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Totally Passive approach eliminating the

The ATEX Passive Protection costly maintenance associated with active

System provides a venting and detection or monitored systems.

isolation valve solution to all your

Flexible use of venting approaches. Eliminates
venting vessel applications.
the low Pred requirement of some Flap and
Pinch style valves.

Through the use of Standard Eliminates Powder Blockage considerations

Frangible Vents, Re-settable from product fallout with clean-out technology.

Explosion Doors and/or Monitoring of product build up not required.

Flameless Explosion Vents the

Field Flow and Pressure Adjustments to meet
Atex System provides the
the most stringent process flow
protection alternatives to meet
your process operations.

Explosion Isolation
As long as ATEX has been providing Explosion ATEX engineers set about to provide a full passive
The ATEX Passive Isolation
Protection Systems a truly passive System without many System approach. Vent systems provided many
Valve provides a fully passive
unworkable constraints was not available. Either the options for venting. Solutions were available for many
system that does not require
system could not handle the product flow without major industrial applications. Vents were available that
active dust management or low
restrictions to the dust loading or it had to be monitored reset themselves and were flameless in design for
Pred values to function properly.
for dust fall out because of the design limitations. While indoor use. They lowered the costly inspections to
Metal to Metal seal eliminates
the benefits of standard ATEX Active Control Systems visual and annual inspections verse the quarterly
temperature considerations and
eliminated many of the false activations and maintenance technically advances inspections required by active
disadvantages of other systems it still required a high systems or those requiring active maintenance. But

degree of maintenance procedures. Vent users were the options available for the necessary isolation

increasingly aware that protection of a Dust Collector or function were limited with a decision based on

other process vessel required isolation to provide true benefits verse limitations. No true Passive Solution

protection against secondary and catastrophic events. was available to industrial users.
To meet the need ATEX developed its clean out technology in a
passive oriented system. A valve that could meet the product flow
requirements of today’s processes. The system would by Patent
Pending Design clean out the isolation seal eliminating
consideration of powder being compressed by the closure and
ATEX provides full design
allowing flame to pass. In addition many passive devices had
support for all of its protection additional problems with respect to air flow and pressure release.
systems. Support includes The ATEX pressure adjustment system compensates for process

System Design, Installation flow conditions allowing the pressure setting to be based on a
differential between the normal process air flow and the flow and
Drawings, Field Consultations,
pressure associated with a deflagration. As promised with the
System checkout and
ATEX Passive Explosion Protection System there is a passive
maintenance. Our Florida solution to explosion protection
warehouse has a full stock of

spare parts for all systems.

* As with any Explosion Protection System it must be installed, commissioned and operated in accordance with ATEX standard design criterion. Refer to

ATEX Explosion Protections System Installation Requirements and Operational Manuals before attempting to install or operate a Protection System

While it is impossible for us to

guarantee zero downtime all

ATEX systems are designed to

provide user friendly and

Full Vessel Drawings showing all dimensions. For Bag
maintainable systems.
House Style Dust Collectors the dimensions and
quantity of bags is required.
ATEX is a solutions approach Product information including Kst, Pmax, Pred for the

company. Once a risk is product conveying through the vessel.

determined ATEX provides many

Process Drawings indicating dust lengths and sizes
alternatives for Explosion
downstream and upstream of the vessel.
Prevention and Protection of

your processes. ATEX Venting, Dynamic Vessel Strength if available or static strength if
Suppression and Isolations the dynamic strength is if not available.
Options provide the choices to

meet protection and budgetary For vessels with existing vents the design data including
Kst, Pmax, Pred, etc. is required.
concerns of today’s corporations.
Explosion Isolation Valves
Dan Guaricci
Jay Oukhchi
Steve Light
The Need of a Truly Passive System

Active Safety Controls – Functionality of the valves

requires active and inactive monitoring for operational
effectiveness. Requires factory trained service.
Product Loading – Existing devices have product
loading limitations that restrict use and operation.
Pressure Limitation – The pressure limit of the device
is based on its location to a vented enclosure with a
low Pred.
Air Flow Limitations – An increase in the process air
OFF Target flow will close the valve during normal operation.

