Tpy Dna
Tpy Dna
Tpy Dna
Keywords: Ten 4′- (R-phenyl) -2,2′: 6′, 2′ – terpyridine ligands (R = hydrogen (L1), hydroxyl (L2), methoxyl (L3), methyl
Copper(II) nitrate complexes sulfonyl (L4), methyl (L5), phenyl (L6), fluoro (L7), chloro (L8), bromo (L9), and iodo (L10)) were synthesized.
Substituted-phenyl-terpyridine The reaction of these ligands with copper(II) nitrate led to complexes 1–10. The characterization of 1–10 was
Antiproliferative activity
carried out by means of mass spectrometry, elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and X-ray single crystal
DNA binding calculation
diffraction. Four cell lines including esophageal cancer cell line (Eca-109), human liver cancer cell line (Bel-
Molecular docking
7402), human breast cancer cell line (SIHa) and human normal liver cell line (HL-7702) were selected to carry
out antiproliferation and cytotoxicity experiments in vitro. The results showed that the complexes have strong
inhibitory ability on the growth of tumor cells. In order to study the anticancer mechanism of the complexes, the
binding mode and binding ability of the complexes with DNA were further determined and discussed with
UV–Vis spectroscopy and circular dichroism. The effects of the lowest binding energy and hydrogen bond on the
binding were studied using molecular docking calculation.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (X. Xue), (X. Fan), (Z. Ma).
Received 11 September 2023; Received in revised form 13 October 2023; Accepted 21 October 2023
Available online 21 October 2023
0162-0134/© 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
K. Lin et al. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 250 (2024) 112418
advantages, substituted terpyridine complexes may become excellent (1) and N(3) atoms at the ligand are located at both ends of the axis, and
potential anticancer drugs. According to research findings, substituted the N(2) atoms and the two O atoms of the two nitrate ions are located in
terpyridine ligands have excellent biological activity when combined the central plane. The average bond length of the Cu–N bond in the
with metal ions such as zinc [27–31], palladium [32] and silver [33]. Li structure is 1.974 Å, and the average bond length of the Cu–O bond is
and Guan's research works on copper (II) chloride terpyridine complexes 2.152 Å.
have proved the anti-tumor activity of copper complexes that the change There is no classical hydrogen bonding in the structure, but several
of the anions of metal salts may have a greater impact on the biological intermolecular π - π interactions exist in its structure. The centroid dis
activity of the complexes [34,35]. tance of the intermolecular π - π interaction formed between the ter
Based on this observation, complexes 1–10 were designed and syn minal pyridine ring of the complex: N(1)-C(1)-C(2)-C(3)- C(4)-C(5) and
thesized by using the substituted terpyridine ligands L1–10 and copper the central pyridine ring N(2)-C(6)-C(7)-C(8)-C(9)-C(10) is 3.692 Å. The
(II) nitrate. Their structural formula is [Cu(NO3)2LX (LX ¼ L1–10)], and crystal diagram and cell stacking diagram of other complexes are shown
their structural diagram is shown in Scheme 1. Their structures were in the Figs. S21 and S22.
characterized and confirmed by mass spectrometry, elemental analysis,
infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction method. Their anticancer 2.3. Anti-cancer activities
activities were investigated by in vitro antiproliferative activity mea
surement. The binding ability of the complexes with DNA was investi In order to evaluate the anti-cancer ability of complexes 1–10, four
gated by circular dichroism and ultraviolet spectroscopy. In addition, cell lines, including human esophageal cancer cells (Eca-109), human
the binding modes of these complexes with biological macromolecules, liver cancer cells (Bel-7402), human breast cancer cells (SIHa) and
such as DNA and DNA Topoisomerase, were calculated by molecular human normal liver cells (HL-7702) were selected for in vitro anti-
docking simulation. Through the above research, we aim to investigate proliferation experiments. The IC50 values of the complexes were
whether they have the potential to become a new generation of anti calculated according to the dose survival curve of the growth inhibition
cancer drugs. of the four cell lines, and the authenticity and effectiveness of the
complexes were judged by cell morphology and survival number.
