Ecdl Mod4
Ecdl Mod4
Ecdl Mod4
Microsoft Excel XP Edition for ECDL Syllabus Four
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References to the European Computer Driving License (ECDL) include the International Computer Driving
License (ICDL). ECDL Syllabus Version 4.0 is published as the official syllabus for use within the European
Computer Driving License (ECDL) and International Computer Driving License (ICDL) certification programme." Generate formulas using cell references and arithmetic operators (addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division). ...............................................................................................................................
43 Recognize and understand standard error values associated with using formulas. ..........
4.4.2 CELL REFERENCING ..................................................................................................................................
47 Understand and use relative, mixed, absolute cell referencing in formulas. .......................
4.4.3 WORKING WITH FUNCTIONS......................................................................................................................
50 Generate formulas using sum, average, minimum, maximum, count, functions. ...............
50 Generate formulas using the logical function if (yielding one of two specified values)......
82 Add, modify text in Headers, Footers in a worksheet. .............................................................
82 Insert fields: page numbering information, date, time, file name, worksheet name into
4.7.2 PREPARATION ............................................................................................................................................
85 Understand the importance of checking spreadsheet calculations and text before
86 Preview a worksheet. .....................................................................................................................
86 Turn on, off display of gridlines, display of row and column headings for printing
purposes. .......................................................................................................................................................
86 Apply automatic title row(s) printing on every page of a printed worksheet. .......................
4.7.3 PRINTING ....................................................................................................................................................
88 Print a cell range from a worksheet, an entire worksheet, number of copies of a
worksheet, the entire spreadsheet, a selected chart. ............................................................................
The worksheets in turn are grouped together into workbooks. By default each workbook
in Excel contains 3 worksheets, which are identified by tabs displayed along the bottom
of your screen, which identify the individual worksheets making up the workbook. By
default the first worksheet is called Sheet1, the next is Sheet2 and so on.
By default each new workbook you open will contain 3 blank worksheets, although you
can increase this number or reduce it down to a workbook, which only contains one
To close Excel
From the File menu, select Exit
OR press Alt+F4
OR click on the Excel Close icon (top-right of the Excel program window).
Locate the file which you wish to open and then double click on the file name to open it.
If you need to change to a different folder, then you can use the Up One Level icon
OR you can click on the down arrow next to the Look in field.
To select, and open, multiple files which are not in a continuous block
Click on the Open icon which will display the file Open dialog box. Click on the first file
which you wish to select and while keeping the Ctrl key depressed, click on the other
files which you wish to select. When you release the Ctrl key, the selected files will
continue to be highlighted.
In the section of the dialog box called File Name, enter a name for your file. Then click
on the Save button to save the file.
Click on the down arrow to the right of the Save in section of the dialog box, which will
display a drop down menu, as illustrated. Save a spreadsheet in another file type such as: text file, HTML,
template, software specific file extension, version number.
To save a file in a format other than Excel format, such as Lotus 123
From the File drop down menu, click on the Save As command.
If necessary, select the folder in which you wish to save the file from the Look in list box.
Click on the down arrow to the right of the Save as type: box, and select the type of file
format in which you wish to save the file as, i.e. WKS, Excel 4 etc.
- Styles
- Headers and Footers
- Formulas
- Macros
Templates are stored with the extension .XLT and when they are accessed to create a
new sheet, a copy of the original is made. The original template is left untouched ready
for further use. A template is produced by creating a spreadsheet which contains all the
elements you want, and then saving it as an .XLT file.
To use a template
From the File menu, select New to display the New dialog box.
Select the template you require. Notice that you normally see a number of tabs on this
dialog box, such as General and Spreadsheet Solutions. If you wish to use the default
template, select Workbook from the General tab.
Select OK to open a copy of the template, i.e. a Workbook.
NOTE: Some formatting information which is contained in the original may be lost in the
To switch to a different, open workbook (using the Window drop down menu)
Within Excel, click on the Window drop down menu, and you will see workbooks listed,
as illustrated (in this case Book1 and Book2)
Today's Tip
By default Excel will display a tip of the day each time you start Excel. If you take the
time to read these when they are displayed, then you will soon find that you are on the
way to becoming an Excel expert!
