3617-Article Text-14224-1-10-20240304
3617-Article Text-14224-1-10-20240304
3617-Article Text-14224-1-10-20240304
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan preposisi pengukuran Environmental Social and
Governance (ESG) terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif
dengan mengumpulkan data melalui survei literatur. Studi literatur adalah pendekatan untuk memecahkan
masalah dengan meninjau literatur sebelumnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan
dapat menjadi lebih transparan dalam pelaporan keuangan dan kinerjanya jika perusahaan melakukan
komitmen yang kuat terhadap Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) disclosure. Menurut pemangku
kepentingan, ini adalah metode yang sangat baik untuk memberikan informasi yang jelas dan dapat
dipertanggungjawabkan karena pengungkapan Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) perusahaan
dianggap dapat meningkatkan kinerja keuangan perusahaan.
The purpose of this study is to provide a preposition of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG)
measurement on corporate financial performance. This research is a qualitative research by collecting
data through literature survey. Literature study is an approach to solving problems by reviewing
previous literature. The results of this study indicate that companies can become more transparent in
their financial reporting and performance if they make a strong commitment to Environmental Social
and Governance (ESG) disclosure. According to stakeholders, this is an excellent method to provide
clear and accountable information because the company's Environmental Social and Governance
(ESG) disclosure is considered to improve the company's financial performance.
Based on data compiled by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) as of December 2020, there
were 14 ESG-based mutual fund and ETF products with an asset under management (AUM) value of
IDR 3.062 trillion. This figure increased dramatically compared to a year earlier, which was around
IDR 1.7 trillion with 10 products. This upward trend is a continuation of the previous years. In 2018,
ESG-themed managed funds reached Rp 730 billion (seven products), in 2017 Rp 253 billion (2
products), in 2016 Rp 42 billion (2 products), and Rp 36 billion (1 product) in 2015.
The impact of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices on financial performance
should be monitored and measured going forward because doing so can assist businesses in making
the required adjustments and maximizing profits. Some businesses think that by cutting costs,
environmental programs give them a competitive edge. They also think that by focusing on
environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, businesses can improve their financial
performance. (Chen and others, 2023). Businesses can make more accurate business assessments by
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