SW6208 Datasheet Release DS046 v1.0

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Total Solution Include PD for Bidirectional

Fast Charge Power Bank
1. General Description
The SW6208 is a highly integrated power management IC for fast charge power bank application, and
supports A+A+B+C+L five ports. It integrates 5A switching charger, 22.5W synchronous boost,
PPS/PD/QC/AFC/FCP/SCP/PE/SFCP/LVDC fast charge protocol, fuel gauge, segment/led driver and
power controller. With simple external components, The SW6208 provides a turn-key high efficiency
solution for fast charge battery management.

2. Applications
• Power Bank
• Battery Powered Device

3. Features

• Switching Charger • Type-C Interface

 Current up to 5A , Efficiency up to 96%  Support Type-C Specification
 Support 4.2/4.35/4.4/4.5V Battery Voltage  Support try.SRC Role
 Support JEITA • BC1.2 Module
 Thermal Regulation  Support BC1.2 DCP
• Synchronous Boost  Support Apple & Samsung Device
 Power up to 22.5W, Efficiency up to 95% • Lightning Decryption
 Load Insert Detect and Light Load Detect  Support Lightning Decryption
 Support Wireless Charge Mode • Fuel Gauge
 Support Small Current Charge Mode  Include 12bit ADC
• Output Fast Charge Protocol  Support Coulometer
 Support PPS/PD3.0/PD2.0  Support Segment Driver
 Support QC4+/QC4/QC3.0/QC2.0  Support 3~5 LEDs Driver
 Support AFC • Fast Charge LED
 Support FCP  Support Fast Charge LED Driver
 Support SCP • WLED Driver
 Support PE2.0/PE1.1  Support WLED Driver
 Support SFCP • Key Support
 Support LVDC
 Support Push Key
• Input Fast Charge Protocol • Protection
 Support PD3.0/PD2.0
 Output Over Current Protection
 Support AFC  Output Short Protection
 Support FCP  Charger Over Voltage Protection
 Support SCP  Over Temperature Protection
 Support PE1.1
• I2C Interface
• QFN-48(6x6mm) Package
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4. Functional Block Diagram

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5. Pin Configuration and Function

5.1 Pin Configuration

5.2 Pin Descriptions

Pin Name Function Description
1 DPA2 Type-A2 port DP pin.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 SW Switching node.
7 BST Bootstrap pin for high side NMOS.
8 DATA Lightning decryption pin.
9 VOUTA1 Type-A1 port current sense pin.
10 VBUSA1 Type-A1 port current/voltage sense pin.
11 VBUSB Micro-B port input.
12 VBUSC Type-C port current/voltage sense pin.
13 VOUTC Type-C port current sense pin.
14 VOUTA2 Type-A2 port current sense pin.

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15 VBUSA2 Type-A2 port current/voltage sense pin.

16 VBUSL Lightning port input.
17 BAT Battery voltage sense pin.
18 NTC Negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor input.
19 VCC Internal power.
Push key input, constant charge time set for fuel gauge and
Type-A1 port ID pin.
Fast charge led driver, battery voltage set and Type-A2 port
ID pin.
22 LED5/CSET Led5 for segment driver and battery capacity set.
23 LED4/I2C Led4 for segment driver, led driver or i2c set.
24 LED3/IRQ Led3 for segment driver, led driver or irq.
25 LED2/SDA Led2 for segment driver, led driver or i2c data.
26 LED1/SCK Led1 for segment driver, led driver or i2c clock.
27 VOUTSP Current sense positive pin.
28 VOUTSN Current sense negative pin.
29, 30, 31, Boost output and charger input.
32, 33
34 GATEL Lightning port power path control pin.
35 GATEA2 Type-A2 port power path control pin.
36 GATEA1 Type-A1 port power path control pin.
37 GATEB Micro-B port power path control pin.
38 GATEC Type-C port power path control pin.
39 CCL/WLED Lightning port configure channel or flash led driver .
40 CC2 Type-C port configure channel CC2.
41 CC1 Type-C port configure channel CC1.
42 DMC Type-C port DM pin.
43 DPC Type-C port DP pin.
44 DMB Micro-B port DM pin.
45 DPB Micro-B port DP pin.
46 DMA1 Type-A1 port DM pin.
47 DPA1 Type-A1 port DP pin.
48 DMA2 Type-A2 port DM pin.
EPAD Exposed pad.