To close a spreadsheet
From the File menu, select Close.
You will be asked if you wish to save any changes you have made to the file. Select Yes
to save, or No to ignore the changes.
If you are saving a new file, the Save As dialog box will be displayed. In the File name
text box, enter a name and click on the Save button.
Choose the Toolbar you want to display by clicking on it from the list.
To freeze panes
To freeze a horizontal (column) heading, move the mouse pointer to the location
indicated and drag and drop to display one or more column.
To freeze a vertical (row) heading, move the mouse pointer to the location indicated and
drag and drop to display one or more row.
To unfreeze panes
From the Window menu, choose Unfreeze Panes.
To set the user name: Enter your name in the User Name section of the dialog box.
To set the default directory: Enter the path to the directory which you wish to set up as
the default directory, in the Default file location section of the dialog box. Once applied
this default directory will be the one displayed in opening and saving dialog boxes within
4.2 Cells
To enter numbers
Select the cell in which you want to enter a number and type in the number. If you want
to make the number a negative, type a minus sign in front of it or enclose it in
parentheses (i.e. brackets).
To indicate decimal places, you type a full stop.
The numbers will be right aligned by default. If you wish to enter a number or formula as
text, type an apostrophe before it.
To select a cell
Click on the cell you wish to select.
To select a row
Click the row heading number.
To select a column
Click on the column-heading letter.
Release the Control (Ctrl) key. The selected columns will remain selected, as illustrated.
NOTE: If you enter text which exceeds the column width, it will spill over into the next
column as long as the cell does not contain any data. If it contains data the entry will be
truncated at the edge of the cell. Although the entire entry does not appear, it will still be
intact. If you enter a number which exceeds the width of a column, ### signs will be
displayed in the cell to let you know that the column is not wide enough.
Let’s say that we wanted to change the data in the selected cell from Accounts for 2002
to Accounts for 2003 There are two ways of doing this:
Method One: Click in the editing bar towards the top of your screen, where you will see
the contents of the selected cell displayed. Make your changes.
Method Two: Called 'in place editing'. Double click on the cell containing the data which
you wish to edit, and then edit the data directly within that cell.
To undo a command
Click the Undo icon on the Standard toolbar
To redo a command
Click the Redo icon on the Standard toolbar. Use the autofill tool/copy handle tool to copy, increment data
To use AutoFill
Enter a starting value for the series which you wish to create.
Enter the second value in the next cell.
Move the mouse pointer to the "fill handle" (this is the small black square at the bottom
right of the selected area). When the mouse pointer is over the fill handle, it will change
shape, from a large white cross to a small black cross.
Depress the mouse button and drag as far as you wish to extend the range.
When you release the mouse button the range will have been filled with incremental
Autofill can be used for number sequencing, days of the week, or months of the year.
NOTE: You could add your own custom lists using this dialog box. Move cell range contents, entire row(s), entire column(s) within a
worksheet, between worksheets, between open spreadsheets.
NOTE: If you delete values from cells, which are used in formulas, the formulas will
return errors.
Type the text you wish to find in the Find what text box.
Click on the Find Next button to find the next occurrence of the text you are looking for.
Type the replacement text in the Replace with text box. Select from the following:
Replace All: Will replace all occurrences of the text in the Find What section
with the text in the Replace With section.
4.3 Worksheets
The effect is illustrated below, where the new sheet four has been inserted before sheet
You can then type over the default worksheet name, which will become highlighted.
If the worksheet contains data, a warning dialog box is displayed. Select Delete to
Right click on the worksheet tab, and select the Move or Copy command.
Click on the down arrow to the right of the Before Sheet section of the dialog box. Select
which worksheet you wish to insert the copy in front of.
Click on Create a copy.
Click on the OK button. An example of the effect is illustrated below (in this example we
choose to insert before worksheet 1)
Right click on the worksheet tab, and select the Move or Copy command.
