Study Project Root Zone Technology

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Root zone technology for campus waste water treatment

Article · February 2009

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3 authors:

Baskar Gopalan Deeptha V Thattai

Shinas College of Technology 58 PUBLICATIONS 497 CITATIONS

Abdul Rahman
Sri Sairam Engineering college


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Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 3 No. 3, January-March 2009


G. Baskar*, V.T. Deeptha and A. Abdul Rahaman
School of civil engineering
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai (INDIA)

Received October 8, 2008 Accepted February 16, 2009

The term root zone encompasses the life interactions of bacteria, the roots of the
wetland plants, soil, air, sun and water. Root zone treatment is an engineered
method of purifying waste water as it passes through artificially constructed wetland
area. It is considered as an effective and reliable secondary and tertiary treatment
method. The pollutants are removed by various physical, chemical and
biogeochemical processes like sedimentation, absorption, and nitrification as well as
through uptake by wetland plants. Root zone systems are reported to be most
suitable for schools, hospitals, hotels and for smaller communities. The aim of this
research is to study the effectiveness of the wetland plant Phragmites australis in
the treatment of waste water generated in the SRM University premises. A pilot
wetland unit of size 1.5X0.6X0.3m was constructed in the campus grounds.
Phragmites australis species were grown in the field with fresh water. 3X3 rows of
plants were transplanted into the pilot unit and subjected to waste water from the
hostels and other campus buildings. The raw waste water and treated waste water
were collected periodically and tested for quality. It is seen that this pilot unit is
reducing the concentrations of TSS, TDS, TN, TP, BOD, COD by 90%, 77%, 85%,
95%, 95%, 69%, respectively on an average. Root zone system achieves standards
for tertiary treatment with no operating costs, low maintenance costs, enhances the
landscape, provides a natural habitat for birds, and does not have any odour
Key Words : Root Zone, Constructed wetland, Phragmites australis,
Sedimentation, Absorption, Nitrification, Uptake

INTRODUCTION water layer over a soil substrate. Sub-surface

constructed wetlands may be either sub-
There are two types of constructed
surface horizontal flow or sub-surface
wetland: free water surface constructed
vertical flow. In sub-surface horizontal flow
wetlands and sub-surface constructed
constructed wetlands, waste water flows
wetlands. In free water surface constructed
horizontally through the substrate. In sub-
wetlands, waste water flows as a shallow
surface vertical flow constructed wetlands,
* Author for correspondence waste water is dosed intermittently onto the
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 3 No. 3, January-March 2009

surface of sand and gravel filters and oxygen demand (COD) ranged from 13–
gradually drains through the filter media 51%, of ammonia nitrogen from 78–100%,
before collecting in a drain at the base. and of orthophosphate from 52–85%.
Constructed wetlands may be planted with a Constructed wetlands having vegetation
mixture of submerged, emergent and, in the
Canna indica, Typha latifolia, Phragmites
case of free water surface constructed
australis, Stenotaphrum secundatum and Iris
wetlands, floating vegetation1.
pseudacorus have been evaluated for their
In the wetlands, nutrient removal from efficacy in treating tannery waste water by
waste water occurs due to different Calheiros et al.5. The study indicated 41–
mechanisms : (1) plant uptake; (2) 73% COD reduction and 41–58% biological
microorganisms residing on the plant roots
oxygen demand (BOD) reduction.
which transform nutrients (mainly nitrogen)
into inorganic compounds (ammonium and Sohsalam et al.6 conducted a study to
nitrate) and (3) physical processes, such as remove pollutants from seafood processing
sedimentation and filtration2. waste water using constructed wetlands
The treatment processes are numerous planted with six emergent species. The
and differ according to the type of flow results showed that nutrient uptake rate was
(surface flow, subsurface vertical flow, and observed in the range of 1.43–2.30 g
subsurface horizontal flow), species of plant, nitrogen/m2 day and 0.17–0.29 g
conception of the system (dimensions and phosphorus/m2 day.
number of beds) and structure of substratum Three parallel units of pilot-scale
(soil or gravel). constructed wetlands planted with Typha
Constructed wetlands have been widely angustifolia were experimented by Li et al.7
used in treating different types of in treating the eutrophic waste of Taihu Lake
contaminants found in domestic sewage, (China). The study performance displayed
storm water, various industrial waste waters, that average removal rates of COD, ammonia
agricultural runoff, acid mine drainage and nitrogen (NH4+-N), nitrate nitrogen (NO3–
landfill leachate. A few studies are -N), total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus
summarized below.
(TP) were 17–40%, 23–46%, 34–65%, 20–
Keffala et al.3 found that the removal rate 52% and 35–66%, respectively.
of planted system was greater than unplanted
system for nitrogen Kjeldal (27 and 5%) and Objective
nitrogen ammonia (19 and 6%) in a study The objectives of this research were to
carried out to compare the performances of (1) analyze and characterize the waste water
two combined systems used for treatment of from campus; (2) investigate the feasibility
domestic waste water: the first one is
of applying a constructed wetland system to
composed of a vertical flow bed planted with
treat the campus waste water; (3) to compare
Phragmites and a horizontal flow bed
planted with Typha. Second combined the treatment efficiency of constructed
system is an unplanted one. wetland system with conventional treatment
A pilot-scale constructed wetland can be
potentially used to treat polluted river water This paper presents the results and
based on the study conducted by Shuh-Ren behaviour of a sub-surface horizontal-flow
Jing et al.4. Their study reported that the constructed wetland used for treatment of
monthly average removal rates of chemical waste water from SRM University campus.
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 3 No. 3, January-March 2009