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6. Absolute Maximum Ratings

Parameters Symbol MIN MAX UNIT

Input Voltage VBUSB/VBUSC/VBUSL -0.3 16 V
Output Voltage VOUTA1/VOUTA2/VOUTC/ -0.3 16 V
SW Voltage SW -0.3 16 V
BST Voltage BST-SW -0.3 6 V
Power Path Control GATEA1/GATEA2/GATEB/
-0.3 21 V
CC1/CC2/CCL -0.3 16
Other Pin Voltage -0.3 6 V
Junction Temperature -40 +150 °C
Storage Temperature
-60 +150 °C
ESD(HBM) -4 +4 KV

【Notice】Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to
the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other
conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions is not implied. Exposure to
absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods my affect device reliability.

7. Recommended Operating Conditions

Parameters Symbol MIN Typical MAX UNIT
Input Voltage VBUSB/VBUSC/VBUSL 4.5 13.5 V
Battery Voltage BAT 2.8 4.5 V

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8. Electrical Characteristics
(VIN = 5V, VBAT = 3.7V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified.)
Parameters Symbol Test Conditions MIN TYP MAX UNIT
Power Supply
Input Voltage
VBUSB/C/L_UVLO 3.9 4 4.1 V
Input UVLO Threshold Voltage Falling
VBUSB/C/L_UVLO_HYS 300 400 500 mV
Input UVLO Hysteresis Voltage Rising
VBUSB/C/L_OVP 13.4 13.7 14 V
Input OVP Threshold Voltage Rising
VBUSB/C/L_OVP_HYS 600 800 1000 mV
Input OVP Hysteresis Voltage Falling
4.9 5 5.1 V
VCC Output Voltage VCC Insert
Power Off VBAT V
40 60 80 mA
VCC Output current ICC Insert
Power Off 40 60 80 mA
Power MOS Rdson
High Side NMOS RDSON_H 17 20 24 mΩ

Low Side NMOS RDSON_L 9 11 14 mΩ

Peak Current Limit for
IPEAK_H Charge Mode 6 8 10 A
High Side NMOS
Peak Current Limit for
IPEAK_L Boost Mode 8 10 12 A
Low Side NMOS
Charge Mode

Trickle Charge End Voltage VTC 2.9 3 3.1 V

VBAT < 0.5V 30 60 100 mA

Trickle Charge Current(IBAT) ITC
0.5V< VBAT < 3V 200 300 400 mA

VBUSB / VBUSL = 5V 1.8 2 2.1 A

VBUSC = 5V 2.7 3 3.2 A

Constant Current Charge Current ICC
VBUSB / VBUSC / VBUSL = 9V 1.8 2 2.1 A

VBUSB / VBUSC / VBUSL =12V 1.3 1.5 1.6 A

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VBUSB / VBUSC / VBUSL = 5V 200 230 260 mA