2. Results and discussion Meanwhile, the commercially available cisplatin was used as a com
parison to evaluate the potential value of the complex as an anticancer
2.1. Synthesis and characterization drug.
Fig. 2 shows the 72 h inhibitory effect of complexes 1–10 against
Substituted terpyridine ligands L1-L10 used in the experiment were liver cancer cell Bel-7402. The results of these complexes on Eca-109,
prepared by intermediate condensation of 2-acetylpyridine with a SIHa, and HL-7702 cells are shown in Figs. S23-S25. It can be seen
benzaldehyde with different groups like hydrogen, hydroxy, methoxy, from the figure that the cancer cells have obvious dose-dependent effect
methyl sulfonyl, methyl, phenyl, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodo, on copper(II) terpyridine complexes: when the complex concentration is
respectively. Dissolve the obtained ligands and copper(II) nitrate tri high, the cell survival rate is low. It is worth noting that from the dose-
hydrate in dichloromethane and methanol at a ratio of 1:1, and add the dependent results, in normal cells HL-7702, complex 9 exhibits weak
ligand solution dropwise into the metal ion solution. After stirring, stand toxicity at low concentrations, and the drug with the lowest concen
and slowly vaporize to obtain the crude products. After washed with tration in normal cells even exhibits cell promoting effects, while this
methanol and dichloromethane solvents, complexes1–10 can be phenomenon is not observed in Eca-109 and SIHa cells. Through this
obtained. phenomenon, we can control the drug concentration to make it less toxic
to the normal cells while having an inhibitory effect on the cancer cells.
2.2. Elucidation of the structures of the complexes The Figs. S26-S29 show the morphology of cells under different con
centrations of the complexes. From the figures, it can be seen that there
The crystals of complexes 2–5, 8, 10 are obtained by hydrothermal or are significantly more cells at low concentrations, and the contour is
evaporation methods (See Table 1). The crystal structures of this series clearly visible; at high concentrations, the number of the cells sharply
of complexes are similar, consisting of a ligand molecule, a copper metal decreases, and a large number of necrotic cells were found, and there
ion, and two nitrate ions. The coordination mode of the copper ion is Cu were also phenomena such as blurred boundaries of the surviving cells.
(NO3)2. Complex 2 is used as an example for illustration of their struc However, in SIHa cells, although there was a difference between the
tures (Fig. 1). Three N atoms at the ligand molecule and two O atoms at number of the cells at the highest concentration and that at the lowest
two nitrate ions together form a triangular bipyramidal geometry. The N concentration, it was relatively not obvious, which is consistent with the
results shown in the dose-dependent graph, to indicate that the inhibi
tory effect of copper(II) nitrate complexes on SIHa cells is not obvious.
Table 2 and Fig. 3 list the IC50 values of complexes 1–10 and cisplatin
on the four test cells. From a numerical perspective, the IC50 values of
the complexes are all lower than those of cisplatin and the difference is
significant. This means that the inhibitory effect of the complexes on the
cancer cells is more significant than that of cisplatin. From the
perspective of the different cell lines, the inhibitory effects of the com
plexes on Eca-109 and Bel-7402 cell lines are significantly higher than
that of SIHa cell line, which is consistent with the results shown by the
dose-dependent curve. Among them, it is worth noting that complex 2
exhibits extremely strong inhibitory ability on all the three cancer cell
lines, and has a series of lowest IC50 values on Eca-109 cell line, with
extremely significant effects. In the cell morphology diagram, it can also
be observed that there is almost no cell survival in the Eca-109 cell line
corresponding to complex 2 at high concentrations, which may be
caused by hydrogen bonds generated by the hydroxyl substituent. At the
same time, the inhibitory ability of complex 10 against Eca-109 cell line
Scheme 1. The structures of complexes 1–10. has a large gap with the other cell lines, close to one tenth of the IC50
K. Lin et al. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 250 (2024) 112418
Table 1
Crystal data of complexes 2–5, 8, 10.