Wear and Tear Issues – Require active monitoring of

valves trading one active system for another.
Questionable Approvals – Valves sold with ATEX
certifications have performance limitations not
presented with approvals. Approvals include factors as
dust loading.

Explosion Isolation Valves



Automatic Explosion Isolation Valve

Quick Sliding Valve Designs require Automatic Detection and Controls

Standard Quick Sliding Valve Pop-Pit style Quick Sliding Valve

The Quick Sliding Valve provides an The Quick Sliding Valve provides an
effective isolation method to prevent the effective isolation method to prevent the
spread of a deflagration through ductwork. spread of a deflagration through ductwork.
The QSV Prevents the propagation of flame
and pressure. They do not create a The QSV Prevents the propagation of flame
pressure drop during normal process and pressure. They create a pressure drop
operation. and a low product flow limitation
The valves require automatic detection The valves require automatic detection and
and control systems to operate. These control systems to operate. These require
require quarterly maintenance per NFPA. quarterly maintenance per NFPA.
The ATEX QSV comes complete with anger The QSV comes complete with anger
and slow stroke operation controls. The controls. It is available with slow stroke
Slow Stroke controls enable the unit to be option. The Slow Stroke controls enable the
tested via the control panel maintenance
and operation controls. The feature enables unit to be tested via the control panel
the user to perform the quarterly maintenance and operation controls. The
maintenance required by NFPA. feature enables the user to perform the
quarterly maintenance required by NFPA.

Good But Still OFF TARGET


Automatic Explosion Isolation

Automatic Methods using Automatic Detection and Controls

Dry Chemical Isolation Pinch Valve Isolation

Dry Chemical Isolation provides a The Pinch style isolation valve provides
convenient method when duct size is very limited pressure relief dependent on the
large. Dry Chemical does not have an Pred caused by the associated vent system.
associated pressure drop.
The valve requires an automatic detection
Is a good protection option when
and control system to function properly.
Suppression is the choice for protection This requires quarterly inspection per NFPA.
since maintenance is required.
The basic bladder design is subject to wear
It requires a Control Panel with Active
and tear caused by normal product flow.
Detection and the associated quarterly The functional design requires a large
maintenance as required by NFPA.
activation distance from the isolated vessel.
Cleanup associated with an event or
The valve requires manual inspection to
false activation creates a down time ensure bladder integrity. It also has a large
problem. There is a cost associated with
foot print.
the restoration of protection after any
activation for any reason.



Passive Isolation Valves

Passive Valves with major use limitations

Standard Pop-Pit Valve Flap Style Isolation Valve

The Pop-Pit Style Valve provides an effective The Flap style isolation valve provides
means of isolating explosions in areas where limited pressure relief dependent on the Pred
dust loading is extremely low. It provides an caused by the associated vent system.
inline foot print acceptable to most The basic design is susceptible to product
installations. Its functionality is based on the agglomeration and also wear and tear caused
increased flow associated with the explosions by normal product flow. The system approvals
propagation through ductwork. per ATEX standards at least in one case allows
The limitations in addition to the low flow is no product flow.
the amount of duct work required before and The unit in general is provided with active
after the valve which can be a problem in and automatic wear and tear protection. The
close installations. Its low 20 m/sec flow unit is also provided with active and manual
maximum creates a problem in many process dust loading signals. The manual system
systems. requires the shutdown of the process to test
The only adjustability is a spring for product build up.
replacement that allows a flow up to 25 Depending on the strength of the event
m/sec. Main seal replacement requires reconditioning might be required. It also has
shipment to the factory. a large foot print relative to the ductwork.



Available in Aluminum,
Mild Steel and Stainless
Steel Versions.

Available in Aluminum,
Mild Steel and Stainless
Steel Versions.

