Piping Spec.
Piping Spec.
Piping Spec.
06 Oct 2020
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Worley Project Execution Plan for the Basic Engineering study of Lanjigarh 5.0Mtpa Expansion
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PROJECT 311001-00064 - Lanjigarh 5.0 Mtpa Expansion Basic Engineering – Piping Standard
WorleyParsons Customer
Rev Description Original Review Date Date
Approval Approval
A For Internal Discipline
Review 24 Sept 2020
Appendix A. Piping Class Specification Sheets .............................................................................. 1
Appendix B. Piping Branch Chart .................................................................................................. 1
Appendix C. Valves for Alumina Plant Services ............................................................................. 1
Appendix D. Insulation Thickness ................................................................................................. 1
Appendix E. Instrument Process Connections ............................................................................... 1
Appendix F. Caustic Soda Service Chart ........................................................................................ 1
Specifications for components are generally related to ASME Standards for design, dimensions and
component ratings. Specifications for components are to ASTM Standards for materials.
The piping specifications are categorised under various "classes" depending on the maximum
operating pressures and temperatures, the type of service and the type of valves required. The
classes are identified by a three (3) character code designating general rating and base material. The
piping service classes are listed in Appendix A.
This standard is to be read in conjunction with the latest revision of the Basis of Design document
(Doc. No. 311001-00064-00E-GE-BOD-0001).
1.1 Abbreviations
API : American Petroleum Institute
ASME : American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM : American Society for Testing and Materials
SI : Système Internationale D'Unitès
MSS : Manufacturers' Standardisation Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry
FV : Full Vacuum. Set at minus 96.2kPa(g) for Lanjigarh 5.0 Mtpa Expansion project
1.2 Exclusions
The following piping systems are excluded:
Piping exposed either internally or externally to caustic liquors, slurries or fumes shall not have any
components made of non-ferrous materials susceptible to caustic attack, such as aluminium, zinc,
copper or related alloys.
These fluids have particular material compatibility requirements. Acids require piping which is
chemically resistant to attack. Caustic cleaning liquor at high concentrations and temperatures
causes long-term stress corrosion cracking of welds. Although the carbon steel pipe material is itself
resistant, it is prudent to avoid excessive restraint (which leads to thermal expansion stress), and to
stress-relieve welds in large or critical pipe work used frequently for caustic cleaning liquor.
The caustic external environment precludes use of non-ferrous metals in the plant. The main utility
and reagent piping services are:
Refer also to the Summary of Piping Classes in Appendix A which lists all of the Services by Piping Class.
Process Slurries
Bauxite Slurry BSL <110 <155 A 1C8
Mud Slurry MSL <110 <130 A 1C8
Digestion Feed Slurries DFS <110 <160 A 1C8 / 3C3
Digestion Slurries DSL <170 <160 A 1C8
Blow Off Slurries BOS <110 <160 1C8
Residue Mud Slurries RMS <65 <25 3C2 / 6C1
Hydrate Slurries HSL <110 <135 - 1C7
Fine Seed Slurries FSL <110 <85 - 1C7
Oxalate Slurries OSL <110 <25 - 1C3
Lime Slurry LSL <110 <1 1C7
Tricalcium Aluminate TCA <110 <135 1C7
Cleaning Liquors
Caustic Cleaning Liquor CCL <110 <650 - 1C7
Cleaning Liquor Used CLU <110 <650 - 1C7
In addition to being resistant to the contained process fluid and environmental conditions, all
components utilised in the plant piping systems shall also be considered as being routinely exposed to
caustic liquor in all situations. Accordingly caustic contamination of flash vapours, process condensate and
cooling waters is to be expected. All materials shall therefore be resistant to caustic.
Cast iron material, other than for wafer style butterfly valves or diaphragm valve bodies, shall not be used
for process or service piping components subject to pressure or external piping loads. Grey cast iron shall
not be used for any piping components (due to its brittle nature and inability to withstand impact). Non
ferrous metals such as aluminium, bronze, zinc and brass shall not be used.
