Spikeball 2022 - 03 - 28+USAR+Rules

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USA Roundnet Rules (Updated: March 28, 2022)

Overview 2

Chapter 1: Equipment and Court 3

Chapter 2: Participants 4

Chapter 3: Playing Format 5

Chapter 4: Serving 8

Chapter 5: Playing the Ball 13

Chapter 6: Hinders 16

Chapter 7: Participant Conduct 18

Chapter 8: Making Calls and Settling Disagreements 19

Chapter 9: Observers and Officiation 19

Roundnet is a team sport played by two teams each consisting of two players. Opposing team
members line up across from each other with the roundnet set in the center. A point begins
when the server hits the ball off the net towards the opposing player. After the service, there are
no sides or boundaries. The object of the game is to hit the ball off the net in such a way that the
opposing team cannot successfully return it.

A team is allowed up to three touches to return the ball onto the net. Once the ball is played off
the net, possession switches to the opposing team. The rally continues until a team is unable to
legally return the ball. Players may move as they wish during a point, so long as they don’t
physically impede an opponent’s play on the ball.

Roundnet is a self-officiated sport where responsibility for fair play falls on the players. All
players are expected to know the rules, and the integrity of roundnet depends on each player
upholding them. Highly competitive play is encouraged, but never at the expense of mutual
respect among competitors, adherence to the rules, or the basic joy of play.
Chapter 1: Equipment and Court
1.1. Equipment

1.1.1. Regulation Equipment - USA Roundnet approved set and ball are to be used for
official tournament play.
1.1.2. Equipment Measurements - the following are default requirements. Set Contents and Dimensions - An approved set consists of 5 rims, 5

legs, and a net. The set has a diameter of 91.4 cm (36 inches) and a height of
20.3 cm (8 inches). Net Tension - The tension on the net should be consistent throughout. A
ball dropped from a height of 1.5 m (5 feet) should bounce 50 cm (20 inches)
from the net, measuring from the bottom of the ball. Ball Inflation - The ball should have a PSI between 0.3 and 0.5 and a
circumference of approximately 30 cm (12 inches).

1.1.3. All players must agree on the tension of the net and inflation of the ball. A
disagreement on either of these will be resolved by the Tournament Director.

1.2. Court

1.2.1. Court Components - A roundnet court consists of the set, service lines, No Hit
Zone line, and designated playing space.
1.2.2. Court Set Up - A minimum of 10 meters by 10 meters (33 feet x 33 feet) is
recommended for each court, however, there are no out of bounds.
1.2.3. Serving Lines - When possible, a serving line circle should be drawn 2.6 meters
(8.5 feet) from the center of the set. The distance from the edge of the set to the service
line should be 2.13 meters (7 feet). Marks should be drawn at each of the four starting
service positions. When indoors or unable to draw lines, tape may be placed at equal
intervals around the set to outline a circle and service positions.
1.2.4. No Hit Zone Lines – When possible, a no hit zone line circle should be drawn 90
cm (3 feet) from the center of the set. When indoors or unable to draw lines, tape may be
placed at equal intervals around the set to outline a circle. Additional marking of the No
Hit Zone is allowed (for example a turf mat) as long as it is safe and does not interfere
with gameplay.
Chapter 2: Participants
2.1. Team Composition - A team consists of two players.

2.2. Player Equipment / Clothing

2.2.1. Players may wear cleats, sneakers, or play barefoot at their own risk. Cleats with
dangerous parts, such as metallic baseball cleats, track spikes, or worn or broken studs
with sharp edges, are not allowed.
2.2.2. Players may wear glasses at their own risk.
2.2.3. Players may wear any soft clothing that does not endanger the safety of other
players or provide unfair advantage.
2.2.4. Compression pads (ex: knee pads) may be worn for protection or support.
2.2.5. Players may not use clothing or equipment to unfairly inhibit or assist the
movement of the ball or another player. For example, players are allowed to wear hats
but may not throw their hats at the ball.
2.2.6. The Tournament Director reserves the right to refuse any player equipment or
clothing that does not abide by these guidelines.

