Cause of Death Research
Cause of Death Research
Cause of Death Research
Teaching as a profession like any other profession has prescribed services it renders to
any human society. It is therefore; absolutely necessary for many individuals who went to
become a teacher to acquire skills and demands. Teaching practice is a vital aspect of teacher
teachers to be exposed to the realities of teaching and professional activities in the field of
education (Okubia, E., et. al. 2013). Teaching internship programs are designed to smooth the
transition from student to teacher. At the same time the teaching internship assignment gives the
teacher training institutions an opportunity to evaluate the teaching capabilities of their soon-to-
teacher education programs, not only because it provides student teachers with first-hand
experience, but also because it is an opportunity for them to put into action everything they have
learned about education and their subject matter (Jarrah, A.M. 2020).
According to Ganal, N. et. al. (2016) underscored the known fact that student teachers
lack the skills and capability to effectively and efficiently perform the role of a teacher. Student
teachers are prompted with the problems and difficulties in terms of instruction, classroom
management, evaluation, school, learners, teachers and other stakeholders among others.
various aspects of a teacher's work. Teacher training institutions need to examine these
experiences in an authentic environment, particularly those that were found difficult by pre-
service teachers and the factors that contributed to these experiences. These are valuable inputs
for the assessment and enhancement of the Practice Teaching Programs of institutions. Moreover,
these are crucial information needed in curriculum review and the planning and administration of
programs and activities that will enhance the different phases of Practice Teaching (Navera, P.
M., Ursua, A. C. 2020). Through detecting the challenges and difficulties experienced by
preservice student teachers could lead to a feasible way to better the quality of the practicum and
build positive attitudes towards teaching careers. Such practices could lead to a well-designed
teaching practicum, which ensures that teacher training programs can produce high-quality
This study is conceived to determine the challenges encountered by the student teachers
of Bachelor of Elementary Education of Core Gateway College Inc. during their internship.
Many upcoming student teachers would have wanted to know the challenges or problems during
the internship and presumably solutions to those challenges. Understanding the challenges
encountered during internship can better prepare student teachers for the realities of classroom
teaching, leading to increased confidence and efficacy. Addressing challenges identified in the
study can lead to the refinement of teaching practices, ultimately benefiting students' learning
student teachers can contribute to the overall quality assurance of teacher preparation programs,
ensuring that graduates are better equipped for the demands of the profession. Schools can use
insights from the study to tailor professional development opportunities for mentor teachers and
faculty members, enhancing their ability to support and guide student teachers effectively.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the challenges encountered of the students
Practice Teaching
Teaching Practice (TP) is a common feature of any teacher education program that ends
up providing graduates with a recognized teaching certificate. It is the practical use of teaching
methods and strategies that the student-teacher learned in the college. During teaching practice, a
student-teacher is allowed to try the art of teaching before getting into the real world of the
teaching profession (Ebrahim, et al, 2017). Furthermore, teaching practice goes beyond just
knowing what to teach and knowing how to teach, however, the purpose of teaching practice is
to develop several competencies in the trainee teacher which include interpersonal, pedagogical,
Additionally, Panda, S. and Nayak, R. N. (2014) novice teachers mainly face problems related to
managing students and maintaining discipline in classroom. However other problems such as
using teaching aids, communication related problems also explored during the investigation.
Further it is suggested that teacher educators must counsel students to solve such problems
In the study of Elmabruk (2020) defined teaching practice “as the opportunity given to
trainee teachers to apply the knowledge and skills they acquired during the theoretical part of
their preparation period in the hope to become proficient practicing teachers’’. However, through
looking at the vision and mission of several teacher preparation institutions all over the world, it
becomes clear that the main goal for those institutions is to prepare teachers to be able to teach
using modern teaching methods and technology. This can only be achieved by providing student
teachers with sufficient theoretical information besides helping them to acquire the skills of
According to Bansiong, A. (2021), the PSTs were most concerned about pupil control and
classroom management, adapting to the learners’ individual needs and interests, motivating
learners, selecting appropriate strategies, and lesson planning. In contrast, the PSTs were least
concerned about their self-confidence, background knowledge, and ability to adapt to limited
resources. Moreover, student-teachers have to deal with many kinds of students. One of the
obstacles that produces more pressure is when a student-teacher meets or deals with passive
students (Rakasiwi, 2013). Passive students are one of many factors that necessarily build
anxiety in student-teachers as they are perceived as real teachers rather than a student who is in
Based on Napanoy, J. et. al. (2021), individual differences greatly affect the students’
attitudes and behaviors. With these different attitudes and behaviors, pre-service teachers find it
difficult to identify appropriate activities, and strategies to use. Pre-service teachers who were
deployed in big schools observed that the attitude and behaviors of their students are greatly
affected by the size of the room, and lack of facilities. Hence, students are not focused during
class activities. With the problems encountered due to students’ attitudes and behaviors, it was
suggested that training on blended learning, output-based activities, and new teaching strategies
size and space, time management, and family factors. Among the challenges, student’s
misbehavior rose as the major and prominent problem of the pre-service teachers. They
considered it the most difficult aspect in the role of a teacher. This was verbally verified even by
the seasoned teachers, who agree that some students constantly test their patience. Each of these
issues has its prevailing effect that is clearly impactful to the professional development of the
student-teachers; thus explaining the observable and obvious need to for a further intervention
Based on Soslau & Raths (2017), the preparation of pre-service teachers requires
sincerity and steady effort on the part of teacher educators. The task is made daunting by the fact
that the need for new teachers is great – greater than the number of teachers’ education colleges
can produce.