Click on the OK button. An example of the effect is illustrated below. In the example
shown, Sheet 1 was moved to before Sheet 3.
Release the mouse button and the worksheet will be moved to the required location
Click on the down arrow to the right of the Before Sheet section of the dialog box. Select
which worksheet you wish to insert the copy in front of.
When the formula is complete, press Enter. The result of the formula will be calculated
and displayed in the cell.
You can display the formula itself in the Formula bar at the top of the screen by placing
the cell pointer on the cell.
If there is an error in a formula, an error message is displayed which will begin with a #
NOTE: If you cannot find an error in a function you can use the Paste Function to
debug it. Highlight the problem cell and click on the Paste Function icon on the formula
bar or Standard toolbar.
Move the cell pointer to the first cell reference using the arrow keys. The formula will
track your progress and enter the current address into the formula.
Press Enter to complete the formula when you have reached the cell you require.
The contents of the cell cannot be displayed correctly as the column is too narrow.
Indicates that a cell reference is invalid. This is often displayed when you delete cells
which are involved in a formula.
From this screen you can get detailed information about each type of error message.
If we used drag and drop techniques to highlight cells C6 and D6 and extend the
formulas down the page, we might expect this to work OK but it does not.
To try this click on cells C6 and while keeping the Control key depressed click on cell
D6. Release the Control key and the two cells will remain selected.
Move the mouse pointer to the fill handle, i.e. the small, square black dot at the bottom
right corner of the selected range.
Depress the mouse button and drag down for two rows, then release the mouse button.
If you look in cells C7 and C8 there is no VAT calculated!
Clicking on cell C7 gives the clue as to why this did not work. It contains a formula as
I.e. instead of picking up the VAT rate from cell E1, the formula is pointing to E2 (which is
This illustrates relative referencing: The referencing is using an X (i.e. right-left) and Y
(i.e. up-down) set of co-ordinates rather than an absolute addressing system, which
would always point to the contents of a particular cell.
If we used drag and drop techniques to highlight cells C6 and D6 and extend the
formulas down the page, we might expect this to work OK and this time it does!
To try this click on cell C6 and while keeping the Control key depressed click on cell D6.
Release the Control key and the two cells will remain selected.
Move the mouse pointer to the fill handle, i.e. the small, square black dot at the bottom
right corner of the selected range.
Depress the mouse button and drag down for two rows, then release the mouse button.
As you can see to use absolute addressing, you prefix both parts of the cell address, by
a dollar ($) symbol.
NOTE: While entering formula into a worksheet you can use the F4 key to quickly
convert a relative cell reference to absolute, e.g. Select a cell and type =B4 and press
the F4 key, Excel will insert the dollar symbols for you.
What is a function?
A function allows you to calculate a result such as summing numbers together, or finding
the average of a range of numbers.
Common functions
Some commonly used functions include:
COUNT: Used to count how many numbers are in the list of arguments.
Commonly used functions, as displayed when you click on the down arrow next to the
AutoSum icon.
If the range is correct, press Enter. In the example shown, clicking on the AutoSum icon
produced the following =SUM(F3:F6). This means that the numbers within the cell range,
F3:F6 will be summed.
If Excel has not summed the correct range, then select the range you want to sum and
press Enter.
In the example illustrated, the function has automatically selected the range D7:D10, and
will calculate the average value of the grades for English tests.
In the example illustrated, the function has automatically selected the range D7:D10, and
will calculate the maximum value.
In the example illustrated, the function has automatically selected the range D7:D10, and
will calculate the minimum value.
To list the number of people present using the Count function , we first need to click on
the cell you want to contain the Count formula, i.e. cell D15.
Click on the down arrow next to the AutoSum icon and select the Count function.
As you will see in this case the function has not selected the range which includes all the
names, but only the two names in the range D13:D14. The reason for this is the gap in
the column of numbers in cell D12.
NOTE: We can use the same technique to display the number of persons not present in
cell E15.
The IF Function
Excel has a number of functions which allow us to evaluate values and make decisions
based on the result of the evaluation. The IF( ) Function is one of these.