Termination Charge Current IEND VBUSB / VBUSC / VBUSL = 9V 100 130 160 mA

VBUSB / VBUSC / VBUSL = 12V 80 100 120 mA

Target Charge Voltage VBAT_FULL 4.16 4.2 4.24 V

Recharge Threshold VBAT_RECH 4.06 4.1 4.14 V

Switching Frequency FCHG 350 400 450 KHz

Trickle Charge Over Time tTC_OT 36 40 44 Min

Constant Charge Over Time tCC_OT 30 33 36 Hour

Thermal Regulation Threshold TREGU_CHG 100 115 130 ℃

VBUSB / VBUSC / VBUSL = 5V 4.4 4.5 4.6 V

Hold Voltage Threshold VHOLD VBUSB / VBUSC / VBUSL = 9V 8.4 8.5 8.6 V

VBUSB / VBUSC / VBUSL = 12V 11.35 11.45 11.55 V

Boost Mode

VBAT Input Voltage VBAT 2.9 4.5 V

VBAT Input UVLO Threshold VBAT_UVLO VBAT Voltage Falling 2.8 2.9 3.0 V

VBAT Input UVLO Hysteresis VBAT_UVLO_HYS VBAT Voltage Rising 400 500 600 mV

VOUT=5V, IOUT=0A 5 5.1 5.2 V

VOUT Output Voltage VOUT VOUT=9V, IOUT=0A 8.9 9.1 9.3 V

VOUT=12V, IOUT=0A 11.8 12.1 12.4 V

VOUT=5V 3 3.4 A

VOUT Output Current IOUT VOUT=9V 2 2.3 A

VOUT=12V 1.5 1.8 A

RDS_PATH=10mΩ,VOUT=5V 40 60 80 mA
Light Load Current ILIGHT_LOAD RDS_PATH=10mΩ,
20 40 60 mA
Single Port 28 32 40 S
Light Load Time tLIGHT_LOAD
Multiple Ports 12 16 20 S

Quiescent Current IQ VBAT=3.7V 40 50 65 uA

0A<IOUT<1A 0 mV

Wire Drop Compensation VOUT_WDC 1A<IOUT<2A 30 50 70 mV

IOUT>2A 80 100 120 mV

Switching Frequency FBST 350 400 450 KHz

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Thermal Regulation Threshold TREGU_BST 100 115 130 ℃


CC Current Source ICC_SOURCE Power Level=3.0A 310 330 350 uA

CC Termination Resistor RD 4.9 5.1 5.3 kΩ


DP Apple 2.4A Mode 2.55 2.7 2.85 V

DP/DM Voltage
DM Apple 2.4A Mode 2.55 2.7 2.85 V


Current Threshold IREF 150 250 350 mA

Quit Time tPLUG_OUT 160 200 240 mS


Segment Source Current ISEG 6 10 14 mA

LED Source Current ILED 2 4 6 mA

LED Flicker Frequency fLED 0.8 1 1.2 Hz


WLED Resistor RWLED 10 20 30 Ω


Short Key Time TSHORT 24 32 500 mS

Long Key Time TLONG 1.5 2 3 S

Longest Time For Two Short
Double Short Key TDOUBLE 1.2 1.5 1.8 S
Key Happen

Rate fCLK 100 400 Kbit/S

Thermal Shutdown

Thermal Shutdown Threshold TSHDT Temperature Rising 135 150 165 ℃

Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis TSHDT_HYS Temperature Falling 55 70 85 ℃

9. Functional Description
9.1 Charge Mode
The SW6208 integrates a switching charger with efficiency is up to 96%. The switching charger supports
4.2V/4.35V/4.4V/4.5V battery voltage. Its switching frequency is up to 400KHz, so a small size inductor with
inductance of 2.2uH can be used.

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The switching charger charges battery in three charge phases: trickle charge(TC), constant current charge(CC)
and constant voltage charge(CV). When battery voltage is lower than 3V, charger enters into trickle charge
while the charge current is small current. When battery voltage rises to 3V, charge enters into constant current
charge while charge current is fast charge current. When battery voltage rises to target charge voltage, charger
enters into constant voltage charge while charge current falls so as battery voltage stays to target voltage. When
charge current falls to termination charge current, charge cycle completes and charger stops. When battery
voltage is lower than recharge threshold, charger automatically restarts.

The battery target voltage can be set by FLED/BSET/IDA2 pin. When FLED/BSET/IDA2 is pulled up to VCC
with a 10KΩ resister, 4.2V is set; when selecting a 15KΩ resister, 4.35V is set; when selecting a 5.6KΩ
resister, 4.4V is set; when selecting a 3KΩ resister, 4.5V is set.
The charge current in input current varies with input voltage, while battery current is up to 5A. When input
voltage is 5V, input charge current is set to 2A for Micro-B and Lightning port, and 3A for Type-C port. When
input voltage is 9V, input charge current is set to 2A. When input voltage is 12V, input charge current is set to
The switching charger has battery temperature protection and support JEITA. It monitors battery temperature
by measuring the voltage of NTC pin which connects to a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor.
When battery temperature is abnormal,charger will reduce charge current, reduce target charge voltage or stop
to protect battery.While using a typical NTC thermistor of 103AT, When battery temperature is lower than 5℃,
charger will reduce charge current by half; When battery temperature continues to fall to lower than 0℃,
charger will stop; When battery temperature rises to 5℃, charger will restart and reduce charge current by half;
When battery temperature continues to rise to higher than 10℃, charge current will return to normal; When
battery temperature is higher than 45℃, charger will reduce target charge voltage by 0.1V; When battery
temperature continues to rise to higher than 50℃, charger will stop; When battery temperature falls to 45℃,
charger will restart and reduce target charge voltage by 0.1V; When battery temperature continues to fall to
lower than 40℃, target charge voltage will return to normal. Resisters can be in series or parallel with the NTC
thermistor to change the protection temperature range. JEITA function can be disabled if not needing.
The switching charger integrates thermal regulation. When die temperature rises to the charge thermal