2.3. USA Roundnet reserves the right to alter a team name, team logo, jersey graphic, or
uniform if it is inappropriate for the specific event or the organization as a whole.
Chapter 3: Playing Format
3.1. To Score a Point - Roundnet is played using rally scoring; points can be won by the serving
team or receiving team. A team scores a point when:

3.1.1. The opposing team fails to legally return the ball to the set.
3.1.2. The opposing team commits an infraction.
3.1.3. The opposing team’s server has two successive faults.

3.2. Replaying Points

3.2.1. A point may be replayed when: Teams disagree on the legality of a hit. Teams disagree on an infraction. Certain types of hinders occur, see Chapter 6 for details. An observer calls for the point to be replayed.

3.2.2. If a point is replayed after a legal serve is hit, the game resumes at the same
score, player positions, and serving order. The server will start on their first serve. If a
point is replayed because the teams cannot agree on the legality of the serve, the game
resumes at the same score, player positions, serving order, and fault count.

3.3. Rally - A rally is a sequence of playing actions between the moment the serve is hit to the
moment the ball is out of play.

3.3.1. If the serving team wins a rally, they score a point and continue to serve.
3.3.2. If the receiving team wins a rally, they score a point and must serve next.

3.4. To Win a Game - A game is won by the team that first scores the designated number of
points (typically 15 or 21).

3.4.1. Games must be won by two points unless otherwise specified. In the case of a
14-14 or 20-20 tie, play is continued until a 2-point lead is achieved (17-15 or 27-25).
3.4.2. Hard Cap - according to the Tournament Director’s discretion, certain games can
be given a hard cap, meaning if the score is tied at a given number, the next point wins.
For example, in games with a hard cap at 25, if the score is 24 to 24, the game will be
decided by the next point. Hard caps should be set before the games start.

3.5. To Win a Match - A match is won when a team wins the designated number of games
(typically two).

3.6. Forfeit - A team that is not able or refuses to play when summoned to do so may be subject
to a forfeit loss at the Tournament Director's discretion.
3.7. Determining Serving Team, Receiving Team, and Starting Positions

3.7.1. Representatives of the two teams fairly determine which team chooses to (1)
serve first or receive first or (2) select the starting positions for their team (exception rule For an odd-numbered game of a match, the first choice may be deferred
to the other team. For an even-numbered game of a match, the first choice will be made by
the team that made the second choice in the previous game. The Tournament Director may determine which team chooses first (e.g.
based on bracket seed).

3.7.2. The other team makes the remaining choice.

3.8. Positions

3.8.1. The four players start in four positions around the set, 90 degrees apart.
Teammates are located next to each other. All players must start with all points of
contact behind the service line (exception rule 3.8.4).
3.8.2. The established positions should be used for the duration of the game. Typically,
the positions are parallel and perpendicular to the orientation of the field. The positions
will be indicated by a line marking when possible. If necessary, players may agree to
change these starting positions in the middle of a game.
3.8.3. At the start of a game, the serving team sets their positions first. The player set up
on the right side is the one that will begin serving. Once the serving team is set, the
receiving team positions their players.
3.8.4. The receiver is the player that is positioned directly across from the server. The
receiver may adjust their position and is free to move anywhere without distance
3.8.5. Only the designated receiver can field the serve.
3.8.6. The other two players may only move from their positions once the ball is hit by
the server.
3.8.7. If the serving team wins the point, the server switches positions with their partner
and serves to the other member of the opposing team.
3.8.8. After every five points, players rotate one position counterclockwise to equalize
3.8.9. If a non-receiving or non-serving player takes a step before the ball is hit by the
server, they lose the point. In the case where both non-receiving and non-serving
players move before the ball is hit by the server, the team that moved first will lose the
point. If the infractions happen simultaneously, the point will be replayed.
3.9. Timeouts

