appendix C - List of menus for a complete list.
Table: This table gives an overview of the menus that must be complemented or
Show functions • Step through this set point and select 3.1.3 Selecting
functions to use. used functions
• Set all positions to "1" to show all
Invert inputs Select the digital inputs connected to the 3.2.2 Inverting
RTU that are "inverted" / active low. inputs
Select connected Select signals connected to the RTU inputs 3.2.3 Selecting
signals and outputs. input functions
Note! These set-points are sensitive. Be 3.2.4 Selecting
careful to select the correct input and output output functions
or connected equipment may start
Station number Must be unique to each RTU. Used by the 3.3.2 Station
central system to identify the unit. The number
number may vary from 1 to 899.
DTE speed Select the communication speed to the 3.3.5 DTE speed
modem or other equipment. selection
Table: This table gives an overview of the menus that must be complemented or
altered for an RTU connected to GSP.
3 Press OK to save the value, even if the original time and date is right.
Result: The operating status led changes to green and displays a steady light.
%' &
% (
In this menu you select if you want to access all menus or only the read-only
menus. There are three levels of access.
Display menu
Showing only user menus.
The first is the user level and it is default. It will show only some operational data
and sensor values.
Display menu
Showing parameter menus.
The second is the parameter level. It will show all menus that you need to control
the station including the user menus.
The third level is the service level.
Display menu
Showing service menus.
Service mode allows you to change all setpoints in the unit (including
communication). The service selection will return back to either parameter or user
mode five minutes after the last use of the display.
It is possible to change the shown language in the RTU. This setting will also
change the language used for alarm texts sent to the paging system.
The language menu set to English.
% &
This function shows and hides different menus in the application part of the RTU
program. Here it is possible to hide menu functions that are not used in the current
The menu is a binary menu showing the enabled functions.
Show functions
The menu to select showed functions.
Set the bit to zero to hide the menus for a special function.
! N.B.
The functions will still work in the background. Remember to turn off a function
before hiding the menus.
Person.+burglary Personnel alarm and burglary alarm menus. 4.3 and 4.4
Currents+APF Current analogue inputs and APF menus. 5.2 and 7.4.2
Flush+vol. pulse Flush valve and volume pulse menus. 7.4.4 and 8.2
"! &
" ! )
The project number is used as information to identify the station and program
when you contact Flygt service. Do not change the number.
*! &
The program mode function is used when maintaining the RTU. It is possible to
restart the RTU, start remote service and load/save set-points.
Program mode
Normal run
Run mode changeable from AquaView.
It is possible change the run mode by sending the set-points from AquaView. This
is sometimes very useful but it opens a security risk. To prevent the change of this
menu set the run mode to Normal locked. This will prevent the possibility to cold
start the RTU from the central but will also prevent the possibility to use remote
services. Other remote functions from AquaView are not affected by this menu.
Program mode
Normal locked
Run mode not changeable from AquaView.
It is still possible to activate remote service and cold/warm start the RTU if the
menu is changed locally on the RTU.
The program mode menu is used if a situation occurs in which the RTU must be
cold or warm started. The command will be done shortly after the option is
selected, making it possible to cancel the command by changing the menu again.
Program mode
Warm start
Warm starting the RTU.
! Remember that the set-points will be lost and must be re-entered following a cold
* (
Remote service of the RTU is possible if the RTU is called. This includes loading
a new program over the telephone line.
Program mode
Remote load COM3
Remote load on COM3.
Select the COM port to be used in the program mode menu. Note! The RTU will
not control the station during remote service.
*"%(+ ,$
It is possible to save and load set-points to a file in the RTU. Use this function to
protect the set-points from being lost in a cold start. Once you saved the set-points
they will be used to start-up the RTU in a cold start. The cold-start will lose alarm,
trend and report data, but not control parameters and the RTU will continue to
control the station.
Set-points will be saved automatically at midnight if changed.
Another way of using this function is if you experiment with set-points and you
want to be able to return to the original set-points. It is also possible to use this
option if you want to copy set-points from one RTU to another but only if the two
programs are identical. The two programs have to have the same program ID.
Program mode
Save setpoints
To save the set-points.
Remember that when loading the set-points the program will assume the same
logical state as when they where saved.
Program mode
Load setpoints
Loading set-points.
! The load set-points does not work if a new RTU program has been uploaded and
the old setpoint file remains. This can cause a program crash or other undesirable
**%( & ,$
It is possible to change the default values used by the RTU at a cold start-up. This
may be used to create a regional variant of the set-points to make the installation
Program mode
Save defaults
To save the default values.
To create a regional file first set-up the RTU with desired values. Next select the
command and the RTU will create a file “Abackup.IMG”. This will contain all
set-point values. Download the file to your PC and use this file in the installation
of future RTUs.
!! It is extremely important that the file is installed in the exact same program with
the same program ID otherwise the RTU may crash.
Two password menus are included in the RTU to prevent unauthorised personnel
from altering settings in the RTU. The function is activated by entering the
appropriate four-digit code in the New password menu. When an operator wishes
to alter a setting in any menu using the buttons on the front panel, the code must
first be entered before the data can be changed.
Enter password
This is the password menu that appears if the password is activated.
To turn off the password function, enter 0000 as a new password.
Remember that unauthorised personnel must also be prevented from changing
settings from the central system to ensure full protection against unauthorised
! ' $
The programs use flexible inputs and output digital signals which allow the user
to select activation condition (Normally-open or Normally-closed contacts) and
function for most of the signals.
These settings are required to configure the RTU to work with external
. $
It is possible to view the status of the digital inputs connected to the RTU.
Status inputs
Inputs 2 and 5 activated.
Switch the menu input to write mode to get a text description of which digital
input you are viewing.
( $
Closed contacts normally activate the digital input signals. The signal function can
be inverted in the menu if input is to be activated by open contacts.
Invert inputs
This is the invert inputs menu with two inputs inverted.
The inversion of input signals is only possible on inputs directly connected to the
RTU. Inputs connected to Siox units cannot be inverted. In this case use an
interposing relay.
% $ &
Some inputs in the program are selectable. The possible options on an individual
input depend on position and program. See 20 “Appendix F - Connection” for
more information about your program.
Some input functions and a short description of the function are included in the
table below. See individual function descriptions for more information.
Available options depend on the program used.
Not used The input is not used. Connected signal will be ignored.
Spare alarm A spare alarm is created on the input. The alarm code
depends on connected input.
Px Tripped motor Pump tripped. This input will create an alarm and stop the
Px Off switch Pump turned off. This will stop the pump and prevent the
program from starting it.
Px Leakage Leakage alarm. This will not normally stop the pump.
Px High temp. High pump temperature alarm. This will stop the pump.
High float High level float. This function gives an alarm and may also 7.2.1
Low float Low level float. This function stops the pumps and gives an -“-
Overflow sensor Overflow sensor input. This will start the overflow 8.5
calculation. It is possible to use the level sensor to trigger
the overflow but with lower accuracy. To do this make sure
the overflow input is not used.
Power fail Power fail sensor. This will stop the pumps. 4.2
Intruder sensor Intruder sensor or switch. This input will enable the intruder 4.4
Personnel onsite Personnel on site input. This will activate the personnel on 4.3
site protection function.
Intruder + Personnel on site combined with intruder sensor. It is 4.3 and 4.4
personnel. possible to combine these two inputs to save one input.
"% $ &
Some outputs in the program are selectable. The possible options on an individual
output depend on position and program. See 20 “Appendix F - Connection” for
more information.
The output functions and a short description of the function are included in the
table below. See individual function descriptions for more information.
Not used The output is not used. Contacts will remain open.
Generic analog x The output is controlled by the generic analogue signal. 5.3.4
Remote blocked The output is activated when the RTU gets remote blocked 9.2.2
by another RTU.
Alarm status Shows the status of alarms. Low – no alarms, pulse – active -“-
not acknowledged alarms, high – active alarms.
Alarm active Contacts close if there are any active alarms. -“-
Watchdog The output is high when the program has set-points and
runs properly.
Buzzer The output is used by intruder alarm and personnel 4.3 and 4.4
functions. The buzzer is activated to inform the user when
the alarms is turn on/off and when working time has
*! $/ #
It is possible to select some outputs to have the function “Pump X Failure”. There
is a list of possible pump failure conditions that can contribute to this alarm by
selecting a 1 in the column digit or 0 if the condition should not close the common
pump failure contact.
- # 0 $
It is possible to select some outputs to have the function “Common Alarm”. There
is a list of possible common alarm conditions that can contribute to this alarm by
selecting a 1 in the column digit or 0 if the condition should not close the common
alarm contact.
The RTU can communicate with the central station and paging systems in several
different ways. Select communication function depending on connected
equipment and desired function.
The programs are equipped with a very flexible communication setup. It is
possible to connect various modems and use several protocols.
These settings are only required if the RTU should communicate. A stand alone
RTU does not require any changes in this section.
Underneath the display of the RTU there is a symbol of two telephone handsets
with a communication status led.
To enable the central system to contact the station and get the status data for the
picture you have to enter the correct station number. This number has to be the
same as in the central system.
Station number
This is the station number menu.
Valid station numbers range from 1 to 899.
/1 2
To connect the RTU on a fixed line the Fixed line ID need to be entered otherwise
the communication will not work. This number needs to be the same in the
AquaView system.
ID number fixed
0 (fixed)
The fixed line ID.
In the communication menus the following selections are available.
" 2,
Use one of these settings if the RTU is delivered with the Westermo TD-22
modem. Select V.23 when the modem shall communicate with CCC0502/0503
modems. Select V.23 fixed when the modem shall communicate with
CCD0502/0503 or other TD-22 modems on a fixed line. V.22 should be used to
communicate with other Hayes modems.
* Using TD-22 in V.23 mode is not recommended. The modem is initialized by the
RTU and this fixed mode cause the possibility to initialize the modem again to be
lost. If the modem loses power the communication is lost. It is therefore highly
recommended to connect the TD-22 modem to the same power supply as the RTU
if this communication mode is used. This will cause the modem to be initialized
safely. A better method is to set the TD-22 modem to V.23 mode using the DIP
switches inside the modem and use RS232 half duplex as communication mode.
" 2,
Use one of these settings if the RTU is supplied with the TD-33 modem.
Communic. COM1
TD33 V.90 X1
Communication selected to TD-33 using option X1.
The option TD33 X1 is used when the modem has problems to detect the
telephone system dial tone.
" 2,
Use the option for RS232 half duplex if the modem TD-23 is used. Set speed to
1200 bit/s.
"" % & $ 1
Use this option for point to point communication on a fixed line cable together
with Mtc-Com, AquaView or GPRS AquaCom. A null modem or a special null
modem cable should be used in this communication.
This option is also used for modems emulating a RS232 line using control signals.
This is the preferred option for using modem TD-22 in V.23 fixed mode.
"* % & $ 1
Use this option for multi-drop communication using TD-22 or TD-23 on a fixed
line cable together with Mtc-Com or AquaView.
"- &
It is possible to connect other modems to the RTU. In this case the modem needs
to be configured using a PC before installation. The configuration should be saved
in the internal memory area 0 inside the modem using the command “AT E0 V0
&W0”. The modem will then later on be initiated with the command “AT Z” to
recall the saved configuration. See separate documentation for specific modems.
Communic. COM4
User def. multid
Communication selected to a user defined multi-drop modem on COM4.
It is possible to run the user defined modem in either multi-drop mode or point-to-
point mode. Multi-drop mode is used for fixed line modems.
"3# $
The alarm printer is connected to COM1 usually with 1200 bps. Use 8 bits 1 stop
bit and no parity in the printer. Used character table is “MS-DOS 850”.
"40 &
The line speed depends on the initiation string, line quality and DTE speed.
Changing the DTE speed will not always change the line speed.
All modems besides PC card modems are connected to COM1. See the modem
documentation for cabling specifications.
When the communication mode is changed then the RTU will automatically
restart after a few seconds to reinitialize the COM port.
*2 $
Select the DTE speed for the used menus. The DTE speed is the speed on the
serial menu connected to the RTU.
Speed COM1
9600 bit/s
DTE speed on COM1 selected to 9600.
If a modem is used this is the speed between the modem and the RTU. This is not
the same as the line speed between the two modems.
! It is highly recommended that the DTE speed is equal or higher compared to the
line speed.
Select protocol to use on the serial menus.
Protocol on COM1
COM1 selected to use AquaCom.
Supported options are:
Other Other option. This will make the menu change to enter a protocol code. See
protocol code below.
! It is not possible to select two dialled serial menus working with the AquaCom
protocol at the same time.
2 Service It is possible to service the RTU using other com ports than
COM2 using this option.
6-7 Not normally used. Used for master communication and others.
9-12 Not normally used. Used for master communication and others.
15 MAS Modbus Use this protocol code for communication with MAS.
16 Unpolled Fixed- Used for Radio or GPRS iConnector over AquaCom Central
line communication.
17 Modbus multi Makes it possible to connect more than one Modbus slave.
18 GPRS AquaCom Select this for AquaView Central communication over GPRS.
23 TAP France
24 SMS-Minitel
25 Airlink-SMS USA
3 , '
Avoid changing these values unless absolutely necessary. The communication
may be unstable or cease to work if any of these values is set to a faulty value.
3 % '
This is the time required by the modem to stabilise the signal before it starts to
transmit data. In certain cases, the RTS delay must be changed to permit
communications to work satisfactorily.
RTS delay COM1
200 ms
This shows RTS delay set to 200 ms on COM1.
! Operation may be put at risk if this value is too high. A suitable value is between
100 and 300 ms.
3 ,
This setting controls how long the program will wait for an answer from central.
A timeout may occur if a long time elapses before a response is received from the
central system or another remote terminal unit. The response time in the menu can
be increased to prevent this; however, it is recommended that this value (8
seconds) should not be changed unless absolutely necessary.
3 ,
This setting controls how long the program waits for a new character. In some
applications where messages are sent in packages there can be gaps. This concern
particularly radio communication where you can get time-outs. To avoid them
increase the value in this menu.
3* '
Delay between telegrams in Modbus and Comli, master and slave.
3- ,
Delay after each telegram if an answer from slave is not detected from the RTU.
4 1 6
It is sometimes necessary to reduce the size of the telegrams sent between the
RTU and the CS, especially if radios or cellular modems are used. It is possible to
set the size of some of the telegrams using this function.
Max telegram
size 2000 byte
Telegram size set to default value.
7 $
7 % $
The RTU continuously samples trend data like levels, flows and currents. The
sample rate of this data may be changed in one minute intervals between 1 and 30
minutes. The default sample rate is 5 minutes.
Trend sample
time 1 min
Sample rate set to one minute.
If the sample rate is changed to one minute the same change has to be done in the
set-up of this station in AquaView. A zero in this menu will work as the default
value, five minutes.
7 % $
The way trends are sampled in the RTU may be changed. In some stations with
rapid pump-cycles even changing the trend sample rate to one minute may be too
long. In this case it is possible to extend the sampled trend in two ways.
Trend method
Extending the trend.
This function changes the sampling of trend values that are dependent on pump
operation. Affected trends are: Pump currents, pump flow, energy effect and
specific energy.
Trend data
0:00 0:05 0:10 0:15 0:20 0:25
Normal Trend is sampled 10 times during the selected time. The average is calculated
and shown in the resulting trend.
Extended The trend is sampled during the pump operation. The average value is used to
extend the stored trend. The resulting trend will be guaranteed to show at least
one sample with the true maximum value.
Continuous The trend is sampled during the pump operation. The average is used to store
trend during non pump operation resulting in a continuous trend curve.
8 9 '
The pumps can be remote-controlled from the central system. The option of
starting and stopping the pumps manually is available on the status picture. When
remote control is selected, the RTU pump control function is inoperable. When a
pump is started remotely, pump control returns to auto mode when the picture is
closed. The remote control break delay prevents the RTU from setting the pump
in auto mode after a closed picture. It is then possible to control the pumps
remotely without the need of an open status picture.
Remote break
0 min
The remote break delay default value.
A pump that is started with a remote command will always stop at the normal stop
level or low level float. It will also stop on any pump failure. The pump will then
return to automatic mode.
A pump that is stopped with remote command will stay stopped until the status
picture is closed and the remote break delay is elapsed. The pump will then return
to automatic mode and start as normal.
! Care is always required when operating the pumps manually from the central
# 2 '
This is the delay between the first ring signal and RTU answering the data call.
! Only set this time if the telephone line is also connected to a normal telephone.
Setting this value in many stations will increase the data collection time in the CS.
! %
GPRS communication works as follows:
1. RTU with GPRS modem establishes an Internet connection.
5 $ (
To keep the connection alive, the RTU sends “I am alive” messages within a
specified time frame. Try out different settings to find a suitable time frame. A
value to start with is 210 s.
& ! %
IP address
Enter the IP address for the AquaView Central Server.
If the address is “ 195 . 67 . 103 . 220”,
enter “”.