MATERIAL AND METHODS were transplanted on the same day in the

natural bed open to atmosphere in the
Study site
university campus. Each stem comprising a
The horizontal sub-surface flow piece of 0.1 m length was established in the
constructed wetland system employed was bed. The bed was flooded with fresh water
located in SRM University, Chennai, India. on alternative days. One month later, each
The site is at an altitude of 33 m above mean plant, of 0.2 m length rhizome and stem, was
sea level at latitude 12o 42’ N and longitude established in the larger bed at a density of
of 80o 02’ E. The climate is characterized by three plants per square metre. The plants
a short rain period from mid July to the end were allowed to establish themselves in fresh
of September, a long rain period from water. One month later, the plants measuring
October to mid January, and a long dry 0.3 m rhizome and stem were transplanted
period from mid January to mid July. The into the pilot-scale wetland unit. The plants
climate is tropical, with a temperature were allowed to establish themselves in fresh
variation of 19o - 42o C and average annual water. One month later, raw waste water
rainfall of 1330 mm (Indian Meteorological replaced the freshwater as the influent to the
Department, Chennai, 2006). The wetland beds. The Phragmites australis exhibited a
cell was 0.3 m deep, 1.5 m long and 0.6 m good survival from 9 plants transplanted to
wide. To enable the flow of waste water 93 plants at the end of the 10th month,
gravitationally from inlet chamber to outlet demonstrating a vigorous spread a few weeks
chamber, a longitudinal slope of 0.7% was after planting. Within six months, the plants
made during filter media filling. The empty- began to sprout.
bed volume of the wetland cell was 0.27 m3.
The system is made of plastic and the inside Experiment design
walls were covered with 0.001 m thick Vegetation is the principal component of
impermeable plastic liner. It was filled as a wetland system. The ability of the plants to
follows (from bottom to top) : stay healthy and therefore to continue to
 the first layer of 0.15 m consisted of grow is an important factor in the choice of
coarse aggregate gravel 6 mm size. plants for phytoremediation. The common
 the second layer of 0.075 m plants in wetlands are common reed
consisted of fine aggregate sand 0.3– (Phragmites spp.), cattail (Typha spp.), rush
0.5 mm size. (Juncus spp.), and bulrush (Scirpus spp.)8.
 0.075 m freeboard. However, the most common plant species
worldwide is Phragmites australis. The most
The results reported in this paper are
commonly used macrophyte in subsurface
those corresponding to the period where the
flow wetlands is also Phragmites australis.
plants age increased from 5 to 10 months.
Plant density and height of Phragmites The experiment was conducted to observe
australis were 10 plants m-2 and 1.5 m, the pollutant removal performance of the
respectively at the end of the 5th month. wetland plant Phragmites australis at 2 days
Hydraulic Retention Time (HRT). The study
Sowing and biomass growing was conducted over a period of 180 days.
The stems of Phragmites australis plants The experiment was carried out in open
were collected from the surrounding natural space in real time tropical environment found
wetlands at the end of August 2007, and in Chennai, India.
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 3 No. 3, January-March 2009