3.9.1. Regular timeouts - Teams are allotted one 60-second timeout per game. The
time-out may not be called during a point. This timeout may be called in between the first
and second serve. The teams may not leave the court area and should have water or
equipment stored near the court before the match.
3.9.2. Injury timeouts – In the event of a player injury, they are allowed a maximum of
five minutes recovery, once per match. If medical help is necessary (e.g. bandaging
bleeding, wrapping joint) they have five minutes to return to play once they begin to
receive care. If the player returns to play and is injured again, they must return to play
within one minute or be subject to forfeit. Any further injury stoppage during the game
that lasts more than fifteen seconds between points will cause the injured player’s team
to forfeit.

3.10. Time Between Points - Points should be played in succession without breaks. After the
rally has finished the ball should be recovered immediately. Once the ball has been recovered
and given to the server, all players must set their position. A delay of more than ten seconds by
a team will result in a delay of game warning. Any subsequent violations will result in (1)
automatic use of a regular timeout, if still available, or (2) a loss of point, if the team does not
have a regular timeout remaining.

3.11. Time Between Games - Players will be given three minutes between games. Players
should remain near their court. Failure to be ready to start after the break will result in a delay of
game warning at three minutes. If players aren’t set within the next minute, one point will be
given to the opposing team. An additional point will be assessed for every minute a team is late.

3.12. Changing and Adjusting Equipment - In the case of a set or ball no longer being suitable
for play, the game shall pause while a replacement is found. When replaced, the game resumes
at the same score, player positions, and serving order and situation (i.e. first vs second serve,
number of timeouts remaining, penalties/warning still in effect, etc.) as before. If a net gets
moved out of position or gets altered from its original state (i.e. a leg piece gets turned in, the
net comes off a hook, etc.) it should be returned to its original position and state before players
set for the next point. During a point, players should play through natural movement of the
equipment. However, if the equipment should become unplayable (e.g. net snaps, ball pops,
etc.), the point should be stopped and replayed with any faults resetting.

3.13. Exceptional Interruptions - In the case of an external interference preventing the game to
be played, the game shall pause. When the game can be resumed, the game continues with the
same score, player positions, and serving order and situation (i.e. first vs second serve, number
of timeouts remaining, penalties/warnings still in effect, etc.) as before.

3.13.1. If play must resume at an alternate playing field, the player positions should be
oriented as similarly as possible to their prior positioning (i.e. cardinal directions to
maintain similar effect of sun, wind, and weather factors).
Chapter 4: Serving
4.1. First Serve of the Game - refer to 3.7 and 3.8 for details on which team serves first and the
starting positions.

4.2. Serving Order

4.2.1. The initial serving team decides which player from their team will start as the
server. The server will start to the right of their partner. That player continues to serve
until the receiving team wins a point.
4.2.2. Once the receiving team wins a point, they get the service possession and the
player on the left side will start serving for their team. From there on, service alternates
between teammates after each change of service possession. This serving order
continues for the rest of the game. The starting positions help to ensure all players are in the correct
positions and the score is accurate. When a team’s score is even, the server will
be to the right of their partner. When a team’s score is odd the server will be to
the left of their partner. Whenever a game starts the serving team’s score is zero,
so serving starts from the right. The service possession switches once the
opposing team scores a point. They now have one point and thus start serving
from the left.

4.2.3. Order in a New Game - The process stated in 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 occurs each game,
so the serving order does not need to stay the same for multiple games.