Complex 2 3 4 5 8 10
K. Lin et al. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 250 (2024) 112418
Fig. 2. The plots of cell viability vs the concentration of complexes 1–10 against Bel-7402 cells.
Table 2
IC50 values (μM) of complexes 1–10 and the reference complex cisplatin against Eca109, SIHa, Bel-7402 and HL-7702 cells obtained from the dose–response assay.
Complexes Eca-109 SIHa Bel-7402 HL-7702
(μM) intervals (μM) (μM) intervals (μM) (μM) intervals (μM) (μM) intervals (μM)
interaction between the complexes and DNA. complexes 1, 2, 3and 5 first weakens and then increases, while the other
complexes show a continuous weakening trend, indicating that the
2.4.2. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements complexes have an impact on the accumulation of DNA bases, The
Circular dichroism is a common method for exploring the structural different manifestations of strength may be due to the significant in
changes of chiral substances, used to study changes in DNA structure fluence of the substituent structure caused by changes in substituents on
[42–44]. The interaction between the copper(II) nitrate complexes and the π - π stacking and hydrogen bonding interactions between DNA base
DNA was investigated by high-precision circular dichroism. Fig. 5 and pairs and complexes, thereby altering the interaction generated by their
the Fig. S31 show the CD spectra of complexes 1–10 binding to different binding. Of course, both the weakening of the negative peak intensity
amounts of CT-DNA. The CD spectra of DNA after the addition of all the and the different changes in the positive peak are important manifes
complexes exhibit characteristic positive absorption peaks near 276 nm tations of the embedding binding between the complex and DNA, as the
and characteristic negative absorption peaks near 247 nm. other two no-covalent binding do not cause changes in right-handed
According to the analysis of the circular dichroism of the binding helicity and base stacking. It is worth noting that the red shift of the
between the complex and CT-DNA, the negative peaks at 245-250 nm of positive peak in the spectrum of copper based complexes is extremely
all complexes show a trend of gradually increasing color with the in significant. The main reason for the red shift in the spectrum is that
crease of the concentration of the complex. This indicates that as the when the complex is embedded into the DNA structure, it changes the
concentration of the complex increases, the right-handed helicity of structure and geometric configuration of the DNA. The magnitude of the
DNA gradually weakens; The positive peak changes at 275-300 nm vary red shift represents the strength of the configuration change. Such a
with the substituents of the complexes. The positive peak intensity of clear red shift indicates that complexes 1–10 have a significant impact
K. Lin et al. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 250 (2024) 112418
Fig. 3. IC50 values (μM) from the dose-response assay of complexes 1–10 and cisplatin against the Eca-109、SIHa、Bel-7402 and HL-7702 cell lines, after an in
cubation time of 48 h.
K. Lin et al. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 250 (2024) 112418
K. Lin et al. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 250 (2024) 112418
macromolecules. νC=N), 1554(m, νC=C), 1504(m, νC=C),1471 (s, νC=C), 1427 (s,
νC=C), 1387(s, βC–H), 1326 (m, βC–H), 1286 (s, βC–H), 1149 (m,
3. Conclusion βC–H), 1095 (w, βC–H), 1012 (m, βC– H), 966(w, γC–H), 844 (w, γC–H),
798 (m, γC–H), 773 (m, γC–H), 727 (m, γC–H), 678 (w, γC–H), 652 (m),
In this paper, ten complexes 1–10 of the substituted terpyridines 557(m), 534(m). ESI-MS: [CuLB4OHCH3]+: (485.00, 94.47%),
were synthesized with copper(II) nitrate as metal salt, and characterized [CuLB4NO3]+: (512.02, 2.83%).