TCP Port number
Enter the TCP Port Number to the AquaView Central Server. Valid range is 0-
Delay for Gprs msg
##### s
Enter the time frame for keeping the connection alive. Valid range is 0-86400.
Use 0 for default value (210 s).
" &
The RTU may generate an alarm in different situations as part of pump station
monitoring. The alarm may be due, for example, to the absence of an operating
response, but may also be activated by internal monitoring functions. See 18
"Appendix D - List of alarms" for a list of the alarms in the RTU.
" # ( +$ ( '$
Two alarms are generated in most alarm situations; one when the condition is
fulfilled i.e. when the alarm is activated, one when the alarm is passive. In a few
alarm situations, the alarm is generated only when the condition is fulfilled. One
example of this second type is the "Warm start" alarm.
" # $
An RTU alarm can be assigned one of four different priorities, A, B, C or D. In
some special cases the alarm may also have priority E and H. In most cases, these
are used as described below. The Alarm distribution menu described below
determines the alarms that are to be transmitted.
" # (
Most alarms are in service directly when the RTU is commissioned. The
monitoring of analogue values requires alarm limits to be entered for them. The
various alarm limits and their respective functions are described in other parts of
this document.
""# '
Each alarm can be delayed for a period during which the alarm condition shall be
fulfilled before the alarm is generated. A delay is used to ‘filter out’ disturbances
of a temporary nature in the system. No general rule can be given regarding a
suitable delay since the setting will be dependent on station configuration.
However, approx. 10 seconds is a normal setting.
"*# '
Alarm hysteresis is another method of filtering out undesired, superfluous alarms.
Hysteresis, which is applied to analogue alarm limits, specifies the amount by
which the measured value must change for an alarm to be deactivated.
*: &
This chapter describes how alarms are used on the RTU locally.
* #
An alarm generated when the alarm condition is fulfilled is recorded in the alarm
log, which accommodates 1000 alarms. If a greater number of alarms are
generated, the earliest alarm will be overwritten. You can view the alarm log by
displaying the Alarm log menu.
The alarm log menu.
Follow these steps to browse the alarm log:
Step Action
030112 11:25 AB*
Note: Active alarms are not cleared from the log or the central system. Alarms are
sent to the central system independent of the alarms in the alarm log.
There is no need to delete alarms to make space for new alarms. If the alarm
buffer becomes full, the oldest alarm will be overwritten. The only reason to
delete alarms is to make it easier to find new alarms.
* # : 2
The lowermost led on the Alarm Panel is used as a general alarm led. This means
that it will begin to flash as soon as a new alarm has been recorded in the alarm
log. Always scroll through the alarm log to check for new alarms when this led
flashes. When the alarm log is checked, the LED turns off if the alarm has been
acknowledged from the alarm panel.
* $ : 2
The RTU incorporates a function for testing the integrity of all of the led on the
alarm panel. Press and hold the alarm acknowledgement button until the LEDs
begin to flash. The LEDs will revert to normal operation when the button is
* ! &
A printer can be connected directly to the unit and alarms printed out as they are
generated. Note that this does not include alarms received before the printer is
The printer, which must be of the serial type, is connected to COM1 or COM4.
Select communication mode Alarm printer in the communications menus. See
3.3.4 "Communication selections".
* # $
The alarms in the RTU may be indicated with an output. There are three variants
on the output with slightly different functions.
Alarm pulse One pulse on every new alarm. A short pulse on the output is generated on
every new active flank on A, B or D alarms. The length of the pulse may be
set in a menu.
Alarm status Shows the status of alarms. The alarm output will work the same way as an
alarm LED. Low - no alarms, pulse - active not acknowledged alarms, high -
active alarms. Alarms are acknowledged on the RTU panel.
Alarm active Shows if there are any active alarms. The output will be high as long as there
is an A, B or D alarm active.
Only A, B or D alarms are used with the output. If an alarm is set to C it will not
affect the output.
Alarms with only an active flank and no passive flank like Warm start will not
affect the output.
- $
- # '
Alarms are transmitted to the central system via a dedicated or dial-up connection.
Alarms to be transmitted are stored in a buffer. If the buffer becomes full, the
earliest alarm will be overwritten by the most recent but this will only happen if
the connection to the central system is lost for several days.
A dial-up RTU can also be configured to call a pager directly. The selection to
send to the pager is made in the telephone number by entering the special
character "&" in the first position. See 3.6.4 "Telephone numbers to CS/Pager".
- ' ; %<
If an RTU is connected to the central system by a dedicated connection, the CS
will transmit alarm queries to the RTU. Any alarms in the buffer will then be
- , $
In the case of a dial-up connection, the RTU will dial to the CS or pager as soon
as an alarm is created. For this purpose, the alarm receiver’s telephone number
must be entered in the “Telno:1 CS/PAGE” menu in the major menu group, which
contains two telephone number menus.
- =
The RTU contains two menus for telephone numbers. In the event of an alarm, the
RTU rings the first number stored in the first menu. This number may go to the
CS or pager. If this is unsuccessful, the unit will make further attempts to call the
same number, with a pause between each attempt. The number of attempts is
controlled by two menus “Number of calls CS” and “Number of calls to pager”.
When the RTU rings and the call fail, the first pause will be 1 minute long.
Thereafter, the pause duration will increase by one minute on each occasion.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A = Pause
RTU alarm dial-out sequence.
If the RTU fails to transmit the alarm to the telephone number in the first menu,
further attempts will be made to call the number in the next menu. If this is also
unsuccessful, dialling will be blocked (A). The blocking time is set in the Pager
cycle menu.
After the blocking the RTU will recommence the sequence from the beginning i.e.
making new attempts to call the number in each menu. The RTU will continue to
attempt to report the alarm until it succeeds.
The CS will automatically acknowledge if the alarm is successfully transmitted to
the CS the alarm.
If the alarm is transmitted to a pager then the RTU will wait for acknowledge
from the user. The time the RTU will wait is set in the Pager acknowledge time
If the user fails to acknowledge the alarm the RTU will try the next telephone
number in the sequence.
- #
An alarm can be transmitted to the central or alarm system, or simply recorded in
the RTU. The appropriate setting is made in the Transmit alarm menu in the main
menu group.
Transmit alarm
Local today
Alarm is only recorded locally in RTU.
Local Alarms are only recorded in the RTU. All alarms (*) get priority E and will
permanent not be transmitted to the central system.
Remote Alarms are transmitted to the central system. The particular alarms that are
transmitted will depend on the setting in the Alarm distribution menu.
Clear May be used to prohibit alarms, which have not yet been transmitted to the
central system, from being sent.
Local today Same as "Local permanent". The selection will return to remote at midnight.
Select the Local today mode to avoid false alarms, for example when carrying out
service work in the pump station.
! The Cold start and Personnel alarms are always transmitted to the central or alarm
system, regardless of the alarm mode selection.
Table: This table gives an overview of the alarm modes shown through the
indication lamp.
To toggle between Remote and Local today, press the local/remote button.
- # > &
-" $ %+!
A telephone number may contain up to 20 characters, including the type of
dialling and "pause" characters.
The following characters are used to enter the telephone number correctly:
Character Explanation
& Used in Paging systems numbers. The ‘&’ character must always be
first in the string if this telephone number is a paging number.
Otherwise the system assumes that the alarm should be transmitted to
a Mtc-Com or AquaView.
T The RTU transmits digits using tones in what is known as DTMF tone
dialling, which is the most common mode. The DTMF tone dialling
character must be first in the string when calling the central system
but in second position in paging numbers. If the paging system uses a
telephone number to the paging central and this is a paging number
then do NOT use this character.
, The RTU pauses for 2 seconds, e.g. to dial 0 for an outside line. A
pause can be inserted at any point in the telephone number. Several
pauses may also be inserted in succession. If the paging system uses a
telephone number to the paging central and this is a paging number
then do NOT use this character.
-* & %
The numbers of attempts to call central system are controlled by the menu:
Number of calls
CS 5
Number of calls to central system.
This is the number of calls the RTU will try to make to the same number before
switching to the next number.
-- $ '
It is possible to change the alarm priority and alarm code locally on the RTU. This
is normally done by sending the "Alarm code filter" from AquaView. Three
menus are used for this function. You enter the alarm code of the menu you want
to change in the first menu and then you set the priority and code in the following
two menus.
Example on how to change the spare alarm on input 6 to another code.
First select the alarm code to change.
Select alarm
code 86
Go to the next menu.
And change the priority to another code.
Alarm priority
Go to the next menu.
And change to another alarm code.
New alarm code
The input 6 will now send an A alarm with code 45 "Low pH".
If this alarm is sent to directly from RTU to pager the text will be the old text
"Alarm digital input 6". This text can be changed but this must be done by
updating the RTU with a special text file (RTU.CFG) using a PC.
3! $
3 1 $ ' % %
The RTU can handle alarm distribution directly to a paging system or to a GSM
telephone. The first sign in the menu Telno: CS/PAGE must be “&”, otherwise
the program will handle the phone call as if calling to a CS.
3 $
The message that is sent to a numerical pager consists of numerical code like
“12580501”. It starts with the station number, three digits "125". The next four
digits are the alarm code "8050", and the last digit is the priority of the alarm "1".
The only setting needed is the telephone number to the pager in the menu "Telno.
1 CS/PAGE" starting with a “&”.
3 #$ $
When using alphanumerical paging, the message on the pager consists of alarm
text and station name. The following settings are needed:
• The telephone number to the pager in the menu Telno: CS/PAGE starting with
a “&”. Neither a “T” nor a comma should be used.
• The telephone number to the paging central. This is the telephone number that
is dialled by the modem when an alarm should be transmitted. Information is
given on the subscriber agreement and in that company’s documentation. No
“&” should be entered in this menu.
• The name of the station should be entered in the menu Station name. If no
name is entered, the station number will be sent to the pager.
• If used, enter the password in the menu Password.
3 % %
When using SMS, the message on the GSM telephone consists of alarm text and
station name. The following settings are needed:
• The telephone number to the GSM telephone in the menu Telno: CS/PAGE
starting with a “&”. Neither a “T” nor a comma should be used.
• The telephone number to the paging central. This is the telephone number that
is dialled by the modem when an alarm should be transmitted. Information is
given on the subscriber agreement and in that company’s documentation. No
“&” should be entered in this menu.
• The name of the station should be entered in the menu Station name. If no
name is entered, the station number will be sent to the pager.
• If used, enter the password in the menu Password.
• If used (SMS for Germany), an identification code should be entered in the
menu Identity code.
3 & $
The numbers of attempts to call the pager central are controlled by the menu:
Number of calls
pager 5
Number of calls to paging central.
This is the number of calls the RTU will try to make to the same number before
switching to the next number.
3 ! 9
If the alarm is transmitted to a pager then the RTU will wait for acknowledge
from the user. The time the RTU will wait is set in the “Pager acknowledge time”
3"! ' !
If the RTU fails to transmit the alarm to the telephone number in the first menu,
further attempts will be made to call the number in the next menu. If this is also
unsuccessful, dialling will be blocked. The blocking time is set in the Pager cycle
Paging Cycle Pause
time 180 min
After the blocking the RTU will restart the sequence from the beginning i.e.
making new attempts to call the number in each menu. The RTU will continue to
attempt to report the alarm until it succeeds.
3*% $ '
The RTU can also dial out an alarm directly to a paging system. The correct
values must be entered in the parameter menus including Telephone number to
PAD, Pager number and more depending on the selected paging system.
The RTU software may handle several paging systems. Countries normally have
only one or two paging systems. The systems to use in different countries are
listed below. Since this function is heavily dependent on the paging system
supplier it might not be completely up to date.
0 None
4 Semadigit Holland
12 Cityruf DE Wt Germany
16 SemaDigit B Wt Belgium
17 SemaDigit NL Wt Holland
20 Numeric A Austria
See the next chapter and also 17 "Appendix C - List of menus" for information
about the parameters.
To select the paging system you select the name in the Paging system menu.
Paging system
Selecting SMS UCP Paging.
Since the paging systems change all the time the internal system software of the
RTU might be updated with newer paging systems. If this happen you can select
the option "Other" in the paging menu.
Paging system
Selecting another paging system.
This will immediately change the menu to enable entering the paging code
Paging system
code 0
Selecting paging system by code.
Now you are able to select any paging system supported by the newer system
software. This number will be larger than the last number in the table above.
Selecting number zero will change back the menu to the normal menu menu.
In the set points from AquaView you always have to select the paging number
code. The menu menu is not available there.
3-! ' $
Information on some of the menus is given on the subscriber agreement and in
that company’s documentation.
3- 1? !
Transmitter no
Paging transmitter number
The transmitter number is normally only six characters. It is currently only used in
"Minicall text" in Sweden.
3- ?! '
Identity code
Paging identity code
The identity code may be any text or number.
3- ! ?! $
Pager password
Paging password
The password may also be any text or number.
3-"! ?! !#2+% %
Paging number to PAD/SMSC
The telephone number to the paging central follow the same rules as the normal
telephone numbers with the exception that you can not use the "&" character.
3-*% ?%
The Station name is entered as specified in the central system.
Station name
Station name
Try to select a name as close as the one in the CS to avoid confusion. Only capital
letters and numbers are allowed.
3--@ ? 2 '$
Delay paging
central 15 s
Wait time, delay paging central
The paging delay wait time is used in primitive text paging systems to wait out the
voice so the message will be accepted. Some systems do not accept sending the
message immediately. This might also be used in other ways in some paging
" %$ '
" # '
Most of the alarms are either delayed by the analogue alarm delay or the digital
alarm delay. Set the delays depending on the situation at your station. A general
guide is to set both the digital delay and the analogue delay to 10 s but this may
need to be changed.
Digital Alarm
Delay 10 s
" !
The personnel alarm is one of the most important alarm functions. The alarm is
used when work of any kind is being carried out in the pumping station.
Personnel alarm.
A switch (A) connected to the personnel alarm input, usually the station lighting
switch, is operated when work begins (B) in the station, starting a countdown of
the specified working period. The output buzzer (C) is activated shortly (D) when
the period starts and then when the period has elapsed (E). Some type of warning
signal should be connected to this output. The switch should be opened (F) when
the warning is received and then closed again to begin a new working period (G).
Failure to acknowledge the buzzer signal will start the output siren (I) and send an
alarm to the central system (H).
The working and warning periods are set in the “Pers. Alarm Warning” and “Pers.
Alarm Delay” menus, and can also be set from the central system. If the periods
are changed while the switch is closed, the new settings will not apply until the
switch has been opened.
The personnel alarm is dialled out to the central system or paging in all cases,
regardless of the alarm mode selected.
The intruder alarm simply sends an alarm if the input intruder sensor is activated
and the alarm is not stopped in some way.
There are two basic ways to use the intruder alarm.
Intruder alarm using intruder sensor and RTU password.
The other way to use the intruder alarm is to use both intruder sensor input (A)
and RTU password (B). The use of the buzzer (C) and siren (D) outputs are
optional. If the intruder sensor gets high (E) the alarm (F) will be created after the
intruder delay (G). In this case it a low signal on the intruder alarm will not stop
the alarm. Enter the password (H) in the RTU to stop the alarm. The RTU will
show the password menu automatically. The alarm is deactivated as long as the
sensor input is active or as long as the RTU display is active. The intruder alarm is
activated again two minutes after the sensor input is low (I) and the display of the
RTU is off. Sensor input will be ignored during this period (J). The output signal
will be activated for a short beep when the sensor is activated (K) and also when
the alarm is turned off by entering the password (L). When the alarm is created
the siren output will be permanently high (M) until the alarm is deactivated by
entering the password in the RTU.
It is possible to connect intruder sensor and personnel on site signals to the same
input. It is also possible to connect buzzer and siren outputs to the same output.
See 3.2.3 "Selecting input functions".
To verify that the alarm distribution is working properly, it is possible to
configure the RTU to call out a test alarm. The test alarm has B-priority as
default, and is transmitted in the same way as an ordinary alarm according to the
settings regarding the alarm distribution.
You set the number of days between every alarm and the time you want the alarm
to be transmitted.
Testalarm every
2 days
Testalarm time
13:00 h:m
These settings will send an alarm every other day at 13:00.
"-! $ (
The RTU can be programmed with a service alarm, which is activated after the
pumps have been in service for a number of hours. The length of the service
interval is entered in the Service interval pumps menu in the SERVICE
INTERVAL menu group. A service alarm will be generated if the pumps are in
service for an extended period.
The “Time after service” menus show how long the pumps have been in service
since the last service. The service interval can be set from the central system.
The “Time after service” menus must be reset on completion of service. Change
from the Read to the Write mode in the menu and select Delete value? Yes. The
value in the menu will then be zeroed.
* : (
* : ( )
Adjustment of the level transmitter is extremely simple.
The range is specified in the max level (A) and min level (B) menus in the
LEVEL group menu. The range of the sensor (C) is max level minus min level.
