Left Right Reversal Act
Left Right Reversal Act
Left Right Reversal Act
Q1. What are the letters of the alphabet (in capital) that can be read properly in front of a
Activity _____: Mirror Left-Right Reversal
mirror? ( 10 letters )
Q1. What are the letters of the alphabet (in capital) that can be read properly in front of a
mirror? ( 10 letters )
Q2. Think of words (in capital letters) that can be read properly both with a mirror and
without a mirror. What are these words?
Q2. Think of words (in capital letters) that can be read properly both with a mirror and
( 3 words)
without a mirror. What are these words?
( 3 words)
sentence below on a clear sheet of paper in such a way that it can be read properly in front of
a mirror: Honesty is the best policy.
sentence below on a clear sheet of paper in such a way that it can be read properly in front of
a mirror: Honesty is the best policy.
Q2. Think of words (in capital letters) that can be read properly both with a mirror and
without a mirror. What are these words?
Q2. Think of words (in capital letters) that can be read properly both with a mirror and
( 3 words)
without a mirror. What are these words?
( 3 words)
Q3.Write the sentence below on a clear sheet of paper in such a way that it can be read
properly in front of a mirror: Honesty is the best policy.
Q3.Write the sentence below on a clear sheet of paper in such a way that it can be read
properly in front of a mirror: Honesty is the best policy.