by elemental analysis, circular dichroism, mass spectrometry and X-ray [Cu(NO3)2L5] (5), Elemental analysis: Anal. Calcd for C22H17Cu
diffraction. In vitro anticancer experiments have shown that complexes N5O6⋅3.6CH2Cl2⋅2.5H2O: C, 35.68; H, 3.42; N, 8.13, Found: C, 35.41; H,
1–10 have a high ability to kill the cancer cells, and some of them have 3.47; N, 8.46. IR (KBr disc, cm− 1): 3070 (m, νC–H), 1604 (s, νC=N),
low cytotoxicity to the normal cells, which indicate their potential as 1550(m, νC=C), 1477(s, νC=C),1402 (s, νC=C), 1384(s, βC–H), 1325(m,
anticancer drugs. The UV titration results show that the series of com βC–H), 1280 (s, βC–H), 1247 (w, βC–H), 1097 (w, βC–H), 1018 (m, βC–
plexes can effectively bind to CT-DNA and have excellent binding abil H),821 (w, γC–H), 792 (m, γC–H), 748 (m, γC–H), 727 (m, γC–H), 651
ity. The substituents at the ligand can affect the binding ability of the (w, γC–H),651(m), 580 (m). ESI-MS: [CuLB5OHCH3]+: (421.03,
complexes, and the results are consistent with the anticancer properties. 88.21%), [CuLB5NO3]+: (448.08, 10.60%).
Circular dichroism experiments have demonstrated that the complexes [Cu(NO3)2L6] (6), Elemental analysis: Anal. Calcd for C27H19Cu
can alter the conformation of DNA, thereby affecting cell activity. The N5O6⋅4.2CH2Cl2⋅H2O: C, 39.54; H, 3.13; N, 7.39, Found: C, 39.81; H,
results of molecular docking calculation also corroborate the results of 3.37; N, 7.08. IR (KBr disc, cm− 1): 3062 (m, νC–H), 1608 (s, νC=N),
anti-cancer experiments, and the binding mode with Topoisomerase 1552 (m, νC=C), 1473 (s, νC=C),1427 (s, νC=C), 1384 (s, βC–H), 1296
proves that the ability of the complexes to affect cell activity may be (s, βC–H), 1247 (m, βC–H), 1163 (w, βC–H), 1012 (m, βC– H), 895 (w,
diverse. γC–H), 827 (w, γC–H), 794 (m, γC–H), 727 (m, γC–H), 698 (w, γC–H),
653 (m). ESI-MS: [LB6 + H+]+: (385.04, 49.96%), [CuLB6 + H+]+:
4. Experimental section (442.98, 77.68%).
[Cu(NO3)2L7] (7), Elemental analysis: Anal. Calcd for C21H14Cu
Chemicals used in this study were of analytical grade and used as N5O6F⋅3.6CH2Cl2⋅4.5H2O: C, 32.77; H, 3.38; N, 7.77, Found: C, 32.47;
procured from commercial sources. Elemental analyses were run on an H, 3.02; N, 7.56. IR (KBr disc, cm− 1): 3062 (m, νC–H), 1602 (s, νC=N),
Elementar Vario EL III Elemental Analyzer. IR spectra were determined 1564 (m, νC=C), 1515 (m, νC=C), 1473 (s, νC=C), 1434 (m, νC=C),
with a Nicolet iS10 using potassium bromide tablet of complex. Single 1382 (s), 1296 (s, βC– H), 1228 (s, νC–F), 1162 (m, βC–H), 1105 (m,
crystal X-ray diffractions were measured using an Agilent SuperNova βC–H), 1016 (s, βC–H), 892 (w, γC–H), 844 (m, γC– H), 798 (s, γC–H),
diffractometer. Optical densities were recorded using a microplate 750 (s, γC–H), 727 (s, γC–H), 651 (m) and 580 (m). ESI-MS: [CuLB7 +
reader (Infnitem200 Pro). Circular dichroism spectrum of the complexes H+]+: (390.53, 83.91%), [CuLB7NO3]+: (452.03, 43.03%).
