En GCXI 9.0.0 Dep DockerOffline

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Genesys Customer Experience

Insights Deployment Guide
Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

• 1 Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios
• 1.1 Before You Begin
• 1.2 Download and Install Docker
• 1.3 Download and Install Kubernetes
• 1.4 Download and Install Kubernetes Images
• 1.5 Download and Install Kubernetes Network
• 1.6 Download and Install NGINX
• 1.7 Deploy cluster
• 1.8 Download and Install PostgreSQL Image

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 2

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline


Genesys is committed to diversity, equality, and inclusivity. This includes using
appropriate terms in our software and documentation. Therefore, Genesys is removing
non-inclusive terms. For third-party products leveraged by Genesys that include such
terms, Genesys uses the following as replacements.

• For the terms master/slave, Genesys uses “primary” and “secondary” or “primary” and
“replica,” with exceptions for their use in third-party commands.
• For the terms blacklist/whitelist, Genesys uses blocklist/allowlist.
• For the term master, when used on its own, Genesys uses main wherever possible.

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 3

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

This page describes example steps to prepare a system for the installation of Genesys Customer Experience Insights (Genesys CX Insights). Use
these instructions in environments where it is not possible to access the internet or other external networks from the machines / network where you
plan to install Genesys CX Insights (offline scenarios). If your deployment environment has access to the internet (online scenarios), use the
(simplified) instructions on Installing Kubernetes and Docker in online scenarios.

For additional information about Docker, see the Genesys Docker Deployment Guide.


• This page provides an example scenario, using Kubernetes release 1.21.2 and Docker version 19.03-ce, on CentOS Linux release
7.5.1804 (Core) on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Always use the latest approved releases of Kubernetes and Docker.
• This page does not describe all deployment scenarios, and is applicable to only the indicated software release (Operating System,
Docker, Kubernetes). For other releases, the required steps may vary.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have a suitably-prepared environment, as described in Before you install Genesys CX Insights, which must include suitably-prepared
hosts (real machines, virtual machines (VM), or cloud instances) with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.5 (or a later 7.x release) / CentOS Linux 7.5 (or a
later 7.x release) hosts with system suites installed.

In addition, you require:

• Online machine — A machine with online access, which must have:

• Sufficient space to download the YUM packages.
• The same operating system version as the offline machines where Genesys CX Insights will be installed. Packages downloaded on a different OS
version may not work, because the dependencies that determine which files to download vary depending on the operating system version,

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 4

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

components and packages that already exist on the machine. Failure to follow this recommendation may cause installation on the target machine to
fail. If you must use mismatched operating systems, see the YUM and Docker documentation.

• File transfer — Some method of transferring files from the online machine to the offline network where you will install Genesys CX Insights.

Download and Install Docker

Use the procedures in this section to download and install Docker.

Procedure: Download Docker (online machine)

Purpose: Use the steps in this procedure to download Docker.


Complete the following steps on the online machine:

1. Execute the following command to configure YUM so it can download packages correctly:

yum install -y yum-utils

2. Execute the following commands to install the Docker repository:

yum-config-manager --add-repo \

3. Execute the following commands to download required files:

yumdownloader --assumeyes --destdir=<your_rpm_dir>/yum --resolve yum-utils

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 5

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

yumdownloader --assumeyes --destdir=<your_rpm_dir>/dm --resolve device-mapper-persistent-data

yumdownloader --assumeyes --destdir=<your_rpm_dir>/lvm2 --resolve lvm2
yumdownloader --assumeyes --destdir=<your_rpm_dir>/docker-ce --resolve docker-ce
yumdownloader --assumeyes --destdir=<your_rpm_dir>/se --resolve container-selinux

where <your_rpm_dir> is a directory on your online machine.

Procedure: Install Docker (offline machine)

Purpose: Use the steps in this procedure to install Docker.


Complete the following steps on each machine in the cluster on the offline machine (where <your_rpm_dir> is a directory on your offline
machine where you placed the files):

1. Copy the Docker files, downloaded in the Download Docker (online machine), from the online machine to the offline machine.
2. Execute the following commands to uninstall any old docker software:

yum remove docker \

docker-client \
docker-client-latest \
docker-common \
docker-latest \
docker-latest-logrotate \
docker-logrotate \
docker-selinux \

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 6

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

docker-engine-selinux \

3. Execute the following command to install yum utilities:

yum install -y --cacheonly --disablerepo=* <your_rpm_dir>/yum/*.rpm

4. Execute the following commands to install Docker file drivers:

yum install -y --cacheonly --disablerepo=* <your_rpm_dir>/dm/*.rpm

yum install -y --cacheonly --disablerepo=* <your_rpm_dir>/lvm2/*.rpm

5. Execute the following command to install container-selinux:

yum install -y --cacheonly --disablerepo=* <your_rpm_dir>/se/*.rpm

6. Execute the following command to install Docker:

yum install -y --cacheonly --disablerepo=* <your_rpm_dir>/docker-ce/*.rpm

7. Execute the following commands to enable and start docker service:

systemctl enable docker

systemctl start docker

8. Execute the following commands to verify docker:

systemctl status docker

docker version

Download and Install Kubernetes

Use the procedures in this section to download and install Kubernetes utilities.