Most pipe components and fittings are specified to common standards and are readily available. Special or
uncommon items, fittings and valves shall be selected from preferred vendors whose products have a
proven track performance in alumina refinery service around the world.
Materials: ASTM A53, A105, A106, A134, A285, A234, A193, A194, A403, A182, A516, A240
Fabricated tees shall only be used where the branch diameter is less than half the header diameter (ie. d b
≤ 0.5 x dh). The branch reinforcement shall fully reinforce the header to it’s nominal wall thickness.
Alternatively weldolets can be used for these branch sizes.
Reducing tees shall be used for all branch sizes greater than half the header diameter.
Seamless pipe is specified for many of the Piping Class Specification sheets in Appendix A. As an
alternative, Electric Resistance Welded (ERW) pipe can be utilised for larger pipe sizes where it fully
complies with the requirements of the design codes above and the requirements of the latest edition of
the standard API 5L ‘Specification for Line Pipe’. It must also meet the carbon content requirements in
Section 3.2.1.
The free caustic concentration (wt%) in the process stream can be calculated using the following formula:
80/106 x Caustic Conc. expressed g[Na2CO3]/l – 80/102 x Alumina Conc. g[Al2O3]/l x 100%
The Caustic Soda Service Chart in Appendix F provides the temperature and free caustic concentration
limits for Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking (CSCC) susceptibility of carbon steel in the ‘as welded’ and
‘stress relieved’ condition in caustic soda solution. This can be used as a guideline to determine the
requirement for stress relief. (Refer to NACE Standard SP0403-2003 Item No. 21102 for further
information). According to the NACE Standard, caustic soda concentrations greater than 5 wt% pose a
threat of CSCC in carbon steel, however there is still a possibility of cracking failures occurring in services
with lower caustic content at local stress concentrations.
The following piping and equipment should be considered for stress relieving as a minimum:
15mm; 20mm; 25mm; 40mm; 50mm; 80mm; 100mm; 150mm; 200mm; 250mm; 300mm; 350mm;
400mm; 450mm; 500mm; 600mm; 750mm; 900mm.
Pipe sizes above 900mm may be used in increments of 50mm, however, increments of 150mm are
preferred e.g., 1050mm, 1200mm, 1350mm etc.
At equipment with intermediate size connections, use reducers to match above preferred pipe sizes.
3.4 Valves
Some valves are specified to common standards and are widely available.
Angle slurry valves and control valves are available only from limited sources. These valves are often
manufactured to proprietary (vendor) specifications and dimensions. For these items selection of a
preferred vendor and component range must be confirmed, prior to commencement of Detailed
The table in Appendix C summarises the details of isolation valves required by the piping specifications
presented within this document.
These valves are used on Bayer slurries, and all other process applications where significant scale growth
is likely to prevent other valves operating adequately. Major suppliers/manufacturers of angle slurry
valves for the alumina industry include Lunkenheimer, Klein and Poyam.
As a minimum, Class 150 valves shall have 13% Cr Seats on body and disk, and Class 300 shall have stellite
hard-faced Seats.
All class 800 small bore SW valves shall have full stellite trim (seat and disc).
3.5 Gaskets
Gaskets for all services are nominated in the Piping Class Specification Sheets in Appendix A. Gasket types
and materials of construction shall be confirmed in Detail Engineering.
4.1 General
Insulation in the alumina plant will generally be used on pipework to reduce heat loss or to protect
personnel from contact with hot surfaces.
E Electrically Traced and insulated for systems operating in the temperature range of +90°C to
C Cold temperature insulation designated for systems operating in the temperature range of
-50°C, to +10°C.
0 No insulation.
For heat loss insulation steam valves shall be enclosed in insulation boxes.
As an alternative to insulation for personal protection, perforated stainless steel sheet may be installed in
lieu of insulation. It has to be sufficiently clear of the pipe or equipment, such that the temperature of the
perforated sheet remains in the range 0C to 60C, when the pipe or equipment is in service and has
reached maximum or minimum operating temperature.
4.3.1 General
Insulation materials shall be non-combustible. Materials containing asbestos shall not be used for any
insulation or other purposes.
