Development of A New Design For Metro Stations: Marco Aurélio Abreu Peixoto Da Silva
Development of A New Design For Metro Stations: Marco Aurélio Abreu Peixoto Da Silva
Development of A New Design For Metro Stations: Marco Aurélio Abreu Peixoto Da Silva
Gustavo Aguiar
Consórcio AG-CCCC Metrô-SP Linha 5, São Paulo, Brasil,
RESUMO: The concept of Brooklin Station is a five 35 m diameter circular intersecting shafts with
30 m deep with a total excavation surface of 4250 m². Water control and management is
fundamental as all the Brooklin Station area is near a contaminated zone, thus not being possible to
execute any dewatering process. Since the water level is near the surface the structural demand is
also very significant and has to be evaluated. To be able to address all the different challenges, a
new innovative design has been introduced, combining the five shafts design with a diaphragm wall
executed with Hydromill without any external anchoring. The retaining structure is comprised of a
1.0 m thick diaphragm wall, being the juxtaposed panels executed with Hydromill. The balance will
be achieved by internal struts at multiple levels, optimized by the arching effects obtained from the
shaft’s geometry.
Figura 1. Brooklin Station geological section. Figura 2. Contamination plume near Brooklin Station.
3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION solution was proposed, without changing the
original architecture design of the station.
The Metro Company in São Paulo has been Figure 3 shows some design details.
increasingly adopting multiple shafts instead of
trenches as constructive alternatives to their
underground Stations. Besides eliminating the
wall’s anchoring necessity, this methodology
provides a large internal space to accommodate
permanent structures with significant economic
advantages. This solution is feasible in wider
jobsites, with space for the shafts excavation. In Figure 3.Brooklin Station dimensions
the Brooklin Station, the conceptual design
provided the excavation of five circular shafts 3.1 Development of a new design for
aligned, each with a 35 m diameter, resulting in Brooklin Station
140 m of longitudinal development with a total
excavation surface of 4250 m². Figure 3 The adoption of a retaining system composed of
presents Brooklin Station main geometric a 1.0 m thick structural diaphragm wall
characteristics. eliminates the need for dewatering to excavate
For the execution of the five shafts, the the station. Thus, the dewatering effects on the
constructive sequence in the original design neighborhood houses and the slurry wall barrier
contemplated: near the contamination plume are also
1. Execution of a slurry barrier wall, eliminated, avoiding impact on the transit
comprising cement and bentonite, in the five during its construction.
shafts perimeter, to assure excavation stability; The advantages of the shafts circular
2. Excavation of the odd shafts, in several geometry are maintained, with compression as
successive steps of 0.90 m, with application of the main effort in the retaining wall. Besides,
shotcrete (0.35 to 0.45 m thick) reinforced with the diaphragm wall can be considered as a
steel meshes for excavation support; permanent structure whereas the slurry wall and
3. The bottom slab execution of the 3 odd the shotcrete support in the excavation
shafts, as well as part of the waterproof system perimeter were both considered as temporary
and the secondary lining with cast in place and disposable structures in the original
concrete, including the struts between shafts; solution. Therefore, it allows adoption of a
4. Excavation of the even shafts, concomitant thinner secondary lining, reducing
with demolition of part of the odd shafts implementation costs. Furthermore, this
support. The support in this stage would also be retaining system allows to excavate the five
shotcrete with steel meshes; shafts simultaneously, shortening considerably
5. Execution of the 2 even shafts botton slab, construction time.
followed by the waterproof system and the The circular geometry of the shafts as well as
secondary lining. the secancy of diaphragm wall juxtaposed
panels can only be achieved through the use of a
To avoid subpressure during excavation, Hydromill equipment, which also guarantees
submersible pumps in deep wells were foreseen the excavation watertightness. Figure 4 presents
inside the excavation area. The dewatering the retaining wall concept - between two panels
effects could bring towards the excavation the executed with the clam shell (called primary
contamination plume, therefore a 250 m long panels) there is always a panel executed with
slurry wall barrier was design along Santo the Hydromill (secondary panels). Figure 5
Amaro Avenue. To eliminate the dewatering shows the shaft intersection detail panels
effects and the impact on the transit in the (buttress panel).
avenue during the construction of the slurry
wall barrier, a new soil retaining watertight
stages (Figure 6). The soil layers are modeled
using the Mohr-Coulomb constitutive model
(linear elastic perfectly plastic).
The structural elements that comprise the
calculation model are: reinforced concrete
panels (diaphragm wall), capping beam on the
top of the diaphragm wall, four permanent and
one provisional concrete struts and the base
Figure 4.Juxtaposed panels detail.
