Summer Internship UG 5 - 2023-24

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B.Com (H) V / B.Com (H) (Eve.) V / B.Com V / B.Com(3C) V / B.Com(Intl.) V / B.Com(Hon. & Research) V


L T P/S SW/FW Total


0 0 0 3 3


Course Code: MSSI100

Credit Units: 3

Registration Start Date: 30 April 2024

Registration End Date: 02 May 2024
Date of Commencement - 14 May 2024
Date of Completion - 01 July 2024
Duration: 49 days
No. of WPRs: 07


Summer internship programme is an integral part of the academic curriculum of most of the programmes. It aims at widening the student's
perspective by providing an exposure to real life organisational and environmental situations. This enables the students to explore an
industry/organization, build a relationship with a prospective employer, or simply enhance their skills in a familiar field. The internship
also provides invaluable knowledge and networking experience to the students.
Ideally the duration of the Industry internship is five to seven weeks. However, in some cases this period could be extended.

Course Objectives:
The objectives of the Summer Internship Program are -

 To allow the students to organize and report the learning gained in the program and the Summer Internship.
 To provide an opportunity for the Student Interns to apply the concepts learnt in real-life situations.
 To make them aware of the corporate culture by assigning time-bound projects in a company.
 To create awareness among Student Interns about their strengths and weaknesses in the work environment.
 To provide Student Interns a platform to take up on-the-job Training and develop a network which will be useful in enhancing
their career prospects.
 To provide students the opportunity to understand organizational interrelationships.
 To provide students the opportunity to develop attitudes conducive to effective interpersonal relationships.

Knowledge about Project work to be executed. The Guidelines and report formats to be given to the students by the faculty guide .

Student Learning Outcomes:

 “Test drive the path you are choosing and confirm your interest.” An internship is a good way to check out your interest in a
possible career field. Not only will you have the opportunity to build your knowledge base and test your skills by doing your job,
but you will have the opportunity to be exposed to the work of others within the organization and find out about additional job

 Grow personally- The value of an internship often extends beyond career exploration; a good experience can have a significant
impact on your personal growth by developing your intellectual, interpersonal, and leadership qualities.

 Get experience and skills and enhance your resume with career-related experience - Employers ’ number one criteria when
interviewing potential candidates for employment is related work experience.

 Develop future employment opportunities- The high demand for skilled employees have convinced employers of the prudence of
sponsoring internship programs to identify, test, groom and recruit candidates.
 Gain valuable contacts and references- Networking is an essential part of the job search process and who better to ask for a
reference or contact than someone who knows your work style and habits. Getting to know people working in the career field you
are interested in is easier when you are working side-by-side with them.

The Summer Internship Process begins with:

Briefing Sessions for students

Briefing Sessions are very important for undertaking the Summer Internship. This briefing is done by the Summer Internship Institutional
committee to introduce Summer Internship and explain the process and way to work in it. It is mandatory for the students to attend the
same as per the institution’s schedule.

Finalization and approval of area/topic of Summer Internship and schedule of activities

Summer Internship Topic can be selected from any domain (Finance/Marketing/HR) / sector or any business issue relevant in the current
scenario. It is usual to give some discretion to the student in the choice of topic for the Summer Internship and the approach to be
a) Student will finalize the broad area / topic, synopsis and work schedule of his / her Summer Internship in consultation
with the faculty guide.

Allocation of Faculty Guides

a) Each student shall be assigned a faculty guide for the Summer Internship well in advance in a formal manner depending on the
number of students per faculty member.

b) The faculty guide from Amity must closely interact with the student and monitor his or her progress.

Role and expectations of Faculty Guides

The role of the Summer Internship guide is as follows:

a) Developing and vetting the Summer Internship Report proposal with the student.
b) Attending the proposal presentation to be made by the student.
c) Supervising and guiding the student and providing feedback from time to time based on his/her progress.
d) Giving written feedback on the draft of the Summer Internship Report submitted by the student.
e) Faculty guide will conduct regular group meeting with the students and keep a record of the attendance and weekly progress of each
student within 24 hours of the conduct of the meeting.