ATEX Introduces Truly Passive System

Not a Partially Passive System But a Fully Passive System


The ATEX Passive valve is a Patent Pending The Patent Pending design uses the ATEX’s
design improvement over existing valve clean out technology to clear a path in
designs. The valve provided a low profile product build up ahead of the valve seal.
inline design to meet close tolerance process The field adjustable closing mechanism
configurations. assures proper system calibration based on
The valve has a 10 bar execution eliminating actual field conditions.
concerns on the operation of the venting
system. The valve is available in Mild and If field conditions
change the pressure
Stainless Steel configurations with DIN or ANSI
control unit can be
bolt hole patterns.
programed at the
The system does not require detection, factory and shipped to
controls or power to function properly. the field for simple
The metal to metal valve seal eliminates mechanical installation
wear and tear factors associated with plastic by plant personnel with
and rubber components. limited specialized skill
Available with mechanical and or training using four
Inductive switches for process screws.
Control and signaling.

To Summarize: ATEX Truly Passive System Provides:

A valve without major limitations
- No Active Detection or Controls for Operation
- No Active Monitoring required
- No High Cost Quarterly Factory Maintenance
- No Pred design Limitations
- No Flow Restrictions
- No Required Reconditioning after Activation
- Full Passive valve Activation
- Steel Seals without Wear and Tear Issues
- Field Adjustable to meet Pressure and
Flow Requirements
- Low Downtime

Isolation Valves


Isolation Valve Operational Comparison

Comparison for Active and Passive Valves
Valve Comparisons

Sensors Required QSV QSV Pop-Pit Dry Chemical Pinch Valve Pop-Pit Flap Valve ATEX Valve

Anger Closing Active Active Active Active Passive Passive Passive

Slow Stroke Maintenance Yes Optional N/A N/A N/A No Yes
Testable Without
Distruction Yes Optional NO Yes Yes N/A Yess
Active Monitoring Required Yes N/A Yes Yes No Yes No
Detection and Control Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Dust Loading Limitations No Yes No ? Yes Yes No
Pressure Block Yes Yes Limited Limited Yes Limited Yes
Fire Block Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Reconditioning Limited or No Limited GG Yes Yes No Reset No
Field Pressure Adjustment Yes Sensor Yes Sensor Yes Sensor Yes Sensor No No Yes
Flow Limittions No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Wear and Tear Limitations No No No Yes No Yes No

The above chart reviews the concerns and benefits of explosion isolation valves as
they related to features, functions and benefits so you can determine if the
isolation method you choose is on target for your process.

Overall Foot Print of DN 300 (12”) Valve

One of the most difficult factors
in explosion isolation
implementation is the placement Valve Min. St Length Width Height Weight
Type Dist. Class (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Pounds)
of the isolation devices. (Feet) Max.*

QSV 6 2 75.3 16.4 16.4 150

The size and weight of the device
can limit positioning and at times
QSV 3-10 2 37.2 17.8 27.36 444
prohibit their use. Pop-Pit

Dry 10-20 2 32.3 9.2 11.3 154

Each valve has a placement Chemic
distance determined by its
functional capability that can Pinch 20 2 48.0 34.0 53.0 391
also limit and or prohibit its use.
Pop-Pit 10 2 31.0 22.0 22.0 184

Flap 10-13 1-2** 38.8 22.4 23.6 147.4


ATEX 6-10 2 28.0 19.3 20.8 182


* St 1 = 200 bar-m/sec, St 2 = 300 bar-m/sec, St 3 = >300 bar-m/sec

** DN 300 and below St 2, Above DN 300 St 1

The Passive System

A totally passive system combines protection and isolation components to
meet the same objective with respect to operation, service and


Standard Flameless Resettable

Frangible Explosion Explosion
Vents Vents Doors

The Passive Protection System

Using Standard Frangible Vents, Flameless Explosion Vents or Explosion Doors
Provide alternative protection for various process applications.

Choose the Right Vent

Choose the appropriate vent for
the field conditions, your design
and operational considerations.