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regulation threshold, charge current will automatically fall down so the die temperature stops increasing. If
temperature continues rising to thermal shutdown temperature, charger will stop and the SW6208 powers off.
The switching charger integrates over time protection. When charging remains in trickle charge beyond the
trickle charge over time, tTC_OT, or charging remains in constant current charge beyond the constant current
charge over time, tCC_OT, charger will terminate. Charger will restart only when re-inserting the adapter.

9.2 Boost Mode

The SW6208 integrates a synchronous boost with output power up to 22.5W and efficiency is up to 95%.
The synchronous boost works in PSM/PWM mode. It works in PSM mode when in light load and in PWM
mode in heavy load to make a better efficiency. It will automatically change in these two modes base on output
In non low voltage direct charge mode, when output voltage is lower than 6V, its current is up to 3A; When
output voltage is higher than 6V, its power output is limited to 18W; When output voltage is 9V, its current is
up to 2A; When output voltage is 12V, its current is up to 1.5A. In low voltage direct charge mode, its power
output is up to 22.5W.
The synchronous boost has battery temperature regulation and protection. When battery temperature is
abnormal,boost will reduce output voltage or stop to protect battery. While using a typical NTC thermistor of
103AT, When battery temperature is higher than 55℃, boost will reduce output voltage; When battery
temperature continues to rise to higher than 60℃, boost will stop and turn off; When battery temperature is
lower than -20℃, boost will also stop and turn off. When battery temperature enters into normal range, boost
will not automatically restart except a start condition such as short key or load detect occur. Resisters can be in
series or parallel with the NTC thermistor to change the protection temperature range.
The synchronous boost integrates thermal regulation. When die temperature rises to boost thermal regulation
threshold, output voltage will automatically fall down so as die temperature stop increasing. If die temperature
still rises to thermal shutdown threshold, boost will stop and turn off. When die temperature falls to thermal
shutdown hysteresis, boost will not automatically restart except a start condition such as short key or load
detect occur.
The synchronous boost integrates input under voltage, output over voltage, output overload and short

9.3 Power Path

The SW6208 supports Type-A1+Type-A2+Micro-B+Type-C+Lightning. Type-A1 and Type-A2 port supports
QC3.0/QC2.0/AFC/FCP/SCP/PE2.0/PE1.1/SFCP/LVDC(Low voltage direct charge) fast charge output.
Type-C port supports PPS/PD3.0/PD2.0/QC4+/QC3.0/QC2.0/AFC/FCP/SCP/PE2.0/PE1.1/SFCP fast charge
output, and PD3.0/PD2.0/AFC/FCP/SCP/PE1.1 fast charge input. Micro-B supports AFC/FCP/SCP/PE1.1 fast
charge input. Lightning supports PD3.0/PD2.0 fast charge input, and Lightning cable decryption.
When short key occurs or load inserts, Type-A1/Type-A2 port will turn on to power supply extern device, and