Role and expectations of students

 To commit to all the scheduled meetings and maintain 100% attendance, in order to ensure that the objective of the course is achieved
 To create a timeline of meetings with faculty interactions and company interactions with their industry guide.
 To submit weekly progress reports (WPR’s) to the faculty guides and report regularly
 To act responsibly and professionally during any kind of interaction with the organization/any employees/institutions under the study
 To represent the highest standards of professional behaviour consistent with the values of the setting, including dress, punctuality,
client contacts and interpersonal relationships
 To read and follow AUUP guidance and documentation to plan and monitor progress of the NTCC, to maximize the benefit of tutorial
support, and to implement the feedback and approved action plan for developing the competency for report writing
 To recognize ethical responsibilities and understand the regulations with regard to plagiarism

Structure of Summer Internship, Registration, Conduct of course, progress monitoring and activity calendar

Topic - <Name of the company> - An Organisational Study with specific reference to <Name of the Department>

For example: Tata Motors ltd. - An Organisational Study with specific reference to Accounts Department

WPRs to be uploaded on Amizone.

In the first WPR, details of Industry Guide is required.


The students are required to register on-line on AMIZONE for the Summer Internship courses as per the University guidelines. Dates
would be notified separately. The students who have not registered for the Summer Internship course as per regulations will not be
permitted to submit any report and will be treated as having failed in the course. Further, student will not be promoted to next
year specially if he/she has failed in fieldwork / or industry internship etc.

University has introduced a new Online system for Uploading and Approval of WPR and NTCC Report.

The students must complete the registration in three folds. The First fold includes filling up the registration details, the second fold
includes Faculty guide and Industry guide details, and third fold includes submitting the synopsis.
Further, the students have to upload the WPR for every week on Amizone and thereafter get the online approval by the Faculty
Guide on Amizone week wise.
The link will get deactivated if the student will upload the WPR after three days of that week.
Week wise online uploading of WPRs should be done by the students and thus approval by the Faculty Guide on Amizone.

Also, students who submit all the WPR together at the end of the course will have to Redo NTCC course as they will not receive the link
to upload the NTCC reports on Amizone.

Further, the student can submit the report with Draft version, Revised Draft version and Final Report.
Students can upload WPR and NTCC Report Only in PDF, JPEG, JPG Formats. MS Word format file can't be uploaded.
The Plagiarism report will be uploaded on the Amizone as well.

The students have to submit the NTCC Final report within 14 days after End date of completion of NTCC Summer Internship
Thereafter, online uploading options for NTCC report will not be visible to students and treated as Non- submission of NTCC Report.

Also, if any students enter Plagiarism % of Final Report more than 15% on NTCC Final report link then he will not be able to upload the
Final report on Amizone.

Progress monitoring

The progress of work would be done weekly by faculty guide through the submitted WPRs and Monthly by Institutional Summer
Internship Committee /Project Review Committee via submission of continuous evaluation.

The various steps to be followed are as follows:

Pre-start Online Registration

Week 1 Submission of Company Profile and specific company activities along with
details of industry guide including the Designation/ mobile/email id.
Week 2 First review on completion and submission of Organisation Structure and
Week 3 Second review on completion and submission of Functional Departments of
the company.
Week 4 Third review on completion and submission of Company Analysis.
Week 5 Fourth review on completion and submission of final report.

Week 6 Final report submission.

Thereafter, the student will be required to submit the following:

Project report - The Project report is the principal means by which the work carried out will be assessed and therefore great care should
be taken in its preparation. The final report is a n important component of Summer Internship. Therefore the student must
adhere to following parameters.


Submission of final report

The most important aspect of the courses is the final report. Therefore following must be ensured for producing quality report.
a) The student will start preparation of the report while doing his/her SUMMER INTERNSHIP course as per the prescribed guidelines
b) The students will submit 1st draft of the report to the guide for guidance.
c) Followed by the submission second of draft of report after making necessary changes as suggested by the guide.
d) The final report shall be submitted after checking plagiarism through Turnitin/Drillbit or any other format subscribed by University.
Copying material should not be more than 15% provided source is mentioned in the report along with proper acknowledgement and
referencing as per plagiarism policy of the university.
e) Following will be submitted along with final report:
 Plagiarism Report

On completion of the Summer Internship the student will be required to appear for the Final Viva.

a) The final assessment of SUMMER INTERNSHIP need to be done only of those students who have qualified on the basis of Conduct
and progress monitoring guidelines & Submission of report/thesis guidelines as stated above.

b) The Final assessment will be treated as end semester examination. It is mandatory for the students to appear for final assessment as per
scheduled date and time. If fail to appear in the students final assessment as per schedule, he/she will treated as absent. For such cases
same rules will be applicable as those for theory examination. The assessment of I category students will be done within one month of
final assessment of the batch.