Insulation shall be protected with coated steel sheet, or a fabric reinforced mastic. Sheet cladding shall be
secured with stainless steel fasteners or bands. No aluminium fasteners shall be used.
Thermal conductivity of the insulation material shall not exceed the values shown in sections below. The
quality of the insulation shall be such that the dimensional stability of the insulation shall remain
unchanged during handling and in service and shall not deteriorate due to vibration, moisture, caustic or
repeated heating/cooling cycles.
Nominal insulation thicknesses for mineral wool and high density fibreglass are shown in the table in
Appendix D. Insulation thickness for Calcium Silicate, shall be in accordance with manufacturers
recommendations, based on thermal conductivity.
Mineral wool shall be used for insulation of all vessels, tanks, equipment and piping in the refinery and
the power plant.
Cladding Material Pipework and Vertical vessels over Horizontal vessels and
vessels up to 760mm 760mm OD. pipework over 760mm OD
OD. and for valves and flanges.
Zincalume or 0.6 mm thick flat 0.6 mm thick sheet 1.0 mm thick flat sheet
Colourbond steel sheet (0.47mm for with corrugations
cladding pipes ≤200mm)
Type 304 0.6 mm thick flat 0.6 mm thick sheet 0.6 mm thick flat sheet
Stainless steel sheet with corrugations
Aluminium 0.71 mm thick flat 0.9 mm thick sheet 0.9 mm thick flat sheet
cladding * sheet with corrugations
* Aluminium cladding shall only be used in protected or low caustic exposure areas.
The specifications and guidelines are adequate for Basic Engineering, but shall be reviewed and
completed in final form in the detailed design and engineering by the Detail Engineer.
1C1 Unassigned
Plain CS. 1C2 Steam, CS 1.5 15-900 0 to 38 1960 High Pressure Steam (10 bar) HPS
SW Sm Bore. Condensate, 150# 100 1760 Low Pressure Steam (6 bar) LPS
Oils 200 1390 High Press Steam Condensate HSC
250 1200 Low Press Steam Condensate LSC
300 1020 Flash Vapour FV
Diesel Oil DO
Plain CS. Sm Br 1C3 Weak Liquors CS 1.5 15-600 0 to 38 1960 Oxalate Slurries OSL
Thrd'd or SW. (< 50 g/L 150# 50 1920 Residue Disposal Liquor RDL
To FLg Rtng. Caustic) 100 1760 Flash Condensate FLC
150 1580 Cleaning Condensate CON
200 1390
Galv. CS 1C4 High Pressure CS 1.5 15-250 0 to 38 1960 Instrument Purging Water IPW
Sm Br Thrd'd Utilities 150# 50 1920 Gland Water GW
To FLg Rtng. (< DN80 100 1760
Galv) 150 1580
Plain CS. 1C5 Plant Utilities CS 1.5 15-900 0 to 120 1000 Plant Air PA
Thrd'd. 150# and Blower Air BA
De-rated Full Instrument Air IA
for large sizes Vacuum Vacuum VC
& B/fly vlvs. Drinking Water DW
Raw Water RW
Filtered Raw Water FRW
Fire Water FW
Hosing (Industrial) Water HW
Alkaline Cooling Water ACW
Non-Alkaline Cooling Water NCW
Anti-Foam Reagent AFR
Drainage Aid DRA
Flocculant FLO
Process Water PW
General Chemical Services GCS
Sump Water SW
Plain CS. BW 1C6 Sulphuric Acid CS 1.5 15-400 0 to 40 1880 Concentrated Sulphuric 98% CSA
Sm & Lg Bore. & Raw Caustic 150# Raw (Fresh) Caustic CAU
To FLg Rtng.
