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1.5 Scenario-Specific Settings

1.5.1 Implementation/Upgrade


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Context The implementation and upgrade scenarios implement customer projects. You can, for example, define one or more templates, which contain business processes and scenarios, documentation and configuration, in template projects. You can use these repeatedly, for any number of systems, for example for the global rollout of centrally-defined settings. You can call the applications in a Work Center or SAP GUI. The Master Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAPComponents -> SAP Solution Manager <current release> contains a detailed scenario description. The implementation and upgrade Online Documentation (Help -> Application Help) contains a complete process and application description. Requirements You have: assigned implementation roles at least the minimum requirement for support packages for implementation at least the minimum requirement for support packages for upgrade Further notes

See also: SAP notes 949220 and368861.


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Set Up Work Center for Implementation

Use You need the navigation role to be able to use the implementation work center. The work center navigation roles determine the menu, and thus the navigation for the work center. Only one work center navigation role is relevant per work center. The user also needs the authorization role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC, which contains all authorization objects required for the work center. Note You can: Adjust the work center navigation role menus Create work center composite roles , to assign several work centers to your users Requirements You have loaded the work center navigation roles in your work client. Default Settings The naming convention for delivered work center navigation roles is: SAP_SMWORK_<work center>. Activities A) Assign work center navigation role 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose the work center navigation role, e.g. SAP_SMWORK_IMPL. Copy the role, e.g. to ZSAP_SMWORK_IMPL. Choose Change. Go to the Users tab. enter the user to which you assign the work center . Compare users with Compare Users.

Note: You can assign the role SAP_SMWORK_MYHOME to the user. See SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marktplatz -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. B) ASAP_SMWORK_BASIC zuordnen 7. 8. 9. Choose the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. Copy the role. Go to the Authorizations tab.


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10. Apply the authorizations by double-click on the yellow traffic light. 11. Generate the profile. 12. Go to the Users tab. 13. Enter the users to which you have assigned work center roles . 14. Compare users with Compare Users. C) Assign default authorization roles Assign authorization to users according to your company's authorization concept. You can use and adjust the pre-defined template roles delivered by SAP. See: For deltas in the default authorization roles: SAP note 834534 For an overview and mapping of all default authorization roles in the work center, see the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace. Access You can call the work center as follows: in NetWeaver Business Client in the web browser: with the following URL ( http(s):// <server name>: <port> /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ ags_workcenter?WORKCENTER=AGS_WORK_IMPLEMENTATION&sap-client= <client> Blueprint and Configuration Object Attributes Definition of Customer Attributes for Object Types

Use You can define a user attribute here. Then assign it to an object. The Transactions, Configuration and Development tabs show the object types . The attribute is project and solution-independent, and is shown in an object dialog box in the Other Attributes tab. Requirements The attributes of the attribute are specified in the table or structure fields in the Data Dictionary, so they must be maintained there. For example:


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Integer or Character Field length Value help Activities

To create a user attribute: 1. 2. Choose New Entries. Enter a name and description of the attribute. The name and description are shown later in the object dialog window, and you cannot change the name after you have saved, so use a meaningful name and description. Save.


Specify attribute attributes: 4. 5. 6. Select an attribute and choose Attribute Attributes in the tree. Specify a Data Dictionary table or structure field or choose from the value help. Specify in the field Value Check: 7. 8. whether the entry is to be checked against a value list. These values are offered as selection help. whether it is a required field.

In the field Multiple Values, whether this attribute can take only one, or several values. In the field Visibility whether the field is visible in the attribute dialog. Assign Customer Attributes to Objects

Use Assign the created attributes to the object types for which you want to use them. Requirements You have created user attributes for object types.


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Activities 1. 2. 3. Put the object type in the list to which you want to assign attributes, and save the selection. Select the object type and choose Assign Attributes to the left of the tree. Choose New Entries and copy the attributes for this object type, from the value help. You can only delete attributes if you: 4. 5. have not yet assigned attribute values to the objects. not assigned an object to an attribute.

You can specify the attribute display sequence in the Attribute Sequence column. Save. Assign a Signature Strategy to Object Types

Use The attributes of an object can be locked against changes. If you want to combine this lock with an electronic signature, you can assign a signature strategy to the object type. Requirements You have defined a Signature Strategy. Activities 1. 2. 3. Choose New Entries. Choose an object type and assign a signature strategy to it. Save your data. Assignment of a signature strategy when locking a project strukture

Use This activity specifies, project-specifically, which signature strategy is to be used when locking project


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structures or node attributes. Requirements You have Specified a Signature Strategy.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose Maintain. You go to the table maintenance dialog box. Choose New Entries. Specify a project. Choose Project Structure or Project Node Attribute as Type. Specify a signature strategy. Save your entries. Tab Extension Tab page extension

Use The BAdI BADI_SA_OBJECT_TYPE_ACTIVATION in enhancement spot SA_OTHER_OB JECTS puts other object types in the input help in the "Transactions" , "Development" and "Configuration" tab, or removes existing ones (except "Transaction" and "Program").

This allows you to use all object types which you see when you select " Insert Other Objects" in the context menu of the "Favorites" folder in the Solution Manager system SAP GUI initial screen, in the "Transactions" tab.

For example SAPScript texts 10 various SAP BW objects etc.

You can use these object types locally in the SAP Solution Manager system, or, with a logical component,


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in your satellite system. You can determine, in context parameters, where the object types are visible, e.g. by project ID, solution ID, or node ID. You can also add your own object types to the object list. Requirements By default, the fall-back implementation class CL_SA_OBJECT_TYP E_ACTIVATION of the BADI which implements the previous behavior, is active. You can base your own implementation on this.

Activities 1. 2. 3. Chooose an existing implementation or create a BAdI implementation. Activate the implementation Optional: Create function modules for new object types

Select or Create BAdI Implementation

The interface method IF_SA_OBJECT_TYPE_ACTIVATION~A CTIVATE_OBJECT_TYPES to be implemented contains the call context which determines the visibility and behaviour of each object type: e.g. tab name, node type, project ID or solution ID. The parameter OBJECT_TYPES contains a table of all object types known in the system. It contains the key field urltype, which is filled by the SM30 maintenance view URL_EXITS. You can change the flags active, remote_callable, and integer field max_length. The active flag controls the visibility, the remote_callable flag controls whether the object type is to be created locally in the Solution Manager system (without logical component) or in a satellite system (with logical component). max_length is only relevant for performance optimation. Specify the maximum length of the URL there.

Activating the Implementation

You can activate/deactivate the BAdI implementation in its IMG object. Only one implementation can be active.

Create Function Modules for New Object Types

You must provide a function module for at least the following tasks, to be able to support a new object type:

Create Node is called if you selected the object type in an empty row. Change Node is called if you choose the pushbutton Change in an existi ng row. Call Node is called if you choose the pushbutton Execute , or double-click on a row.


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If the application calls a URL which is sent to the web browser, you can also provide a function module "Generate URL", instead of "Call Node". If a new object type is not to be visible in the Easy Access favorites value help or in PFCG transaction menus, you can add a function module "Availibility of Type", and always send the exception URL_TYPE_NOT_AVAILABLE. The object type is then only shown in the Solution Manager tab.

There is no interface documentation for these function modules, but you can copy the function module of an object type with similar functionality to that which you want to implement, and modify it to your requirements. Example See: SAP note 1027579 Reduction of Object Types on Tab Pages by BAdIs

Use This IMG activity hides object types in the Type value help of Solution Manager tabs by implementing the BAdl BADI_SA_HIDE_TYPES_ON_TABS at ehancement spot SA_HIDE_TYPES_ON_TABS.

Default Settings All object types are displayed by default. Activities 1. 2. Choose an existing implementation or implement a BAdI. Activate the implementation.

You can determine the parameter values passed in the context (project/directory, node type, tabs), in the debugger, and react to these values by hiding an object type by setting the return parameter CHECK_TYPE for the OBJECT_TYPE to X. The Badi runs per tab, node and object type. Example Hide the type Document in the tab Developments in all projects, and in the directory for master data, org units and configuration structures. Cf.: SAP note 1027579


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Process Function Codes in Tabs

Use The combined enhancement spot SA_FCODES_ON_SOLAR_TABS in package AI_SOLAR captures function codes in the tabs of the transactions SOLAR01/02 and SOLMAN_DIRECTORY. Customer coding can be inserted here intead of the standard functionality delivered by SAP, without modification. Customer pushbuttons can be put in the tab with GuiXT.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Choose the pushbutton "Edit Object". Choose the tab "Enhancements", and flag "Combined Enh. Spot". Enter the combined enhancement spot SA_FCODES_ON_SOLAR_TABS and confirm. You see all enhancements in the "Enhancements" tab. Double-click on the desired enhancement spot. Double-click on the enhancement implementation spot. Choose the #Enhance# (Ctrl+F4) pushbutton in the coding. Right-click on the enhancement spot, and choose "Create Enhancement Implementation". Implement your coding and activate the enhancement. &EXAMPLE Change Global Attributes

Use The BAdI CL_SA_DEFINE_GLOBAL_ATTR hides specified global attributes in the Solution Manager "Structure" tab possible entries help, and controls the behaviour of all global attributes. You can also add your own new global attributes with a constant value, and specify their attributes, in this BAdI.


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Default Settings The fall-back implementation class CL_SA_DEFINE_GLOBAL_ATTR of the BADI , which implements the previous behavior, is active by default. You can base your own implementation on this. Activities You can optionally specify a fixed value append for domain SAGLATT, and create new global attributes there. 1. Choose an existing implementation, or or create a new implementation of the BAdI. The BAdI interface IF_SA_DEFINE_GLOBAL_ATTR to be implemented contains methods which control the visibility and behavior of all global attributes. The methods are described in the IF_SA_DEFINE_GLOBAL_ATTR interface. Activate the implementation.


Only one implementation of the BAdI can be active. Replace variables in web addresses (URLs)

Use You can assign URLs and web addresses to the following tab pages, during the blueprint and configuration of the project structure: General Documentation, Project Documentation, Transactions, Configuration. You can define variables, which are given values at runtime, for these web addresses. You should define variables for all static server and directory names in URLs. Activities You must scroll right in the "URL Variable Definition" view, to see the "Field Attributes" column for the variable values. Enter the variable in the web addresses in angled brackets <...>, in the Business Blueprint and Configuration. Example A row with the key SERVERNAME and the value is created in an IMG activity. You specify the URL <SERVERNAME>/reportform.htm in the Transactions tab, in the Blueprint. The system interprets this URL as .


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Learning Maps Specify Learning Map Recipients (End User Roles)

Use This IMG activity defines roles for the groups of users to whom you want to send the learning maps, for example to all accountants in your company, or to the purchasing department. Requirements To be able to create roles, you need authorization for the authorization object PLOGU. This object is in the role SAP_SOL_TRAINING_ADMIN in the Composite Implementation Roles. @1B@ Give the roles values according to your requirements. For documentation of authorization objects, see the Authorization Maintenance Documentation. Default Settings The Solution Manager uses the following HR organization model object types: Job Organizational unit

The Solution Manager uses the current plan version, that is, the currently valid organizational structure of your company. The CRM organizational units are the same as HR. Activities

The Solution Manager online documentation -> Projects -> Create Training Material and Learning Maps -> Create End User Roles, contains further information about creating end user roles


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Assignment of End User Roles

Use This IMG activity specifies which object types can be assigned as end user roles in the Solution Manager.

Default Settings Two roles are delivered: C (position) and O (organizational unit). The analysis path OFFICE is the default for both object types. Activities The field OBJ_TYPE contains the object typ. You can specify the analysis path for determining the user (and E-Mail addresses) in the field PATH_ID. You can define your own object types in the transaction OOOT. Customizing Distribution Information and Configuration Prerequisites


Customizing Distribution compares and synchronizes customizing settings between satellite systems and software components. The Master Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release> contains a detailed scenario description Requirements The optional intial distribution and delta distribution require a minimum support package status in the satellite systems.


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Set-Up Customizing Distribution

Use Before you can use Customizing distribution, you must perform a number of preparatory tasks, such as checking authorizations, generating RFC Destinations, and setting up a project for Customizing distribution. For more detailed information, see the online documentation for the transaction SCDT_SETUP. Maintain Logical Systems in Satelite Systems

Use This IMG activity specifies logical systems and assigns them to clients. The following functions use logical systems: Customizing Distribution Business Process Monitoring Support Desk Change Request Management

Activities 1. Define the logical systems in View Logical Systems: Logical System Name <System ID>CLNT<client> 2. <name>

Assign the logical systems to clients in View Clients.


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1.5.2 Solution Documentation Assistant Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Use The solution documentation assistant evaluates business processes automatically. You can use it to prepare upgrade projects, evaluate new functions, and analyze your own developments. Requirements You have the necessary authorizations. Activate Solution Manager Services

Use To be able to call the applications, you must activate the services.

Default Settings Activate services Run the following programs: Technical Name: SM_SDA

Check service activation You can check whether services are active. Choose the hierarchy type SERVICE. 1. 2. 3. Choose Execute. Select the service. Choose the context menu Test Service.

(For all services: /default_host...)


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Set Up Work Center for Solution Documentation Assistant

Use You need the navigation role to be able to use the Solution Documentation Assistant work center. The work center navigation roles determine the menu, and thus the navigation for the work center. Only one work center navigation role is relevant per work center. The user also needs the authorization role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC, which contains all authorization objects required for the work center. Note You can: Adjust the work center navigation role menus Create work center composite roles, to assign several work centers to your users Requirements You have loaded the work center navigation roles in your work client. Default Settings The naming convention for delivered work center navigation roles is: SAP_SMWORK_<work center>. Activities A) Assign work center navigation role 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose the work center navigation role, e.g. SAP_SMWORK_SDA. Copy the role, e.g. to ZSAP_SMWORK_SDA. Choose Change. Go to the Users tab. Enter the user to which you assign the work center. Compare users with Compare Users.

Note: You can assign the role SAP_SMWORK_MYHOME to the user. See SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. B) ASAP_SMWORK_BASIC zuordnen 7. 8. 9. Choose the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. Copy the role. Go to the Authorizations tab.

10. Apply the authorizations by double-click on the yellow traffic light.


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11. Generate the profile. 12. Go to the Users tab. 13. Enter the users to which you have assigned work center roles. 14. Compare users with Compare Users. C) Assign default authorization roles Assign authorization to users according to your company's authorization concept. You can use and adjust the pre-defined template roles delivered by SAP. See: For deltas in the default authorization roles: SAP note 834534 For an overview and mapping of all default authorization roles in the work center, see the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace. Access You can call the work center as follows: in NetWeaver Business Client in the web browser: with the following URL ( http(s):// <server name>:<port> /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ ags_workcenter?WORKCENTER=AGS_WORK_IMPLEMENTATION&sap-client= <client>

1.5.3 Test Management Standard Configuration Information and Configuration Prerequisites
Use The test organization in Solution Manager allows you to test across several systems. Test organization reuses Test Workbench functions. For more information, see the SAP Solution Manager Master Guide on SAP Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. Requirements You have the necessary authorizations.


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Activate Solution Manager Services

Use This IMG activity activates the service for the WebDynpro application "Sequences - Test Organizer and BI-based Test Workbench Reporting".

Activities Activate services Run the following programs: Technical name: SM_IMPLEMENTATION

Check service activation You can check whether services are active. Choose the hierarchy type SERVICE. 1. 2. 3. Choose Execute. Select the service. Choose the context menu Test Service.

(For all services: /default_host...) Set Up Work Center for Test Management

Use To be able to work with the work centers, in addition to the standard authorization roles you also require the relevant work center roles. The standard roles for the individual functions contain relevant authorization objects, but the work center navigation roles determine the menu for the respective work center. You must therefore assign your users the appropriate authorizations by means of the standard authorization roles and also the appropriate work center navigation role. One work center navigation role is relevant per work center. In addition, users also require the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. SAP_SMWORK_BASIC contains all additional authorization objects that are required for the work centers. You can: Adapt the menus for the work center navigation roles


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Create work center composite roles to be able to assign several work centers to your users Requirements

You have loaded the work center navigation roles into your work client. Default Settings The naming convention for the work center roles delivered with the system is SAP_SMWORK_<work center>. Activities A) Assign Work Center Navigation Role 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select the respective work center navigation role, for example, SAP_SMWORK_ITEST. Copy the role, for example, to ZSAP_SMWORK_ITEST. Choose the Change pushbutton. Choose the Users tab. Enter the users to which you want to assign the respective work center. Run the user comparison by choosing the User Comparison pushbutton.

Note: If necessary, assign the role SAP_SMWORK_MYHOME to the user. See the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide on SAP Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. B) Assign SAP_SMWORK_BASIC 7. 8. 9. Select the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. Copy the role. Choose the Authorizations tab.

10. Define the allowed authorizations by double-clicking the yellow traffic lights. 11. Generate the profile. 12. Choose the Users tab. 13. Enter the users to which you also assigned work center roles. 14. Run the user comparison by choosing the User Comparison pushbutton. C) Assign Standard Authorization Roles Assign the authorizations that you want to assign to the individual users in accordance with your company-specific authorization concept. To do this, you can use and adapt the predefined template roles supplied by SAP for this purpose. See also: For deltas in the standard authorization roles: SAP Note 834534


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For an overview and a mapping of all standard authorization roles to the work centers, see also the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide on SAP Service Marketplace. Access

You can open the work center as follows: In the NetWeaver Business Client In the Web Browser by entering the following URL in the Internet Explorer (according to your security settings use either HTTP or HTTPS): http(s)://<servername>:<port>/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ags_workcente r?WORKCENTER=WDC_WBA_SYSTEM_ADMIN&sap-client=<client> Extended Configuration Define Values for Test Status

Use You can change the existing status definitions or add new ones. Default Settings The status definition table is not yet filled at delivery time. If the status assignment accesses this table and it is still empty, the SAP default status is automatically assigned. The statuses CATT_FAIL, CATT_PASS, CATT_CANC and PLANNED are created automatically by the system. You cannot delete these statuses, you can only change their names. The statuses NOT_TESTED and TESTING are also created automatically by the system. You can delete them temporarily, but the system creates them again when status analysis is called. Activities Select the Status definition radio button and choose Change . The fields in the view have the following meaning: Note: To change the status name in other languages, choose Edit -> Translation. Status: technical name of the status Status Description: descriptive text for the status, this is then visible, for example in the status analysis for a test performed in the Test Workbench. Result: the status is categorized as pass, fail or untested. This value is used in status analyses. Sort field: specifies the sequence in which the status appears in F4 help.


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Release Status Profile Specify Release Status Values

Use A release status value controls the changeability of test plans and their test packages. You can specify release status values yourself, and use them in the release status schema. The following release status values are delivered by default: NEW Preparing test

REVIEW_RELEASE Release review RELEASED Released for testing

REVIEW_PROTECT Protection review PROTECTED Protected

REVIEW_REOPEN Adjustment review REOPEN Adjusting test

REOPEN_URGENT Adjusting test (urgent) REVIEW_URGENT Adjustment review (urgent)

A signature strategy can be assigned to each release status value, but this is useful only for REVIEW* values. If you set a release status value with a signature strategy, it starts immediately. The persons in the signature strategy must sign to fulfill the strategy. When the strategy is fulfilled, the assigned end status value is set automatically. If the signature strategy is cancelled, the assigned cancellation status value is set automatically. Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose the setting Release Status Values and choose Change. To make new entries, choose New Entries. Specify the values. Save.


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Set Up Release Status Profile

Use You specify a release status schema. With a release status schema, the test coordinator can release or lock test plans and test packages for changes and execution by the tester. It specifies a set of release status values which can be given to the test plan. Requirements 1. 2. You have maintained the Test Status values. The test plan is initial. The test plan is initial when: It has no execution status. It has no release status schema or a release status schema has been assigned and the release status has the value NEW.

Default Settings The release status schema DEFAULT is delivered by default, but you can create and maintain your own. Activities You can maintain the release status schema and assign a signature strategy. Workflow Information

Use The workflow functionality can specify and start actions at specified events in the test management process or during testing. Sending an E-mail is the default value. Requirements You have authorized your end users.


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Activate Workflow Configuration BC Set

Use This IMG activity activates BC Sets and imports piece lists which are prerequisites for the Test Workbench workflow.

Activities 1. 2. Proceed as described in SAP note 1113726. Ensure that the BC Sets are activated with the following settings: 3. Overwrite Data: Overwrite All Data Activation Mode: Expert Mode

Ensure that the role of the client in which the BC Sets are activated is not Production, in transaction SCC4. Set-Up Workflow

Use The Test Workbench workflow functionality specifies and starts actions at specified times in the test management process and during testing. The default action is sending an E-mail. There are 2 types of transactions: Transaction type: Test plan tester (TWTP) Testers are informed which test packages are or are not ready for testing in their worklist, when a test


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plan is released. A CRM document is created for each tester in the test plan. Transaction type: Test sequence (TWSQ) The tester is informed when he can start to test, i.e. when the previous test ends. A CRM document is created for each test sequence.

For further information, see the online documentation. Requirements The following prerequisites must be satisfied in the test plan, to be able to use the test workbench workflow: Use of release status Active workflow Enter the following data in the Release area in the General Data tab of the attributes of a test plan: Release schema Select Workflow

Activities Enter the transaction types for test plan testers and test sequence. 1. 2. 3. Choose the Workflow setting, and Change. Enter the transaction types for test plan tester (TWTP) and test sequence (TWSQ). Save. Define Transaction Types

In this section, you define the transaction types. A transaction type defines the attributes and characteristics of a business transaction (for example, sales order, service request, visit) and the controlling attributes (for example, text determination procedure, partner determination procedure, status profile, organizational data profile). A transaction type controls


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how a specific business transaction is processed. A transaction type is assigned to one or more business transaction categories (such as, sales, activity). The business transaction category specifies the business context in which a transaction type can be used (for example, service, sales, activity). One business transaction category is the leading business transaction category. This category is simply a preference and is not related hierarchically to the other business transaction categories. A sales transaction with business activity data, for example, would be more likely to have 'sales' as a leading business transaction category than 'business activity'. Example: The business transaction categories Sales and Activity are assigned to the transaction type Standard Order. The Sales category is the leading category. In the locator, a transaction with this transaction type would be displayed as a sales transaction, and not as an activity. Different Customizing settings must be maintained at header level for each business transaction category. For example, you need to specify settings such as goal of the activity or the subject profile for the business transaction category Activity, the document pricing procedure or payment plan type for the business transaction category Sales, and the subject profile for the business transaction category Service. Note For sales transaction items in sales orders, quotations, and complaints to be forwarded from SAP CRM to SAP ECC, the document processing settings must be identical in both systems. The IDs of the transaction types must match those of the sales document types.

Activities You make the settings for the business transaction types in three steps, which are based on one another: 1. Define Transaction Types In this activity, you specify the description of the transaction type as well as important control attributes, such as the leading business transaction category, text determination procedure, partner determination procedure, status profile, organizational data profile, and number range assignment. Assign Business Transaction Category A transaction type can be assigned to one or more business transaction categories. Only certain combinations of business transaction category are allowed. You choose the other business transaction categories that match the leading business transaction category. You have to maintain Customizing settings for the header level of the transaction for each of the business transaction categories you have assigned. Customizing at Header Level Various settings can be made here, depending on the business transaction category. Assign Blocking Reasons You can assign a blocking reason to a transaction type. You have already defined the blocking reasons under Define Blocking Reasons. You can block a business partner for creating certain


3. 4.


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business transactions. In this case, you cannot create business transactions for which the transaction type is blocked for this business partner. You can block a sold-to party, for example, so that it is not possible for this sold-to party to create orders. However, you can still allow inquiries to be created. If you assign a business partner a blocking reason that is not assigned to a transaction type, this block applies to all transaction types. You can assign blocking reasons to transaction types under Define Blocking Reasons. You can see the same assignment in this IMG activity, that is, the table is the same, only the view of the contents is different. Blocking reasons assigned to the sales document types in the R/3 system are not transferred to the CRM system. 5. Allowed Channels for Transaction Types You can assign one more channels, such as CRM Enterprise, Internet Sales, or Mobile Sales, to a transaction type. If you have assigned a transaction type to certain channels, only these transaction types are proposed for selection in the input help in this channel. Note: If you use this function and have assigned a channel to just one transaction type, you must have assigned at least one channel for all of the transaction types used in your enterprise. The channel is determined when you create a transaction type and saved in the transaction header. This means that it can be used for both BW and action profile determination. By assigning transaction types to certain channels, you can design and control your business processes more flexibly. For example, you can ensure that complaints are processed only in the Interaction Center or agree different price reductions for different channels so that a discount is always granted for Internet Sales orders. By assigning channels, you can also collect and analyze information about which channels created the orders. Further notes If a transaction type is not assigned a Partner determination procedure, Text determination procedure, Organizational data profile, or Date profile,

the corresponding tab pages are not displayed when you process a transaction. Define Action Profiles and Actions

All maximal allowed actions are defined for a transaction type. You also specify general conditions in the action profile for the actions contained in the profile, for example: The time period at which the system starts the action (for example, when saving the document) The way in which the system executes the action (workflow, method call or Smart Forms).

In this activity, you create an action profile and templates for actions. You can define the action templates more closely in the following step Change action profiles and define conditions.


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For the action profile, the class which provides the attributes for your business object must be entered. These business objects can be used for planning actions. When creating an action profile, note for which business transaction type you can use this action profile. You must assign the relevant business object type to the action profile. The assignment of the business object type makes sure that the attributes for the relevant business transaction type (for exampe, sales contract) can be used for defining and processing the conditions. If, for example, you wish to make the action depend on the net value of the transaction, the profile must be assigned to a business object type which contains the attribute net value . Only one business object can be assigned for each action profile. You can find out the business object type for the transaction type or the item category in Customizing for transactions under Define transaction types or Define item categories. If you work with time-dependent conditions, you must also assign a date profile to the action definition. This makes sure that the date rules which you use for the action definitions are also available. You can also assign the date profile to the entire action profile. It is then inherited as the default value in every action definition you create for this profile. You also define here whether an action is to be partner-dependent. When defining the follow-up documents, consider the copying control for the relevant transaction types. Note also the copying control for the relevant transaction types, when defining subsequent documents. You can enter several processing types for one action definition. Under processing, choose: Method call If the action consists of one single step, for example, create subsequent document or create credit memo item. During the method call, processing is carried out via Business-Add-Ins (BAdIs). Standard methods (BAdIs) are available. You can also use actions to trigger alerts, for example, in the Enterprise Portal. For more information, see Using Actions to Trigger Alerts. When creating your own BAdI implementations, make sure that the method 'get_ref_object' is always called from the class 'CL_ACTION_EXECUTE', and the method 'register_for_save' always at the end. You can use the implementations 'COPY_DOCUMENT' and 'COPY_ITEM_LOCAL' as a template. Workflow If the action consists of a process with several steps, for example, a subsequent document with approval procedure. Smart Forms for issuing documents via fax, printing or e-mail.

Requirements In order to create action profiles, you must have defined the necessary transaction types or item categories. If you are using time-dependent conditions, you need to have defined date profiles. You define date profiles in the IMG under Basic Functions -> Date Management.


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Default Settings SAP delivers the following standard action profiles: For activities: ACTIVITY Contains the following action definitions: ACTIVITY_FOLLOWUP: creates a task for the responsible employee if a business activity is overdue ACTIVITY_PRINT: makes it possible to print the activity ACTIVITY_REMINDER_MAIL: sends an e-mail to the responsible employee if a business activity is overdue

For opportunities: OPPORTUNITY_SALES_ASSISTANT This action profile contains the actions necessary for sales methodology for opportunities. For quotations: QUOTATION Contains the action definition Complete quotation. When the validity period for the quotation has expired, the quotation is automatically set to 'completed'. This action profile is assigned to the transaction type quotation. For sales contracts: SALES_CONTRACT_HEAD Contains action template COPY_DOCUMENT. The action generates a follow- up document, and returns the number of the follow-up document to the original document. The transaction type for the follow-up document must be entered in the processing parameters. For sales contract items: SALES_CONTRACT_ITEM contains action template COPY_ITEM_LOCAL . VALUE_QUANTITY_CONTRACT_ITEM For Leasing contracts: LEASING_MESSAGES Contains action definitions for messages and subsequent documents. The subsequenet documents include: CONT COPY DOCUMENT Generate subsequent document (activity) Generates a telephone call two weeks before the contract end date. CONT COPY DOCUMENT SCHEDULED Generate subsequent document via selection report When a specific net value is reached, the system automatically creates a subsequent document. The net value is checked using a selection report.

For complaints: COMPLAINT For complaints items: COMPLAINT_ITEM

We recommend that you do not change the delivered profiles, but copy and adapt them if necessary. Recommendation If you create your own action profiles and action definitions, these should begin with Y or Z, because this name range is not overwritten for a SAP import.


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Activities In order to create an action profile with action templates, you proceed as follows: 1. Choose New entries in the Change action profile view, and enter a name and a description for the action profile. Assign the context class CL_DOC_CONTEXT_CRM_ORDER in CRM Sales and Service in the field context class . If necessary, assign a date profile and a business transaction type (business object type) to the action profile. In order to assign abusiness transaction type, choose the relevant business transaction type with input help in the category BO - BOR object type and object type fields. Go into the action definition screen and choose New entries. The screen for the definition of actions appears. Enter a name and a description for the action. Specify the default values for the action in the action definition screen. Consider the following notes for these input possibilities: Processing time period: Immediate processing - the action is started as soon as the start condition is fulfilled. Processing when saving document - the action is started directly after the update. Processing using selection report - the action is started by a report after expiration and evaluation. After selection using the report, the system first checks whether a start condition is available. If no start condition is available, or the condition is correct, the action is started.

2. 3. 4.

If you select the partner-dependent field, you can define a partner function or partner function category for which the action is valid. For example, you can use partner function categories if you want a reminder e-mail to be sent to all business partners who are involved in the transaction and assigned to the specific partner function category. You can use partner functions to trigger an action for a specific partner function, for example, to send a reminder e-mail to the employee responsible for the transaction. You can, however, also define the action partner-dependently via the conditions. Select the field changeable in dialog if you want the user to be able to change the condition and processing parameter for the action in the document. Select the field executable in dialog if you want the user to be able to trigger the action manually on the Actions tab page. Select the display in toolbar field if you want the action to be displayed as a symbol in the toolbar for the document, and the user to be able to plan it from here. In the determination technology field, choose Determination via transportable conditions. In the field action aggregation , choose: 5. 6. a maximum of one action for each action definition, if the action is to be executed exactly once a maximum of one unprocessed action for each action definition if you want to be able to call up the action several times.

Go to the Processing screen, in order to set how (with which technique) the action is executed. Choose New entries and, in the list, choose Processing Processing types (workflow, method call or Smart Forms). In the case of several processing types, select the standard processing type with the default indicator.


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Select the processing type and choose Set processing.. For processing via method call: Select a method (Business-Add-In) in the Filter value field via the input help. If you wish to be able to print an activity, use the processing method CRM_ACTIVITY_EXEC_SMART_FORM. This processing method is delivered with the standard configuration. Using the symbol for BAdI implementation , you can display the coding for the selected method. Using the symbol New BAdI implementation, you can define your own methods (BAdI). Define the processing parameters (container) and maintain the standard values, for example, import, transaction type, export: external document number. For processing via workflow. Enter a workflow dummy.


For processing via Smart Forms: Choose print, fax or e-mail, and enter a form name, a processing class, and a processing method. If you want the responsible employee to be sent a reminder e-mail if a contract is overdue, use smart form CRM_REMINDER_MAIL_01. This smart form is delivered with the standard configuration. Repeat the steps as of 2 for each action template you wish to define. Further notes


If you also wish to specify messages for a transaction type (for example, order confirmation by fax), you must define the message output and the actions (for example, follow-up documents) in the same action profile. The action profile ACTIVITY is assigned to transaction type 0000 in the standard configuration. You can find information about the BAdI implementation in the SAP Library under Basis -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Workbench: Tools -> Further Concepts -> Business Add-Ins You can find information about the SAP Business Workflow in the SAP Library under Basis -> Business Management (BC-BMT) -> SAP Business Workflow (BC-BMT-WFM) Define Conditions

In this step, you process the action templates you have created in the activity Define actions. Define the following characteristics in particular: You define the planning condition and start condition for each action definition using transportable conditions.


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You enter whether the action is planned automatically when the planning condition appears. Example

Planning condition: all contracts as of 1.6.2000 all transactions for customers 1000 to 2999

Start condition: 2 weeks before the contract end date Requirements You have created an action profile with action templates. You have selected Determination using transportable conditions in the Determination Technique field. If you want to use time-dependent conditions, you need to define date profiles with dates, durations and date rules under Date Management, and assign them to the date profile.

Activities 1. In the left screen area, double-click to choose the action profile you wish to process. In the right upper screen area, the action templates assigned to the profile appear. Using Create , you can select action templates from the action profile which are already defined, and add them to the list. You can add an action template several times. You can process these templates further in this activity. Choose the required template by double-clicking, and choose the symbol Change action template. The tab pages for setting up processing and defining the schedule condition and start condition appear in the lower screen area. On the Overview tab page, the settings which were made for the action in the action profile are automatically proposed if the Default settings from action definition field is selected. If you deselect the field, you can change the default values. If you want the system to automatically plan the action for a fulfilled planning condition, select the schedule automatically field. This tab page also displays whether schedule conditions or start conditions are assigned. You can display details for the assigned processing on the Action details tab page. You can change the processing parameters for the processing parameter method call. You can create conditions for each action definition on the Schedule condition and Start condition tab pages. Enter a description for the condition, and double-click to go into the condition editor. You can create your own conditions with the help of the condition editor. You can find further information about working with the condition editor in the SAP Library under Basis -> Business Management -> SAP Business Workflow -> Reference Documentation -> SAP Business Workflow - Navigation -> Workflow Builder -> Functions in the Workflow Builder



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-> Condition Editor Further notes Note that if you do not want specific actions to be carried out for templates, you need to enter &CRM Bus. Activity.TEMPLATETYPE& = on the Schedule Condition tab page for the required action. For more information on working with templates, see the release note Templates in Activities and Leads. Select Office System for Testing

Use You can specify a mail system to which Test Workbench test objects send messages.

Requirements You have executed IMG activity Setting Up SAPconnect.

Activities 1. 2. Select the Office System radio button and choose Change. Specify a mail system: Local: The local SAP mail system is used as the mail system. Remote: Specify a mail system to which test objects send messages via a remote link. Messages Define Template for Messages


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Use You can define templates for messages.


Create a SAPScript template for messages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose the document class General Text. Choose a language. Enter the document name. Choose Create. Edit the text in the SAPscript editor. Save the changes. Assign Template for Messages

Use This IMG activity assigns message templates. Requirements You have defined a SAPScript template in IMG activity Define Template for Messages.

Activities 1. 2. 3. Select the Message System radio button and choose Change. Assign the message template you have defined via value help. Save.


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Test Documentation (Notes) Select Test Documentation (Notes) Editor
Use In this IMG activity, you specify the editor that testers are to use to document the results of their test.