with DNA was performed on a Chiracan CD spectropolarimeter (Applied [Cu(NO3)2L8] (8), Elemental analysis: Anal. Calcd for C21H14Cu
Photophysics, UK). UV–Vis absorption spectrum was performed using a N5O6Cl⋅1.5CH2Cl2⋅2.5H2O: C, 38.40; H, 3.15; N, 9.95, Found: C, 38.26;
Beckman coulter DU800 (Brea, CA, USA). MS spectra were recorded on H, 2.81; N, 9.87. IR (KBr, disc, cm− 1): 3064 (m, νC–H), 1608 (s, νC=N),
an Exactive Mass Spectrometer, followed by ESI ionization. The MS 1552 (m, νC=C), 1475 (s, νC=C), 1473 (s, νC=C), 1384 (s), 1247(w,
spectra can be found in the SI. βC–H), 1161 (w, βC–H), 1072 (w, βC–H), 1014 (m, βC–H), 895 (w,
γC–H), 827 (m, γC–H), 794 (s, γC–H), 725 (w, νC–Cl), 698 (m) and 651
4.1. Synthesis (m). ESI-MS: [CuLB8OH]+: (421.03, 88.21%), [CuLB8NO3OH]+: (484.99,
The ligands L1–L10 were synthesized according to the literature. A [Cu(NO3)2L9] (9), Elemental analysis: Anal. Calcd for C21H14Cu
mixture of Cu(NO3)2 (2 mmol) and ligands (1 mmol) in 10 mL DMF was N5O6Br⋅2.6CH2Cl2⋅3H2O: C, 33.32; H, 2.99; N, 8.23, Found: C, 33.59; H,
stirred overnight at room temperature and washed with CH2Cl2/CH3OH 3.21; N, 8.07. IR (KBr, disc, cm− 1): 3062 (m, νC–H), 1608 (m, νC=N),
after fltering the solution to prepare complexes 1–10. High quality 1550 (w, νC=C), 1554 (m, νC=C), 1473 (s, νC=C), 1431 (s, νC=C), 1384
crystals of complexes 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 were obtained by slowly (s), 1247 (m, βC–H), 1161 (w, βC–H), 1072 (w, βC–H), 1024 (m, βC–H),
evaporating their DMF solution at room temperature. 1004 (m, βC–H), 896 (w, γC–H), 829 (m, γC–H), 794 (m, γC–H), 748 (w,
[Cu(NO3)2L1] (1) was synthesized according to the literature γC–H), 725 (m, γC–H), 653 (m, νC–Br). ESI-MS: [CuLB9 + H+]+: (451.11,
[55,56]. 86.26%), [CuLB9NO3]+: (513.95, 11.29%).
[Cu(NO3)2L2] (2), Elemental analysis: Anal. Calcd for C21H15Cu [Cu(NO3)2L10] (10), Elemental analysis: Anal. Calcd for C21H14Cu
N5O7⋅3.2CH2Cl2⋅H2O: C, 36.21; H, 2.94; N, 8.72, Found: C, 35.87; H, N5O6I⋅4.1CH2Cl2⋅1.6H2O: C, 30.15; H, 2.56; N, 7.00, Found: C, 29.83; H,
2.46; N, 8.31. IR (KBr disc, cm− 1): 3437(m, νO–H), 3070 (m, νC–H), 2.26; N, 6.73. IR (KBr, disc, cm− 1): 3062(m, νC–H), 1602 (m, νC=N),
1596 (s, νC=N), 1521(m, νC=C), 1473 (s, νC=C), 1415 (s, νC=C), 1382 1564 (w, νC=C), 1515 (m, νC=C), 1473 (s, νC=C), 1434 (m, νC=C),
(s, βC–H), 1280 (m, βC–H), 1232 (s, βC–H), 1184 (m, βC–H), 1118 (w, 1382 (s), 1228 (m, βC–H), 1162 (m, βC– H), 1103 (w, βC–H), 1016 (m,
βC–H), 1062 (w, βC–H), 1024 (m, βC– H), 893 (w, γC–H), 842 (m, γC–H), βC–H), 893 (w, γC–H), 844 (m, γC–H), 798 (s, γC–H), 750 (w, γC–H),
792 (m, γC–H), 750 (m, γC–H), 725 (m, γC–H), 692 (w, γC–H), 652 (m), 651 (m) and 580(m, νC–I). ESI-MS: [CuLB10 + H+]+: (499.91, 93.15%),
568(m). ESI-MS: [CuLB2 + H+]+: (388.09, 30.42%), [CuLB2NO3]+: [CuLB10NO3]+: (559.91, 37.85%).