Figure 7.General overview of the work site
The Hydromill technology is being used for the
first time in a Metro Station in São Paulo. The
procedure consists of a continuous excavation 6 MONITORING
by the reverse circulation model using two
cutting wheels rotating in opposite directions. The monitoring system installed in Brooklin
The loosened excavation material mixes into Station aims to verify the stability condition of
the bentonite slurry suspension, which is the supports provided in the project in terms of
pumped from the trench to a processing plant displacements and structural behavior. It
for material separation. The processing plant comprises surface settlement measurement
consists of screens, sieves and cyclones of points around the station perimeter, tiltmeters in
various sizes which are able to screen out all of the houses around the excavation, piezometers,
the coarse and fine material from the slurry, inclinometers along the diaphragm wall, strain
which can be reused in the next excavation. gages installed in the diaphragm wall and in the
Some difficulties were faced during struts.
operation. In clayey passages, clogging was Since dewatering was avoided by the new
observed in the cutting wheels, reducing design, it is expected low surface settlement
excavation productivity. To overcome this around the excavation and very low damage in
problem, a 80 pre-drilled hole was executed in the surrounding constructions. Figure 8 shows
the surface settlement measured around the This result shows that the assumption of
station in points located from 3 to 6 meters from arching effects was correct; the panel was
the diaphragm wall, since the start of excavation subjected to low bending stresses in its height,
until the base slab execution. It is possible to confirming what had been foreseen in the
notice that the surface settlement was project. As a result, the 90 kg/m³ of steel rate
homogeneous around the excavation, with a proved to be adequate to the predicted behavior.
maximal value of approximately 13 mm, which The inclinometers I06 and I07 were installed
can be considered low relative to the excavation in Shaft 3 axis, one in each side, equidistant to
size. the buttresses between shafts. These
inclinometers also presented similar behavior,
Surface settlements x Time x Excavation advance with the greatest deformation approximately at
a depth of 25 m, between the strut in 4th level
and the base slab. The magnitude of the
Settlement (mm)
deformation in I07 was greater, up to 35 mm,
-10 and the shape of its deformation is similar to a
-15 bi-supported beam with distributed load, with
-20 the lower support behaving as an elastic
01/jan 10/fev 22/mar 01/mai 10/jun 20/jul 29/ago 08/out 17/nov
Excavation - 2m Excavation - 7m Excavation - 14m Excavation - 20m
support. This deformation indicates that the
Excavation - 27m Excavation - 30m Base slab execution arching effect in the intermediate shafts did not
occur as expected. It seems that its final
Figure 8.Surface settlements. deformation is close to a plane strain
deformation. It is also possible to observe that
Twelve inclinometers were installed, in the diaphragm wall toe presented high
panels shown in Figure 9. Inclinometers I01 and deformation, which indicates that it should be
I12 were installed in the south and north ends of larger. Hence, shear stress between panels
the Station axis and presented similar behavior should have been larger than those foreseen.
– low deformation through the whole panel The other 8 inclinometers were installed in
height, with the peak value on the top of the each buttress. I02 and I03 were damaged during
panel (10 mm in I12). their respective panel concreting and could not
be used in this analysis. The remaining
inclinometers showed different deformations.
The ones installed in the east side of the station
showed greater deformations at a depth of 25 m,
whereas the ones on the west side had low
deformation along the height. This behavior
might be explained by the different geological
layers in each side of the excavation. In the
numerical simulation, the soil layers were
assumed horizontal, but during the excavation it
was possible to notice that the very stiff clay
layer had a dip angle, with the depth difference
varying up to 3 m in each side of the station. A
more detailed analysis contemplating the
inclination of the geological layers could
confirm this hypothesis.
Another observed point is related to the
normal forces in the permanent beams inferred
from the final shaft deformation. It can be
inferred that normal tensile forces occurred in
Figure 9.Inclinometer positions.
the superior beams in the final stage. Figures 10
to 12 show the inclinometers data after the
execution of the base slab.
-20 Figure 13.Inside picture from the station during works
-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Displacement (mm)
This paper presented relevant design and
constructive aspects of an innovative solution
Figure 12.Inclinometers I04, I05, I08, I09, I10 and I11 for Brooklin Station, utilizing the Hydromill to
develop a watertight solution for the retaining
Figures 13 and 14 show some pictures from the system.
station during execution. The pictures show the This innovative engineering solution allowed
four levels of permanent struts and the to overcome geological and environmental
provisional strut below the 4th level. difficulties and the results achieved proved that
the project was a success, shortening
construction time and with low deformability
ratio in the retaining structure.
Some considerations regarding design
aspects and observed structure behavior were
also presented. The first conclusion pointed is
that the arching effect was confirmed in the
extreme shafts. As a result, those panels were
subjected to low bending stresses in its height,
confirming what had been foreseen in the
Another conclusion observed is regarding the
differences observed in the whole structure
deformation. It seems that small differences in
the geology leaded to different behaviors in
each side of the station.
The third conclusion pointed is that the
arching effect in the intermediate shafts did not
occur as expected. Its final deformation is close
to a plane strain deformation and, as a result, it
was also possible to observe that the diaphragm
wall toe presented high deformation, indicating
that it should be larger.
Finally, the water-tight solution provided by
construction joints between panels using the
Hydromill was a success. Although the presence
of soft alluvial soil, small settlements were
observed in surface, proving that the solution
avoided dewatering and its harmful effects.