Activities Choose Notes and choose between: SAPscript editor: Only one template SAP Knowledge Warehouse editor: Testers can use office applications (such as MS Word) to document their test results. You can provide a template for this document type in project administration. Several templates Define Template for Test Documentation (Notes)

Requirements You have selected the editor for notes (test documents written by testers) in IMG activity Define Test Documentation Editor.

Activities If you have selected SAPScript as notes editor: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose activity Change SAPScript Template. Choose document class General text. Choose a language. Select the text TEMPLATE_NOTE_ST and Change. Adapt the template


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Save and activate.

If you have selected Editor in SAP Knowledge Warehouse as notes editor: 7. 8. 9. Choose activity Assign Templates for KW Documents. In the menu choose Goto -> Project Template -> <Project Type> e.g. Implementation Projects. Choose tab Documentation Types.

10. Select docu type ST. 11. Choose the desired activity under Document Template button. 12. Save. Create Folder for Test Documentation

Use You use this IMG activity to assign documents which are assigned to a tester to change, in the "Attachment" tab of the test plan or package, to their own folder. The tester gets additional authorization to create and change documents in this folder.

Activities Create folder group 1. 2. 3. Choose the area "Solution Manager" for the new folder group. Choose "Settings-> Folder Group" in the menu. Choose the pushbutton "New Entries", and enter the following data: 4. Area: IWBSOLAR Solution Manager Folder Group: <Folder Group Name> Description: <Folder Group Description>

Save. Create folder and assign folder group


Choose the context of your folder.


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6. 7. 8.

Choose "Folder -> Create" in the menu. Choose the area "Solution Manager". Specify the folder attributes: Title: <Folder Name> Technical Name: <Technical Name of the Folder> Folder Group: <Name of the Folder Group>



Adjust tester authorizations 10. Adjust the role SAP_SOL_KW_DIS to the tester. 11. Copy the authorization object S_IWB and adjust the following fields: Activity: Add 01, 02 Folder Group: <Folder Group>

12. Generate the profile and perform the user comparison. Example Test Cases Define Template for Test Cases

Activities Define a template for manual test cases and eCATT configuration: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose activity Change SAPscriptTemplate. Choose document class General text. Choose a language. Select the text TEMPLATE_CATE and Change. Adapt the template Save and activate.

Define a template for test documents (Knowledge Warehouse documents, for example office application


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documents like MS Word) 7. 8. 9. Choose activity Assign Templates for KW Documents. In the menu choose Goto -> Project Template -> <Project Type>, for example Implementation Projects. Choose tab Documentation Types.

10. Scroll down and define a new document type (4 characters starting with z or y), name and file extension. 11. Select the row and choose the desired activity under Document Template button. 12. Save. Note For CATT the test case templates must be maintained in the satellite systems. When working with projects you can define in the Project Administration whether you store manual test cases and eCATTS in the Solution Manager system or the satellite systems. If you store manual test cases and eCATTS in the satellite systems, you also must maintain the templates in the satellite systems. Define Test Series

Use In this IMG activity, you create the test series required test series are attributes of test plans, with which you can group test plans, and by which you can filter in the status info system. You assign these test series to a test plan, when you create it, in the attributes, under Test Series.

Example You create the following test series, for a Go Live test: April May June

Classical test series are: Function test Procedure test


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Integration test Schedule Check Jobs for TBOM

Use A TBOM contains a list of all objects used in a transaction. If the transaction changes, for example by importing a new support package, TBOM may contain out-of-date information. Each TBOM contains a link to the transaction to which it belongs. If you delete the node or the process step which contained this transaction, in the Business Process Hierarchy (BPH), the TBOM still exists, but the link to the transaction is no longer valid. This IMG activity schedules a periodic job to check that the BPH reference is valid.

Activities Validity check: Schedule the job AGS_BPCA_TBOM_OUTDATE_CHECKER. Check the BPH reference Schedule the job AGS_BPCA_TBOM_REFERENCE_CHECK daily. CATTs and eCATTs Check Client Settings for CATT and eCATT Usage
Use Executing CATTS and eCATTS during client maintenance must be explicitly allowed in each client in which testing is to take place.

Activities 1. Select the corresponding clients in client maintenance.


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Check whether CATTS and eCATTs can be started in the `Restrictions to Starting CATT and eCATT group box, and change this setting if necessary. Check GUI Scripting for CATT and eCATT Usage

Use If you want to use both CATTs and eCATTS, you must activate GUI scripting in the central test system and in all target systems.

Activities 1. Check whether the 'sapgui/user_scripting' profile parameter has been set to 'TRUE'. This is a dynamic parameter. This means that you need not restart the system if you change the parameter. These settings will first apply to your user once you have logged off and logged on again.

2. BW-based Reporting Assign Own Message Priorities

Use You can create your own message priorities. To keep the display of data consistent, you must map these message priorities to SAP priorities. Default Settings The maintenance view V_PRIO_MAPPING contains all possible SAP message priorities from 1 through 4.


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Activities Create Own Message Priorities 1. 2. 3. 4. Maintain the table SCPRIO. Choose New Entries. Enter a number and description for your priority. Save your entries.

Map Message Priorities 5. 6. 7. 8. Choose New Entry. Use the input help to select the SAP priority number. Assign the number to your new message priority. Save your entries. Assign Own Status Values

Use If you have entered your own status values, you must assign these status values you created yourself to SAP status values. Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose New Entries. Use the input help to select the SAP status value. Assign the value of your newly defined status value using the input help. Save your entries. Activate Solution Manager Services

Use To configure reporting, you must activate ICF services.


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Default Settings Activate services Run the following programs: Technical name: SM_IMPLEMENTATION

Check service activation You can check whether services are active. Choose the hierarchy type SERVICE. 1. 2. 3. Choose Execute. Select the service. Choose the context menu Test Service.

(For all services: /default_host...) Configuration
Use To be able to execute BW-based reporting for Test Management, you must configure it. This setup executes the following steps: Activation and replication of the DataSources Creation of the required BW objects Requirements You have: Completed the basic BW configuration The relevant authorizations Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Call the work center. Navigate to the Settings view. Choose the link BI - Reporting - Settings. An entry screen appears. Enter the required data: RFC destination: If you are using a WI client (system) that is not your Solution Manager client.


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If you are running BW Reporting in your productive client, keep the default value NONE. Start time for extractor: We recommend you select a time at the end of the day (for example, 8 pm) so the system can complete the data extraction before midnight. The system always uses the current date for the system time for data extraction.


Set the indicator for the activation. Note: If you have activated the InfoCubes, no further activation is necessary. If however, new InfoCubes have been added, for example, by installing a new patch, you must start activation again, otherwise incorrect reporting results may occur. See also the Configuration Tasks During Operation section in the SAP Solution Manager Configuration Guide on SAP Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>.


To start the setup for reporting, choose the Save pushbutton.

1.5.4 SAP Engagement and Service Delivery Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Use Issue Management is an interface between your support organization and SAP support. SAP support staff can cooperate with you with this function, e.g. by proposing problem solutions. You can monitor the solution of problems identified in a business process or solution in operational processing. You can trace the entire life cycle of your problems (issues) and their solutions. The Issue Management Online Documentation (Help -> Application Help) contains a complete process and application description. The Master Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release> contains a detailed scenario description Requirements You have: Generated business partners Generated IBase Issue Management authorization and Solution authorization.


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Set Up Work Center for SAP Engagement and Service Delivery
Use You need the navigation role to be able to use the SAP Engagement and Service Delivery work center. The work center navigation roles determine the menu, and thus the navigation for the work center. Only one work center navigation role is relevant per work center. The user also needs the authorization role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC, which contains all authorization objects required for the work center. Note You can: Adjust the work center navigation role menus Create work center composite roles , to assign several work centers to your users Requirements You have loaded the work center navigation roles in your work client. Default Settings The naming convention for delivered work center navigation roles is: SAP_SMWORK_<work center>. Activities A) Assign work center navigation role 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose the work center navigation role, e.g. SAP_SMWORK_IMPL. Copy the role, e.g. to ZSAP_SMWORK_SERVICE_DEV. Choose Change. Go to the Users tab. Enter the user to which you assign the work center. Compare users with Compare Users.

Note: You can assign the role SAP_SMWORK_MYHOME to the user. See SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. B) ASAP_SMWORK_BASIC zuordnen 7. 8. 9. Choose the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. Copy the role. Go to the Authorizations tab.


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10. Apply the authorizations by double-click on the yellow traffic light. 11. Generate the profile. 12. Go to the Users tab. 13. Enter the users to which you have assigned work center roles . 14. Compare users with Compare Users. C) Assign default authorization roles Assign authorization to users according to your company's authorization concept. You can use and adjust the pre-defined template roles delivered by SAP. See: For deltas in the default authorization roles: SAP note 834534 For an overview and mapping of all default authorization roles in the work center, see the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace. Access You can call the work center as follows: in NetWeaver Business Client in the web browser: with the following URL ( http(s):// <server name>: <port> /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ ags_workcenter?WORKCENTER=AGS_WORK_IMPLEMENTATION&sap-client= <client> Issue Management Activate Solution Manager Service

Use You can call the function as a WebDynpro application or as an SAP transaction. In both cases, you must activate the service provided by Issue Management.

Default Settings

Activate services Run the following programs:


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Check service activation You can check whether the services are active. Choose the hierarchy type SERVICE. 1. 2. 3. Choose Execute. Select the service. Choose the context menu Test Service.

(For all services: /default_host...)

After activation, the system shows all active services. Generate Issue Summary as PDF

Use In this Customizing activity, you create a PDF files for issues. Requirements You have installed and configured Adobe Document Service (ADS) in your system. Default Settings By default, the summary of issues is displayed in DIN A4 format. If you want to display this in U.S. letter format, add the following entry in the table DSWPGLOBALCUSTOM: Field: ISSUE_REPORT_FORM Content: DSWP_CI_ISSUE_REPORT_FORM_LTR Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Call the table DSWPGLOBALCUSTOM. Choose Create. Enter the required values. Save your entries.


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Create Automatic Notifications

Use This IMG activity activates the automatic notification in SAP Solution Manager Issue Management. This sends a change message by e-mail to the processor when attributes are changed. Requirements SAPconnect is configured for the SMTP service in the system. The e-mail address of the processor is determined from the corresponding system user, so the e-mail addresses of the system users should be specified in transaction SU01. If none are found here, the e-mail address of the processor is determined from its business partner, so the e-mail addresses of business partners must be specified in transaction BP. If no e-mail address can be determined from the business partner, the message can be sent to a default address. Specify it with the following values in the table DSWPGLOBALCUSTOM: Field: DSWP_NOTIF_DEFAULT_EMAIL Contents: <default e-mail address>

Activities 1. Assign action profiles for each transaction type as follows: a) b) c) d) Select the transaction type. Double-click. Assign the relevant action profile. Save. Transaction type SLFI: action profile SLFI_ACTION_PROFILE Transaction type SLFT: action profile SLFT_ACTION_PROFILE Transaction type TASK: action profile TASK_ACTION_PROFILE Activate Search Index for Issues

Use The Solution Manager Issue Management finds Issues and tasks without specifying a solution.


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You can connect the Issue Tracking to a TREX, to find existing Issues across solutions (as WebDynpro application or SAP transaction), more easily. Requirements You have installed TREX.

Activities Maintain the table DSWPGLOBALCUSTOM 1. Create a new entry in the table DSWPGLOBALCUSTOM, with the following values: Field: TREX_RFC Contents: <Name of created RFC connection to TREX 7.0> Create search index Run the report RDSWP_CI_INDEX_ALL_ISSUES.

1.5.5 Service Desk Service Desk Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Use The Solution Manager Service Desk is based on CRM 5.0. The IMG activities to configure the Service Desk set-up a STANDARD configuration. You use the Service Desk, and have an SAP customer number. Even if you are a Service Provider, you must make the basic Service Desk settings, under the node: Service Provider-Specific Settings . Requirements You must Configure the Basic Settings before the scenario-specific configuration. All basic settings are made.


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You have: authorization set-up Business Partners

When you have made the scenario-specific settings, check all standard settings in the IMG activity: Checklist: Standard Service Configuration " Default Settings Customizing Concepts Transaction type The transaction type SLFN determines the business context in which a transaction type (e.g. service) can be used. One transaction type is the "main" transaction type, and is not hierarchically related to other transaction types. Text schema The text schema is a text type container (for example system data), which is assigned to text objects (CRM_ORDERH). The text schema is then assigned to the transaction type. This ensures that the text types can be displayed in documents. Partner schema The partner schema determines which partners are in the business process, for example partner function 00000001 (sold-to party), etc. Partners are determined separately for each partner function. The Sold-to Party is determined by the installation component (iBase). The key user is determined by the user (SU01) who created the message in the system. The message processor is determined by the user who processes the message, when it saved. The support team is determined by rule 13200137 CRM_DNO_1, which is applied when the document is saved.

Action profile Communication between CRM service transactions and the subsequent basis message is controlled by the Action profile, in both directions. Organization model The model reflects the functional organization structure of the firm. Multi Transaction Type Handling Specify Several Transaction Types
Use In this IMG activity, you define which transaction types you want to work with in the Solution Manager Service Desk.


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You can: Define a transaction type that you can use for Service Desk messages integrated in SAP Solution Manager. This means this transaction type is used in Solution Manager projects and in the test workbench. Use several transaction types for the Service Desk only. Thus you can use the Service Desk for Service Providers and Software Partners in different transaction types. Requirements You must have already created the transaction types to implement this configuration. Activities Specify Message Types 1. Double-click PROCESS_TYPE. By default, the transaction type SLFN is displayed. This transaction type is the transaction type that is used integrated in SAP Solution Manager, that is, if you create messages in other functions, such as Business Process Monitoring or Solution Manager projects. Proceed as follows: If you want to use a different transaction type, replace the transaction type SLFN with the required transaction type. If you want to use several transaction types, create a new entry using the New Entries pushbutton and enter the relevant data: - User name: blank - Field name: PROCESS_TYPE_ADD - Sequence number: a sequential number (1, 2, 3...) - Description: as required - Field value: transaction type Repeat the steps for all other transaction types you require. Increment the sequential number in each case.



Save your entries.

Classify Transaction Types 4. 5. Use the input help to choose which transaction type you want to use (transaction types in PROCESS_TYPE and PROCESS_TYPE_ADD). For each transaction type, select the category: 6. Standard: You are using the normal Service Desk. Software Partner: You are a developer of SAP add-on software and receive your problem messages from SAP. Service Provider: You operate a Service Desk for several customers. Business ByDesign: You operate a Service Desk for customers with the product SAP Business ByDesign.

Save your entries.


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Specify Target Transaction Type from Basis Message

Use In this Customizing activity, you implement the enhancement to specify the target transaction type. If you are using several transaction types and use the menu function Help -> Feedback (Create Support Messages) to receive Service Desk messages, you can use this implementation to specify in which target transaction type the message is created. Activities Implement BAdI BADI_DET_PROC_TYPE_FROM_DNO. General Settings Set Up Work Center for Incident Management (Service Desk)
Use To be able to work with Work Center Incident Management for Service Desk, you require the corresponding navigation role for the work center. The work center navigation roles determine the menu and thus the navigation for the respective work center. Only one work center navigation role is relevant per work center. In addition, users also require the authorization role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. SAP_SMWORK_BASIC contains all necessary authorization objects that are relevant for the work center. Note You can: Adapt the menus for the work center navigation roles Create work center composite roles to be able to assign several work centers to your users Requirements You have loaded the work center navigation roles into your work client. Default Settings The naming convention for the work center navigation roles delivered with the system is SAP_SMWORK_<work center>.


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Activities A) Assign work center navigation role 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Select the respective work center navigation role, for example, SAP_SMWORK_INCIDENT_MAN. Copy the role, for example, to ZSAP_SMWORK_INCIDENT_MAN. Choose the Change pushbutton. Choose the Users tab. Enter the users to which you want to assign the respective work center. Run the user comparison by choosing the User Comparison pushbutton.

Note: If necessary, assign the role SAP_SMWORK_MYHOME to the user. See the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide on SAP Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. B) Assign SAP_SMWORK_BASIC 7. 8. 9. Select the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. Copy the role. Choose the Authorizations tab.

10. Define the allowed authorizations by double-clicking the yellow traffic lights. 11. Generate the profile. 12. Choose the Users tab. 13. Enter the users to which you also assigned work center roles. 14. Run the user comparison by choosing the User Comparison pushbutton. C) Assign Standard Authorization Roles Assign the authorizations that you want to assign to the individual users in accordance with your company-specific authorization concept. To do this, you can use and adapt the predefined template roles supplied by SAP for this purpose. See also: For deltas in the standard authorization roles: SAP Note 834534 For an overview and a mapping of all standard authorization roles to the work centers, see also the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide on SAP Service Marketplace. Access You can open the work center as follows: In the NetWeaver Business Client


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In the Web Browser by entering the following URL in the Internet Explorer (according to your security settings use either HTTP or HTTPS): http(s)://<server name>:<port>/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ags_work_incident_man?sap-client=<client> Activate Solution Manager Services

Use You activate services, to be able to use the solution database, for example to put solutions for a Service Desk message in the solution database automatically.

Default Settings Activate services Run the following programs: Technical name: SM_SERVICE_DESK

The system shows all activated services. Check service activation You can check whether the services are active. Choose the hierarchy type SERVICE. 1. 2. 3. Choose Execute. Select the service. Choose the context menu Test Service.

(For all services: /default_host...) Specify Work Center for Processor

Use If you use the Incident Management Work Center, you must activate the authorization object CRM_TXT_ID in the role SAP_SUPPDESK_PROCESS. The system controls whether the user gets the Key User or Processor work center, with the value of this authorization object. If you do not activate the authorization object and give it the appropriate value, your users get the Key User work center by default.


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Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose the role SAP_SUPPDESK_PROCESS. Choose Edit in the Authorizations tab, to set the authorization object CRM_TXT_ID. Activate the authorization object CRM_TXT_ID with Activate. Give the following values to the authorization object CRM_TXT_ID: 5. Activity <ACTVT>: 02 Text ID <TEXTID>: SU15

Regenerate the profile, and assign it to the user. Specify Service Desk Destination in Managed Systems

Use In this IMG activity, you make the settings required in the managed systems to enable users in those systems to send problem messages to the central SAP Solution Manager system. Requirements Basis/ABA Support Packages are installed in the managed systems. Note: The logon language of your managed systems should be the Solution Manager logon language.

Activities In the managed systems: In view 'Create Messages: Customizing' (transaction SM30, view BCOS_CUST), make the following settings for the application OSS_MSG: Column 1: Application: OSS_MSG Column 2: + : W Column 3: RFC Destination: RFC destination in the SAP Solution Manager system> Column 4: + : CUST620 Column 5: + : 1.0

Note: We recommend that you use the existing back destination. If you want to use a back destination created before SAP Solution Manager Release 3.20 SP05, proceed as follows in the SAP Solution Manager System:


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Generate the following roles in transaction PFCG. Assign the following roles to the user for the back destination: SAP_SUPPDESK_CREATE SAP_SV_FDB_NOTIF_BC_ADMIN Define Transaction Types

In this section, you define the transaction types. A transaction type defines the attributes and characteristics of a business transaction (for example, sales order, service request, visit) and the controlling attributes (for example, text determination procedure, partner determination procedure, status profile, organizational data profile). A transaction type controls how a specific business transaction is processed. A transaction type is assigned to one or more business transaction categories (such as, sales, activity). The business transaction category specifies the business context in which a transaction type can be used (for example, service, sales, activity). One business transaction category is the leading business transaction category. This category is simply a preference and is not related hierarchically to the other business transaction categories. A sales transaction with business activity data, for example, would be more likely to have 'sales' as a leading business transaction category than 'business activity'. Example: The business transaction categories Sales and Activity are assigned to the transaction type Standard Order. The Sales category is the leading category. In the locator, a transaction with this transaction type would be displayed as a sales transaction, and not as an activity. Different Customizing settings must be maintained at header level for each business transaction category. For example, you need to specify settings such as goal of the activity or the subject profile for the business transaction category Activity, the document pricing procedure or payment plan type for the business transaction category Sales, and the subject profile for the business transaction category Service. Note For sales transaction items in sales orders, quotations, and complaints to be forwarded from SAP CRM to SAP ECC, the document processing settings must be identical in both systems. The IDs of the transaction types must match those of the sales document types.

Activities You make the settings for the business transaction types in three steps, which are based on one another:


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Define Transaction Types In this activity, you specify the description of the transaction type as well as important control attributes, such as the leading business transaction category, text determination procedure, partner determination procedure, status profile, organizational data profile, and number range assignment. Assign Business Transaction Category A transaction type can be assigned to one or more business transaction categories. Only certain combinations of business transaction category are allowed. You choose the other business transaction categories that match the leading business transaction category. You have to maintain Customizing settings for the header level of the transaction for each of the business transaction categories you have assigned. Customizing at Header Level Various settings can be made here, depending on the business transaction category. Assign Blocking Reasons You can assign a blocking reason to a transaction type. You have already defined the blocking reasons under Define Blocking Reasons. You can block a business partner for creating certain business transactions. In this case, you cannot create business transactions for which the transaction type is blocked for this business partner. You can block a sold-to party, for example, so that it is not possible for this sold-to party to create orders. However, you can still allow inquiries to be created. If you assign a business partner a blocking reason that is not assigned to a transaction type, this block applies to all transaction types. You can assign blocking reasons to transaction types under Define Blocking Reasons. You can see the same assignment in this IMG activity, that is, the table is the same, only the view of the contents is different. Blocking reasons assigned to the sales document types in the R/3 system are not transferred to the CRM system. Allowed Channels for Transaction Types You can assign one more channels, such as CRM Enterprise, Internet Sales, or Mobile Sales, to a transaction type. If you have assigned a transaction type to certain channels, only these transaction types are proposed for selection in the input help in this channel. Note: If you use this function and have assigned a channel to just one transaction type, you must have assigned at least one channel for all of the transaction types used in your enterprise. The channel is determined when you create a transaction type and saved in the transaction header. This means that it can be used for both BW and action profile determination. By assigning transaction types to certain channels, you can design and control your business processes more flexibly. For example, you can ensure that complaints are processed only in the Interaction Center or agree different price reductions for different channels so that a discount is always granted for Internet Sales orders. By assigning channels, you can also collect and analyze information about which channels created the orders. Further notes


3. 4.


If a transaction type is not assigned a Partner determination procedure, Text determination procedure, Organizational data profile, or


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Date profile,

the corresponding tab pages are not displayed when you process a transaction. Set Up Screen Profile

Use In this IMG activity, you set up the original procedure processing screen profile.

Default Settings SAP has assigned a screen profile for processing Service Desk messages (SLF1) in the procedure monitor . This screen profile hides parts of the screen that are not required for processing, but could be useful for advanced use of the service procedures. For further information, see the online documentation for SAP CRM in the SAP Library on

Activities To use the original screen profile enter the following values for the following fields: Screen profile type: SRVO Procedure type: SLF1 Screen profile: SRV_ABA Start F code: SERVICE_START Show additional fielder in message lists



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This IMG activity shows the following additional fields for message lists in the transaction monitor (transaction CRM_DNO_MONITOR) and the Incident Management work center: Subject Catalog Code group Posting date Processor and reporter details IBase and IBase component Default Settings Activate the BAdI implementation AI_SDK_CRM_DNO_MON, to show additional fields in message lists. Set up Message Creation via Web Browser

Use In this Customizing activity, you activate the service for the BSP application that allows users who have no SAP GUI access to an SAP system to create messages to your Service Desk in a Web browser. The message system data is automatically sent to the Service Desk in the Solution Manager system.

Activities Activate the service Activate the service default_host/sap/bc/bsp/sap/dswpnotifcreate: 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose hierarchy type SERVICE. Choose Execute. Select the service. In the context menu, choose Activate Service.


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Check BSP Application Check the BSP application.

Start the BSP Application Using a URL Specify the name of your SAP Solution Manager Web Application Server, the http port number, and the client in the URL: http://<Host>:<Port>/sap/bc/bsp/sap/dswpnotifcreate?sap-client=<Client>. All input fields can be initialized in advance by setting parameters either in a URL or using http post, for example: component=sv-smg-sup-tst or installation number=1234567890 (see: SAP Note 830882). Note Similar to the procedure in the Customizing activity Create Alias for Business Server Pages, you can create a separate alias/quick link to the BSP application to simplify calling the BSP application for creating messages. Check Basis Message Settings

Use This IMG activity checks your new internal number ranges for basis messages of type SLF1. To ensure that the basis messages and the Solution Manager Service Desk message have the same number, the internal number range for the basis message must be the same as the Solution Manager Service Desk message external number range. Default Settings SAP delivers all message types which you need for the Service Desk. This IMG activity also specifies additional message types for the Service Desk, or changes the existing ones.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose, in the transaction, View "Change Message Type": Overview -> Message Type SLF1. Choose Goto -> Details. Check the internal number range 01. Check whether the action profile SLFN0001_STANDARD_DNO is assigned . If not, assign it. Save.


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Use You want to assign selection variants to Service Desk users . You can define your own selection variants and call them in your own transactions or assign them to your roles.

Activities Create Selection Variant 1. 2. Specify the criteria of your selection. Choose Goto -> Variants -> Save as Variant, to save the variant.

Assign Selection Variant to a Transaction 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Create a new transaction code. Choose the transaction: Transaction with Parameters. Enter Start_Report in the Transaction field. Set the Skip Initial Screen flag. Choose all GUI options. Enter the following default values: 9. D_SREPOVARI-REPORT= CRM_DNO_SERVICE_MONITOR D_SREPOVARI-VARIANT=<Selection Variant Name> D_SREPOVARINOSELSCRN=<X>


Assign Selection Variant to the Menu of a Role 10. Choose a role. 11. Choose the Menu tab. 12. Choose Add Report. 13. Choose the Report Type: ABAP Report. 14. Specify the Report: CRM_DNO_SERVICE_MONITOR.


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15. Enter the selection variant in the Variant field. 16. Set the Skip initial Screen field. 17. Set all GUI options. 18. Confirm and save the role. Automatic E-Mail at Status Change

Use You want to send an E-Mail automatically from a Service Desk message when the status changes, for example, to inform the end user when the message status changes from Open to In Process. Requirements You have: set-up SAP Connect. maintained the business partner E-Mail. Activities You must make the following settings: 1. 2. create an action with the processing method in your action profile (e.g. SLFN000_ADVANCED). give your action start conditions. Example The SAP Tutor in SAP note 691303 is an example configuration. Adjust the example action or status profile to your requirements. If you use the standard action profile for the standard Service Desk delivered by SAP (SLFN0001_ADVANCED), you must also use all the other settings, e.g. status profile: SLFN0001. Set Up Automatic Message Forwarding

Use You want to forward messages to another support team, automatically . This function also:


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sets the status when forwarding deletes the current message processor automatically forwards to the support team, automatically

Default Settings The action is delivered with the following parameters: USER_STATUS: Status set when forwarding (default E0010). SUPPORT_TEAM: Support team set when forwarding. Enter the partner number with leading zeros (10-character). PARTNER_FCT_TEAM: Partner function for the support team, in the message. If the parameter is not set, the system takes the default partner function from the transaction DNP_CUST04 (parameter PARTNER_FCT_TEAM). PARTNER_FCT_PROC: Partner function for the message processor in the message. If the parameter is not set, the system takes the default partner function from the transaction DNO_CUST04 (parameter PARTNER_FCT_PROC). RULE: The Support Team Finding rule (default: AC35000139) is only relevant if the parameter SUPPORT_TEAM is not set.

Activities 1. 2. 3. Choose the action in your action profile: <name action profile>-MSG_DISPATCH. Deselect the column Inactive. Go to the processing types, and set the parameter according to your requirements. Additional IBase Authorization Check

Use You can activate an additional IBase authorization check (authorization object B_NOTIF_IB). Requirements If you use the transaction monitor (transaction CRM_DNO_MONITOR), you have performed the IMG activity Show Additional Fields in Message Lists.


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Activities 1. 2. Choose New Entries. Enter the data: 3. User name Field name: AUTHORITY_CHECK Seq. number Message type description Message type field value: X

Save your entries. Deactivate User Check

Use This IMG activity deactivates the system check for the creator of a message in the Solution Manager System. The system no longer checks whether the creator of the message is in the Solution Manager system.

Activities 1. 2. Choose New Entries. Enter the required data: 3. User name Field name: NO_USER_CHECK Seq. number Message type description Message type field value: X

Save your entries.


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Use In this Customizing activity, you check the new internal and external number ranges for the Service Desk. Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Select the transaction type SLFN. Choose Goto -> Details. Check the internal number range 01 and the external number range 02 under Transaction / Numbering. Save your entries. Time Recording Specify Activity Description

Use This IMG activity makes settings for manual time recording. You specify the selectable activity descriptions in manual time recording, per Interaction Center (IC) WebClient Profile, for example Analysis, Support, Consulting, etc. Processors can enter an activity description in the service ticket manually, or choose one of the description proposed.

Default Settings If you have not specified an IC WebClient profile for your processor, use the standard profile DEFAULT. The time data captured manually in the service ticket is put in the table CRMD_TIMEREP. Activities 1. Select your processor profile in the IC WebClient profile table (default: DEFAULT). The system shows all existing IC WebClient profiles in the table.


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2. 3. 4.

Choose Activity Description by double-click in the left-hand tree. Choose New Entries in the next dialog step. Enter a text number and activity description. You assign an activity description to each number. The number identifies an activity description uniquely, and determines the sequence of the entries in the activity description selection. Choose the product from the value help. You assign a product per number or description, if you want to analyze the manual time recording data later in the CRM_TIMEREP_CREATE_SERVCONF report . The report puts this product as a confirmation item, in a confirmation. Note: The field Flag is not used.



Save. Specify Initial Time Unit Value

Use This IMG activity specifies the initial value for the time unit in manual time recording, per IC WebClient profile. This value is shown in the Time Unit selection field when the service ticket function is first called.

Default Settings If you have not specified a IC WebClient profile for your processors, use the default profile DEFAULT. Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose New Entries. Choose your profile (default DEFAULT) from the value help for the IC WebClient Profile column. Choose H (hours) or MIN (minutes) in the Time Unit column. Save. Set Time Recording Reminder



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This IMG activity maintains time recording reminders. If the reminder is active, a popup prompts the user to record time now or later. Note: In the SAPGUI (transaction CRMD_ORDER) the time recording is a WebDynpro application, if the reminder is active.

Default Settings When you create a message, the reminder is inactive. If the reminder is active, the manual action (AI_SDK_STANDARD_TIME_RE_MAN or SLFN0001_ADVANCED_TIME_RE_MAN) is not available. Activities Activate time recording 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose CRMD_ORDER. Choose Specify Action Profiles and Actions. Choose the action profile which is assigned to your transaction type. Check whether the following actions are active: for the action profile AI_SDK_STANDARD AI_SDK_STANDARD_TIME_REMIND AI_SDK_STANDARD_TIME_RE_MAN


5. 6.

If the actions are not active, clear the flag in the Inactive field. Save.

Capture reminder Enter the values for transaction type. You can set up 3 reminders per transaction type. There are three settings: Space - Inactive (no reminder) X - Active (at each save) S - Active with status change (the reminder is only active when the status changes)


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Text Determination Procedure Text Management

You can make the settings for text management in this unit. The system uses these settings to control which text types (text ID) are proposed for specific reference objects and how these text types behave, for example, whether they can be changed or just displayed. Text management is based on the SAPscript text processing. You can find more detailed information on SAPscript in the SAP Library under Basis Components -> Basis Services/ Communication Interfaces (BC-SRV) -> SAPscript (BC-SRV-SCR). Define Text Objects and Text Types

This activity enables you to check the settings made by SAP for text objects and text types.

Default Settings Warning! These settings are cross-client, that is, changes are effective immediately in all system clients. Recommendation Do not delete any of the text objects contained in the standard system. If possible, also maintain their parameter settings. Activities Check whether all of the required text IDs are available for the application objects that you used. If required, maintain new text types for existing text objects. Define Text Determination Procedure

In this activity, you fine tune your texts.


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Activities The activity Set Texts consists of the following levels: 1. Text objects This level contains the text objects affected by text management. You should not make any changes here. You can find detailed information about the fields Text Key and Communication Structure in the F1 help. Procedure and procedure determination a) Procedure At this level, you create a group of text types that you want to maintain/display in a business context. Note The Customizing text is application-independent, that is, you have to perform the text determination procedure in each application. Perform the assignment for the transaction under Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Maintain Transaction Types. b) Procedure determination At this level, you determine which text types are assigned to the text determination procedure. You can also make further settings for each text type, for example display/change and type of sequence access. Example: Only the text type Customer Description is allowed in the transaction Internet. A further text type Cause is allowed for the Service Process. You want to make a business grouping although the same text object is available. 3. Access sequence, determination of access sequence and field assignment a) Access sequence At this level, you assign a name to the access sequence. You define the sequence and type of access underDetermination of Access Sequence and Field Assignment. Note You assign an access sequence to a text type in the text determination procedure. b) Determination of access sequence At this level, you determine what should be used as source text. Example: You want to have the sales text as the first text in the service process, and if no sales text is available, the system should display the basic text. If the indicator Continue has been set, the system



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will display both texts. This function is particularly important if you require texts in several languages. Note If, for example, you have an internal dispatcher and cannot guarantee a delivery within 24 hours, you describe this in an additional long text. You can create your own function module which checks data in the communication structure for special cases and determines whether a corresponding standard text should be used or a new text created. The function module must correspond to certain rules and the function module COM_TEXT_DETERMINE_TEXT serves as an example. The new function module must have the same import and export data. c) Field assignment At this level, you define how the system finds the source text defined in the access sequence. Since the internal program field names can deviate from one another,the fields in the communication structure must be assigned exactly to the fields in the key structure of the source text. Example: The field Sold-to party is called SOLD_TO_PARTY in the communication structure and the field in the key structure is PARTNER. Partner Determination Procedure Partner Processing

You make the settings for partner processing in this section. You should carry out the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Define partner functions Define access sequences Define partner determination procedures in which you specify an access sequence Assign the partner determination procedures to the required business transaction types and item categories. Define Partner Functions

In this activity, you define partner functions by entering short descriptions (such as pharmacist or stock options analyst), assigning them to partner function categories and entering usages, such as Customer Relationship Management or Enterprise Buyer. In some cases, you also specify a corresponding business partner relationship category. The descriptions you enter here are displayed in the transactions that include these partner functions.



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To define a new partner function: 1. 2. 3. Enter a key for the function. This key is used by the system to identify this function, but is not displayed in documents. Assign a partner function category and a usage. You specify a usage because the responsibilities associated with partner function categories vary depending on the usage. Enter a description which you want to have displayed in documents. For example, you define a partner function with the key EB1 and enter the description Electronics buyer. Electronics buyer, not EB1, is displayed on the partner tab in documents.

4. 5. 6.

Enter an abbreviation. The abbreviation is not displayed in documents, but is for cases where the system needs a two-character key. Maintain the Block field. Choose a corresponding relationship category. For information on defining relationship types and categories in Customizing, see Cross Application Components -> SAP Business Partner -> Business Partner Relationships.