 Page i : Cover Page (format attached)

 Page ii : Declaration by the Student (format attached)
 Page iii : Certificate of Approval from faculty guide (format attached)
 Page iv : Acknowledgement
 Page v : Abstract including key learnings (minimum 500 words)
 Page vi : Table of Contents
 Page vii : List of Figures
 Page viii : List of Tables
 Page ix : List of Appendices
 Page x : Abbreviations
 Page1 : Chapter I Onwards
 Page... : References
 Page... : Appendices

 Chapter 1 - Introduction - It should be a general introduction, giving the background to the Company, the objectives of the
summer internship, issues and problems. (1000 – 1500 words)

 Chapter 2 - Organisation Structure and Detail - Basic introduction and the detailed structure of the company taken under the
study. (1000 - 1500 words)

 Chapter 3 - Functional Departments - This chapter will include different functional departments of the company under study
and will give the details of the roles and responsibilities of the departments and their heads. (500 - 1000 words)

 Chapter 4 - Company Analysis - The student should be able to identify the SWOT of the company under study. Other tools to be
used are – BCG Matrix of different product lines, market share analysis, trend analysis of the financial performance and others as
applicable to the company. (1500 - 2000 words)

 Chapter 5 - Findings, Conclusion and Suggestions of the study - Any major issue identified during the course of the study
should be highlighted in this section. Suggested improvements should also be listed here. (500- 1000 words)

References - Referencing is compulsory. It should be done as per the Harvard style of referencing. Wikipedia, Scribd and Slide Share
are not reliable sources and must be avoided from being used and quoted.

Documents from Industry

 An offer/confirmation letter of summer internship duly signed by the industry guide/supervisor who will authenticate the starting date
of the internship undertaken by the student.
 Feedback form to be filled and signed by the industry guide/supervisor, this will be made available on Amizone.
 A completion certificate of training has to be submitted as well and it must be duly signed by the industry guide/supervisor who will
authenticate the duration and the type of the internship undertaken by the student.

Assessment criteria
A student will be eligible to submit his/her report and final assessment provided he/she meets following conditions:
a. Online Registration for the SUMMER INTERNSHIP course
b. Approval of Topic, Synopsis and Project Plan by the guide
c. 100 % of WPR were submitted
d. 100% of the WPR were satisfactory
e. Similarity index not more than 15 % as per Plagiarism Prevention Policy.

Students not meeting the eligibility criteria would be governed by the following regulation given as per university guidelines/ regulation.
Assessment/ Examination Scheme:
Internal Assessment 30%
Final Assessment 70%


Bounding Spiral, 1copy

Words 5000 words (Minimum)
Paper size A4
Font Times New Roman size 12, heading 16, subheading14
Margins The text of the document must be justified. The left and right margin of 1 inch. The top and bottom margin of
1.00 inch.
Typing On One side of page only. The text will follow line spacing of 1.5 lines. Table and figures, tabular material as
necessary and appendix material as appropriate may be single space. Centered material is to be centered between
the left and right margins. The first line of all paragraphs of running text will be indented0.5inches.