Min Level is set to the distance from the bottom (D) of the sump to the level
Max Level is set to the operating span of the transducer plus the offset from the
bottom of the well.
! If the pump sump walls are inclined in the normal pumping range it is important
to enter the true value for minimum and maximum level to get a correct value on
the inflow and capacity calculation.
Max level normally corresponds to the maximum sensor value 20 mA. Min level
corresponds to the value 4 mA. It is possible to change the maximum and
minimum sensor values 20 and 4 mA if different level sensors need to be
connected. These values are changed if calibration is done.
* : (
Low, very low, high and very high level alarm limits are required to enable the
level alarms to be monitored. These limits are entered in the High level alarm and
Low level alarm menus in the LEVEL menu group. The alarm can also be
provided with hysteresis in the Hyst. level alarm menu to avoid unnecessary
These alarms use individual alarm delays. The high level alarms are delayed use
one delay and the low level alarms use one.
See 3.4.5 "Alarm hysteresis" for a description of the concept of hysteresis.
* = ( $
The high level alarms and low level alarms activate digital output signals. The
output goes high when the alarm is activated and low when the alarm goes
The outputs are intended to be used to control external equipment. The outputs
may also be connected to external alarm systems. See 20 "Appendix F -
Connection" for more information.
* ": (
Level calibration of the transmitter is not required. The following instructions are
useful only if the need would arise for any reason.
Follow these steps to calibrate the level of the transmitter.
Step Action
Enter maximum level for transmitter calibration range in the Specify
max. level: menu, and
press OK.
3 Enter the minimum level for the transmitter calibration range in the
Specify min. level: menu, and
press OK.
Enter the actual level of the transmitter below the water surface in the
Specify actual level: menu, and press OK.
Result: “Calibration complete” is shown in the display.
7 Press OK.
* *% / 6
The RTU can also monitor the transmitter. If the sensor fails an alarm is created.
The duration for which the level in the sump may remain constant is entered in the
Sensor control menu and an alarm will be generated if the transmitter value is not
altered during that time.
The level (A) changes constantly but at one point in time (B) it ceases to work.
The sensor control will wait and see if the level changes (C) for the time set and
finally generate an alarm.
The change must exceed 1% of the sensor range within the time limit to count as a
working sensor. If numerous false Sensor Fault alarms are generated, try to extend
the sensor control time. The function can be disabled by entering zero.
* ! $
An RTU can both measure and monitor motor currents. A motor current
transmitter must supply a DC current signal in the 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA range.
! The operating response digital inputs of the pumps must be connected in order for
the measurement to be in operation.
The results of the measurement are displayed in the CURRENT P1 menu. The
calculated nominal current is displayed in the next menu. The nominal current
shows a calculated average of the current and this value is shown even when the
pump does not run.
* $ $ $
On a two pump station the currents for P1 and P2 are connected to analogue 2 and
3. The maximum value of the current measurements is set in the menus Current
range P1 to Current range P4. See 20 "Appendix F - Connection".
* " $ $ "$ $
% 1 %"4
On a four pump station the current inputs for two pumps may share the same
analogue input signal. The program use the response digital input to figure out
which pump the current is from. If both pumps are running the currents are split
using the power value of the pump.
The current inputs are selectable. The following options exist:
A2=1,A3=2,A4=3+4 P1 P2 P3 and P4
A2=1+2,A3=3,A4=4 P1 and P2 P3 P4
If general analogue 4 are to be used as current this analogue input has to be
selected to current input. See 5.3 "General analogue
* * $ $ "$ $ % 1 %"4
Four analogue signals for the current signals are provided through the Siox S48
unit. The maximum value of the current measurements is set in the menus Current
range P1 to Current range P4. See 20 "Appendix F - Connection".
* -
There are also the possibilities of getting alarms if the currents are too high or too
low, the limits are entered in High current P1 to P4 and Low current P1 to P4
menus. In order to avoid repeated alarms if the current is varying around the alarm
limit, the value in the menus Curr. Hyst. P1 to P4 can be used to avoid these
unnecessary alarms. For a more comprehensive description of this function called
hysteresis see 3.4.5 "Alarm hysteresis" for a description. Current alarms are
generated only when the pumps are running.
Many of the programs have the possibility to connect a general analogue signal.
This could be used for example to measure different flows, pH, current,
temperature or pressure. It is possible to use the input to replace internal
calculations for inflow, outflow, overflow or current on one or two pumps.
* $ $
The Maximum value and Minimum value menus must be adjusted to ensure that
the transmitter reads the correct value.
It is possible to select different options on this analogue. The options are:
General The analogue is used as a general input. No unit will be used when the value is
presented. The volume calculation will be turned off.
Flow The analogue is used to measure a flow. The volume of the flow will be
Pumpflow The analogue is used to measure the station pump flow. This will replace the
pump flow calculated by the program using only the pump capacities. The flow
will be used to monitor pump capacities and alarms and to calculate pumped
Inflow The analogue is used to measure the station inflow. This will replace the inflow
calculated by the program using the level sensor.
Overflow The analogue is used to measure the station overflow. This will replace the
overflow calculation by the program using the level and overflow sensors. If the
overflow sensor is used this will be used to start the overflow monitoring. If the
overflow sensor is not used the overflow will start when the flow is larger than 1
GPM. This requires the analogue to be trimmed to be accurate on 4 mA or else it
Current The analogue is used to measure a current. If this is used on a four pump station
the current may be used to replace one or two currents for the pumps. See 5.2.4
"Current input options on 4 pump stations without Siox S48" for more
* .
If a flow meter is connected and option “Flow” selected then the program will
calculate the volume on this flow. The flow is integrated, and the total volume is
showed in the menu total flow.
* #
Low and high alarm limits are required to enable the value to be monitored. These
limits are entered in the High alarm and Low alarm menus. The alarm can also be
provided with hysteresis in the Alarm Hyster. menu to avoid unnecessary alarms.
See 3.4.5 "Alarm hysteresis" for a description of the concept of hysteresis.
* ": ( $
An object may be controlled by the analogue signal. Enter values in the Start
value analogue and Stop value analogue to activate the digital output. This output
may be used for example to control an external object or to block the pumps.
The output is active either by high level or low level. The function depends on the
order of the start and stop levels. If the start level is higher than the stop level then
the output will be activated when the analogue is higher than the start level and it
will be de-activated when the analogue is lower than the stop level. If the start
level is lower that the stop level the output will be reversed. The output will in this
case be activated when the analogue signal is lower than the start level and
deactivated when the analogue is higher than the stop level.
- 0$
The RTU continuously monitors, measures and stores pumping station data. See
19 "Appendix E - Central system" for the trend measurements and report values,
which are recorded in the RTU and can be collected in the central system.
The values recorded in the RTU can be read in the appropriate menus. The values
are recorded simultaneously in daily and continuous basis and presented as
todays, yesterdays or continuous data. Daily recording means that the saved
values are zeroed every midnight. Continuous recording means that each value is
saved continuously until it is zeroed manually. Yesterday values are the full day
value for the previous day.
It is possible to change mode at any time without losing any data. All three types
of values are recorded and saved continuously.
- % $
Selects the manner in which recorded values are to be displayed in the menu. The
reporting mode cannot be selected from the central system. Change the setting in
the menu:
Report mode menu.
It is possible to empty the counters for all local continuous data. Today's and
yesterdays values are not possible to change.
To change any report value first change to continuous data.
Report mode in continuous.
Then select the menu with the data to change, select the Write mode and change
the value.
- ! $ % +
Running times and number of starts are calculated on all pumps.
P1 no. of starts
23 day
Daily value for pump 1 number of starts.
P1 runtime
2:10 h:m y-day
Yesterday runtime for pump 1.
The program also calculates running time and starts for two simultaneously
running pumps. The number of starts in this data is the number of times both
pumps were forced to start.
Two pump starts
12 day
Daily number of starts for two pumps.
Gen Runtime
1:13 h:m y-day
Yesterday runtime for Generator
3! $
The pump control function determines the manner in which the pumps operate,
including starting and stopping, as well as the sequence of operation.
The pump control menus are grouped in the Start and stop levels, Pump control,
Advanced pump control and Pump sump cleaning menu group.
3 % $ (
There is one start and one stop level for each pump.
To control a pump set both the start and the stop level. The basic function is that
the pump will start at the start level and stop at the stop level.
Start Level P1
5.50 Ft
Start level for pump 1.
Stop Level P1
3.00 Ft
Stop level for pump 1.
If alternation of the pumps is used some, but not all, of the start levels may be set
to zero. See 7.3.3 "Maximum running pumps" for more information. If alternation
is turned off both start and stop levels has to be used or else the pump will not
3 (
Starting the pumps at the same levels in every instance creates a risk of fouling
build-up in the sump. This is prevented by specifying a Random start span in the
menu. This provides the pump, not with a single starting level, but with a range of
random levels within which to start.
! If stop level is set to zero the pump will be disabled and can not start.
3 $ $
3 9 $
When the level activates the high level float, a backup function intervenes to start
a pump. When the level switch signal disappears, a timer function is initiated to
ensure that the pumps continue to run for at least the specified time. This time is
specified in the high level run time menu.
High Level Run
Time 10 s
The high level run time menu.
When the timer runs out the pumps will ether continue to run or stop depending
on the level signal. The main purpose of the function is to secure the pumping
even if the level sensor fails to work. The most common fail on the sensor will
make the level show zero. This will stop the pumps when the high level runtime
timer runs out. If the level sensor works as normal the pumps will continue to run
and stop at the normal stop level.
The pumps are not started if the time is set to zero. In this case only the alarm is
The number of pumps that start will depend on the setting in the maximum
running pumps menu. It is possible to select exactly which pumps to start at the
high level float. See 7.3.5 "Special control options" for possibilities on how to
customize pump operation.
Low Level Block
Time #### s
Low level block time menu.
When the low level float is activated a similar function exists to protect the pumps
to run if the level sensor fails. The pumps are blocked as long as the low level is
active and continued to be blocked the time in the low level block time.
3 ! $ $ 2 '
The response error delay controls the time it takes to switch to another pump if the
response signal should fail to appear. At the same time the response alarm is
created. The switching of pumps only occurs within alternating pumps. If the
pump is not alternating the program will only create the alarm and try to run the
pump without the response signal. The program will prefer pumps without
response error when it starts alternating pumps but it will try to start them if more
pumps need to be started. The alarm will clear (be passive) when the response
signal appears the next time.
The delay is also used to remove the over current alarm that may otherwise be
trigged when the pump starts.
3 % + $ '
The start delay and stop delay can be applied to filter out pump control
disturbances. The delay is the interval between the occurrence of the starting
condition and the instant of starting. Specifying a delay prevents the pumps from
starting as the result of a disturbance.
Specifying a stopping delay will eliminate unnecessary stopping of the pumps.
The stopping delay is specified in the Stopping delay menu.
3 " '
Two delays are used to prevent pumps from simultaneously starting and stopping.
These delays are also used to prevent a pump from starting immediately after a
pump stop or vice versa.
Time between
starts 10 s
Delay time between two pump starts.
The delay between two starts is sometimes used to protect the pump power supply
from the overload occurring when several pumps is starting at the same time. The
delay between two stops may be used to protect the pipes from water hammer that
occur when a pump stops.
Time between
stops 10 s
Delay time between two pump stops.
Delay between two starts is also used for to prevent a pump stop when a pump has
started. This will in fact be the same as a minimum run time for a pump.
The delay between two stops is also used to prevent a pump from starting after a
pump stop.
3 * 1 +
It is possible to get an alarm if the pumps for some reason start too often. Set the
number of starts in the menu to activate the alarm. If the pump starts this number
of times within an hour an alarm is created. The alarm does not stop the pump.
This alarm is activated by default and set to 16. To disable the alarm set the value
to zero.
3 - 9 $ $
By entering a value in the”Low current reset time” menu, the pump will be
switched off when a low current alarm is generated. The pump is blocked for the
amount of time set in the menu. A zero in the menu “Low current reset time”
turns this function off.
It is possible to disable the function for individual pumps if only some of the
pumps should be blocked. This is done in the special control menu for the pump.
See 7.3.5 "Special control options".
3 # ( $ $
3 # > A '
It is possible to start some automatic pump control sequences locally on the RTU
display. The alternatives are to activate the APF or to start a pump down. These
functions are the same as the corresponding remote command.
Select action
The select action menu.
The command “Activate APF” will not directly start the pumps; they will start as
normal on the next start level. The menu returns to "Select action" after starting
any of the commands.
See 7.4.2 "APF control" and 7.4.3 "Maximum Pump Off Time & Forced Pump
Down" for information on these functions.
3 #
The alternation used is not based on a fixed starting sequence. When alternation is
active the exact alternating order will be based on the starting and stopping times.
The pump selected to start will be the one that has been still the longest time
within the current pump cycle. The pump selected to stop will be the one that has
been running the longest time in this pump cycle. If the pump is started manually
it will influence the order.
The alternation is also used when two or more pumps are running. The pumps
alternate also on high inflow situations where many pumps are running for a
longer time.
This method will cause the pumps to start the same amount of times, the running
times may however be different if the pump size is not equal.
The first pump is started on the lowest stating level, the second pump on the
second lowest level and so on. The pumps stopped in the same way, if all pumps
are running the first pump is stopped on the highest stopping level and the last
pump is stopped on the lowest stopping level. If only one pump is running it is
stopped on the lowest stopping level. This is illustrated in the following pictures.
3 $ $
The Control option menu is used to specify the pump operating sequence. Three
options are available:
- Alternation, lead and lag pump alternate every pump cycle
- P1 first- P1 will always be lead pump, P2 will be lag pump
- P2 first- P2 will always be lead pump, P1 will be lag pump
The illustration below shows the starting and stopping sequence when two pumps
2 1 2
1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2
3 / $ $
The alternation groups menu is used to specify the pump operating sequence. It is
possible to set the alternation on and off to any pump. It is also possible to
alternate pumps in one or two groups.
Alternate groups
#-#-#-# P1-P4
The alternation groups menu for four pumps.
First number belongs to pump 1, second number to pump 2 and so on. If two
pumps have the same group number they will alternate. Using a zero as group
number will however turn the alternation off.
2 3 4
3 4 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 2
1 2 3 4 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 3 4 4 1 1 2 3
3 1 $ $
It is possible to reduce the number of simultaneously running pumps. Use this
function if the hydraulic or electric system can not handle all running pumps.
Reducing the number of pumps with this function has no effect on which pump is
running, it only effects how many.
Max running pumps
(norm) #
The menu for maximum running pumps.
Example: For a two pump station entering '1' eliminate the simultaneous running
of both pumps.
Almost the same effect is achieved if one or more start level values are set to zero
when the alternation is active. All stop levels are however always required on
active pumps. The difference between using the maximum running pumps
function and removing starting levels is what will happen if the level rises to the
high level float. When using maximum running pumps then only the allowed
amount of pumps will start. Pumps with no start level will start on the high level
3 " 1 $ $,
There is a separate channel to limit the number of pumps that can run when a
Generator Running signal is present. This prevents a higher energy draw than a
generator can handle.
Max running pumps
(Gen) #
The menu for maximum running pumps.
3 * %$ $
It is possible to set special options to control the pumps. All these options are
normally set to off and they rarely need to be changed.
Blocked by P3 See above. Only found in four See above. Only found in four pump
pump stations. stations.
Blocked by P4 See above. Only found in four See above. Only found in four pump
pump stations. stations.
No backup run Pump start on backup run (High Pump does not start on backup run.
level float).
No long run blk. Pump is stopped if running too Pump is not stopped if running too
long time. long time.
Leakage block Leakage alarm does not stop and Leakage alarm stops the pump.
block the pump.
Not tele blocked Pump is blocked when RTU is Pump is not blocked when the RTU
remote blocked. is remote blocked.
Use level E1 If pump is blocked by another Pump will start and stop on extra
pump it will stay blocked until the start and stop levels 1 (E1) when it is
other pump stops. blocked by another pump.
Use level E2 See above. Only found in four Pump will start and stop on extra
pump stations. start and stop levels 2 when it is
blocked by another pump. Only
APF high pres. Normal undercurrent sensitivity. High undercurrent sensitivity. Pump
Pump will stop on APF on a will stop on APF on a current change
current change of 12 %. of 6 %.
APF no use filt1 Pump stops on APF at current Pump does not stop at current
transients. transients.
APF no use filt2 Pump stops on APF at Pump does not stop at undercurrent.
No low cur. blk. Pump is blocked by a low current Pump is not blocked by a low current
alarm. alarm.
3 * 2
Use this option if the pump needs to be removed from the pumping sequence
3 * 9 ' $ $
Use this option if a pump shall stop when another pump runs. The pump is
stopped before the other pump starts. If the other pump is started manually the
pump is immediately stopped.
See 7.3.7 "Inter-blocking" for more information.
3 * 9 $
This option will disable the pump from backup run. Backup run normally starts all
pumps or as many as allowed by maximum running pumps set-point. If the station
uses different sized pumps smaller pumps may start when the backup run is
activated. Remove these pumps with this option if necessary.