Example Your company sells products to hospitals, and, as part of the pre-sales process, you often make telephone calls to the hospital pharmacists. You define two new partner functions: Hospital, which you assign to the partner function category activity partner, and Hospital pharmacist, which you assign to the category contact person. You then assign these partner functions to the transaction type Outgoing Phone Call. (See Further Notes below for assigning functions to transaction types.) You call the hospital and create a corresponding activity document. The document automatically contains fields for the Hospital and Hospital pharmacist. You enter the name of the hospital, and the system automatically enters the name of the pharmacist whom your company normally contacts. If you do not enter a partner for one or both of these functions, the system prompts you to do so.

The system recognizes, based on the partner function categories, that the hospital is an organization with whom you have contact, such as phone calls, visits or correspondence, as part of the pre-sales process. However it also recognizes, based on the partner function categories and transaction type, that you are not currently selling anything to the hospital or buying anything from them. The system recognizes the hospital pharmacist as the individual who should be contacted during phone calls. Default Settings The standard settings include commonly-used partner functions, which often, but not always, have the same name as the partner function category to which they are assigned. When you define your own partner functions you can give them any names you like. The system includes the follwoing partner function categories:


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Activity partner Bill-to party Competitor Contact person Correspondence recipient Executing service employee Outbound delivery point Partner authorized to release a contract Portal provider Payee Price determination hierarchy Service team Sold-to party Vendor Further notes

Alternative payer Billing organizational unit Buying center Employee Executing interaction center Inbound delivery point Payer Person responsible Preferred vendor Requester Sales partner Ship-to party Undefined partner

To assign partner functions to partner determination procedures in Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Partner Processing -> Define Partner Determination Procedure. and Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Define Transaction Types. Use of Own Partner Functions

Use This IMG activity specifies user partner function data which differs from the default values, in the general user settings. You must specify this data if you use your own partner functions for the reporter and processor of a Service Desk message in the Solution Manager. Requirements You have created your own partner functions for the reporter and the processor of a Service Desk message, which differ from the default values.


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Activities To use your own partner functions, you must make the following user settings: For user reporter partner function: 1. 2. 3. Call the transaction DNO_CUST04. Choose New Entries. Enter the following values: 4. Field name: PARTNER_FCT_DESC_CREA Description: User partner function for the reporter (CREA) Field value: Enter the abbreviation which you used when maintaining the partner function. Note: The field value must be upper-case.

Save your entries.

For user processor partner function: 5. 6. 7. Call the transaction DNO_CUST04. Choose New Entries. Enter the following values: 8. Field name: PARTNER_FCT_DESC_PROC Description: User partner function for the processor (PROC) Field value: Enter the abbreviation which you used when maintaining the partner function. Note: The field value must be upper-case.

Save your entries.

Note: Maintain/display your partner functions with the transaction CRMC_PARTNER_FCT or SPRO -> SAP Reference IMG -> SAP Solution Manager: Implementation Guide -> SAP Solution Manager -> Scenario-Specific Settings -> Service Desk -> Partner Schema -> Define Partner Functions. Define Access Sequences

In this activity, you can display the existing access sequences used in partner determination, and define new ones either manually or using the wizard Create Access Sequence. An access sequence is a search strategy that specifies the sources of data, and the order in which the system checks these sources, when it determines partners in business transactions. Either manually, or with the wizard's help, you specify which source the system should check first, and list other possible sources. If the system cannot determine a partner from the first source it checks the next source on the list.


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Note that, unless you use Mapping, an access sequence lists where the system searches, but not which partner it searches for. (For information on Mapping, see Further Notes below.) You tell the system which partner to search for by assigning the access sequence to a partner function. The system then searches for a partner with that function. To assign access sequences to partner functions in Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Partner Processing -> Define Partner Determination Procedure.

Example You want the payer determined from master data for the sold-to party. When sales organization-specific relationships have been defined in master data, they should be used. 1. In a new access sequence, you specify the business partner relationships by sales organization in the first single access, and the general business partner relationships in the second. For both single accesses, you enter the partner function category sold-to party in Details on the Source. You assign this access sequence to the partner function payer. You create a sales order, and enter the sold-to party. The system starts determination of the payer. It checks the sold-to party's master data, but does not find any sales organization-specific relationships. The system then checks the sold-to party's master data again, but this time for general relationships. It finds a partner with the relationship "is the payer", and enters this partner as the payer in the sales order. Requirements You have defined partner functions. In Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Partner Processing -> Define Partner Functions. Recommendation Before defining new access sequences, check if you can use existing ones, which cover many common situations in partner determination. Avoid changing the existing sequences. Instead, copy them and change the copies. Use the wizard to create new access sequences. Default Settings The system includes commonly used access sequences and pre-defined sources. Examples of sources: Business Partner Relationships and Busines Partner Relationships by Sales Organization These relationships defined in business partner master data, can be either general or sales organization-specific. If business partner relationships by sales organization is the source, the system looks in the relationships defined for the sales organization involved in the current transaction.

2. 3. 4. 5.


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When you use these sources, you must tell the system which relationships you mean. For example, should the system look in the relationships entered for the sold-to party, the ship-to party or the payer? You do this by maintaining one of the fields in the group box Details on the Source.

Organizational Data The organizational data defined in master data. When you choose this source, you must enter a determination rule for organizational data. If you do not maintain Details on the Source, the system uses the organizational data of the main partner in the transaction, such as the sold-to party in a sales transaction, or the sales prospect in an opportunity.

Pricing Hierarchy Pricing hierarchies are group hierarchies, defined in business partner master data and marked as pricing-relevant, that contain partners to whom pricing conditions are assigned. Use this source to carry out pricing based on a hierarchy belonging to a partner other than the sold-to party, or when you want to be able to display the hierarchy tree from within the transaction. If you do not maintain Details on the Source, the system uses the pricing hierarchy of the main partner in the transaction.

Preceding Document The transaction document that came before the current one. For example, if an end user is creating a sales order, and the preceding document was an opportunity, the system uses the opportunity as the source for partner data.

Business Partner Assigned to the User Users also exist as business partners in the system. This source is the business partner master data maintained for the user who is logged on to the system when partner determination occurs.

Current Partner A partner included in the current transaction document. For example, you choose current partner as the source, and assign the access sequence to the ship-to party. An end user then creates a document and enters Johnson Electronics as the sold-to party. The system enters Johnson Electronics as the ship-to party as well.

Own Products You use this source for business transactions in Opportunity Management. You maintain information on competitors and competitor products in your Business Partner Master Data and use the source to enable automatic determination of this information in the transaction.

To create your own sources with a Business Add-In in Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> System Modifications -> Partner Processing -> Business Add-In for Partner. Access sequences descriptions The description of an access sequence lists the sources, separated by arrows (->), included in that access sequence. In some cases, it also lists a partner function or partner function category. This indicates either that the system looks for a particular function or category in the source (Mapping), or that it looks in the data maintained for a partner with that function or category (Details on the Source). Open the access


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sequences and look at the single accesses for detailed information. Examples of descriptions and what they mean Here are examples of access sequence descriptions with explanations of how the system behave during partner determination: Preceding document: Activity partner -> Preceding document: Sold-to party The system first looks in the preceding document for an activity partner. If it does not find one, it looks in the preceding document again, but this time for a sold-to party. In the transaction, it enters the partner it finds as the partner to which you have assigned this access sequence. For example, if you have assigned this access sequence to the ship-to party, it enters the partner as the ship-to party in the current transaction.

Preceding document -> Business partner relationships: activity partner The system looks first in the preceding document for the partner to which you have assigned this access sequence. (If you have assigned it to the ship-to party it looks for a ship-to party.) If it does not find a partner there, it looks in the business partner relationships defined for the activity partner in the current transaction. If you have assigned this access sequence to the payer, the system looks for the relationship "is the payer". It enters this partner as the payer in the current transaction.

Activities Decide whether you want to work with or without the wizard. To use the wizard, choose the button Create Access Sequence. To work without the wizard, choose New Entries, or select an existing sequence and choose Copy as, and proceed as described. Mark this new access sequence and choose Individual Accesses. You reach the screen Change View "Individual Accesses": Overview. Choose New Entries or mark a line and choose Details. Note that many field labels in the overview are abbreviated, whereas in the detail screen they are written out in full. Maintain the settings that apply. Only some settings are described here; see the field-specific F1 help for further information. Batch sequence: where this single access occurs in the sequence for batch processing. Dialog sequence: where this single access occurs in the sequence for on-line processing. Details on the Source: Partner function, Function category and Other Source/Attribute: specify the partner function, partner function category or organizational area for which the source data is maintained. Make an entry in just one of these three fields. For example, you enter Business Partner Relationships as the source, and enter the partner function Sales prospect here. The system then looks in the business partner relationships maintained for the Sales prospect in the transaction. If you choose Function Category, you must also maintain Usage. Maintenance of Details is required for some sources, but optional or unnecessary for others. The system displays a message when it is required.

Function of Contact Person: tells the system to consider a contact person's function, entered in Business Partner Master Data, during partner determination. This field is only relevant if you:


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Assign this access sequence to the partner function Contact Person Assign it to another function assigned to the category Contact Person Are using Mapping, and have entered Contact Person in the field Partner Function in Source.

For example, you enter Purchasing Manager, and use this access sequence in Activity transactions, in the form of sales visits to customers. Only your customers' Purchasing Managers are then included, not other types of contact persons, such as Heads of Personnal or IT Managers. To maintain functions for a contact person in Business Partner Master Data, from the SAP Easy Access Menu, choose Master Data -> Business Partner -> Maintain Business Partner. Enter a business partner and choose Relationships. Open the relationship Has/Is Contact Person and maintain the field Function in the group box General Data on the Details tab page. Note that this Function in Business Partner Master Data is an attribute of the relationship Has/Is Contact Person. It is not a partner function, as understood in Partner Processing, and has no effect on partner functions or partner function categories.

Responsibilities Rule and Rule for Organizational Data Model: specify determination rules from Organizational Management, and are required when you enter organizational data as the source. When you enter the Object ID for a rule (the rule number), start with the letters AC, otherwise the system cannot interpret your entry. For example, enter AC10000162 rather than 10000162. If you use F4 help, you can search with the Object Abbreviation, such Partner_1. To define rules in Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Master Data -> Organizational Management -> Organizational Data Determination -> Wizard for Organizational Data Determination.

Further notes Mapping allows the system to search for a partner with a function that is different from the function to which this sequence is assigned. The following settings control mapping: Mapping: specifies that mapping takes place. Partner function in source and Partner function category in source: these fields are only relevant when you select Mapping, and they specify the partner function or function category the system looks for in the source you entered. For example, you enter Preceding document as the source, and specify the activity partner as the partner function in the source. Then, no matter which partner function you assign this access sequence to, the system looks for an activity partner in the preceding document. It then enters this partner in the current transaction in the partner function to which you assigned the access sequence.

By using both the settings in Details on the Source and Mapping you achieve the maximum level of detail and flexibility in access sequences. For example, to set the system to enter the bill-to party, maintained in the sold-to party's master data, as the ship-to party in a transaction, you would do the following:


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Create an access sequence with a single access, and make these entries: Source: Business Partner Relationships Details on the Source: Sold-to party as the partner function Select Mapping. Mapping: Bill-to party as the Partner function in source

In the Customizing activity Define Partner Determination Procedure, create a partner determination procedure, and assign this access sequence to the partner function ship-to party. In the activity Define Transaction Types, assign this procedure to a transaction type. Create a transaction of this type and enter a sold-to party. To determine the ship-to party, the system looks in the sold-to party's master data. It finds the partner defined in the business partner relationships as "is the bill-to party". The system enters this bill-to party as the ship-to party in the transaction. Define Partner Determination Procedure

In this activity, you define partner determination procedures that the system uses to automatically enter partners in business transactions. The partner functions and access sequences you have defined are brought together here. When you define a new procedure, you assign it to a transaction category or an item object type, and enter required and mandatory partner functions. These are the partner functions the system looks for in transactions. You maintain settings for each partner function, and list which functions are displayed in the transaction document header. When you later assign this procedure to a transaction type or an item category, the settings you make here are valid in transactions of that type or for items of that category. You can block partner determination for this procedure and activate the partner determination log. You can restrict here the availability and use of partner functions in business transactions. You set whether only partner functions determined inthe partner determination procedure are available in a business transaction or whether all partner functions will be displayed.

Example Requirements You have defined partner functions and access sequences. In Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Partner Processing -> Define Partner Functions In Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Partner Processing -> Define Access Sequences


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Recommendation Create new procedures by using the wizard, or by copying existing procedures and modifying the copies. Avoid changing existing procedures. After creating a new procedure with the wizard, check it for errors by choosing the button Check partner determination procedure. Activities 1. Create a new partner determination procedure. a) b) 2. To use the wizard, choose Create partner determination procedure on the first screen of this activity. To copy an existing procedure, select the procedure on the first screen, and choose Edit -> Copy.

Choose this new procedure, now listed on the first screen, and complete or change settings in the following screens: a) b) Procedure User. Assign this procedure to one or more transaction categories or item object types. Partner Functions in Procedure. Add or change partner functions that are included in this procedure. There are a number of settings to complete for each parter function, such as minimum and maximum number of partners per transaction, which access sequence the system uses to find the partners, and whether manual entries are allowed. User Interface Settings. Enter which partner functions you want displayed in the transaction header. All partner functions included in the transaction are listed on the partner tab, but only those you enter here are shown in the header. Partner Determination Procedures. Select one of the two menu options in the Allowed Functions field to determine which partner functions will be available in the business transaction.



Further notes In order for a partner determination procedure to be available for a transaction type, you must assign both the procedure and the transaction type to the same transaction category. For example, you define a partner determination procedure and assign it to the transaction categories CRM Activity and CRM Opportunity. You then define a transaction type and assign it to the transaction category CRM Activity. When you assign a partner determination procedure to this transaction type, you see (using the possible entries help) that the procedure you have just defined is available. If you had assigned the transaction type to the category CRM Sales, the new procedure would not be available.


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To assign transaction types to transaction categories, and to specify partner determination procedures for transaction types in Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Define Transaction Types.

This situation is also true for partner determination procedures, item categories and item object types. Therefore, in order for a procedure to be available for an item category, you must assign the procedure and item category to the same item object type. To assign item categories to item object types and to specify partner determination procedures for item categories in Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Maintain Item Categories. Only assign partner determination procedures to item categories when you want to carry out partner determination at item level, in other words, based on individual products or service items. Assign Partner Schema to Transaction Type

Use In this activity you assign partner determination procedure to transaction types. When you assign a determination procedure to a transaction type, the system applies the settings that you made in this determination procedure to all transactions of this type. These settings determine, among other things, which partner functions are available, and which ones are mandatory.

Requirements You are currently using the default settings, or you have defined your own transaction types and partner determination procedures.

Default Settings The default settings apply to general transaction types and partner determination procedures.

Activities 1. 2. On the Change View "Define Transaction Types: Overview, find the transaction type to which you want to assign a partner determination procedure. Enter the partner determination procedure in the Partner Determination Procedure column. Alternatively, choose F4 to select one from the list of available determination procedures. If you have just created a new procedure, it will appear in this list.


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Choose Save. Define Catalogs, Codes and Profiles Catalogs, Codes and Profiles
You define the layout of catalogs here. Catalogs are resources which help ensure the uniform use of terms. CRM uses a dual level hierarchy comprising of code groups and codes for catalogs. The terms are coded at client level in a corresponding coding. The codes themselves are composed of four characters, and are assigned to a code group composed of eight characters. In order to organize catalogs, you must define: The usage and description of each catalog The corresponding key for codes and code groups Guidelines for the layout of the short texts Guidelines for the usage and layout of other catalog contents Standard Settings The significance and usage of certain catalogs is defined in the standard system. Use catalog types P* to Z* to define your own supplementary catalogs. Activities Maintaining catalog master records Maintain the master records of the previously defined catalogs in the sequence code group and group code (at client level). Set the status of the code groups to 'Released' after you have completed catalog maintenance. The system assigns a usage indicator to the codes and code groups the first time they are used, and thereby prevents these objects from being deleted. Because usage indicators can no longer be reset and codes that have already been used can no longer be deleted, you should only release catalogs and code groups that have been carefully checked for use in the productive system. The key of the code group profile contains the catalog type to make it unique. Important Note There is no transport link for the following IMG activities: Define Code Group Profiles


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Define Subject Profiles

You can transport the following entries manually in transaction SE01: R3TR TABU COMC_CODEPROFILE (Code group profile for the catalog) R3TR TABU COMC_CODEPROFILG (Code groups for the code group profile) R3TR TABU COMC_CODEPROFILT (Code group profile for the catalog) R3TR TABU CRMC_SUBJPROFIL (Catalog categories for subject profiles) R3TR TABU CRMC_SUBJPROFIL2 (Catalogs for the subject profile) R3TR TABU CRMC_SUBJPROFILE (Subject profile) R3TR TABU CRMC_SUBJPROFILT (Subject profile texts) R3TR TABU QPCD R3TR TABU QPCT R3TR TABU QPGR R3TR TABU QPGT (Inspection catalog codes) (Code texts) (Inspection catalog code groups) (Code groups texts)

You can also summarize these entries in a bill of material. Additional Information Catalog master records can only be maintained in the languages in which the catalogs were described. In order to find codes quickly in extensive catalogs, you must use the corresponding key for code groups and codes. Define the structure of this key carefully. When you perform a generic search based on a code or code group with the help of the '*' entry and by calling up the F4 help, the system displays the relevant catalog entries in a list in a screen window. When the system displays catalog entries in the movement data, it also normally displays the description of the code, but not that of the code group. You can use the special character "&" in the code group text to ensure that the system displays a combination of the texts for the code group and code. The code text is inserted in the code group text at the point where the special character is positioned. Example Description of code group: Component & faulty Description of code: Transistor Display: Transistor component faulty Define Catalogs

In this activity, you define the term catalogs and catalog languages required in addition to those already defined in the standard system.


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The table has the delivery class E. In the standard system, certain catalogs are assigned default values or reserved for use at a later date. Use catalogs P* to Z* for your own enhancements. Recommendation Configure the catalog types during the test phase in such a way that the codes in the database can be deleted. During the productive phase, you should configure the catalog type in such a way that the codes are not deleted, but simply inactivated. In this way, you will prevent deleted codes from being accidentally restored and assigned another significance. Do not delete the catalogs reserved for SAP! Activities 1. 2. 3. Ensure (using the F1 help in the view 'Catalog types') that the catalog attributes can be configured. Define the desired catalog types and their attributes. Describe these catalog types in all languages in which the code groups and codes of the affected catalogs should be described. Define Code Groups and Codes for Catalogs

In this activity, you define code groups and codes for catalogs. You can combine codes in code groups for different colors (red, green, yellow), different surfaces (rough, matte, glossy), or usage options. You must observe the following steps when defining code groups: Select a catalog and enter a key for the code group. You can perform a generic search using "*" to display code groups that have already been created. In order to create several code groups, you must enter code groups individually. If you enter a code group key generically when creating or processing a code group, the system locks all code groups in the catalog for other users.

Further notes The master data status specifies the processing status of the catalog. For more information on the master record status, see the F1 help. You can only delete code groups using the button Delete if the code group does not contain any codes and is not used in any other master record.


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In this activity, you define code group profiles. You create procedures that should only contain a selection of the code groups of a catalog. You access each catalog individually, define profiles with short texts, and can then assign code groups using the application help in the second level under Code groups for profile. The key for the code group profile contains the catalog type so that it is unique. The profiles can be copied hierarchically. You use the profile for filtering purposes, that is, the catalog record key consists of the catalog type, code group, and code. Important Note There is no transport link for this IMG activity.

Further notes If you assign only a catalog instead of a code group to a code group profile, the system displays all code groups for the catalog in the application help. Define Subject Profiles

In this activity, you define subject profiles. The code group profiles of the different catalogs are combined for message and transaction processing in the subject profile. The subject profile is defined by a key, a subject profile category, and a short text. You can no longer change subject profiles that have already been defined. You can assign a code group profile to a subject profile for each catalog type under Code group profile for subject profile.

Important Note
There is no transport link for this IMG activity.


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Default Settings The following elements are defined in the standard system: Which catalog categories are suited to a subject profile category Whether simple or multiple selection is possible for a code for the subject profile

Further notes If you assign a catalog instead of code groups to the subject profile, the system displays all code groups for the catalog in the application help. Status Profile Change Status Profile for User Status
You can use this activity to adapt General Status Management to your requirements. General Information on Status Management In the SAP System, a differentiation is made between the following two statuses: System status User status

The following data is predefined in various central SAP tables and cannot be changed: An initial table contains all statuses that can be assigned by the system (system status). A second table contains a list of all business transactions. A third table (a) assigns one or more system statuses to each business transaction and (b) determines whether the respective system is set or deleted for the business transaction. A fourth table specifies which business transactions are permitted for which objects (for example, order header, order item).

In combination, these assignments show you (a) the maximum system status possible for an object and (b) the business transactions by which this status is either set or deleted. Define Status Profile for User Status In this activity, you create status profiles for your own (user) statuses. You can specify the following information in a status profile:


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You define user statuses and document their function. A status profile can contain one or more user statuses. You determine the sequence in which the user statuses are run. This sequence is determined by the status number. If you do not assign a status number to a user status, this status can always be set. Note, however, that only one user status with a status number can be active at any one time. When you assign a status number to a user number, you must also assign a highest and lowest status number. These numbers restrict the status number range from which the user status can be selected. By means of Object types, you assign at least one object type to the status profile. The assignment of the object type determines if the status profile can be assigned to the transaction type and/or the item category. Example: If, for example, you assign the object type "CRM order header" to the status profile for quotations, you can only assign this status profile to transaction type header. If you assign the status profile for quotations the object type "CRM Order Item", you can only assign the status profile to the item category. If you assign both object types to the status profile for quotations, you can make the assignment to both the transaction type and item category. You assign the status profile to the transaction type or item category in Customizing for businesss transactions under Basic Settings -> Define Transaction Types or, Define Item Categories. You define the initial status that is automatically activated when the object is created. Choose Goto -> Workflow Management and specify: Which user status is automatically activated when a business transaction is executed Which business transactions are permitted when a specific status is active

In the status profile, you can define a transaction to be executed when a given user status is reached, with the result that one or more system statuses and/or user statuses can be set or deleted.

Activities Define your user status for the applicable object types. Date Profile Deadline Management

Date management enables you to process as many dates as you wish in a document. It is used, for example, in contracts (for example,cancellation date, run time), activities (total duration of an activity)


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and quotations ('valid to' date). You can, however, also use it in any other transaction types. You can define specific dates, or the system can calculate dates using date types, durations and date rules. You can define the date rules to meet your requirements. In the date profile, the system controls which reference objects, durations, date types and date rules can be used in a specific transaction type. The reference object allows you to control which time zones the dates in a document refer to. The factory calendar is also determined using the reference object. This is important for calculating dates (for example, public holidays).

In the following activities, you define date types, durations and date rules, and combine them with reference objects for a date profile. You assign the date profile to a transaction type or an item category. Define Date Types, Duration Types and Date Rules

In this step, you define Time durations (duration types) Date types Date rules. The system uses the durations, dates and date rules that are combined in a specific date profile to display dates in a transaction and to automatically determine them. Date rules have a version management. This makes sure that date rules used in transactions that are not yet completed, can remain unchanged. You can create a new version from these date rules, which is valid as of the creation date. Only the current version is used in new transactions. Each current version is indicated with "Standard" in the list of versions of date rules. Durations are only valid in connection with a time unit, and must always be printed in entire numbers (for example, two days). You cannot combine two time units (for example, "90 minutes", and not "1 hour 30 minutes").

Requirements XML knowledge is necessary in order to work with the rule editor. Default Settings Date types, durations and date rules are delivered for various applications. We recommend that you do not change the delivered date rules, but that you copy and adapt them as necessary.

Activities You enter an ID for time durations and date types, and a relevant description. For date types, you select whether the date type should be relevant for a date profile, and whether there is a milestone (end time and start time are the same).


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In order to create or change date rules, proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Enter an ID and a relevant description and choose Details. The list of all versions for this date rule appears. Double-click to go to the required date rule in the rule editor. Choose Copy template and define the rule. Save the rule. Define Date Profile

The date profile controls which date types,time durations, reference objects and date rules can be used in a specific transaction type or item category. Depending on the date profile, you also define the characteristics for date types and durations (for example, time unit, reference object, duration, date rule) in this activity. Characteristics for date types and durations Reference object You can use the reference object to control which time zone and which factory calendar the dates and durations refer to. Instead of automatically using the time zone and calendar of the user or of the system, you can set the system to use another time zone when calculating the dates, namely that of the reference object. You can allow one or several reference objects for one date profile. You must assign one of the allowed reference objects for each date type or duration type. You cannot create any new reference objects. Example The end date of the contract with the reference object CUSTOMER conforms to the time zone and factory calendar of the sold-to party, and not to the time zone of the user who has created the contract. Displaying dates For date types and durations, you can specify in which area of the screen or on which tab page the date type or duration is displayed in the document. Calculation sequence You can enter a calculation item for date types. This specifies the sequence in which the system calculates the dates. For example, if you enter a 1 here for the cancellation date, the system calculates the other date types for the date profile outgoing from this date type. Choose the sequence so that dates which appear in other date rules are calculated first. (For example: Contract start date = current date, contract end date = contract start date + 12 months. The contract start date must be known, in order that the end date can calculated). One-time calculation of dates You can determine that a date in a document remains the same after the first calculation and is not re-calculated with each change to the document, for example, the date type "Contract Start".


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For this, select the Determine Date Only Once field in the group frame Date Rules of date types.

Requirements You have defined date types, durations and date rules in the activity Define date types, durations and date rules. Default Settings SAP delivers the following date profiles: 000000000001 000000000002 000000000003 CIC_F2F CIC_PLN CONT001 activity: planned / current / planned completion activity: planned / current activity: current

business activity profile CIC business activity profile CIC (Plan) standard contract dates

LEAS date profile for Leasing PURCH_CONT SRV_HEADER01 SRV_ITEM01 purchase contract service transaction header service transaction item

We recommend that you do not change the delivered profiles, but you copy and adapt them as necessary.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter an ID for a new date profile, and a relevant description. Select the date profile, and double-click to choose the object you wish to assign to it, for example, date types. For date types and durations, select the required object and choose whlen Details, in order to define the characteristics. In each screen, choose the required entries with the input help (F4). Assign the date profile to the required transaction type in the IMG activity.


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Organizational Model Information

Use An organizational model models the functional organizational structure of your company. Organizational units represent functions such as department, group, etc. Positions show how tasks are assigned to jobs, e.g. end user, purchaser or message processor. Attributes such as Country, etc. can be assigned to the organizational units.

Example Service Provider (as root organization) | Service (organizational model) | 1st Level 1st Level Support member 2nd Level Basis Team BC Team member CRM Team CRM Team member Create a Root Unit for Your Organizational Structure

Use The users defined as message processors must also be assigned to positions in the organizational units in the organizational model of the SAP Solution Manager system. This will allow messages to be assigned using automatic partner determination.


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In this IMG activity, you create a root node for your organizational model.

Activities 1. In transaction Create root organizational object (PPOCA_CRM), enter the validity period for the root organizational unit and confirm. The system creates a root organizational unit with the temporary name "New organizational unit". An overview of its attributes is displayed. In the Basic data section, replace the default object name and description with the name and description that you wish to use, e.g. a company name. Save.

2. 3. Create Organizational Objects in the Organizational Structure

Use You create organizational objects in the organizational structure.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In transaction General Attribute (CRM) Change (PPOMA_CRM), double-click Organizational unit. Enter "*" in the With name field, then choose Find. An overview of the available organizational units is displayed. Double-click an organizational unit that you want to to assign the new object to. Information about the organizational unit is displayed. Choose Create. A dialog box is displayed showing the relationships for the organizational unit. Double-click an object type (organizational unit or position). The object is created. The system creates a business partner record (BP role: organizational unit) for an organizational unit. The address is copied. In the Basic data tab, replace the default entries for object name and object description with a name of your choice. In the Attributes tab, enter the attributes of the new object.

6. 7.


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8. 9.

Choose Assign to assign the business partners with the Employee role to the positions. Save.

Example A simple organizational model looks like this: Service Provider (root organizational unit) 1st Level Employee 1st Level 2nd Level Employee 2nd Level Determination Rules for Support Team

Use The support team is defined using the determination rule CRM_DNO_1. This rule is triggered by an action that is processed when you save a Service Desk message. The rule is used to determine the responsibilities. You can make the assignments using the SAP components, for example. Activities 1. 2. In the transaction Maintain Rule (PFAC), use the input help to choose the determination rule CRM_DNO_1 (technical name AC 13200137). Maintain the rule.

For more information about maintaining the rule CRM_DNO_1, see SAP Note 616946. Define Action Profile Actions


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Actions in CRM use the Post Processing Framework (PPF). The Post Processing Framework is a Basis component which generates actions (for example, sales call or workflow) from the data for an application according to an action definition (for example, a follow-up sales activity). The actions are processed at a specific time. The PPF provides the tools for planning, starting and monitoring the actions. Activities 1. 2. 3. You create an action profile and define action types (for example, subsequent documents, messages) for this profile. If necessary, you define conditions for the action types in the profile. You assign the action profile to the transaction type or the item category.

Note that the actions for actions and subsequent documents or new items must be created in an action profile for each transaction type or item category. Change Actions and Conditions Define Conditions

In this step, you process the action templates you have created in the activity Define actions. Define the following characteristics in particular: You define the planning condition and start condition for each action definition using transportable conditions. You enter whether the action is planned automatically when the planning condition appears. Example Planning condition: all contracts as of 1.6.2000 all transactions for customers 1000 to 2999

Start condition: 2 weeks before the contract end date Requirements You have created an action profile with action templates. You have selected Determination using transportable conditions in the Determination Technique field. If you want to use time-dependent conditions, you need to define date profiles with dates, durations and date rules under Date Management, and assign them to the date profile.


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Activities 1. In the left screen area, double-click to choose the action profile you wish to process. In the right upper screen area, the action templates assigned to the profile appear. Using Create , you can select action templates from the action profile which are already defined, and add them to the list. You can add an action template several times. You can process these templates further in this activity. Choose the required template by double-clicking, and choose the symbol Change action template. The tab pages for setting up processing and defining the schedule condition and start condition appear in the lower screen area. On the Overview tab page, the settings which were made for the action in the action profile are automatically proposed if the Default settings from action definition field is selected. If you deselect the field, you can change the default values. If you want the system to automatically plan the action for a fulfilled planning condition, select the schedule automatically field. This tab page also displays whether schedule conditions or start conditions are assigned. You can display details for the assigned processing on the Action details tab page. You can change the processing parameters for the processing parameter method call. You can create conditions for each action definition on the Schedule condition and Start condition tab pages. Enter a description for the condition, and double-click to go into the condition editor. You can create your own conditions with the help of the condition editor. You can find further information about working with the condition editor in the SAP Library under Basis -> Business Management -> SAP Business Workflow -> Reference Documentation -> SAP Business Workflow - Navigation -> Workflow Builder -> Functions in the Workflow Builder -> Condition Editor


Further notes Note that if you do not want specific actions to be carried out for templates, you need to enter &CRM Bus. Activity.TEMPLATETYPE& = on the Schedule Condition tab page for the required action. For more information on working with templates, see the release note Templates in Activities and Leads. Define Action Profiles and Actions

All maximal allowed actions are defined for a transaction type. You also specify general conditions in the action profile for the actions contained in the profile, for example: The time period at which the system starts the action (for example, when saving the document)


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The way in which the system executes the action (workflow, method call or Smart Forms).

In this activity, you create an action profile and templates for actions. You can define the action templates more closely in the following step Change action profiles and define conditions. For the action profile, the class which provides the attributes for your business object must be entered. These business objects can be used for planning actions. When creating an action profile, note for which business transaction type you can use this action profile. You must assign the relevant business object type to the action profile. The assignment of the business object type makes sure that the attributes for the relevant business transaction type (for exampe, sales contract) can be used for defining and processing the conditions. If, for example, you wish to make the action depend on the net value of the transaction, the profile must be assigned to a business object type which contains the attribute net value . Only one business object can be assigned for each action profile. You can find out the business object type for the transaction type or the item category in Customizing for transactions under Define transaction types or Define item categories. If you work with time-dependent conditions, you must also assign a date profile to the action definition. This makes sure that the date rules which you use for the action definitions are also available. You can also assign the date profile to the entire action profile. It is then inherited as the default value in every action definition you create for this profile. You also define here whether an action is to be partner-dependent. When defining the follow-up documents, consider the copying control for the relevant transaction types. Note also the copying control for the relevant transaction types, when defining subsequent documents. You can enter several processing types for one action definition. Under processing, choose: Method call If the action consists of one single step, for example, create subsequent document or create credit memo item. During the method call, processing is carried out via Business-Add-Ins (BAdIs). Standard methods (BAdIs) are available. You can also use actions to trigger alerts, for example, in the Enterprise Portal. For more information, see Using Actions to Trigger Alerts. When creating your own BAdI implementations, make sure that the method 'get_ref_object' is always called from the class 'CL_ACTION_EXECUTE', and the method 'register_for_save' always at the end. You can use the implementations 'COPY_DOCUMENT' and 'COPY_ITEM_LOCAL' as a template. Workflow If the action consists of a process with several steps, for example, a subsequent document with approval procedure. Smart Forms for issuing documents via fax, printing or e-mail.

Requirements In order to create action profiles, you must have defined the necessary transaction types or item categories.


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If you are using time-dependent conditions, you need to have defined date profiles. You define date profiles in the IMG under Basic Functions -> Date Management.

Default Settings SAP delivers the following standard action profiles: For activities: ACTIVITY Contains the following action definitions: ACTIVITY_FOLLOWUP: creates a task for the responsible employee if a business activity is overdue ACTIVITY_PRINT: makes it possible to print the activity ACTIVITY_REMINDER_MAIL: sends an e-mail to the responsible employee if a business activity is overdue

For opportunities: OPPORTUNITY_SALES_ASSISTANT This action profile contains the actions necessary for sales methodology for opportunities. For quotations: QUOTATION Contains the action definition Complete quotation. When the validity period for the quotation has expired, the quotation is automatically set to 'completed'. This action profile is assigned to the transaction type quotation. For sales contracts: SALES_CONTRACT_HEAD Contains action template COPY_DOCUMENT. The action generates a follow- up document, and returns the number of the follow-up document to the original document. The transaction type for the follow-up document must be entered in the processing parameters. For sales contract items: SALES_CONTRACT_ITEM contains action template COPY_ITEM_LOCAL . VALUE_QUANTITY_CONTRACT_ITEM For Leasing contracts: LEASING_MESSAGES Contains action definitions for messages and subsequent documents. The subsequenet documents include: CONT COPY DOCUMENT Generate subsequent document (activity) Generates a telephone call two weeks before the contract end date. CONT COPY DOCUMENT SCHEDULED Generate subsequent document via selection report When a specific net value is reached, the system automatically creates a subsequent document. The net value is checked using a selection report.