IF( ) Syntax
The format (Syntax) of the IF( ) function is as follows:
IF(Logical_test, Action_if_true, Action_if_false)
The logical_test evaluates an expression to see if it passes the test, i.e. is TRUE or does
not pass the test, i.e. is FALSE
Action_if_true can be a value or an operation. Whichever, the result is placed in the cell
which contains the IF( ) Function if the logical_test is true.
Action_if_false can be a value or an operation. Whichever, the result is placed in the cell
which contains the IF( ) Function if the logical_test is false.
NOTE: To display the Insert Function dialog box you could have pressed the Shift+F3
key combination.
Select the IF function, and then click on the OK button, which will display the Functional
Arguments dialog box for the IF function.
Enter the required expression to be evaluated into the logical_test text area. Press the
Tab key.
Enter the required expression to be evaluated into the value_if_true text area. Press the
Tab key.
Enter the required expression to be evaluated into the value_if_false text area and then
click OK.
In cells I8:I13 we need to display the word Pass or Fail, depending on whether the
average is over 70%. We first need to click on cell I8. Then we need to click on the
Insert Function icon. Next select the IF function within the Insert Function dialog box
and click on the OK button.
In the Logical_test section of the dialog box, we enter the logical test, i.e. H8>70
In the Value_if_true section of the dialog box, we enter the word Pass
In the Value_if_false section of the dialog box, we enter the word Fail
Click on the OK button to continue. Use the normal Excel drag techniques to extend this
function to the cells I9:I13.
4.5 Formatting
4.5.1 Numbers/Dates
23456 will become £23,456.00 (or your local currency equivalent)
.25 will become 25%
12345 will become 12,345.00
Increase Decimal
23,456.00 will become 23,456.000
Decrease Decimal
23,456.00 will become 23,456.0
To add a decimal point to the selection, click on the Increase Decimal icon on the
Formatting toolbar. You can continue to click to add as many decimals as required.
To remove a decimal point from the selection, click on the Decrease Decimal icon on
the Formatting toolbar. Again, you can continue to click to remove as many decimals as
NOTE: Formatting a cell using the percentage style, multiplies the value by 100 and
displays the results using a percentage symbol. Thus if you wished to use a value which
would display as 20%, you would enter 0.2 into a cell formatted this way.
4.5.2 Contents Apply formatting to cell contents such as: bold, italic, underline,
double underline.
Click on the OK button to close the dialog box. An example of this effect is illustrated
Select the color you wish to use for the cell background (be careful that you select a
color which will allow you to still see the cell contents, for instance, do not select a dark
background, if you are using black as the cell contents color!)
Press the OK button when you have made your selections. An example is illustrated
below. Copy the formatting from a cell, cell range to another cell, cell
Select the text to which you wish to copy the formatting, and when you release the
mouse button you will see that the formatting applied to the first block of text has been
copied to the newly selected text.
After Align contents in a cell range: left, centre, right; top and, bottom.
To align data within a cell range, to the left, to the right or to centre data
Select the cell(s) you wish to align.
Click on the Align Left icon to align data to the left.
Click on OK.
Now let’s say that you wanted the word WEEKDAY, to be centered within the range C3
Enter the word WEEKDAY in cell C3 and press Return.
Select the range C3 to G3.
Click on the Merge and Centre icon, as illustrated.
Select the option you require. Once you have added a border using the Borders icon,
the border you selected will appear on the Borders icon. You can add the same border
simply by clicking on the icon after you have selected the cell(s) to which you wish to
apply the border.
To apply a border to a cell range (using the Format Cells/Border dialog box)
You could select a cell, or range of cells, and then click on the Format drop down menu,
from which you can select the Cells command. This will display the Format Cells dialog
Select the Border tab, as illustrated.
You can use this dialog box to apply borders and also to vary the type of border applied.
First choose a preset format to apply a border style.
Then click on the Border icons within the dialog box.
Finally use the Style and Color options to customize your borders.
Click on the OK button to apply the border formatting and close the dialog box.