4.4. Characteristics of the Serve

4.4.1. Before serving, the server must set their position with all points of contact behind
the service line.
4.4.2. After setting the service position and during the act of serving – including the
swing, the follow-through, and the momentum from the serving action – all points of
contact must remain behind the service line.
4.4.3. At least one foot must maintain a single point of contact with the ground until the
ball hits the net.
4.4.4. One step is allowed on a serve. A step is defined as a moment where a foot no
longer maintains a pivot on the ground. If the server begins on one foot, then they begin
their serve mid-step. For all other movements, the server must maintain a pivot. A pivot is defined as a continuous point of contact with a single spot on

the ground; this is not a body part, but rather an infinitesimally small point on the
body, e.g. the tip of a player’s toe. For example, sliding a foot on the ground or
shifting weight so as to lift the toe and heel of the same foot are illegal.
4.4.5. The ball must travel at least 10 cm (4 inches) after the release before it is struck.
Note: the spirit of this rule is to make sure that the receiving team can tell that the ball
has been released and can see that it has been legally struck. If neither of these aspects
are in question, then the toss is aligned with the intention of the rule.
4.4.6. In the act of serving, the ball must not be caught. A catch happens when the ball comes to rest on any part of the player.
4.4.7. Serves may be struck with any amount of force; short serves are allowed.
4.4.8. Serves may not be higher than a receiver's shoulder when in an athletic stance
(rules and 4.6.9). There is no limit to the angle at which serves can be hit.

4.5. Execution of the Serve

4.5.1. All players must set their feet centered over their correct position (rule 3.8.2,
exception rule 3.8.4). Before serving, (1) the server announces the score to the receiver,
placing the serving team’s score before the receiving team’s score and the serve number
(“first” or “second”), (2) the receiver must immediately verbally acknowledge readiness
(i.e. within three seconds), and (3) the server must immediately announce “service” (i.e.
within three seconds). After announcing “service,” the server has five seconds to toss the
ball. Any delays in this process are subject to a delay of game violation (rule 3.10). An incorrect score call may be identified by any player to reset the
serving process. If, however, the server calls a score later determined to be
incorrect but steps (2) and (3) are followed, the point is live. Any other deviation
from the process described in 4.5.1 will nullify any serve. A receiver’s athletic stance establishes their shoulder height. An athletic
stance is defined by slightly bent knees, feet slightly wider than shoulder distance
apart, and chest positioned over feet.

4.5.2. If the server commits a Service Fault (rule 4.6) the serving team has one more
attempt to hit a legal serve. If the server commits a service fault, either player on the receiving team
has until the ball is hit for a second time, there is a change of possession, or
immediately (i.e. within three seconds) after a dead ball to call “fault.” The server
is then allocated a second serve. If a second “fault” is called, the receiving team
is awarded a point. If a fault occurs and then an infraction by the receiving team

occurs before the ball is hit for a second time or there is a change of
possession, the fault takes precedence over the infraction. The receiving team may choose to play through a fault that is not actively
called by an observer. However, players may never play through rules 4.6.10 –
4.6.12. Unless a call is made by a player or observer, the play is live. The
receiving team is not required to say anything if they choose to play through a

4.6. Service Faults

4.6.1. The server makes an illegal toss (rule 4.4.5).

4.6.2. After setting the service position or during the act of serving – including the swing,
the follow-through, and the momentum from the action – the server makes contact on or
within the service line (i.e. the outermost marking of the service line). This includes
contacting a player who is on or within the service line. It is a fault even if the ball is declared dead before the server makes
contact on or within the service line. The server may only make contact within the service line after
demonstrating the momentum from the action has stopped and reestablishing
bodily control. If equipment inadvertently falls off a player’s body and lands within the
service line, it is not a violation (e.g. a hat falls off and lands inside the line).

4.6.3. The ball is caught (rule 4.4.6).

4.6.4. The server moves their feet illegally during the serving process (rule 4.4.4)
4.6.5. The server does not maintain their pivots until the ball hits the net (rule 4.4.4).
4.6.6. The ball hits the rim or legs directly.
4.6.7. Side Pockets Side Pocket – after hitting a side section of the net, the ball’s horizontal
trajectory changes towards the opposite side. A ball hitting within the left third of the net and moving right or a
ball hitting within the right third of the net and moving left is a pocket. Left or right side of the net is determined relative to a center line
parallel to the ball’s horizontal entry angle. A ball hitting within the side pocket area and not moving the
opposite direction is legal.

