Bioethics is the study of ethical, social, and legal issues that arise in biomedicine and biomedical
Principle of non-maleficence:
physician do not kill, do not cause pain or suffering to patient. For example, just because a certain
medical procedure can cure a pa3ent of a certain disease does not mean that the physician
should proceed with it whilst knowing that it can cause great harm or discomfort for the pa3ent.
Principle of Autonomy
Principle of autonomy is the right of the pa3ent to make a decision regarding their health.
When it comes to decision making, the patient will be classified into 2 groups:
1. Competent pa3ents
2. Incompetent pa3ents
Principle of justice:
you should treat every pa3ent regardless of their social background/ race/ age/ gender etc.
Exceptions are when there is a shortage of resources such as in a situation in a bus accident
which caused a lot of people to be injured. In such a situation, you have to treat the ones with
the worst injuries first and use the available supplies on them. However, if the pa3ent is definitely
going to die and is also in a critical condition, you should not waste the limited supplies on them.
Truth telling
Informed/voluntary consent
morality of Euthanasia.
Euthanasia is the painless killing of a pa3ent suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in
an irreversible coma. These pa3ents are taken off life support.
There are 2 types of euthanasia: Active and passive
Active: when the physician gives lethal injection to terminate pa3ent life. There are requirements
before this procedure:
- Patent should be in a severe brain damaged state
- Patent should have an incurable disease
- Patent should be competent
- Patents consent must be taken
Passive: When the treatment is discontinued or the treatment will not begin. This is carried out
when there is absolute confirmed that the pa3ent will not recover.
- Physician in this case will not do anything for the pa3ent other than to bring about the death of
the pa3ent.
However, other than discontinuing treatment, food and water should be supplied as it is their
basic life requirements.