Once the vent option is applied,

designed and determined it can be
combined with the ATEX Passive
Isolation Valve to provide a
complete system.


Truly Passive Isolation

As indicated only the New ATEX Passive Valve provides all the operational
features, functions and benefits necessary to totally qualify true passive
isolation system.

The Passive System

Flameless Vents or
With the right vent option and the
ATEX Passive Explosion Isolation
valve a true passive solution is
The following application
guidelines can be followed to make
sure your system design will be as
approved by ATEX Standard System
Approvals and NFPA requirements. Frangible Explosion
Vents or Doors with

Passive Isolation Valve


General System Design Options

Protection Isolation
Standard Frangible Vents provides a cost effective AYEX Passive Isolation Valve is
approach for venting of outside vessels. As an option a truly on target isolation
for inside vessels per NFPA the vents can be ducted device that does not require controls, detection
to the outside of the facility. All venting must be and/or power of any kind
done to a safe area.
ATEX Passive Isolation Valves
Explosion Doors provide an option in situations where Do Not require expensive
the additional cost is out wade by the frequent quarterly maintenance as
closing and openings caused by events. The self required by active detection and or monitoring
reclosing feature provides a benefit in high and systems.
inaccessible areas.
Factory Set Field adjustable
Flameless vents in a rectangular and circular format Pressure settings allow for
provide venting when inside vessels can not be worry free process commissioning.
ducted to the outside of the building.
ATEX On Target Plow Ahead
Flameless vents have lower
Technology eliminates the
maximum Kst ratings then other
concerns over dust loading.
vents. Standard vents can handle
a Kst to 300 bar-m/sec. Circular
flameless vents have a Kst rating ATEX On Target Metal to Metal
up to 250 bar-m/sec and Isolation Seal eliminates the
rectangular flameless vents have Replacement, stock and failure potential of
a maximum rating of 150 bar- valves using rubber and plastic seals that can
m/sec cause protection failure.

Total Passive System Protection

Passive Venting New ATEX Passive Valve Truly Passive System

With the Venting System And adding the ATEX Passive The result is a Passive
that meets your process Valve with its many cost, System that can be installed
needs. functional, operational and without the active
maintenance benefits. maintenance required with
automatic detection and
monitoring systems that
requires factory trained
technicians on a quarterly
ATEX Passive Explosion Protection System