4.6.8. After hitting the back third of the net, the ball does not move forward. Every part of
the ball must land beyond the farthest point of the set relative to the ball’s horizontal
angle of entry. A ball that exits the back third of the net and moves sideways is legal so
long as it never contacts the side sections of the net.

4.6.9. Every part of the ball is over the highest point of the receiver’s shoulders at any
point from when the ball contacts the net to when the ball passes them. If, in the act of
receiving, the receiver lowers their shoulders, the shoulder height will be judged off their
prior athletic stance. If, in the act of receiving, the receiver raises their shoulders, the
shoulder height will be measured by their new position (i.e., a receiver’s shoulder height
can move up during the serve, but it cannot move down).
4.6.10. The ball misses the set entirely.
4.6.11. The ball contacts the set (legs, rims, net) multiple times.
4.6.12. The ball is released and not struck. Once the ball is released, dropping, catching,
or swinging at and missing a toss all result in a fault.
4.6.13. There is a timing violation (rule 4.5.1).
Chapter 5: Playing the Ball
5.1. In Play - The ball is in play from the moment the server strikes it until one of the following

5.1.1. A serving fault occurs and/or is called by the receiving team or an observer.
5.1.2. An infraction occurs and/or is called by either team or an observer.

5.2. Hitting the Ball

5.2.1. A hit is any contact with the ball by a player.

5.2.2. A team is entitled to a maximum of three hits alternating between players for
returning the ball to the set. If more are used, the team commits the infraction of “Four
hits” and loses the point.
5.2.3. Consecutive Contacts - A player may not hit the ball twice consecutively
(exception rule 5.3.5 and 5.3.6).
5.2.4. Simultaneous Contacts - If teammates touch the ball simultaneously it is counted
as two hits. Either teammate may take the next hit provided they have not already used
all three hits.

5.3. Characteristics of the Hit

5.3.1. The ball may touch any part of the body.

5.3.2. The ball must not be caught. A catch happens when the ball comes to rest on any part of the player.

5.3.3. Players may not hit the ball with two hands (exception rules 5.3.4 and 5.3.5).
5.3.4. At the first hit of the team on a possession, the ball may touch various parts of the
body, provided that the contacts take place simultaneously.
5.3.5. At the first hit of the team on a possession, the ball may contact various parts of
the body consecutively, provided that the contacts occur during one action.
5.3.6. At the first hit of the team on a possession, a player may hit the ball once more
consecutively, if their first hit occurs before the ball begins a downward trajectory. This
action will be counted as a second hit. Consecutive contacts as described in 5.3.6 are not allowed on serve

receive. Consecutive contacts as described in 5.3.6 cannot result in an immediate
hit on the net.

5.4. Infractions - All result in loss of point

5.4.1. Hitting Infractions Four hits - A team hits the ball more than three times before returning it
to the set. Non-rebound - The ball is caught. Two-handed hit – A player hits the ball with both hands simultaneously.
(exception rule 5.3.4). Double-contact - A player hits the ball twice in succession or the ball
contacts various parts of their body in succession (exception rule 5.3.5).

5.4.2. Play Infractions A defensive player attempts to play the ball out of turn. An offensive player hits a serve or shot off the net which subsequently
hits themselves or their teammate. A player is in contact with the ball while the ball is in contact with the net. A player contacts the set (rims, legs, or netting) during a rally. This
includes contact from equipment that has fallen off a player. If natural movement of the equipment pushes the set into a

player, the set contact is not considered a violation and play continues.