For complaints: COMPLAINT For complaints items: COMPLAINT_ITEM

We recommend that you do not change the delivered profiles, but copy and adapt them if necessary.


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Recommendation If you create your own action profiles and action definitions, these should begin with Y or Z, because this name range is not overwritten for a SAP import. Activities In order to create an action profile with action templates, you proceed as follows: 1. Choose New entries in the Change action profile view, and enter a name and a description for the action profile. Assign the context class CL_DOC_CONTEXT_CRM_ORDER in CRM Sales and Service in the field context class . If necessary, assign a date profile and a business transaction type (business object type) to the action profile. In order to assign abusiness transaction type, choose the relevant business transaction type with input help in the category BO - BOR object type and object type fields. Go into the action definition screen and choose New entries. The screen for the definition of actions appears. Enter a name and a description for the action. Specify the default values for the action in the action definition screen. Consider the following notes for these input possibilities: Processing time period: Immediate processing - the action is started as soon as the start condition is fulfilled. Processing when saving document - the action is started directly after the update. Processing using selection report - the action is started by a report after expiration and evaluation. After selection using the report, the system first checks whether a start condition is available. If no start condition is available, or the condition is correct, the action is started.

2. 3. 4.

If you select the partner-dependent field, you can define a partner function or partner function category for which the action is valid. For example, you can use partner function categories if you want a reminder e-mail to be sent to all business partners who are involved in the transaction and assigned to the specific partner function category. You can use partner functions to trigger an action for a specific partner function, for example, to send a reminder e-mail to the employee responsible for the transaction. You can, however, also define the action partner-dependently via the conditions. Select the field changeable in dialog if you want the user to be able to change the condition and processing parameter for the action in the document. Select the field executable in dialog if you want the user to be able to trigger the action manually on the Actions tab page. Select the display in toolbar field if you want the action to be displayed as a symbol in the toolbar for the document, and the user to be able to plan it from here. In the determination technology field, choose Determination via transportable conditions. In the field action aggregation , choose: a maximum of one action for each action definition, if the action is to be executed exactly once a maximum of one unprocessed action for each action definition if you want to be able to call up the action several times.


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5. 6.

Go to the Processing screen, in order to set how (with which technique) the action is executed. Choose New entries and, in the list, choose Processing Processing types (workflow, method call or Smart Forms). In the case of several processing types, select the standard processing type with the default indicator. Select the processing type and choose Set processing.. For processing via method call: Select a method (Business-Add-In) in the Filter value field via the input help. If you wish to be able to print an activity, use the processing method CRM_ACTIVITY_EXEC_SMART_FORM. This processing method is delivered with the standard configuration. Using the symbol for BAdI implementation , you can display the coding for the selected method. Using the symbol New BAdI implementation, you can define your own methods (BAdI). Define the processing parameters (container) and maintain the standard values, for example, import, transaction type, export: external document number. For processing via workflow. Enter a workflow dummy.



For processing via Smart Forms: Choose print, fax or e-mail, and enter a form name, a processing class, and a processing method. If you want the responsible employee to be sent a reminder e-mail if a contract is overdue, use smart form CRM_REMINDER_MAIL_01. This smart form is delivered with the standard configuration. Repeat the steps as of 2 for each action template you wish to define. Further notes


If you also wish to specify messages for a transaction type (for example, order confirmation by fax), you must define the message output and the actions (for example, follow-up documents) in the same action profile. The action profile ACTIVITY is assigned to transaction type 0000 in the standard configuration. You can find information about the BAdI implementation in the SAP Library under Basis -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Workbench: Tools -> Further Concepts -> Business Add-Ins You can find information about the SAP Business Workflow in the SAP Library under Basis -> Business Management (BC-BMT) -> SAP Business Workflow (BC-BMT-WFM)


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Assign Action Profile to the Business Transaction Type

In this step, you assign the action profiles to the business transaction types. If you assign an action profile to a transaction type, this means that the actions for this profile can be used in the transaction type documents, if the schedule conditions are fulfilled for the action. If you have selected 'schedule automatically' in the action definition, the action automatically appears in the action overview of the document, if the schedule conditions are fulfilled. Example You assign action profile Z001 to the value contract transaction type. Action profile Z001 contains the following action types: 4 weeks before contract end date - follow-up quotation for buying object 2 weeks before contract end date - telephone call For cancellations - telephone call

The action profile does not contain any schedule conditions. The 'schedule automatically' field is selected. When you create a value contract, all action types are scheduled in the document. They are triggered automatically when the start conditions occur. Requirements You have defined action types and an action profile. Go into the actions Define conditions and adjust action profiles. If you wish to use time-dependent conditions, you must have assigned a date profile to the action profile and transaction type.

Activities 1. Choose a business transaction type in the initial screen (Definition business transaction types) by double-clicking. 2. In the action profile field, enter the key for the action profile which will be valid for this business transaction type. Assign Action Profile to the Item Category

In this activity, you can assign an action profile to an item category.


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Requirements You have defined action types and an action profile. Go into the activities Define action profile and actions and Define conditions and adapt action profiles. If you wish to use time-dependent conditions, you need to have assigned a relevant date profile to the action profile and item category.

Activities To assign an action profile to an item category, take the following steps: 1. In the initial screen (Definition Item Categories), choose an item category by double-clicking. 2. Enter the number of the action profile valid for this item category in the action profile field. Maintain Categories and Priorities Maintain Categories

You can create categories to further define your activity types. For example, you can set up your system so that it only contains the activity types: Business activity Task

You can then divide these into categories. The business activity could include categories for: Visit Telephone call Email

while the task could include categories such as: Preparation Reminder Activities 1. Enter a category key and a description.


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Assign it to a class. Further notes

The class cannot be freely defined. The system offers you a choice between: Visit Telephone call Letter Other

These are used to control the functions available to the user when he or she creates an activity belonging to that class. Maintain Priorities of Dates

In this IMG activity, you can define priorities for the activity. Activities Enter a numerical key in the Priority field. Enter a description. This description appears in the Priority field in the Activity Processing screen. Full-Text Search and Solution Database Information and Configuration Prerequisites
Use You can use SAP TREX search and classification, to: use the solution database (to save solutions to your problems) allow text search in your messages Requirements You have included TREX 7.0. You have configured the solution database, to use TREX for the solution database.


SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Software Agent Framework

Use You must configure the Software Agent Framework (SAF) before you can use the search and classification in the Service Desk. The configuration uses several wizards which set-up the search machine and knowledge database. Handle the following entries separately : for the solution database (SDB), and Entries for messages (CRM_OBJECT) Requirements You have set-up the RFC connection to your TREX. Default Settings Default customizing (minimum configuration) is available for all Software Agent Framework (SAF) WIZARD activities except the Business Add-Ins. For a detailed enhanced configuration, see IMG -> Customer Relationship Management -> Enterprise Intelligence -> Software Agent Framework. Activities Check Software Agent Framework (SAF) settings 1. Check your settings with the SAF diagnostic tool. You can use the diagnostic tool to identify and solve problems with SAF configuration or communication between the components and SAF handling, or restore the default customizing. Proceed as follows: a) b) c) d) e) f) Select all checks. Choose the Search Engine name: STANDARD. Choose Check. All checks should have the status green. Oterwise, expand a check and select Check Default Customizing by double-click. Choose Guide to fix problems and restore default customizing with Next. Confirm default customizings with DONE. You have restored minimum customizing settings.

Select Search Machine 2. Check with the wizard that the correct search machine STANDARD is set:

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a) b) -

Choose: Goto -> Customizing -> Search Machine in the SAF diagnosis tool Check the entries, and enter the following data, if necessary : Search Machine: STANDARD Process Class: CL_CRM_SAF_SE_TREX_ABAP All other entries are set by default, and need not be changed.

Set-Up Knowledge Database 3. Check with the wizard that SDB is set as knowledge database: a) b) Choose Goto -> Customizing -> Knowledge Database in the SAF diagnosis tool Check the entries. Enter the language-specific description for the following knowledge database (if you use another language than English): SDB (fr die Lsungsdatenbank) Contains: SDB_PROBLEMS Contains: SDB_SOLUTIONS Contains: SDB_SOLUTIONS_DOC Enter SDB as higher-level database. All other entries are set by default, and need not be changed. CRM_OBJECT (fr Meldungen) All other entries are set by default, and need not be changed.

Check RFC Connection 4. Assign your TREX search machine STANDARD to the RFC connection created. a) b) Choose Goto -> Customizing -> RFC Connection in the SAF diagnosis tool. Check the entries. All other entries are set by default, and need not be changed.

Compile Knowledge Database Index 5. Run the index compilation wizard with Goto -> Customizing -> Compile. a) b) c) Enter SDB or CRM_OBJECT (for messages), as knowledge database name Note: The use depends on the knowledge database you selected in "Set-Up Knowledge Database". Enter the period, to compile new documents regularly, in the step Delta Compilation Background Job. All entries are set by default, and need not be changed.

Assign Knowledge Database to Other Applications 6. Run the application configuration wizard (if you use another language than English) with Goto -> Customizing -> Application. a) Enter the application ALL, or specify your application in the selection drop-down menu. All other entries are set by default, and need not be changed.

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Use You compile the index for your messages (CRM_OBJECT) and/or problems and solutions created (SDB). Requirements You have: configured the Software Agent Framework Created messages (CRM_OBJECT) Created problems and solutions (SDB)

You can only compile documents in the languages supported by the search machine (TREX). Only SDB (for the solution database) There must be entries in the knowlege database: a) b) c) d) e) Note: Problem-solution combinations assigned to each other must have the status Released. You must make solution database settings for documents in another language than English (system logon language), for them to be found. Default Settings Complete Compilation Compile all documents completely initially. Delta Compilation Schedule a background job to compile other documents regularly. Delete Index If the index is corrupt, delete it and recompile it completely, see SAP note 951145. Create a problem and enter a description. Choose Problem -> Create/Link Solution. Enter the solution description. Set the status of problem and solution to Released. Save.

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Activities Compile Index Initially 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Call the SAF diagnosis tool. Enter the search machine STANDARD and choose Check. Choose Goto -> Indexes. Enter your user data in the dialog box. Choose the link Set-Up Knowledge Base and check whether the entry for the knowledge database exists: 6. 7. 8. 9. CRM_OBJECT (for messages) SDB (for the solution database)

Select the entry and choose Setup. Choose the link Compile Knowledge Base. Choose Full Compile in the field Actions. Select your databases and choose GO.

You can test the creation of the index and the compilation after about 30 min. Activate Delta Compilation

Use You compile the index for messages (CRM_OBJECT) or solutions for the solution database (SDB), which you created after the initial compilation. Requirements The knowlege database: SDB (for the solution database) CRM_OBJECT (for messages)


Activate action for delta compilation (only for CRM_OBJECT messages)

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1. 2. 3. 4.

Choose the action profile: AI_SDK_STANDARD. Go to change mode and choose the action definition AI_SDK_STANDARD_SET_KB_DELTA. Deselect column Inactive. Choose Save, to activate the delta compilation completely. Recommendation: Only perform this action when all important information from actions before the delta compilation are in your messages, by setting the Sort attribute.

Schedule delta compilation background job 5. 6. 7. 8. Specify your search machine STANDARD, and choose Check. Choose: Goto -> Indexes. Enter your user data. Select the knowledge database entry: 9. CRM_OBJECT (for messages) SDB (for the solution database)

Choose NO to schedule the background job.

10. Schedule the delta compilation (e.g. every 30 minutes). 11. Save your settings. 12. Choose Delta Compilation in the dropdown menu at the bottom of the screen. 13. Choose GO, to schedule the background job.

1.5.6 Central System Administration Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Use System administration helps you to manage heterogeneous system landscapes efficiently. If you are using Adaptive Computing, you must connect it to the Solution Manager. You will find a complete process and application description in the online documentation (Help -> Application Help) for Solution Monitoring and Reporting. You will find a detailed scenario description in the Master Guide on SAP Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>.

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Requirements You have assigned your end users the necessary authorizations: Solution Directory Solutions System Administration Further notes See also SAP Notes 949293 and 420213. Set Up Work Center for System Administration

Use You need the navigation role to be able to use the system administration work center. The work center navigation roles determine the menu, and thus the navigation for the work center. Only one work center navigation role is relevant per work center. The user needs the authorization role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC, which contains all authorization objects for the work center. Note You can: adjust the work center navigation role menus Create composite work center roles, to be able to assign several work centers to your users. Requirements You have loaded the work center navigation roles into your work client. Default Settings The naming convention of the delivered work center navigation roles is: SAP_SMWORK_ <work center>. Activities A) Assign work center navigation role 1. Choose the work center navigation role, e.g. SAP_SMWORK_ SYS_ADMIN. Note: If you want to assign the System Landscape Maintenance work center to the user, perform the following steps for the work center navigation role SAP_SMWORK_LANDSCAPE_MAN as well. Copy the role, e.g. to ZSAP_SMWORK_ SYS_ADMIN.


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3. 4. 5. 6.

Choose Change. Go to the Users tab. Enter the users to which you want to assign the work center. Compare users with Compare Users.

Note: You can assign the role SAP_SMWORK_MYHOME to the user. See SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. B) Assign SAP_SMWORK_BASIC 7. 8. 9. Choose the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. Copy the role. Go to the Authorizations tab.

10. Apply the authorizations by double-clicking on the yellow traffic light. 11. Generate the profile. 12. Go to the Users tab. 13. Enter the users to which you have assigned work center roles. 14. Compare users with Compare Users. C) Assign default authorization roles Assign authorizations to users according to your company's authorization concept. You can use and adjust the default template roles delivered by SAP. See: For deltas in default authorization roles: SAP note 834534 For a overview and mapping of all default authorization roles in the work center, see Service Marketplace: SAP Solution Manager Security Guide. Access You can call the work center as follows: in NetWeaver Business Client in Web Browser: with the following URL ( http(s):// <server name>: <port> /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ags_workcenter?WORKCENTER=WDC_WBA_SYSTEM_ADMIN &sap-client=<client> Activate Solution Manager Services


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This IMG activity activates services for the central system administration WebDynpro applications.

Activities Activate services Run the following programs: Technical name: SM_SYSADM

Check Service Activation You can check whether services are active. Choose the hierarchy type SERVICE. 1. 2. 3. Choose Execute. Select the service. Choose Test Service, in the context menu.

(For all services: /default_host...) Setup Central System Administration

Use The central system administration manages tasks for the systems in your solution, centrally. Prerequisites You have defined a solution in IMG activity Define Solution. Activities For further information see: SAP Solution Manager online documentation Central System Administration. (Menu -> Help -> Application Help)

1.5.7 Downtime Management Information and Configuration Prerequisites

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Use The downtime function plans downtimes for systems, servers and instances, and documents unplanned downtimes. You can start or stop a system or instance with NetWeaver Adaptive Computing (ACC) or SAPControl. For a detailed description of the function, see the application help in the SAP Solution Manager Help Portal. Requirements Obligatory You have: set up the System Landscape Management eingerichtet Work Center Authorization For roles and authorizations, see System Landscape Management Work Center in the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide, in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>.

Optional See SAP Note 1096782 about configuration of maintenance pauses. You have: Configured ACC or SAPControl Check the configuration of SAPControl after an upgrade. Activate Solution Manager Services

Use This IMG activity activates services for the downtime WebDynpro applications.

Activities Activate services Run the following programs: Technical name: SM_DTM

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Check Service Activation You can check whether services are active. Choose the hierarchy type SERVICE. 1. 2. 3. Choose Execute. Select the service. Choose Test Service, in the context menu.

(For all services: /default_host...) Plan Downtime and Uptime

Use If downtimes clash with critical times in which the respective system must be available, you can define actions in a table to avoid a conflict. Activities 1. 2. 3. Select the table DSWP_DTM_CONCUR. Create a new entry. Enter the relevant data in the fields: DT_TYPE_OLD: Describes the event that you already created in Application Downtime Management. Permitted values are: 010 020 040 060 Planned downtime Modified planned downtime Unplanned stop Critical uptime

DT_STATUS_OLD: Describes the status of the event (in accordance with the field DT_TYPE_OLD). Permitted values: 010 020 030 040 All downtime types Canceled Draft, in review, released, in process Draft, in review, released

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DT_TYPE_NEW: Describes the event that is to be created in Application Downtime Management. Permitted values are: 010 020 040 060 Planned downtime Modified planned downtime Unplanned stop Critical uptime

DT_STATUS_NEW: Describes the status of the event that is to be created (in accordance with field DT_TYPE_NEW). Permitted values are: 010 020 030 040 All downtime types Canceled Draft, in review, released, in process Draft, in review, released

CLASH_PREFERENCE: Describes the action the system is to start if a conflict with another event that already exists (DT_TYPE_OLD) results when a new event is created or an existing event is changed (DT_TYPE_NEW). Permitted values are: 010 Allow: Create/change is executed without warning

020 Don#t allow: If a conflict exists, create/change is not possible. The system issues a corresponding error message. 030 Allow with warning: If a conflict exists, the system issues a warning message. The user can continue, however.


Save your entries. Configure Downtime Message

Use The Downtime Manager uses a notification mechanism to send: E-mails, SMS and/or System messages,

to announce downtimes. You configure this function at system level. To activate it, you must release the downtime or downtime sequences. The system then puts the outgoing messages in the NetWeaver Business Communication Service (BSC) queue, for further processing.

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Requirements You have Set up SAPconnect for: E-mail SMS and/or System messages

See SAP Note 455140 and/or 455142.

1.5.8 System Monitoring Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Use Solution Monitoring monitors heterogeneous system landscapes efficiently. You can manage your: systems and business processes

in one tool. This uniform overview guarantees high performance and availability of your business processes across systems and system components. The SAP Solution Manager provides predefined views and values, analogously to the functions in the function sessions. If you: use Wily Introscope, you must connect it to the Solution Manager. use the work center, and want to show availibility, you must set-up Availibility Analysis with CCMSPING .

Online Documentation (Help -> Application Help) contains a complete process and application description. The Master Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAPComponents -> SAP Solution Manager <current release> contains a detailed scenario description Requirements

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You have authorized your end users: Solution Directory Solutions System Monitoring Default Settings Further notes See SAP notes 949293 and 420213. Set Up Work Center for System Monitoring

Use You need the navigation role to be able to use the System Monitoring work center. The work center navigation roles determine the menu, and thus the navigation for the work center. Only one work center navigation role is relevant per work center. The user also needs the authorization role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC, which contains all authorization objects required for the work center. Note You can: Adjust the work center navigation role menus Create work center composite roles, to assign several work centers to your users Requirements You have loaded the work center navigation roles in your work client. Default Settings The naming convention for delivered work center navigation roles is: SAP_SMWORK_<work center>. Activities A) Assign work center navigation role 1. 2. 3. Choose the work center navigation role, e.g. SAP_SMWORK_SYS_MON. Copy the role, e.g. to ZSAP_SMWORK_SYS_MON. Choose Change.

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4. 5. 6.

Go to the Users tab. Enter the user to which you assign the work center. Compare users with Compare Users.

Note: You can assign the role SAP_SMWORK_MYHOME to the user. See SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. B) ASAP_SMWORK_BASIC zuordnen 7. 8. 9. Choose the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. Copy the role. Go to the Authorizations tab.

10. Apply the authorizations by double-click on the yellow traffic light. 11. Generate the profile. 12. Go to the Users tab. 13. Enter the users to which you have assigned work center roles. 14. Compare users with Compare Users. C) Assign default authorization roles Assign authorization to users according to your company's authorization concept. You can use and adjust the pre-defined template roles delivered by SAP. See: For deltas in the default authorization roles: SAP note 834534 For an overview and mapping of all default authorization roles in the work center, see the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace. Access You can call the work center as follows: in NetWeaver Business Client in the web browser: with the following URL ( http(s):// <server name>:<port>/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ ags_workcenter?WORKCENTER=AGS_WORK_IMPLEMENTATION&sap-client= <client> Activate Solution Manager Service

Use To be able to call the applications, you must activate the services.

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Default Settings Activate services Run the following programs: Technical name: SM_MONITORING

Check Service Activation You can check whether services are active. Choose the hierarchy type SERVICE. 1. 2. 3. Choose Execute. Select the service. Choose Test Service in the context menu.

(For all services: /default_host...) Sending Service Reports by Internet E-Mail Test System Configuration for Sending E-Mail
Use For documents to be sent through external communications services such as internet e-mail, SAPconnect is used. To find out whether SAPconnect is set up properly for sending e-mail, we recommend testing the e-mail connection.

Activities 1. 2. Select System - Short message. Send a message to your own e-mail address. Note whether any error messages are displayed.

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In your SAPoffice Inbox, open the message you sent, and note any error messages. If error messages were generated, or if the test message did not arrive, set up SAPconnect, as described in IMG activity Setting up SAPconnect to Send Internet E-Mail and perform the test again. If no error messages were generated, set up the SAP Solution Manager for sending e-mail, as described below in the IMG activity Automatic E-mailing of Reports. Automatic E-mailing of Reports

Use To have analysis reports sent automatically by e-mail, you need to specify one or more e-mail addresses in the SAP Solution Manager. Requirements To be able to send e-mails, e-mail addresses must be entered in the user settings. Users must also have sufficient authorizations to send e-mails. Default Settings When reports for this session type are generated, they will be sent to the e-mail address specified. Note, that the e-mail client used by the recipients of the reports must be capable of displaying HTML e-mail, in particular multipart-related MIME documents. Activities

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Call the SAP Solution Manager (transaction SOLUTION_MANAGER). Open your solution. Choose Edit - Automatic E-mail transmission. A dialog box is displayed. Choose Create E-mail. A second dialog box is displayed. Select a session name from the Input Help, and specify an e-mail address. Confirm. The session type and the e-mail address are displayed in the first dialog box. Choose Cancel.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ E-Mail Filter (Maintenance) Map Systems to E-Mail Addresses

Use This IMG activity assigns E-Mail addresses to system IDs, in the maintenance view of the table DSWP_SYS_EMAIL. EarlyWatch Alert reports are only sent to the E-Mail addresses which are assigned to the systems.

Activities Assign E-Mail addresses to system IDs: 1. 2. Choose New Entries. Enter the following values: 3. Object ID SAP system ID E-Mail address

Save your entries. BAdI EWA E-Mail Filter

Use Use this BAdI to send reports automatically by e-mail in the Operations Solution Manager. Functions: Change the subject text of the e-mail

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Filter function for e-mail addresses by criteria. Requirements

You must first maintain the mapping table using the IMG activity "Map Systems to E-Mail Addresses". Default Settings The inactive BAdI implementation (DSWP_EMAILFILTER) is supplied. You can use this to filter e-mail addresses by system IDs. Multiple usage is possible. No filter is used. Activities The following activities must be performed if you want to use the standard delivery: 1. 2. Start the activity. Activate inactive implementations.

If you want to use your own (customer-specific) function, you need to create your own BAdI implementation. 3. 4. 5. Start the activity. Choose Create Implementation. Assign a name to the enhancement implementation and enter a short text. Confirm your entries and assign a package. The system may display a message saying that the assigned package does not have a switch. Confirm with Yes. Enter and confirm a name for the BAdI implementation. Expand the tree structure for the implementation and choose Implementing Class. Enter a name for the class and then double click for forward navigation. Assign a package.

6. 7. 8. 9.

10. Implement the interface method with your required function and activate the class. 11. Return to the enhancement implementation and tick Implementation is Active. 12. Activate the enhancement implementation Set Up EarlyWatch Alert


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The SAP EarlyWatch Alert is a diagnosis service, for the system monitoring of SAP and non-SAP systems in the SAP Solution Manager. Prerequisites You have: Set up your system landscape Set up the Service Data Control Center The necessary authorizations Installed and configured IGS if you want to create graphics in service reports such as EarlyWatch Alerts Installed the Microsoft version to generate the EarlyWatch Alert reports in MS Word Default Settings See also the online documentation on EarlyWatch Alerts. Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. In the solution overview, choose Settings -> Solution Monitoring -> EarlyWatch Alert. EarlyWatch Alert Administration appears. Here you can set up the capture of your monitoring data for EarlyWatch Alert per system or per solution. Select the fields according to your requirements. Save your entries. Service Level Reporting Configure Central Performance History

Use The Central Performance History (CPH) is configured to collect the desired indicators, by assigning the indicators to a collection and reorganization schema. In a collection and reorganization schema, you specify how long performance values are saved in which expansion of the CPH. The data collection and reorganization of the performance values are carried out as background jobs. The first time the CPH is configured for Service Level Reporting purposes, an adjusted schema must be set up if necessary. Choose 1 x a minute as the measuring interval. The measurement data must be stored on expansion level "Minutes Per Day" for at least eight days (= EWA cycle + 1 day). SAP recommends that the data is stored

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for 8 to 14 days. From the viewpoint of Service Level Reporting, it is not necessary to carry out a reorganization for data aggregation purposes. Therefore choose "Deletion after 14 days" as the reorganization interval if possible. If you require an aggregation on higher aggregation levels (hours, days, weeks, and so on), the minimum retention period must be guaranteed. Subsequent reorganizations on higher aggregation levels and longer deletion intervals are possible, but not for the continued usage of the Service Level Reporting. These specifications correspond to schema Solution Manager Availability. Requirements You have installed CCMSPing. Activities Set up a collection and reorganization schema if you do not want to use schema Solution Manager Availability 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose Maintain Schema. On the screen that appears, in the menu, choose Edit -> Screen for Enhanced Configuration. Name the schema. Specify the collection and reorganization parameters in the CPH measured values duration maintenance panel, for example:

Measurement interval: 1x per minute. Reorganization: No Aggregation. Delete after 14 days.

======================================================================= Minutes 1/4 Hour Hour Day

Daily Aggregate


Monthly Aggregate

Quarterly Aggregate

Yearly Aggregate

Weekly Aggregate

X-day Aggregate

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Save and navigate back to the initial transaction. Assignment of a collection and reorganization schema

6. 7.

Choose Assign Schema. Different systems have different MTE classes. First of all, the MTE classes of the local system are displayed. To add the MTE classes of other systems to the list, select the required systems and choose MTE - Classes from System. The MTE classes of the selected systems also appear in the list of MTE classes. Select the SID of the system in whose CCMS the availability data of the system that is to be monitored is reported. Assign the required MTE classes of the availability indicators to your collection and reorganization schema. You cal also select more than one system and MTE class. The following MTE classes are possible indicators:

8. 9.

MTE Class Availability_SysPercent_ABAP Availability_SysPercent Availability_SysPercent_JAVA Availability_InstPercent Availability_RFCPercent Availability_GroupPercent

Availability Type System availability ABAP stack* System availability ABAP stack System availability JAVA stack* Instance availability Instance logon availability Logon group availability

(*)only for JAVA or ABAP/JAVA double stack monitoring. Other MTEs are not supported by Service Level Reporting. 10. Choose Assign Schema.

You can check which background jobs the system has started by proceeding as follows: 11. In the menu, choose Goto -> Background Jobs. Set Up Service Level Reporting 12. Carry out Setup Service Level Reporting.

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Use You use the Service Level Reporting to optimize and simplify long-term system monitoring. You can use Service Level Reporting to fulfill your internal and external Service Level Agreements (SLA). Prerequisites You have: defined a solution in IMG activity Define a Solution. Installed the Microsoft Word version to generate the service level reports in MS Word Activities

For further information see: Online Documentation SAP Solution Manager Service Level Reporting. (Menu->Help->Application Help) Setup System Monitoring

Use The system monitoring monitors the systems in your solution in real time. You can call the applications in the Work Center or SAP GUI. Prerequisites You have: Defined a solution Entered the instances in the system maintenance (SMSY) Assigned Authorization to your users

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Activities For further information see: SAP Solution Manager online documentation System Monitoring. (Menu -> Help -> Application Help) Reporting Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Use IT Performance Reporting shows the development of the most important monitoring data of your monitored systems, over time, centrally, to identify potential problems early, and to give an overview of the load and performance of your systems. The performance values are from the CCMS monitoring infrastructure; you can display them in the Alert Monitor, for example. IT Performance Reporting selects the most important nodes and creates various reports, which give you a quick and comprehensive overview of the performance and load of your monitored systems. IT Performance Reporting can display data from all systems registered in the SAP Solution Manager system landscape (transaction SMSY), in AS ABAP, AS Java, and other databases. The reports offer various time periods, from today to last year, so that you can see the current and long-term development of the performance values. Each period automatically shows the values in an appropriate resolution. The IT Reporting Suite is a collection of such reports. You can go to it from the Solution Manager System Monitoring work center, with IT Performance Reporting, when you have configured the IT Reporting Suite. Technically, the IT Performance Reporting reports are based on: CCMS Monitoring Infrastructure - where most performance values are captured. Extraction Framework - which sends the performance values to BI. Business Intelligence - saves the values, with all BW data management and display functions. Requirements You have: Installed GS, to display your data graphically. Installed and started the CCMSPING agent. Set-up Database KPI Monitoring, to be able to display the most important performance values in the monitored databases. Imported corrections according to SAP note 1223266, depending on your support package status. Made basic settings for BI-based reporting.

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Set-up System Monitoring work center. Note: From SAP Solution Manager 7.0 SP 18, the performance values of the monitored systems no longer need to be passed via the central monitoring system CEN; so you do not need to set-up central CCMS, with the exception of installing CCMSPING and setting-up Database KPI monitoring , where the data is only in CEN. You can still configure IT Performance Reporting so that the performance values of the monitored systems is passed by CEN, if you already have a central CCMS.

You must be authorized. Values for monitored Java systems are only passed in the following reports, if the Java system has at least SAP NetWeaver release 7.10: Java Sessions & Threads Java Garbage Collection IT Performance Reporting Set-Up External Alias for Service


You have activated the service /default_host/sap/bw/BEx; in the basic BI settings in the Solution Manager. You set-up an external alias for the service, with client settings. You can call the IT Reporting Suite reports in the BI client. You must set-up an obligatory logon for the alias, or the work center HTTP session parameters are reused for the IT Performance Reports. Requirements You have authorized your users. Default Settings Choose Hierachy Type -> Execute. 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose External Aliases. Choose default_host. Choose External Alias -> External Alias Wizard. Run the wizard, and enter the required data:

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External Alias: /sap/bw/BEx Description

Service: default_host -> default_host -> sap -> bw -> BEx The wizard has created the external alias. 5. 6. 7. 8. Choose your external alias in the hierarchy tree. Choose "Logon Data Obligatory" in the Logon Data tab. Enter the BI client. Save. You may have to click Cancel, to go back to the main external alias screen. General Configuration

Use To be able to use IT Performance Reporting for the central display of the most important monitoring data in your monitored systems, you must run the corresponding setup. Requirements See Information and Configuration Prerequisites Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Call the System Monitoring work center. Navigate to the Setup view. Choose the Configure IT Performance Reporting link. The General Settings screen appears. In the Settings BI System area, enter the data for the BI system in which the performance values are to be collected. In detail, these are: RFC Destination from Solution Manager to BI Enter the RFC destination of the BI system in which the performance values are to be saved. The destination has the naming convention <system ID>CLNT<client>. Only if BI and Solution Manager are running in the same system and the same client, enter NONE; if both are running in the same system in different clients, enter an RFC destination in the BI client. RFC Destination from BI to Solution Manager Enter the RFC destination for the Solution Manager system. If BI and Solution Manager are running in the same system and the same client, also enter NONE; if both are running in the same system in different clients, enter an RFC destination in the client in which you open Solution Manager.

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Time Zone of Transferred Data When the performance values are transferred from the monitored systems to BI, the data is converted to a single time zone. Enter the required time zone here. Enforce Content Activation If you are setting up IT Performance Reporting for the first time, this indicator is set automatically. If you want to change the configuration at a later date (for example, to add new monitored systems to Reporting), you can force the activation of the content yourself. This is useful if the content itself may have been changed, for example, after the installation of a Support Package. It may also be necessary to reactivate the content if errors occurred during the previous activation.


In the Lifetimes area, enter the retention periods of the performance values in BI in the various granularities. In detail, these are: Minute/Quarter of an Hour Values (in Days) Enter the retention period of the raw data in days here. Depending on the type of determination in the monitored systems, these values may be available in minute or quarter-hour granularity. Note that data in this level of detail in BI requires a lot of memory capacity and that the transfer of data to BI creates a high system load, depending on the number of monitored systems. Therefore, the standard retention period is set to zero, that is, this data is not transferred to BI. Hour Values/Day Averages (in Days) Enter the retention period of the daily values in hourly granularity in days here. In this granularity, one value is saved for each hour of a day, thus 24 values per day. Weekly Averages (in Weeks) Enter the retention period of the weekly aggregates in hourly granularity in weeks here. In this granularity, one value is saved for each hour of the day over one week, thus 24 values per week. This means that the values for a specific hour (for example, from 12 pm to 1 pm) are aggregated into one value for all days of a week. Monthly Averages (in Months) Enter the retention period of the monthly aggregates in hourly granularity in months here. In this granularity, one value is saved for each hour of the day over one month, thus 24 values per month. This means that the values for a specific hour (for example, from 12 pm to 1 pm) are aggregated into one value for all days of a month. Note: If you repeatedly open the setup of IT Performance Reporting because the original content activation failed, it may be necessary to display the activation log for the earlier activation. You can therefore start the Log Viewer in its own window by choosing the relevant pushbutton and the required activation.


Choose Next. If you have already set up IT Performance Reporting in a lower Support Package level and the current BI content is not yet active, the CPH Data Migration screen appears. You can transfer the old dataset. a) You still have your performance values saved in the Central Performance History (CPH) of the monitoring infrastructure. This archive is now no longer necessary; a suitable program exists for migration. If you want to transfer the dataset from CPH to the new IT Performance Reporting, set the Copy CPH Data indicator. In the RFC Destination from BI to CPH input field, enter the RFC connection to the central


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monitoring system in which your CPH is located. c) 7. Choose Next.

The continuation of the configuration is described in Step 2. Configuration per MTE Class

Use To be able to use IT Performance Reporting for the central display of the most important monitoring data in your monitored systems, you must run the corresponding setup. Note: This description contains the second step of the setup of IT Performance Reporting. To display the description of the previous step, follow the link to Step 1. In this step you can also activate the monitoring history. For more information, see Monitoring - Set Up History. Requirements See Information and Configuration Prerequisites Activities The Settings per MTE Class screen is displayed. Here you can specify which performance values you want to collect in BI for the scenarios IT Performance Reporting and Monitoring History. Settings for the scenario IT Performance Reporting The scenario and the MTE classes required for it are already activated by default. You do not therefore need to make any settings if you want to use this scenario. SAP recommends that you retain this setting. Settings for the scenario Monitoring History Using the monitoring history, you can track the course of any performance values in the monitored systems over time. You only have to activate the corresponding MTE class to do this. Proceed as follows: a) b) Choose Add MTE Classes. An additional line is added on the screen below the scenario Monitoring History. Enter the required name of the MTE class. If you want to display a metric in the monitoring history, but you do not know the name of the MTE class, you can determine it as follows: Start a monitor in the Alert Monitor (transaction RZ20) that contains the required metric and choose Views -> Info for MTE. The name of the MTE class is displayed directly after the node name. In the documentation of the monitors supplied by SAP for the Alert Monitor, the MTE class for

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each displayed metric is also named. You will find this documentation in the SAP NetWeaver Library under SAP NetWeaver by Key Capability -> Solution Life Cycle Management by Key Capability -> Solution Monitoring -> Monitoring in the CCMS -> The Alert Monitor -> Predefined Monitors for the Alert Monitor. c) d) Make sure that the Active indicator is set for the MTE class. If you have activated the collection of minute/quarter hour values in the general settings, you can determine in the relevant columns whether you also want to collect the performance values for this MTE class in these granularities.