General: The protection of any vessel requires the tool for easy setup and maintenance testing.
protection of the vessel itself and the isolation of the Flameless Explosion Vents: At times the venting to
deflagration to prevent its propagation to other the outside of a facility is not possible because of
process vessels or equipment. Up to now a truly the duct distance to an outside wall.
passive system was not At these times an ATEX flameless
available. Our Passive vent can provide an effective
System offers a wide answer. The flameless vent uses
range of explosion vent standard frangible vents to release
options that optionally into a discharge chamber. The
include frangible, door flameless vents expel the
and/or flameless vents deflagration air through a series
for vessel protection. of many openings around its
Isolation is provided by side retaining burned particulate
the NEW! ATEX fully inside. Available in Cylindrical
Passive Isolation Valve and Rectangular types they
ATEX Standard System Options: The ATEX meet many protection options.
Passive Explosion Protection System provides the Inlet and Outlet Isolation:
use of all the available vent options with an The isolation of connecting duct work is a
isolation device responsive to the propagation of the complicated process where reliability is the major
event without the need for automatic detection of consideration. Many devices such a Quick Sliding
any kind. Valves, Flap Valves, Pop-Pit Style Valves, Pinch
Basic System Components: The two components Valves exist and all have
of the system are a venting device and an isolation operational issues. The New
device for the inlet and outlet duct. ATEX System provides the
Venting Options: protection benefits to lower
Standard Frangible Vents: The most cost the overall operational cost
effective option when applicable is the frangible and process downtime while
vent. Used singly or in providing an innovative
multiples to provide the venting and isolation system
vent area required to with the following features:
reduce pressure growth - Passive activation without the need of
below the limits of the active detection and control systems as
protected vessel. The required by QSV’s.
vents provide a time - Ability to perform during high product
tested reliable device with a definable pressure flows with the potential of product
relief ratting. clogging at the valve closure.
Explosion Doors: The most - No wear and tear issues from the product
cost effective vent when multiple itself on rubber and synthetic surfaces.
activations are expected or when the - No Powder Cleanup Downtime Concern.
replacement of vents after opening is - No Costly Downtime for device retrofit.
very difficult and/or time consuming. - No Costly quarterly factory Trained
They have a self-closing feature which can Maintenance Service required.
minimizes the damage from fire to the filter media. - Does Not Rely on the Pred of a Vent
It also provides quick restoration of protection after System for effective isolation.
an event. Units furnished with a field calibration - Field Adjustable Pressure Release.
DS PV102 Release Date: 7/30/12
The ATEX Passive Isolation valve provides a
unique solution to this problem. Using advanced
passive mechanical design techniques the ATEX
passive valve provides the desirable advantages of
the Pop Pit Style valve including passive explosion
detection and valve activation plus resistance to
abrasions, no system cleanup because of the
suppressant and little or no reconditioning required.
Unlike the standard pop-pit or flap valve the ATEX
Other Passive Product Offering: valves advance design is not affected by product
The flap valve relies on the Vessel Vent flow fall out that would incapacitate these valves.
closure limiting the allowable design pressure to a Product accumulation does not have a point of
7.5 psi maximum. A miscalculation or failure of the system failure. As long as the product does not set
vent system would allow the deflagration to to a solid and remains a powder the system will
overcome the pressure resistance of the valve and push through the blockage and provide the required
allow the deflagration to propagate to other devices. isolation. With a 14 bar pressure ratting the valve
The Flap Style Valve requires the use of an can be used on vessels rated for containment.
The ATEX system
accumulation sensor to monitor process operation.
provides a passive protection
The process must be stopped intermittently to use system with all the associated
the system. The European specifications on the operational and protection
device do not allow its use where dust loading is benefits. With the ATEX
possible. Passive Valve System you use
The need of mechanical and automatic Standard Frangible Low Mass
monitoring equipment eliminates the major benefit Vents, self-reclosing Explosion
of the Passive System. With this valve the system Doors, Flameless Vents and/or Product Containment
needs to be monitored by a control system for a flap with a fully passive low maintenance approach to
fault condition. Since this is an automatic system explosion protection.
maintenance will be require at a 3 month interval as Options
it is critical to reliable system operation.  The ATEX valves are available in Mild Steel
The standard Pop-Pit valve unlike the flap and Stainless Steel Execution.
valve can withstand the full potential pressure of a  Mechanical and Proximity Switches for
deflagration. Its rating is not limited based on the remote valve indication.
Pred of the vent system. But the standard Pop-Pit  ANSI or Din Bolt Hole configurations.
style valve has product flow limitations in ounces of  Variable field adjustable pressure release.
product flow. The valve uses a seal larger than the  Removable release head for easy pressure
pipe size to stop flame propagation. The diameter change in the field and valve inspection.
size difference allows for product build up to will  Valve is mountable in any position without
prevent proper operation. But even with this replacement of system springs.
limitation it is not provided with a Product  Metal Seals do not require replacement or
Accumulation Sensor. temperature concerns.
We have not discussed the Pinch valve  Available in 2 bar gas tight pressure ratting.
because it is a full active valve without passive  Available DN 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400,
operational benefits. 500 and 600 sizes.

ATEX Explosion Protection, L.P.