5.5. Hits on the Net

5.5.1. Illegal hits on the net - When the ball is returned to the set, the return results in a
loss of point for the hitting team if: The ball contacts any part of the ground. The ball’s initial contact with the set hits the rim, legs or underside of the
net directly. The ball bounces multiple times on the net or bounces on the net then
hits the set on the way down.

5.5.2. Pocket - During a rally, any shot that changes the trajectory of the ball due to the
ball’s proximity to the rim, without contacting the rim is legal (exception rule 4.6.7).
5.5.3. Roll-up - A shot where the ball lands completely on the netting, and subsequently
rolls into the rim and then off the net is legal.
5.5.4. Change of Possession Possession changes once the ball comes off of the netting. Neither team
may contact the ball while it is in contact with the net.

5.6. No Hit Zone

5.6.1. The 90 cm (3 foot) area from the center of the net is the No Hit Zone. The final hit
of all possessions must be initiated outside of this area.
5.6.2. It is a loss of point for the hitting team if on the final hit of the possession the
hitting player makes contact on or within the No Hit Zone while in the act of hitting. This
includes contacting a player who is on or within the No Hit Zone. (i.e. the hitter may not
use another player inside the No Hit Zone to reestablish their bodily control.) The act of hitting includes the swing, the follow-through, and the
momentum from the action. It is a loss of point if the player’s momentum causes the player to contact
the No Hit Zone. If the player is unable to avoid the No Hit Zone due to the
proximity of an opponent, the hinder (Chapter 6) by the defender
precedes a No Hit Zone violation by the hitter. It is a loss of point even if the ball is declared dead before the player
makes contact within the No Hit Zone. The hitter may only make contact within the No Hit Zone after
demonstrating the momentum from the action has stopped and reestablishing
bodily control. If equipment inadvertently falls off a player’s body and lands in the No Hit
Zone, it is not a violation (e.g. a hat falls off and lands inside the No Hit Zone).

5.6.3. If a player has touched the No Hit Zone for any reason, that player cannot make
the final hit of a possession until they establish two points of contact with the playing
surface completely outside the No Hit Zone.
5.6.4. A player may enter the No Hit Zone at any time except when that player is making
the final hit of a possession.
Chapter 6: Hinders
6.1. The players whose turn it is to play the ball are entitled to freedom from interference by the
opponents or another physical impediment (i.e. a player, ball, or other object from outside a
match impedes the game).

6.1.1. The order in which players can legally contact the ball determines who has the
right of way. A player that can legally contact the ball before another player has the right
of way.

6.2. To avoid interference, players that are not playing the ball must make every effort to provide
the other players with:

6.2.1. Unobstructed direct access to the ball after completion of a reasonable follow-
6.2.2. Freedom to hit the ball with a reasonable swing; To ensure player safety, when a hitter is within their arm’s reach of the
net, any defensive attempt (foot, hand, knee, etc.) within the imaginary cylinder
rising from the rim will result in a point for the hitting team. The opposing team
may enter the cylinder to play the ball after the hitter's follow through is complete. A player’s excessive follow through can contribute to interference for the
opponent when it becomes the latter's turn to play the ball.

6.3. A hinder occurs if the opponent fails to fulfill any of the requirements of 6.2.1 or 6.2.2, even
if the opponent makes every effort to fulfill those requirements.