Note: The performance values that are collected within the scope of the IT Performance Reporting scenario are also available for the Monitoring History. Once you have made the required settings, choose Continue. The continuation of the configuration is described in Step 3. Note: Depending on the number and granularity of the collected metrics, you require a different amount of memory in BI. This maximum required memory per monitored system in megabytes is displayed below the table of the active MTE classes. Configuration of Monitored Systems

Use To be able to use IT Performance Reporting for the central display of the most important monitoring data in your monitored systems, you must run the corresponding setup. Note: This description contains the third step of the setup of IT Performance Reporting. To display the description of the previous step, follow the link to Step 2. Requirements See Information and Configuration Prerequisites Activities The Configuration of Monitored Systems screen is displayed. Here you can specify for which systems you want to collect performance values in BI for the scenarios IT Performance Reporting and Monitoring History. If you want to display the performance values for another system in reporting, proceed as follows: 1. 2. Choose Add System. You can now enter the details of the system in a new window. In detail, these are:

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System ID Enter the system ID of the monitored system here. If you use the input help, all systems are available that you defined in the system landscape for Solution Manager (transaction SMSY). Installation Number Enter the installation number of the monitored system. If you entered the system ID using the input help for the System ID input field, the installation number is entered automatically. If you do not have the installation number of the system available, log on in the respective system and choose System -> Status... in the menu. The installation number is displayed in the SAP System Data group box. RFC Destination Enter an RFC destination in the monitored system here; the client is not important. The user that is used for the connection only requires the authorizations of the user CSMREG (role SAP_BC_CSMREG). Depending on your preferred security settings, you can either save the user/password combination in the RFC destination or you use a trusted-system connection. Received Data from CEN? Set this indicator if the data from the monitored system is to be transferred via a central monitoring system. This is advised if you already have a correctly configured central monitoring system in which the connection data is entered in CCMS in the satellite systems. CEN: RFC Destination If you transfer the performance values via CEN (see above), enter an RFC destination to CEN here; the client is not important. The user that is used for the connection only requires the authorizations of the user CSMREG (role SAP_BC_CSMREG). Depending on your preferred security settings, you can either save the user/password combination in the RFC destination or you use a trusted-system connection. System ID within CCMS It is possible that a monitored system has a target system ID within the CCMS monitoring infrastructure. This ID comprises the actual system ID and an additional suffix and allows the monitoring infrastructure to monitor several systems with identical system IDs. Enter the target system ID here if one exists for this system in CCMS.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Save the data for the system. Make sure that the Active indicator is set in the table for all systems that you want to monitor. Choose Save Settings. If the Enforce Content Activation indicator was set in the first step, the activation is now performed. To activation log is also displayed, which you can update at any time. If the status RUNNING is displayed, the activation is still in progress. Leave the window open until the status FINISHED or ERROR is displayed; if errors occurred, follow the instructions in the error message. Note: If you want to display the activation log, you can also start the Log Viewer in a separate window by choosing the appropriate pushbutton.


You have completed the setup of IT Performance Reporting and the Monitoring History and you can now use reports in the System Monitoring work center.

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Use The monitoring history and IT performance reporting, show the development of the performance values in your monitored systems through time, centrally, to identify potential problems early, and to give an overview of the load and performance of your systems. The performance values come from the CCMS monitoring infrastructure; you can display them, for example, in the alert monitor. The difference between the two scenarios is that statistics which SAP has identified as being particularly important for monitoring performance and system load, have been selected for IT performance reporting. These statistics are shown in the IT Reporting Suite, in reports which have been specially adjusted for them. In the monitoring history, you specify which statistics you require, by specifying MTE classes in the set-up. You can show any performance values from the CCMS monitoring infrastructure, delivered by SAP, and any for which you have created your owm data supplier in CCMS. As you can show any performance values in the monitoring history, the reports are generic, and not adjusted for certain statistics. You can show the reports in the System Monitoring work center in the Proactive Monitoring view. Choose a system, expand its components, and choose an entry. The data is displayed in the table; for performance values collected in monitoring history, you can display the reports with a pushbutton in the History column. Note The performance values collected for IT performance reporting are also available in monitoring history. Requirements See Information und Configuration Prerequisites Activities The monitoring history is performed in the IT performance reporting set-up. See Set-Up IT Performance Reporting.

1.5.9 Job Scheduling Management Standard Configuration Information and Configuration Prerequisites

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Use The job documentation manages and documents background processing in your entire system landscape. You can: document jobs in your entire system landscape centrally import jobs from satellite systems into a job document, with your scheduling parameters Schedule jobs from a job document in managed systems monitor jobs in Business Process Monitoring configuration and documentation

You can call the applications from the Work Center or SAP GUI. The Master Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager contains a detailed scenario description Integration Job Scheduling is integrated with the following scenarios: Business Process Monitoring (in job monitoring documentation) Service Desk (job queries in a Service Desk message) Change Management (changes in Change Request Management)

You must have configured the scenarios, to be able to use this integration. Requirements You have Job Scheduling Management authorization and Solution authorization Generatd business partners Activate Solution Manager Services

Use This IMG activity activates the services which you need for job scheduling.

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Activities Activate services Run the program: Technical name: SM_JOB_SCHEDULING

Check service activation You can check whether the services are active. 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose the hierarchy type SERVICE. Choose Execute. Select the service. Choose the context menu Test Service.

(For all services: /default_host...)

After activation, the system shows all active services. Set-Up Alias for Job Request

Use This IMG activity creates an external alias to allow SAP Solution Manager users to display WebDynpro applications for job requests, without separate logon. Requirements 1. 2. 3. Create a user, e.g. JOBREQUEST, in your production client, in the user maintenance (transaktion SU01). Choose the user type 'Service' in the logon data tab, and enter a password. Do not change it. Save your entries.

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Activities 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Choose Hierachy Type -> Execute. Choose External Aliases. Choose default_host. Choose External Alias -> External Alias Wizard. Run the wizard and enter the required data: External Alias /sap/bc/solman/jobrequestuser Description, e.g. "Solution Manager Job Request".

Service: default_host -> sap -> bc -> webdynpro -> sap -> wd_ags_ejr_job_request_app The wizard has created the external alias. 9. Choose your external alias in the herarchy tree.

10. Choose Logon Data Required in the Logon Data tab. 11. Enter the user for the http access which you have already created, e.g.JOBREQUEST. 12. Enter a password. The password must be the same as the password of the user with http access. 13. Save your entries. You may have to choose Cancel to go back to the main external alias screen. Set Up Work Center for Job Scheduling Management

Use You need the navigation role to be able to use the Job Scheduling Management work center. The work center navigation roles determine the menu, and thus the navigation for the work center. Only one work center navigation role is relevant per work center. The user also needs the authorization role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC, which contains all authorization objects required for the work center. Nachdem Sie das Work center eingerichtet haben, knnen Sie die Sicht des Work Centers anpassen. Note You can: Adjust the work center navigation role menus Create work center composite roles , to assign several work centers to your users

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Requirements You have loaded the work center navigation roles in your work client. Default Settings The naming convention for delivered work center navigation roles is: SAP_SMWORK_<work center>. Activities A) Assign work center navigation role 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose the work center navigation role, e.g. SAP_SMWORK_JOB_MAN. Copy the role, e.g. to ZSAP_SMWORK_JOB_MAN. Choose Change. Go to the Users tab. Enter the user to which you assign the work center. Compare users with Compare Users.

Note: You can assign the role SAP_SMWORK_MYHOME to the user. See SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marktplatz -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. B) ASAP_SMWORK_BASIC zuordnen 7. 8. 9. Choose the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. Copy the role. Go to the Authorizations tab.

10. Apply the authorizations by double-click on the yellow traffic light. 11. Generate the profile. 12. Go to the Users tab. 13. Enter the users to which you have assigned work center roles . 14. Compare users with Compare Users. C) Assign default authorization roles Assign authorization to users according to your company's authorization concept. You can use and adjust the <DS:TX.AUTH_ SM_JOB_SCHEDULING pre-defined template roles delivered by SAP. See: For deltas in the default authorization roles: SAP note 834534 For an overview and mapping of all default authorization roles in the work center, see the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace.

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Access You can call the work center as follows: in NetWeaver Business Client in the web browser: with the following URL ( http(s):// <server name>: <port> /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ ags_workcenter?WORKCENTER=AGS_WORK_IMPLEMENTATION&sap-client= <client> Extended Configuration Adjust Work Center for Job Scheduling Management
Use You can adjust the Job Scheduling Management work center to your requirements, in the following three areas: Display Monitoring Application You can choose between two alternative Job Monitoring application display variants, with the parameter USE_JSM_MON_SESS_GUI. You should retain the default value X. Alert Inbox You can choose between two alternative Alert Inbox display variants, with the parameter USE_JSM_INBOX. You should retain the default value X. Display Job Requests You can specify whether the job requests are to be opened with the transaction CRMD_ORDER, or a Solution Manager application. Set the parameter to X, the default value. Adjust Queries in the work center

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Call the table AGS_WORK_CUSTOM. Enter the parameter in the field NAME. Choose Execute. The system displays the parameter. Choose Edit. Enter a value. Save.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Transfer Job Documentation into Solution Directory

Use If you have assigned job documentation to business processes, you must put it in the Solution Directory with a migration report.

Default Settings 1. 2. 3. Run the report RAGS_EJR_MIGRATE. Enter the solution into which you want to put the job documentation, in the field Solution. Run the report. Generate PDF Documents for Job Request and Documentation

Use You can output the print view of job documentation and job request, as a PDF document. Requirements You have installed and configured Adobe Document Service (ADS) in your system. Default Settings Forms for the job documentation and the job request are delivered by default. If you want to use your own forms, replace the entry FORM_NAME in the table AGS_PRINT_CFG with the name of your form. For further information (definitions of XML schemas), see SAP note 1225976. Tips and Tricks If errors occur in the PDF generation, see SAP note 944221.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Adapt Organization Data

Use Configure the job documentation to your requirements.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter organizational units in table AGS_ORGUNIT_CUST. Enter Regions in table AGS_REGION_CUST. Enter Business Areas in table AGS_BUSAREA_CUST. Enter Business Priorities in table AGS_BUSNSS_PRIO. Enter Categories of scheduling restrictions in table AGS_SCHED_REST_C.


These values are also valid for the job request. Note

You must translate user customizing entries yourself. Adapt Job Documentation Set Up Own Naming Convention for Job Documentation
Use You want to implement a user naming convention for job documentation, including defaults and check.

Activities Create User Implementation 1. 2. Deactivate the example implementation BADI_AGS_EJR_NAME_SPACE_IMP, delivered by SAP, by resetting the flag in the Active column (IMG). Save.

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3. 4. 5.

Create a new implementation of the BADI BADI_AGS_EJR_NAME_SPACE, with Create. Enter the required data. Save.

Assign Parent Class 6. 7. 8. Choose the transaction SE80. Assign the parent class CL_AGS_EJR_NAME_SPACE to the implementing class. Adjust the implementing class to your requirements. Example SAP Solution Manager contains an example implementation in the class CL_AGS_EJR_NAME_SPACE_JOB. Adjust Job Documentation Tab Visibility

Use If you do not need the Job Documentation tab, and want to hide it, change the visibility.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose the view AGS_JOBDOC_VIEWC. Choose Maintain. To change the visibility, deselect the corresponding entry, e.g. V_EJR_ATTACHMENT for attachments. Save. Adapt Job Scheduling Form Information

Use You want to create job documentation for jobs which are not supported by SAP Solution Manager. SAP Solution Manager creates a form to enter the required parameters, in a few configuration steps.

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The SAP Solution Manager contains an example implementation (application ID CST), which you can directly modify, or use as a template for your own implementations. A configuration must be created for each external job scheduling application. SAP note 1230837 contains further information.

Configuration comprises three steps: 1. 2. 3. Specify application Specify UI and data elements Link forms to their elements Requirements You have set-up Scheduling Management. Create or Change Scheduling Application

Use Create an application to schedule jobs.

Activities 1. 2. 3. Edit the table AGS_SCHED_APPL. enter the code for the job scheduler you use, in the SCHEDULER_TYPE column, e.g. CRN to document unix Cron jobs. Enter an ID for the configuration of the UI elements of your scheduling configuration, in the SCHEDULE_LAYOUT and JOB_LAYOUT columns, e.g. ZCRON_SCHEDULE and ZCRON_JOBPARAM. Enter the ID for configuring the data elements to be used in the user interface, in the SCHEDULE_CONTEXT and JOB_CONTEXT columns. Save.

4. 5.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Specify Contents

Use Specify the contents.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Maintain the tables AGS_SCHED_CONTXT and AGS_CONTEXT_PROP. Enter the ID from the table AGS_SCHED_APPL in the APPL_CONTEXT field in the table AGS_SCHED_CONTXT. Enter the name of each element in the field CONTEXT_ELEMENT, and the attribute ID in the field CONTEXT_PROP_ID. Enter the name of the context element from table AGS_SCHED_CONTXT in the field CONTEXT_PROP_ID in the table AGS_CONTEXT_PROP. Specify the context element attributes in the field PROPERTY. Possible attributes are: 6. 7. CNTXT_DDICTYPE: Data element CNTXT_ID CNTXT_ISNODE ID empty

Enter the attribute value in the field VALUE Save. Specify View Hierarchy

Use Specify the view hierarchy.

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Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Maintain the table AGS_SCHED_LAYOUT. Enter the layout ID from table AGS_SCHED_APPL in the column LAYOUT_ID, and leave the column PARENT_ID empty, to specify a root node. Enter the attribute ID in the column ELEMENT_ID. Specify the attributes in the table AGS_SCHED_ELEM. Enter the sequence in which the elements are to be displayed, in the column ELEMENT_ORDER. Enter the parent element in the column PARENT_ID. Save. Specify UI Elements

Use Specify UI elements.

Activities 1. 2. 3. Maintain the table AGS_SCHED_ELEM. Enter the element name in the column ELEMENT_ID Enter one of the following attributes in the column PROPERTY: UIPROPBINDVALUE: Context element name UIPROPDESCROTRALIAS: Label OTR alias UIPROPELEMENT: UI element type UIPROPID: ID UIPROPTOOLTIPOTRALIAS: Tool tip OTR alias CONTAINERDESCROTRALIAS: Description CONTAINERELEMENT: UI element type for container CONTAINERFLOORPLAN: Floor plan CONTAINERID: ID

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4. 5.

Enter the parameter value in the VALUE column. Save. Create Connection between Context Elements and UI

Use Link the context elements to your UI elements.

Activities 1. 2. 3. Maintain the table AGS_SCHED_CONTNR. Enter the container ID in the CONTAINER_ID column, and the UI element ID in the ELEMENT_ID. Save. Configure Job Control Activate Job Control for User
Use To specify the users for whom job control is active, specify criteria profiles in the criteria manager, and assign them to your users. When users for whom job control is active call transaction SM36, they are automatically forwarded to the SAP Solution Manager system job control. Attempts to change or release a job in transaction SM37 are also redirected to SAP Solution Manager. For all other users, job control is inactive. See also: SAP Note 1397918. Requirements You have administration authorization. See the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace: -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current

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release>. Default Settings Job control is inactive. Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Choose the Job Management work center. Go to the Administration view. Choose Manage Criteria Profiles and Users, under Criteria Manager. A dialog box appears. Choose the managed system in the dialog box. You can specify the client. Confirm. The system starts the application Run ABAP Program. Run the program Criteria Manager. The system calls the program Criteria Manager in a new window. To create a new profile, choose the Criteria Profile tab, and Add. A dialog box appears. Choose the criterion type Create Batch Job for Solution Manager in the dialog box, and enter a meaningful name for the profile, e.g. Activate Job Control. Confirm. The system creates the criterion profile, and it appears in the list. Double-click on the entry for the newly-created criterion profile. The criterion profile criteria are displayed at the right-hand side.


10. To assign clients and users to the criterion profile, choose Criterion. A dialog box appears. You can connect criteria in the criteria hierarchy with the logical operators AND and OR. 11. Enter a description of the criterion in the dialog box. Choose the client, and specify the user to whom the criteria profile is to apply. Note: To assign several, or all, users to a criteria profile, put #*# in the User field. 12. Confirm. The system creates the criterion for the criteria profile. Note: To create more profiles of the same criteria type, repeat steps 7-13. You can, for example, create several profiles of the same criteria type for different clients or user groups or system statuses. 13. To activate the job control profiles, select them in the list, and choose Activate. There can only be one active profile of a type. Combine criteria in the criteria hierarchy, with the logical operators.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Specify Job Control for Ad-Hoc Jobs

Use You can schedule jobs in the SAP Solution Manager (irregular) ad-hoc job control, or directly in transaction SM36.

Default Settings By default, ad-hoc jobs are scheduled directly. Activities 1. 2. 3. To edit the table, select the processing mode. Choose Add New Entries. Enter the parameter JSM_GAF_ADHOC_FLAG, with the value X, in the table. This parameter specifies that ad-hoc jobs cannot be scheduled directly. Job control, with an approval process, is used for ad-hoc jobs. Save.

4. BI-Reporting Alert Trend Analysis Set Up BI Reporting for Job Scheduling Management
Use You can use BI Reporting for Job Scheduling Management.

Activities 1. Proceed as described in the IMG activity BI BPM - Set Up Reporting for Business Process Monitoring.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Health Check Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Use The health check gives you the scheduling status (graphically and in a table) of the scheduling of background jobs in a managed system. It includes the number of jobs cancelled per period, the distribution of jobs, and their runtime among the servers, and various views of the period, for example daily, weekly and monthly overviews. Data is collected in the BW system/client by the data collector in the Solution Manager and managed systems, in the Job Management work center. Requirements You have: at least BI_CONT 7.04 SP07 in the Solution Manager system at least Basis release SAP_BASIS 6.20 in the managed system Job Scheduling Management default configuration Activate BI Content

Use To be able to use the health check, BI content must be active.

Activities Run the report RS_BCT_SM_SETUP_JSM_HC in the background.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Set Up Data Aggregation

Use Set up data aggregation for the health check, in the BW client. Activities Run the report RAGS_JSM_CONFIG_CUSTOMIZE. The system schedules the report E2E_HK_CONTROLLER with the background job SM:EXEC SERVICES. Schedule Data Collection in Solution Manager System

Use Collect the health check data per system, in the SAP Solution Manager. Requirements You need authorization object S_TCODE with the value SPRO. Activities 1. 2. 3. Go to the Administration view in the Job Management work center. Perform the action Assign Data Collections for Job Scheduling Management Analyses. The extractors for the managed systems are active. They are: F86_JSMHC_EXTRACTOR_JOBS F87_JSMHC_EXTRACTOR_STEPS + TBTCP) JSM Health Check - Job Level (TBTCO) JSM Health Check - Job Step Level (TBTCO

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Integration with Service Desk Activate Configuration BC Set

Use You can integrate Job Scheduling with the Service Desk scenarios. Activate the BC Sets for additional customizing. Requirements You have configured the Service Desk. Activities 1. 2. Proceed as described in SAP note 1225906. Activate the BC Sets with the following settings: 3. Overwrite data: Overwrite All Data Activation Mode: Expert

Ensure in transaction SCC4 that the role of the client in which the BC Sets are activated is not "Production". Assign Action Profile/Actions

Use Set-up your job request transaction type, depending on the Service Desk configuration. Requirements You have: configured the Service Desk activated Job Scheduling Management BC Sets Activities Use transaction type for Service Desk and SLFJ for Job Scheduling Management Specify transaction type

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Put the transaction type SLFJ in the tables AISDK_PROCTYPE and DNOC_USERCFG. Only use transaction type SLFN Specify transaction type Set the flag for SLFN in the table AGS_EJR_PROCTYPE Assign action profile 1. 2. 3. Double-click on the transaction type SLFN. Assign the action profile SLFN0001_JR. Save.

Assign actions to the current action profile 4. 5. Double-click on the action profile. Assign the following actions: SLFN0001_JR_CREATE_CR SLFN0001_JR_DISP_JOB_REQUEST SLFN0001_JR_ASSIGN_JOBDOC SLFN0001_JR_ASSIGN_JOBDOC_PCF SLFN0001_JR_COMPARE_CONTEXT SLFN0001_JR_CREATE_JOBDOC SLFN0001_JR_EDIT_JOB_REQUEST

You must create the actions in your namespace for your action profile, from the action profile SLFN0001_JR. 6. 7. Save. If you copy the transaction types delivered by SAP, e.g. ZLFJ, you must put them in all three tables. Specify Preferred Transaction Type

Use You can specify your preferred transaction type for the job request.

Activities 1. 2. Open the maintenance view AGS_EJR_PROCTYPE. Select a transaction type.

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Save. Adapt Job Request Form Information

Use You want to adjust the job request form to your requirements, for example: toggle between obligatory and optional fields Remove fields from form Specify default value offer different forms to different departments of your company

To create a configuration for the job request form: 1. 2. 3. Create and configure a WebDynpro component configuration Create and configure a WebDynpro application configuration Assign the configuration to the Web Dynpro application Create WebDynpro Component Configuration

Use Create a new WebDynpro component configuration. You can create several component configurations for one WebDynpro component. The component configuration controls the behavior of the components in a Web-Dynpro application, and the user interfaces of the views. There can be several sets of configuration data for each component. Each data record contains implicit and explicit attributes and management data. Activities 1. Choose the WebDynpro component WD_AGS_EJR_JOB_REQUEST Create /Change Configuration, from the context menu. You can alternatively call the URL: http://<Server>:

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<port>/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/configure_component?sap-language=EN 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Enter the name of the WebDynpro component, WD_AGS_EJR_JOB_REQUEST, in the configuration application. Assign a configuration ID. Use a meaningful name, such as CC_AGS_EJR_JOB_REQUEST. Choose Create. Enter a description of the configuration. Choose the package, for example $TMP for local requests, in which the configuration is to be created. Choose the transport request to record your changes. Choose the Explicit Configuration tab, which gives you access to all configurable elements: a) b) c) d) e) f) 9. ndCcBizContext: Fields with business background, such as Country, Region, Organization. ndCcErrHandle: Error handling. ndCcGeneral: General information, such as Job name, System, Client. ndCcSchedule: Scheduling parameters ndCcSdk: Information for the Service Desk, such as Component or Priority. ndCcSolution: Solution assignment. There are three parameter types, distinguished by a prefix : req: Obligatory. vis: Visible. val: Default value

Save. Create WebDynpro Application Configuration

Use Create a new WebDynpro application configuration. You can create several application configurations for one component configuration. The application configuration specifies which component, with which configuration, is required for the application. Example 1. Choose the WebDynpro component WD_AGS_EJR_JOB_REQUEST_APP Creqate/ Change Configuration in the context menu. You can alternatively call the URL: http://<Server>: <port>/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/configure_application?sap-language=EN Enter the name of the WebDynpro component, WD_AGS_EJR_JOB_REQUEST, in the


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configuration application. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Enter the name of the WebDynpro component, WD_AGS_EJR_JOB_REQUEST_APP, in the configuration application. Assign a configuration ID. Use a meaningful name, for example CC_AGS_EJR_JOB_REQUEST. Choose Create. Enter a description of the configuration. Choose the package, for example $TMP for local requests, in which the configuration is to be created. Choose the transport request to record your changes. Choose the Structure tab. You see all existing WebDynpro applications with their components.

10. Enter the component configuration which you have created, in the Configuration field in your WebDynpro applicatiuon, for example: CC_AGS_EJR_JOB_REQUEST). Retain the default settings in the Application Parameters tab . 11. Save. Connect Configuration with WebDynpro Application

Use You link the application to the component configuration. You can create several applications for one WebDynpro component.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose the WebDynpro application, for example WD_AGS_EJR_JOB_REQUEST_APP. Choose the Parameter tab. Add the parameter WDCONFIGURATIONID. Enter the name of the application configuration you created, as value, for example AC_AGS_EJR_JOB_REQUEST_APP. Save.

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1.5.10 Business Process Monitoring Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Use Business process monitoring allows you to monitor your most important business processes, which can be distributed across complex system landscapes. You can also monitor the interfaces between your business process steps. You can automatically create workflow notifications for all types of alerts in business process monitoring. Requirements You have: Set up SAPconnect (for workflow notifications) Set up central CCMS Set up the relevant authorizations for your end users Set Up Work Center for Business Process Operations

Use You need the navigation role for the work center to be able to use the work center for business process operations. The work center navigation roles determine the menu and thus the navigation for the work center. Only one work center navigation role is relevant per work center. The user needs the authorization role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC, which contains all authorization objects required for the work center. Note You can: adjust the work center navigation role menus Create work center composite roles, to be able to assign several work centers to your users Requirements You have loaded the work center navigation roles into your work client. Default Settings The naming convention of the delivered work center navigation roles is: SAP_SMWORK_<work center>.

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Activities A) Assign work center navigation role 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose a work center navigation role, e.g. SAP_SMWORK_BPM. Copy the role, e.g. to ZSAP_SMWORK_BPM. Choose Change. Go to the Users tab. Enter the users to which you want to assign the work center. Compare users with Compare Users.

Note: You can assign the role SAP_SMWORK_MYHOME to the user. See SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. B) Assign SAP_SMWORK_BASIC 7. 8. 9. Choose the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. Copy the role. Go to the Authorizations tab.

10. Implement the authorizations by double-clicking on the yellow traffic light. 11. Generate the profile. 12. Go to the Users tab. 13. Enter a user to which you have assigned work center roles. 14. Compare users with Compare Users. C) Assign default authorization roles Assign authorizations to users according to your company's authorization concept. You can use and adjust the Default Template Roles delivered by SAP . See: For deltas in default authorization roles: SAP note 834534 For an overview and mapping of all default authorization roles in the work center, see in the Service Marketplace: SAP Solution Manager Security Guide. Access You can call the work center as follows: in NetWeaver Business Client in Web Browser: with the following URL ( http(s):// <servername>: <port> /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ags_workcenter?WORKCENTER=AGS_WORK_BP_ITERF_MON &sap-client=<client>

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Use To be able to call the applications, you must activate the services.

Default Settings Activate services Run the following programs: Technical name: SM_MONITORING

Check Service Activation You can check whether services are active. Choose the hierarchy type SERVICE. 1. 2. 3. Choose Execute. Select the service. Choose Test Service in the context menu.

(For all services: /default_host...) Create Local RFC Destination and User

Use This IMG activity creates a local RFC destination. The monitoring data collection in the satellite system is triggered by the AutoABAP SAPMSSY6, which runs in client 000 of the SAP Solution Manager system and is executed by the standard user SAPSYS. This user does not have the authorization to call other systems via RFC and is not able to parallelize the data collection via RFCs.

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Therefore, the RFC destination BPM_LOCAL_<CLIENT> is used. This destination points from client 000 to the client <CLIENT> in which you set up Business Process Monitoring. The user in the RFC destination BPM_LOCAL_<CLIENT> calls the satellite system.

Requirements The service user you maintain in the RFC destination BPM_LOCAL_<CLIENT> needs the composite role SAP_SM_BPMO_COMP. See: SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager.

Activities Create User for Local RFC Destination 1. 2. Create a service user, for example SM_BPMO. Assign the composite role SAP_SM_BPMO_COMP to this user as a copy. The composite role contains several indvidual roles. @1B@ Give the Roles the values you require. The time zone of the user must match the system. Specify an E-Mail address in the Address (Communication) tab. It must be valid and known to the mail server.

3. 4.

Create Local RFC Destination 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Choose Operation Setup -> Solution Monitoring -> Business Process Monitoring Choose service Business Process Monitoring. Choose Check Local RFC Destination for Data Collection. Enter the user name in the USER field. Choose button Generate Local RFC Destination. Activities 10. Assign profile S_CSMREG to this user. 11. Assign the roles SAP_SUPPDESK_CREATE and SAP_IDOC_EVERYONE, which is required for automatic service desk message creation or sending (e.g. E-Mails). 12. Make sure that this user's personal time zone corresponds to the system's time zone

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Use Using RFC server groups, you can limit the maximum resources that are to be used in your Solution Manager for processing monitoring and alert data from Business Process Monitoring. You assign RFC server groups to individual solutions. In principle, you can thus assign different RFC server groups to different solutions. Activities Create RFC Server Group 1. 2. 3. Create a new RFC server group using the Create pushbutton. A dialog box appears. Enter the required data. Save your entries.

Assign RFC Server Group to a Solution 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Select your solution. Choose Operations Setup -> Set Up Business Process Monitoring. Open your session and choose the check RFC Server Group. In the table for the check, select your RFC server group. Save your entries. Setup Business Process Monitoring

Use Business process monitoring monitors your core business processes, which can be distributed across complex system landscapes. You can also monitor the interfaces between your business process steps. You can call the application from the work center or SAP GUI. Prerequisites You have defined a solution in IMG activity Define Solution. Activities For further information see: SAP Solution Manager online documentation -> Solution Monitoring -> Business Process Monitoring.

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(Menu -> Help -> Application Help) BI BPM - Set Up Reporting

Use You can use BI to report on your Business Process Monitoring data. For this, you have fulfilled all prerequisites by making the basic settings for BI and BI EWA/BPM Reporting. Note the IMG activities that are listed under Requirements. To guarantee BI data transfer for your Business Process Monitoring data, you must schedule regular background jobs. Requirements You have made the following settings in this order: 1. 2. The Basic Settings for BI The settings for EWA/BPM BI Reporting

Always take note of the Information and Configuration Prerequisites. Activities Extraction from Your Solution in Solution Manager to the Transfer Table 3. Schedule the report RDSWP_BI_BPM_EXTRACT with a variant for your solution. Pass the following passed parameters: 4. Name of solution ID for solution (using F4 help) Timeframe Handling of data already in the transfer table Names (optional)

Save your entries.

Transport of Data from Transfer Table to BI InfoCube 5. Check whether the process chain BPM Delta is activated. Select the inactive process chains by double-clicking and choose Process Chain -> Activate in the menu. The process chain schedules four background jobs automatically. Trigger: "BI_PROCESS_TRIGGER" Loading: "BI_PROCESS_LOADING"

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1.5.11 Change Request Management Important Information

Use Before you start to configure Change Request Management, make sure that you have performed all the Solution Manager IMG activities under the following nodes: Solution Manager -> Basic Settings Solution Manager -> Scenario-Specific Settings -> General Settings When you copy the standard Change Request Customizing into customer namespace, you should just change the first character to Y or Z e.g. SDCR -> YDCR or ZDCR but not Z1CR, if you change more characters you should be aware that modifications will be necessary and it is not standard SAP. This restriction is required for all CRM related objects like catalog, transaction type, status schema ... Requirements You have: checked the Support Package levels in your satellite (managed) systems generated your IBase generated Business Partners Standard Configuration General Activities Activate Integration with Change Request Management

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Use Change Request Management uses variants of the service transaction to process change transactions in SAP system landscapes. The variants are implemented by means of PPF actions that enable an integration between selected transaction types and SAP Solution Manager to use scenario "Change Request Management". As a result, transport requests, for example, can be created and released in systems in the landscape, and transported into various systems. These types of operative action are performed by means of a task list in the Schedule Manager. Technically, a service transaction is only a change transaction if it uses one of the following PPF methods: SOCM_COPY_DOCUMENT HF_SET_STATUS HF_CHECK_STATUS HF_EXECUTE_TASK

These PPF methods are filter values of BAdI definition EXEC_METHODCALL_PPF. The EXECUTE method of ABAP-OO interface IF_EX_EXEC_METHODCALL_PPF is implemented by class CL_IM_SOCM_OPERATION. This implementation represents the connection to SAP Solution Manager. Depending on the transaction type, instances are created of special proxies, which at runtime of the service transaction represent the task list of the Schedule Manager. The following transaction types are delivered by SAP in BC Sets: SDCR: Change Request SDHF: Urgent Correction SDMI: Standard Correction SDMN: Maintenance Cycle SDAD: Administration SDDV: Project SDTM: Test Message SLFN: Support Message

This list is defined in Assign Implementation to Change Transaction Types. To activate the Change Request Management of these types in general, you have to specify an RFC destination of the task list. Subsequently, the transaction types mentioned above can communicate with SAP Solution Manager. In the subsequent IMG activities, you can copy these transaction types and adjust them to suit your requirements. Requirements Change Request Management has been configured in the same system and in the same client as the Customizing for the change transaction. You have activated the required BC Sets.

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Default Settings RFC destination = NONE Activities Activity "Activate Change Request Management and Set Client" Set the client that you want to use for working with Change Request Management. Activity "Integration Solution Manager" Check the entry. You only need to enter a destination if the Schedule Manager was configured for Change Request Management in a different client to the service transaction. Activate BC Sets

Use In this IMG activity, you activate BC Sets that are required before you can use Change Request Management.

Activities Perform the IMG activity. Set Up Work Center for Change Request Management

Use You need the navigation role for the work center, to be able to use it for Change Request Management. The work center navigation roles determine the menu, and thus the navigation, for the work center. Only one work center navigation role is relevant per work center. The user needs the authorization role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC, which contains all authorization objects for the work center. Note You can:

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adjust the work center navigation role menus Create composite work center roles , to be able to assign several work centers to your users Requirements

You have loaded the work center navigation roles into your work client. Default Settings The naming convention of the delivered work center navigation roles is: SAP_SMWORK_ <work center>. Activities A) Assign work center navigation roles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose the work center navigation role, e.g. SAP_SMWORK_CHANGE_MAN. Copy the role, e.g. to ZSAP_SMWORK_CHANGE_MAN. Choose Change. Go to the Users tab. Enter the users to which you assign the work center. Perform the user comparison with User Comparison.

Note: You can assign the role SAP_SMWORK_MYHOME to the user, see SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. B) Assigm SAP_SMWORK_BASIC 7. 8. 9. Choose the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. Copy the role. Go to the Authorizations tab.

10. Apply the authorizations by double-clicking on the yellow traffic light . 11. Generate the profile. 12. Go to the Users tab. 13. Enter the users to which you have assigned work center roles . 14. Perform the user comparison with User Comparison. C) Assign default authorization roles Assign the authorizations to users, according to your company's authorization concept . You can use ans adjust the Default template roles delivered by SAP. See: For deltas in default authorization roles: SAP note 834534

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For an overview and mapping of all default authorization roles in the work center, see Service Marketplace: SAP Solution Manager Security Guide. Access

You can call the work center as follows: in NetWeaver Business Client in Web Browser: with the following URL ( http(s):// <server name>:<port> /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ags_workcenter?WORKCENTER=AGS_WORK_CHANGE_MAN &sap-client=<client> Transport Management System General Information About TMS Activities
Use You must perform all TMS activities in your satellite systems and not in your SAP Solution Manager system. Define Transport Routes for System Landscape

Use In this IMG activity, you define transport routes between the systems in your system landscape. For more information, see the TMS online documentation in transaction STMS by choosing Help -> Application Help -> Configuring TMS. Note: Transports are supported in the standard transport layer of each client. When you configure transport routes, note that only consolidation routes that are assigned to the standard transport layer of the relevant exporting client are taken into consideration. For each exporting client, exactly one target client and one target group are permitted.