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 7

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

Procedure: Download Kubernetes utilities (online machine)

Purpose: Use the steps in this procedure to download Kubernetes utilities.


Complete the following steps on the online machine:

1. Execute the following commands to install the Kubernetes repository:

cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo

gpgkey=https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/doc/yum-key.gpg https://packages.cloud.google.com/yum/doc/rpm-package-key.gpg

2. Execute the following command to download the Kubernetes utilities:

yumdownloader --assumeyes --destdir=<your_rpm_dir> --resolve yum-utils kubeadm-1.21.* kubelet-1.21.* kubectl-1.21.* ebtables

Procedure: Install Kubernetes utilities (offline machine)

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 8

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

Purpose: Use the steps in this procedure to install Kubernetes utilities.


Complete the following steps on each machine in the cluster on the offline machine:

1. Copy the Kubernetes utilities files, downloaded in the preceding steps, from the online machine to the offline machine.
2. Execute the following commands to install Kubernetes:

yum install -y --cacheonly --disablerepo=* <your_rpm_dir>/*.rpm

where <your_rpm_dir> is a directory on your offline machine where you placed the files.

3. Execute the following command to run kubeadm, which returns a list of required images:

kubeadm config images list

A list of the required images appears, similar to the following:


Download and Install Kubernetes Images

Use the procedures in this section to download and install Kubernetes images.

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 9

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

Procedure: Download Kubernetes Images (online machine)

Purpose: Use the steps in this procedure to download the Kubernetes images.


Complete the following steps on the online machine:

1. Install Docker on each machine by following the instructions in the Docker installation documentation.
2. For each image that appears in the list that was returned in the preceding step, execute the following commands to pull the image and save it as a
TAR archive:

docker pull k8s.gcr.io/<image name>

docker save k8s.gcr.io/<image name> > <image name>.tar

where <image name> is the name of the image to pull, for example:

docker pull k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver:v1.21.2

docker save k8s.gcr.io/kube-apiserver:v1.21.2 > kube-apiserver_v1.21.2.tar

Procedure: Load Kubernetes Images (offline machine)

Purpose: Use the steps in this procedure to load the Kubernetes Images.

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 10

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios


Complete the following steps on each machine in the cluster on the offline machine:

1. Copy the Kubernetes images, downloaded in Download Kubernetes Images (online machine), from the online machine to the offline machine.
2. For each image, execute the following command to unpack the image:

docker load < <image name>.tar

where <image name> is the name of the image to unpack, for example:

docker load < kube-apiserver_v1.21.2.tar

Download and Install Kubernetes Network

Use the procedures in this section to download and install Kubernetes networking files.

Procedure: Download networking files (online machine)

Purpose: Use the steps in this procedure to download Kubernetes networking files.

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 11

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios


Complete the following steps on the online machine:

1. Execute the following command to download the yaml descriptor:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coreos/flannel/master/Documentation/kube-flannel.yml

2. Open the kube-flannel.yml file, and find the line that indicates the flannel image version. For example, in the following string, the version is

image: quay.io/coreos/flannel:v0.14.0-amd64

3. Execute the following commands to download and save the image:

docker pull quay.io/coreos/flannel:v<version>-amd64

docker save quay.io/coreos/flannel:v<version>-amd64 > flannel_v<version>-amd64.tar

where <version> is the flannel image version you found in the previous step. For example:

docker pull quay.io/coreos/flannel:v0.14.0-amd64

docker save quay.io/coreos/flannel:v0.14.0-amd64 > flannel_v0.14.0_v1.tar

Procedure: Install Kubernetes networking files (offline machine)

Purpose: Use the steps in this procedure to install Kubernetes networking files.

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 12

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios


Complete the following steps on each machine in the cluster on the offline machine:

1. Copy the networking files, downloaded in Download networking files (online machine), from the online machine to the offline machine.
2. Execute the following command to unpack the networking image:

docker load < flannel_v<version>_v1.tar

where <version> is the version of the flannel software, for example:

docker load < flannel_v0.14.0_v1.tar

Download and Install NGINX

Use the procedures in this section to download and install NGINX.

Procedure: Download NGINX images (online machine)

Purpose: Use the steps in this procedure to download NGINX images.

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 13

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios


Complete the following steps on the online machine:

1. Execute one of the following commands to download yaml descriptors:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/nginx-0.30.0/deploy/static/namespace.yaml && \

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/nginx-0.30.0/deploy/static/rbac.yaml

2. Execute the following command to download and save the image:

docker pull quay.io/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller:0.30.0

docker save quay.io/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller:0.30.0 > nginx-ingress-controller_0.30.0.tar

Procedure: Load NGINX images (offline machine)

Purpose: Use the steps in this procedure to load NGINX images.


Complete the following steps on each machine in the cluster on the offline machine:

1. Copy the NGINX images, downloaded in Download NGINX images (online machine), from the online machine to the offline machine.
2. Execute the following command to unpack the NGINX image:

docker load < nginx-ingress-controller_0.30.0.tar

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 14

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

Deploy cluster

Procedure: Example: Deploying Kubernetes cluster

Purpose: This example procedure illustrates one scenario to complete the installation and preparation of
Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios. For more information, see Kubernetes documentation.