Wetland Operations Water sampling and analysis

Phragmites australis species from the Two liters of water samples were taken
field were transplanted. The unit was planted once a month from inlet chamber and outlet
with 9 Phragmites australis species in 3x3 chamber of the wetland unit. Sampling was
rows. The microcosms were monitored three usually performed at around 10 a.m. on each
times per week, and invasive seedlings like sampling date. The samples were collected
ordinary grass were immediately removed. by putting a clean plastic bottle below the
Each microcosm was fed with freshwater inlet or outlet pipe of constructed wetland.
daily at start up. Then, the system was The samples were analyzed for pH, Total
continuously fed at the flow rate of 12.5
Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Suspended
l/day. Waste water addition began in
Solids (TSS), Total Nitrogen (TN), Total
December 2007, at which the time the plants
Phosphate (TP), BOD and COD according to
were well established. The influent into the
bed was controlled manually every day by Standard Methods for Waster and Waste
measuring the flow rate and adjusting the water Examination9. The measure-ments
inlet valve to maintain a continuous daily were performed from samples which were
flow rate. The campus waste water was fed immediately transferred to the laboratory. All
in batch mode once in two days to horizontal the analyses were completed within 24 h of
sub-surface constructed wetland unit to sample collection.
acclimatize the soil microbes and to support
growth of the plants. Prior to the discharge Cultivated plant
into the wetland, raw waste water was tested All plants were observed throughout the
for six months to characterize its quality. The experimental period for general appearance
characteristics of raw waste water utilized and health. The plant growth was monitored
are shown in Table.1. and found to be 0.3 m per month.

Table 1 : Minimum, Maximum, and Mean concentrations of the main physicochemical

and microbiological parameters in the influents during pilot-scale study duration

Parameter Minimum Maximum Mean

pH 5.6 7.07 6.5
TSS, mgl-1 14 560 159
TDS, mgl-1 734 972 840
TN, mgl-1 2 140 27
TP, mgl-1 2 32 20
BOD, mgl-1 94 619 167
COD, mgl-1 235 1823 477
Values in the table correspond to mean values of 6 samples. pH, hydrogen ion concentration;
TSS, total suspended solids; TDS, total dissolved solids;TN, total nitrogen;TP, total
phosphorous; BOD, biochemical oxygen demand; COD, chemical oxygen demand;

Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 3 No. 3, January-March 2009

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION month of December 2007, BOD, TSS and

TN are low in value and increase once
The influent samples were collected once
college has reopened in the month of January
every month over a 6-month period for the
2008. Thus the effect of the presence or
characterization of waste water. Samples
absence of students has a clear correlation
were analyzed to determine the quality of
with the concentrations. This factor is very
influent, variation in quality with respect to
important because it differs from a typical
student strength and season. There is
municipal waste water sample. The lower
considerable change in the values of TSS,
values of COD, BOD or TSS were found at
BOD and COD during peak activity in the
the high rainfall time, in the month of
university. The steep rise in COD in the
November 2007 indicating a clear dilution
month of October 2007 could be due to a
sudden discharge of chemicals from the
laboratories. The other parameters do not Treatment efficiencies of available
show any steep changes. It can also be sewage treatment plant (STP) and root zone
inferred that during vacation period, in the treatment (RZT) are given in Table.2.
Table 2 : Comparison of waste water treated by conventional sewage treatment plant
(STP) and root zone treatment (RZT)

Parameter Sewage treated by STP Sewage treated by RZT

pH 6.71 6.965
TSS, mgl-1 27.7 15.7
TDS, mgl-1 739 650
TN, mgl-1 6.92 4.2
TP, mgl-1 2.175 0.85
BOD, mgl-1 79.85 7.6
COD, mgl-1 192 145.5