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We recommend that you assign exactly one development system to a production system, and that these two systems are connected by exactly one unique transport track. If a development system and a production system are connected by more than one transport track, this may lead to inconsistencies within the transport distribution. This type of transport configuration cannot be supported by Change Request Management, and may cause inconsistencies within the tools involved. Activate Extended Transport Control

Use In this IMG activity, you activate extended transport control in the Transport Management System. For more information, see the online documentation in transaction STMS by choosing Help -> Application Help.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Call transaction STMS. Choose Overview -> Systems. Double-click each system. The Display TMS Configuration: System <system ID> screen appears. Select the Transport Tool tab page. If the entry CTC does not appear in the Parameters column, enter it there, and then in the Value column, enter 1. Save your entries. Configure Transport Strategy


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In this IMG activity, you: Deactivate the quality assurance (QA) approval procedure Activate the "Single Transports" strategy

In the transport tracks where the software distribution is controlled by Change Request Management, you must deactivate the QA approval procedure in the TMS, since this procedure is incompatible with the approval procedure in Change Request Management. Additionally, you have to activate the "Single transports" strategy. This prevents you from accidentally executing "Import All". All transports within the system landscape of Change Request Management must be processed by project imports. For more information, see the online documentation about the TMS in transaction STMS by choosing Help -> Application Help.

Activities Proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Call transaction STMS. Choose Overview -> Transport Routes. Double-click each system. The Display System Attributes dialog box appears. In the Transport strategy group box, select Single transports (since only Import Single and Import Project All are used). In the Quality assurance group box, deselect Delivery after confirmation.

(The quality assurance mechanism is used implicitly but not within the TMS context.) 7. Choose Continue.

Note When you activate "Single transports", manually executed single imports cannot be imported again by using "Import Project". If you want to execute these single imports again by using a subsequent "Import Project", you have to set the corresponding transport option. We recommend that you only use the transport functions of Change Request Management.

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Use In this IMG activity, you activate TMS Trusted Services in the system where the transport domain controller runs.

Activities 1. Log on to the SAP system that functions as the transport domain controller. To find out which system is the domain controller, call transaction STMS and choose Overview -> Systems. In the Cat column (with the quick info text TMS system type), look for the icon with the quick info text Controller. Call transaction STMS. Choose Overview -> Systems. The system overview appears. Choose Goto -> Transport domain. The Display TMS Configuration: Domain <Domain name> screen appears. Select the Management tab page. Switch to change mode. In the Security options group box, select Activate Trusted Services. Save your changes and distribute the configuration.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Activate Domain Links

Use In this IMG activity, you define inter-domain links. If multiple transport domains are used and projects in the Solution Manager have been defined as cross-domain projects, you must define inter-domain links between the transport domains, regardless of whether change requests are moved between domains or not. If, for example, the Change Request Management system is in domain A , but the satellite systems between which requests are transported is in domain B, Change Request Management has to trigger transports in a foreign domain. This is only possible by means of domain links.

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Requirements There is a permanent network connection between the systems in the domains, similar to the connection between systems within the same domain. The domain controller systems in all the domains run on SAP Web AS 6.10, or higher.

Activities Create inter-domain links as described in the online documentation. You can access the documentation In transaction STMS by choosing Help -> Application Help -> Configuring TMS -> Configuring Links Between Transport Domains -> Domain Links. Check Configuration of Transport Domain

Use In this IMG activity, you check whether your transport domain has been configured correctly.

Activities 1. 2. Log on to every domain controller that is connected to your transport landscape. Call transaction STMS. Apart from the information "You are logged onto the domain controller", you should not be able to see other messages or warnings.

For more information, choose Help -> Application Help -> Configuring TMS. Generate RFC Destinations to Client 000

Use Since Change Request Management reads important information about the system landscape (such as the transport routes) from the individual domain controllers, you must make sure that you generate RFC destinations from the Change Request Management system to client 000 of all domain controllers in the

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system landscape. For more information about generating RFC destinations, see the following IMG activity: SAP Solution Manager -> Basic Settings -> SAP Solution Manager System -> System Landscape -> System Landscape Settings -> Generate RFCs. Add Import Authorization to Operator/Administrator

Use Change Request Management uses the import functions of the Transport Management System (TMS). The TMS remote infrastructure is based on RFC connections that point solely to the 000 client of a target system. The operator and administrator users need to have import authorization for client 000 of all target systems.

Activities 1. 2. Make sure that the operator and administrator users in client 000 of the target systems have the same name as their user in the Solution Manager system. Assign import authorization to the operator and administrator users in client 000 of the target systems (SAP_CHANGEMAN_OPERATOR and SAP_CHANGEMAN_ADMIN roles).

For more information about import authorizations and the trusted systems concept, see Security Guide: SAP Solution Manager <current release>, and the online documentation for Change Request Management. Change Request Management Set Project Assignment of Requests as Mandatory
Use For each system where you want transport requests to be created, you have to set the project assignment of requests as mandatory.

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Note that if you set the project assignment of requests as mandatory, you cannot release transport requests without projects. In a transition period during which projects are set up, it may be necessary to create dummy projects so that developments that were made prior to the availability of Change Request Management can still be transported.

Requirements At least one project has been activated for Change Request Management in transaction SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN. If this is not yet the case, perform this IMG activity at a later stage.

Activities 1. 2. 3. Call transaction /TMWFLOW/CMSCONF. Check the entries in the Proj. Assignment column. If you need to change an entry for a system, double-click the entry. Maintain Number Ranges

Use In this IMG activity, you maintain number ranges for Change Request Management.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Specify the object /tmwflow/m. Choose Number Ranges. Choose Change Intervals and then Insert Interval. For the new interval, enter 01, and use the F4 Help function to select a value for the From Number field. The system returns 000000001 to 999999999. Choose Insert, and then Save. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for the number range objects /tmwflow/d and /tmwflow/v.

5. 6.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Extended Configuration Schedule Manager Create Customer-Specific Variant for Task Lists
Use For maintenance cycles and urgent corrections in Change Request Management, task lists are generated in the Schedule Manager. The tasks that are contained in these task lists are predefined by SAP and are delivered in the SAP0 variant. If you want to create your own tasks, you first have to create your own customer-specific variant.

Activities 1. 2. Copy all SAP0 variants to your variant. Create a your own variant by renaming the SAP0 variant that you copied. You can now proceed with creating your own tasks. Define Additional Tasks for Task Lists

Use In this IMG activity, you define additional tasks for task lists. For maintenance cycles and urgent corrections in Change Request Management, task lists are generated in the Schedule Manager. These task lists contain predefined tasks (provided by SAP) that are executed in various systems in the maintenance landscape. The tasks are determined for each type of system role, which means that all systems that have the same type of system role are assigned the same tasks in the task list of the Schedule Manager. You can choose to add your own tasks to the predefined tasks. You can do this for a particular task list (by

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choosing Change and then Add Tasks/Task Groups in the task list itself), or you can add your own tasks to all task lists that are generated in the future. This activity applies to the latter.

Requirements You have created your own customer-specific variant. Default Settings The following predefined tasks for types of system roles are provided by SAP: Type D, Source System (transport requests can be created in these systems) Task Type Online program Background job Note Transaction Background job Task Log On To System Create Transport Request Execute Development/Correction Test Plan Administration in SAP Solution Manager Release Transport Request

Type O, Follow-On System (transport requests can be imported into these systems and forwarded to other systems) Task Type Online program Background job Transaction Transaction Note Management Task Log On To System Import Transport Request Configuration in SAP Solution Manager Test Plan Administration in SAP Solution Manager Notification of and Response from Quality

Type P, Target System (transport requests can be imported but not forwarded to other systems) Task Type Online program Background job Transaction Transaction Note Management Note Correction Note Task Log On To System Import Transport Request Configuration in SAP Solution Manager Test Plan Administration in SAP Solution Manager Notification of and Response from Quality Terminate Current Maintenance Cycle/Urgent Create New Maintenance Cycle

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Type R, Retrofit System No tasks have been provided yet for this type of system role.

Type S, Single System No tasks have been provided yet for this type of system role.

Activities 1. Select the type of system role for which you want to create your own task. The following types are available: D (Source System) Transport requests can be created in this system (development or maintenance system). O (Follow-On System) Transport requests can be imported into this system and can then be forwarded to other systems. P (Target System) Transport requests can be imported into the system, but not forwarded to other systems. This system is a production system. R (Retrofit System) If you have a development or maintenance system, the content of a maintenance request has to be transported back into the development system. It is not usually possible to do so by importing the transport request into the development system since the objects in the transport request in the development system have a different version to the objects in the maintenance system. Instead, any changes made in the maintenance system are implemented manually in the development system.

S (Single System) This system does not receive transport requests. It serves as a 'sandbox' system. In most cases, you need to assign type O to the system roles that you defined. 2. Specify for which process you want to define the new task: Development project Maintenance cycle This refers to planned maintenance: Transport requests are created in a maintenance system over a certain period of time, which are then transported into a follow-on system, tested, and imported into the production systems only at the end of the maintenance interval. Urgent correction This refers to unplanned maintenance. If a severe error occurs, it has to be corrected immediately. In this case, one or more transport requests are created, and are then immediately imported into follow-on systems and into production systems by using the shortest route possible.

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3. 4. 5. 6.

Determine where to insert the new task in the task list. Enter a description (if you do not want to use the description of the report or transaction). Note that if the task is a note (see step 8), you must enter a description. If the new task is a note, leave the following fields empty: Program, Variant, Transaction, Flow Definition; for all other tasks, make an entry in these fields. Choose one of the following task types: Background Program The task can be started immediately as an asynchronous job, or it can be scheduled to run at a later stage. Transaction The task is executed synchronously (online), either as a transaction (if there is an entry in the Transaction field) or as a program (if there is an entry in the Program field). Flow Definition The task is a special type of Schedule Manager workflow that is created as part of the Schedule Manager. Note The task is for information purposes only; it cannot be executed.


Decide whether the task is mandatory. If mandatory tasks have not been completed successfully when you close the correspondingtask list, the system displays a warning. Decide where the task will be executed.


You can use the same maintenance flow for the tasks in the header and footer of a task list as for the tasks for types of system role. Create Customer-Specific Header and Footer Tasks

Use When a task list is generated, it contains a header and footer. The header and footer contain general tasks, which are delivered by SAP in the SAP0 variant. In this IMG activity, you create your own customer-specific tasks for the header and footer. Requirements You have created your own variant.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Install Template Report

Use In this IMG activity, you install the template report. If you want to run programs and flow definitions for task lists in addition to those provided by SAP, you have to connect them to the Schedule Manager. For more information, see SAP Notes 325118, 306325, and 551743. (In particular, you have to make entries in the SCMAPROGRAMS and SCMASEQUENCES tables.) To make it easier for you to insert your own programs into task lists, SAP provides a template report. You can copy this report into your own namespace and adjust it there.

Activities 1. Copy the template report: a) b) 2. Copy /TMWFLOW/SCMA_REPORT_TEMPLATE to your namespace and rename it. Program the report according to the instructions that it contains.

Include your program in the SCMAPROGRAMS table as follows: a) b) In the Program column, enter your program name. In the Appl. column, enter CMSCV.


Include your program in the /TMWFLOW/RTYTSKC table as follows: For background tasks: a) b) c) d) a) b) c) Enter your program name. In the Variant column, enter DUMMY. In the Role Type column, enter JOB. Enter a description. For online tasks: Leave the Variant column empty. In the Role Type column, enter TRANSACTION. Enter a description.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Change Request Management Specify Critical Transport Objects

Use The export of critical transport objects has to be processed in a controlled way. It is possible to activate/deactivate the whole export check for system clients, and to activate/deactivate each critical object specification for system clients.

Activities First you must specify a set of critical transport objects. There are two types of transport critical objects: cross-client and client-specific objects. For each type of critical object there is a separate maintenance interface. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On the Change Management - Central Configuration screen, choose Critical Objects. Select the systems/clients for which you want to specify critical transport objects. Switch to the relevant maintenance interface (Client-Specific Objects or Cross-Client Objects) by choosing Switch View. Choose Create. Enter the relevant data about the critical objects. For client-specific objects, you must make an entry in the Master Type and Master Name fields. For more information, press F1in the Master Type field. For cross-client objects, note that the Program ID, Object Type, and Object Name fields are mandatory. You can specify subobjects (type = LIMU). You can activate the export check for modifications by using the report /TMWFLOW/CONFIG_SERVICES. Configure Change Request Management Reporting Service

Use Reporting data is automatically fetched from the satellite systems that are involved in a project by means of the Change Request Management tracking background job. No additional activation is required. This reporting data does not, however, include information about objects that were transported in transport requests. If you require the reporting service to provide this data, too, you have to activate a separate reporting function as described in this IMG activity.

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Requirements The satellite systems have the following minimum Support Package level: System Release Support Package Level 46C 46D 610 620 640 700 51 42 45 56 15 06

You have checked that your database has enough capacity. The object reporting data is stored in the /TMWFLOW/REP71* and /TMWFLOW/REPE7* tables. These tables can take up a lot of space in your database. We therefore recommend that you check the storage space in these tables on a regular basis by using a corresponding database monitoring tool. You have change authorization for the Transport Management System (TMS).

Activities 1. 2. In the program field, enter /TMWFLOW/CONFIG_SERVICES. Select Object Reporting Active and then choose Execute. If object reporting is deactivated (Object Reporting Not Active is selected), no transport object data is fetched from the satellite systems.

Note that the /TMWFLOW/CONFIG_SERVICES program always shows the current reporting status (Object Reporting Active, for example). For more information about the reporting function, see the Knowledge Warehouse documentation for Change Request Management. Configure and Activate Cross-System Object Lock

Use In this IMG activity you: 1. 2. 3. Check the RFC connections required for using the cross-system object lock Activate the cross-system object lock for each satellite system Globally activate the cross-system object lock

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Requirements The satellite systems have the following minimum Support Package level: System Release Support Package Level 46C 46D 610 620 640 700 51 42 45 56 15 06

You have change authorization for the Transport Management System (TMS).

Activities 1. Check the RFC connections. Each satellite system involved in the cross-system object lock has to be able to communicate with a central Solution Manager system by means of an RFC connection. The central Solution Manager system manages the lock information. The default setting of the cross-system object lock is to use the Service Desk connection of each satellite system. This Service Desk connection is saved as OSS_MSG in the BCOS_CUST table of the satellite system and does not allow display interaction. For the cross-system object lock, you require either a trusted system connection, or you have to create an RFC connection with a special user of the type 'S' (Service). Assign the service user at least the SAP_SOLMANTMWCOL role. If you want to use a different Solution Manager system for the cross-system object lock than the Service Desk, you have to enter a new RFC connection in the BCOS_CUST table of the satellite system as follows: a) b) 2. In the APPLI field, enter SOL_CONNECT. In the DESTINAT field, enter the new RFC connection.

Activate the cross-system object lock for each satellite system. The cross-system object lock has to be activated at client level. To do so, proceed as follows: a) b) c) d) e) In transaction /TMWFLOW/CMSCONF, select the System Change Options tab page. In the System/Client column, select the relevant client. In the Cross Sys. Obj. Lock column, double-click inactive . If you are sure that you want to activate the cross-system object lock for the client that you selected, choose Yes. Repeat the procedure for all clients of all the development systems that are involved in a project.


Globally activate the cross-system object lock To globally activate the cross-system object lock for all the systems and clients that you selected in transaction /TMWFLOW/CMSCONF, you have to execute the /TMWFLOW/CONFIG_SERVICES report (final activity for this IMG activity).

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On the ChaRM Services screen, select Cross-System Object Lock Active and then choose Execute. If the cross-system object lock is deactivated (Cross-System Object Lock Not Active is selected), cross-system object locks can no longer be performed. Note that the /TMWFLOW/CONFIG_SERVICES program always shows the current status (Cross-System Object Lock Active, for example). For more information about the cross-system object lock, see the Knowledge Warehouse documentation for Change Request Management. Change Transaction Check Installation Activities

Use Make sure that you have performed the iBase IMG acitivities before you proceed with the Change Transaction IMG activities: SAP Solution Manager -> Basic Settings -> SAP Solution Manager System -> Service Desk -> iBase. cProjects Assign Project Types for cProjects

Use If you created your own project types in cProjects, you have to assign these types to project types in the Schedule Manager (task list). Requirements You have created your own project types in cProjects.

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Activities 1. 2. Enter your own project type in the Project Type (cProjects) column. In the Project Type (Task List) column, select the relevant project type to which you want to assign your own project type by using the dropdown list. Check Prerequisites for Phase Shift

Use The integration of cProjects projects into Change Request Management is defined by the following activities: Assigning a cProjects project to a task list (for implementation, maintenance, template, and upgrade projects) Only those cProjects projects that correspond to the task list type are displayed in the form of a selection list. Navigating to the assigned cProjects project from the task list Removing the assignment of a cProjects project to a task list

Once a cProjects project has been assigned to a task list, the project is subject to checks that are performed when the project is moved from one phase to the next. The project acts passively, which means that only the prerequisites for moving to the next phase are checked, but the phase shift is not performed actively by cProjects. If the cProjects project does not fulfill the prerequisites for the phase shift, an error message is displayed, and the project does not move to the next phase. The error now has to be corrected manually in the cProjects project, and the phase shift has to be restarted. Requirements cProjects has been configured correctly. The required BC Sets have been activated.

Activities The project types and phase types that are delivered by SAP are available. Make sure you have performed the following IMG activities: SAP Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing -> Collaboration Projects -> Structure -> Define Project Types Define the following project types:

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000000000000001 for implementation projects 000000000000004 for upgrade projects 000000000000005 for template projects 000000000000006 for maintenance projects SAP Implementation Guide for R/3 Customizing -> CollaborationProjects -> Structure -> Define Phase Types Define the following phase types: 000000000000004 for Development Without Release 000000000000005 for Development with Release 000000000000006 for In Completion 000000000000007 for Go-Live 000000000000008 for Emergency Correction 000000000000009 for Test

In the cProjects project, make sure that you use one of the project types listed above, and create one or more phases with the phase types listed above. The status of the phases is then set manually during the project. Other functions correspond to those of cProjects. Use Transaction Type as Template

Use If you do not want to use the transaction types provided by SAP, you can copy an existing transaction type as a template for your own transaction type. (You could copy SDHF and rename it as ZDHF, for example.) If you require additional user status values, copy the status profile of your template and rename the profile. (You could copy SDHFHEAD and rename it as ZDHFHEAD, for example). Do NOT create a completely new profile without using a template. In the IMG activity Make Settings for Transaction Types, you can include all settings that are relevant forChange Request Management in your transaction type by using the copy template.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Transaction Types Define Transaction Types

In this section, you define the transaction types. A transaction type defines the attributes and characteristics of a business transaction (for example, sales order, service request, visit) and the controlling attributes (for example, text determination procedure, partner determination procedure, status profile, organizational data profile). A transaction type controls how a specific business transaction is processed. A transaction type is assigned to one or more business transaction categories (such as, sales, activity). The business transaction category specifies the business context in which a transaction type can be used (for example, service, sales, activity). One business transaction category is the leading business transaction category. This category is simply a preference and is not related hierarchically to the other business transaction categories. A sales transaction with business activity data, for example, would be more likely to have 'sales' as a leading business transaction category than 'business activity'. Example: The business transaction categories Sales and Activity are assigned to the transaction type Standard Order. The Sales category is the leading category. In the locator, a transaction with this transaction type would be displayed as a sales transaction, and not as an activity. Different Customizing settings must be maintained at header level for each business transaction category. For example, you need to specify settings such as goal of the activity or the subject profile for the business transaction category Activity, the document pricing procedure or payment plan type for the business transaction category Sales, and the subject profile for the business transaction category Service. Note For sales transaction items in sales orders, quotations, and complaints to be forwarded from SAP CRM to SAP ECC, the document processing settings must be identical in both systems. The IDs of the transaction types must match those of the sales document types.

Activities You make the settings for the business transaction types in three steps, which are based on one another: 1. Define Transaction Types In this activity, you specify the description of the transaction type as well as important control attributes, such as the leading business transaction category, text determination procedure, partner determination procedure, status profile, organizational data profile, and number range assignment. Assign Business Transaction Category A transaction type can be assigned to one or more business transaction categories. Only certain


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combinations of business transaction category are allowed. You choose the other business transaction categories that match the leading business transaction category. You have to maintain Customizing settings for the header level of the transaction for each of the business transaction categories you have assigned. 3. 4. Customizing at Header Level Various settings can be made here, depending on the business transaction category. Assign Blocking Reasons You can assign a blocking reason to a transaction type. You have already defined the blocking reasons under Define Blocking Reasons. You can block a business partner for creating certain business transactions. In this case, you cannot create business transactions for which the transaction type is blocked for this business partner. You can block a sold-to party, for example, so that it is not possible for this sold-to party to create orders. However, you can still allow inquiries to be created. If you assign a business partner a blocking reason that is not assigned to a transaction type, this block applies to all transaction types. You can assign blocking reasons to transaction types under Define Blocking Reasons. You can see the same assignment in this IMG activity, that is, the table is the same, only the view of the contents is different. Blocking reasons assigned to the sales document types in the R/3 system are not transferred to the CRM system. Allowed Channels for Transaction Types You can assign one more channels, such as CRM Enterprise, Internet Sales, or Mobile Sales, to a transaction type. If you have assigned a transaction type to certain channels, only these transaction types are proposed for selection in the input help in this channel. Note: If you use this function and have assigned a channel to just one transaction type, you must have assigned at least one channel for all of the transaction types used in your enterprise. The channel is determined when you create a transaction type and saved in the transaction header. This means that it can be used for both BW and action profile determination. By assigning transaction types to certain channels, you can design and control your business processes more flexibly. For example, you can ensure that complaints are processed only in the Interaction Center or agree different price reductions for different channels so that a discount is always granted for Internet Sales orders. By assigning channels, you can also collect and analyze information about which channels created the orders. Further notes If a transaction type is not assigned a Partner determination procedure, Text determination procedure, Organizational data profile, or Date profile,


the corresponding tab pages are not displayed when you process a transaction.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Catalogue, Codes and Profile Define Subject Profiles

In this activity, you define subject profiles. The code group profiles of the different catalogs are combined for message and transaction processing in the subject profile. The subject profile is defined by a key, a subject profile category, and a short text. You can no longer change subject profiles that have already been defined. You can assign a code group profile to a subject profile for each catalog type under Code group profile for subject profile.

Important Note
There is no transport link for this IMG activity.

Default Settings The following elements are defined in the standard system: Which catalog categories are suited to a subject profile category Whether simple or multiple selection is possible for a code for the subject profile

Further notes If you assign a catalog instead of code groups to the subject profile, the system displays all code groups for the catalog in the application help. Define Code Group Profiles

In this activity, you define code group profiles. You create procedures that should only contain a selection of the code groups of a catalog. You access each catalog individually, define profiles with short texts, and can then assign code groups using the application help in the second level under Code groups for profile. The key for the code group profile contains the catalog type so that it is unique. The profiles can be copied hierarchically.

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You use the profile for filtering purposes, that is, the catalog record key consists of the catalog type, code group, and code. Important Note There is no transport link for this IMG activity.

Further notes If you assign only a catalog instead of a code group to a code group profile, the system displays all code groups for the catalog in the application help. Define Code Groups and Codes for Catalogs

In this activity, you define code groups and codes for catalogs. You can combine codes in code groups for different colors (red, green, yellow), different surfaces (rough, matte, glossy), or usage options. You must observe the following steps when defining code groups: Select a catalog and enter a key for the code group. You can perform a generic search using "*" to display code groups that have already been created. In order to create several code groups, you must enter code groups individually. If you enter a code group key generically when creating or processing a code group, the system locks all code groups in the catalog for other users.

Further notes The master data status specifies the processing status of the catalog. For more information on the master record status, see the F1 help. You can only delete code groups using the button Delete if the code group does not contain any codes and is not used in any other master record.

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In this activity, you define the term catalogs and catalog languages required in addition to those already defined in the standard system. The table has the delivery class E. In the standard system, certain catalogs are assigned default values or reserved for use at a later date. Use catalogs P* to Z* for your own enhancements. Recommendation Configure the catalog types during the test phase in such a way that the codes in the database can be deleted. During the productive phase, you should configure the catalog type in such a way that the codes are not deleted, but simply inactivated. In this way, you will prevent deleted codes from being accidentally restored and assigned another significance. Do not delete the catalogs reserved for SAP! Activities 1. 2. 3. Ensure (using the F1 help in the view 'Catalog types') that the catalog attributes can be configured. Define the desired catalog types and their attributes. Describe these catalog types in all languages in which the code groups and codes of the affected catalogs should be described. Partner Schema Define Partner Determination Procedure

In this activity, you define partner determination procedures that the system uses to automatically enter partners in business transactions. The partner functions and access sequences you have defined are brought together here. When you define a new procedure, you assign it to a transaction category or an item object type, and enter required and mandatory partner functions. These are the partner functions the system looks for in transactions. You maintain settings for each partner function, and list which functions are displayed in the transaction document header. When you later assign this procedure to a transaction type or an item category, the settings you make here are valid in transactions of that type or for items of that category. You can block partner determination for this procedure and activate the partner determination log. You can restrict here the availability and use of partner functions in business transactions. You set whether only partner functions determined inthe partner determination procedure are available in a business transaction or whether all partner functions will be displayed.


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Requirements You have defined partner functions and access sequences. In Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Partner Processing -> Define Partner Functions In Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Partner Processing -> Define Access Sequences Recommendation Create new procedures by using the wizard, or by copying existing procedures and modifying the copies. Avoid changing existing procedures. After creating a new procedure with the wizard, check it for errors by choosing the button Check partner determination procedure. Activities 1. Create a new partner determination procedure. a) b) 2. To use the wizard, choose Create partner determination procedure on the first screen of this activity. To copy an existing procedure, select the procedure on the first screen, and choose Edit -> Copy.

Choose this new procedure, now listed on the first screen, and complete or change settings in the following screens: a) b) Procedure User. Assign this procedure to one or more transaction categories or item object types. Partner Functions in Procedure. Add or change partner functions that are included in this procedure. There are a number of settings to complete for each parter function, such as minimum and maximum number of partners per transaction, which access sequence the system uses to find the partners, and whether manual entries are allowed. User Interface Settings. Enter which partner functions you want displayed in the transaction header. All partner functions included in the transaction are listed on the partner tab, but only those you enter here are shown in the header. Partner Determination Procedures. Select one of the two menu options in the Allowed Functions field to determine which partner functions will be available in the business transaction.



Further notes In order for a partner determination procedure to be available for a transaction type, you must assign both the procedure and the transaction type to the same transaction category. For example, you define a partner determination procedure and assign it to the transaction categories CRM Activity and CRM Opportunity.

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You then define a transaction type and assign it to the transaction category CRM Activity. When you assign a partner determination procedure to this transaction type, you see (using the possible entries help) that the procedure you have just defined is available. If you had assigned the transaction type to the category CRM Sales, the new procedure would not be available.

To assign transaction types to transaction categories, and to specify partner determination procedures for transaction types in Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Define Transaction Types.

This situation is also true for partner determination procedures, item categories and item object types. Therefore, in order for a procedure to be available for an item category, you must assign the procedure and item category to the same item object type. To assign item categories to item object types and to specify partner determination procedures for item categories in Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Maintain Item Categories. Only assign partner determination procedures to item categories when you want to carry out partner determination at item level, in other words, based on individual products or service items. Define Partner Functions

In this activity, you define partner functions by entering short descriptions (such as pharmacist or stock options analyst), assigning them to partner function categories and entering usages, such as Customer Relationship Management or Enterprise Buyer. In some cases, you also specify a corresponding business partner relationship category. The descriptions you enter here are displayed in the transactions that include these partner functions.

To define a new partner function: 1. 2. 3. Enter a key for the function. This key is used by the system to identify this function, but is not displayed in documents. Assign a partner function category and a usage. You specify a usage because the responsibilities associated with partner function categories vary depending on the usage. Enter a description which you want to have displayed in documents. For example, you define a partner function with the key EB1 and enter the description Electronics buyer. Electronics buyer, not EB1, is displayed on the partner tab in documents.

4. 5.

Enter an abbreviation. The abbreviation is not displayed in documents, but is for cases where the system needs a two-character key. Maintain the Block field.

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Choose a corresponding relationship category. For information on defining relationship types and categories in Customizing, see Cross Application Components -> SAP Business Partner -> Business Partner Relationships.

Example Your company sells products to hospitals, and, as part of the pre-sales process, you often make telephone calls to the hospital pharmacists. You define two new partner functions: Hospital, which you assign to the partner function category activity partner, and Hospital pharmacist, which you assign to the category contact person. You then assign these partner functions to the transaction type Outgoing Phone Call. (See Further Notes below for assigning functions to transaction types.) You call the hospital and create a corresponding activity document. The document automatically contains fields for the Hospital and Hospital pharmacist. You enter the name of the hospital, and the system automatically enters the name of the pharmacist whom your company normally contacts. If you do not enter a partner for one or both of these functions, the system prompts you to do so.

The system recognizes, based on the partner function categories, that the hospital is an organization with whom you have contact, such as phone calls, visits or correspondence, as part of the pre-sales process. However it also recognizes, based on the partner function categories and transaction type, that you are not currently selling anything to the hospital or buying anything from them. The system recognizes the hospital pharmacist as the individual who should be contacted during phone calls. Default Settings The standard settings include commonly-used partner functions, which often, but not always, have the same name as the partner function category to which they are assigned. When you define your own partner functions you can give them any names you like. The system includes the follwoing partner function categories: Activity partner Bill-to party Competitor Contact person Correspondence recipient Executing service employee Outbound delivery point Partner authorized to release a contract Portal provider Payee Price determination hierarchy Service team Alternative payer Billing organizational unit Buying center Employee Executing interaction center Inbound delivery point Payer Person responsible Preferred vendor Requester Sales partner Ship-to party

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Sold-to party Vendor Further notes

Undefined partner

To assign partner functions to partner determination procedures in Customizing, choose Customer Relationship Management -> Basic Functions -> Partner Processing -> Define Partner Determination Procedure. and Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Define Transaction Types. Status Administration Change Status Profile for User Status
You can use this activity to adapt General Status Management to your requirements. General Information on Status Management In the SAP System, a differentiation is made between the following two statuses: System status User status

The following data is predefined in various central SAP tables and cannot be changed: An initial table contains all statuses that can be assigned by the system (system status). A second table contains a list of all business transactions. A third table (a) assigns one or more system statuses to each business transaction and (b) determines whether the respective system is set or deleted for the business transaction. A fourth table specifies which business transactions are permitted for which objects (for example, order header, order item).

In combination, these assignments show you (a) the maximum system status possible for an object and (b) the business transactions by which this status is either set or deleted. Define Status Profile for User Status In this activity, you create status profiles for your own (user) statuses. You can specify the following information in a status profile: You define user statuses and document their function. A status profile can contain one or more user statuses.

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You determine the sequence in which the user statuses are run. This sequence is determined by the status number. If you do not assign a status number to a user status, this status can always be set. Note, however, that only one user status with a status number can be active at any one time. When you assign a status number to a user number, you must also assign a highest and lowest status number. These numbers restrict the status number range from which the user status can be selected. By means of Object types, you assign at least one object type to the status profile. The assignment of the object type determines if the status profile can be assigned to the transaction type and/or the item category. Example: If, for example, you assign the object type "CRM order header" to the status profile for quotations, you can only assign this status profile to transaction type header. If you assign the status profile for quotations the object type "CRM Order Item", you can only assign the status profile to the item category. If you assign both object types to the status profile for quotations, you can make the assignment to both the transaction type and item category. You assign the status profile to the transaction type or item category in Customizing for businesss transactions under Basic Settings -> Define Transaction Types or, Define Item Categories. You define the initial status that is automatically activated when the object is created. Choose Goto -> Workflow Management and specify: Which user status is automatically activated when a business transaction is executed Which business transactions are permitted when a specific status is active

In the status profile, you can define a transaction to be executed when a given user status is reached, with the result that one or more system statuses and/or user statuses can be set or deleted.

Activities Define your user status for the applicable object types. Date/Time Administration Define Date Types, Duration Types and Date Rules
In this step, you define Time durations (duration types) Date types Date rules. The system uses the durations, dates and date rules that are combined in a specific date profile to display dates in a transaction and to automatically determine them. Date rules have a version management. This makes sure that date rules used in transactions that are not

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yet completed, can remain unchanged. You can create a new version from these date rules, which is valid as of the creation date. Only the current version is used in new transactions. Each current version is indicated with "Standard" in the list of versions of date rules. Durations are only valid in connection with a time unit, and must always be printed in entire numbers (for example, two days). You cannot combine two time units (for example, "90 minutes", and not "1 hour 30 minutes").

Requirements XML knowledge is necessary in order to work with the rule editor. Default Settings Date types, durations and date rules are delivered for various applications. We recommend that you do not change the delivered date rules, but that you copy and adapt them as necessary.

Activities You enter an ID for time durations and date types, and a relevant description. For date types, you select whether the date type should be relevant for a date profile, and whether there is a milestone (end time and start time are the same). In order to create or change date rules, proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Enter an ID and a relevant description and choose Details. The list of all versions for this date rule appears. Double-click to go to the required date rule in the rule editor. Choose Copy template and define the rule. Save the rule. Define Date Profile

The date profile controls which date types,time durations, reference objects and date rules can be used in a specific transaction type or item category. Depending on the date profile, you also define the characteristics for date types and durations (for example, time unit, reference object, duration, date rule) in this activity. Characteristics for date types and durations Reference object You can use the reference object to control which time zone and which factory calendar the dates and durations refer to. Instead of automatically using the time zone and calendar of the user or of the system,

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you can set the system to use another time zone when calculating the dates, namely that of the reference object. You can allow one or several reference objects for one date profile. You must assign one of the allowed reference objects for each date type or duration type. You cannot create any new reference objects. Example The end date of the contract with the reference object CUSTOMER conforms to the time zone and factory calendar of the sold-to party, and not to the time zone of the user who has created the contract. Displaying dates For date types and durations, you can specify in which area of the screen or on which tab page the date type or duration is displayed in the document. Calculation sequence You can enter a calculation item for date types. This specifies the sequence in which the system calculates the dates. For example, if you enter a 1 here for the cancellation date, the system calculates the other date types for the date profile outgoing from this date type. Choose the sequence so that dates which appear in other date rules are calculated first. (For example: Contract start date = current date, contract end date = contract start date + 12 months. The contract start date must be known, in order that the end date can calculated). One-time calculation of dates You can determine that a date in a document remains the same after the first calculation and is not re-calculated with each change to the document, for example, the date type "Contract Start". For this, select the Determine Date Only Once field in the group frame Date Rules of date types.

