PLP PS Q3 WK1 Day1
PLP PS Q3 WK1 Day1
PLP PS Q3 WK1 Day1
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol
The big bang theory is a cosmological model that describes how the universe
started its expansion about 13.8 billion years ago.
The Big Bang was not an explosion that carried matter outward from a point.
It refers to the rapid inflation of space itself.
Evidence supporting the big bang theory includes redshift, cosmic microwave
background radiation, and abundance of light elements.
Big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) is the process of producing light elements
during the big bang expansion.
The process produces two stable isotopes of hydrogen, two isotopes
of helium, some lithium atoms, and beryllium isotopes.
Which of the following is the other starting material for the nucleosynthesis of
beryllium-7 from helium-4?
A. deuterium
B. tritium
C. helium-3
D. hydrogen-3
7. Why was further fusion of helium-4 nuclei rare during the big bang
A. because its fusion products have lower binding energies than helium-4
B. because helium-4 was unstable that it underwent fission to produce tritium
and a proton
C. because helium-4 was stable that it readily decayed to lighter elements
D. because its fusion products were more stable than helium-4
8. Which of the following is true when the universe's temperature was 3x1010 K?
A. The nuclei combine with electrons to produce neutral atoms.
B. There were more protons than neutrons in the universe.
C. Helium nuclei outnumbered hydrogen nuclei in the universe.
D. The universe was filled with combined protons and electrons, with neutrons
roaming freely in space.
4.7 Assignment The teacher asks, "How were the elements heavier than beryllium formed?"
Indicate below special cases including but not limited to continuation of lesson plan to the following
day in case of re-teaching or lack of time, transfer of lesson to the following day, in cases of class
suspension, etc.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student's progress this
week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your
6. REFLECTIONS instructional supervisors can provide for you so you can ask them relevant questions when you meet
them. Indicate below whichever is/are appropriate.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my learning
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter that my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover that I wish
to share with other
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