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light load detection will turn off Type-A1/Type-A2/Type-C port. Light load current is related to power path
MOS. if power path MOS Rdson is 10m Ω , the light load current will be about 60mA/40mA when output
voltage is 5V/high voltage. When SOURCE is attached, Type-C port will turn on and charger will
automatically turn on to charge battery. When SINK is attached, Type-C port will turn on and boost will
automatically turn on to supply device. When SINK is unattached, Type-C port will turn off and boost will
automatically turn off. Type-C port also support light load detection. When SINK is light load, Type-C port and
boost will turn off to reduce power consumption.When adapter inserts, Micro-B or Lightning port will turn on
and charger will automatically turn on.
The SW6208 supports charging the battery and supplying extern device simultaneously, and this function can
be disabled if not needing. When only one port turns on, it supports fast charge input and output. When two or
three ports turn on, it only supports 5V input and output. In this situation, charger hold voltage is set to 4.8V. if
input voltage drops due to the weak power supply of adapter, charge current will automatically fall down so the
input voltage holds to 4.8V and supplies extern device in priority.
The SW6208 supports Type-A1/Type-A2/Type-C ports supplying extern devices simultaneously and only
supports 5V output.

9.4 Mode Set

The SW6208 supports wireless charge, small current charge and flash light driver modes. These three modes
are set by register in I2C mode, and set by pin in segment/led mode.
The SW6208 supports wireless charge mode. In wireless charge mode, wireless charge module is connected to
Type-A2 port. Light load threshold of Type-A2 port is set to 240mA/115mA in 5V/high voltage output, and
light load detect time is set to 32S. Wireless charge mode is set when LED1/SCK pin connects a 100K Ω
resister to ground.
The SW6208 supports small current charge mode, and can charge small current device such as bluetooth
headset. When enter into small current charge mode, light load detect will be disabled for two hours, and
double short key will also quit this mode. Besides, fuel gauge display will also change to indicate it is in small
current charge mode. Small current charge mode is set when LED2/SDA pin connects a 100KΩ resister to
The SW6208 supports flash light driver mode also called WLED mode. CCL/WLED Pin can be configured to
WLED driver or PD fast input function of Lightning port, only one of these two functions can be used in one
application. When LED3/IRQ pin connects a 100K Ω resister to ground, CCL/WLED pin is configured to
WLED driver, or configured to PD fast input function of Lightning port.

9.5 Type C Interface

The SW6208 integrates Type-C logic controller include try.SRC role. When SOURCE is attached, charger will
automatically turn on to charge battery. When SOURCE is detached, charger will automatically turn off. When
SINK is attached, boost will automatically turn on to supply device. When SINK is detached, boost will turn
off .

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When SINK is attached and boost turns on , the SW6208 works in SOURCE role, and will broadcast power
level of 3A. if adapter inserts in Micro-B or Lightning port and boost not turns on, the SW6208 will also
broadcast power level of 3A.

9.6 PD Fast Charge

The SW6208 integrates PPS/PD3.0/PD2.0 fast charge protocol, supports input and output fast charge. It
supports PPS 5~5.9V@3A, 5~11V@2A output voltage, PD3.0/PD2.0 5V@3A, 9V@2A, 12V@1.5A output
voltage, and 5V/9V/12V input voltage.

9.7 QC3.0/QC2.0 Fast Charge

The SW6208 integrates QC4+/QC4/QC3.0/QC2.0 fast charge protocol. It supports Class A, while QC2.0
supporting 5V/9V/12V output voltage and QC3.0 supporting 5V~12V output voltage, 200mV/Step.
QC2.0/QC3.0 will output voltage base on DP/DM voltage:

Device SW6208


3.3V 3.3V previous voltage not respond

0.6V 0.6V 12V

3.3V 0.6V 9V

0.6V 3.3V continuous mode 0.2V/Step

0.6V GND 5V

9.8 AFC Fast Charge

The SW6208 integrates AFC fast charge protocol, supports 5V/9V/12V output voltage and 5V/9V input

9.9 FCP Fast Charge

The SW6208 integrates FCP fast charge protocol, supports 5V/9V/12V output voltage and 5V/9V input

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9.10 SCP Fast Charge

The SW6208 integrates SCP fast charge protocol, supports 5V@4.5A output voltage and 5.5V/3A input

9.11 PE Fast Charge

The SW6208 integrates PE2.0/PE1.1 fast charge protocol. PE2.0 supports 5V~12V output voltage,
500mV/Step. PE1.1 supports 5V/7V/9V/12V output voltage and 5V/9V input voltage.