See 7.2.1 "Backup control" for more information.
3 *" 9
The function long runtime block is common for all pumps. If some of the pumps
are not suited for this function these pumps may be removed from the block by
this option.
See 7.4.1 "Maximum pump time" for more information.
3 **: 9 9
Some users want the pump to stop if the leakage sensor is activated. This option
makes the pump stop on this alarm. Since the alarm is not removed automatically
3 *- 9
The pumps stopped if the station receives a remote blocking command. If this is
not the desired behaviour set this bit to let the pump continue to run.
See 9.2.2 "Blocking actions" for more information.
3 *3 1 ( +
To start a blocked pump assign the pump an extra start and stop level using
special option "Use level E1". This will make the pump start on start level E1
even when it is blocked.
See 7.3.7 "Inter-blocking" for more information.
3 * 4 #!/ $
There are two methods of stopping the pump when the APF function is active,
current transients and undercurrent.
It is possible to only stop the pump on transients or undercurrent by using these
If the current difference between normal running and 'snoring' is small, the
sensitivity may be raised by the "APF high pres." option.
See 7.4.2 "APF control" for more information.
3 *7 9
The function low current block is common for all pumps. If some of the pumps
are not appropriate for this function it is possible to disable the function for these
pumps using this option.
See 7.2.6 "Blocking pumps with low current" for more information.
3 - =,0,# 9 (
A pump cycle can be initiated by starting the pump manually from the control
panel. If ON is chosen in the menu Manual control and the pump has been
running for more than 5 seconds (in Hand, from an H-O-A switch, for example),
the RTU pump control will take over. The pump stops when the stop level is
3 3 , 9
These options are useful if the station use different sized pumps. With these
options it is possible to set up a station to use the small pump first and when the
inflow gets higher use only the larger pump and finally use both pumps on high
In a four pump station it is possible to set up many combinations of small and big
An example:
A two pump station with a small pump P1 and a large pump P2. The small pump
P1 runs most of the time and P2 takes over on higher flows. P1 is blocked by P2.
On high inflows both pumps work together.
Setup will be, alternation: P1 start first, P1 blocked by P2 and P1 using extra
levels E1.
1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
The picture shows the result. The upper part of the picture shows the changing
level and the start and stop levels for P1 and P2 together with the extra start and
stop level assigned to P1. The lower part shows running pumps. Two stacked
numbers means that the pumps are running in parallel.
The result is a station where P1 is pumping the most time to save energy. The cost
of using P1 is lower that P2 because of the lower energy consumption on a
smaller pump.
Changing the starting levels will result in a slightly different pump sequence.
1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
See 7.3.5 "Special control options" for details about configuration options.
3"% $
3" 1 $ $
To prevent a pump from running continuously for a long time, it is possible to
enter a time in the menu “Maximum pump time”. The pump that has exceeded the
limit will be stopped. When the time between starts has elapsed, and the level
rises above a start level, the next pump according to the starting sequence will
start. This will prevent clogging build up that lowers the capacity of the pump.
This function works with all pumps. If one or more of the pumps is not suitable
for this the pump may be removed from the function by changing an option in the
special control menu for this pump. See 7.3.5 "Special control options" for details
about configuration options.
3" #!/
The APF cleaning function runs the pump to the absolute minimum water level in
the sump - the point at which air is drawn into the impeller. The pump is then able
to draw off the dirt and grease which normally settles on the surface of the water.
By operating down to this minimum water level, the pump also creates turbulence
in the water as the air is sucked into the pump, and this turbulence agitates any
sludge layer which has formed on the sump floor, allowing this, too, to be drawn
The APF function requires that currents are monitored for the pumps.
Activate the APF by setting the number of cleanings a day in the menu.
APF clean cycles
per day ##
The APF cleaning menu.
3" % $&
When the water in the sump has dropped to such a level that the pump begins to
draw air, the motor current will drop. The APF function detects this and stops the
The APF function measures the normal operating current of each pump during
routine pump cycles, by means of dedicated current transformers. These current
values are shown in the nominal current menus and serve as reference values.
Nominal curr. P1
###.# A
Nominal current for pump 1.
The current is analysed by two different methods, each of which can lead to
stopping of the pump. One of these detects a drop in the current in relation to the
normal value, while the other detects high rates of change in the current.
Both stop functions are active by default but it is possible to deactivate each of
them in the special control option menu for each pump. See 7.3.5 "Special control
options" for details.
To switch off the APF function for one pump; deactivate both stop methods. This
will block the APF on this pump.
If the difference between normal current and current at 'snoring' is little, the
sensitivity can be raised with a special control option.
3" 1 ! $ 0&& B/ ! $2
: (
If the inflow rate of a sump is low it can create problems with sedimentation or
gases in the station. To avoid these types of problems it is possible to start a pump
based on maximum pump off time rather than normal start level.
Maximum Pump Off
Time #### min
The maximum time between pump cycles.
It is possible to select a different stop level than normal in this case.
Forced pump down
level @##.## ft
Level used when pumping down.
3""/ ( (
It is possible to connect a sprinkler valve to flush the walls of the sump regularly.
Set the number of cleanings a day and cleaning duration to activate the function.
No of flushings
per day ##
Number of sprinkler flushings started each day.
Set any of the two values to zero to stop the function.
The flow calculations are carried out independent of the pump control. It is not
necessary to control the pumps to use the flow calculations. The flow calculations
only use the level sensor, and optionally other analogue signals, look if the pumps
are running using the response signals and then calculate flows and volumes.
4 / (
The RTU calculates inflow, pumped flow and overflow and the volume for each
flow. The volumes are displayed as continuous, daily and yesterday value. See 6.1
"Selecting report mode" for more information on how to change displayed data.
The menus which contain these data are located in the FLOWS AND VOLUMES
menu group.
4 &
The inflow menus show the calculated inflow and inflow volume to the station.
To calculate the inflow the pump sump form and nominal pump capacity must be
@###### gpm
The inflow menu
To get an accurate inflow calculation it is important that the level sensor show an
accurate value and that the pump sump are correctly defined. This is especially
important if the walls of the sump are sloping. The inflow is also dependant on the
calculated capacity of the pumps.
It is possible to use an external flow meter to measure inflow and connect this to
the generic analogue input. This sensor will replace the calculated inflow. See 5.3
"General analogue
" for information on how to activate this function.
4 0 & +$ $ &
To calculate the outflow or pumped flow and volume the nominal pump capacity
must be defined.
Calculation of the pumped flow is based on the calculated capacity and the
response of the pump. In the case of multiple pump operation, pump factors must
be stated to ensure the accuracy of the calculation. An expression of the
proportion of the total pump capacity which represents the actual capacity, the
pump factor is entered in the Capacity factor 2 pumps, (Capacity factor 3 pumps,
Capacity factor 4 pumps) menus. See 8.4 "Capacity" for information on capacity
It is possible to use an external flow meter to measure pumped flow and connect
this to the generic analogue input. This will replace the pump flow calculated by
the program. The flow will be used to monitor pump capacities and alarms and to
calculate pumped volume. See 5.3 "General analogue
" for information on how to activate this function.
4 0 & +$ $&
The pump flow and volume need adjustment in some situations. The calculation is
based on the calculated capacity of the pump. The calculated pump capacity
represents only one operating point for the pump and this may be different from
the average pump capacity over a pump cycle. To adjust the difference and
increase or decrease the calculated pump flow change the pump flow calibration
Outflow calib
###.# %
Pump flow calibration.
The formula used to calculate the pump flow is:
Pumped flow = Sum of calculated capacities for running pumps * Capacity factor
for number of running pumps * Pump flow calibration.
4 "% $(
The pump sump volume is calculated and presented in a menu.
Volume sump
#######.# G
Volume of pump sump.
This is done when the pump sump is defined. The volume is calculated using the
areas and levels in the pump sump definition together with the level meter.
4 . $
It is possible to control external equipments like a water sampler or a chemical
feeder based on different flows in the station. A digital output is used to start the
equipment using a 3 second pulse. The pulse is created when the amount of water
has passed.
Volume pulse
#####.# G/pulse
Amount of water to make a pulse.
Select the water flow to use to create the pulse.
4 ! $ $ &
The shape and size of the sump must be defined to enable the RTU to calculate
the pump flows and capacities. This is done by specifying the surface area at
different levels. It is important to specify the surface areas at those levels at which
the sump changes shape. The uppermost surface area should be located above the
highest possible level in the sump. Up to five different levels can be specified. If
the sump has straight walls, it may be sufficient to specify the surface area at two
levels. The following are some examples of how the pump surface is defined for
different sump shapes.
4 % $
The first example deals with a sump with straight walls. In this case, two surface
areas are sufficient to define the configuration.
4 % $ $
The sump in this example has straight walls and a tapered bottom section. To
define a sump of this shape, the surface area must be specified at three levels, at
the bottom, at the transition point between the tapered and straight sections, and in
the top section.
As before, assume that the calibration range is 0 – 12.00 ft, also that the transition
point between the tapered and straight sections is located at 1.50 ft. Suitable levels
at which to specify the surface area are thus (1) 0 ft, (2) 1.50 ft and (3) 10.00 ft
(see illustration).
4 2 , $ $
In this case, the surface area must be specified at four levels for correct definition:
at the bottom, at the transition from the straight to the tapered section, at the
widest point and, finally, at the top edge.
4 "! $ $
A sump of this shape must be defined in terms of four surface areas.
4" $ '
4" $ '
Capacity measurement is carried out when pumping lowers the level in the sump.
For the purpose of calculation, the range in which it is to be carried out i.e. the
levels at which measurement is to be started and stopped, must be specified. It is
not possible to propose the exact location of the capacity measurement range since
this is a function of many factors, which may be unique to each pumping station.
To ensure accuracy, however, the measurement period must not be too short.
Capacity measurement must take at least 30 seconds and should not be longer
than 9 minutes.
As a guideline, the range should be approx. 15% of the pumped range. Capacity
measurement should commence somewhat below the lowest starting level, or
Starting level 1, while the distance between Starting level 1 and the start of
capacity measurement is usually approx. 10% of the pumped range.
B 2
E 1
A = Capacity measurement is in progress when LED light and one ore more
pumps is running.
An LED on the front panel indicates capacity measurement in progress.
4" &$ $ $
The calculated pump capacities are displayed in the “Calc cap. P1” to “Calc cap.
P4” menus The RTU can monitor the calculated pump capacities continuously to
compare them with the nominal values. The nominal capacities should be entered
in the “Nom. cap. P1” to “Nom. cap. P4” menus for this purpose. The nominal
pump capacities are available, for example, from the pump curves. The amount by
which the calculated capacity may deviate from the nominal before a capacity
deviation alarm is generated should also be specified.
A capacity alarm will be generated if the calculated capacity deviates from the
nominal value by more than the permissible amount.
4 * 0( &
The monitoring and recording of overflow conditions is an important element of
pump station monitoring. The overflow flow, overflow time, number of overflows
and overflow quantity are recorded in the RTU. An overflow alarm is generated
and recorded in its own Overflow alarm log when overflow occurs. All menus
which process overflow monitoring and recording are located in the
OVERFLOW… menu group.
4* 0( &
In addition to the ordinary alarm log, overflow alarms are stored in a special log
for overflow alarms only. The overflow alarm log is located in the FLOWS...
group menu
Overflow alarm
Overflow alarm log menu
Follow these steps to browse the overflow alarm log:
Step Action
1 Display the Overflow alarm log menu, and press OK.
Result: The first alarm is shown in the display.
2 Browse the log with the Up and Down arrows.
4* % & ( &
A conventional level switch or an overflow transmitter can be used to record
overflow. If a switch is chosen, the RTU will record the overflow period and the
number of overflows. There is a delay of 15 sec before the calculation starts to
prevent faulty values. A transmitter should be installed if the overflow flow is also
to be recorded since this device will provide more accurate values than a level
When selecting a transmitter, it is important to specify a type, which has a very
high accuracy and is insensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure, fouling,
floating sludge and foaming. The transmitter must also be completely
To enable the RTU to calculate the overflow quantity, the height of the overflow
range must be entered and the overflow curve defined. This is done by specifying
the flow, which will occur at different overflow levels. Instead of entering the
values for the different overflow segments this can be done by the program in
order to ease your calculations in the case of rectangular or V-notch weir.
The type of weir that is used are entered in the Weir select menu, rectangular for
rectangular weir, V-notch for the V-notch shaped weir and manual if the values
are to be entered manually.
The overflow range is the height of the overflow outlet in the pump sump. The
overflow level, which varies between 0 and the top of the overflow range, is the
level in the overflow outlet under overflow conditions.
A = Overflow level
B = Overflow range
Overflow level and overflow range.
First enter the overflow range. This is entered in the Overflow range menu in the
OVERFLOW… menu group.
4* $ &' ( &
If the Rectangular or V-notch are selected, the width of the weir have to be
entered in the Weir width menu, and the discharge coefficient associated with the
current weir have to be entered in the menu Discharge coeff.
The discharge coefficient is a value in the range of 0.00-1.00 that describes certain
properties of the weir such as the shape of the edge, the dimensions of the menu
and of the approach and more. The typical value for rectangular weir is Dc ≈ 0.62,
and for V-notch weir Dc ≈ 0.58, but it may differ. The manufacturer of the weir
should provide this coefficient. What is described in words above is also
explained by the following figure except for the Dc.
W = Weir width.
H = Overflow range.
Left = Rectangular, right = V-notch.
Overflow flow 2
2196 gpm
Overflow flow 1 A
1098 gpm
A = Overflow range
Flow curve defined by two levels.
In the example below, the flow is specified at 5 different levels.
Overflow flow 5
2196 138.6 l/sgpm
Overflow flow 4
1491 gpm
Overflow flow 3
1098 gpm
Overflow flow 2
740 gpm
Overflow flow 1
191 gpm
A = Overflow range
Flow curve defined at five levels.
Finally, the figure below shows a typical overflow curve calculated on the basis of
ten entered values.
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20
0.02 0.06 0.10 0.14 0.18
A = Overflow flow, gpm
B = Level, ft
Typical overflow curve.
The overflow curve will not be correct if the overflow flow is obstructed or if
there is not a free fall to the receiver.
The overflow range and flow can be set from the central system.
7 9
The blocking functions in the RTU are used mainly to prevent overflows in
unsuitable stations. When the flows from several stations converge and the station
there is not dimensioned to handle the total flow this function may be used to
improve the situation. It is also used to avoid overflows in especially sensitive
The blocking functions work in principle by sending messages between the RTU's
to stop one or more of the stations from pumping. The messages may be sent by
telephone calls or by fixed line. The condition that is used to generate and send
the blocking message is highly configurable. The action carried out may be to stop
one or more pumps or to set an output signal that does something else. The
flexibility of the function makes it possible to use it in other ways than blocking.
7 % 9
7 9
The blocking conditions are the rules the RTU use to decide when to send a
blocking command, either dialled or fixed. There are two independent sets of
conditions and it is possible to select which stations to send the blocking
command to on each set.
The conditions inputs that are used to generate a blocking of another RTU is given
in the menu Block condition. One or more conditions can be chosen.
Block1 condition
Blocking conditions
Two block condition menus exist. The menu has the options below:
Px switched off Blocking is activated when the pump is switched off manually.
Block levels Blocking levels used. Blocking is activated when the sump level
reaches the blocking level.
High level Blocking is activated when the sump level reaches the high level
alarm limit.
Extrem high lev. Blocking is activated when the sump level reaches the extra
high level alarm limit.
High level input Blocking is activated when the sump level reaches the high level
Overflow input Blocking is activated when the sump level reaches the overflow
level float/sensor.
Gen ana level General analogue levels used. Blocking is activated when the
general analogue reaches the start level.
In the menu Block logic it is possible to select if all conditions or only one
condition need to be active to start the blocking. Select "or" if only one condition
is needed. Select "and" if all conditions are needed.
Block 1 logic
Select "and" or "or".
Two menus with block logic exist.
7 % 9 9
These menus are only used in dialled communication. Select the stations to send
blocking commands to by entering the telephone numbers to the stations in the
telephone menus.
Telephone #1
Telephone number one of six.
Select telephone number to use by the two blocking conditions by setting the
Block1 tele# use
Telephone numbers 1 and 3 used by blocking command 1.
Two menus that select telephone numbers exist.
7 9 (
If blocking levels are selected as conditions also set the level to start and stop the
blocking using the level sensor.
Blocking level
@##.## Ft
Send blocking command on this level.
Unblock level
@##.## Ft
Send unblocking command on this level.
7 "2 ' 9
The blocking messages are delayed before sent by two menus, block delay and
unblock delay. If for example a level float is used as condition the delays are
needed to avoid too many telephone calls.
Block delay
#### s
Delay for sending a block command.
Unblock delay
#### s
Delay for sending a unblock command.