From within the Chart Type section of the dialog box, select the required chart type, such
as column chart, bar chart, line chart or pie chart. In this example we have selected the
Click on the Next button.
The next page of the Chart Wizard is displayed. You can make changes if required.
Click on the Next button. The next page of the Chart Wizard allows you to add items
such as chart titles, gridlines, etc.
You can make changes as required, and then click on the Next button.
The final page of the Chart Wizard is displayed. You would normally click on the Finish
button at this point to insert the chart as an object into your worksheet.
I.e. the Data drop down menu is replaced by a Chart drop down menu.
Click on the Chart drop down menu, and select the Chart Options command. Make
sure that the Titles tab is selected. Enter or modify a title as required.
We could have used the same method to select and delete a label, for instance in the
example shown, we have selected the Y axis label.
Select the required background color, and then click on the OK button. Change the column, bar, line, pie slice colors in a chart/graph.
To change the color of a column, bar, line or pie slice within a chart
Click on the chart to select it.
Click on the chart column, bar, line or pie slice to select it.
Click on one of the chart types which are displayed within the drop down menu. NOTE:
When wishing to convert to a Pie chart you have to use only one data series.
An example of the professional looking results which can be achieved is shown below.
Click on the Edit drop down menu and select the Copy command.
Click elsewhere within the worksheet, click on the Edit drop down menu and select the
Paste command. You may have to move the chart to the required position.
To re-size a chart
Move the mouse to one of the corner selection handles (the small square black boxes)
and drag and drop. The chart is re-sized in the same way that any graphic is re-sized
within the Microsoft suite of applications.
To delete a chart
Click on the chart you wish to delete to select it and press Delete. The chart will be
Click on the File drop down menu and select the Page Setup command. This will display
the Page Setup dialog box.
Select the Page tab. Select Portrait or Landscape orientation, as well as the desired
paper size.
down menus in the Page Setup dialog box. From the File menu, select Page Setup to
display the Page Setup dialog box. Make sure the Header/Footer tab is displayed.
Click on the down arrow to the right of the Header list box to reveal a list of available
Click on the header required to select it.
Click on the down arrow on the right of the Footer list box to reveal a list of available
Click on the footer required to select it.
Click on OK to accept the header and footer and close the dialog box. Insert fields: page numbering information, date, time, file name,
worksheet name into headers
Click within the section of the header or footer where you wish the page number to be
displayed, i.e. left, centre or right.
Click on the Page Numbering icon.
Click on the OK button, and then click on the OK button of the Page Setup dialog box, so
that all the dialog boxes are now closed.
TIP: To see your header/footer displayed on screen, click on the Print preview icon, to
view the worksheet as it would print.
Click within the section of the header or footer where you wish the field to be displayed,
i.e. left, centre or right.
Font: Allows you to modify the font type and font attributes.
Total Pages: Inserts the total number of pages into the footer/header. By using this
in conjunction with Page Number you can have a header which would, for instance,
display in the format Page 7 of 20.
File Name: Insert the name of the current workbook (i.e. file name).
When you have made your selections, click on the OK button, and then click on the OK
button of the Page Setup dialog box, so that all the dialog boxes are now closed.
4.7.2 Preparation
To preview a worksheet
Click on the Print Preview icon within the Standard Excel toolbar.
You will see a new toolbar displayed. Click on the Close button to return to the normal
Excel view of your data. Turn on, off display of gridlines, display of row and column
headings for printing purposes.
To print gridlines make sure that the Gridlines check box (in the Print area of the dialog
box) is ticked. To turn off the printing of gridlines make sure that this option is not ticked.
Select OK.
Select OK.
Select OK. If you view a multi-page document within the Print Preview view, you will
now see each row title is automatically printed on each page.
4.7.3 Printing
Within the Copies section of the dialog box, enter the required number of copies.
To print the entire workbook (including all the worksheets within it)
Click on the File drop down and select the Print command.
Within the Print what section of the dialog box, select the Entire workbook option.
Make any other changes as required from the dialog box, and then click on the OK
button to print the chart.