Pagination Each page must be numbered, except the Title Page. The pre pages Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures
and Abstract—will be numbered with lower-case Roman numerals (ii, iii, iv, etc.) centered from the bottom
edge of the page. The first page that will show a page number is page ii. All remaining pages carry consecutive
numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). The page number will be placed in the upper right-hand corner of the page, right aligned.
Tables Each table of figure should be placed immediately after the paragraph in which it is mentioned. If it has a separate
and figures page, this page should be the one following the page on which the table/figure was first mentioned. Tables and
figures that must be positioned horizontally (landscaped) will face the outer edge of the page, with the widest
margin at the binding edge. Tables and figures are numbered in separate series. Each table and figure, including any
in the appendices, has a number in its own series. Each series is numbered consecutively within chapters (e.g.,
Figure 10.1, Figure 10.2, and Figure 10.3). Each table and figure will be separately numbered. All titles/captions of
Table & Figures will appear in the pre pages in the List of Tables and List of Figures
References In the text, give the surname and date in parentheses, e.g. (Edwards, 2010). At the end of the study, provide a
section headed ‘References’ in which the references are listed alphabetically by family name. Include references for
electronic sources of information e.g. Web pages. Any books, articles, websites or other published sources
(retrievable data) that have been used (cited in the text) either in direct quotation or by reference, must be listed in
the References. Personal interviews/raw data (not retrievable) do not appear in the reference list. The first line of
the citation starts at the left margin and the second and subsequent lines of that citation are indented 0.5inches.
Appendices Appendices contain supplementary or illustrative material or explanatory data too lengthy to be included in the text
or not immediately essential to the readers’ understanding of the text. Appendices should be lettered in the order in
which they are referred to in the text. Each appendix will be listed with its title in the Table of Contents (e.g.,


S.No. Name of Component Marks

1 Analysis & Interpretation 10

2 Faculty Interaction 5

3 Plagiarism Report 5

4 Timely Registration 5

5 Weekly Progress Report 5


S.No. Name of Component Marks

1 Integration of Theory into Practice 15

2 Presentation and Communication 15

3 Clarity of Concepts 10

4 Critical Insight 10

5 Content & Layout of the Report 10

6 Quality of work & written Expression 10

Course Credit Course Scheme Commencemen
Sl. No. Course Title Sem Batch End Date Duration
Code Unit Level (Internal / t Date

B.Com(H) & B.Com(H) Eve

MSSI100 2022-25 3 UG 30 / 70 14.05.2024 01.07.2024 7 Weeks
1 Internship V

B.Com (Hon. & Research)

MSSI100 2022-25 3 UG 30 / 70 14.05.2024 01.07.2024 7 Weeks
1 Internship V

B.Com V
MSSI100 2022-25 3 UG 30 / 70 14.05.2024 01.07.2024 7 Weeks
1 Internship V

B.Com.3C V
MSSI100 2022-25 3 UG 30 / 70 14.05.2024 01.07.2024 7 Weeks
1 Internship V

B.Com(Int.) V
MSSI100 2022-25 3 UG 30 / 70 14.05.2024 01.07.2024 7 Weeks
1 Internship V
Format of the Title Page


< TITLE: “Name of the company” - An Organizational Study with specific reference to “Name of
the Department”>

Submitted by



<Name of the Programme>

Class of 2024

Under the Supervision of

Faculty guide Name Industry Guide Name

Designation Company & Designation

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for

the Degree of
<Name of the Programme >


Format of Declaration


I declare that (a) the work presented for assessment in this Report is my original work,
that it has not previously been presented for any other assessment and that my debts (for
words, data, arguments and ideas) have been appropriately acknowledged; (b) work
conforms to the guidelines laid by the University, and (c) Plagiarism for this report has
been checked using Drillbit / Turnitin Software and is _________%. The summary of
report is attached along with for reference.


Format for Faculty Guide Certificate

CERTIFICATE from faculty Guide

This is to certify that <name of the student>student of <name of the programme> programme at Amity College of
Commerce and Finance, Amity University Uttar Pradesh has completed the Summer Internship Project on <title>in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of <name of the programme>under my guidance.

The report has been checked for the plagiarism and it is acceptable.

<Faculty guide>
Amity College of Commerce and Finance
Date :
Format for Industry Guide Certificate

CERTIFICATE from industry Guide

This is to certify that <name of the student>student of <name of the programme> programme at Amity College of
Commerce and Finance, Amity University Uttar Pradesh has completed the Summer Internship Project on <title>in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of <name of the programme>under my guidance.

The report has been checked for the plagiarism and it is acceptable.

<Industry guide>

Date :

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