The fourth-year students be adequately orientated before they enter an internship and that
the internship process be made explicit. Moreover, there is a need to give assignments that
integrate how to transfer learning pertaining to leadership and management skills into places
where student interns undertake their internship and that lecturers must teach the skills of minute
taking, report writing, formal letter writing and proposal writing (Shaketange, L., 2017).
Furthermore (Nasir & Zafar 2018) stated that student teachers had challenges in managing their
class time. That is, distributing appropriate time for each activity, wasting too much time
preparations. Furthermore, they identified positive learning experiences during their internship
but encountered problems along ICT skills and usage, time management, skills of the students
with new platforms and adjustment to no face-to-face classes during their teaching internship
Cooperating Teacher
Faculty of Education from supervisors and pre-service teachers’ perspectives. The findings
demonstrated that fear of teaching, communication skills, and putting theories into practice were
common challenges. Meanwhile, Griofa and Ruairc (2013) stated that student teachers are
expected to undertake and observe a wide range of teaching and non-teaching activities, thereby
developing an ap-appreciation of the intricacy of teaching and the variety of roles undertaken.
School placement facilitates the development of the student teachers capacity for self-reflection,
administrators and tutors, and affords the student teacher valuable opportunities to seek and
According to Basmadjian, K. G. (2011) supervisors have access to specific discursive tools and
strategies that allow them to balance support with assessment of their student teachers.
According to Boikhutso (2013), school based mentors are appointed at school level for
every student. These are qualified and experienced classroom teachers who assume multi-faceted
roles of support toward the students to ensure that work integrated learning is achieved and make
students feel they part of the school. Students should at the end of their teaching practice
duration be motivated to take up the teaching profession because of the constant guidance they
receive from their mentors. School based mentors are expected to inspire student teachers and
help them translate the theory they learn into practice. They need to serve as role models. Some
students experience various challenges with school based mentors who are negative towards
students. These mentors do not provide students with relevant opportunities for growth and
choose to exploit and abuse them by imposing exorbitant demands and unrealistic expectations
in terms of workload.
School Environment
part of the school administration were among the challenges. Besides that, dealing with a big
number of students in the class, a poor lesson plan, and designing differentiated tasks were also
common (Scott, 2015). The school does not support the trainees by providing them with
equipment or materials which are sometimes available but locked away as claimed by one of the
Adeyanju (2012) and Ngada (2014) who reported that some schools did not provide enough
facilities and adequate allowances required for successful teaching practice. However, school-
administration needs to ensure that student teachers are supported during their teaching practice
so they can make the most of this opportunity (Abongdia at el., 2015)
There were lots of challenges faced by pre-service teachers in their preparation, during
the actual, and post-conference of their hybrid demonstration teaching. One of the challenges
faced in their preparation for their hybrid demonstration was finding a location where they could
do their demonstration. For their actual hybrid demonstration, one of the difficulties they
encountered was the noise in their surroundings. While one of their shared experiences after the
hybrid demonstration was feeling accomplished and relieved as the evaluator discussed the
Anxiety in teaching is a very common phenomenon. Other terms that might suggest the
same meaning are “nervousness”, “pressure” or “lack of confidence”. Although not every
student-teacher faces all kinds of anxiety and stress, most of them have at least one innate
These challenges involved difficulty in classroom management and difficulty in creating learning
objectives. However, they showed positivity in their performance and applied the right coping
strategies to lessen their burden. Among these coping strategies were using effective classroom
management strategies, being confident, and asking assistance from their cooperating teacher to
cope with those challenges. Through these experiences, teachers learned to adjust and cope with
Saricoban (2010) listed several challenges that student teachers face in their TP such as
putting theories into practice, choosing the appropriate method of teaching, and checking
whether the learning objectives were achieved or not. Furthermore, Priambodo (2012) asserted
that there are some internal factors that affect student-teachers’ attitudes in perceiving classroom
in which they teach real students. Those factors include material preparation, teaching technique,
The main objectives of this study are to determine the Challenges Encountered during the
Internship of Bachelor of Elementary Education student teachers of Core Gateway College Inc.
1. Determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex and civil
2. Identify the challenges encountered by student teachers during their internship in terms of
internship school environment and personal challenges met by the student teachers; and
This study is limited on the challenges encountered during the Internship of the
respondents. The research will be conducted at Core Gateway College Inc. located at Maharlika
Highway, San Jose City, Nueva Ecija with 33 respondents whom are male and female of 4 th year
This chapter presents the methods and procedures of gathering the data needed for the
research; namely, the research locale of the study, respondents of the study, sampling method,
research instrument, data gathering procedure, statistical analysis of the data and the validation
Research Design
quantitative research method that attempts to collect quantifiable information for statistical
analysis of the population sample. It is a popular market research tool that allows us to collect
and describe the demographic segment’s nature. Additionally, the quantitative part will assess the
challenges encountered by student teachers during their internship base from their answer toward
The researchers will use a survey questionnaire as the main instrument for the study
assisted by google form application to measure the challenges encountered by the student
teachers of Bachelor of Elementary Education in Core Gateway College Inc. Using Google
Forms as a survey questionnaire for researching student teachers, who are challenging to locate
due to their busy internship schedules, offers a convenient and accessible method for data
collection. With Google Forms, student teachers can respond to the survey at their convenience,
regardless of their location or hectic schedule, which increases the likelihood of participation.
Part I dealt with the socio- demographic profile of the student teachers and will be
answered by supplying the needed information on the different items under profile variables such
Part II dealt with the challenges met by student teachers in terms of the pupils,
environment and personal problems met by the student teachers. The respondents were also
given the opportunity to add some challenges which had not been included in the list.
Part III items dealt with the possible recommendation/suggestions of the student teachers
to those challenges. The respondents were also given the opportunity to add some
recommendations which had not been included in the list. The content validity of the
questionnaire was determined through consultations and gathering information with experts who
The research respondents are the 4th year Student Teachers of BEED in Core Gateway
College Inc. in the academic year 2023-2024. A total enumeration method will be employed in
the study, which involves the complete enumeration of all the numbers of respondents within the
scope of the study. That includes the overall total of BEED 4 th year student teachers which is
thirty-three (33) respondents. The researchers will personally administer the conduct of the study
during the available time of the respondents to avoid the disturbance of classes. This will be done
The following steps will be taken to gather the needed data for the study: Researchers
will ask permission and approval from the president of the Core Gateway College Inc., which
will be followed by the dean’s authorization, and then request to sign the authorization letter of
consent from the teacher and lastly when the consents are being approved, the researchers will
deliver the questionnaire to the respondents through google form and analyze the data gathered.
To establish the reliability of the questionnaire, pre-testing will be done at San Jose Christian
Colleges in Santo Niño 1st, San Jose City Nueva Ecija prior to the conduct of the study.
Ethical Considerations
When conducting the investigation, the researchers will consider a variety of ethical
considerations regarding the respondents' personal information. In order to accomplish this, the
study has to ensure the confidentiality of the information that is provided by the respondents. The
researchers will indicate the goals and purpose of the study in the questionnaire through google
form. In the course of the study, the questions that may be asked may inquire about the personal
information of the respondent, which will assure that their personal information is kept private,
confidential, and highly protected, and measures have been taken to ensure the privacy of the
respondents. Furthermore, the researchers secured written consent from the respondents,
including the president, dean, and teachers of the respondents. As a result, the validity of the
Data Analysis
The researchers will analyze the data through deductive approach. Specifically, the data
will be analyzed by evaluation of the profile variables of the respondents (age, sex and civil
encountered by student teachers during their internship in terms of the pupils, preparation of
instructional materials, cooperating teacher, within the internship school environment and
personal problems met by the student teachers in line with the questionnaire results, overall
means will be utilized. For the descriptive approach part, the four-point Likert Scale model will
be applied to it. We will calculate the descripted statistic using the means, standard deviation and
frequencies. The means will interpreted as follows: Very low in the point range of 1.00 – 1.49,
Low 1.50 – 2.49, High 2.50 – 3.49, and Very high 3.50 – 4.00.
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Teaching Interns During Classroom Demonstration. Edukasiana Jurnal Inovasi
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Survey Questionnaire
The researchers will conduct a survey about the Challenges Encountered during the Internship of
Bachelor of Elementary Education student teachers of Core Gateway College Inc.. Rest assured
that all information and data will be treated as confidential and anonymous, and will only be kept
for research purposes as we will strictly follow the Data Privacy Act of 2012.
I will give my consent and permission to use the data that they gathered for this research;
for this; the researches have the responsibility to keep those data and my personal
information confidential.
□ Agree
□ Disagree
Direction: Answer the questionnaire below by putting check (✓) beside the statements that
corresponds to your answer.
4 – Always
3 – Often
2 – Sometimes
1 – Never
Statement 4 3 2 1
A. Challenges of Student teachers with their pupils
1. I encountered pupils that lacks of punctuality to go to
2. I encountered pupils with different learning capabilities.
3. I countered pupils who spoke different dialect.
4. I encountered pupils who have different behavior inside
the classroom.
5. I encountered pupils that lack of participation in the
class discussion.
6. I checked too much assignments and other activities of
the pupils.
4 – Always
3 – Often
2 – Sometimes
1 – Never
A. Recommendation in challenges of Student teachers 4 3 2 1
with their pupils
1. Use a different strategies or approaches to discipline the
pupils in terms of their attitudes and behaviors inside the
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