CSS G12 Module 3 Q2
CSS G12 Module 3 Q2
CSS G12 Module 3 Q2
Computer Systems
Servicing NCII
Quarter 1
Module 3: Network Operating Systems
(NOS) features.
Source: Kamala Pujhari, “Client Sever Network”, Client Server Network Examples, Security, Advantages and Disadvantages,
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Reviewers: Dr. Nixon SA. Olfindo, EPS / Darcy Guy Y. Mañebo, EPS
I. Introduction:
In able for you to create an efficient client-server network, it is necessary to
understand different terms and policies you will encounter in configuring a server
network and the benefits of using Group Policy Object (GPO). In this lesson you will
also be familiarized in the step by step process of creating accounts like the OU,
Groups and User. Understanding it will also be helpful in troubleshooting future
problems in your network.
II. Objectives
At the end of the lesson you are expected to:
➢ Hostname
The term hostname is sometimes used in place of ‘FQDN’
➢ Host name
The term host name (with space in between) refers to the ‘host’ or the
computer name in a network
➢ Network Drive
A network drive is a storage device on a local access network (LAN) within a
business or home. Within a business, the network drive is usually located on
a server or a network-attached storage (NAS) device.
➢ (Organizational Unit):
Organizational Unit let you organize the users in one container that can hold
all user and computer accounts that have common needs so that can be easily
managed and supported by the administrator
➢ User
User is the person who can use any specific computer in the given
environment with the specified policies.
IV. Pre-Test
True or False. Read each statement carefully and on your answer sheet/notebook,
write FACT if the statement is correct, or BLUFF if the statement is false.
V. Learning Activities
Learning Activity 1. I knew it!
Take a look at the words listed in the box. .com, .ph .gov
Correct! Those words are called domains names. You can find it on any website you visit like
Facebook.com, YouTube.com, en.wikipedia.org., deped.gov.ph and many other sites.
In this activity you will have to answer the crossword puzzle below with the help of the guide
question from. Write your answer on your notebook.
1. Domain name used for government agencies.
2. This domain name was created for U.S.
Military branches
4. 2.
Important Terms, Tools and Concepts in AD DS:
Domain Name System (DNS),
MD Juwel, What is a Top-Level Domain
(TLD), July 2018,
User is the person who can use any specific computer in the given environment with the
specified policies. You can log on the computer by the Active Directory user account. The Active
Directory account identifies the user and establish authentication so that the user can use the resources
within the domain.
OU (Organizational Unit):
Organizational Unit let you organize the users in one container that can hold all user and
computer accounts that have common needs so that can be easily managed and supported by the
administrator. The example is an OU Students that is for all the common users. The domain can contain
the collection of different OUs with the same policies as security (password policy) that is basically
same for every user in the OU. The organizational unit administrator is responsible for user and
computer account maintenance in the OU.
Source: https://changemakerhighschool.org/policies
Good Job.
Same thing with the real life, computer network also has policies.
Group Policy Object (GPO):
Group policy object is the tool which
provides centralized configuration and
management for the operating system and let
you set rules on user and computer accounts in
the Active Directory as the system
administrator. It is used in the small businesses
and organizations very commonly.
▪ The improved security implementations for devices and users using firewall and IPsec
▪ Categorized management of resources makes it possible to easily deploy and manage the
▪ You can manage multiple groups, logs and event in the GPO
Need for Group Policies
As organizations seek to increase productivity and revenues through
technology, they are also trying to minimize the complexity of managing a huge IT
infrastructure. The following are some of the reasons that illustrate why group policies
are necessity:
➢ Security
Even with all the authentication protocols and authorization techniques involved in AD, a
malicious user, can still gain access to network resources, if the attacker comes to know about a
user’s password. So, it is very important to have a strong password setting for all the users in an
organization. It is also important to record certain events like user login, access to a particular folder,
etc., for auditing purposes.
Create objects (OU, User and Groups) on Active Directory Windows Server
2008 R2
In this topic, the step by step procedure in creating an OU, User and Groups on ADD Windows
Server 2008 R2 will be given
Steps in Creating an OU
(Organizational Unit)
2. To create Organization Unit right click on Tekbloq.local and Click New and then
Click Organization Unit:
(Tekbloq.local is the sample domain name)
3. Type name of your New
Organizational Unit and click OK:
2. Type all required information below and
click next:
5. So now created an
account for Asim
Alili in the IT Users
Steps in Creating a Group under an OU
1. To create group, right click on IT Users OU and Click New and then click Group:
3. IT Group created:
VI. Practice Tasks
Practice Task #1 Identify me
Part 1. In this activity, you must identify whether the following are ‘FQDN’ Fully Qualified Domain
Name or a Domain name. Write your answer on your answer sheets.
Domain Name or
Identify the following name:
Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
Ex. www.one.com Fully Qualified Domain Name
1. en.wikipedia.org
2. twitter.com
3. nbi.gov.ph
4. www.jollibee.com.ph
5. css.local
Part 2. Create your own Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) then identify its parts. Whether it’s
the Top level domain, Second level domain or Host. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
If yes, where did you encounter a client-server type of network and what do you think its benefits?
If not, where do you think we can apply or use a client-server type of network or what situation can you
apply it?
Scoring Rubrics
5 4 3 2 Score
All content 80% of the Some content is The content is
reflects the content reflects related to the topic far from the
No spelling, Few spellings and Several spelling, So many
Spelling and Grammar
punctuation or punctuation punctuation or spelling,
grammatical errors, minor grammatical punctuation and
errors grammatical errors. grammatical
errors errors that’s
interferes in the
Part I. True or False. Write FACT if the statement is correct, or BLUFF if the statement is false.
1. A domain name can be considered as a Fully qualified domain name if it has a sub-domain name
and a top-level domain name.
2. The term “host name” also used to refer ‘FQDN’.
3. The user is the one who manage the network.
4. One of the benefits of GPO is that as the administrator you can block the devices for specific users
5. User group is a collection of user accounts that share the same security rights and permissions.
Part 2. Multiple choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Then write it in on your answer sheet.
6. What does FQDN stands for?
a. Fully Qualified Domain Name c. Fairly Qualified Domain Name
b. Fully Qualified Device Name d. Full Quality Device Name
7. In which tool can we create user and computer accounts; set their security policies and you can also
apply group policies?
a. Active Directory c. NAS
b. FQDN d. roaming profile
8. Which of the following is not a benefit of using GPO?
a. You can manage multiple groups, logs and event in the GPO.
b. You can block as the administrator the devices for specific users
c. You can easily manage the resource and deploy it to other computers.
d. You can as a user block the network administrator.
9. Which group policy enables a user to access its files and profile in any computer connected to a 1
a. Local Group Policy c. OU
b. Non-local Group Policy d. NAS
10. What does the abbreviation NAS mean?
a. Network-attached storage c. New account system
b. Network accessed storage d. New access system
In your notebook, write at least a paragraph containing a minimum of 3 sentences that’s answering
the questions below. (You make use any reference available. But don’t forget to cite your reference or
acknowledge your sources.)
Kamala Pujhari, “Client Sever Network”, Client Server Network Examples, Security, Advantages
and Disadvantages, February 3, 2020, https://lucentgkquiz.blogspot.com
ICONS - https://iconarchive.com/
Kchungtw, 3d business man presenting word easy concept, Free Royalty, www.gograph.com
Kristin Crabb, “Types of Domain Names: A Helpful Guide”, October 30, 2018,
Create objects(OU,user and goups) on Active Directory Windows Server 2008 R2, May 12, 2017,
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