2629 Waverly Barn Road, Suite 121
Davenport, FL 33897
Ph; 863-424-3000, Fax:863-424-9797
E-mail; sales

DS PV102 Release Date: 7/30/12

Explosion Pressure Relief
Protection Systems

Our Products Increase Your Safety

ATEX - the reliable partner Of course let off pressure

in complex situations for maximum relief
Organic dust in production processes and flammable The most natural and also the most cost-effective
gases in appropriate concentrations and in combination explosion protection method for closed vessels located
with a source of ignition can lead to devastating outside is an ATEX explosion vent. This version of
explosions? You can effectively prevent this with the damage limiting construction provides explosion
ATEX products for explosion pressure relief. protection that allows the pressure and flame to vent
to a safe location lowering the pressure below the
What counts for you is employee safety and continuity structural limit of the protected vessel.
of production. ATEX vent systems provide protection
against the devastating effects of an explosion and the ATEX presents you two effective ways the to protect a
associated damage to your facility and its equipment. vessel prior to destruction by the pressure wave:

• Single-use as a burst vent as described in this

ATEX provides sophisticated solutions for your safety.
• Should this be impractical, ATEX has successfully the
The ATEX concept: Q-Pex system. Explosion flame and Explosion pressure
are caught in a Q tube and the vessel is optimally
• Determine experienced ATEX employees are here to
assist without obligation. They will provide protection
venting in accordance with NFPA or CEN Standards.
We promise to provide: Propagation of an explosion:
• Receive tailor-made solutions that take into account NFPA in its Standards requires explosion isolation to
a cost-benefit point of view and because of our broad prevent the propagation of an event when the
potential exists where it does in most applications.
product range we can provide the system that meets
ATEX has different isolations methods to meet your
your actual needs protection needs. Our broad product range includes
• We can coordinate our varied products to interface passive and automatic methods. Our NEW fully Passive
with your process operations eliminating process Mechanical Explosion Valve provides a valve without
upsets. requiring detection or automatic monitoring without
• While our systems are designed for self service by product flow limits usually associated with other types
of so called passive valves.
your qualified technicians we can provide experienced
technicians for commissioning, maintenance and Rely on ATEX reliable Protection from an experienced
service as required. protection prfessional.
• We provide all of the types of prevention and
protection systems available on the market.
• All ATEX products are constantly under process
recertification under the requirements of 94/9/EC, CEN
and NFPA. We are constantly reviewing our
equipment to improve their operational,
commissioning, maintenance and serviceability to
reduce your operational cost..
ATEX EasyVent – Bursting Discs

ATEX Easy Vents combine reliability and fast opening

times. The all-in-one bursting element ensures
lightweight construction and thus fast opening. The DAE Rectangular
higher service life allows use under the toughest of
conditions with a long service life.

Type Series
ATEX Explosion Protection GmbH provides all common
types of bursting discs. The extensive product range is
divided into three basic types, but we always accept
customer requests for customized venting applications.
Vent Size Dimensions Vent Area
Domed ATEX EasyVent DAE in mm in mm in cm
Systems with pneumatic cleaning systems and with very 229 x 229 309 x 309 510
high vacuum operation require Rupture Disks that have a 205 x 290 285 x 370 580
229 x 305 309 x 385 680
high-pressure cycling life expectancy. For this high load a 150 x 600 230 x 680 880
Domed ATEX EasyVent DAE is the right solution. The 220 x 420 300 x 500 900
vent uses a specially molded arch support without 340 x 385 400 x 445 1280
305 x 457 385 x 537 1380
vacuum-vacuum resistant. Standard equipment includes 247 x 610 327 x 690 1450
the DAE shock absorption and integrated gasket. 340 x 440 400 x 500 1480
300 x 620 380 x 700 1860
Standard Application ATEX EasyVent SAAE 320 x 640 380 x 700 2000
490 x 490 570 x 570 2370
This standard application of the ATEX EasyVent SAAE is 375 x 655 455 x 735 2400
everywhere where the vacuum operation not greater 470 x 610 550 x 690 2800
than 60% of the bursting pressure. The standard 490 x 590 570 x 670 2850
application of the ATEX EasyVent SAAE is for venting in 525 x 668 645 x 788 3400
610 x 610 690 x 690 3650
limited vacuum conditions. The SAAE offers very high 457 x 890 537 x 970 4050
continuous load and over the arched execution flow. 620 x 670 680 x 730 4100
The standard equipment application is for vents not 645 x 645 735 x 735 4100
requiring vacuum support. Standard equipment includes 653 x 653 733 x 733 4200
520 x 1020 600 x 1100 5250
the DAE Shock absorption and integrated gasket. 586 x 920 666 x 1000 5350
500 x 1100 580 x 1180 5400
Standard Application ATEX EasyVent Reinforced 610 x 1118 690 x 1198 6750
SAAER 720 x 1020 800 x 1100 7300
920 x 920 1000 x 1000 8400
The Standard Application ATEX EasyVent Reinforced 915 x 1118 995 x 1198 10000
SAAER offers ATEX Explosion Protection for lighter 1020 x 1020 1100 x 1100 10400
1130 x 1130 1220 x 1220 12500
applications, e.g. Dust the wood industry, silo etc. The
SAAER is suitable for systems with excess pressure and
low pressure operation.