7 ( 9
7 9
In normal state, the menu Block status displays the text Not Blocked. If the RTU
has been blocked by another RTU the text will be changed to Blocked. When the
RTU has been unblocked the text Not blocked is shown again.
Blocked status
Station blocked.
To reset the blocking, change the value to "not blocked". This menu can also be
used to block the station. This can be used for example to test the blocking
7 9
It is possible to choose activity when an RTU has received a blocking command
from another RTU. The pumps are normally blocked when a remote block
command is received. To disable blocking of a pump, set the "Not tele blocked"
option in the special control menu for the pump. See 7.3.5 "Special control
options" on how to do this.
The blocked output is activated by default. The output has to be selected on most
programs. See 3.2.4 "Selecting output functions".
7 9
Blocking time and events are displayed in two menus. This data are also sent to
7 "% 9 &1 9
These menus are only used in fixed line communication. Select the station to
receive blocking commands from by entering the station fixed line ID. The ID to
enter is found in the menu "ID fixed line" in the sending station.
Blocked by ID
ID number of station blocking this station.
Also select if block 1 condition or block 2 condition in the sending station should
block this station.
Blocked by func
Blocking function 1 selected to block this station.
Blocking commands in fixed line communication is using the AquaCom telegram
TIO. In this telegram there are possibilities to get values from other RTUs
connected to another fixed line network. See the Mtc-Com manual on how to use
this function.
7 9 & '
If the transmission fails, the RTU attempts to reach the other RTU as long as the
blocking conditions are fulfilled. To increase safety two menus are used. The first
in the sending/blocking RTU is a repeat of the blocking command. The second in
the receiving/blocked RTU is a timeout of the blocked command. Both or none of
the menus has to be used.
Repeat block.
#### min
Menu to repeat the blocking command.
Set this menu and the RTU will send repeated blocking commands with this
interval. Do not set this menu shorter than the time it takes to dial all blocked
Timeout block.
#### min
Menu to remove the blocking command.
The timeout of the blocking will unblock (remove the blocking command) from
the station. If the communication for some reason fails the RTU will resume
normal pumping after this time. When the blocking command is repeated the time
out will restart. The time out has to be longer than the repeat block time in the
blocking RTU.
8 '
The energy calculations show used energy in kWh, current power in kW and
specific energy in kWh/MG. The specific energy is the cost of pumping a specific
amount of water. It is calculated by using the pumped flow and current power
######## kWh tot
Used energy.
Energy is shown as total, daily and yesterdays values.
######.# kW
Current power.
Specific energy
##.### kwh/MG
Calculated specific energy.
The specific energy is the key cost of pumping. This value and the power are
calculated momentarily and presented as historical trend.
The energy calculation requires either a pulse input or current sensors or both.
Select measuring method in the menu:
Energy method
Menu for selecting measuring method.
Options are:
Pulse only Measured values are calculated using only a digital input pulse.
Current & pulse Measured values are calculated using both a digital input pulse and
the currents of the pumps. The pulse is used for calculation of the
consumed energy and the pump currents are used for calculation of
the used effect and specific energy.
Current only Measured values are calculated using only the currents of the pumps.
If currents are used as energy measuring method the power factor for the pumps
and the voltage of the pumps is needed for the calculation. As the power factor of
the pumps may differ from installation to installation there is a menu for each
pump where the power factor of the pump may be entered. The power factor
menus are Cos phi pumps. The value for different pumps is often printed on the
fact sheet belonging to the pump. The energy is calculated with the use of the
value in menu Voltage and the measured currents of the pumps.
If a pulse input is used as energy measuring method the only value needed is the
pulse scale. Enter the energy of each pulse in the menu:
Energy scale
##.### kWh/pulse
Scaling of energy pulse.
The program is equipped with two timer functions. Each timer function is
controlled by one digital input and controls one digital output. The two timer
functions are equal.
There is one menu for each timer function to select operation for the timer. There
are six functions to select and there are also two menus for each timer to select
time delays.
I = Timer input signal.
O = Timer output signal.
D1 = Pulse delay.
D2 = Pause delay.
Option: On/off delay
D1 D2
D1 D2 D1 D2
This option will create pulses on the output as long as the input is active.
Option: Pulses delayed
D2 D1 D2 D1
This option will also create pulses on the output but start with the delay.
Option: 1 pulse
D2 D1
D1 D2 D1
This option will create pulses on the output with half the frequency as the input.
Option: Double pulse
D1 D2 D1 D2 D1 D2
This option will create pulses on the output with double frequency as the input.
%& '
! & '
! N.B.
Ensure that personnel cannot come in contact with live cabling or terminal blocks
in the course of connection or service work. Maximum caution must be exercised
when working on the digital outputs.
! &
Two password menus are included in the first menu group to prevent unauthorised
personnel from altering settings in the RTU. The function is activated by entering
the appropriate four-digit code in the “New password” menu. When an operator
wishes to alter a setting in any menu using the buttons on the front panel, the code
must first be entered before the data can be changed.
Remember that unauthorised personnel must also be prevented from changing
settings from the central system to ensure full protection against unauthorised
See 3.1.6 "Password" for a description of this function.
The purpose of the personnel alarm function is to increase personnel safety when
working in the pumping station. Always activate this alarm when connecting the
RTU. See 4.3 "Personnel alarm" for a description of this function.
"% (
! N.B.
Ensure that personnel cannot come in contact with live cabling or terminal blocks
in the course of connection or service work. Maximum caution must be exercised
when working on the digital outputs.
" % $$
Before contacting Flygt, Technical Support, make sure to have the following
information available.
Information Location
Product designation Lower right-hand corner of the front panel.
(type of hardware)
Example: APP 721
Serial number Label with bar code and serial number:
Example: • (Front mounted RTU) Label is placed on the back of
012345678-1234 the RTU.
Program name Located in General Setup
Project number Located in General Setup
System version Located in General Setup, see example below
Program ID Located in General Setup, see example below.
Type of connection Communication menu:
• Station number
• ID number fixed
• Communic. COM1, COM3
• Speed COM1, COM3
• Protocol on COM1, COM3
• RTS delay COM1, Com3
• Telno. PAD/SMSC (Only needed if it is a dialled
Telephone number to
the RTU
System: 4.10.00
ProgID: 7036
Example of System information menu.
The RTU program mode channel is used if a situation occurs in which the RTU
must be cold or warm started. Select the Cold start or Warm start option in the
RTU program mode channel. Restarting will take 20 to 60 seconds depending on
the program. Remember that the RTU set points must be re-entered following a
cold start.
" $
If the RTU is called, a new program can be downloaded over the telephone line.
Select which the COM port use in the RTU program mode channel. The RTU
must be started as described under 14.2 ”Restarting the RTU” when the new
software has been downloaded.
"* $ & $
Contact Flygt, Technical Support, if hardware components need to be
"-% ( $ $
A number of recommendations must be followed when carrying out service in the
pumping station, for example when removing pumps for maintenance. Start by
resetting the alarm mode from remote to Local, to avoid the possible transmission
of false alarms to the alarm or central system. Personnel alarms will be sent out
regardless of which alarm mode is selected (see under Alarms in the chapter
* #$$ 1# ,
! N.B.
Ensure that personnel cannot come in contact with live cabling or terminal blocks
in the course of connection or service work. Maximum caution must be exercised
when working on the digital outputs.
In the event of problems with the RTU, follow the checklists in this chapter. If the
problem remains, contact Flygt, Technical Support, see 14.1 "Contacting
* $
The following are some of the most common problems dealt with by Technical
? Pump does not start although starting delay has long elapsed
Check that the random starting range is not improperly set.
Check the connection of the unit as described in the general installation
instructions and Appendix - Connection.
* 9
Start by checking the modem connections. Check that the cables are connected
securely. Remember to check the supply voltage to an external modem.
Check the communication led on the front panel. These should flash when the unit
is transmitting and receiving data. Reference: For further information, see 3.3.1
"Communication status led".
Modem with dedicated connection between RTU and central system:
Check the modem led to determine if the modem is transmitting and receiving
data. See the modem manual for details.
Modem with dial-up connection between RTU and central system:
First check the telephone connection. Connect a telephone in parallel with the
RTU. Test the connection by calling another number.
Next, call the RTU from an ordinary telephone to see if the RTU answers.
* 9 (
Check for a voltage of at least 8 VDC. across the terminals.
Lift the transmitter out of the water and check that it is delivering a 4 mA current
signal. Check that the signal changes when the transmitter is again immersed in
the water.
Note that transmitter does not require to be calibrated; only the Max. level and
Min. level settings require to be set.
* $
To test a digital input, activate a signal, such as a motor protection. Check that the
DI status in the DI status menu in the major menu group is changed and that the
LED lights.
* " : 2
To test the status and alarm LEDs on the front panel, press and hold the alarm
acknowledgement button until the LEDs begin to flash. The LEDs will return to
normal operation when the button is released.
* * 9 $$ ' (
Check the power supply unit connections. Measure the supply voltage at the
terminal block.
- #$$ 1 ,/ $ :
- # $ : 2
LEDs display the alarms on the annunciation panel as follows:
Alarm LED
Number Description
1 Overflow.
2 Power failure.
3 High level sensor or float.
4 Low level sensor or float.
5 Pump 1 Overload
6 Pump 2 Overload
7 Pump 3 Overload
8 Pump 4 Overload
9 P1 Switched Off
10 P2 Switched Off
11 P3 Switched Off
12 P4 Switched Off
13 Generator Running
14 Generator Low Fuel
15 Generator Fail
16 New alarms in alarm log.
- 0$ :
The following LED indicates pump operation:
3 #$$ 1 ,: &
The list is composed as follows: The left-hand column, Display, shows the
appearance of the display in the particular menu. The # character indicates those
positions which may/should indicate values. The next column shows the text
displayed in the set point setting in the central system, and the range and options
which the menu may afford.
No Menu Name Specification Description
1 FLYGT Writable Home Page
No Menu Name Specification Description
2 GENERAL SETUP Writable Setup of general program options
2_1 GSP400US 2.00 Writable Shows program name and date/time.
####-##-## ##:## Date and time must be set in a cold
started system before it activates the
2_2 Display channel Writable Selection of showed channels. User -
################ Alternative Show only result channels. Parameter
0 = User - Show all application set-up
1 = Parameter channels. Service - Show all channels
2 = Service including system channels.
2_3 ¤ Language Writable Select language to show and use in
################ Alternative the display for this RTU. 0=English.
0 = English
Central System Text
2_4 Show functions Writable Select the functions that shall be
############## Alternative visible in the display.
1 = Person.+burglary
2 = Currents+APF
3 = General analog
4 = Adv. pump contr.
5 = Flush+vol. pulse
6 = Capacity
7 = Overflow
8 = Service alarm
9 = Blocking in+out
10 = Energy
11 = Counter
12 = Test alarm
13 = Timers
14 = Pump 4
Central System Text
Show functions
2_5 System: Read only Identifies the RTU program unique
Progid: ID. Quote this information together
with the program name in channel 1
when you are calling Flygt
support regarding software questions.
2_6 Program mode Writable Selections: 0 = Normal run. 1 =
################ Alternative Warm start (no data loss). 2 = Cold
0 = Normal run start (remove data). 3 = Remote
1 = Warm start COM3 (remote service through
2 = Cold start modem). 4 = Remote COM1. 5 =
3 = Remote load COM3 Remote COM4. 6 = Save setpoints (to
4 = Remote load COM1 file). 7 = Load setpoints (from file).
5 = Remote load COM4
6 = Save setpoints
7 = Load setpoints
8 = Save defaults
9 = Normal locked
Central System Text
Program mode
2_7 Enter password Writable Used to logging in to a RTU with
#### activated password. If a new
password is selected it protects all
2_8 New password Writable Sets a new password. To change the
#### password you need to enter the
current password first. Password is
disabled by entering a zero.
No Menu Name Specification Description
3 PHYSICAL SETUP Read only Setup of digital and analogue signals.
3_1 Status inputs Writable System channel. This channel shows
################ Alternative the status of the digital inputs. '0' =
1 = Di 01 Input not active, '1' = input active.
2 = Di 02 Change to write mode to see the
3 = Di 03 function is of each input.
4 = Di 04
5 = Di 05
6 = Di 06
7 = Di 07
8 = Di 08
9 = Di 09
10 = Di 10
11 = Di 11
12 = Di 12
13 = Di 13
14 = Di 14
15 = Di 15
16 = Di 16
3_2 Invert inputs Writable System channel. Select which digital
################ Alternative input signals to invert. '0' = NO,
1 = Di 01 normal open contact and '1' = NC,
2 = Di 02 normal closed contact, inverted.
3 = Di 03
4 = Di 04
5 = Di 05
6 = Di 06
7 = Di 07
8 = Di 08
9 = Di 09
10 = Di 10
11 = Di 11
12 = Di 12
13 = Di 13
14 = Di 14
15 = Di 15
16 = Di 16
Central System Text
Invert inputs 1-16 (0=NO,
3_3 Function DI 09 Writable Function on input signal 09. Select
11 = Intr.sens+pers.
12 = Block remote
13 = Energy pulse
14 = Counter pulse
15 = Timer 1
16 = Timer 2
Central System Text
Function on DI 15
Function DI 16 Writable Function on input signal 16. Select
3_10 ################ Alternative function: 0=Not used, 1=P4 Off
0 = Not used switch, 2=Spare alarm, 3=P4
1 = P4 Off switch Leakage, 4=P4 High temp., 5=High
2 = Spare alarm float, 6=Low float, 7=Overflow
3 = P4 Leakage sensor, 8=Power fail, 9=Intruder
4 = P4 High temp. sensor, 10=Personnel onsite,
5 = High float 11=Intr.sens+pers., 12=Block remote,
6 = Low float 13=Energy pulse, 14=Counter pulse,
7 = Overflow sensor 15=Timer 1, 16=Timer 2.
8 = Power fail
9 = Intruder sensor
10 = Personnel onsite
11 = Intr.sens+pers.
12 = Block remote
13 = Energy pulse
14 = Counter pulse
15 = Timer 1
16 = Timer 2
Central System Text
Function on DI 16
Function DO 05 Writable Function on output signal 05. Select
3_11 ################ Alternative function: 0=Not used, 1=High level,
0 = Not used 2=P1 Failure, 3=Generic analog 4,
1 = High level 4=Remote blocked, 5=Alarm pulse,
2 = P1 Failure 6=Alarm status, 7=Alarm active,
3 = Generic analog 4 8=Sprinkler valve, 9=Timer 1 out,
4 = Remote blocked 10=Watchdog, 11=Remote 1,
5 = Alarm pulse 12=Buzzer, 13=Siren,
6 = Alarm status 14=Buzzer+siren, 15=Volume pulse.
7 = Alarm active
8 = Sprinkler valve
9 = Timer 1 out
10 = Watchdog
11 = Remote 1
12 = Buzzer
13 = Siren
14 = Buzzer+siren
15 = Volume pulse
Central System Text
Function on DO 05
Function DO 06 Writable Function on output signal 06. Select
3_12 ################ Alternative function: 0=Not used, 1=Low level,
0 = Not used 2=P2 Failure, 3=Generic analog 4,
1 = Low level 4=Overflow, 5=Alarm pulse,
2 = P2 Failure 6=Alarm status, 7=Alarm active,
3 = Generic analog 4 8=Sprinkler valve, 9=Timer 2 out,
4 = Overflow 10=Watchdog, 11=Remote 2,
5 = Alarm pulse 12=Buzzer, 13=Siren,
6 = Alarm status 14=Buzzer+siren, 15=Volume pulse.
7 = Alarm active
8 = Sprinkler valve
9 = Timer 2 out
10 = Watchdog
11 = Remote 2
12 = Buzzer
13 = Siren
14 = Buzzer+siren
15 = Volume pulse
Central System Text
Function on DO 06
Function DO 07 Writable Function on output signal 07. Select
3_13 ################ Alternative function: 0=Not used, 1=Common
0 = Not used Alarm, 2=P3 Failure, 3=Generic
1 = Common Alarm analog 4, 4=Remote blocked,
2 = P3 Failure 5=Alarm pulse, 6=Alarm status,
3 = Generic analog 4 7=Alarm active, 8=Sprinkler valve,
4 = Remote blocked 9=Timer 1 out, 10=Watchdog,
5 = Alarm pulse 11=Remote 1, 12=Buzzer, 13=Siren,
6 = Alarm status 14=Buzzer+siren, 15=Volume pulse.