Ensure that you have a suitably-prepared environment, as described in Before you install Genesys CX Insights.


Perform steps 1-5 on each machine, and then complete subsequent steps as indicated:

1. Log in with root access.

2. Complete the following steps to disable swap:
1. Execute the following command to disable swap for the current session:

swapoff -a

2. To permanently disable swap, remove the swap partition using fdisk or parted. Be sure to remove only the swap partition, as removing
another partition could cause serious problems. The changes take effect after system restart.

3. Ensure that SELinux is in permissive mode. For example, execute the following commands:

setenforce 0
sed -i 's/^SELINUX=enforcing$/SELINUX=permissive/' /etc/selinux/config

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 15

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

4. Ensure that the config option sysctl > net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables is set to 1. For example, execute the following command:

cat <<EOF > /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf

net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1
net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
sysctl --system

5. Optionally, configure kubectl autocompletion:

echo "source <(kubectl completion bash)" >> ~/.bashrc

Complete the preceding steps on each PRIMARY and SECONDARY machine before continuing.

6. On the PRIMARY machine only, create a cluster, deploy the Flannel network, and schedule pods:
1. Execute the following command to retrieve the version number for Kubernetes:

kubectl version

The Kubernetes version is displayed.

2. Execute the following command to set up a Kubernetes cluster:

kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --kubernetes-version=v<version>

Where <version> is the version of Kubernetes retrieved in the preceding step. For example:

kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr= --kubernetes-version=v1.21.2

Note that this command produces large volumes of output, and should include a string similar to: kubeadm join --token <token> <primary-ip>:<primary-port> --discovery-
token-ca-cert-hash sha256:<hash> For example: kubeadm join --token dmijep.e1qmgc4o3sh22pwd --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash
IMPORTANT: This string is required in a later step. Find the string in the output, then copy and save it. Alternatively, redirect command output to a file before completing this step.

3. Execute the following command to verify the node is running:

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 16

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

kubectl get nodes

The Control plane node should have a status of NotReady, similar to the following output:

gcxi-doc-kube0 NotReady master 3m v1.21.2

4. Execute the following commands to configure kubectl to manage your cluster:

grep -q "KUBECONFIG" ~/.bashrc || {

echo 'export KUBECONFIG=/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc

5. Deploy the Flannel overlay network on the PRIMARY machine:

1. Execute the following command to initiate the Flannel network:

kubectl apply -f <destination path>/kube-flannel.yml

Where <destination path>

This may take several minutes to complete; avoid interrupting the process.
2. Execute the following command to ensure that kube-dns* pods (or coredns, depending on the release of kubernetes you are using) are
running (not pending or any other status):

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

6. Schedule pods — Note that, for security reasons, the cluster does not schedule pods on the PRIMARY by default. Optionally, to configure the
cluster to schedule on the PRIMARY machine, execute the following command on the PRIMARY machine. Executing this command removes the
node-role.kubernetes.io/master taint from any nodes that have it, so that the scheduler can schedule pods everywhere:

kubectl taint nodes --all node-role.kubernetes.io/master-

7. On the SECONDARY machines only, join the SECONDARY to the cluster:

Execute the following command (replacing <token>, <primary port>, and <hash> with appropriate values):

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 17

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

kubeadm join --token <token> <primary-ip>:<primary-port> --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:<hash>

(or paste in the string you saved in a previous step).

For example: kubeadm join --token dmijep.e1qmgc4o3sh22pwd --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash


8. On the PRIMARY machine, verify nodes:

1. Ensure that all nodes are in the ready state.
2. Execute the following command on the PRIMARY machine:

kubectl get nodes

The nodes should have a status of Ready, similar to the following output:

gcxi-doc-kube0 Ready master 3m v1.21.2

gcxi-doc-kube1 Ready <none> 22s v1.21.2

Next Steps

After you have installed and configured Docker and Kubernetes, proceed to Installing Genesys CX Insights.

Download and Install PostgreSQL Image

Use the procedures in this section to download and install the PostgreSQL image.

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 18

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

Procedure: Download PostgreSQL Image (online machine)

Purpose: Use the steps in this procedure to download the PostgreSQL image.


Complete the following steps on the online machine:

1. Execute the following command pull the image and save it as a TAR archive:

docker pull postgres:<version>

docker save postgres:<version> > postgres.tar.gz

where <version> is the PostgreSQL release of the image to pull, for example:

docker pull postgres:12

docker save postgres:12 | gzip > postgres.tar.gz

Procedure: Load PostgreSQL Image (offline machine)

Purpose: Use the steps in this procedure to load the PostgreSQL Image.


Complete the following steps on the offline machine:

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 19

Installing Kubernetes and Docker in offline scenarios

1. Copy the PostgreSQL images, downloaded in Download PostgreSQL Images (online machine), from the online machine to the offline machine.
2. Execute the following command to unpack the image:

docker load < postgres.tar.gz

Genesys Customer Experience Insights Deployment Guide 20

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