Requirements You have defined date types, durations and date rules in the activity Define date types, durations and date rules. Default Settings SAP delivers the following date profiles: 000000000001 000000000002 000000000003 CIC_F2F CIC_PLN CONT001 activity: planned / current / planned completion activity: planned / current activity: current

business activity profile CIC business activity profile CIC (Plan) standard contract dates

LEAS date profile for Leasing PURCH_CONT SRV_HEADER01 purchase contract service transaction header

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service transaction item

We recommend that you do not change the delivered profiles, but you copy and adapt them as necessary.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enter an ID for a new date profile, and a relevant description. Select the date profile, and double-click to choose the object you wish to assign to it, for example, date types. For date types and durations, select the required object and choose whlen Details, in order to define the characteristics. In each screen, choose the required entries with the input help (F4). Assign the date profile to the required transaction type in the IMG activity. Assign Date Profile to Transaction Type

In order that the dates can be processed in the transcations, you need to have assigned the correct date profile to the transaction type. The date profile must contain all the date types, durations and rules that are needed for date processing in this transaction type. Example A date profile must be assigned to the Lease transaction type, in which at least the date types start date, end date, cancellationentry and cancellation date are contained. Requirements You have created a date profile with date types, durations, date rules and reference objects.

Activities Proceed as follows: 1. 2. Double-click to choose a transaction type in the initial screen (Definition of transaction types). Enter the number of the date profile in the date profile field which is to be valid for this transaction type.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Text Administration Check Text Customizing for Consistency

You can check the consistency of text Customizing using this activity.

Activities The following checking options are available to you: Text-specific With or without a message

The system displays a list of messages as a result of the check. If the indicator Positive messages also has been set, the system also displays those messages which have no errors. The following statuses are available: Red - With errors Yellow - Warning Green - Without errors Define Text Determination Procedure

In this activity, you fine tune your texts.

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Activities The activity Set Texts consists of the following levels: 1. Text objects This level contains the text objects affected by text management. You should not make any changes here. You can find detailed information about the fields Text Key and Communication Structure in the F1 help. Procedure and procedure determination a) Procedure At this level, you create a group of text types that you want to maintain/display in a business context. Note The Customizing text is application-independent, that is, you have to perform the text determination procedure in each application. Perform the assignment for the transaction under Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Maintain Transaction Types. b) Procedure determination At this level, you determine which text types are assigned to the text determination procedure. You can also make further settings for each text type, for example display/change and type of sequence access. Example: Only the text type Customer Description is allowed in the transaction Internet. A further text type Cause is allowed for the Service Process. You want to make a business grouping although the same text object is available. 3. Access sequence, determination of access sequence and field assignment a) Access sequence At this level, you assign a name to the access sequence. You define the sequence and type of access underDetermination of Access Sequence and Field Assignment. Note You assign an access sequence to a text type in the text determination procedure. b) Determination of access sequence At this level, you determine what should be used as source text. Example: You want to have the sales text as the first text in the service process, and if no sales text is available, the system should display the basic text. If the indicator Continue has been set, the system will display both texts. This function is particularly important if you require texts in several languages. Note If, for example, you have an internal dispatcher and cannot guarantee a delivery within 24 hours, you


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describe this in an additional long text. You can create your own function module which checks data in the communication structure for special cases and determines whether a corresponding standard text should be used or a new text created. The function module must correspond to certain rules and the function module COM_TEXT_DETERMINE_TEXT serves as an example. The new function module must have the same import and export data. c) Field assignment At this level, you define how the system finds the source text defined in the access sequence. Since the internal program field names can deviate from one another,the fields in the communication structure must be assigned exactly to the fields in the key structure of the source text. Example: The field Sold-to party is called SOLD_TO_PARTY in the communication structure and the field in the key structure is PARTNER. Define Text Objects and Text Types

This activity enables you to check the settings made by SAP for text objects and text types.

Default Settings Warning! These settings are cross-client, that is, changes are effective immediately in all system clients. Recommendation Do not delete any of the text objects contained in the standard system. If possible, also maintain their parameter settings. Activities Check whether all of the required text IDs are available for the application objects that you used. If required, maintain new text types for existing text objects. Action Profile Define Action Profiles and Actions

All maximal allowed actions are defined for a transaction type. You also specify general conditions in the action profile for the actions contained in the profile, for example:

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The time period at which the system starts the action (for example, when saving the document) The way in which the system executes the action (workflow, method call or Smart Forms).

In this activity, you create an action profile and templates for actions. You can define the action templates more closely in the following step Change action profiles and define conditions. For the action profile, the class which provides the attributes for your business object must be entered. These business objects can be used for planning actions. When creating an action profile, note for which business transaction type you can use this action profile. You must assign the relevant business object type to the action profile. The assignment of the business object type makes sure that the attributes for the relevant business transaction type (for exampe, sales contract) can be used for defining and processing the conditions. If, for example, you wish to make the action depend on the net value of the transaction, the profile must be assigned to a business object type which contains the attribute net value . Only one business object can be assigned for each action profile. You can find out the business object type for the transaction type or the item category in Customizing for transactions under Define transaction types or Define item categories. If you work with time-dependent conditions, you must also assign a date profile to the action definition. This makes sure that the date rules which you use for the action definitions are also available. You can also assign the date profile to the entire action profile. It is then inherited as the default value in every action definition you create for this profile. You also define here whether an action is to be partner-dependent. When defining the follow-up documents, consider the copying control for the relevant transaction types. Note also the copying control for the relevant transaction types, when defining subsequent documents. You can enter several processing types for one action definition. Under processing, choose: Method call If the action consists of one single step, for example, create subsequent document or create credit memo item. During the method call, processing is carried out via Business-Add-Ins (BAdIs). Standard methods (BAdIs) are available. You can also use actions to trigger alerts, for example, in the Enterprise Portal. For more information, see Using Actions to Trigger Alerts. When creating your own BAdI implementations, make sure that the method 'get_ref_object' is always called from the class 'CL_ACTION_EXECUTE', and the method 'register_for_save' always at the end. You can use the implementations 'COPY_DOCUMENT' and 'COPY_ITEM_LOCAL' as a template. Workflow If the action consists of a process with several steps, for example, a subsequent document with approval procedure. Smart Forms for issuing documents via fax, printing or e-mail.

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Requirements In order to create action profiles, you must have defined the necessary transaction types or item categories. If you are using time-dependent conditions, you need to have defined date profiles. You define date profiles in the IMG under Basic Functions -> Date Management.

Default Settings SAP delivers the following standard action profiles: For activities: ACTIVITY Contains the following action definitions: ACTIVITY_FOLLOWUP: creates a task for the responsible employee if a business activity is overdue ACTIVITY_PRINT: makes it possible to print the activity ACTIVITY_REMINDER_MAIL: sends an e-mail to the responsible employee if a business activity is overdue

For opportunities: OPPORTUNITY_SALES_ASSISTANT This action profile contains the actions necessary for sales methodology for opportunities. For quotations: QUOTATION Contains the action definition Complete quotation. When the validity period for the quotation has expired, the quotation is automatically set to 'completed'. This action profile is assigned to the transaction type quotation. For sales contracts: SALES_CONTRACT_HEAD Contains action template COPY_DOCUMENT. The action generates a follow- up document, and returns the number of the follow-up document to the original document. The transaction type for the follow-up document must be entered in the processing parameters. For sales contract items: SALES_CONTRACT_ITEM contains action template COPY_ITEM_LOCAL . VALUE_QUANTITY_CONTRACT_ITEM For Leasing contracts: LEASING_MESSAGES Contains action definitions for messages and subsequent documents. The subsequenet documents include: CONT COPY DOCUMENT Generate subsequent document (activity) Generates a telephone call two weeks before the contract end date. CONT COPY DOCUMENT SCHEDULED Generate subsequent document via selection report When a specific net value is reached, the system automatically creates a subsequent document. The net value is checked using a selection report.

For complaints: COMPLAINT

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For complaints items: COMPLAINT_ITEM

We recommend that you do not change the delivered profiles, but copy and adapt them if necessary. Recommendation If you create your own action profiles and action definitions, these should begin with Y or Z, because this name range is not overwritten for a SAP import. Activities In order to create an action profile with action templates, you proceed as follows: 1. Choose New entries in the Change action profile view, and enter a name and a description for the action profile. Assign the context class CL_DOC_CONTEXT_CRM_ORDER in CRM Sales and Service in the field context class . If necessary, assign a date profile and a business transaction type (business object type) to the action profile. In order to assign abusiness transaction type, choose the relevant business transaction type with input help in the category BO - BOR object type and object type fields. Go into the action definition screen and choose New entries. The screen for the definition of actions appears. Enter a name and a description for the action. Specify the default values for the action in the action definition screen. Consider the following notes for these input possibilities: Processing time period: Immediate processing - the action is started as soon as the start condition is fulfilled. Processing when saving document - the action is started directly after the update. Processing using selection report - the action is started by a report after expiration and evaluation. After selection using the report, the system first checks whether a start condition is available. If no start condition is available, or the condition is correct, the action is started.

2. 3. 4.

If you select the partner-dependent field, you can define a partner function or partner function category for which the action is valid. For example, you can use partner function categories if you want a reminder e-mail to be sent to all business partners who are involved in the transaction and assigned to the specific partner function category. You can use partner functions to trigger an action for a specific partner function, for example, to send a reminder e-mail to the employee responsible for the transaction. You can, however, also define the action partner-dependently via the conditions. Select the field changeable in dialog if you want the user to be able to change the condition and processing parameter for the action in the document. Select the field executable in dialog if you want the user to be able to trigger the action manually on the Actions tab page. Select the display in toolbar field if you want the action to be displayed as a symbol in the toolbar for the document, and the user to be able to plan it from here. In the determination technology field, choose Determination via transportable conditions. In the field action aggregation , choose: a maximum of one action for each action definition, if the action is to be executed exactly once

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5. 6.

a maximum of one unprocessed action for each action definition if you want to be able to call up the action several times.

Go to the Processing screen, in order to set how (with which technique) the action is executed. Choose New entries and, in the list, choose Processing Processing types (workflow, method call or Smart Forms). In the case of several processing types, select the standard processing type with the default indicator. Select the processing type and choose Set processing.. For processing via method call: Select a method (Business-Add-In) in the Filter value field via the input help. If you wish to be able to print an activity, use the processing method CRM_ACTIVITY_EXEC_SMART_FORM. This processing method is delivered with the standard configuration. Using the symbol for BAdI implementation , you can display the coding for the selected method. Using the symbol New BAdI implementation, you can define your own methods (BAdI). Define the processing parameters (container) and maintain the standard values, for example, import, transaction type, export: external document number. For processing via workflow. Enter a workflow dummy.



For processing via Smart Forms: Choose print, fax or e-mail, and enter a form name, a processing class, and a processing method. If you want the responsible employee to be sent a reminder e-mail if a contract is overdue, use smart form CRM_REMINDER_MAIL_01. This smart form is delivered with the standard configuration. Repeat the steps as of 2 for each action template you wish to define. Further notes


If you also wish to specify messages for a transaction type (for example, order confirmation by fax), you must define the message output and the actions (for example, follow-up documents) in the same action profile. The action profile ACTIVITY is assigned to transaction type 0000 in the standard configuration. You can find information about the BAdI implementation in the SAP Library under Basis -> ABAP Workbench -> ABAP Workbench: Tools -> Further Concepts -> Business Add-Ins You can find information about the SAP Business Workflow in the SAP Library under Basis -> Business Management (BC-BMT) -> SAP Business Workflow (BC-BMT-WFM)

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In this step, you process the action templates you have created in the activity Define actions. Define the following characteristics in particular: You define the planning condition and start condition for each action definition using transportable conditions. You enter whether the action is planned automatically when the planning condition appears. Example Planning condition: all contracts as of 1.6.2000 all transactions for customers 1000 to 2999

Start condition: 2 weeks before the contract end date Requirements You have created an action profile with action templates. You have selected Determination using transportable conditions in the Determination Technique field. If you want to use time-dependent conditions, you need to define date profiles with dates, durations and date rules under Date Management, and assign them to the date profile.

Activities 1. In the left screen area, double-click to choose the action profile you wish to process. In the right upper screen area, the action templates assigned to the profile appear. Using Create , you can select action templates from the action profile which are already defined, and add them to the list. You can add an action template several times. You can process these templates further in this activity. Choose the required template by double-clicking, and choose the symbol Change action template. The tab pages for setting up processing and defining the schedule condition and start condition appear in the lower screen area. On the Overview tab page, the settings which were made for the action in the action profile are automatically proposed if the Default settings from action definition field is selected. If you deselect the field, you can change the default values. If you want the system to automatically plan the action for a fulfilled planning condition, select the schedule automatically field. This tab page also displays whether schedule conditions or start conditions are assigned. You can display details for the assigned processing on the Action details tab page. You can


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change the processing parameters for the processing parameter method call. You can create conditions for each action definition on the Schedule condition and Start condition tab pages. Enter a description for the condition, and double-click to go into the condition editor. You can create your own conditions with the help of the condition editor. You can find further information about working with the condition editor in the SAP Library under Basis -> Business Management -> SAP Business Workflow -> Reference Documentation -> SAP Business Workflow - Navigation -> Workflow Builder -> Functions in the Workflow Builder -> Condition Editor

Further notes Note that if you do not want specific actions to be carried out for templates, you need to enter &CRM Bus. Activity.TEMPLATETYPE& = on the Schedule Condition tab page for the required action. For more information on working with templates, see the release note Templates in Activities and Leads. Change Transaction Types Assign Implementation to Change Transaction Types
Use For each change transaction, the class CL_IM_SOCM_OPERATION generates a proxy instance when the following PPF methods are executed: SOCM_COPY_DOCUMENT HF_SET_STATUS HF_CHECK_STATUS HF_EXECUTE_TASK

The proxy instance acts as an interface to the Schedule Manager. Each transaction type has its own proxy implementation. If you have created your own transaction types, you have to connect the Schedule Manager to your transaction types by means of a standard implementation. Subsequently, the standard actions and conditions of the original transaction type are available for additional Customizing. Requirements Change Request Management has been activated. You have activated the required BC Sets.

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Activities If, for example, you want to use the transaction type SDCR as a template, you also have to include the standard implementation CL_SOCM_CHANGE_REQU_INSTANCE. This ensures that the key properties as far as Change Request Management is concerned are copied to your transaction type. Make Settings for Change Transaction Types

Use Processes of a change transaction are controlled by the following PPF methods: SOCM_COPY_DOCUMENT HF_SET_STATUS HF_CHECK_STATUS HF_EXECUTE_ACTION These methods use their own actions and conditions of Change Request Management (see IMG activities for actions and conditions). These actions and conditions are defined by means of an ID, description, and basic attributes. Actions perform particular functions, whereas conditions perform checks. In this IMG activity, you create your own transaction type by using a template. In the subsequent IMG activities, you can adjust your own transaction type according to your requirements for Change Request Management. You can make changes to the following properties of the transaction type: Actions Conditions Status properties Copy control

Actions 1. Actions can be triggered by using the tool bar of transaction processing. To do so, the corresponding action ID of the PPF action has to be transmitted as a container parameter in the PPF method

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HF_EXECUTE_TASK. You make this setting the in the action profile. Example: Transaction type: SDHF PPF action profile: SDHF_ACTIONS Action: CREATE_REQUEST PPF method: HF_EXECUTE_ACTION PPF container element: ACTION_ID PPF container value: CREATE_REQ (Create transport request) 2. Multiple actions are executed implicitly when a particular user status is set. A prerequisite is that status changes are made by means of the PPF method HF_SET_STATUS.

See also: Assign Actions to Status Values. Example: Transaction type: SDHF Status schema: SDHFHEAD Status: E0002 (In Development) Actions: 10 CREATE_HF (Create task list "Urgent Correction") 20 CREATE_REQ (Create transport request) 30 SAVE_PARTNER (Save user as business partner) 3. Actions can be executed by double-clicking an error message in the transaction document if the error message was caused by a condition that is assigned to this action. If an action has been assigned, a green checkmark appears at the end of the message.

See also: Define Basic Settings. Conditions The sequence in which conditions are checked can be specified for each status value. If a condition has not been met, the error message and the corresponding system response can be defined for each transaction type and status value. Error types are analyzed as follows: E: The status is accepted, and the error message (red) is displayed in transaction processing. A: The status is not accepted, and no additional check is performed. Alternatively, a "reset status" is set, and the error message (yellow) is displayed as a warning in transaction processing. W: The status is accepted, and the error message is displayed (yellow) in transaction processing. This type of check is performed only if the status is set by using the PPF method HF_CHECK_STATUS. The checks are also performed implicitly if the status is by the PPF method HF_SET_STATUS. Status Properties See Define Status Properties. Using the Partner Function

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You determine which partner function the business partner of the current user (SY-UNAME) is assigned to when a status is saved. In addition, you determine which partner function of the document is subject to the principle of dual control. Including Current User You determine which partner function the business partner of the current user ( SY-UNAME) is assigned to when the status of the document is "In Processing". Copy Control See Define Mapping Rules for Copy Control Requirements You have performed the IMG activityAssign Implementation to Change Transaction Types.

Activities Create your own transaction type by copying an existing one. If necessary, add or delete predefined actions, conditions, statuses, or copy control attributes that are delivered by SAP. Note: You can create your own settings in the subsequent IMG activities. See also SAP Note 847487. Define Status Attributes

Use For certain actions and checks, additional properties are added to the status values. System Role Type Determines which task groups are unlocked when a particular status is set. The entry in this field is analyzed only by the implementation CL_SOCM_URGNT_CORR and causes the task list of an urgent correction to release certain actions. This means that tasks can be released for the development system during the development phase, while all other systems remain locked. Processing Type Certain user status values can be assigned to special processing types so that they are handled in a defined way when processed. INIT FINAL After generation Completed

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Processing phase Starting point Withdrawn

Transaction types whose status is CANCX (or FINAL) are therefore excluded from certain checks. If you create your own status profile, only add status values of the type PHASE; for other types, copy the status profile from the template transaction type. We recommend that you use the types INIT, FINAL, BASE, and CANCX only once within a schema. Sequence Determines the sequence in which the status values are accepted. If the status value is CANCX or INIT, the field must remain empty. If the PPF container does not explicitly contain a status value, the field is analyzed by the PPF method HF_SET_STATUS; the next value is determined according to the sequence. In the same way, the report CRM_SOCM_SERVICE_REPORT takes this sequence into consideration and sets the next status of a transaction. Transaction Type/Status Profile/User Status The action SET_PREDOC sets the status of the preceding document according to this setting if the PPF container does not explicitly contain a status value.

Requirements You have defined the transaction type as a change transaction type. Actions in Change Request Management Actions - Name

Use In this IMG activity, you define your own actions for Change Request Management. SAP delivers predefined actions, but you can create your own by means of the BAdI SOCM_PROCESS_ACTION.

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Activities 1. 2. 3. In your customer namespace (Y*, Z*), define your own actions. For the implementation, use the class CL_SOCM_INSTANCE. Subsequently, create your action method by using filter values of the BAdI SOCM_PROCESS_ACTION. Actions - Basic Setting

Use In this IMG activity, you determine which success message is displayed as a general note in the transaction. Requirements You have created your own actions in your customer namespace.

Activities 1. 2. Add your actions. Assign a message from a message class. Note that you can also use your own message classes. Actions - Depending on Status

Use In this IMG activity, you assign a list of actions to a user status for each transaction type and status profile. These actions are performed implicitly when a status is saved. Note that not every action is available for every transaction type, so you have to use the input help to select an action. Customer-specific actions , however, are available for every transaction type.

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Requirements You have registered the transaction type for Change Request Management (see Assign Implementation to Change Transaction Types).

Activities Assign actions to your transaction type that you want to be performed implicitly when a certain status is saved. If you create a new transaction type, use the copy function in the IMG activity Make Settings for Change Transaction Types. Example If you want a transport request to be created automatically for the current user when the status is set to "In Development", you have to assign the action CREATE_REQ to this status. Determine Execution Time of Actions

Use In this IMG activity, you determine the execution time of the actions that you have assigned to a user status for each transaction type and status schema. The actions are executed implicitly before or after the consistency checks when a status is saved. The default setting determines that all actions are executed before the consistency checks (Execute Before Checks). You can, however, decide to execute certain actions after the consistency checks have been run. In this IMG activity, you only have to enter those actions that you want to be executed after the consistency checks.

Requirements You have assigned a list of actions to a user status for each transaction type and status schema as described in the Actions - Depending on Status IMG activity. You want certain actions to be executed after the consistency checks have been run.

Activities 1. Use the input help to select an action.

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Select Execute After Checks.

Example The SET_PREDOC action adjusts the status of the preceding document of a change transaction to the current status. In the final phase of an urgent correction you want to ensure that the status of the preceding document is adjusted only if the status is changed successfully. To do so, you have to assign the Execute After Checks value to the SDHFtransaction type and the Completed user status. Implement BAdI Extension

Use For the action in the customer namespace (Y*, Z*), a filter value now exists for which you can implement the BAdI definition SOCM_PROCESS_ACTION. Apart from causing this action to be performed implicitly when a status is saved, you can also use the PPF action HF_EXECUTE_TASK to include the action directly in transaction processing as a function of the PPF toolbar. To do so, you have to transmit the action ID with the PPF method HF_EXECUTE_TASK (element ACTION_ID). Requirements The action has been defined for Change Request Management.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. For the implementation, either assign a new name, or reuse an implementation that you have already created. Enter the filter value (the action ID) as the parameter FLT_VAL. Implement the method PROCESS_ACTION. The standard proxy instance is transmitted with the interface IF_SOCM_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTES. The PPF container of the original PPF call is also included.

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Use In this IMG activity, you define conditions for Change Request Management. SAP delivers predefined conditions, but you can choose to use your own. For this purpose, you have to implement the BADI SOCM_CHECK_CONDITION.

Activities Note that condition IDs that start with a number are defined for technical reasons only and are therefore not intended for use in transaction types. 1. 2. In your customer namespace (Y*, Z*), create your own conditions. For the implementation, use the class CL_SOCM_INSTANCE. Subsequently, you can implement the corresponding condition method for each filter value of the BAdI definition SOCM_CHECK_CONDITION. Define Basic Settings

Use In this IMG activity, you determine which error message is displayed in the transaction if a certain condition is not met. Requirements You have created conditions in your customer namespace.

Activities 1. 2. Add your condition. Assign a message from a message class. Note that you can choose a message from your own message classes.

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Use In this IMG activity, you assign a list of conditions to a user status for each transaction type and status profile. These conditions are performed implicitly when a status is saved. In this activity you can also decide that an error message is overridden if a certain condition is not met. Note that not every condition is available for every transaction type, so you have to use the input help to select an action. Customer-specific conditions, however, are available for every transaction type. Requirements You have registered the transaction type for Change Request Management (see Assign Implementation to Change Transaction Types). If you create a new transaction type, perform the IMG activity Make Settings for Change Transaction Types. Implement BAdI Extension

Use For each condition in the customer namespace (Y*, Z*), a filter value now exists for which you can implement the BAdI definition SOCM_CHECK_CONDITION. Apart from causing a condition to be called implicitly when a status is saved, you can also use a PPF action to include the action directly in transaction processing as a function of the PPF toolbar. To do so, you have to use the PPF method HF_CHECK_STATUS. Requirements The condition has been defined for Change Request Management.

Activities 1. For the implementation, either assign a new name, or reuse an implementation that you have already created.

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2. 3. 4.

Enter the filter value (the condition ID) as the parameter FLT_VAL. Implement the method CHECK_CONDITION. The standard proxy instance is transmitted with the interface IF_SOCM_INSTANCE_ATTRIBUTES. You have to use the parameter CONDITIONS_OK to inform the caller whether the condition is met. Copy Control for Change Request Management Define Action Profile for Service Desk
Use If you want to enable users to create change requests directly from a Service Desk Message, you have to choose an action profile for the transaction type that you use in the Service Desk. In this IMG activity, you choose an action profile for the standard transaction type SLF1. If you use the standard transaction type SLFN, see Check Assignment of Action Profile. Requirements You use the standard transaction type SLF1.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Double-click the action profile SMSD_SERVICE_ORDER_DNO. Choose Action Definitions. Create a new action definition that has the properties Executable in Dialog and Display in Toolbox. Enter a technical name and short text of your choice. Make sure that the sort number of the new entry is as high as possible so that the action is displayed at the bottom of the dialog. For the processing type, select the method call SOCM_COPY_DOCUMENT. Save the action definition. Navigate to the Transportable Start Conditions on the initial screen of transaction SPPFCADM. Schedule the new action that you just created.

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Use If you want to enable users to create change requests directly from a Service Desk Message, you have to choose an action profile for the transaction type that you use in the Service Desk. In this IMG activity, you check the assignment of the action profile to the standard transaction type SLFN. Requirements You use the standard transaction type SLFN.

Activities 1. 2. Select the transaction type SLFN. Check whether the action profile SLFN0001_ADVANCED has been assigned to the transaction type SLFN. If not, do so now. Define Mapping Rules for Copy Control

Use A copy control exists for use with Change Request Management. The copy control is realized by means of the PPF method SOCM_COPY_DOCUMENT. In the source document, an action can be performed that results in a target document. The copy rules refer to a source transaction type and a target transaction type. You can add properties to the transaction type of the target document depending on the subject (catalog, code group, code, and so on). In the same way, you can use control switches to determine which data is included in the subsequent document. For the entities Business Partner, texts, and dates, you have to specify mapping rules; otherwise, these entities are not assigned uniquely when they are copied. Requirements You use the PPF method SOCM_COPY_DOCUMENT in a PPF action.

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Example When a change request is approved, an urgent correction or another change transction is generated, depending on the subject. Checks Execute Check Report

Use In this IMG activity you execute a report to check the basic configuration settings of Change Request Management for a particular SAP Solution Manager project. Requirements You have completed the Change Request Management IMG. At least one project has been activated for Change Request Management in transaction SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN. If this is not yet the case, perform this IMG activity at a later stage.

Activities 1. 2. In the SolMan Project field, press F4 to select a project that has been activated for Change Request Management. Choose Execute. The system displays the results of the check report as an application log that contains the following nodes: Check the general configuration of the Change Manager Check background job Check number ranges Check BC Set Check TMS Check CRM service System overview for project <name of project> Check logical components

Check consistency of project <name of project> Each node contains individual checks. A green icon next to a node indica tes that all checks were performed successfully for that node. A yellow icon indicates that some warnings occurred, and a

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red icon means that errors occurred that must be examined. 3. Expand the relevant nodes to view information about the individual checks. Important note regarding the BC Set check: Since the BC Set has to be activated in expert mode, error messages may be displayed under the Check BC Set node (locked objects or dependent table was not filled, for example). Most of these error messages can be ignored, except for the error message indicating that a BC Set could not be found. In this case, you have to import the corresponding BC Set. This check report can be executed at any time. New checks are always being added to cover new Change Request Management functions. Assignment of Business Objects Basic Configuration Authorizations

Use Users who perform activities on structure objects in the Context tab of a transaction, need authorization for the following authorization objects:

SM_CHM_CO This specifies which activities can be performed for structure objects for which transaction type in the Context tab. SM_CHM_DIR This specifies for which solution the structure objects assigned to a transaction type and checked out, can be checked in.

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Use This activity activates the BC Set required for you to be able to use the actions in the context menu for structure objects in the Context tab of a transaction.

Activities 1. 2. Choose the BC Set SOLMAN40_CHARM_CONTEXT_001. Make the following settings: 3. Overwrite Data: Overwrite All Data Activation Mode: Expert Mode

Activate the BC Set. Specify ChaRM Context Conditions

Use This activity specifies conditions for the management of change requests (ChaRM Change Request Management). SAP provides the pre-defined condition NO_CHECKED_OUT_STR, but you must put this condition in the configuration table.

Activities Condition IDs which start with a number are only specified for technical reasons, and are not intended for transaction types. 1. Choose New Entries and enter the following data: a) b) c) Status transition condition: NO_CHECKED_OUT_STR Text: Any text, e.g. Check Checked-Out Objects Class/Interface: CL_SOCM_INSTANCE

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Save your entries.

For customer-specific customizing, see IMG activity: Specify Conditions. Specify Basic Settings for ChaRM Context

Use This activity specifies which error message is displayed in the transaction if a specified condition is not fulfilled.

Activities 1. Choose New Entries and enter the following data: a) b) c) d) e) 2. Condition for status transition: NO_CHECKED_OUT_STR Application area: CHM1_ACTION_LOG Message: 070 Message type: A CANCEL Leave the Action field empty, and do not select the Integration field.

Save your entries.

See IMG activity: Specify Basic Settings for customer-specific customizing. Assign Conditions to Status Values for ChaRM Context

Use This activity assigns a list of conditions to a user status for each transaction type and status profile. These conditions are carried out implicitly when a status is saved. It can specify that an error message is overwritten if a specified condition is not specified. Not every condition is available for every transaction

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Activities Condition IDs which start with a number are only specified for technical reasons, and are not intended for transaction types. 1. Choose New Entries and enter the following data: Transaction type: SDHF Status profile: SDHFHEAD User status: E0008 Sequence: 50 Status transition condition: NO_CHECKED_OUT_STR Application area: CHM1_ACTION_LOG Message: 070 Message type: A CANCEL User status: E0007

Transaction type: SDHF Status profile: SDHFHEAD User status: E0010 Sequence: 50 Status transition condition: NO_CHECKED_OUT_STR Application area: CHM1_ACTION_LOG Message: 070 Message type: A CANCEL User status: E0002

Status profile: SDMJHEAD User status: E0006 Sequence: 50 Status transition condition: NO_CHECKED_OUT_STR Application area: CHM1_ACTION_LOG Message: 070 Message type: A CANCEL User status: E0009

Transaction type: SDMJ

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Status profile: SDMJHEAD User status: E0010 Sequence: 50 Status transition condition: NO_CHECKED_OUT_STR Application area: CHM1_ACTION_LOG Message: 070 Message type: A CANCEL User status: E0002

Save your entries.

For customer-specific customizing, see IMG activity: Assign Conditions to Status Values. Advanced Configuration Assign Actions to a User Status

Use This activity assigns a list of actions to a user status per transaction type and status profile. These actions can then be executed in the structure object context menu, in the Context tab. The actions are predefined in the possible entries help.

Activities Assign actions which can be executed at a specified transaction status to structure objects in the Context tab", to your transaction type. Example If a structure object in transaction type SDHF can be checked out in status In Development, assign the action BO_CH_OUT Check Directory Object Out to this transaction type and status.

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Use Users who perform activities for documents in the Context tab of a transaction need authorization for the authorization object SM_CHM_CO. You can specify which activities can be performed on documents in the Context/Customer Fields tabs for which transaction types.

Activities Put the authorization object in the user role. Configure Action Menu

Use This activity assigns a list of actions to a user status per transaction type and status profile. These actions appear in the context menu for documents in the Context tab, and can be executed. They are predefined, and can be selected from input help.

Activities Assign actions to your transaction type, which can be executed in the Context tab at a specified document status. Example If a document in the transaction type SDCR cannot be changed in status Approved, forbid the action EDIT_DOC for this transaction type and status.

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1.5.12 Quality Gate Management Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Requirements You have: Set up the Change Management work center, in the basic settings authorization Activate Services

Use This IMG activity activates the services for WebDynpro applications which you need for the Quality Gate Management application. Activities Activate services Run the program: Technical name: SM_QUALITY_GATE

Check Service Activation You can check whether services are active. Choose hierarchy type SERVICE. 1. 2. 3. Choose Execute. Select the service. Choose Test Service in the context menu.

(For all services: /default_host...)

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After activation, the system shows all active services.

1.5.13 Change Control Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Use You can: set-up the Maintenance Optimizer for Software Lifecycle Manager (SLM). The Master Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager current release, contains a detailed scenario description. get deployment effort Multiple Software Lifecycle Manager Configuration Assistant

Use Configure several SLMs with an assistant, in the Solution Manager: 1. 2. 3. 4. Create connection to SLM Test connection Configure SLM Search for downloaded files in central download directory Requirements You have: installed SLM. authorization.

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See the SLM online documentation in the Help Portal. Use an HTTPS connection. See Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager: Security Guide SAP Solution Manager.

Activities Choose "i" (Information) for the SLM configuration guide.

1.5.14 Root Cause Analysis Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Use You need Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to monitor non-ABAP systems in your solution landschaft. landscape. You only have to carry out these activities if you have non-ABAP systems in your system landscape. For roles and authorizations (uszer SAPSUPPORT), see the SAP Solution Manager security guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components >SAP Solution Manager <current release>. Set Up Work Center for Root Cause Analysis

Use You need the navigation role to be able to use the Root Cause Analysis work center. The work center navigation roles determine the menu, and thus the navigation for the work center. Only one work center navigation role is relevant per work center. The user also needs the authorization role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC, which contains all authorization objects required for the work center. Note You can: Adjust the work center navigation role menus Create work center composite roles , to assign several work centers to your users Requirements You have loaded the work center navigation roles in your work client.

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Default Settings The naming convention for delivered work center navigation roles is: SAP_SMWORK_<work center>. Activities A) Assign work center navigation role 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose the work center navigation role, e.g. SAP_SMWORK_DIAG. Copy the role, e.g. to ZSAP_SMWORK_DIAG. Choose Change. Go to the Users tab. Enter the user to which you assign the work center. Compare users with Compare Users.

Note: You can assign the role SAP_SMWORK_MYHOME to the user. See SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. B) ASAP_SMWORK_BASIC zuordnen 7. 8. 9. Choose the role SAP_SMWORK_BASIC. Copy the role. Go to the Authorizations tab.

10. Apply the authorizations by double-click on the yellow traffic light. 11. Generate the profile. 12. Go to the Users tab. 13. Enter the users to which you have assigned work center roles. 14. Compare users with Compare Users. C) Assign default authorization roles SAP_RCA_DISP und SAP_RCA_EXE. See: For deltas in the default authorization roles: SAP note 834534 For an overview and mapping of all default authorization roles in the work center, see the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace. Access You can call the work center as follows: in NetWeaver Business Client

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in the web browser: with the following URL ( http(s):// <server name>:<port> /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/ ags_workcenter?WORKCENTER=AGS_WORK_IMPLEMENTATION&sap-client= <client> Put Systems in Landscape

Use Create systems manually. Default Settings The system generates IBase components which you need for the Service Desk and Change Management scenarios, automatically. If you do not want automatic IBase generation: 1. 2. 3. Choose the transaction DNO_CUST04. Deselect the value in the field: IB_GEN_AUTO (Description: Automatic IBase Generation). Save. Activities Create Database/Server Manually 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Choose Landscape Components -> Other Object, in the Solution Manager System Landscape,. Choose Database/Server , and enter the name of the database of the new system. Choose Create. Save. Enter a description in the Header Data tab. Choose Creator from the F4 help in the Technical Data tab and specify the Server and Release Notes.