7 = Alarm active
8 = Sprinkler valve
9 = Timer 1 out
10 = Watchdog
11 = Remote 1
12 = Buzzer
13 = Siren
14 = Buzzer+siren
15 = Volume pulse
Central System Text
Function on DO 07
Function DO 08 Writable Function on output signal 08. Select
3_14 ################ Alternative function: 0=Not used, 1=Common
P3 Fail Output Writable Pump 3 Failure Output Conditions:
3_17 Cond. Alternative P3 Leakage, P3 High Temp, P3
######### 1 = P3 Leakage Tripped, P3 High Current, P3 Low
2 = P3 High Temp Current, P3 Switched Off, P3 No
3 = P3 Tripped Response, P3 Low Capacity, P3 High
4 = P3 High Current Capacity
5 = P3 Low Current
6 = P3 Switched Off
7 = P3 No Response
8 = P3 Low Capacity
9 = P3 High Capacity
Central System Text
Pump 3 Failure Output
P4 Fail Output Writable Pump 4 Failure Output Conditions:
3_18 Cond. Alternative P4 Leakage, P4 High Temp, P4
######### 1 = P4 Leakage Tripped, P4 High Current, P4 Low
2 = P4 High Temp Current, P4 Switched Off, P4 No
3 = P4 Tripped Response, P4 Low Capacity, P4 High
4 = P4 High Current Capacity
5 = P4 Low Current
6 = P4 Switched Off
7 = P4 No Response
8 = P4 Low Capacity
9 = P4 High Capacity
Central System Text
Pump 4 Failure Output
Common Alm Writable Conditions to activate Common
3_19 Cond. 1 Alternative Alarm: Power Failure, High Level,
############# 1 = Power Failure High Level Float, Low Level, Low
2 = High Level Level Float, Pump 1 High Temp,
3 = High Level Float Pump 1 Tripped, Pump 1 Leakage,
4 = Low Level Pump 1 No Response, Pump 2 High
5 = Low Level Float Temp, Pump 2 Tripped, Pump 2
6 = Pump 1 High Temp Leakage, Pump 2 No Response
7 = Pump 1 Tripped
8 = Pump 1 Leakage
9 = Pump 1 No Response
10 = Pump 2 High Temp
11 = Pump 2 Tripped
12 = Pump 2 Leakage
13 = Pump 2 No Response
Central System Text
No Menu Name Specification Description
4 COMMUNICATION Read only Setup of communication.
4_1 Station Number Writable The station number identifies the
### Interval RTU. The station number is 999 in a
0 To 0 cold started RTU.
4_2 ID number fixed Writable Enter the ID number used to identify
## (fixed) Interval the station in fixed line
0 To 0 communication.
4_3 Communic. COM1 Writable Select communication function on
################ Alternative serial channel 1.
0 = Not used
1 = TD22 V.22
2 = TD22 V.22bisLAPM
3 = TD22 V.23 dial.
4 = (TD22 V.23 fix.)
5 = TD33 V.90
6 = TD33 V.90 X1
7 = TD33 V.90 LAPM
8 = RS232 half dup.
9 = RS232 full dup.
10 = Elpro 405 dial.
11 = Alarm printer
12 = User def. 0
13 = User def. 0 HDX
14 = Factory set. 0
15 = User def. 1
16 = Factory set. 1
4_4 Speed COM1 Writable Select communication speed (DTE)
###00 bit/s Alternative on serial channel 1.
0= 3
1= 6
2 = 12
3 = 24
4 = 48
5 = 96
6 = 192
7 = 384
8 = 576
4_5 Protocol on COM1 Indirect Selection of protocol on COM1.
################ Writable
0 = None
1 = AquaCom
2 = Modbus
3 = Comli
4 = CCom
5 = Other
4_5 Protocol on COM1 Indirect Selection of protocol code for COM1.
code ## Writable 3=AquaCom, 4=Modbus, 5=Comli,
Interval 13=CCom.
0 To 0
4_6 RTS delay COM1 Writable The time the modem needs to
#### ms Interval stabilise the signal before it begins to
0 To 2000 send data. Recommended value is
Central System Text 100-300 ms for fixed line and 0 ms
General and RTS delay for dialled line.
COM1 (ms)
4_7 Communic. COM3 Writable Select communication function on
################ Alternative serial channel 3.
0 = Not used
1 = TDK5660 V.90
2 = TDK5660 V.22
3 = TDK2814 V.34
4 = TDK2814 V.22
5 = 3COM V.90
6 = User def. 0
7 = Factory set. 0
8 = User def. 1
9 = Factory set. 1
0= 3
1= 6
2 = 12
3 = 24
4 = 48
5 = 96
6 = 192
7 = 384
8 = 576
Protocol on COM4 Indirect Selection of protocol on COM4.
4_13 ################ Writable
0 = None
1 = AquaCom
2 = Modbus
3 = Comli
4 = CCom
5 = Other
Protocol on COM4 Indirect Selection of protocol code for COM4.
4_13 code ## Writable 3=AquaCom, 4=Modbus, 5=Comli,
Interval 13=CCom.
0 To 0
RTS delay COM4 Writable The time the modem needs to
4_14 #### ms Interval stabilise the signal before it begins to
0 To 2000 send data. Recommended value is
Central System Text 100-300 ms for fixed line and 0 ms
General and RTS delay for dialled line.
COM4 (ms)
Time-out teleg. Writable This setting controls how long the
4_15 ## s Interval program will wait for an answer.
0 To 30 When it takes long time to receive an
Central System Text answer from an RTU the program
Time-out telegram (s) will timeout. To avoid this you may
increase this value. Only change the
default value 8 s if it is absolutely
Time-out char Writable This setting controls how long the
4_16 #### ms Interval program wait for a new character in a
0 To 9999 telegram.
Central System Text
Time-out character (ms)
Send OK delay Writable The time the program wait from
4_17 ##### ms Interval starting a modem communication
0 To 15000
No Menu Name Specification Description
5 ALARM LOG Writable Shows locally unacknowledged
#### alarms. There is room for about 400
alarms in the RTU.
No Menu Name Specification Description
6 ALARM SETUP Writable ChAlarmSetup
6_1 Transmit alarm Writable Select whether an alarm should be
################ Alternative sent to CS/pager. 'Clear' will remove
0 = Local permanent all alarm that is waiting to be sent.
1 = Remote Alarm created when the state is in
2 = Clear 'Local' or 'Local today' will not be
3 = Local today sent to CS with the exeption of
Central System Text 'Personal' and 'Cold start' alarms that
Alarm status (0=Local, is sent anyway. 'Local today' will
1=Remote) return to remote at midnight.
6_2 Alarmdistrib. Writable Select the alarms priorities to send to
#### (ABCP) Alternative CS/pager. A '1' means that this alarm
1 = A--- Alarm with this priority should be sent. A '0'
2 = -B-- Alarm that it should not be sent. Default
3 = --C- Alarm setup is '1101'. A=A Alarm up flank.
4 = ---P Passive B=B Alarm up flank, C=C Alarm up
Central System Text flank, P=all alarm down flank.
Alarm distribution (ABCP)
6_3 Telno. 1 CS/PAGE Writable First telephone number to CS or
################ Central System Text paging system. Use a '&' as the first
Telephone number 1 CS/Pager character for numbers to paging
6_4 Telno. 2 CS/PAGE Writable Second telephone number to CS or
################ Central System Text paging system. Use a '&' as the first
Telephone number 2 CS/Pager character for numbers to paging
6_5 Number of calls Writable Alarming to CS. Number of calls the
to CS ## Interval RTU makes when the CS is not
0 To 99 responding.
Central System Text
Number of calls to CS
6_6 New alarm pulse Writable Enter the pulse length of the alarm
length ### s Interval output at a new alarm. This may be
0 To 999 used to control an acoustic alarm.
Central System Text
Pulse length on new alarm (s)
6_7 Select alarm Writable Select alarm code to show and
code #### Interval change.
0 To 0
6_8 Alarm priority Writable Select new alarm priority for the
# Alternative alarm selected in the previous
0=- channel.
6_9 New alarm code Writable Select new alarm code for selected
#### Interval alarm.
0 To 0
No Menu Name Specification Description
7 PAGING SETUP Read only Setup for paging.
7_1 Station name Writable Station name. This name is
################ Central System Text transmitted to some paging systems.
Station name If the name is missing the station
number will be transmitted.
7_2 Number of calls Writable Alarming to pager. Number of calls
to pager ## Interval the RTU makes when the service
0 To 99 personnel is not responding.
Central System Text
Number of calls to pager
7_3 Pager ack. time Writable This is the time the user has to
#### min Interval accnowledge an alarm that is sent to a
0 To 9999 pager. If no accnowledge is received
Central System Text the alarm will be sent again. If the
Pager acknowledge time (min) time is set to zero no accnowledge is
neaded. In this case the unit only calls
one time.
7_4 Paging Cycle Pause Writable Waiting time after a unsuccessful
time #### min Interval batch of alarm calls.
0 To 9999
Central System Text
Wait time pager cycle (min)
7_5 Paging system Indirect Selection of paging system.
################ Writable
0 = None
1 = Minicall numeric
2 = Semadigit
3 = Numerik N/DK
4 = Minicall text
5 = Semascript
6 = TAP text
7 = Cityruf DE
8 = SMS Europ.
10 = SemaDigit B
11 = SemaDigit NL
12 = TAP D1 SMS
13 = GSM-SMS
14 = Numeric A
15 = SMS-SFR F
16 = SMS-Itineris F
17 = TAP F
18 = SMS-Bouygues
19 = Other
7_5 Paging system Indirect Selection of paging system.
code ## Writable 0=None, 3=Minicall numeric,
Interval 4=Semadigit, 5=BellBoy, 7=Numerik
0 To 99 N/DK, 9=Minicall text,
Central System Text 10=Semascript, 11=TAP text,
Paging system selection code 12=Cityruf DE, 13=SMS Europ.,
14=SMS UCP, 16=SemaDigit B,
17=SemaDigit NL, 18=TAP D1 SMS,
19=GSM-SMS M20, 20=Numeric A,
21=SMS-SFR F, 22=SMS-Itineris F,
23=TAP F, 24=SMS-Bouygues.
7_6 Telno. PAD/SMSC Writable Phone number to the paging central.
################ Central System Text This number must be used if larms is
Paging number to PAD/SMSC to be sent to SMS.
7_7 Delay paging Writable Delay between dialling and
central ## s Interval transmitting of the paging message.
0 To 99 Only used in some paging systems.
Central System Text
Delay paging central (s)
7_8 Transmitter no Writable Transmit number for paging system.
################ Central System Text Only used in some paging systems.
Paging transmitter number
7_9 Identity code Writable Identification code for paging system.
################ Central System Text Only used in some paging systems.
Paging identity code
No Menu Name Specification Description
8 ALARM DELAYS Read only Setup for alarm delays.
8_1 Digital Alarm Delay Writable Common alarm delay for digital
#### s Interval alarms.
0 To 9999
Central System Text
Digital alarm delay (s)
8_2 Analog Alarm Writable Common alarm delay for analogue
Delay Interval alarms.
#### s 0 To 9999
Central System Text
Analogue alarm delay (s)
8_3 Power Fail Alarm Writable Alarm delay for power fail alarm.
Delay #### s Interval
0 To 9999
Central System Text
Power fail alarm delay (s)
8_4 Pers. Alarm Writable Enter the time that the work will last.
Warning Interval After this time the output buzzer will
### min 0 To 999 start.
Central System Text
Worktime before personnel
alarm (min)
8_5 Pers. Alarm Delay Writable The delay before the alarm is sent
#### s Interval after the warning buzzer started.
0 To 9999
Central System Text
Personnel alarm warning time
8_6 Intruder Alarm Writable Delay before the intruder alarm is
Delay Interval sent to CS.
#### s 0 To 9999
Central System Text
Burglary alarm delay (s)
8_7 High Level Alarm Writable Alarm delay for high level and
No Menu Name Specification Description
9 LEVEL Read only Shows the level of the water in the
@##.## Ft sump.
9_1 High level Writable Alarm limit for high level. The alarm
@##.## Ft Interval will be generated when the sump
-328.10 To 328.10 level reach up to this value. Set the
Central System Text alarm level to zero to disable the
High level (Ft) alarm.
9_2 Extrem high lev. Writable Alarm limit for extremely high level.
@##.## Ft Interval The alarm will be generated when the
-328.10 To 328.10 sump level reach up to this value. Set
Central System Text the alarm level to zero to disable the
Extremely high level (Ft) alarm.
9_3 Low level Writable Alarm limit for low level. The alarm
@##.## Ft Interval will be generated when the sump
-328.10 To 328.10 level goes down below this value. Set
Central System Text the alarm level to zero to disable the
Low level (Ft) alarm.
9_4 Extrem low lev. Writable Alarm limit for extremely low level.
@##.## Ft Interval The alarm will be generated when the
-328.10 To 328.10 sump level goes down below this
Central System Text value. Set the alarm level to zero to
Extremely low level (Ft) disable the alarm.
9_5 Level alarm hyst Writable Hysteresis for all level alarms.
##.## Ft Interval
0.00 To 32.81
Central System Text
Level alarm hysteresis (Ft)
9_6 Calibrate level Writable Calibration of the level sensor.
@##.## Ft
No Menu Name Specification Description
10 CURRENT P1 Read only Shows the current for pump 1.
###.# A
Nominal curr. P1 Read only Shows the calculated nominal current
10_1 ###.# A Interval for pump 1.
0.0 To 0.0
High current P1 Writable Alarm limit for high current pump 1.
10_2 ###.# A Interval Set the alarm level to zero to disable
0.0 To 999.9 the alarm.
Central System Text
No Menu Name Specification Description
11 CURRENT P2 Read only Shows the current for pump 2.
###.# A
Nominal curr. P2 Read only Shows the calculated nominal current
11_1 ###.# A Interval for pump 2.
0.0 To 0.0
High current P2 Writable Alarm limit for high current pump 2.
11_2 ###.# A Interval Set the alarm level to zero to disable
0.0 To 999.9 the alarm.
Central System Text
High current P2 (A)
Low current P2 Writable Alarm limit for low current pump 2.
11_3 ###.# A Interval Set the alarm level to zero to disable
0.0 To 999.9 the alarm. It is a possible to switch off
Central System Text the pump on this alarm.
Low current P2 (A)
Curr. hyst. P2 Writable Hysteresis for current alarms on
No Menu Name Specification Description
12 CURRENT P3 Read only Shows the current for pump 3.
###.# A
Nominal curr. P3 Read only Shows the calculated nominal current
12_1 ###.# A Interval for pump 3.
0.0 To 0.0
High current P3 Writable Alarm limit for high current pump 3.
12_2 ###.# A Interval Set the alarm level to zero to disable
0.0 To 999.9 the alarm.
Central System Text
High current P3 (A)
Low current P3 Writable Alarm limit for low current pump 3.
12_3 ###.# A Interval Set the alarm level to zero to disable
0.0 To 999.9 the alarm. It is a possible to switch off
Central System Text the pump on this alarm.
Low current P3 (A)
Curr. hyst. P3 Writable Hysteresis for current alarms on
12_4 ###.# A Interval pump 3.
0.0 To 999.9
Central System Text
Current hysteresis P3 (A)
Max current P3 Writable Range of measurement for current
12_5 ###.# A Interval transformer pump 3.
0.0 To 999.9
Central System Text
Current range P3 (A)
No Menu Name Specification Description
13 CURRENT P4 Read only Shows the current for pump 4.
###.# A
Nominal curr. P4 Read only Shows the calculated nominal current
13_1 ###.# A Interval for pump 4.
0.0 To 0.0
High current P4 Writable Alarm limit for high current pump 4.
13_2 ###.# A Interval Set the alarm level to zero to disable
0.0 To 999.9 the alarm.
Central System Text
High current P4 (A)
Low current P4 Writable Alarm limit for low current pump 4.
13_3 ###.# A Interval Set the alarm level to zero to disable
0.0 To 999.9 the alarm. It is a possible to switch off
Central System Text the pump on this alarm.
Low current P4 (A)
Curr. hyst. P4 Writable Hysteresis for current alarms on
13_4 ###.# A Interval pump 4.
0.0 To 999.9
Central System Text
Current hysteresis P4 (A)
Max current P4 Writable Range of measurement for current
13_5 ###.# A Interval transformer pump 4.
0.0 To 999.9
Central System Text
Current range P4 (A)
Power P4 Writable Enter the power of P4 in kW. This
13_6 ###.# kW Interval value is used for calculation of the
0.0 To 999.9 current when two pumps are
Central System Text connected to one transformer.
Power P4 (kW)
No Menu Name Specification Description
14 CURRENT Read only Current measurement of all pumps.
Analog usage Writable Select analog model. 0 = A2(P1+P3),
14_1 ################ Alternative A3(P2+P4). 1 = A2(P1+P2),
0 = A2=P1+3, A3=P2+4 A3(P3+P4). 2 = A2(P1), A3(P2),
1 = A2=P1+2, A3=P3+4 A4(P3+P4). 3 = A2(P1+P2), A3(P3),
2 = A2=1,A3=2,A4=3+4 A4(P3).
3 = A2=1+2,A3=3,A4=4
Central System Text
Analog current usage
Current 1 Writable Type of sensor for current input 1.
14_2 signal ####### Alternative Choose between: 0=0-20 mA, 1=4-20
0 = 0-20 mA mA.