9.12 SFCP Fast Charge

The SW6208 integrates SFCP fast charge protocol, supports 5V/9V/12V output voltage.

9.13 LVDC Fast Charge

The SW6208 integrates low voltage direct charge fast charge protocol, supports 5V@4A output voltage.

9.14 BC1.2 Module

The SW6208 integrates BC1.2 controller, and automatically detects apple and samsung devices:
Apple 2.4A mode: DP=2.7V, DM=2.7V;
Samsung 2A mode: DP=1.2V, DM=1.2V;

9.15 Lightning Decryption

The SW6208 integrates lightning decryption and supports inner decryption or external decryption. When
selecting inner decryption, DATA pin is directly connected to Lightning port. When selecting external
decryption, DATA pin is connected to VCC, and use external decryption chip to decrypt Lightning cable.

9.16 Fuel Gauge

The SW6208 integrates coulometer to obtain accurate battery capacity.
The coulometer supports battery maximal capacity self-learning, and can learn the battery current maximal
capacity in one complete charge cycle .
The battery initial capacity can be set by a resister which connecting LED5/CSET pin to ground. The relation
between initial capacity Cset and resister Rcset is:
Rset=( Cset +2000 )*5/3

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While Cset unit is mAh, and Rset unit is Ω.

The constant charge time can be set by a resister which connecting KEY/GSET/IDA1 pin to VCC.

9.17 ADC
The SW6208 integrates 12 bit ADC, and samples VOUT voltage/IOUT current/battery voltage/NTC
voltage/chip temperature.

ADC channel Range Step

VOUT voltage 0~16.384V 4mV

IOUT current 0~9.309A 25/11mA

Battery voltage 0~4.915V 1.2mV

NTC voltage 0~4.505V 1.1mV

Chip temperature -100~200℃ 1/6.82℃

9.18 NTC Function

The SW6208 integrates NTC function. It monitors battery temperature and protects when battery temperature
is abnormal. NTC Pin will source a current to a NTC thermistor of 103AT, and measure the voltage to calculate
battery temperature. NTC Pin will source 80uA for higher accuracy when NTC thermistor is in low resistance,
and 40uA for wider range in high resistance. It sources 80uA in default mode. When NTC voltage is higher
than 2.712V, it changes to 40uA; When NTC voltage is lower than 0.718V, it changes to 80uA.
While using a typical NTC thermistor of 103AT, protection threshold and NTC voltage in discharge mode is as

Threshold Description NTC Temperature/℃ NTC Voltage/V NTC Current/uA

NTC Low Temperature Protection -20 2.711 40

NTC High Temperature Regulation 55 0.283 80

NTC High Temperature Protection 60 0.242 80

Protection threshold and NTC voltage in Charge mode is as below:

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Threshold Description NTC Temperature/℃ NTC Voltage/V NTC Current/uA

NTC Low Temperature Protection 0 2.182 80

NTC JEITA Low Temperature for 5 1.764 80

Reducing Current

NTC JEITA Low Temperature for 10 1.437 80

Returning to Normal

NTC JEITA High Temperature for 40 0.466 80

Returning to Normal

NTC JEITA High Temperature for 45 0.393 80

Reducing Target Voltage

NTC High Temperature Protection 50 0.333 80

Resisters can be in series or parallel with the NTC thermistor to change the protection temperature range. If not
needing NTC protection, connect NTC pin to GND.

9.19 Segment Driver

The SW6208 integrates segment driver, and supports normal 188 segment and fast charge 188 segment with %
and fast charge indication.
The normal 188 segment type is YF2252S-5. Its mechanical outline and circuit diagram is as below:

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The normal 188 segment driver connection is as below:

The fast charge 188 segment type is KHP302518, and is set when LED4/I2C pin connects a 100KΩ resister to
ground. Its mechanical outline and circuit diagram is as below:

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The fast charge 188 segment driver connection is as below:

In discharge mode, segment will keep on to indicate battery capacity. When battery capacity is lower than 5%,
segment will flicker with frequency of 1Hz. When battery is low power, segment 0% will flicker 5 times to
indicate battery needs to charge and then power off.
In charge mode, segment units will flicker to indicate battery capacity.
In abnormal situation such as output over current, output short, input over voltage, chip over temperature and
NTC protection, segment will flicker 5 times to indicate abnormal situation and then power off.