10. Save. Create Systems Manually 11. In Solution Manager System Landscape choose Landscape Components -> Other Object. 12. Choose System and enter the ID of the new system. 13. Choose Create. 14. Enter: Product Product version Installation

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15. Save. 16. Choose the Main Instance Selection tab. 17. Select the main instance and save. Depending on the main instance: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) ABAP-based main instances: Flag Relevant for the relevant ABAP-based main instance and Also Installed for all other ABAP-based main instances. Continue from step 15. Non-ABAP main instances: Flag Relevant for several non-ABAP main instances: Choose Create System Component. Specify the system component, type and installation number . Save. Enter the Database in the Header Data tab. Enter the required data (J2EE nodes) in the Instances tab. Save and go back to the Main Instance Selection. Choose Extended Assignment of System Components, in the main instance row. Enter the system component and type. Save.

18. Double-click on the main instance name, to go to it. 19. Enter: Header Data tab: Message server, system number. ABAP-based instances Clients tab: The client for whom the RFC destinations are to be generated (this tab is only available for ABAP main instances).

20. Save. For further information, see the online documentation of the Solution Manager System Landscape (Transaction SMSY -> Help -> Application Help ). Assign Non-ABAP System Component to Main Instances

Use To monitor non-ABAP systems and system components with diagnostics, you must assign the system components to the relevant main instances in the system landscape maintenance.

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Default Settings Examples of system components for SAP products are listed below with their main instances. For more information, such as SAP CRM, SAP ERP or DUET, seeSAP Note 987835: SAP PI/XI : Process Integration (PI/XI) SAP Mobile Infrastructure (SAP NetWeaver): Application Server JAVA, Mobile Infrastructure SAP EP: Enterprise Portal TREX in EP: Search and Classify (TREX), Enterprise Portal SAP NetWeaver Java Server: Application Server JAVA SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP and AS Java: Application Server ABAP, Application Server Java Example If you want to indicate XI system components: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Remove the indicators for Application Server ABAP and Application Server JAVA. Select Process Integration (PI/XI) as the relevant main instance. Choose Extended Assignment of Other System Components for this main instance. Enter the system component and its category (if the system component does not exist, you must create it). Save your entries.

1.5.15 Solution Manager - External Integration Information and Configuration Prerequisites
Use You can integrate third-party products into Solution Manager. You must activate Solution Manager Extensions for the following third-party products: SAP Quality Center by HP SAP Productivity Pak by RWD

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ SAP Central Process Scheduling by Redwood Information and Configuration Prerequisites

Use SAP Central Process Scheduling by Redwood (SAP CPS) manages, monitors and automates business-critical processes centrally. SAP Central Process Scheduling Adapter sends data bi-directionally between SAP Solution Manager Job Documentation and SAP Central Process Scheduling by Redwood, and monitors jobs with Business Process Monitoring. You can install SAP CPS in the Solution Manager Java Stack or in a separate system. As SAP CPS covers business-critical applications, it can be installed in the Solution Manager if it is also business-critical. Requirements You have: installed SAP Central Process Scheduling by Redwood (SAP CPS) in one of the following versions: SAP CPS FOR NW 7.0 (BASIC) for SAP NetWeaver 2004s SP14 or higher SAP CPS FOR NW 7.0 (FULL) for SAP NetWeaver 2004s SP14 or higher

installed SAP Central Process Scheduling Adapter, see also SAP Note 1161405. Assigned authorization for Job Scheduling Management to your end users solution authorization

configured Job Scheduling Default Settings

See the zu SAP CPS documentation in the Service Marketplace , and the Master Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager, for a detailed scenario description Set-Up Technical User

Use You need a communication user with restricted authorization for communication between SAP Central Process Scheduling by Redwood and Solution Manager.

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This IMG activity sets-up the communication user for the Solution Manager and managed systems. (Note the system on which SAP CPS is installed.)

Activities Create a technical user in the Solution Manager system, if CPS is installed in the same system. 1. 2. Create the technical user first as a dialog user in the Solution Manager system, e.g.: CPSCOMM so that you can logon once to the CPS system and generate the communication user. Assign the following roles to the user: SAP_SM_REDWOOD_COMMUNICATION (contains authorization for communication between SAP Solution Manager and SAP CPS) SAP_BC_REDWOOD_COMM_EXT_SDL (contains authorization to schedule jobs in the Solution Manager system) You must set-up the roles completely and compare users. Check that this role has the value REDWOOD in the RFCDEST field of authorization object S_RFC_ADM. If not, enter it. SAP_J2EE_ADMIN (authorization to create the user in the Java stack UME.

3. 4.

Logon to the CPS system with this user with the URL: http://<server.domain>:<http port>/scheduler/ui. To set-up the communication user for daily operation: a) b) c) Delete the role SAP_J2EE_ADMIN, which you no longer need. Change the user from dialog to communication. Save.

Set-up the technical user in the Solution Manager system, if CPS is installed in a separate system Further notes For roles and authorizations, see the SAP Solution Manager security guide -> SAP Components -> Solution Manager <current release>, in the Service Marketplace. Assign Business Automation User in CPS


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Caution: You only need to perform this activity if you are using CPS from Release M26.

You must also flag your dialog user(s) and technical user(s) for communication (for example, CPSCOMM) in CPS as Business Automation User. Requirements You are using CPS as of Release M26. Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Log on to your CPS system: http(s)://<server>:<port>/scheduler/ui. Choose Applications in the left-hand screen area. Choose the appropriate SAP system (Solution Manager). Choose Actions -> Edit Security. In the Rank field, flag the user as a Business Automation User. Set the Business Automation API flag. Save your entries. Create Connection to SAP CPS

Use The Solution Manager system creates the connection between the Solution Manager and SAP Central Process Scheduling by Redwood, automatically, when you have specified the system in SAP CPS. You can check the configuration with the program RSEXTSDL in the Solution Manager System.

Activities In SAP CPS system 1. Specify the Solution Manager system as follows: a) b) c) Choose: Environment -> SAP Systems in the SAP CPS system. Choose Create. Maintain the system data. Note Use the name which you specified in the Solution Manager System Maintenance (transaction: SMSY)

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Set the XBP parameter interface version to 3.0 in the XBP tab Go to the XBP tab and choose New. Enter the required data: - Interface version - Default client - SAP System client - Communication user and password in the SAP System Enter the client, and flag it as default Specify the previously created communication user (e.g. CPSCOMM) and password. Save. If you create the system definition for the SAP Solution Manager in SAP CPS, the system automatically creates a process server and a queue with the same name. Start the process server for the system, with Actions and Start, in the Process Server tab.


e) 2.

Set the parameter SAP_EnableRfcServer in the Process Server , as follows: a) b) c) d) e) Choose: Environment -> Process Server -> Edit, in the context menu of the selected process server Choose the Parameter tab. Set the parameter: SAP_EnableRFCServer = TRUE. Save. Restart the Process Server. When the parameter is set, the communication user automatically creates an RFC connection of type T (TCP/IP) in the Solution Manager system: CRONACLE-<Solution Manager System ID>@<CPS_SYSTEM>

In SAP Solution Manager system To check the configuration, run the program: RSEXTSDL. The system shows the status of the configuration in the External Scheduler Management. Further notes Detailed documentation about SAP CPS is in the Service Marketplace . Adjust Work Center Role

Use You change the navigation role for the Job Management work center by adjusting the URL for SAP Central Process Scheduling by Redwood in the role SAP_SMWORK_JOB_MAN. SOLMAN_WC_JSCHED

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Requirements You have set-up the Job Management work center. Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Choose the role SAP_SMWORK_JOB_MAN. Choose Change. You go to the role maintenance. Choose the Menu tab, and open the Job Management folder in role menu. Select the URL for SAP Central Process Scheduling by Redwood. Choose Change. Adjust the web address, by entering the correct server and port for SAP CPS: http://<server>.<fully-qualified domain name>:<port>/scheduler Adjust Job Parameter Conversion

Use SAP Solution Manager is able to convert the scheduling parameters of a documented job to the format of another job scheduler. For example, you have documented all your ABAP jobs in Solution Manager. At a later date, you then use SAP CPS by Redwood. You wish to document this switch in the job documentation and transfer the existing scheduling parameters for SAP CPS by Redwood automatically. Activities Create Own Implementation 1. 2. 3. 4. Deactivate the implementations shipped by SAP by deselecting the indicator in the Active (IMG) column. Save your entries. Create a new implementation of the BAdI BADI_AGS_EJR_PARAM_MAPPING by selecting the Create pushbutton. Create a filter value for the parameter SCHEDULER_SOURCE_TARGET with the format <source><target>. For example, XBPCPS is called for the conversion of ABAP parameters to CPS parameters.

Implementation of Interface Method 5. 6. Call the transaction SE80. Implement the methods of the interface IF_AGS_EJR_SCHEDUL_PARAM_MAPP in the implemented class.

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Check 7. Change the scheduler from BC-XBP to CPS in your job documentation. Your scheduling data should still exist. Example Two sample implementations are supplied: BADI_AGS_EJR_MAP_CPS2XBP_IMP with the implementing class CL_AGS_EJR_MAP_CPS2XBP_IMP BADI_AGS_EJR_PARAM_MAP_XBP2CPS with the implementing class CL_AGS_EJR_MAP_XBP2CPS_IM Map System Names

Use You are using different names in SAP CPS from those in Solution Manager.

Activities Maintain the mapping in the table AGSSMSY2CPS. Integration with Change Request Management Activate Configuration BC Set

Use You can integrate Job Scheduling with Change Request Management. You must make various customizing settings, in BC Sets. This creates a new, additional Change Request Management change transaction. Requirements You have configured the following scenarios:

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Service Desk Integration of Job Scheduling with Service Desk Change Request Management Activities

1. 2.

Proceed as described in SAP note 1111310. Activate the BC Sets with the following settings: Overwrite Data: Overwrite All Data Activation Mode: Expert


Ensure that the role of the client in which the BC Sets are activated is not "Production". Use Transaction Type as Template

Use You can copy customizing entries for transaction types into your own namespace.

Activities Transaction type SDCD as copy template If you do not want to use the transaction types delivered by SAP , you can copy an existing transaction type as a template for your own transaction type. (For example, copy SDCD into ZDCD). If you need additional user status values, copy the status profil of your template, and rename the profile. (You can, e.g. copy SDCD0001 into ZDCD0001). Do NOT create an entirely new profile without using a template. You can put all change request management settings in your transaction type, from the copy template, in the IMG activity Change Request Management Settings. When you have configured your transaction type, run the program RAGS_EJR_COPY_CUSTOMIZING, which copies further configurations for Job Scheduling Management into your customer namespace.

Program RAGS_EJR_COPY_CUSTOMIZING 1. 2. Enter the program name, and choose Execute. Flag options and run the program.

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You get a log. See SAP note 1118440. Adjust Change Request Management

Use In this IMG activity, you set up Job Scheduling Management so that it works in conjunction with your Change Request Management implementation. Requirements You have: Set up Change Request Management Completed the basic configuration of Change Request Management integration Copied setup of the change transaction in Job Management Activities 1. 2. 3. For each copied transaction type, create an implementation of the BAdI BADI_AGS_EJR_CHARM_INTERFACE. Assign the class CL_AGS_EJR_CHARM_BADI as a super class to the implementing class. Create a filter and set the value of the filter parameter FILTER_PROCESS_TYPE to the same as the copied transaction type. Example You have copied the change document to the transaction type ZDCD. Now you need to copy all settings to the transaction type ZDCD (the default) using a report. You then implement the BAdI BADI_AGS_EJR_CHARM_INTERFACE and set the filter value FILTER_PROCESS_TYPE to ZDCD. The class CL_AGS_EJR_CHARM_BADI_SDCD can serve as the template for your implementing class. Assign Action Profile/Actions

Use When you have activated the BC Set, assign either the action profile SDCR_ACTIONS_JOB_REQUEST to transaction type SDCR, or actions to the current transaction type SDCR action profile.

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Activities Assign action profile to transaction type SDCR Double-click on transaction type SDCR. 1. 2. Assign the action profile SDCR_ACTIONS_JOB_REQUEST. Save.

Assign actions to the current transaction type SDCR action profile Double-click on the action profile. 3. Assign the following actions: SDCR_COPY_CONTEXT_JR SDCR_DISPLAY_JOB_REQUEST

SDCR_PRESELECT_SUBJECT_JR You must create the actions from the action profile SDCR_ACTIONS_JOB_REQUEST in the namespace for your own action profile. 4. Save. Assign Subject Profile

Use A subject profile contains code group profiles from various catalogs. You must assign a subject profile for the transaction type SDCR job documentation, and here the business transaction Service Transaction.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Translate the transaction type SDCR. Choose the node Business Transaction Type Assignment, by double-clicking in the dialog structure. Select the business transaction type Service Transaction. Choose the node Customizing Header by double-click in the dialog structure. Assign the subject profile SDCR0002 (job documentation subject). Save.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Define Mapping

Use There is a change request management copy control in the PPF method SOCM_COPY_DOCUMENT. An action in the source document creates a target document. The copy rules link a source transaction to a target transaction. Depending on the object (catalog, code group, code, etc.), you can add attributes to the target document transaction type, and specify which data is to be in the subsequent document, in control options. You must specify mapping rules for the entities business partner, texts and deadlines, otherwise they are not uniquely assigned when copied.

Activities 1. 2. Choose the transaction type SLFN, and set the flag in the Copy Attachments column. Extend the mapping for the transaction type SDCR, as follows: a) b) 3. Choose New Entries. Enter: Transaction Type: SDCR Catalog: IB Code Group: SDCR0002 Code: 0050 Short Text: Job Documentation

Save. Create RFC Connection

Use Create an RFC connection. You can use it in a change document action. Activities Create RFC connection

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1. 2.

Create an RFC connection of type G (HTTP connection to external server) to your SAP CPS, in the Solution Manager system. Enter the following data: Target host URL: <Server> <fully-qualified domain name> Service number: HTTP port Application path: <scheduler>



Maintain Table AGS_JOB_CONFIG 4. 5. 6. 7. Choose the table AGS_JOB_CONFIG. Choose Maintain. Enter the name of the RFC connection under the parameter name CPS_RFC_6. Save. BMC AppSight for SAP Client Diagnostics Information and Configuration Prerequisites
Use You are using BMC AppSight for SAP Client Diagnostics to analyze problems. See also SAP Note 1034902. Requirements You have installed BMC AppSight for SAP Client Diagnostics. See also SAP Note 1034901. Set Up Technical User for Web Service

Use You need a technical user with restricted authorization for communication bwtween Solution Manager and BMC.

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Activities Create user 1. 2. 3. Enter a user name. Choose the user type System. Give the user a password and save.

Assign role to user 4. Copy the role SAP_APPSIGHT_INTERFACE in the role maintenance, and assignthe copy to the user. Ensure that the profile for this role is generated, and the user adjusted. Save.


For roles and authorization, see the Solution Manager Security Guide in the> Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> Solution Manager <current release>. Activate Web Service

Use Create a web service.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Enter AGS_CHECK_LICENCE_SEP as Service Definition and Variant. This transaction can be obsolete. Ignore any such messages. Choose Create or Web Service -> Create Save your entries. A Web Service release dialog box appears. Confirm that you want to create an external alias for the Web Service. The system creates the external alias. Go to the ICF Monitor with ICF Details. You go to the maintenance of the external aliases. Choose the service by double-click. Choose the Logon Data tab, and enter your existing communication user and password for the Web

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Service. 8. Save. External Service Desk Release Web Service

Use This IMG activity releases a Web service which is required to connect to the internal service desk. You can integrate an external service desk to the Solution Manager service desk, in order to make different tools available to the different levels of your support organization. You can, for example, use an external vendor's service desk for general IT problem messages, and the Solution Manager service desk to manage the solutions to issues with SAP applications. Requirements Default Settings Activities 1. 2. 3. Select service ICT_SERVICE_DESK_API and variant ICT_SERVICE_DESK_API. The transaction may be out of date. Ignore any such messages. Choose Create or Web Service -> Create Save your entries.

If you connect two SAP Solution Manager service desks, you must release the Web services in both systems. Specify Target Transaction Type from External Service Desk

Use This IMG activity implements an enhancement to specify the target transaction type. If you are using several transaction types and receive messages from external Service Desks, you can use this implementation to specify in which target transaction type the message is created.

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Activities Implement the Badi BADI_DECT_PROC_TYPE_FOR_EXT_SD. Example You use transaction type ZLF1 (copied from SLF1), but want messages with a particular attribute, are created in another transaction type in the SAP Solution Manager. Create the transaction type ZLF2. Assign Roles to the Technical User

Use This IMG activity creates a technical user with restricted authorization, that is used when an external service desk system calls the SAP Solution Manager Service Desk.

Activities Create user 1. 2. 3. Enter a user name Choose the user type System. Save.

Assign role to a user If the external service desk system is also a SAP Solution Manager system, assign the following roles to the technical user: SAP_SUPPDESK_ADMIN SAP_SUPPDESK_INTERFACE

If you are connecting two Solution Managers service desks, you must create the technical user in both systems. For roles and authorizations, see the SAP Solution Manager security guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> Solution Manager <current release>.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Create HTTP Connection

Use In this IMG activity, you define the logical port by using an HTTP connection to the external system. The HTTP connection configures the logon, coding and status maintenance. You save a user and password in the communication connection. If you are connecting two Solution Managers Service Desk you must create the RFC destination for both systems. Activities Create user 1. 2. Create a user of type communication. Save. Create the HTTP connection 3. 4. 5. 6. Create an RFC destination of type G ( HTTP connection to external server) or H (HTTP connection to SAP system). Enter the target host, the host name of the external Service Desk. Enter the Service Number/Port of the external Service Desk Enter the Web Service target of the external Service Desk as path prefix The path prefix depends on the type of the external Service Desk. For a second SAP Solution Manager Service Desk, the path prefix is: /sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/ICT_SERVICE_DESK_API. Enter the communication user logon information in the Logon & Security tab Save the RFC connection. Test HTTP connection 9. Test the connection. The system performs a connection test instead of a web service call. It can produce the following errors: Status HTTP: 500

7. 8.

Status Test: Internal Server Error If a SOAP XML still appears in the Response Body tab, you can ignore it. It is caused by an invalid call. The connection works.

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Create Logical Port

Use This IMG activity creates a logical port.

Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Choose proxy class CO_PCICT_SERVICE_DESK_API Specify a logical port Choose Create Enter a description Choose the Call Parameters tab Enter the required data. More information is available in the online documentation under menu path Help -> Application Help -> Create Logical Port Check and save your entries Activate the logical port

If you connect two SAP Solution Manager Service Desks, you must create the logical ports in both systems. Define Value Mapping for Service Desk Interface

Use This IMG activity specifies how the data from the SAP Solution Manager service desk is mapped onto the data from the external service desk (and vice versa). You can skip this IMG activity if you use two SAP Solution Manager service desks, and have created a default mapping, as described in the previous IMG activity.

Activities You can make the following settings in the activities Alternative Value Mapping (1) and Alternative Value Mapping (2):

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All values will be forwarded identically, for example 1->1; 2->2; 3->3 All values will be mapped to one value, for example n -> 1

You can refine your settings in activities Value Mapping (1) and Value Mapping (2). You can define a target value for each source value. These settings override the data mapping from activities Alternative Value Mapping (1) and Alternative Value Mapping (2).

If these settings available in these activities are not sufficient to model your requirements, you can use Business Add-In BADI_SOL_ICT_MAPPING_OUTBOUND. More information is in the BAdI documentation. Configure Interface to Solution Manager Service Desk

Use This activity configures the interface between the SAP Solution Manager service desk and the external service desk.

Activities 1. 2. 3. Choose Add. Enter a name for the external service desk system. Select the logical port which you created in the previous IMG activity. If the external system is another SAP Solution Manager, you can specify an RFC connection to it, instead of the logical port. Copy the entries. The system automatically calls the external service desk system. Following a successful call, the system reads the service desk ID of the service desk and displays it in the list. Choose the type of the external Service Desk. If you: want to create a normal connection to the external Service Desk, choose the type Standard. When you first create a message and send it to the external Service Desk, you go to a dialog in which you choose the destination. If you have activated the Adaptor for Quality Center, for example, set the flag for QC. are a Service Provider and want to connect a customer, choose Service Provider Customer. In this case, you can only receive and answer messages.




Choose the method to determine the reporter.

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You have the options: New BP if there is none with the E-mail address: The system creates a new business partner if one cannot be identified unambiguously from the E-mail address. System user BP: The system uses the business partner of the RFC user as the reporter No BP as Reporter: if the field is empty, the message is not assigned to a reporter

Only BP with same E-mail address as reporter: The system assigns no business partner as reporter, if one cannot be identified unambiguously from the E-mail address. See: Create Business Partners in the SAP Solution Manager Security Guide in the Service Marketplace -> SAP Components -> SAP Solution Manager <current release>. 8. Choose your entry and check the configuration.

Specify Value Mapping Solution Manager <-> Solution Manager (same Service Desk configuration) Choose Generate Default Mapping -> Overwrite Old Values Solution Manager <-> Solution Manager (different Service Desk configuration) a) b) Choose Generate Default Mapping -> Do Not Overwrite Old Values. Perform IMG activity Define Value Mapping for Service Desk Interface.

Solution Manager <-> External Service Desk c) d) Choose Generate Default Mapping -> Do Not Overwrite Old Values. Perform IMG activity Define Value Mapping for Service Desk Interface.

Select the external service desk row, and the Activate/Deactivate pushbutton. You can activate several external Service Desks . If you connect two SAP Solution Manager Service Desks, you must configure the interfaces in both systems. Save your entries. 9. Select your entry and check the configuration. If the check does not return any errors, no further activities are necessary.

If the check returns errors, you can proceed as follows: Solution Manager <-> Solution Manager (same service desk configuration) Choose Generate Default Mapping -> Overwrite Old Values Solution Manager <-> Solution Manager (different service desk configuration)

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SAP System ______________________________________________________________ Define Extended Interface Mapping for Service Desk Customizing

Use If you have modified the SAP CRM Service Desk Customizing and do not use the standard SAP objects, you can publish your modifications in the interface mapping. For more information about the attribute types, refer to F1 help for column Attribute Type in the IMG activity.

Example The default business partner function for the reporter is SLFN0002; you have changed this business partner function and can save your business partner function in this IMG activity. Get Solution Manager Service Port

Use The external service desk requires active services information to create the connection to the Solution Manager. The Solution Manager requires system details to create the connection to the external service desk. Requirements Find out the host name and HTTP port of the external Service Desk.

Activities If you are connecting two Solution Managers Service Desk you can find this information (in the external Solution Manager) as follows: 1. 2. 3. Choose the assigned IMG activity (ICM Monitor) Select in the menu Goto -> Services Get the following information from the table:

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Host name Service Number/Port Set Text Filter

Use In this IMG activity, you configure which text types are not to be transferred to the external Service Desk. Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose New Entries. Select the External Service Desk ID using the input help. Enter the text type that you do not want to be transferred (according to the text profile for the transaction types that you use for the SAP Solution Manager Service Desk). Save your entries.

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Scenario-Specific Settings



Copyright(c) 2011 SAP AG. All rights reserved. Neither this document nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means or translated into another language, without the prior consent of SAP AG. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. SAP is a registered trademark of SAP AG. All other products which are mentioned in this documentation are registered or not registered trademarks of their respective companies.

Release Notes Table of Contents SAP AG ______________________________________________________________

1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3

Scenario-Specific Settings Implementation/Upgrade Information and Configuration Prerequisites Set Up Work Center for Implementation Blueprint and Configuration Object Attributes Definition of Customer Attributes for Object Types Assign Customer Attributes to Objects Assign a Signature Strategy to Object Types Assignment of a signature strategy when locking a project strukture Tab Extension Tab page extension Reduction of Object Types on Tab Pages by BAdIs Process Function Codes in Tabs Change Global Attributes Replace variables in web addresses (URLs) Learning Maps Specify Learning Map Recipients (End User Roles) Assignment of End User Roles Customizing Distribution Information and Configuration Prerequisites Set-Up Customizing Distribution Maintain Logical Systems in Satelite Systems Solution Documentation Assistant Information and Configuration Prerequisites Activate Solution Manager Services Set Up Work Center for Solution Documentation Assistant Test Management Standard Configuration Information and Configuration Prerequisites Activate Solution Manager Services Set Up Work Center for Test Management Extended Configuration Define Values for Test Status Release Status Profile Specify Release Status Values Set Up Release Status Profile Workflow Information Activate Workflow Configuration BC Set Set-Up Workflow

1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 17 17 17 17 18 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 23

SAP AG iii

Release Notes Table of Contents SAP AG ______________________________________________________________ 1.5.4 1.5.5

Define Transaction Types Define Action Profiles and Actions Define Conditions Select Office System for Testing Messages Define Template for Messages Assign Template for Messages Test Documentation (Notes) Select Test Documentation (Notes) Editor Define Template for Test Documentation (Notes) Create Folder for Test Documentation Test Cases Define Template for Test Cases Define Test Series Schedule Check Jobs for TBOM CATTs and eCATTs Check Client Settings for CATT and eCATT Usage Check GUI Scripting for CATT and eCATT Usage BW-based Reporting Assign Own Message Priorities Assign Own Status Values Activate Solution Manager Services Configuration SAP Engagement and Service Delivery Information and Configuration Prerequisites Set Up Work Center for SAP Engagement and Service Delivery Issue Management Activate Solution Manager Service Generate Issue Summary as PDF Create Automatic Notifications Activate Search Index for Issues Service Desk Service Desk Information and Configuration Prerequisites Multi Transaction Type Handling Specify Several Transaction Types Specify Target Transaction Type from Basis Message General Settings Set Up Work Center for Incident Management (Service Desk) Activate Solution Manager Services Specify Work Center for Processor

24 26 30 32 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 36 36 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 40 40 41 42 42 43 44 44 45 45 46 47 47 47 48 48 50 50 50 52 52


Release Notes Table of Contents SAP AG ______________________________________________________________

Specify Service Desk Destination in Managed Systems Define Transaction Types Set Up Screen Profile Show additional fielder in message lists Set up Message Creation via Web Browser Check Basis Message Settings Specify User Selection Variants Automatic E-Mail at Status Change Set Up Automatic Message Forwarding Additional IBase Authorization Check Deactivate User Check Check Number Range for Service Desk Message Time Recording Specify Activity Description Specify Initial Time Unit Value Set Time Recording Reminder Text Determination Procedure Text Management Define Text Objects and Text Types Define Text Determination Procedure Partner Determination Procedure Partner Processing Define Partner Functions Use of Own Partner Functions Define Access Sequences Define Partner Determination Procedure Assign Partner Schema to Transaction Type Define Catalogs, Codes and Profiles Catalogs, Codes and Profiles Define Catalogs Define Code Groups and Codes for Catalogs Define Code Group Profiles Define Subject Profiles Status Profile Change Status Profile for User Status Date Profile Deadline Management Define Date Types, Duration Types and Date Rules Define Date Profile Organizational Model Information Create a Root Unit for Your Organizational Structure

53 54 56 56 57 58 59 60 60 61 62 63 63 63 64 64 65 66 66 66 68 68 68 70 71 76 78 79 79 80 81 82 82 83 83 84 84 85 86 87 87 88


Release Notes Table of Contents SAP AG ______________________________________________________________ 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8

Create Organizational Objects in the Organizational Structure Determination Rules for Support Team Define Action Profile Actions Change Actions and Conditions Define Conditions Define Action Profiles and Actions Assign Action Profile to the Business Transaction Type Assign Action Profile to the Item Category Maintain Categories and Priorities Maintain Categories Maintain Priorities of Dates Full-Text Search and Solution Database Information and Configuration Prerequisites Software Agent Framework Compile Initial Index Activate Delta Compilation Central System Administration Information and Configuration Prerequisites Set Up Work Center for System Administration Activate Solution Manager Services Setup Central System Administration Downtime Management Information and Configuration Prerequisites Activate Solution Manager Services Plan Downtime and Uptime Configure Downtime Message System Monitoring Information and Configuration Prerequisites Set Up Work Center for System Monitoring Activate Solution Manager Service Sending Service Reports by Internet E-Mail Test System Configuration for Sending E-Mail Automatic E-mailing of Reports E-Mail Filter (Maintenance) Map Systems to E-Mail Addresses BAdI EWA E-Mail Filter Set Up EarlyWatch Alert Service Level Reporting Configure Central Performance History

89 90 90 90 91 91 92 96 97 98 98 99 99 99 100 102 103 104 104 105 106 107 107 107 108 109 110 111 111 112 113 114 114 115 116 116 116 117 118 118


Release Notes Table of Contents SAP AG ______________________________________________________________ 1.5.9

Setup Service Level Reporting Setup System Monitoring Reporting Information and Configuration Prerequisites IT Performance Reporting Set-Up External Alias for Service General Configuration Configuration per MTE Class Configuration of Monitored Systems Monitoring - Set Up History Job Scheduling Management Standard Configuration Information and Configuration Prerequisites Activate Solution Manager Services Set-Up Alias for Job Request Set Up Work Center for Job Scheduling Management Extended Configuration Adjust Work Center for Job Scheduling Management Transfer Job Documentation into Solution Directory Generate PDF Documents for Job Request and Documentation Adapt Organization Data Adapt Job Documentation Set Up Own Naming Convention for Job Documentation Adjust Job Documentation Tab Visibility Adapt Job Scheduling Form Information Create or Change Scheduling Application Specify Contents Specify View Hierarchy Specify UI Elements Create Connection between Context Elements and UI Configure Job Control Activate Job Control for User Specify Job Control for Ad-Hoc Jobs BI-Reporting Alert Trend Analysis Set Up BI Reporting for Job Scheduling Management Health Check Information and Configuration Prerequisites Activate BI Content Set Up Data Aggregation Schedule Data Collection in Solution Manager System

121 121 122 122 123 123 124 126 127 128 129 129 129 130 131 132 134 134 135 135 135 136 136 137 137 137 138 139 139 140 141 141 141 142 143 143 143 144 144 144 145 145

SAP AG vii

Release Notes Table of Contents SAP AG ______________________________________________________________ 1.5.10 1.5.11

Integration with Service Desk Activate Configuration BC Set Assign Action Profile/Actions Specify Preferred Transaction Type Adapt Job Request Form Information Create WebDynpro Component Configuration Create WebDynpro Application Configuration Connect Configuration with WebDynpro Application Business Process Monitoring Information and Configuration Prerequisites Set Up Work Center for Business Process Operations Activate Solution Manager Service Create Local RFC Destination and User Set Up RFC Server Group Setup Business Process Monitoring BI BPM - Set Up Reporting Change Request Management Important Information Standard Configuration General Activities Activate Integration with Change Request Management Activate BC Sets Set Up Work Center for Change Request Management Transport Management System General Information About TMS Activities Define Transport Routes for System Landscape Activate Extended Transport Control Configure Transport Strategy Activate TMS Trusted Services Activate Domain Links Check Configuration of Transport Domain Generate RFC Destinations to Client 000 Add Import Authorization to Operator/Administrator Change Request Management Set Project Assignment of Requests as Mandatory Maintain Number Ranges Extended Configuration Schedule Manager Create Customer-Specific Variant for Task Lists Define Additional Tasks for Task Lists

145 145 146 147 148 148 148 149 150 150 150 151 153 153 154 155 156 157 157 157 157 157 159 159 161 161 161 162 162 163 164 165 165 166 166 166 167 168 168 168 168

SAP AG viii

Release Notes Table of Contents SAP AG ______________________________________________________________

Create Customer-Specific Header and Footer Tasks Install Template Report Change Request Management Specify Critical Transport Objects Configure Change Request Management Reporting Service Configure and Activate Cross-System Object Lock Change Transaction Check Installation Activities cProjects Assign Project Types for cProjects Check Prerequisites for Phase Shift Use Transaction Type as Template Transaction Types Define Transaction Types Catalogue, Codes and Profile Define Subject Profiles Define Code Group Profiles Define Code Groups and Codes for Catalogs Define Catalogs Partner Schema Define Partner Determination Procedure Define Partner Functions Status Administration Change Status Profile for User Status Date/Time Administration Define Date Types, Duration Types and Date Rules Define Date Profile Assign Date Profile to Transaction Type Text Administration Check Text Customizing for Consistency Define Text Determination Procedure Define Text Objects and Text Types Action Profile Define Action Profiles and Actions Define Conditions Change Transaction Types Assign Implementation to Change Transaction Types Make Settings for Change Transaction Types Define Status Attributes Actions in Change Request Management Actions - Name Actions - Basic Setting

171 172 173 173 173 174 176 176 176 176 177 178 178 179 180 180 181 182 182 183 183 185 187 187 188 188 189 191 191 192 192 194 194 194 198 200 200 201 203 204 204 205


Release Notes Table of Contents SAP AG ______________________________________________________________ 1.5.12 1.5.13 1.5.14 1.5.15

Actions - Depending on Status Determine Execution Time of Actions Implement BAdI Extension Consistency Checks in Change Request Management Define Conditions Define Basic Settings Assign Conditions to Status Values Implement BAdI Extension Copy Control for Change Request Management Define Action Profile for Service Desk Check Assignment of Action Profile Define Mapping Rules for Copy Control Checks Execute Check Report Assignment of Business Objects Basic Configuration Authorizations Activate BC Set Specify ChaRM Context Conditions Specify Basic Settings for ChaRM Context Assign Conditions to Status Values for ChaRM Context Advanced Configuration Assign Actions to a User Status Assignment of Documents Authorization for Actions Configure Action Menu Quality Gate Management Information and Configuration Prerequisites Activate Services Change Control Information and Configuration Prerequisites Multiple Software Lifecycle Manager Configuration Assistant Root Cause Analysis Information and Configuration Prerequisites Set Up Work Center for Root Cause Analysis Put Systems in Landscape Assign Non-ABAP System Component to Main Instances Solution Manager - External Integration Information and Configuration Prerequisites SAP Central Process Scheduling by Redwood Information and Configuration Prerequisites

205 206 207 207 207 208 209 209 210 210 211 211 212 212 213 213 213 213 214 215 215 217 217 217 217 218 218 219 219 220 220 220 221 221 221 223 224 225 225 226 226


Release Notes Table of Contents SAP AG ______________________________________________________________

Set-Up Technical User Assign Business Automation User in CPS Create Connection to SAP CPS Adjust Work Center Role Adjust Job Parameter Conversion Map System Names Integration with Change Request Management Activate Configuration BC Set Use Transaction Type as Template Adjust Change Request Management Assign Action Profile/Actions Assign Subject Profile Define Mapping Create RFC Connection BMC AppSight for SAP Client Diagnostics Information and Configuration Prerequisites Set Up Technical User for Web Service Activate Web Service External Service Desk Release Web Service Specify Target Transaction Type from External Service Desk Assign Roles to the Technical User Create HTTP Connection Create Logical Port Define Value Mapping for Service Desk Interface Configure Interface to Solution Manager Service Desk Define Extended Interface Mapping for Service Desk Customizing Get Solution Manager Service Port Set Text Filter

226 227 228 229 230 231 231 231 232 233 233 234 235 235 236 236 236 237 238 238 238 239 239 240 241 242 243 244 245


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