1 = 4-20 mA
Central System Text
Signal type current 1 (0=0,
Current 2 Writable Type of sensor for current input 2.
14_3 signal ####### Alternative Choose between: 0=0-20 mA, 1=4-20
0 = 0-20 mA mA.
1 = 4-20 mA
Central System Text
Signal type current 2 (0=0,
No Menu Name Specification Description
15 GENERAL Read only Shows the general analogue 4 input.
1 = 4-20 mA 20 mA.
Central System Text
Signal type general ana.
(0=0, 1=4-20mA)
15_9 Start value GA4 Writable Enter a start value. When general
@####.## Interval analogue 4 reach this value an output
-9999.99 To 9999.99 is activated. This output remains
Central System Text active until the stop value is reached.
Start value general analog 4
15_10 Stop value GA4 Writable Enter a stop value. When general
@####.## Interval analogue 4 reach the start value an
-9999.99 To 9999.99 output is activated. This output
Central System Text remains active until the stop value is
Stop value general analog 4 reached.
No Menu Name Specification Description
16 OPERATIONAL Writable ChOpData
16_1 Report Mode Writable Selects if channels with report data
############## Alternative should show today's, yesterday's or
## 0 = Today's continuos values. Today's and
1 = Yesterday's yesterday's values can not be
2 = Continuous changed. Continues values may be
changed. This channel may be
changed without influence on stored
16_2 P1 no. of starts Indirect Starts of pump 1.
Read only
16_2 P1 no. of starts Indirect Starts of pump 1. Enter a value
####### total Writable manually and the counter will
Interval continue on this value.
0 To 0
16_3 P1 runtime Indirect Runtime pump 1.
Read only
16_3 P1 runtime Indirect Runtime pump 1. Enter a value
##### h total Writable manually and the counter will
Interval continue on this value.
0 To 0
16_4 P2 no. of starts Indirect Starts of pump 2.
Read only
16_4 P2 no. of starts Indirect Starts of pump 2. Enter a value
####### total Writable manually and the counter will
Interval continue on this value.
0 To 0
16_5 P2 runtime Indirect Runtime pump 2.
Read only
16_5 P2 runtime Indirect Runtime pump 2. Enter a value
##### h total Writable manually and the counter will
Interval continue on this value.
0 To 0
16_6 P3 no. of starts Indirect Starts of pump 3.
Read only
16_6 P3 no. of starts Indirect Starts of pump 3. Enter a value
####### total Writable manually and the counter will
Interval continue on this value.
0 To 0
16_7 P3 runtime Indirect Runtime pump 3.
Read only
16_7 P3 runtime Indirect Runtime pump 3. Enter a value
##### h total Writable manually and the counter will
Interval continue on this value.
0 To 0
16_8 P4 no. of starts Indirect Starts of pump 4.
Read only
16_8 P4 no. of starts Indirect Starts of pump 4. Enter a value
####### total Writable manually and the counter will
Interval continue on this value.
0 To 0
16_9 P4 runtime Indirect Runtime pump 4.
Read only
16_9 P4 runtime Indirect Runtime pump 4. Enter a value
##### h total Writable manually and the counter will
Interval continue on this value.
0 To 0
16_10 Two pump starts Indirect Starts two pumps running at the same
Read only time.
16_10 Two pump starts Indirect Starts two pumps running at the same
####### total Writable time. Enter a value manually and the
Interval counter will continue on this value.
0 To 0
16_11 Two pump Indirect Runtime two pumps running at the
runtime Read only same time.
No Menu Name Specification Description
18 PUMP CONTROL Read only Control of pumps.
High Level Run Writable Runtime on high level float. When
18_1 Time #### s Interval the high level float is activated the
0 To 9999 available pumps will start and
Central System Text continue to run at least this time after
High level float minimum run return of the float. A zero of will
Low current reset time (min) blocked during the time set.
10 = Use level E2
11 = APF high sens.
12 = APF no transient
13 = APF no undercurr
14 = No low cur. blk.
Central System Text
Special control P1
19_6 Special Cont. P2 Writable Special control of pump 2.
############## Alternative Options: 1=Disconnected, 2=Blocked
1 = Disconnected by P1, 3=Blocked by P3, 4=Blocked
2 = Blocked by P1 by P4, 5=No backup run, 6=No long
3 = Blocked by P3 run blk., 7=Leakage block, 8=Not tele
4 = Blocked by P4 blocked, 9=Use level E1, 10=Use
5 = No backup run level E2, 11=APF high sens., 12=APF
6 = No long run blk. no transient, 13=APF no undercurr,
7 = Leakage block 14=No low cur. blk.
8 = Not tele blocked
9 = Use level E1
10 = Use level E2
11 = APF high sens.
12 = APF no transient
13 = APF no undercurr
14 = No low cur. blk.
Central System Text
Special control P2
19_7 Special Cont. P3 Writable Special control of pump 3.
############## Alternative Options: 1=Disconnected, 2=Blocked
1 = Disconnected by P1, 3=Blocked by P2, 4=Blocked
2 = Blocked by P1 by P4, 5=No backup run, 6=No long
3 = Blocked by P2 run blk., 7=Leakage block, 8=Not tele
4 = Blocked by P4 blocked, 9=Use level E1, 10=Use
5 = No backup run level E2, 11=APF high sens., 12=APF
6 = No long run blk. no transient, 13=APF no undercurr,
7 = Leakage block 14=No low cur. blk.
8 = Not tele blocked
9 = Use level E1
10 = Use level E2
11 = APF high sens.
12 = APF no transient
13 = APF no undercurr
14 = No low cur. blk.
Central System Text
Special control P3
19_8 Special Cont. P4 Writable Special control of pump 4.
############## Alternative Options: 1=Disconnected, 2=Blocked
No Menu Name Specification Description
20 SUMP Read only Cleaning of pump sump.
20_1 Max. pump time Writable Maximum continues runtime of the
#### min Interval pumps. When the pump has run this
0 To 9999 time it is stopped temporarly. This
Central System Text prevents garbage from building up on
Maximum pump time (min) the impeller lowering the
20_2 APF clean cycles Writable Number of cleaning cycles using the
per day ## Interval APF per day.
0 To 99
Central System Text
APF cleaning cycles per day
20_3 Maximum Pump Writable Forces an extra pump cycle to empty
Off Interval the bassin to avoid stagnant water.
Time #### min 0 To 9999 The pump with the lowest startlevel
Central System Text will be started.
Forced pump down delay
20_4 Forced Pump Writable This is the level the pump will run to
Down Interval when it starts with the forced pump
Level @##.## Ft -328.10 To 328.10 down function. This may be selected
Central System Text lower than the normal stop level but
Forced pump down level (Ft) has to be higher than the low level
float if used. A zero will use the
normal pump stop level.
20_5 No of flushings Writable Number of sprinkler flush starts each
per day ## Interval day.
0 To 99
Central System Text
No of sprinkler flushings per
20_6 Flushing time Writable Cleaning time for sprinkler flush
#### s Interval valve.
0 To 9999
Central System Text
Sprinkler flushing time (s)
No Menu Name Specification Description
22 SUMP FORM Read only Definition of pumpsump.
22_1 Level 1 Writable Level at area 1. May be zero.
@##.## Ft Interval
-328.07 To 328.07
Central System Text
Level 1 (Ft)
22_2 Area 1 Writable Area at level 1.
####.# Ft2 Interval
0.0 To 10759.9
Central System Text
Area 1 (Ft2)
22_3 Level 2 Writable Level at area 2. May not be zero.
@##.## Ft Interval
-328.07 To 328.07
Central System Text
Level 2 (Ft)
22_4 Area 2 Writable Area at level 2.
####.# Ft2 Interval
0.0 To 10759.9
Central System Text
Area 2 (Ft2)
22_5 Level 3 Writable Level at area 3. Zero if not used.
@##.## Ft Interval
-328.07 To 328.07
Central System Text
Level 3 (Ft)
22_6 Area 3 Writable Area at level 3. Zero if not used.
####.# Ft2 Interval
0.0 To 10759.9
Central System Text
Area 3 (Ft2)
22_7 Level 4 Writable Level at area 4. Zero if not used.
@##.## Ft Interval
-328.07 To 328.07
Central System Text
Level 4 (Ft)
No Menu Name Specification Description
23 CAPACITY Read only Pump capacity calculation in the
Upper level cap. Writable Upper level for capacity calculation.
23_1 @##.## Ft Interval Has to be below the lowest start level.
-328.10 To 328.10
Central System Text
Upper level cap. calc. (Ft)
Lower level cap. Writable Lower level for capacity calculation.
23_2 @##.## Ft Interval Has to be higher than the stop level.
-328.10 To 328.10
Central System Text
Lower level cap. calc. (Ft)
No. calculations Writable Number of average values in capacity
23_3 ## (0-20) Interval calculations. Use 0 and the current
0 To 20 pump flow uses nominal capacity.
Central System Text
Number of calculations (0-20)
Capacity factor Writable Calibration factor for 2 pumps.
23_4 #.## 2 pumps Interval Divide the real total capacity by the
0.00 To 1.00 added individual capacities. Example:
Central System Text P1=10 gpm, P2=10 gpm, together 15
Capacity factor 2 pumps gpm the capacity factor is then 0,75.
(0.50-1.00) This figure will be used to calculate
No Menu Name Specification Description
24 CAPACITY Read only Parameters for the capacity alarms.
24_1 Calc cap. P1 Read only Shows the calculated pump capacity
###### gpm of P1.
24_2 Nom. cap. P1 Writable Enter the nominal capacity of P1.
###### gpm Interval Used for capacity alarms.
0 To 1585198
Central System Text
Nominal capacity P1 (gpm)
24_3 Cap. div. P1 Writable Divergation limit for high and low
###### gpm Interval capacity alarms. Uses nominal
0 To 1585198 capacity +/- this channel.
Central System Text
Capacity divergation limit P1
24_4 Calc cap. P2 Read only Shows the calculated pump capacity
###### gpm of P2.
24_5 Nom. cap. P2 Writable Enter the nominal capacity of P2.
###### gpm Interval Used for capacity alarms.
0 To 1585198
Central System Text
Nominal capacity P2 (gpm)
24_6 Cap. div. P2 Writable Divergation limit for high and low
###### gpm Interval capacity alarms. Uses nominal
0 To 1585198
No Menu Name Specification Description
25 OVERFLOW Read only Show calculated overflow.
###### gpm
Overflow volume Indirect Overflow volume.
25_1 Read only
Overflow volume Indirect Overflow volume. Enter a value
25_1 #####.### MG tot Writable manually and the counter will
Interval continue on this value.
0.000 To 0.000
No Menu Name Specification Description
26 OVERFLOW Read only Overflow calculation.
26_1 Overflow level Writable The level where overflow occures.
@##.## Ft Interval Set this level manually if no overflow
-328.10 To 328.10 sensor is used.
Central System Text
Overflow level (Ft)
26_2 Discharge coeff. Writable Enter the overflow coefficient for the
#.## Interval overflow weir. This value is used
0.00 To 1.00 only to automatically calculate the
Central System Text overflow table. This value will often
Discharge coeff.(0.00-1.00) be named as cd.
26_3 Overflow range Writable Enter the height of the overflow weir.
#.### Ft Interval This height shoud correspond to the
0.000 To 328.097 maximum flow in the overflow table.
Central System Text
Overflow range (Ft)
26_4 Weir width Writable Enter the width of the overflow weir.
No Menu Name Specification Description
27 SERVICE Read only Service-alarms.
Service interval Writable Service inteval time. When the pump
27_1 P1 ##### h Interval has run this time a service alarm is
0 To 99999 sent.
Central System Text
Service interval P1 (h)
P1 time after Writable This is the time since the last pump
27_2 service ##### h service on pump 1. Reset this channel
after service.
Service interval Writable Service inteval time. When the pump
No Menu Name Specification Description
28 RECEIVE Read only Receive blocking.
Blocked status Writable Shows the block status. The status
28_1 ################ Alternative changes when the FMC receives
0 = Not blocked remote blocking or unblocking
1 = Blocked commands. To override the remote
command change the status in this
Num. of blocks Indirect Number of blockings.
28_2 Read only
Num. of blocks Indirect Number of blockings. Enter a value
28_2 ##### total Writable manually and the counter will
Interval continue on this value.
0 To 0
Blocked time Indirect Blocked time.
28_3 Read only
Blocked time Indirect Blocked time. Enter a value manually
28_3 ##### h total Writable and the counter will continue on this
Interval value.
0 To 0
Timeout block. Writable The blocked station will be unblocked
28_4 #### min Interval after this time. This is a saftey
0 To 9999 function to unblock the station if a
Central System Text unblocking command fail to come.
Timeout blocking (min) Use the repeat blocking function in
the sending FMC and set it to five
minutes less than this value.
Blocked by ID Writable Fixed line ID of remote station that
28_5 @# Interval blocks this station. Used only in fixed
-1 To 9 communication.
Central System Text
Fixed blocked by ID
Blocked by func Writable Block logic function in the remote
28_6 ## Alternative station that is used to block this
1 = Blocked by fnc 2 station. Used only in fixed
2 = Blocked by fnc 1 communication. Options: 1=Blocked
Central System Text by fnc 2, 2=Blocked by fnc 1
Fixed blocked by function
No Menu Name Specification Description
29 SEND Read only Send blocking.
29_1 Block delay Writable Enter the time to wait before the unit
#### s Interval actually sends a blocking telegram
0 To 9999 when the blocking conditions are
Central System Text active.
Block delay (s)
29_2 Unblock delay Writable Enter the time to wait before the unit
#### s Interval is actually sending deblocking when
0 To 9999 the blocking conditions is passive.
Central System Text
6 = Use number 1
Central System Text
Use tele# for block 2 (654321)
29_15 Block 2 logic Writable Blocking logic set 2. Select block
######## Alternative logic for this function. 0=Or, 1=And.
0 = Or Select if one (or) or all (and) of the
1 = And conditions are required to send block
Central System Text commands to other stations.
Block 2 logic (0=Or, 1=And)
29_16 Blocking level 1 Writable Blocking level 1. Other stations are
@##.## Ft Interval blocked at this level.
0.00 To 328.10
Central System Text
Blocking level 1 (Ft)
29_17 Unblock level 1 Writable Deblocking level 1. Other stations are
@##.## Ft Interval unblocked at this level.
0.00 To 328.10
Central System Text
Un-blockering level 1 (Ft)
No Menu Name Specification Description
30 ENERGY Read only Energy calculation.
30_1 Energy Indirect Energy.
Read only
30_1 Energy Indirect Energy. Enter a value manually and
######## kWh Writable the counter will continue on this
tot Interval value.
0 To 0
30_2 Power Read only Shown used power.
######.# kW
30_3 Specific energy Read only Shows specific energy. This is the
##### kWh/MG cost of pumping the water.
30_4 Energy method Writable Select energy calculation source.
############## Alternative 0=Pulse only, 1=Current & pulse,
## 0 = Pulse only 2=Current only.
1 = Current & pulse
2 = Current only
Central System Text
Energy calculation method
30_5 Cos phi P1 Writable Enter the nominal cosine phi of pump
#.## Interval 1.
0.00 To 1.00
Central System Text
Cos phi P1
30_6 Cos phi P2 Writable Enter the nominal cosine phi of pump
#.## Interval 2.
0.00 To 1.00
Central System Text
Cos phi P2
30_7 Cos phi P3 Writable Enter the nominal cosine phi of pump
#.## Interval 3.
0.00 To 1.00
Central System Text
Cos phi P3
30_8 Cos phi P4 Writable Enter the nominal cosine phi of pump
#.## Interval 4.
0.00 To 1.00
Central System Text
Cos phi P4
30_9 Voltage Writable Enter the voltage measured between
### V Interval two phases of a pump.
0 To 999
Central System Text
30_10 Energy scale Writable Scale value for the digital input
##.### kWh/pulse Interval signal.
0.000 To 99.999
Central System Text
Energy (kWh/pulse)
No Menu Name Specification Description
31 COUNTER Read only General counter.
Counter Read only Shows counter intensity in units/time.
Counter Read only ChCounterSumInd
No Menu Name Specification Description
32 TEST ALARM Read only Test alarm function.
Testalarm every Writable Enter how often the FMC has to
32_1 ## days Interval report himself with a testalarm. A
0 To 99 zero in this channel turns off this
Central System Text function.
Test alarm (every xx days)
Testalarm time Writable Enter the time of day the unit will
32_2 ##:## h:m Interval send the test alarm.
00:00 To 23:59
Central System Text
Test alarm time (h:m)
No Menu Name Specification Description
33 FUNCTION Read only Function timers.
Function timer 1 Writable Select function for timer 1. Options:
33_1 ################ Alternative 0=No function, 1=On/off delay,
0 = No function 2=Pulses, 3=Pulses delayed, 4=One
1 = On/off delay pulse, 5=Halve pulses, 6=Double
2 = Pulses pulses.