DIN Diameter Dimension Vent Area

in mm in mm in cm
200 208 268 300
250 261 341 480
300 310 390 680
DAE Round 350 342 422 830
400 393 473 1213
450 465 545 1600
500 494 574 1820
600 596 676 2650
700 696 776 3650
750 762 842 4400
800 797 877 4800
900 894 974 6000
1000 995 1075 7600
1100 1124 1214 9850
Vent Size Dimensions Vent Area Vent Size Dimensions Vent Area
in mm in mm in cm in mm in mm in cm
110 x 290 170 x 350 300 110 x 290 170 x 350 300
229 x 229 309 x 309 510 229 x 229 309 x 309 510
205 x 290 285 x 370 580 205 x 290 285 x 370 580
229 x 305 309 x 385 680 229 x 305 309 x 385 680
150 x 600 230 x 680 880 150 x 600 230 x 680 880
220 x 420 300 x 500 900 220 x 420 300 x 500 900
340 x 385 400 x 445 1280 340 x 385 400 x 445 1280
305 x 457 385 x 537 1380 305 x 457 385 x 537 1380
247 x 610 327 x 690 1450 247 x 610 327 x 690 1450
340 x 440 400 x 500 1480 340 x 440 400 x 500 1480
410 x 410 490 x 490 1650 410 x 410 490 x 490 1650
300 x 620 380 x 700 1860 300 x 620 380 x 700 1860
320 x 640 380 x 700 2000 320 x 640 380 x 700 2000
319 x 765 399 x 845 2350 319 x 765 399 x 845 2350
490 x 490 570 x 570 2370 490 x 490 570 x 570 2370
375 x 655 455 x 735 2400 375 x 655 455 x 735 2400
390 x 620 470 x 700 2400 390 x 620 470 x 700 2400
445 x 597 525 x 677 2600 445 x 597 525 x 677 2600
470 x 610 550 x 690 2800 470 x 610 550 x 690 2800
490 x 590 570 x 670 2850 490 x 590 570 x 670 2850
420 x 770 500 x 850 3200 420 x 770 500 x 850 3200
247 x 1345 327 x 1425 3300 247 x 1345 327 x 1425 3300
525 x 668 645 x 788 3400 525 x 668 645 x 788 3400
610 x 610 690 x 690 3650 610 x 610 690 x 690 3650
457 x 890 537 x 970 4050 457 x 890 537 x 970 4050
247 x 1645 327 x 1725 4050 247 x 1645 327 x 1725 4050
620 x 670 680 x 730 4100 620 x 670 680 x 730 4100
645 x 645 735 x 735 4100 645 x 645 735 x 735 4100
653 x 653 733 x 733 4200 653 x 653 733 x 733 4200
669 x 669 735 x 735 4350 669 x 669 735 x 735 4350
630 x 730 710 x 810 4550 630 x 730 710 x 810 4550
520 x 1020 600 x 1100 5250 520 x 1020 600 x 1100 5250
586 x 920 666 x 1000 5350 586 x 920 666 x 1000 5350
500 x 1100 580 x 1180 5400 500 x 1100 580 x 1180 5400
750 x 750 830 x 830 5600 750 x 750 830 x 830 5600
420 x 1420 500 x 1500 5950 420 x 1420 500 x 1500 5950
629 x 1004 689 x 1064 6000 629 x 1004 689 x 1064 6000
500 x 1350 580 x 1430 6700 500 x 1350 580 x 1430 6700
610 x 1118 690 x 1198 6750 610 x 1118 690 x 1198 6750
720 x 1020 800 x 1100 7300 720 x 1020 800 x 1100 7300
920 x 920 1000 x 1000 8400 920 x 920 1000 x 1000 8400
970 x 970 1050 x 1050 9400 970 x 970 1050 x 1050 9400
915 x 1118 995 x 1198 10000 915 x 1118 995 x 1198 10000
586 x 1727 666 x 1807 10000 586 x 1727 666 x 1807 10000
1000 x 1000 1080 x 1080 10000 1000 x 1000 1080 x 1080 10000
1020 x 1020 1100 x 1100 10400 1020 x 1020 1100 x 1100 10400
790 x 1340 870 x 1420 10500 790 x 1340 870 x 1420 10500
720 x 1670 800 x 1750 12000 720 x 1670 800 x 1750 12000
1130 x 1130 1220 x 1220 12500 1130 x 1130 1220 x 1220 12500
920 x 1380 1000 x 1460 12500 920 x 1380 1000 x 1460 12500
1130 x 1727 1230 x 1827 19200 1130 x 1727 1230 x 1827 19200
1000 x 2000 1080 x 2080 19500 1000 x 2000 1080 x 2080 19500