6.4. A player encountering a possible hinder has the choice of continuing to play or of stopping

6.4.1. A player seeking a replay or point should stop play immediately and say “hinder.”

6.5. A replay or point shall not be allowed if:

6.5.1. There was no interference or the interference was so minimal that the player’s
freedom to get to and play the ball were not affected;
6.5.2. Interference occurred but the ball is unplayable (i.e. the ball hits the ground before
a subsequent touch could possibly be made or otherwise there is no opportunity for a
return, giving every benefit of the doubt to the hindered player).
6.5.3. The player does not demonstrate an effort to make a play on the ball. The player making every effort to get to the ball (short of dangerous
physical contact) is a significant factor in determining if they would have made a
good touch. In any questionable situation player safety should be the number one
6.5.4. The player moved past the point of interference and played on;
6.5.5. The player created the interference in moving to the ball. This occurs when the opponent clearly provides a direct access but the
player takes an indirect route. This is different from a situation in which a player,
in attempting to recover from a position of disadvantage, does not have direct
access to the ball. In this situation the player anticipates the opponent hitting the
ball one way, starts moving that way, but having guessed wrongly, changes
direction to find the opponent in the way. If the player sufficiently demonstrates
that they would have had a good touch then rules 6.6 and 6.7 will determine the
outcome of the hinder.

6.6. The hindered team is awarded a point if there was interference, which the opponent did not
make every effort to avoid, and the ball is not unplayable (rule 6.5.2).

6.7. The hindered team will get a replay if there was interference, which the opponent made
every effort to avoid, and the ball is not unplayable (rule 6.5.2).

6.7.1. Any faults reset.

Chapter 7: Participant Conduct
7.1. Integrity and Player Conduct

7.1.1. Participants are responsible for knowing the Official USA Roundnet rules and
playing by them.
7.1.2. Participants must play with integrity. The responsibility of fair play is first and
foremost on the players. If a participant knows that they committed any sort of violation,
it is their obligation to call it.
7.1.3. Participants must accept observers’ decisions with appropriate conduct. In case of
doubt or confusion, clarification may be requested.
7.1.4. Participants must refrain from actions or attitudes aimed at influencing the
decisions of the observers.
7.1.5. Participants must abide by timing regulations. (rules 3.10 and 3.11).

7.2. Fair Play - Participants must behave respectfully and courteously in the spirit of fair play, not
only towards the observers, but to opponents, partners, spectators, or tournament personnel.

7.3. Forms of Misconduct - Inappropriate conduct by a player towards observers, opponents,

partners, spectators, or tournament personnel is classified in three categories according to the
seriousness of the offense.

7.3.1. Poor Spirit - a player or team demonstrates a pattern of disregard for the rules, by
committing intentional, repeated, or flagrant infractions (e.g. deliberate interference or
dangerous plays).
7.3.2. Behavioral Misconduct - a player or team exhibits egregious behavior (e.g.
taunting, swearing directed at an official or opponent).
7.3.3. Aggressive Misconduct - Any physical attack or aggressive, threatening behavior.

7.4. Misconduct Remediation - the Tournament Director may entrust authority to any staff,
observers, or other personnel to assess misconduct penalties to players or teams.

7.4.1. Any non-aggressive misconduct will first be issued a warning for the duration of a
7.4.2. Any subsequent non-aggressive misconduct will be penalized with a loss of point.
7.4.3. Any aggressive misconduct will immediately be sanctioned by tournament

7.5. Misconduct Outside of Play - Any misconduct occurring before, between, or after
games/matches are sanctioned according to rule 7.4 and sanctions apply in the following
games. If not observed by a tournament official, this misconduct should be reported to the
Tournament Director. Once a player receives a penalty, they will no longer get warnings in
subsequent matches for that event. Sanctions will start at the penalty level.
Chapter 8: Making Calls and Settling Disagreements
8.1. Calling Service Faults (rule

8.2. Hitting and Play Infractions - Hitting infractions (rule 5.4.1) or play infractions (rule 5.4.2)
must be called immediately after occurrence by saying “violation” and stopping play.

8.3. Calling Hinder - Hinders must be called immediately after occurrence by saying “hinder” or
“violation” and stopping play.

8.4. Disagreements - If teams cannot determine the legality of a hit, serve, or call (when
observers are not present), they must replay the point. Teammates do not have to agree with
each other for that team to issue a disagreement. If three players think one thing, and the fourth
player still disagrees after discussion, this merits replaying the point.

Chapter 9: Observers and Officiation

Refer to the USA Roundnet Officiating Guidelines for details on the role of observers in

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