3 = Pulses delayed
4 = One pulse
5 = Halve pulses
6 = Double pulses
Central System Text
Timer 1 function
T1 pulse time Writable Enter the on/pulse time or active flank
33_2 ##### s Interval delay.
0 To 99999
Central System Text
Timer 1 pulse time (s)
T1 pause time Writable Enter the off/pause time or the
33_3 ##### s Interval passive flank delay.
0 To 99999
Central System Text
Timer 1 pause time (s)
Function timer 2 Writable Select function for timer 2. Options:
33_4 ################ Alternative 0=No function, 1=On/off delay,
0 = No function 2=Pulses, 3=Pulses delayed, 4=One
1 = On/off delay pulse, 5=Halve pulses, 6=Double
2 = Pulses pulses.
3 = Pulses delayed
4 = One pulse
5 = Halve pulses
6 = Double pulses
Central System Text
Timer 2 function
T2 pulse time Writable Enter the on/pulse time or active flank
33_5 ##### s Interval delay.
0 To 99999
Central System Text
Timer 2 pulse time (s)
T2 pause time Writable Enter the off/pause time or the
4 #$$ 12 , : &
The following is a list of the alarms which can be generated and transmitted,
together with the associated alarm codes and alarm texts, as well as an explanation
of the alarm sources.
Only the alarm code is transmitted in the case of an alarm to a paging system that
can only receive numbers. The list can be used to obtain an explanation of the
alarm codes transmitted and received.
The priority shown is that assigned to the alarm after a cold start.
Alarm Code Default Delay Local text Central System Description
priority Text
1 B 60 High level High level High level in the pump sump. Alarm from
the analog level input.
2 B 60 Low level Low level Low level in the pump sump. Alarm from
the analog level input.
4 A 10 High level float High level float High level float. Alarm from digital input.
5 A 60 Pers. alarm Personal alarm Personal alarm warning time has run out
without reset. Personnel in danger !
6 A 0 Intruder Intruder Burglary alarm reset time has run out
before turned off.
11 B 10 Tripped motor P1 Tripped motor Pump 1 has a triggered motor. The pump is
protector P1 blocked by this alarm.
12 B 10 Tripped motor P2 Tripped motor Pump 2 has a triggered motor. The pump is
protector P2 blocked by this alarm.
13 B 10 Tripped motor P3 Tripped motor Pump 3 has a triggered motor. The pump is
protector P3 blocked by this alarm.
14 B 10 Tripped motor P4 Tripped motor Pump 4 has a triggered motor. The pump is
protector P4 blocked by this alarm.
15 B 10 High current P1 High current P1 High current P1. Alarm from the analog
current input.
16 B 10 Low current P1 Low current P1 Low current P1. Alarm from the analog
current input.
17 B 10 High current P2 High current P2 High current P2. Alarm from the analog
current input.
18 B 10 Low current P2 Low current P2 Low current P2. Alarm from the analog
current input.
19 B 10 High current P3 High current P3 High current P3. Alarm from the analog
current input.
20 B 10 Low current P3 Low current P3 Low current P3. Alarm from the analog
current input.
21 B 10 High current P4 High current P4 High current P4. Alarm from the analog
current input.
22 B 10 Low current P4 Low current P4 Low current P4. Alarm from the analog
current input.
28 B RTU no answer Substation does not There is no communication with the RTU.
answer This alarm is not created in the RTU, it is
created in CS when it fails to contact the
30 B No response P1 No response P1 The RTU has not received a response signal
from pump 1. The pump has probably
failed to start.
31 B No response P2 No response P2 The RTU has not received a response signal
from pump 2. The pump has probably
failed to start.
32 B No response P3 No response P3 The RTU has not received a response signal
from pump 3. The pump has probably
failed to start.
33 B No response P4 No response P4 The RTU has not received a response signal
from pump 4. The pump has probably
failed to start.
34 A 10 Overflow Overflow Overflowing. The station is now
35 B 10 High temp. P1 High temperature High temperature pump 1.
36 B 10 High temp. P2 High temperature High temperature pump 2.
37 B 10 High temp. P3 High temperature High temperature pump 3.
38 B 10 High temp. P4 High temperature High temperature pump 4.
40 B 10 Low level float Low level float Low level float. Alarm from digital input.
51 B 60 Very high level Extremely high Extremely high level in the sump. Alarm
level from the analog level input.
52 B 60 Very low level Extremely low level Extremely low level in the sump. Alarm
from the analog level input.
54 B 10 Leakage P1 Leakage P1 Water in oil pump 1.
55 B 10 Leakage P2 Leakage P2 Water in oil pump 2.
56 B 10 Leakage P3 Leakage P3 Water in oil pump 3.
57 B 10 Leakage P4 Leakage P4 Water in oil pump 4.
72 B High rainfall High rainfall The RTU has calculated a rainfall higher
than the high alarm limit.
90 B 10 Alarm input 10 Alarm digital input Spare alarm input 10.
91 B 10 Alarm input 11 Alarm digital input Spare alarm input 11.
93 B 10 Alarm input 13 Alarm digital input Spare alarm input 13.
94 B 10 Alarm input 14 Alarm digital input Spare alarm input 14.
95 B 10 Alarm input 15 Alarm digital input Spare alarm input 15.
96 B 10 Alarm input 16 Alarm digital input Spare alarm input 16.
122 B 10 Generator Fail Generator Fail
144 A 300 Power Fail Power Fail It has been a external net failure. The
pumps are blocked.
189 B 10 Gen. Low Fuel Generator Low Fuel
190 B 10 Pri. Sensor Fail Primary Level Primary Level Sensor Fail
Sensor Fail
8001 C No teleline No telephone line The RTU has failed to detect a dial tone.
The alarm is made passive the next time the
RTU detects a dial tone.
8002 C No resp. paging No response from No answer from paging system central.
Paging system
8004 B Serv. no resp. Service personnel Printed out if on-call personnel do not
no response answer.
8005 B Serv. busy Service personnel Printed out if on-call personnel telephone is
busy engaged.
8019 B Missing param. Missing parameters The RTU is cold started and has no set
points. Some automatic control does not
8033 C Invalid Incorrect One of the telephone numbers has invalid
characters. Check all telephone numbers
and correct.
8035 C Bad param. dist. Bad parameters for Incorrect parameters in paging set points.
alarm distribution Check and retransmit.
8050 B Setpoint changed Setpoint changed At least one channel have been changed on
the local display. The alarm revertes when
new set points are sent to the RTU.
8083 B Station blocked Station blocked This FMC has received a blocking
command from another FMC.
8089 C Unknown p-system Unknown paging The selected paging system does not exist.
system The selected code is wrong or the system
program needs to be updated to a newer
8090 A Cold start Cold start The RTU is cold started. The RTU needs
new set points. Most automatic control do
not work.
8111 C Telegram long Telegram too long The telegram received where to long. This
may happen when there are communication
8114 B Warm start Warm start The RTU is warm started. The reason is
either power failure or manual restart.
8117 C Modem error Modem error The RTU has detected an error in the
modem. If this alarm follows every warm
start there is a failure in the modem.
8123 C Error Hayes com. Error in Hayes The modem responds with an error code on
command initiation. This may be due to an error in the
modem or if you select the wrong modem.
8142 C File error File error The RTU has detected a write or read error
on the internal disk.
8156 H Call failed CS Unsuccessful call to Recorded as an event. The RTU has failed
CS to dial to CS.
8157 H Call ok CS Call ok to CS Recorded as an event. The RTU has
succeeded to dial to CS.
8190 B Fail ana.sig. Px Contradicting Both high and low float has been activated
analogue signals, Px at the same time. Check the floats.
8191 B Fail dig.sig. Px Contradicting Both start and stop level are active at the
digital signals, Px same time. Check setpoints for pumps.
8193 B Fail signals Px Contradicting High float and stop level or low float and
signals on pumps start level are active at the same time.
Check floats and setpoints.
8194 B Calib. complete Calibration Calibration of level sensor has been done.
8199 C Serial restarted Serial task restarted For some reason one of the serial channels
(with or without modem) was halted and
hence reinitiated by the system software.
8200 C P-Checksum error Paging - Checksum Check sum error on transmitting a pager
error message.
8201 C P-Format error Paging - Format Format error on transmitting a pager
error message.
8202 C P-Error pager no Paging - Error in The number to the paging central is wrong
pager number on sending a paging message.
8203 C P-Error TX no Paging - Error in Not a valid transmission number on sending
transmitter number a paging message.
8204 C P-Wrong password Paging - Wrong Password not valid on sending a paging
password message.
8205 C P-ID code error Paging - ID code Authorisation code not valid on sending a
error paging message.
8209 C P-Serv. blocked Paging - Service Paging service blocked on sending a paging
blocked message.
8210 C P-Timeout Paging - Timeout Timeout on sending a paging message.
8211 C P-Busy/other err Paging - Busy/other Paging central [number] engaged.
8212 C P-Call failed Paging - Call failed SMS call failed. There are some
communication problem with the SMS
8213 B Low 12V Supply Low 12V internal The internal 12 V power supply is low.
supply May due to a fault in the internal power
8214 B Low 24V Supply Low 24V external The external 24 V power supply is low.
supply May due to a discharged battery or bad
external power.
8215 B Low int. battery Low internal battery The internal battery has low power. This
may due to an old battery or that the FMC
8540 A 10 Pic comm error Pic communication Error on communication between top and
error bottom card in the RTU.
8541 B 120 Ana.sig < 4 mA Analogue signal < 4 One of the 4-20 mA analogue inputs
mA receives a signal < 3.5 mA.
8542 B Disk error/low Disk error/low disk Low internal disk space or disk write/read
space error.
8543 B 120 Ana.sig > 20 mA Analogue signal > One of the analogue inputs receives a signal
20 mA > 20.5 mA.
8602 A High level+pfail High There is a high level in the sump and at
level+pumpfailure least one pump is on fail.
8603 B Blocking Blocking other The blocking function is activated. This
stations FMC is sending blocking commands to
other FMC's.
8606 B 10 P1 switched off P1 switched off The Auto-Manual-Off switch set to off.
Pump 1 is stopped.
8607 B 10 P2 switched off P2 switched off The Auto-Manual-Off switch set to off.
Pump 2 is stopped.
8608 B 10 P3 switched off P3 switched off The Auto-Manual-Off switch set to off.
Pump 3 is stopped.
8609 B 10 P4 switched off P4 switched off The Auto-Manual-Off switch set to off.
Pump 4 is stopped.
8615 A Failure 2 pumps Failure on two There are two failed pumps.
8630 B Testcall ! Testcall ! The test alarm are sent to check that the
station is alive. It is sent every n:th day at
the time in the setpoint.
8634 B 10 High analogue 4 High analogue 4 High alarm value general analogue 4.
8635 B 10 Low analogue 4 Low analogue 4 Low alarm value general analogue 4.
8650 B High counter 24h High alarm counter The counter has reached the maximum
24 h value per 24 hours.
8651 B High count. 5min High alarm counter The counter has reached the maximum
5 min value per 5 minutes.
7 #$$ 1 , '
7 ! $
RTU stores the following operating data for the previous 30 days. The daily report
is fetched automatically from the central system once per day. This function can
be disconnected from the system.
The following information is summarized in the periodic report:
Text1 Text2 Text3 Description
Starts P1 Number of starts pump 1.
Run time P1 h Running time pump 1.
Starts P2 Number of starts pump 2.
Run time P2 h Running time pump 2.
Starts P3 Number of starts pump 3.
Run time P3 h Running time pump 3.
Starts P4 Number of starts pump 4.
Run time P4 h Running time pump 4.
Starts two pumps Number of starts with two pumps.
Runtime two pumps h Running time with two pumps.
Runtime P1 total h Running time pump 1 total. This is the continuously sum since start-
Runtime P2 total h Running time pump 2 total. This is the continuously sum since start-
Runtime P3 total h Running time pump 3 total. This is the continuously sum since start-
Runtime P4 total h Running time pump 4 total. This is the continuously sum since start-
Capacity P1 gpm Calculated capacity pump 1.
Capacity P2 gpm Calculated capacity pump 2.
Capacity P3 gpm Calculated capacity pump 3.
Capacity P4 gpm Calculated capacity pump 4.
Inflow volume MG Inflow volume into sump.
Pumped volume MG Pumped volume from sump.
Number of overflows Number of overflow events.
Number of gross overflows Number of gross overflow events.
Overflow time h Overflow time.
Overflow volume MG Overflow volume.
Volume analogue 4 MG General analogue 4 volume.
Energy kWh Energy.
Blocked events Number of times this station has been blocked from another FMC.
Blocked time h The time this station has been blocked from another FMC.
Counter value Counter.
Runtime counter h Running time counter input.
Generator Starts Generator Starts
Generator Runtime h Generator Runtime
7 =
Measurements are stored in RTU at intervals of five minutes as default and are
fetched from the central system one or more times every day. The information can
then be displayed in graphical form. This function can be disconnected from the
The following figures can be presented in the form of a trend graph:
Text1 Text2 Text3 Description
Level Ft Level in station.
Current P1 A Current for pump 1.
Current P2 A Current for pump 2.
Current P3 A Current for pump 3.
Current P4 A Current for pump 4.
Value analogue 4 General analogue 4.
Capacity P1 gpm Capacity for pump 1.
Capacity P2 gpm Capacity for pump 2.
Capacity P3 gpm Capacity for pump 3.
Capacity P4 gpm Capacity for pump 4.
Inflow gpm Inflow in the sump.
Pumped flow gpm Pump flow from the sump.
Pumped volume Ft3 Pumped volume.
Overflow gpm Overflow.
Power kW Power consumption.
Specific energy kWh/mg Specific energy.
Counter value/5min Counter value per 5 minute.
Counter 24 h sum Counter sum over 24 hours.
The pumps can be operated by remote control as required. In this case, the units
are not controlled by level, but in response to commands from the workstation.
Only when the connection is switched out does pump control revert automatically
to RTU.
If pump related alarms are active the pump will not start remotely.
Remote Control
Object Description
P1 Pump 1. Start and stop of pump. Temporary control while active status picture. The
function remote control break delay may extend the manual control of the pump.
P2 Pump 2. Start and stop of pump. Temporary control while active status picture. The
function remote control break delay may extend the manual control of the pump.
P3 Pump 3. Start and stop of pump. Temporary control while active status picture. The
function remote control break delay may extend the manual control of the pump.
P4 Pump 4. Start and stop of pump. Temporary control while active status picture. The
function remote control break delay may extend the manual control of the pump.
S1 Control of cleaning function in pump sump.
ALARMS Acknowledge paging alarms. If alarms is sent from the FMC directly to the pager then it
is possible to acknowledge the alarms here.
BLOCK Control of blocking for this station.
RO1 Control of output 1.
RO2 Control of output 2.
AUTO Return control to automatic. Releases all remote control commands.
8 #$$ 1 /,
! N.B.
Ensure that personnel cannot come in contact with live cabling or terminal blocks
in the course of connection or service work. Maximum caution must be exercised
when working on the digital outputs.
The following is a description of the terminal blocks in the RTU (see wiring
diagram at rear of section).
Before connecting external electrical equipment, such as relays, coils etc., to
outputs or inputs, check carefully that the electrical specifications comply with
those of the RTU. If this is not the case, install the necessary protective equipment
to avoid the occurrence of operating disturbances.
Digital input signals
DO2 Digital output signal 2
DO3 Digital output signal 3
65 66
~- DO 7.
DO 6.
DO5 Digital output signal5
DO 5.
DO 3.
DO 2.
24V DC
DI4 Digital input signal 4
- - - - -
AI 4.
+ + + + +
AI 2
X . DI7 Digital input signal 7
24V DI 16.
+ -+ - + - + - + - + - + -+ -
DI 16.
24V DI 15.
DI 15. DI10 Digital input signal 10
DI 14. 24V DI 14.
DI 13. 24V DI 13. DI11 Digital input signal 11
DI 12. 24V DI 12.
DI 11. 24V DI 11. DI12 Digital input signal 12
DI 10. 24V DI 10.
DI 9. 24V DI 9. DI13 Digital input signal 13
DI 8.
DI 8.
DI 7.
DI 7. DI14 Digital input signal 14
DI 6.
DI 6.
DI 5. DI15 Digital input signal 15
DI 5.
DI 4.
DI 4. DI16 Digital input signal 16
DI 3.
DI 3.
DI 2.
DI 2.
DI 1.
DI 1.
Copyright Flygt AB 2008
ITT Flygt AB 2008
Global standard Appendix F - Connection - 173
Example 1
Connection of digital inputs signals for normally open contacts. In this example
DI 1-8
Example 2
Connection for digital input signal if the equipment delivers a voltage. In this
example DI9-16. Note: No jumpers on the negative side.
Example 3
Connection for analogue input signals when a two-wire sensor is supplied with
power from the RTU. In this example AI1.
Example 4
Connection for analogue input signals if the sensor is supplied from an external
power supply. In this example AI2.