Plain CS. 1C7 Plant Liquors, CS 1.5 50-600 0 to 170 1400 Washer Overflow WO
No SM Bore. Mud Hydrate 150# Pregnant Liquor PL
To FLg Rtng. Slurries Weak Liquor WCL
Hydrate Slurries HSL
Fine Seed Slurries FSL
Hydrate Filtrate FLT
Hot Spent Liquor SLH
Spent Liquor SL
Caustic Cleaning Liquor CCL
Cleaning Liquor Used CLU
Lime Slurry LSL
Flushing Liquor FLI
Tricalcium Aluminate TCA
Plain CS. 1C8 Abrasive CS 5.0 50-600 0 to 38 1960 Bauxite Slurry BSL
No SM Bore. Slurries 150# 50 1920 Mud Slurry MSL
to Flg Rtng. 100 1760 Digestion Feed Slurries DFS
Incr. C.A. 150 1580 Digestion Slurries DSL
200 1390 Blow Off Slurries BOS
Digestion Vent DV
1C9 Unassigned
CS, PE lined. 1C10 Hydrochloric & CS lined Nil 50-250 0 to 60 500 Dilute Sulphuric Acid <10% DSA
No SM Bore. Dilute Sulphuric with PE Hydrochloric Acid 5%-33% HCL
De-rated for Acid 150#
Diaphrgm vlvs.
Plain SS. 1S1 Demineralised SS 1.5 15-250 0 to 38 1580 De-Mineralised Water DMW
SW Sm Bore. Water 150# 50 1530
To FLg Rtng. 100 1320
Plain CS. 3C2 Mud Disposal CS 1.5 50-500 0 to 38 5100 Residue Mud Slurry RMS
No SM Bore. 300# 50 5000
To FLg Rtng. 100 4630
Plain CS. 3C3 Spent Liquor / CS 1.5 50-500 0 to 38 5100 Spent Liquor SL
No SM Bore. Digestion Feed 300# 50 5000 Digestion Feed Slurry DFS
To FLg Rtng. Slurry 100 4630
160 4480
210 4350
Plain CS. 6C1 Mud Disposal CS 1.5 50-500 0 to 38 10200 Residue Mud Slurry RMS
No SM Bore. 600# 50 10000
To FLg Rtng. 100 9260
311001-00064-000-PE-STD-0001_C Piping Standard
Code Description Size Material Specification Rating End Remarks Typical
Range (DN) Body Trim Details Model
A1F9 450 (Bayonet) Manual 80x80 to Cast Steel Stellite 150# FLGD-RF Klein 45O Tank drain
250x250 Poyam Tank Bottom Valve
A1F10 450 (Bayonet) Actuated 300x300 to Cast Steel Stellite 150# FLGD-RF Klein 45O Tank drain
450x450 Poyam Tank Bottom Valve
A1F11 3-way 900 Manual 80x80 to Cast Steel Stellite 150# FLGD-RF Lunkenheimer Fig. 605
250x250 Poyam 3 way V-716
A1F12 3-way 900 Actuated 300x300 to Cast Steel Stellite 150# FLGD-RF Lunkenheimer Fig. 605
600x600 Poyam 3 way V-716
A3F1 900 (Normal) Manual 80x80 to Cast Steel Stellite 300# FLGD-RF Lunkenheimer Fig. 603
250x250 Poyam 90O V-701
A3F2 900 (Normal) Actuated 300x300 to Cast Steel Stellite 300# FLGD-RF Lunkenheimer Fig. 603
600x600 Poyam 90O V-701
A3F3 900 (Bayonet) Manual 80x80 to Cast Steel Stellite 300# FLGD-RF Klein 90O bayonet
250x250 Lunkenheimer Fig. 604
Poyam 90O V-712
A3F4 900 (Bayonet) Actuated 300x300 to Cast Steel Stellite 300# FLGD-RF Klein 90O bayonet
600x600 Lunkenheimer Fig. 604
Poyam 90O V-712
A3F5 3-way 900 Manual 80x80 to Cast Steel Stellite 300# FLGD-RF Lunkenheimer Fig. 605
A3F6 3-way 900 Actuated 300x300 to Cast Steel Stellite 300# FLGD-RF Lunkenheimer Fig. 605
Gate Valves
G1F1 Rising Spindle 50-750 Cast Steel Steel (13% Cr) 150# FLGD-RF
311001-00064-000-PE-STD-0001_C Piping Standard