In the first 3 months of waste water to larger surface areas, reduced water
application, the outflow pH of the unit was velocities and reinforced settling and
more acidic than in the following periods of filtration by the root network10. This suggests
operation, varying between 5.72 and 6.92. that Phragmites australis provides good
The mean value of outflow pH of the STP filtration conditions by preventing the filters
and RZT were 6.7 and 6.9, respectively. from clogging.
The total suspended solids (TSS) after The mean values of TDS after treatment
treatment by STP and RZT were 27.7 and STP and RZT were 739 and 650,
15.7 (Fig. 1). The removal efficiency of TSS
respectively (Fig. 2). The lower TDS
by STP and RZT were 83 and 90%,
respectively. The higher TSS removal removal performance is found in the
performance in planted systems are attributed conventional STP effluent than RZT effluent.

Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 3 No. 3, January-March 2009

Fig. 1 : Concentration of total suspended solids

Fig. 2 : Concentration of total dissolved solids

Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 3 No. 3, January-March 2009

TN is 6.92 in STP effluent whereas it is There was less variance in seasonal

4.2 for RZT (Fig. 3). STP removed 74% TN phosphorus removal when compared to
compared to 85% for RZT. All microcosms
nitrogen. This difference in variance is
remove large amounts of nitrogen11. These
high rates of nutrient removal may be due to demonstrated in many treatment wetlands
the small treatment area of the microcosms. and may be due to year-round sedimentary
In general, nutrient removal was highest binding of phosphorus. STP removed 90%
during the growing season (August) and
TP and RZT removed 95%. Total
lowest in the rainfall month (December).
Nutrient removal then increased again in phosphorus after treatment by STP and RZT
January and was associated with an increase was 2.175 and 0.85, respectively (Fig. 4).
in temperature and plant growth. In fact, The elevated nutrient uptake in planted
plants need nitrogen for their metabolism to systems may be directly due to plant
grow and to reproduce. They uptake nitrogen
processes and more stable year-round
ammonia by their roots to incorporate it in
their biomass. temperature in planted systems.

Fig. 3 : Concentration of total nitrogen.

The removal degrees were found to degrees were found to average 59% by STP
average 52% by STP and 95% by RZT for and 69% by RZT for COD. COD is 192 in
BOD. The mean values of BOD after STP effluent whereas it is 145.5 for RZT
treatment by STP and RST were 79.85 and (Fig.6).
7.6, respectively (Fig. 5). The removal
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 3 No. 3, January-March 2009

Fig. 4 : Concentration of total phosporus.

Fig. 5 : Concentration of Biological Oxygen Demand.

Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 3 No. 3, January-March 2009

Fig. 6 : Concentration of Chemical Oxygen Demand.

Table 2 shows the results of the that there is an increase in TDS and decrease
concentrations of seven parameters for waste in TP.
water treated by conventional system and From the test results of the waste water
root zone system. Values in the table samples taken after rainfall, it was found that
correspond to mean values of 8 samples. It is there is an increase in TDS, BOD and TSS.
clear that the use of RZT is better in the
The waste water analysis shows that
treatment of all parameters when compared there was high concentration of BOD, TP,
to conventional treatment. There is a TN in the samples during the weekdays when
remarkable reduction in the RZT treatment the student strength is high. COD is also high
and the treated water has become fit enough probably because of waste water from the
to be let out directly into a receiving water chemistry labs. Normally, municipal waste
body as the concentrations are below water has very little COD but in the college
allowable limits. However, for the water campus it becomes an important parameter to
treated by conventional plant, some more be tested for and treated.
treatment is needed before it can be
discharged. Thus the RZT can be used CONCLUSION
independently or as an addition to
The waste water discharged in a campus
conventional treatment so as to make the setting was analyzed to determine its
final output fit enough for discharge into a characteristics. Unlike in a municipal area,
natural water body. the waste water from campus shows
From the test results of the waste water variation in concentration according to
samples taken before rainfall, it was found student strength. TSS, BOD and TN
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 3 No. 3, January-March 2009

particularly show large variations. The root Chemistry and Department of Chemical
zone method (constructed wetland) was Engineering for providing facilities for this
employed on a lab scale to treat the waste research. The authors would like to thank the
water. The results were compared with the
Estate Officer for all the logistics support.
conventional treatment.
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