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9.20 Led Driver

The led driver supports 3/4/5 LEDs.
When connecting 5 LEDs, the LEDs connect way is as below:

When discharging, battery capacity is shown as:

Capacity LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5
80~100% On On On On On
60~80% On On On On Off
40~60% On On On Off Off
20~40% On On Off Off Off
5~20% On Off Off Off Off
1~5% Flicker Off Off Off Off
0% Off Off Off Off Off

When charging, battery capacity is shown as:

Capacity LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5
100% On On On On On
80~99% On On On On Flicker
60~80% On On On Flicker Off
40~60% On On Flicker Off Off
20~40% On Flicker Off Off Off
0~20% Flicker Off Off Off Off

When connecting 4 LEDs, the LEDs connect way is as below:

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When discharging, battery capacity is shown as:

Capacity LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4
75~100% On On On On
50~75% On On On Off
25~50% On On Off Off
5~25% On Off Off Off
1~5% Flicker Off Off Off
0% Off Off Off Off

When charging, battery capacity is shown as:

Capacity LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4
100% On On On On
75~99% On On On Flicker
50~75% On On Flicker Off
25~50% On Flicker Off Off
0~25% Flicker Off Off Off

When connecting 3 LEDs, the LEDs connect way is as below:

When discharging, battery capacity is shown as:

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Capacity LED1 LED2 LED3

66~100% On On On
33~66% On On Off
5~33% On Off Off
1~5% Flicker Off Off
0% Off Off Off

When charging, battery capacity is shown as:

Capacity LED1 LED2 LED3
100% On On On
66~99% On On Flicker
33~66% On Flicker Off
0~33% Flicker Off Off

The led driver supports low power indication. When battery is low power, LED1 will flicker 5 times to indicate
battery needs to charge and then power off.
In abnormal situation such as output over current, output short, input over voltage, chip over temperature and
NTC protection, all LED will flicker 5 times to indicate abnormal situation and then power off.

9.21 WLED Driver

The SW6208 integrates flash light driver, and controlled by long key. WLED driver and PD fast input function
of Lightning port is shared with CCL/WLED pin, and is set when LED3/IRQ pin connects a 100KΩ resister
to ground.

9.22 Fast Charge Led

The SW6208 integrates fast charge LED driver through FLED/BSET/IDA2 pin. When in input or output fast
charge status, FLED/BSET/IDA2 pin will drive low to turn on fast charge led.

9.23 KEY
The SW6208 integrates key function. It supports push key, and supports short key, long key and double short
Short key: Type-A1 port, Type-C port of light load and segment/led driver will turn on;
Long key: WLED driver will turn on or turn off; When in small current charge mode, enter or quit small
current charge mode.
Double short key: Type-A1/Type-A2 port, Type-C output port and segment/led driver will turn off ;

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9.24 I2C Interface

The SW6208 integrates I2C interface, supports 100K/400K rate. I2C interface and Segment/led driver are
shared the same four pins, identifying by seting led4/i2c pin. When using as I2C interface, LED4/I2C should
connect to ground. Wireless charge, small current charge and flash light driver modes are set by register in I2C

Read Timing:
Slave address :0x3C
Register address: 0xB0

Write Timing:
Slave address :0x3C
Register address: 0xB0

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10. Typical Application Circuits

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11. Mechanical and Packaging

11.1 Package Summary

11.2 Package Outline and Dimensions

Dimension in Millimeters
A 0.70 0.75 0.80
A1 - 0.02 0.05
b 0.15 0.20 0.25
c 0.18 0.20 0.23
D 5.90 6.00 6.10
D2 4.10 4.20 4.30
e 0.40BSC
Ne 4.40BSC
Nd 4.40BSC
E 5.90 6.00 6.10
E2 4.10 4.20 4.30
L 0.35 0.40 0.45
h 0.30 0.35 0.40

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12. Revision History

V1.0 Initial version.

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