(451.86, 88.61%).
[Cu(NO3)2L3] (3), Elemental analysis: Anal. Calcd for C22H17Cu 4.2. X-ray determinations
N5O7⋅1.7CH2Cl2⋅2.6H2O: C, 39.64; H, 3.59; N, 9.75, Found: C, 39.27; H,
3.16; N, 9.38. IR (KBr disc, cm− 1): 3068 (m, νC–H), 1596 (s, νC=N), Single crystals 2–5,8,10 were installed on glass fibers for diffraction
1522(m, νC=C), 1473 (s, νC=C), 1433 (s, νC=C), 1383(s, βC–H), 1304 experiments. Single crystal X-ray diffraction intensity data was collected
(m, βC–H), 1238 (s, βC–H), 1186 (m, βC–H), 1161 (w, βC–H), 1062 (w, using an Agilent SuperNova diffractometer, using ω Scanning at 0.5◦ per
βC–H), 1026 (m, βC– H), 835 (w, γC–H), 792 (m, γC–H), 748 (m, γC–H), frame, monochromatic Mo-K α (λ = 0.71073 Å) radiation to obtain a
725 (m, γC–H), 692 (w, γC–H), 654 (m), 586(m). ESI-MS: complete data sphere. The cell parameters were retrieved by the Agilent
[CuLB3OCH3]+: (434.01, 95.71%), [CuLB3NO3]+: (464.05, 5.99%). CrysAlsPro software and all observed reflections were refined using
[Cu(NO3)2L4] (4), Elemental analysis: Anal. Calcd for C22H17Cu Agilent CrysAlsPro. The structure was solved directly using the SHELXS-
N5O8S⋅0.6CH2Cl2⋅1.8H2O: C, 41.23; H, 3.34; N, 10.64, Found: C, 40.87; 97 package, and refined using the SHELXS-97 package. It was calculated
H, 3.02; N, 10.33. IR (KBr disc, cm− 1): 2924 (m, νCH2–H), 1610 (s, with WinGX System-Version 1.80.03. The remaining hydrogen atoms
K. Lin et al. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 250 (2024) 112418
were inserted into the calculated positions. Using least squares acquisition, Writing – review & editing.
improvement, the thermal motion parameters of all nonhydrogen atoms
were anisotropic, while the other atoms were isotropic.
Declaration of Competing Interest
4.3. Cytotoxicity and antiproliferative activities studies
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
The cytotoxicity and antiproliferative activities of the complexes
the work reported in this paper.
were determined to evaluate by CCK-8 assay in three human cancer cell
lines (Eca-109, SIHa and Bel-7402) and one normal cell line (HL-7702).
Data availability
All cells were cultured in DMEM medium supplemented with 10% fetal
bovine serum, 100 U/mL penicillin and 100 U/mL streptomycin at 37 ◦ C
All data are included in the Supporting Information of this article.
and 5% CO2. Cells were inoculated into 96 well plates with 3000 cells
per well. After 16 h, a series of concentrations of complexes 1–10 were
added to the predetermined wells and incubated for 48 h. The inverted Acknowledgements
microscope (Nikon Eclipse TS100) and Nikon digital camera (DXM
1200F) were used to observe the cell morphology and image. The cell This research was founded by the National Natural Science Foun
survival rate was measured using the commercial cell counting kit-8 dation of China (Grant No. 21261002) , the College Students' Innovative
(CCK-8) (Beyotime Biotechnology, China). GraphPad Prism 5.0 Entrepreneurial Training Plan Program of Guangxi University
(GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA) is used to calculate the 50% (S202210593279) and the Scientific Project of Guangxi Minzu Univer
inhibition concentration (IC50). sity (Grant: 2020KJQD08).
Using 5 mM Tris-HCl and 50 mM NaCl (pH 7.2) as buffer, the UV–Vis Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
spectra of the complexes were measured using a DU 800 UV–Vis spec org/10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2023.112418.
trophotometer (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA). Dissolved the weighed
complex in 1 mL DMSO solution to prepare 2 mmol/L stock solution. References
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