Fastening Frame
Seals The necessary mounting frame can match drilled and
All bursting discs are factory Supplied with complete supplied welded as required. The frame material is is
flange gaskets. Standard material is EPDM with a
available in galvanized structural steel or Stainless
temperature resistance from-40 ° C to + 120 ° C.
Optionally available at extra cost:
Silicone-50° C to + 200° C
Klinger-100° C up to + 400° C
Ceramic-100° C up to + 900° C
Bursting Sensor
Other materials available on request. It is possible to monitor the vent opening with an
optional bursting sensor. The sensor signals that
Opening of the frangible disk by a dust explosion has
occurred. Plant processes and/or components such as
fans or cell wheel locks can be switched off via the
sensor activation. The sensor unit is also suitable use in
food systems.

Insulating tapes consist of non-mineral fiber according
to DIN 1259 and with aluminum cover sealed and
waterproof for outdoor use. The Insulation is firmly
attached to the bursting disc to prevent a fly away in
the reactions. ATEX GmbH insulators do not have
explosion protection impact on the ability of the vent
to open as required. The insulation has been tested by
renowned institutes in explosion equipment testing.
The thickness of the insulation is customized as
ATEX Experience and Products are available everywhere in the world!

ATEX experience and products are everywhere in the world!

ATEX protection systems and safety solutions have been

providing fire and explosion protection for many years.
Our years of experience from industry and safety technology
provides data base for superior system designs.
The ATEX Fire and explosion protection concept linkes
the practical conditions of a production-oriented
Industrial Plant with the necessary measures to
the provide protection and ensure the smooth operation of
the facility while lowering the ongoing cost.

The ATEX competent sales associate for will gladly provide a

quotation and non-binding deal with your review.

Contact Information for ATEXX agencies around the world and in your area.


Auf der Alm 1 Akazienweg 8
59519 Moehnesee 64665 Alsbach
Phone: +49 (0) 29 24.87 90-0 Phone: +49 (0) 62 57.6 97 53
Fax +49 (0) 29 24.87 90-455 Fax: +49 (0) 62 57.6 97 57


2629 Waverly Barn Road, Suite 121 Warrington Lane, Lymm
Davenport FL 33897 Cheshire WA13 OSW
Phone: 863-424-3000 Phone: +44 (0) 1925.75 51 53
Fax: 863-424-9797 Fax: +44 (0) 1925.75 58 92

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