Code Description Size Material Specification Rating End Remarks Typical
Range (DN) Body Trim Details Model
G1F2 Rising Spindle 50-250 Cast SS 316 SS 150# FLGD-RF
G1F3 Rising Spindle 15-40 Forged SS 316 SS 150# FLGD-RF
G3F1 Rising Spindle 50-600 Forged Steel Stellite 300# FLGD-RF
G6F1 Rising Spindle 50-150 Forged Steel Stellite 600# FLGD-RF
G8S1 Rising Spindle 15-40 Forged Steel Stellite 800# SW
G8S2 Rising Spindle 15-40 Forged SS 316 SS 800# SW
G8T1 Rising Spindle 15-40 Forged Steel Steel (13% Cr) 800# SCR’D
G8U1 Rising Spindle 15-40 Forged Steel Stellite 800# SW/SCR’D
Globe Valves
L1F1 Rising Spindle 50-300 Cast Steel Stellite 150# FLGD-RF
L8S1 Rising Spindle 15-40 Forged Steel Stellite 800# SW
L8T1 Rising Spindle 15-40 Forged Steel Steel (13% Cr) 800# SCR’D
L8U1 Rising Spindle 15-40 Forged Steel Stellite 800# SW/SCR’D
Check Valves
C0F1 Swing Check 50-250 Iron Body – rubber Lined Butyl rubber disc 125# FLGD HCL/Sulphuric Acid Service
C1F1 Swing Check 50-600 Cast Steel Steel (13% Cr) 150# FLGD-RF
C1F2 Lift Check 50-900 Cast Steel Stellite 150# FLGD-RF Angle Slurry Valve Style
C1F3 Lift Check 15-40 Forged Steel Steel (13% Cr) 150# FLGD-RF
C1F4 Lift Check 15-40 Forged SS 316 SS 150# FLGD-RF
C1W1 Wafer Check 50-600 Cast Steel SS 316 150# WAFER
311001-00064-000-PE-STD-0001_C Piping Standard
Code Description Size Material Specification Rating End Remarks Typical
Range (DN) Body Trim Details Model
C1W2 Wafer Check 50-600 Cast Steel Soft seals 150# WAFER Fuel Oil Compatible Seals
C1W3 Wafer Check 50-600 Cast SS 316 SS 316 150# WAFER
C1W4 Wafer Check 50-600 Cast SS 316 Soft seats 150# WAFER
C3W1 Wafer Check 50-600 Cast Steel Soft seats 300# WAFER Fuel oil compatible seals
C3F1 Swing Check 50-600 Cast Steel SS 316 300# FLGD-RF
C3F2 Lift Check 50-600 Cast Steel Stellite 300# FLGD-RF Angle Slurry Valve Style Klein
C8T1 Lift Check 15-40 Forged Steel Steel (13% Cr) 800# SCR'D
C8S1 Lift Check 15-40 Forged Steel Stellite 800# SW
C8S2 Lift Check 15-40 Forged SS 316 SS 800# SW
Butterfly Valves
F1F1 Flanged type valves 50-500 Carbon steel 28% chrome iron 1400 kPag @ FLGD-FF To Suit 150# Flanges Keystone F638
disc 230OC
F1W1 Wafer type valves 50-500 Heavy Duty Cast Iron SG Iron Disc 1400 kPag @ WAFER To Suit 150# Flanges Keystone Model F2000
F1W2 Wafer type valves 600-900 Heavy Duty Cast Iron SG Iron Disc 1000 kPag @ WAFER To Suit 150# Flanges Keystone Model F105
F1W3 Wafer type valves 80-400 Cast Steel 17.4 PH disc 1400 kPag @ WAFER To Suit 150# Flanges Keystone K-Lok F360-325
311001-00064-000-PE-STD-0001_C Piping Standard
Code Description Size Material Specification Rating End Remarks Typical
Range (DN) Body Trim Details Model
F1W4 Wafer type valves 50-600 SG Iron SG Iron Disc 1250 kPag @ WAFER To Suit 150# Flanges Keystone F634
F1W5 Wafer type valves 50-500 Cast Iron SS 316 Disc -40OC to 120OC WAFER To Suit 150# Flanges Keystone F100
F1W6 Wafer type valves 600-900 Cast Iron SS 316 -40OC to 120OC WAFER To Suit 150# Flanges Keystone F1 EPDM seat
F3W1 Wafer type valves 80-400 Carbon steel 316 SS Disc 5100 kPag @ WAFER To Suit 300# Flanges Keystone K-Lok F370-325
40OC, 690 kPag @
230 OC
Ball Valves
B1F1 Carbon Steel 50-250 Cast Steel SS Ball/PTFE 150# FLGD-RF Two piece body
B1F2 Stainless Steel 50-250 Cast SS 316 SS Ball/PTFE 150# FLGD-RF Two piece body
B1F3 Carbon Steel 15-40 Forged Steel SS Ball/PTFE 150# FLGD-RF Two piece body
B3F1 Carbon Steel 50-250 Cast Steel SS Ball/PTFE 300# FLGD-RF Two piece body
B6F1 Carbon Steel 50-400 Cast Steel SS Ball/PTFE 600# FLGD-RF Two piece body
B8S1 Carbon steel 15-40 Forged Steel SS Ball/PTFE 800# SW Three piece body
311001-00064-000-PE-STD-0001_C Piping Standard
Code Description Size Material Specification Rating End Remarks Typical
Range (DN) Body Trim Details Model
B8T1 Carbon steel 15-40 Forged Steel SS Ball/PTFE 800# SCR’D
B8U1 Carbon steel 15-40 Forged Steel SS Ball/PTFE 800# SW/SCR’D Three piece body
Diaphragm Valves
D1F1 Lined 25-250 S.G. Cast Iron – rubber Butyl Rubber 500 kPag @ 60OC FLGD-RF To Suit 150# Flanges
lined Diaphragm
Plug Valves
P3F1 Tapered Plug Valve 100 - 500 Cast Steel ENP plug 300# FLGD-RF
P6F1 Tapered Plug Valve 100 - 500 Cast Steel ENP plug 600# FLGD-RF Tapered Plug Valve
311001-00064-000-PE-STD-0001_C Piping Standard
Appendix D. Insulation Thickness
a) Piping
Insulation thickness for piping, based on an ambient temperature of 20C, shall be typically as shown
below. Thicknesses shall be confirmed in detail design.
80 25 25 40 40 50 60 70 70
100 25 25 40 50 60 70 70 70
150 25 25 50 60 70 70 70 70
200 25 25 50 60 70 70 70 80
250 25 25 50 60 70 70 70 80
300 25 25 50 60 70 70 70 80
350 25 25 50 60 70 70 80 90
400 25 25 50 60 70 70 80 90
450 25 25 50 60 70 70 80 90
500 25 25 50 60 70 80 90 100
600 25 40 70 80 80 90 90 110
Where heat conservation is not required, insulation shall be applied for personnel protection if
temperature exceeds 60°C. The insulation thickness shall be 25mm minimum.
Below 75 25mm
75-149 50mm
150-199 75mm
200-249 100mm
250-299 125mm
300-399 150mm
Where heat conservation is not required, insulation shall be applied for personnel protection if the
operating temperature exceeds 60°C. The insulation thickness shall be 25mm minimum.
Pipelines ≥ 100mm 50mm flanged, Stand-off includes
RTD or Thermocouple
with 150mm cladding, if
stand-off applicable.
Magnetic Flowmeters ≤ 200mm warranting < Sized and Wafer
ANSI150 flange rating
Orifice Plates Refer Instrument and Control Standard for Basic Engineering
Level Sensors
Ultrasonic Where Applicable 100mm Flanged
Gas Analysers – Where Applicable 200mm Flanged,
twin source and
Carbon Monoxide
detector type
Chart showing temperature and concentration limits for CSCC susceptibility of carbon steel in the ‘as
welded’ and ‘stress relieved’ condition in caustic soda solution NaOH.